Dear World
WHY do we have these World Awareness days every year?
Have we clocked that most of them are related to Health?
WHY does the world need to know more about Asthma?
WHY are we told that we do not know what causes Asthma?
In other words, all our so-called intelligence and that means science and academia have yet to work out the root cause of this disease called Asthma.
Why is a pharmacist in London saying that over 1000 asthma pumps a month are on prescription and there is another pharmacist 100 yards down the road?
Hello – are you listening world?
This is very serious stuff and we probably all know someone with an asthma pump or we have one ourself.
Asthma UK are saying –
‘Every ten seconds someone in the UK has a potentially life-threatening asthma attack and three people die every day. Tragically two thirds of these deaths could be prevented, whilst others still suffer with asthma so severe current treatments don’t work.
This has to change. That’s why Asthma UK exists. We work to stop asthma attacks and, ultimately, cure asthma by funding world leading research and scientists, campaigning for change and supporting people with asthma to reduce their risk of a potentially life threatening asthma attack.’
The thing is – where have we got with the ‘world class funding’?
Does campaigning actually change anything if we are to be honest here?
- I had two pumps at one time in my life as one wasn’t enough.
- What changed? – I got more and more dependent on these pumps.
- Told to accept it and suffered with bronchitis as a child and then developed whooping cough, which is rare for an adult.
So how come I have been asthma free for over 15 years?
I am a living science who does not need to be put inside a lab for double blind testing. My body is the living evidence needed.
Asthma is ALL about our Breathing
- What if we are not breathing correctly?
- What if all we need is to learn to breathe correctly?
- What if breathing correctly means breathing our own breath?
- What if breathing in our own breath means, we do not breathe in the world?
- What if breathing in our own breath allows us the space inside to breathe naturally?
- What if breathing our own breath means our lungs are free and communicate ‘thank you’?
- What if breathing in our true breath, gives us a real quality that feels expanding?
I realised that my asthma pumps supported me to not learn to breathe my own breath.
I realised that relying on my inhalers meant I was in a constant state of anxiousness.
I am living proof that having had chronic bronchitis on my medical records for four decades, things are now totally different.
I was presented with a correct way to breathe gently by Serge Benhayon, the founder of Universal Medicine in 2005 and with daily practice, things started to change in a big way. This is a miracle as I was known for my constant coughing throughout my life, up until this point.
I learned that the breathing allowed me to observe everything that was outside of me and not take it inside and change my breathing.
This meant I was not ‘absorbing’ the world but simply ‘observing’ so it was not inside me.
No surprise the coughing stopped and it has been over 10 years, so I reckon that is enough proof that it works.
By the way it is called The Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation
Next –
Read the following masterpiece from a top Lung Specialist who sure knows what he is talking about…
Talking about the ‘True’ Meaning of Asthma on the World Asthma Day:
What does asthma truly mean for people across the different ages?
Asthma is a huge global health problem that we cannot avoid seeing through our eyes and hearing through our ears on a daily basis. In our playground, shopping centers, sporting fields, concert venues, tourism landmarks and any other sort of large public gathering, there is at least someone busily inhaling few puffs of Ventolin prior to his or her next movement.
Although I write as a representative of Australia that has one of the highest population rates of asthma in the world.
Asthma is actually a fundamental human problem as old as the human civilisation. “4.5%” global prevalence may not mean much but when we begin to see and feel this actually means at least 334 million people with their families and all of their extended social network, it is a lot of people affected from one human disease.
Given that our population statistics are already outdated by the time they are published in the leading medical journals, and not to mention that asthma diagnosis is either controversial or limited by diagnostic resources in many developing countries, additional 100 million people with asthma by the year 2025 is an under-estimated number. From what we see as doctors and carers, that is still a lot of people. For others, that’s also a lot of money to be spent and made, i.e. billions of dollars in Australia, and trillions of dollars globally.
Everything has been and is increasingly about money. It actually costs money to restore one’s ill health. Shocking, as it may seem, the poorer you are the worse your health outcome is.
A recent US study showed this fact which people have felt for a long time, and what the British have known since the landmark Black Report of the 1980’s on the ‘social gradation and inequality of health’.
We can no longer separate any disease from what the society is going through as a whole. People with disease means more cost of care. More people with disease equates to increasing cost of care. More diseases also means exponential cost of care that we may one day discover that we cannot afford to provide even through our current systems of banking, insurance and governmental funding. I am still surprised that there is still not much education in microeconomics and macroeconomics in our medical schools beyond the common sense we need to see behind the suffering of a disease.
Thus, the whole framework of ‘universal health care’ is threatened when a single disease adds another 100 million people within a decade. Add another several hundred million people each with diabetes, cancer, emphysema, mental illness etc., then humanity can either neglect the problem or awaken itself as one family to see what is truly going on.
From a medical perspective, asthma is a ‘reversible’ disease that can be controlled with a broad range of drugs, interventions and even complementary treatments. Although many do ‘well’ and live a productive life from the public’s viewpoint, this is not the case for many in the developing world. Children and women are the worst affected, as with many other chronic diseases.
The ‘true’ meaning of asthma that people may not be aware is that it is a fundamental model of illness and disease that affects our very ability to breathe. You could have any other variety of breathing difficulties, but ‘asthma’ is one diagnosis that people think of because it is so common, well known and widely diagnosed.
In ‘asthma’, we lose the ability to breathe our own breath that is naturally supportive and nurturing to our body. Thus, it is a separation from what is true for our body regardless of age, gender or colour of our skin. If it about losing breath and wheezing away while making love with a partner, running across the hockey field, pushing the grocery trolley or even going to the mail box, the body is feeling ill and the mind is struggling to cope.
For humans, we learn to breathe miraculously from the eighth to tenth week of our human growth in our mother’s womb. It is well known scientific fact now that the developing baby feels, hears, responds and sleeps to all that is happening outside the womb and within the mother. Throughout our lives, how we breathe is intimately responsive to the world we see, people we meet, events we experience and feelings we are confronted with our every breath.
It is no wonder the worst attacks of asthma (so-called ‘exacerbations’) are not due to infection alone but also a multitude of ‘psychosocial stressors’. For example, some women experience more asthma during their periods, pregnancy, following delivery of their newborn child, marital breakdown, due to emotional bullying at work or death of a parent or her child. Some men experience asthma in their work, following marital disharmony, after a drug binge or following moments of physical violence (or more) that can be days, weeks, years or decades afterwards. Many more examples can be given even from my twenty-five years of observation within Medicine in one part of the world.
Accounts of other clinicians elsewhere will say the same facts: illness and disease is also about how we live, breathe and move. It is a revealing reminder so eloquently highlighted by Benhayon in his revelatory book, ‘An Open Letter to Humanity’ which sets the keystone for a renewed posture in Population Health of 7.4 billion people.
“Is not the continuous rise in the diagnosis of the many forms of cancer and the widespread growth of diabetes a clear sign that something is deeply wrong in the way we choose to live, and more so – in the intelligence that does not challenge it”
(Benhayon S, 2011).
While we gather our resources and collective wisdom to help our global humanity against one disease called ‘asthma’, it is also important to truly see how we are individually breathing behind the body of skin, bone and blood called the human being. As the technology advances and Medicine becomes more complex in its system of delivery, a deeper public awareness of how we breathe, how we observe and how we absorb the very fabric of human life will do wonders for asthma prevention and treatment. This is because the current range of drugs does work. Actually, they are so effective, they can affect other organs apart from the lungs if used excessively. If our body can be more nurtured in a society that truly sees the meaning of ‘asthma’, much more can be achieved with less.
We have all the resources and wisdom to help humanity return to the amazing health we can be.
Therefore, the World Asthma Day is another day of reawakening ourselves from the veil of what holds us back, and truly see what is going on behind a diagnostic label.
Respiratory & Sleep Medicine, Spring Hill
University of Queensland, Brisbane AUSTRALIA
Additional readings of interest to the Readers:
- Asher I, Pearce N. Global burden of asthma among children. Int J Tubercul Lung Dis. 2014:18(11): 1269-1278
- Behera A, Shegal IS. Bronchial asthma – issue for the developing world. Indian J Med Res 2015:141: 380-382
- Benhayon S and The Hierarchy (2011). An Open Letter to Humanity. Unimed Publishing, Goonellabah NSW AUSTRALIA
- Braman SS. The global burden of asthma. Chest. 2006:130(1 Suppl): 4S-12S
- Chetty S, Stepner M, Abraham S, Lin S, Scuderi B, Turner N, Bergeron A, Cutler D. The association between income and life expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. JAMA 2016:April 10: doi:10.1001/jama.2016.4226
- Global Asthma Network. The Global Asthma Report 2014. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Lai CKW, Beasley R, Crane J, Foliaki S, Shah J, Weiland S, the ISAAC Phase Three Study Group. Global variation in the prevalence and severity of asthma symptoms: Phase Three of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Thorax 2009:64: 476-483
- Smith GD, Bartley M, Blane D. The Black Report on socioeconomic inequalities in health 10 years on. BMJ 1990:301(6748): 373-377
- To T, Stanojevic S, Moores G, Hershon AS, Bateman ED, Cruz AA, Boulet L-P. Global asthma prevalence in adults: findings from the cross-sectional world health survey. BMC Public Health. 2014:12:204:
Comments 27
I was on first aid course last year and was shocked to hear of the same statistics that are quoted in this article. Why are these figures not more widely known about? I was also shocked at how many people I work with suffer from Asthma. It is definitely time to wake up and take notice of what is going on with our health and at least start considering the simplicity of what is presented here. Thank you Simple Living Global for drawing our attention to this chronic ill health condition and the link with our breathe and breathing.
Thank you Julie Snelgrove for your comment.
I agree that it is time we at least considered what is being presented here and it holds weight because there is a living science claiming the change after 40 years.
There is a link with our breathing and it makes simple sense. I sometimes wonder what would happen to our medical world if it applied what is working for someone and see if it is possible that it may just work for another. Imagine inhalers no longer on the rise.
Surely that would be a breakthrough in medical history. Instead we end up like I did with 2 inhalers and no change, just a deeper suppression of the symptoms.
My daughter suffered asthma when she was little and I can tangibly remember that she would have bouts of it if stressed emotionally or if her body was put under either physical exertion or undue pressure. During times like these it makes sense that she was not in her body breathing her own breathe. It was like she had completely absorbed the situation and after leaving her body was gasping for breathe trying to find her own breathing rhythm. I can’t remember the last time she used a puffer? The more confident, self honouring and aware she is as well as the more she has learnt to observe everything that goes on around her the easier it is for her to stay with herself and breathe her very own gentle breathe.
I introduced the gentle breathe to her as taught by Serge Benhayon, she would think of a butterfly sitting on the tip of her nose, and feel the gentle flap of its wings. This technique is still used not only be her, she is now 16, but by me (46) when we need to check in to make sure we are with ourselves and to check that our breathing is as gentle as possible.
I know that the the cure for asthma is very simple, teaching people to observe life and breathe their own breathe. I have the proof in my daughter that this is possible. And now I know that Bina Pattel is also a living miracle, having cured her own Asthma by breathing her own breathe.
Well this is a great sharing Sally. Great to hear the miracle with your daughter no longer needing a puffer.
This confirms yet again that the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation works. The thing is it is super simple and even if you don’t get it or feel anything the first time, if you keep going as I did then it will be life changing. I have lost count how many people I have presented this to and also know of many who use this as a daily practice to check in and connect with their body making sure the focus is on the breathing. This is NOT mindfulness or meditation like I had experience in my new age spiritual days. This is totally different and does not get you in bliss or enlightenment or bury your stuff further. It simply connects you and you get to feel you and your breathing changes. This means your life changes. Now that is what I call a real game changer.
I used to have frequent episodes of feeling like I couldn’t get a full breath and felt I was suffocating. I have been using the gentle breath meditation (mentioned above) for 5 years and it is now extremely rare for me to struggle for a full breath and I am much more healthy in all areas of my life physically, mentally and emotionally.
We know that breath is the first most important/urgent aspect of being alive… so it makes sense to me that it is high time we look into HOW we breath and how breath is connected with health.
Again – another testimonial about the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation working. I know there are a lot more people who like me and you Jo Billings have made some great changes because of this super simple technique which is not about getting to bliss or doing nothing for hours. Just connecting and applying the gentle breath and then deepening that connection over time. The body knows your intention and even if it feels like nothing is changing, if you commit and remain consistent the results are there.
Imagine the amount of money this world would save and how incredible our health could be if we got our breathing right. Lets face it our first breath and last breath is how we refer to birth and death. Surely breathing should be at the top of our agenda.
“…our first breath and last breath is how we refer to birth and death.” Good point Bina. We all know that “breath is life” because without it we die very quickly.
As we take a closer look I feel we will see that short of no-breath the quality-of-our-breath is key to quality of life; key to good health. Now that I am breathing ‘my own breath’ much more of the time I feel this in my own life, without question.
I would say Jo that without our breath we would die instantly not not very quickly.
I totally agree with you here about the QUALITY of our breathing and this is the key and it is super important to develop an understanding about this. We breath in other peoples stuff and our body is saying it can only deal with our stuff. This makes simple sense and yet we choose to breath most of the time not our own breath. The most simple and best way is to practice the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation which gets you back on track and life really does change.
“We know that breath is the first most important/urgent aspect of being alive… so it makes sense to me that it is high time we look into HOW we breath and how breath is connected with health.” – what an awesome thing to say and if feels so true to read it. Breath literally is the foundation of life. It really does make sense that if our breathing is constrained then we wont be in harmony with our body and if there is disharmony in the body then we can’t expect it to work properly. But if you haven’t thought of it this way, then you’ll just take the inhaler from the doctor and get on with ‘living with it’. What if there is another way?
I don’t suffer from asthma, but I know when I’m stressed my breaths get shorter, more like sips of air. Common sense tells us that means less oxygen in the body, right? The answer: make the space to let the body breathe in full again. The gentle breath is the bridge to that. If asthma causes a narrowing of the breathing airways, which interferes with the flow of air in and out of the lungs then isn’t this exactly the same thing: the body taking sips of air? The trigger may be different, but the physiology is the same. With so many people finding the gentle breath works for asthma, it is surely a massive gift and absolutely worth a try. What if it could change the lives of all the people inside the statistics above? Now that would be front page news.
What is it saying when one pharmacy alone is giving out 1000 inhalers every month? With this amount of asthma sufferers no wonder there is a ‘World Asthma Day’. I have just completed a First Aid course covering a list of the usual suspects like broken bones, burns, cuts, heart conditions, poisoning, seizures, sprains and strains and asthma is on the list. It is obviously a very prevalent disease and the fact that you have cleared it with looking at how you were actually breathing in life and taking responsibility for how you lived means that anyone else can do it too. With all illness and disease, the medical world has come a long way in providing remedies, solutions and ways to alleviate the symptoms but what you have shown is that it is not just about taking the medicine to feel better, its looking a lot deeper into why we have this disease and getting to the root cause and eventually healing it forever.
Interesting Tim that you cover Asthma now on a First Aid course. That tells us a lot about the current state of what is actually going on. Yes as the author of this blog I am living proof that there is another way but it does require that word RESPONSIBILITY.
If we are willing to dig deep and look at when the asthma started it usually is a clue as something sets it off.
I agree that the medicine world is much needed and has done a great job in offering us solutions and remedies to remove the symptoms but not once does it address the root cause and this is why we need to look at what Universal Medicine are saying for the last 17 years as they seem to have the answer that works perfectly with conventional medicine. They also have enough case studies which include myself who is no longer a medical statistic for over 8 years now.
Thank You Michael for a great comment confirming that the Universal Gentle Breath Meditation which is simply a technique to breath your own breath is a common sense way of changing everything. I am a living science and so are you and we both KNOW it works. Here we have a lung consultant, specialist therefore a highly trained professional in the medical world endorsing this and to me that is enough proof.
Asthma is on the rise and people are struggling as I see it all the time and here is one way that works for those who are open and ready and who truly want to change. Of course it comes with Responsibility. That means true action needs to be taken and not wait for something outside of us to fix us or offer a solution to continue to function.
When I was student nurse I will never forget my first ever encounter of an asthma attack. It happened whilst I was on a night shift and the man was being looked after by an experienced nurse, apart from the fact he was struggling to breathe, he appeared fine to me. The following night he was no longer alive – he had died from an asthmatic attack.
I haven’t been a sufferer of asthma except frequent chest infection whilst I was over training. Then one day I was running a 13 mile marathon in the countryside, it was in the winter and it was freezing. Despite wearing the many layers, I could not warm up and towards the end something happened. After I finished the race I went into warm air and suddenly I could not get my breath, I could not speak and when I got the words it was in between gasping for a breath – it was absolutely frightening and thankfully there was someone who had a inhaler and I managed to use it and it eventually settled my breathing but I remembered that patient who had died in then night with an asthma attack.
I didn’t understand what it meant when I first heard that saying – ‘breathe your own breath’. So I tried it many a times when I was faced with emotional situations or found I was losing myself and it is quick to do. I don’t need to get into positions to look like a pretzel whilst doing this such simple breath. I personally find things change from fuzziness to becoming clearer then I know I am back to being me again. Over time my body totally got, it was saying ‘thank you’ for not taking on someone else’s stuff. I have applied this breath often so simple to do and doesn’t require hours either.
A 1000 asthma pumps a month from one pharmacist, Wow – this is a real eye opener for the extent of this illness. I had asthma for over 45 years, I never went anywhere without my inhaler for fear of an attack. This only started to change and went on to cease when I started Serge Benhayon’s Gentle Breath Meditation and did this consistently. After all those years an inhaler is now no longer part of my life.
I love how this website brings it back to simple answers, techniques, and taking responsibility to make small changes that can have lasting turn around effects on health and well being.
Part of this article is written by what I call a bigwig in our world. He has letters after his name, does a job in the medical world and people take him seriously.
On that note reading what he has to say is making sense and it is of great concern when he says there will be more than 100 million people diagnosed in 3 years time. 2020.
Bit scary and as he said all statistics are out of date by the time they are published.
I am a normal person who just happened to have suffered with asthma and now I don’t.
I totally understand what Dr. Sam Kim is saying here and agree with his article.
So one person and one kingpin lung specialist saying there is another way.
Science wants more research. We as the general public keep waiting for more evidence and more research and more confirmation but WHY?
WHY not give this a go and at least consider that there maybe another way.
Anecdotal evidence is what I am and no need to stick me in a lab or double blind test me.
My body is the living science and true stories always have and always will inspire me.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a condition where people find it difficult to get air into their lungs. COPD covers chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
National Institutes of Health state that COPD is the 3rd leading cause of death in USA with 16 million people diagnosed (1 in 5 people) and millions more are said to not know that they have it. COPD costs the nation $32,000,000,000 per year.
On 22nd May 2017 the USA introduced a national plan on how the numbers of people diagnosed with COPD can be reduced.
COPD is the 4th leading cause of disability in the USA. Interesting as it’s not a disease that we hear much about but is clearly one that affects many people.
This video states that more women are dying from COPD than men and that the number of overall deaths in both men and women are not declining unlike other diseases. Recent data is showing that up to 25% of people with COPD have been non-smokers, therefore the theory that this was just a smoking related disease no longer holds.
The researchers and USA government officials would do very well from reading this article, as what it is presented here is not a fight against lung diseases, but a way that the body can be brought back to optimum health and a harmonious way of being through our true breath.
Harvard T.H. Chan – 9 May 2018
The Community Outreach and Engagement Core of the Harvard NIEHS-Center for Environmental Health (COEC) organised a workshop on 2nd May 2018 at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to discuss asthma and obesity prevention and care.
COEC are working to raise awareness around asthma and obesity in Dorchester, Boston, USA where both conditions are higher than the overall rates for these diseases in Boston.
The center has found that obese people are 92% more likely to develop asthma than lean people and severe asthmatics are more likely to be obese.
Factors said to influence the connection include –
the pressure of excess weight on the lungs
alterations to the immune system caused by obesity
the diet babies are exposed to during the womb and in infancy
People with asthma who are obese are less responsive to controller medication and have increased hospital visits due to asthma.
Having read what Bina Pattel – the author of this website has written on asthma and how she no longer suffers with this, due to learning to breathe correctly, there is much that anyone can learn from this woman in dealing with asthma, obesity and many other health conditions.
It is well worth studying this blog and this website.
The Week – 12 May 2018 Issue 1175
UK – death rate from Asthma has 20% increase in 4 years and one of the highest in Europe.
Asthma UK described the findings as “shocking”.
The survey suggests that –
65% patients with chronic lung condition not receiving recommended care, such as annual reviews to ensure they are using inhalers properly.
5.4 million asthmatics
1 in 11 children have the condition
Coming from lived experience here and the co-author of this blog with a Lung Consultant, could it be possible there is another way and I am that living science, call it anecdotal evidence?
We seem to easily dismiss real life cases and they are not the hot favorite when it comes to all this science and research, but what if we simply for one moment suspend all our beliefs and just considered this real life story.
The fact I have not even had a cough or any breathing problems whatsoever for well over a decade speaks volumes.
This blog and EVERTYHING it presents is the Truth and it works.
I simply know this to be the TRUTH because my body is free of Asthma after 40 years.
What if the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath teaching is the correct way and it is that simple?
Imagine the cost to human life and all the money society could save and use for other conditions where the body is suffering on a daily basis.
The Telegraph – 16 July 2018
Reading the headlines on this news story about a new asthma drug giving a ‘beacon of hope’ I had to find out more, as this topic is of great interest to me as I no longer suffer with asthma.
NHS have made a decision to fund injections at a cost of £1,955 for acute sufferers who have Eosinophilic asthma, which can cause life-threatening exacerbations.
This is not a one off injection but every 4 weeks for the first three doses and then every eight weeks.
Britain has an asthma death rate now among the worst in Europe with 20% rise in past five years.
50% higher than the EU average.
The last sentence on this news story says THERE IS NO CURE FOR ASTHMA and treatment is focused both on relieving future symptoms and preventing attacks.
So here we go again with research coming up with answers or we could say “solutions” and doing their best to stay on the front foot as it is now very clear we are experiencing more cases of asthma sufferers.
We could start with some real honesty and say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT if we have ALL this intelligence in the world but we have no cure for asthma.
Relief and prevention tells us we have not even considered WHY we have asthma in the first place?
Is this where we need to start and put all our focus and efforts?
Is this what we need to be asking researchers to work on as a priority?
WHY are we not studying those like the author of this blog who after 4 decades no longer has asthma?
WHY are we not reading exactly what mr lung specialist is saying in this blog that speaks volumes, if we are willing to be open to another way?
I am the author of this blog and this website.
I am a living science and I cannot be dismissed or negated because our current world does not like investing in anecdotal evidence.
I am absolute living proof that we can look at what is going on for us and start asking WHY questions so we get real answers.
I know beyond any doubt that we created the asthma in the first place and we can make the choice to breathe our own breath that I learned from Universal Medicine, which was the start of me stopping the use of asthma pumps.
The Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation – personally I do not like the word meditation as it has been mis-interpreted and re-interpreted in so many versions that it has lost the real essence of what that word means.
However, as I observed the changes in me during the gentle breath meditation exercise I knew this was something different. Something grand and not easy to put into words. Feelings that were different, thoughts that were not all in reaction and crazy.
I made a solid commitment to make sure I carried out the breathing twice a day which was ten minutes max.
That was a long time ago and I have been teaching the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation and the results are simply profound to say the least.
This ought to be studied but for now my job is to share it simply because I live it and nothing more.
Our world is in serious need of some real truth and our way of operating is not working.
Those who have found another way need to be given a voice, a platform to share to bring more awareness so we can all get to Truth.
My unwavering commitment to researching and reporting what I find that may just help or support a member of humanity, is something I will continue to do and nothing will stop me.
I have no intention of holding back when I know something is not right and I hold answers in my body that have been lived, like in this case about asthma and how to be free of it.
Metro News – 9 November 2018
Page 32
Man aged 51 has drowned in Spain at a remote cover whilst getting into difficulties snorkelling.
The friend who was with him shared that he suffered from asthma.
The first thing to note is that the area where this happened could only be reached from the sea or on foot.
Sounds dangerous, daring, exciting and a challenge probably for many.
But if you were an asthma sufferer – is it a sensible thing to go snorkelling in the first place as it is all about breathing?
Next – if you do go ahead, what happens if we choose to do this in a remote place?
What if, as in this case something goes seriously wrong because we got into difficulties?
Dear World
Have we ever considered that if we get any illness or disease there is a Responsibility we have to ensure we take even more care of our body and find ways to communicate with it so we can at least stop any further harm?
If we have asthma – is it wise to swim with a diving mask and breathing tube and is there a Responsibility we have here that we may not have considered in full?
If we have no regard or care of what happens to us because we just want to do what we want at whatever cost that is to the body – can we at least consider others, those who are closely connected and would not want any harm happening to us?
Have we thought about how they would feel if we made a choice to be irresponsible when it comes to our body?
The Times – 9 August 2019
Deaths from Asthma are at their Highest Level for a Decade.
There has been a 30% rise and experts believe that the majority of fatalities recorded last year could have been prevented with better basic care.
Dr. Walker of Asthma UK research and policy is saying that it is clear people were still not taking the condition seriously.
So WHY are doctors, nurses and people with asthma complacent where the basics are being overlooked?
WHY are thousands of people dying “needlessly”?
And WHY can’t we explain the year-on-year increase and trend of significant increase consistently in asthma deaths?
Are we going to wait for more research, or can we read this blog over and over again to feel what is being presented?
As the co-author on this article, it is important to share that I suffered with this condition for 40 years and I no longer have it on my radar. It has completely been healed, so to speak.
I do not need to be double blind tested or stuck in a lab to be examined, because my spoken word is enough. I call that anecdotal evidence.
Whilst I could be dismissed by the world of academics and intelligentsia of today, who need the robust scientific evidence, I can assure any reader that it is us, WE, who create the illness in the first place and WE can, if WE are ready and willing to, change it. I am living proof of that fact.
A prolific lung specialist is talking to us and it is worth paying attention to what he has to say on this article. We cannot afford to be complacent, sit back and continue with our inhalers.
We need to dig deep and ask some serious questions – when we got it, what was going on for us and how and why it is what it is today.
I am in no doubt that the Universal Medicine Gentle Breath Meditation practiced twice daily for 5 minutes was key to changing my breathing and feeling my lungs expand and breathe naturally, without the use of an inhaler. Over time, things shifted quite quickly and today it would be true to say I never use an inhaler and neither do I need to meditate.
It was like I needed the tools to get me back on track and then live from there and bingo it worked.
The thing is this sounds way too simple and easy, but unless we give it a go with a true and honest commitment, we cannot say it won’t work.
It is in our hands to make the changes. Waiting for intervention is a form of delay and can lead to the needless harm mentioned in this news story.
I suffered with breathing difficulties for around 4 decades. As the co-author of this article, the story is there with the details, so no need to repeat.
The purpose of this comment is to share for one reason only – to bring more awareness.
With the strict restrictions imposed on us, I have had to wear a mask as part of the protection gear covering my nose and mouth. Initially, my body reacted and my breath changed and I felt I was being gagged. This meant I had to keep adjusting and taking it off knowing others on public transport were watching me.
Yesterday in a very long taxi ride through the city, my driver insisted and shouted at me to let me know that I have no choice but to wear the mask. The thought of over 2 hours in a small car, which had a thick plastic covering between myself as a back seat passenger and the driver, I felt very un-settled and I know it was my body saying something is not right.
What I realised was a familiar feeling of not being able to breathe freely in the past and so the asthma pumps were my ‘go to’.
What was happening in this taxi was a serious red flag and I need to look at alternative gagging props to wear as our rules and regulations dictate. Either that or stay at home and not travel, which is never going to happen for me.
What I realised today was this imposition feels like a strong force, where the masses have to do what we are told but for some like myself, it is creating symptoms that could end up being serious. What I mean is that my breathing changed and it took a while to get back to my natural breath that I know and can feel is true.
The other thing I realised is that the standard face masks have something about them, let’s call it a quality, a vibration that is not designed to support me as it was very disturbing. My take on this – I used my hood on my hoodie to cover my face in the taxi and that way I could remove the mask and bingo my breathing adjusted. Well how is that possible when it was a total face covering? Surely it would be having the same effect on my breathing but clearly it was not.
What if these face masks have something vibrating that is more that we can sense or are aware of?
In other words, those that produce and manufacture them are all coming from the current mass hysteria and fear of a pandemic and the quality is felt inside every mask and some like myself just happen to be sensitive to the point that it has brought the awareness that it is altering the natural breath.
The Guardian – 4 April 2023
Asthma affects 300 million people worldwide.
Scientists do not know why some people develop asthma and others do not.
A large study for more than a decade has found that poor sleep patterns may bolster genetic susceptibility to asthma, potentially doubling the risk of being diagnosed with the condition.
Researchers suggest that detecting and treating sleep disorders early on may lessen the risks, irrespective of genetic predisposition.
A healthy sleep pattern was defined as being a morning person, never having insomnia, sleeping for 7 to 9 hours, no snoring and no frequent sleepiness during the day.
Over the decade of follow up – 55% with a poor sleep pattern were more likely to be diagnosed with asthma.
A healthy sleep pattern decreased the risk of asthma by 44%.
The results showed that a healthy sleep pattern could significantly decrease asthma risk in any genetic subgroup.
Researchers concluded – “Unhealthy sleep patterns and sleep traits…were significantly associated with the risk of asthma in adults. The combination of poor sleep pattern and high susceptibility could lead to additive asthma risk.”
N P R News – 25 August 2023
Smoke from Canadian wildfires that drifted into the United States led to a spike in people with asthma visiting emergency rooms, particularly in the New York area.
The U.S. Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention published 2 studies recently about health impacts of the smoke. A medical journal also released a study this week.
People with asthma often wheeze, are breathless, have chest tightness and either night-time or early morning coughing.
17% higher than normal during the 19 days of wildfire smoke – nationally, asthma associated ER visits. Data taken from 4,000 U.S. hospitals.
Hospital traffic rose more dramatically in some parts of the country during wildfire smoke.
46% higher in New York and New Jersey.
June 7 – worst air quality day
82% rise in asthma-associated ER visits
The study also said that the central part of New York state saw the highest increases in ER visits – more than twice as high.
UPI Health News – 29 January 2024
Frequent marijuana use may raise risk of Asthma, according to a new research study.
Asthma is more common among U.S adults who have used weed within the past 30 days.
Marijuana has a reputation for being harmless but frequent users are more likely to suffer from Asthma, this study shows.
The odds of Asthma are significantly greater among people who reported using the drug 20 to 30 days per month.
The more frequent the cannabis use, the higher the likelihood of Asthma, even after adjusting for the potential effects of concurrent cigarette smoking, they concluded.
The study was published in the journal Preventive Medicine
“With the growing use of cannabis across the U.S., understanding potential links between cannabis use and asthma is increasingly relevant to population health.”
The study adds to prior research by being the first to show a link between cannabis use in the community and respiratory health risks; specifically increased Asthma prevalence.”
Renee Goodwin – co researcher, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York City
Utrecht University – 17 July 2024
New study reveals how lung tissue develops over-reactive response to allergens.
Antibiotics in early life INCREASE risk of Asthma and allergies in adulthood.
Antibiotics are essential for eliminating harmful bacteria and have significantly advanced our healthcare.
Various studies show antibiotics disrupt the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can lead to a dysfunctional immune system and a higher risk of allergies.
There is a connection between these gut perturbations and lung inflammation and how this works has been unclear until now.
This research study points out that the lung damage may be permanent, even if the gut bacteria fully recover after the antibiotic treatment.
This shows how significant and lasting the impact of antibiotics can be.
This comprehensive study by immunologist Dr. Olaf Perdijk was published in the journal Immunity.
The Standard – 11 November 2024
Lung Diseases ‘silently suffocating’ the NHS and pushing it to breaking point.
66,524 deaths from lung conditions.
Analysis by Asthma and Lung UK found lung diseases were responsible for 1 in 8 emergency hospital admissions in England last year.
868,212 Emergency hospital admissions for lung diseases, such as COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma in 2023/24.
Lung diseases were attributed to 13% of deaths last year.