Job Title

Dear World What does Job Title mean to us? What have we done in the workplace with our Job Title? WHY do we rate certain Job Titles as not worthy of much pay? How many of us cannot imagine a life without our Job Title? Most of us associate a …

HEARING – Part 1

Dear World Today is World Hearing Day and WHO – World Health Organization tells us that “Un-addressed Hearing Loss is a global public health challenge and incurs an estimated cost of over US $1 trillion annually”. (1)  $1,000,000,000,000 annual cost of Hearing Loss that we as a world have not …

BLOG 300

1. Is it time we asked Is there Another Way 2. Have we ever bothered to ask Why do we get Sick 3. Why is Coffee Big Business 4. Could it be possible We are What we Eat 5. Why do so many of us have Cold Hands, Cold Feet …


Dear World Most of us have Tension of some kind going on in our life. Most of us are reluctant to admit when we have Tension. Most of us just keep going and over-ride the Tension we feel. Most of us live with a lot of Tension in our everyday …


Dear World Our world is changing fast and we have created a NEW NORMAL that is widely accepted. This small presentation of  REAL LIFE examples are to bring awareness, so before we go Blaming, criticising, Judging or pointing fingers – let us be reminded that this kind of stuff goes …


Dear World How are the New Year Resolutions going so far? How many of us have started off the New Year with some kind of Detox? Why do we bang on about Detox and then fall off the wagon, as it seems a bit too much to ‘give it a …

More WORLD NEWS – 2023

Dear World Our 2023 – WORLD NEWS report card had 623 news highlights with the appropriate referencing – delivered in our usual style. What we have realised is there is EVEN MORE to report and we cannot just move on without keeping you all up to date. So here it …


The following report card is presenting some highlights about what has been going on in our world this year. USA Young children in danger from ingesting Opioids laced with animal tranquilizer – New Study Lethal combo Fentanyl + Xylazine Gaining traction – increasingly sought after by recreational drug users (1) …

Highlights this Year

Dear World What happened this year? What are the highlights for us? What is it that we want to recall? What is it that we want to remember over and over again? What are the low lights that we never want to be reminded of that happened this year? What …


Dear World New results from the largest UK community science study of its kind shows that 14-hour fasting improves hunger, mood and Sleep. The results from the trial were presented this month by researchers at King’s College, London at the European Nutrition Conference. “This is the largest study outside of …