
What is the meaning of this word Struggling

Cambridge Dictionary Definition

Unsuccessful but trying hard to succeed (1)

English Oxford Living Dictionaries 

Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction

Engage in conflict

Have difficulty (struggle with) handling or coping with
Make one’s way with difficulty (2)


Striving to achieve or attain something in the face of difficulty or resistance (3)

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

A violent effort or exertion: an act of strongly motivated striving (4)

Dear Reader

Can we agree that with all these different meanings, we as a world are not united with this word

If we cannot have agreement with a word, is this telling us –

Can we summarise the above and say –

Struggling is coming from a force because we are using violent effort to be successful in something when facing resistance and that means it is difficult and not easy

Where does that strong motivation come from

Why are our movements pushing for something

What if we are facing resistance because what we are doing is not true for us

What if trying hard to succeed is not the answer and that is why we struggle in the first place

What if we are not aware of the real and true meaning of success

Dear World

Has anyone noticed recently that more and more people are struggling

Have we got our own story when it comes to struggling

What are we struggling with in day to day life

What do we struggle with when it comes to work

Does our struggling mode suit our lifestyle

How much Stress do we feel because we are struggling

How much tension do we have in our body because of this struggling existence we seem to live

How is our general state of Health with all this struggling going on

How do we hide from others that we are really struggling

Are we struggling with Alcohol
Are we struggling with Drugs
Are we struggling with Pot smoking
Are we struggling with giving up Smoking
Are we struggling with our addiction to Caffeine

Are we struggling with our Junk Food habits
Are we struggling with our yo yo Dieting
Are we struggling with Bulimia
Are we struggling with Overeating
Are we struggling with other Eating Disorders

Are we struggling with Exercise
Are we struggling with our Family Life
Are we struggling with our Partner
Are we struggling with our Mental Health

Are we struggling with our Children’s Mental Health
Are we struggling with OCD
Are we struggling with Depression
Are we struggling with Anxiety
Are we struggling with PTSD

Are we struggling with our sleeping habits

Are we struggling with Jet Lag which adds to our already bad Sleep

Are we struggling just not knowing what to do when we Wake Up

Are we struggling with the chronic pain we feel in our body every single day

Are we struggling walking up and down the steps

Are we struggling every month with period pains
Are we struggling with the menopause symptoms
Are we struggling with our diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Are we struggling with Obesity
Are we struggling with Diabetes
Are we struggling with Heart Disease
Are we struggling with High Blood Pressure

Are we struggling with Heartburn
Are we struggling with Headaches
Are we struggling with Cold Hands
Are we struggling with Cold Feet
Are we struggling with Raynaud’s
Are we struggling with Kidney Disease

Are we struggling with Chronic Fatigue
Are we struggling with Asthma
Are we struggling with the Common Cold
Are we struggling with Overdoing it and then getting Sick as a result of that

Are we struggling with our illness that has been diagnosed
Are we struggling with the Lies we keep telling others
Are we struggling with juggling and living a Double Life

Are we struggling with the loss of someone to Suicide
Are we struggling after losing our mum or dad
Are we struggling with jealousy from siblings
Are we struggling with our sadness and grief

Are we struggling seeing our parent with dementia
Are we struggling with our deep debt that is a Secret
Are we struggling with our addiction to gambling

Are we struggling with what’s going on in the News
Are we struggling with our own internal turmoil
Are we struggling with the weakness we feel inside us

Are we struggling with the War inside us
Are we struggling trying to just cope with life
Are we struggling with the Regret we feel from our past Mistakes

Are we struggling with our Lies and Secrets
Are we struggling with our Champagne Lifestyle
Are we struggling with our Lemonade budget
Are we struggling with wanting More and More and we just can’t Stop

Are we struggling with our money life
Are we struggling trying to make ends meet
Are we struggling with Lying to get benefits

Are we struggling with our very Foundation of life
Are we struggling because we have no Priority in life
Are we struggling to simply take deep Care of our body
Are we struggling with Closing Cycles

Are we struggling with our home situation
Are we struggling with the noisy neighbour
Are we struggling with the Waste we see on our streets
Are we struggling with the noise from the nightclubs
Are we struggling with the crime in our neighbourhood

Are we struggling with decisions our Politicians make

Are we struggling with how our world is suffering with Earthquakes and other natural disasters

Are we struggling trying to understand our Youth of today

Are we struggling with speaking the TRUTH consistently

Are we struggling with our Expression every single day

Are we struggling with being Real, Honest and upfront

Are we struggling with understanding Commitment to Life

Are we struggling because we simply Sit on the Fence and Do Nothing when we can Do Something

Are we struggling with transparency, which is about living a See Through Life

Are we struggling with our kids’ addiction to gaming
Are we struggling with our own Video Gaming time
Are we struggling with our addiction to Chocolate
Are we struggling with our addiction to TV
Are we struggling with our addiction to Social Media
Are we struggling with our addiction to Internet shopping

Are we struggling with our Eyes because of screen time
Are we struggling because we simply cannot Focus
Are we struggling taking action with our Emails
Are we struggling with our Car breaking down

Are we struggling with Forgetting something
Are we struggling with always Losing something

Are we struggling with looking in the Mirror and not liking what we see

Are we struggling with wanting the Perfect Life with the pictures in our head

Are we struggling with living our life in the Fast Lane as we feel racy inside

Are we struggling with that month D E C E M B E R which means indulgence

Are we struggling with End of Year as we seem to spend it with a deep Regret

Are we struggling with those silly New Year Resolutions that are not working

Are we struggling with January every single year as it is so Depressing for us

Are we struggling with being Lonely and not being able to see a way out

Are we struggling with those Crazy Days we keep having and it’s getting worse

Are we struggling with just Getting on with it and that means changing Focus

Are we struggling with how to simply take a few STOP moments during our day

Are we struggling with this FOMO business that catches us out all the time

Are we struggling with just Talking to anyone as it makes us feel uncomfortable

Are we struggling with the word Consistency as we associate it with a Boring life

Are we struggling with having things with ease and grace – living in the Flow Zone

Are we struggling with having a Simple life that has an order and flow to it

Are we struggling with Letting go of our past that no longer serves us

Are we struggling even though we really don’t have to

In other words, we have a choice but our stubborn ways seem to keep us in the struggling mode

Are we struggling to step forward and make changes because the old way is so familiar

Dear World

WHY is anyone struggling in today’s world when we seem to have it all

WHY are we making choices that seem to keep us in some form of struggling in life

Would it be a wise move to ask Questions if we have any area in our life where we are struggling

What if we create our own struggles and that means we have the answers inside us to get out of it

Could it be that Simple


(1) (n.d). Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved February 24, 2019 from

(2) (n.d). English Oxford Living Dictionaries. Retrieved February 24, 2019 from

(3) (n.d). Google. Retrieved February 24, 2019 from

(4) (n.d). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved February 24, 2019 from





Comments 1

  1. If we are being honest – who on earth is not struggling with one thing or another?

    Something came to me today – a real life example.

    My hand is needing some extra support and I have known for a while now not to bend it any way I want to get the job done. The twisting movement is painful.

    I have noticed when I am not on the computer it has zero pain so I have taken note of this.

    Going swimming today, I know the rucksack is difficult on one side due to the twisting of the hand needed. Enough of struggling as I know I absolutely do not need to.

    I felt who to ask and did so – on the bus to remove it and sit down, at the swimming pool to get it off my shoulders, before I left the leisure centre and then again on my buses travelling back home.
    It got me thinking about so many people I know who simply would not ask for any help and they struggle – really struggle.

    Are we struggling with simply asking for help and if so, WHY is this?

    In the past I would rather die than get any form of help and today it’s the opposite.

    I realise I need help to support me at times in different ways and I have a close network of people I can go to. However, daily stuff like help with my rucksack has to come from those I have never met and it does not feel wrong.

    In fact, I felt joy because my hand was pain free and healing thank you very much, as I did not add to any further strain as right now that is what it needs.

    I feel struggle is a choice as I used to think my life movie would be called Struggling.

    With the new choices I have made in my life – my movie today would be called

    It’s a lot more power-full and inspiring than a movie called Struggling.

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