Dear World Most of us have heard about napping and it is usually associated with Sleep and daytime. Why would we have a National Napping Day to bring awareness about the benefits of taking a nap? Where does the world Nap come from originally? What does the dictionary say to …

2020 World AGM

Dear World Another New Year and a new decade What on earth is going on in our world? Simple Living Global reported a 911 Emergency back in September 2018 with serious statistics to wake us up and bring awareness to what is going on. We have recently published 2019 Global …

BLOG 200

Dear World Simple Living Global is celebrating with Blog 200. We started out in January 2016. Our purpose was to bring awareness to the world and that means ALL of us. We had no aims, no goals and no mission statement. At no point have we entertained any thought to …

Life Lessons 101

Dear World This is blog 199 on this website. Simple Living Global is expanding and evolving… On that note – we are launching a new sister website called Life Lessons 101. The following is an extract from the new home page –   Dear World We all need to learn …

People Health Education

Dear World We may have heard a lot about Public Health Education recently as our attention is being brought to the fact that we – the public, the people, need Health Education. This article is about People Health Education as this website is about the people, for the people and …

Citizen Journalism

What is Citizen Journalism? What is the purpose of C J? What is the definition on these 2 words? Citizen  A legally recognized subject or national of a state or commonwealth, either native or naturalized. Oxford Dictionaries (1) A person who is a member of a state or country and …

Dry January

Every year, after the excesses of the festive period, people give up Alcohol en masse for Dry January. It is meant as a detox period to give the liver a break for those who have over indulged at Christmas. (1) Dry January is the one-month challenge in the UK from …


Dear World End of another year and another decade. Check out these news stories which gives us a snapshot, of what has been going on in our world this year.   January EUROPE EU Nationals – Suicidal and Depressed because No Deal Brexit Likely Heavy climate of uncertainty and insecurity …

Christmas Day

Dear World What are we doing this Christmas Day? What is on our agenda for this big day? What do we really feel about this day? Are we putting pressure on ourselves and others as we want the Perfect Christmas Day, but real life has kicked in again and it …

Another Year Over…

Hello World How do we feel that Another Year is over and another decade? What has happened for us over the last year and over the last 10 years? Are we well into the swing of the festive season? Are we too busy in Christmas Party Mode right now to …