Building Connections

Dear World What on earth is this all about – Building Connections? Are we aware that Building Connections is about Relationships? Are we aware that Building Connections which are true are well worth it? Are we aware that there can be absolutely no Hidden Agenda when Building Connections? How many …

Online Behaviour

Dear World What is our Online Behaviour? How are we behaving Online? Have we become good at giving abuse online? Have we become victims of online behaviour? How much effort do we put into our online behaviour? How much abuse are we getting away with these days? Do we become …

Screen Time

Dear World This is a very important topic and the following presentation offers all of us some serious insight into Screen Time. Most of us are not aware of what the consequences are of spending excess time in front of a screen. What happens to us when we get engaged …

Digital Footprints

Dear World Let’s talk about this topic that most of us may not be aware of. Every single time we go online we are leaving a Digital Footprint. In our everyday life, we walk and we move and that means we leave footprints – be it inside our home or …

Emails – Housekeeping Guide

Dear World This blog is presenting the value and purpose of taking action with ALL of our emails. We all seem to have emails going on and there is currently even more to deal with for some of us. Others have plenty of time indoors right now, looking at the …

Online Shopping

Hello World What is all this online shopping really about What gets us hooked into online shopping How many of us are addicted to online shopping How many of us love the comfort of online shopping Why are people all over the world choosing online shopping at epic proportions. Would …

Video Games

What on earth is Video Games Day? Who comes up with this stuff? What do we need to know about Video Games? What global awareness would we benefit from knowing? What is Google and the websites relating to video games telling us? Are we ready to know more about the …

Dodgy Emails

Most of us are doing emails these days and who doesn’t get Dodgy Emails which they call phishing. What is Phishing? “Phishing” is an illegal attempt to “fish” for your private, sensitive data. (1) It is usually done through email, ads or by sites that look similar to sites you …

Social Media

Dear World We have Social Media Day on 30th June to celebrate the impact that social media has on global communication. (1) So what on earth is Social Media? Are we in the know about all this stuff? Who invented this booming business? Do we really understand the ins and …


The TV offers something to most of us and is a normal part of our modern world. Those who choose to have no TV are the odd ones out, as the majority are big into what the TV brings from the outside into their home. The TV was invented by …