
Dear World


What do these words mean for us and what does it bring up?


Merriam Webster
To interfere with
To alter the position or arrangement of
To throw into disorder (1)

Oxford English Dictionary
To interfere with the settled course or operation of
To put out of its course
To interrupt, derange, hinder, frustrate (2)


Something that interrupts someone or makes someone feel worried (3)

Oxford English Dictionary
The interruption and breaking up of tranquillity, peace, rest or settled condition

Agitation (physical, social or political) (4)

What is it that gets Disturbed when we feel Interference?

We all know when Something Is Not Right because there has been some kind of interruption.

Example – working and knowing we are in the Flow and boom something or someone enters.

Could be a disturbing thought or someone enters our space and they feel more like a monster and not just a work colleague, neighbour or familiar face.

Could be we are in full Conversation and a third party interrupts and we get thrown back literally by the force of their presence and they have not even spoken.

Or we are in the middle of Expressing something important and we sense some kind of interference. We get frustrated and feel Tension in our head as it stopped what we were about to say.

Or we are settled and Focused on the task at hand and in comes something to throw us into dis-order and it may even be something small and we find it insignificant even though the vibes were clear it was far from a minor hindrance.

All of the above DISTURB

And that means DISTURBANCE

Next –

How many of us are aware of BIG things that cause a DISTURBANCE but do not clock the everyday stuff that goes under the radar?

In other words, we have not joined the dots that there are so many things in daily life that disturb our body but it goes un-noticed.

The following categories present some Real life stuff that we may relate to…


We don’t like the way our colleague talks to us as it feels degrading and they make out they are ‘just joking’ but it’s constant.

We react to the Shouting and Swearing that goes on about customers and we hate the language used.

Our boss and their big boss feel like they just want the targets and the sales figures and this mighty double force is felt.

We see the shenanigans and the Lies that are circulated around the workplace and don’t Express how we feel.

We resent others getting promoted or getting into positions with zero experience and feel entitled to rant about it to others.

We hate the way management deal with staff and so we keep feeling goaded to leave our long-term job.

Our reactions to others not doing their job bothers us and we complain and Gossip.

We use work time to look for another job and it makes us Anxious but the goading in our mind makes us just go through with it.

We plot and plan stuff in our WFM mode (working from home) and become rather resentful if we actually have to work a full day.

We look for new jobs where ‘working from home’ is the norm as it suits our new comfortable Lifestyle.

We never spend time getting to know staff or the actual job we are paid to do as we are way too busy seeking the next job opportunity.

We make out we are ON it at work and claim all sorts of things but behind the scenes we are seeking others to tell us what to do.

We want others to do work for us and we do as little as possible and clock watch to see when and how we can avoid responsibility.

We make it all about money and what we can get from our employer and we never give them a minute over the time we are paid for.

We like the side hustle we get up to in paid work time and think it’s cool to cheat those that pay us a wage because we Get Away With It.

We find Excuses when we know there is going to be extra work to do or it could be unpaid.

We make unreasonable demands at work and if it looks like no one is playing ball we conveniently take some days off Sick.

Our job is not valued and we are seen as the unskilled worker in our workplace and most do not even engage with us properly.

We go into a new job and there are clicks and company jargon and we immediately feel separated.

We dread making Mistakes at work and we seem to have strategies to cover up and make out it was not us.

We always feel unsettled when it is a work day and we eat lots on the way to work but never eat if it was a Day Off from work.

We head for the Coffee machine or the Snacks every time something bothers us but we make out we don’t know why.

We like the Alcohol1 fuelled lunch or evening meetings as we see it as a perk of the job.

We like being Nice and pleasing others at work and it is an ingrained pattern that we know serves no one.

We want to control others and tell them what they need to do to Change and it frustrates us when no one bothers to listen.

We know how much it rattles us when no one bothers to clean up after using the staff kitchen.

We see the mess in the Staff Toilets and know these people would never do that in their own homes.

We abuse work resources as we can Get Away With It such as –

  • Photocopying and other things we need done
  • Stealing cleaning products for self and others
  • Taking stationery for home use
  • Booking Holidays
  • Browsing and doing our Online Shopping
  • Gambling online
  • Visiting Porn sites
  • Eating food that is not for us to eat


Next –


We have so many things we want to say but Holding Back seems to be the dish of the day and we continue this way of non-expression.

We expect our relationships to be a certain way and we wonder why we keep getting frustrated and have Tension Headaches.

We indulge in our Demands and get disappointed when our relationships are not going the way we want them to.

We pretend we are genuine and wanting to Building Connections with others but the truth is we want something from them.

We charm another and do our Fake and Phony behaviours to get what we want from others and that includes so-called friends.

We calculate and manipulate in our close relationships because we can and it seems to be working well.

We compete and compare all day long in all our relationships and feel so un-settled but cannot seem to stop those ugly thoughts.

We make out we are on top of the bills and keeping the home stuff in order but we are simply Fooling ourselves and our partner.

We’ve got Debts to clear but the Holiday would keep the mrs and kids Happy so we Ignore the fear that comes up and book the vacation.

We are about to lose our job but we are so scared we Lie to all those we have close relationships with.

We have become mini masters at Lying in our relationships and we calculate what to say and how much.

We are not upfront and Honest in our Conversations with those that we claim are close to us.

We overwork as we actually avoid any form of true intimacy in our Relationship at home.

We have a habit of sticking our head in a Screen when we are at home to avoid any real Conversation with those we live with.

We indulge in our hobbies that take us away from home and we know it is no longer the transparent Relationship we had.

We play games in our relationships as it gives us a buzz and we think it’s fun as we have no intention of sticking around for long.

We know we are in an abusive Relationship but staying means we feel the security we desperately want.

We do social gatherings as a couple but if only they knew the Reality of how we live behind closed doors.

We have our Secrets and our Vices and we make sure everything is hidden from our partners, friends and Families.

We hate what our partner is up to outside work but any form of calling out this behaviour would mean Change so we don’t go there.

We like that we get some days off so separate homes suit us and we Ignore the fact that the other one wants to move in.

We accept our partner going out every Friday and coming home in the early hours and telling us they are with a work friend.

We scroll through dating apps and think it’s simply fun to do this whilst in a serious relationship and are making long-term plans.

We convince ourselves that growing up is way too much responsibility, so we seek dating and settling with someone older.

We become desperate to live with someone as we know we are living irresponsibly and we want another to take care of us.

We Fool ourselves that one day our partner will propose but in the meantime we buy a ring to feel some kind of security.

We live separate lives under the umbrella of ‘marriage’ and we tell others this arrangement works and suits our Lifestyle.

We see the role of a woman is to take care of all our needs and it’s normal to never cook, clean or wash up. 

We lose a partner and deny the devastation and make out we are ok to all our friends, Family and work colleagues.

We pretend things are great at home and Lying has become super normal for us.

We live a totally different life indoors and we know there is Tension as we live a Double Life but we do nothing about it.

We tolerate the daily Tensions in our home life and keep going for the sake of the kids.

We find our pandering parenting ways of operating backfiring, as the child is becoming angry and resentful and we are asking why.

We do not like having to tell the kids what they cannot do, so we come home late and let our partner deal with that.

We are uncomfortable in the utter comfort we live and all the Waste that goes on, but we continue as it seems the safe and secure option.

We overeat, plan everything around a sedentary Lifestyle and hate when friends prefer not to have Junk Food delivered to the door.

We insist on doing binge eating and binge TV and make that our Priority above any Relationship.

We make out we have lots of relationships but they are all toxic and none of them feel Real.

We feel Lonely but yet we actually have a long list of so-called relationships.

We know the jealousy we have from others and we pretend that it’s not happening as we class them as our best friends.

We always want to be Nice and please in our relationships and we go out of our way to ensure this happens.

We are keeping the façade going with neighbours like they can’t possibly know and work out our dodgy dealings and behaviours.

For the Record – ALL the above are real life examples and no names need to be used.

What this tells us clearly is this is what is going on in our world and it confirms we live with a lot of DISTURBANCE.

Is it any surprise we have more and more people with Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Sleeping issues as well as overeating, not eating, over exercising, excess Screen Time, copious amounts of Caffeine and Alcohol2 and the list goes on…?

Next –

Dear World

What if all the above Real life examples are doing more harm than we realise?

What if our Heart is disturbed and affected every time we are in a situation that is not natural?

What if loud concerts and daily earphone use are DISTURBING our Hearing and we are not aware of it yet?

What if our Screen Time with zero purpose is DISTURBING our Eyes and having an impact on the whole body?

What if eating copious amounts of Dairy is DISTURBING our gut as that produce was designed for animals and not our digestive system?

What if Gluten is creating inflammation in our body but we love it too much and so we override the DISTURBING side effects?

What if any form of Smoking, Vaping or ingesting Drugs is DISTURBING our natural state of being?

What if what is going on in our streets and Neighbourhoods is becoming more and more DISTURBING and it’s hard to Ignore?

What if the WORLD NEWS out there is so DISTURBING that we find ways to pretend it is not affecting us?

What if Putting Things Off and Doing Nothing is DISTURBING because it needs our attention to Get On With It?

What if the way we conduct our finances is DISTURBING us but we are on this momentum and we just do nothing to Change?

What if we are over-riding those small things that DISTURB us and we become numb to them but they are having an impact on our Body?

What if our stupid coping methods and Solutions to function in life are DISTURBING for our body as they offer no real Change?

What if reacting and not responding to what we are being asked to attend to in our lives creates a huge DISTURBING affect with serious consequences?

What if Lying just because others do it is not normal but very deeply DISTURBING to us?

What if absolutely everything that disturbs, is disturbing or is a DISTURBANCE has consequences and we are not aware of that?

What if our world is created to not allow our natural way of being and so these so-called minor disturbances are simply seen as ok because it’s the norm?

What if the noise from our neighbours has gone to the next level of DISTURBING us and we don’t know how to get them to Stop?

What if banging Car doors or slamming any door – forcefully doing anything without a Gentle approach is DISTURBING?

What if our self-medication of Online Shopping is very DISTURBING but we have no intention of being sensible – buy only what we need?

What if our wanting and Demanding More more more is DISTURBING us more and more?

What if our Champagne Lifestyle on our Lemonade Budget has more DISTURBING affects than we care to admit?

What if our Dodgy Lifestyle is DISTURBING others as they clock our behaviours (our movements) and know we are unsettled?

What if our response when we receive Dodgy Emails is DISTURBING us but we don’t know where to go with that feeling?

What if saying we are Bored with Life, with work, with everything is DISTURBING us because we do nothing to Commit to Life?

What if these so-called minor Disturbances which are parked and undealt with could make us Sick?

What if living with Cold Hands and Cold Feet is very DISTURBING and the long-term affects are more harmfull than we may realise?

What if the medical news we did not want to hear is so DISTURBING we just want to Ignore it by having a big Holiday to forget?

What if attempting to save time by making important calls whilst driving is very DISTURBING for both the caller and receiver?

Complications = DISTURBANCE
When we avoid Simple and refute Simplicity then it is guaranteed we are on the road of Complication and this is DISTURBING.

Late Nights = DISTURBANCE to our natural rhythm
Late Nights are not the way to go as it is DISTURBING and we all know that as our Body communicates with poor Sleep quality and the rest.


Dear World

Are we ready to make the commitment and take Responsibility so we can end the long list of DISTURBANCES that affect us every day?

Are we making the call to become more steady inside ourselves or do we prefer a few more laps around the orbit as we enjoy living in a way that gives rise to even more unsettlement?

What if we could get to the WHY it is important to not allow anything to disturb us, so we can be more strong and equipped to deal with whatever life presents?

What if Ignoring any form of DISTURBANCE is a form of abuse?

What if accepting any form of abuse is a DISTURBANCE to all of us?

What if we can make a difference and have an affect on others if we start dealing with any DISTURBANCE that is presented everyday?

Where do we start…

Read the 300+ articles on this website by the author who actually Questions and deals with the daily disturbances – without perfection.




(1) (2024, October 16). Merriam-Webster. Retrieved October 19, 2024 from

(2) (n.d). Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved October 19, 2024 from

(3) (n.d). Cambridge Dictionary Retrieved October 19, 2024 from

(4) (n.d). Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved October 19, 2024 from





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