Dear World We have the World Health Organization – 77th World Health Assembly. 27 May – 1 June 2024 | Geneva, Switzerland (1) Theme: All for Health, Health for All While they Focus on All things Health for ALL of us – let us have a quick look/read at some …

Job Title

Dear World What does Job Title mean to us? What have we done in the workplace with our Job Title? WHY do we rate certain Job Titles as not worthy of much pay? How many of us cannot imagine a life without our Job Title? Most of us associate a …

BLOG 300

1. Is it time we asked Is there Another Way 2. Have we ever bothered to ask Why do we get Sick 3. Why is Coffee Big Business 4. Could it be possible We are What we Eat 5. Why do so many of us have Cold Hands, Cold Feet …


Dear World What do we get when we read this one word DEMAND? What are we demanding in life? Where are we demanding in life? What does our collective demand give us? In other words, when the majority of us want (demand) the same thing, how is this then supplied …


Dear World The purpose of this article is to not go down the track of finding out what each country in the world has for Breakfast. For the record – the author has not done any Google search about Breakfast, reached for a dictionary definition or trotted to the Supermarket …


Dear World What is our NEXT in life? Some of the following list may ring a bell or sound familiar for some… RELATIONSHIPS Are we in the dead relationship we signed up for and moan everyday but never make any Real Changes to even Communicate properly? NEXT – Are we …


Dear World WHAT ARE WE AVOIDING IN OUR LIFE? This Question can no longer be dismissed, ignored or negated. It is high time we started to get Real and bring some Honesty into our lives about what is actually going on. What on earth are we avoiding and WHY? WHY …


Dear World It is time for ALL of us to buckle up and listen up. Our world is in a mess and the time has come to pay attention as this stuff is not going away. The following is a tiny micro snapshot of what is going on in our …


Dear World WHY are we always rushing in daily life? What happens to us when we are rushing? What gets done or not done in our rushing? Are we known to others for always rushing? How does our body feel with all this rushing? How are we moving our body …

More Questions…

Dear World This website is full of Questions and now some more… We have a post on this website called Questions, so WHY on earth do we need more 🤔 Most of us prefer not to be confronted or have Questions posed thank you very much. Our World is in …