Are you a cow?
Are you a baby cow?
Do you have 5 stomachs?
Do you eat grass everyday?
Does ANY other animal drink the milk of another animal?

Well it is official as this is a no brainer. We ALL KNOW the answers are NO to every question.

Why are we not designed to drink another animal’s milk?
Why do we LOVE our dairy so much?
Why are we so comfortable eating dairy?

Could it be possible that the proteins in grass is something our body does not need?
Could it be possible that our body does not produce the enzymes to digest grass?
Could it be possible that drinking another animal’s milk alters our internal chemistry?
Could it be possible that dairy supports us to stay in our comfort bubble?
Could it be possible that dairy does not challenge us in any way?

Could it be possible that dairy actually numbs us from feeling what is going on?

Could it be that simple?

The dairy industry is huge. Check these facts out.

Global Milk Production is estimated to be 735 billion litres annually.

Global Dairy Demand (Imports) is estimated at 15 million tons of product annually.

The UK is the 3rd largest producer of milk in the EU and the 10th largest producer in the world.

In 2014, the UK produced 14.6 billion litres of milk.

In 2014/15, wholesale milk deliveries of the 28 countries in the EU combined was 142 million litres.

In 2013, the USA was the top milk producing country, producing over 80 billion litres of milk.

Have we ever bothered to stop and think what the farmers are now doing to keep up with the increase in consumption of dairy because we as a world are demanding even more milk?

American farmers inject cows with a genetically engineered growth hormone to increase milk production. This is illegal in the EU.

Watch this video link and ask yourself why this disturbs you?


  • Would we treat another human like this?
  • Why do we think it is ok to treat any animal in this way?
  • Why are we the general public not saying anything?

Why has the whole world not seen what is going on in the dairy industry?

Over 2 million calves are sent to the slaughterhouse at only 4 days old.

Male calves cannot produce milk and they will either be shot after birth or sold for veal or beef.

High-yielding dairy cows are typically slaughtered after three – four lactations because their milk production decreases and or because they become chronically lame or infertile.

Should we then be asking where is our Responsibility in this?

Why are cows being killed soon after releasing vast amounts of milk?

Are we controlling the natural life cycle of this animal to suit our own needs?

Is our demand for dairy ensuring that cows that become ‘useless’ are slaughtered?

Do we actually care where our milk comes from?

Do we want to know how our cows are really treated?

Do we want to feel the real impact of the quality of the milk we are drinking?

Do we love the comfort of what the dairy gives us so much that we are not really interested in the process of how cows are treated?

Could it be possible that this comfort is burying our own issues deeper into our body and keeping us stuck?

Could it be possible that life without dairy would be less congested?

Could it be possible that life without our milk would mean we no longer contribute to the dairy industry?

Could it be possible that our farmers could focus on true farming of animals if we stopped the demand of drinking another animal’s milk?

Why is it that a common sense approach has not yet been applied to something that seems to make sense?

Are those who control our laws and allow this abuse drinking milk?

Are we really the advanced species if we treat another being in this way?

Why are Diet and Nutrition experts saying No to dairy?

  • Most people are unable to digest milk due to lactose intolerance.
  • Milk is also acid forming and is one of the most common self-reported food allergens in the world.
  • Dairy is one of the most inflammatory foods, second to Gluten.
  • Dairy protein has been shown to increase cholesterol.
  • Higher dairy intake is linked to increased risk of both ovarian and prostate cancer.

Why does everyone who gives up dairy tell you they feel the health benefits?

How intelligent are we really if we think the milk of another animal is good for us?

Many of us say we don’t drink milk but we eat lots of chocolate, which as we know contains milk which is really what we love and of course the sugar.

As babies with no teeth we drink milk. It used to be our mother’s milk but somewhere along the line it became the milk of a cow.

Ever wondered why so many babies are intolerant to another animal’s milk?

Could it be possible that our bodies don’t actually need milk after the baby stage?

Could it be that simple?

If we just suspend all beliefs that we have about dairy for one moment and apply good old common sense, as we are the so called intelligent species here – maybe, we could learn from other animals who stick to their own milk?

So finally, what are the Physicians saying about us drinking milk? Check out these stats below and ask yourself if drinking another animal’s milk really is going to save your bones in any way?

Why is this information not all over the media and on billboards across the world?

On their website the Physicians Committee state that:

  • Women who drink three or more glasses of milk per day have a 60% increased risk for developing a hip fracture.
  • Drinking 3 or more glasses of milk also increases mortality risk by 93%.
  • For each glass of milk, risk of dying from all causes increases by 15%.

On their website Mind Body Green also state that countries with the highest rate of dairy consumption also have the highest rate of osteoporosis.


(n.d). Health Concerns About Dairy Products.

(2014). The Global Dairy Industry.

Bate, A. (2016, January 20). UK Dairy Industry Statistics. (Briefing Paper 2721). House of Commons Library.

Campbell, T. (2016, February 2). 12 Frightening Facts About Milk.

Myers, A. (2013, April 10). The Dangers of Dairy.

AHDB Dairy. (2015). Dairy Statistics An Insider’s Guide 2015.

(2016). Welfare Issues for Dairy Cows.





Comments 41

  1. Lets start to listen to our own bodies, rather then believe what the experts say about what we should be eating. Thank you Simple Living Global for bringing more of the truth about dairy to light.

    1. Kenneth, and coming back to what is true for our body can be quite a process when millions of dollars is spent telling us to eat something and that it’s good for us. We have to be able to let go of what we think we know and all the pictures we hold about what to eat, how to eat, when to eat etc and reconnect to what is happening for our own body.

      1. Food and diets are multi billion dollar industries out there and yet very few of us are discerning what it is that we actually need to be eating.
        I for one was overweight and my husband was classed as morbidly obese for a few decades and we were spending so much money on food. What came to light was that we were both exhausted, not living honestly and pretending we were ok when our bodies were showing us we were not.
        Once we knocked out gluten and dairy and questioned why on earth we were drinking a poison called alcohol, things changed. The key I feel was when we started to go to bed early, we just stopped craving foods and sugar which was in alcohol too. It has been a decade and our lives are what I call full of vitality and that confirms this stuff is not needed.

    2. Yes this is so true Kenneth Elmer – it is time we all started to really listen do our own bodies and accept the fact that we are all different. I like the majority was blind and unaware of what dairy was doing to me and the effects but once I got the message direct from a wise man called Serge Benhayon things started to change.
      The other thing is my close relative was very anti dairy as a baby and yet she was forced to drink milk as the education of her parents and grandparents was that of fear. If she did not drink milk she was somehow going to die. All this illusion and the child was getting sick. Interesting how we override because we think others know what is best for us.

  2. The fact is we as humans rarely consider anything outside of ourselves. As for another animal unless it is distressed or on the verge of extinction or indeed a pet we do not for one second contemplate the way the milk, yoghurt, cheese etc we are about to consume comes about. The imagery of the village farm and farmer supplying the locals is as old as the hills and no longer relevant. What is disturbing is that dairy supply is not abating – we as people are ever demanding of it to prevent us from what? Is it possible with all that dairy we don’t get to feel what is truly going on inside our bodies, we are cushioned from the reality that we live? This gets real interesting for our own choices around food actually are not only harming another species – we couldn’t care less – but more alarmingly they are actually harming ourselves.

    1. A great comment Lee Green and some great questions here for us all. It does seem like we don’t really care about harming another species, let alone ourselves and then my question is how can we call ourselves the ‘intelligent species’. What part of us is intelligent if it considers abusing another animal to get what we want which lets face it is not digestible as this blog confirms clearly. Where did we lose our common sense?
      This thing you mention amount us demanding dairy is also worth looking at deeply. What is is that we want from dairy? What is it giving us? Why are we not at least going dairy free for a month and checking how it makes us feel. I have met loads of people who say they feel so much more healthier and alive when they gave up dairy and gluten.

      1. Dairy Free for a month that would be something. The thing is that we as people are steeped in comfort; we don’t even realise why we are reaching for the cheese or chocolate, or for that matter the beer or red wine. We don’t want to look past the surface action that immediately soothes and stops us feeling. The issue then is not even about the food or drink, it is about why we do not as a race of beings want to be honest about what we are feeling? Why we do not want to take responsibility? And why we do not want to see, hear and feel the truth 100% of the time?

  3. When I was in primary school we were given a carton of milk and a piece of fruit for morning tea and I remember the posters saying how we had to have so many serves of dairy a day to stay healthy and hence my lunch box generally had a yoghurt or some cheese in it for me to eat. We were indoctrinated as kids to eat this food group or live in the fear of getting sick. I went on to love dairy never thinking about the bigger picture of the dairy industry. However even though I chose to eat dairy I would often get congested, have colds and really dry skin. But I was so entrenched in the comfort of the food that I continued eating it well into my thirties. Then, after being very sick I didn’t want it anymore and stopped eating it.

  4. Watch the link n the blog and then try and convince yourself that when having dairy you are just enjoying a glass of milk, tub of yoghurt or a nice piece of cheese. As is stated on this site everything is either healing or harmful and thus in the dairy we consume is the corruption of the industry, the violence of the workers, the in humane treatment of another living being and the absolute abuse shown to another living and breathing animal. All of this abuse, violence and corruption gets ingested with the dairy we like to eat, the chocolate or ice cream and then flows within us. Everything that goes on behind the scenes for any product purchased affects the quality of that product. This is something we may prefer not to know about.

    1. If what you are saying is true then it is high time we just had a stop and pressed the pause button before we go for the next bit of dairy whichever form that maybe – cream cake, ice cream, cup of tea or that melted cheese on the pizza. Imagine ingesting the trauma the animal went through to produce that dairy that you are now consuming. Gosh that would not be something you want to see or even think about. Next thing is we gobble it down or drink copious amounts of milk in shakes, lattes and cups of teas but then our body has to cope with dealing with whats next. Most of us don’t know the ‘whats next’ as we really are not interested in what our body does inside unless it hurts.
      As you say here in your comment Sally – this is something we may prefer not to know about.

  5. I am continually surprised to see how many people hold beliefs that we ‘need’ dairy.

    I have heard teachers encouraging children to “drink your milk it will make you strong” and many friends have expressed to me that “people have been eating cheese for so long it has to be an important part of our diet”… but this reasoning does not make sense to me.

    Can’t we ask why we believe milk is good for us when science and commons sense can show and guid us to the opposite ‘truth’?

    Can’t we look at history & see that humans have been struggling for aeons, eating as we do, without seeing older cultures and traditions through rose colored glasses?

    Can we consider the points Simple Living Global presents here?
    Is it possible that we ‘need’ to believe in milk not for its ‘health benefits’ but for the comfort and numbing it brings to us… at any cost?

    1. Top comment Jo Billings and you are raising such valid points here. What you say about ‘reasoning’ clearly does not make sense and this is why a blog like this brings to the fore a much needed subject where we have, if you ask me ‘lost the plot’.
      If we make it simply about common sense, how on earth can we drink another animals milk which we are not designed for? Hello.

  6. A young friend of mine once told me that when she is upset all she needs is ‘…one sip of milk and she feels ‘all better”… so is it possible that this is a burying way of self medicating but not a healing one; not a ‘dealing with the issue and moving on’ but saving if for later?

    I know that I am moving forward in every area of my life since committing to more self honesty and not eating dairy or gluten. I was very much in a holding pattern most of my life; feeling stuck and repeating the same miserable situations, emotions & ill mental health.

    I now welcome and celebrate the pain of getting honest, feeling all my feelings and moving through (not saving up) my issues. It is the way out of my traps and to the Truth that frees me to live my life as who I am.
    – With deep appreciation to Bina Pattel, Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

    1. I really get what you are saying here Jo about not dealing with our issues and using dairy as a way to bury our issues and ‘saving it for later’. From my own experience this is true so I can say without any doubt, dairy most certainly supports you to stay stuck, numb and not deal with your deep buried hurts. Its like a comfort cushion that on some level feels super uncomfortable but you hold it dear as it is comfortable.
      Makes no sense – correct.
      Why do we hold on to comfort when it is super uncomfortable?

  7. I LOVE this blog. It is so educational and asks many pertinent questions covering many different angles about Dairy. I mean how many of us stop to truly look at where what we are consuming comes from and how the animal was handled? The video link on here alone is an eye opener and shows how as a human race we have accepted the position of being superior to animals, but this is not True. We cannot treat ANYTHING or ANYONE worse or better than anything else as EVERYTHING and EVERYONE is connected. See Expression is Everything blog on this site https://simplelivingglobal.com/expression-is-everything/

  8. In answer to your question Shevon, very few actually stop and ask questions these days and especially if it has something to do with the cream cakes, cheese and milk in their tea or coffee. Why is what we need to be saying here. Why is no one bothering to ask questions?
    I also agree with you about how we as a human race accept being superior to other animals and do whatever it is we want to get what we want.
    If a cow could speak back, would we then realise it is abuse?
    How would we feel if we were pumped artificially so we grow super fast beyond our natural state?
    How would you feel if someone you knew was treated like the animals are in this video link mentioned on this blog?
    Where in us is it that we shut down our feelings so we can ignore the TRUTH of what is really going on?
    When are we going to stop and ask WHY?

  9. This is an amazing post Bina, gradually people are finally starting to come to their senses about dairy.

    When it comes down to it it’s all about money. We are encouraged to buy and drink milk and consume other dairy products for the supposed calcium benefits but really there is sinister work at hand. There is an attack on our health because it is not financially viable for the industry to tell us the truth and encourage us to eat what will nurture us.

    It’s great that people are awakening from their slumber and are starting to make the right choices about what their bodies really need.

  10. Thank you for your comment here Sarita. It is interesting what you say about the ‘attack on our health because it is not financially viable for the industry to tell us the truth and encourage us to eat what will nurture us’.
    This is huge and you have a point.
    Could it be possible that the dairy industry is about profits before people and before animal life?
    Blogs like this will contribute to bringing awareness for those who are asking questions and are seeking true answers.

  11. Depending on where you read, us humans began to drink milk between 7500-9000 years ago. Reports say it originated in the middle east, possibly Iran, and then migrated to Northern Europe. It started when wild animals were domesticated and they started to use their milk for cheese and yoghurt and then found out drinking the milk was a good source of energy, especially in the colder regions of Northern Europe. Nowadays, there is a lot of evidence that suggests cows milk is harmful to the human body but it is still championed as being ‘good’ for us because, and this is the main reason, it contains calcium. But there are many other sources where we can get calcium from:
    collard greens
    bok choy
    okra-to name but a few.
    So, if the go-to source for calcium is dairy and if evidence is pointing to the fact that diary could be the cause of so many health issues, why aren’t the other foods that contain calcium being championed as much?
    Could it be that there is a lot of money to be made from the dairy industry and it is simply a case of businesses putting profit before the health of others?
    We are not cows and cows milk is designed to raise an 84kg calf into a 800kg adult cow. With all the hormones contained in cows milk to do that job, is it any wonder we suffer from many illnesses and diseases form having dairy.
    If you are undecided about drinking milk or having other dairy products, then the first line of this blog should be enough to convince you not to.

    1. Top comment Tim and great point you make about other foods that contain calcium but are really not championed as they are hardly money making big business like dairy.
      You are right and the first line of this blog confirms it.
      We are not cows and the milk we drink is pumped with hormones to get a calf to adult size as fast as we can so it can produce the milk we are demanding.
      There is a demand and so the supply is there at whatever cost. How many people are bothered about the animals welfare when it comes to their cheese or yoghurt or that cup of tea or coffee? How many would even question what the effects may be to our own body because of daily dairy consumption?
      We have become a world that is comfortable eating foods that do not support us and are harming not only to the human body but in this case to the animals.
      Do we have a responsibility here?
      All I can say is that I no longer have any sinus issues since giving up dairy.

  12. Tim Bowyer this is a brilliant comment. Thank you for bringing some more common sense to this subject and letting us know how we can easily get calcium from other sources. It’s obvious to me that there must be some vested interest in things being the way they are with the dairy industry and clearly money is a key factor. It’s criminal that we put profits before people and this occurs in many industries even those with a social conscience, no matter how good they may seem.

  13. “Could it be possible that life without dairy would be less congested?” – this statement made me laugh out loud. It’s so true! Dairy makes me snotty. Fact. Dairy makes my kids snotty. Fact. The pressure to give my kids cow milk as babies was crazy, but I could see the negative health impact it had. Even the average GP will recommend cutting out dairy if you have a cold because it amps mucus production. Question: why on earth would you EVER want excessive mucus production? I wonder how many people override their own common sense because of the society’s milk pushing?

  14. I found the video link very disturbing to watch, so pointless and unacceptable that people are capable of killing just for milk.

    I was in the comfort of milk for many years – loved it but my body didn’t. I ignored the signs, constant mucous in my throat, suffered numerous colds, coughs, chest infections every year. It was only until the health of my ears made me STOP and no choice but to listen to the many signal my body had been offering for years.

    I thought I couldn’t live with out diary, I grew up with the belief the cow is sacred as she has so much to offer in the forms of milk, yoghurt, cheese, ghee etc. but what wasn’t highlighted was the other effects it would have on my body which I feel scientists hasn’t always proven.

    8 years later I am diary free and my ears have vastly improvement as well the other parts of my body and I am still alive and standing and as already mentioned by Tim, I receive calcium from other source of vegetables.

  15. I too found the video link very disturbing. I only watched part of it, have seen something with similar content. It seems we put money before anything, and we call ourselves advanced.

    I was a great milk and chocolate consumer earlier in life, it was definitely my comfort food but my body was showing me quite loudly with bad digestive problems, inflammation and chronic sinusitis that it wasn’t good for me. It had come to a stage where I was waiting to have my sinuses drilled for the sinusitis, it was so bad sometimes I would get bruises on my face with it, it was suggested to me to try stopping dairy for a few weeks to see what happened. Reluctantly at first I did and was able to cancel the surgery as the problem completely cleared up. My digestion improved, and I felt a lot of other benefits as well.

    I know for sure it makes a huge difference to health not eating dairy and not just for sinus problems .. now with greater awareness it makes me question the other food I am eating, how it is grown, farmed and by who and how they live, modified, hormones for growth, dyes for colouring, the unseen abuse that is behind what is so conveniently accessed and the super market.

  16. I am yet to come across a person who has come off dairy products and said they feel less bunged up, congested and snotty. I wonder WHY we forget our common sense because it seems animals are not forgetting. They never drink milk from another animal, but yet we humans who think we are so intelligent happily drink cows’ milk designed by nature for their baby calf.

    What is interesting is how we get hooked and love the creamy products milk makes – like yoghurt, cheese, custard, ice cream and everything that is smooth and requires no teeth.

    It is like a comfort and we can’t give it up. I know that was how I was until I got the understanding from a man called Serge Benhayon. He talks sense, makes sense and of course dairy is not on his radar and I reckon that is why I paid attention. You can feel it is not a blind spot in him. By that I mean when someone is clear of what they are presenting, it tends to hold value and you can actually feel it.

    1. This is a great point Bina, animals never drink milk from another animal so why do we? making these creatures live in a way that is unnatural and abusive to them to provide a substance that causes us harm?

  17. In the UK we have this plastic bag charge now so many opt for no bags and we see their shopping in their hands. I noticed recently the large jumbo size milk containers and it got me asking surely they can’t be drinking all that in tea?

    Of course not, cereals is where a lot of milk is used and that combo, which I used to happily have anytime including middle of the night, was a filler.

    Having been dairy free for a decade I can honestly say I no longer get colds, coughs or that flemmy stuff that was consistently around in my body.
    The feeling inside is best described as clear and not congested in anyway. On top of that I have vitality levels like never before and the adult acne has completely gone.

    Of course, I have heard loads of people say how cutting out dairy has helped but when you got someone doing it for 10 years and saying it works, I reckon it is worth taking note.

    My simple message is I really am not designed to drink the milk of another animal and the thought of it makes absolutely no sense.

  18. Evening Standard news story – 24 August 2017

    The UK has one of the highest rates of child intolerance to cow’s milk in Europe.

    Is this a big fat sign?
    Is this a wake up call?
    Is this spelling out to us that babies and toddlers have an innate sense of what they want and don’t want inside their body?

    Could it be possible that when we are young, we are more sensitive and our body is the one which speaks to us and then as we get older, we have a mind that can over-ride that and make us more numb?

    Could it be possible that when we are an infant, we know that another animal’s milk is not really for us as we simply do not have the enzymes needed to digest it?

    Do we need to wait for another ‘breakthrough’ in science to fix the problem or give us a solution to make us function?

    Or do we ask WHY are we desperate to keep dairy in our diet and find ways for a child to have this, even with an allergy to milk?

  19. An article in The Telegraph, 23rd September 2017, talks about how fizzy milk could be about to hit supermarket shelves with one of the UK’s biggest milk producers planning to make it the next big drinks trend.

    A dairy company owned by 1200 farmers, has said a “sparkling fruit and milk drink” will be trialed in the UK, Singapore and the UAE before being rolled out across the world.

    It comes as millions of consumers are ditching cows milk for non-dairy milks like almond and coconut, leaving milk producers desperate for business.

    A number of drinks producers have tried, and failed, to launch fizzy milk drinks.

    In 2014 a milk soda was launched in the UK but was forced to axe it after less than a year as sales fell flat. In 2009 a carbonated milk drink, was trialled in the USA but the drink was never brought to Europe.

    Milk sales fell by around £240 million between 2014-2016 and this year, soya milk, rice milk and almond milk were included in the ONS’s (Office for National Statistics), “typical basket of goods” list for the first time.

    The ONS said their inclusion reflects the growing popularity of non-dairy milk alternatives.

    This latest announcement by this large dairy company appears to be the latest move to get British consumers interested in milk again.
    However its fizzy milk may prove more popular in the Middle East where fizzy dairy drinks are commonplace.

    In countries including Iran, Turkey and Afghanistan a milky drink, which is often served fizzy, called Doogh is commonplace. It is made from mixing yoghurt and chilled or ice water and sometimes carbonated.

    Let’s take a common sense look at milk:

    When a calf is born, it weighs between 60-70 pounds.

    Cow’s milk is for baby calf’s – no if’s and no but’s.

    The purpose of cow’s milk is to turn a 60+ pound calf into a 800-1200 pound adult cow or bull.

    Everything in cow’s milk, the hormones, the lipids, the proteins, the sodium, IGF-I (insulin like growth factor), are all there to make that baby calf start growing into a large cow.

    Whether you pour it on your cereal, churn it into butter or cream, curdle it into yoghurt, ferment it into cheese or add sugar to make ice cream, it is still baby calf growing juice.

    Its purpose is to increase the weight and promote growth in tissues in the calf’s body.

    It takes two years for a baby calf to turn into a fully-grown cow or bull.

    Why then, as humans, would we use a product to help us to lose weight when it is designed to increase weight?

    Why is it that the Government, health officials and nutritionists insist on telling us that dairy products are good for us and champion the fact that we need to consume dairy products to help us lose weight?

    The fact that this large dairy company is trying something like this is a great sign, as it means more people are choosing to stop consuming dairy.

    We are not baby calf’s.

    We have not got four stomachs.

    Why do we insist on consuming a product that actually causes us harm?

  20. I was talking to a lady recently who’s mum had fallen and broken her wrist. She has osteoporosis and she was worried about her healing.

    She said she has started worrying about her own bones in case the problem is passed down to her. She has started eating yoghurt. She can not stomach milk but she said she felt she needed to increase her dairy intake for calcium and she said yoghurt was the least worst of her choices.

    We talked about lifestyle choices for strong bones and other sources of calcium and she had no idea there were so many alternatives.

    It feels like we have not moved on from the days when we were told milk is where you get your calcium. Like we are locked in the the received wisdom of a time gone by – when there was little other information.

    Why does information like that take such hold? Why does it get so stuck in our heads, passed on and perpetuated?

    Can we ask more questions, experiment with what works for us and come to our own truth?

  21. At a business dinner last week, someone asked me why I don’t eat dairy.

    I gave it up because it makes me snotty, like I have a cold. Even a tiny amount gives me disgusting catarrh in my throat.

    I started to share part of this and the person I was talking to took over and said ‘yeah, wow, does it makes you bunged up with sticky mucus in your face and throat?’.

    They had the same experience – their body was giving them its own message. They hadn’t tuned in to the exact cause or thought to do anything about it, but they knew.

    For me this was fascinating. What if many people are also getting ‘I don’t like this’ messages from their bodies about dairy but they don’t realise the source?

  22. Daily Mail – 13 January 2018

    This news story is telling us that 1 in 6 teenage girls have now cut dairy from their diets in a ‘generational health disaster waiting to happen’.

    Is this really true and are we going to take on board fully what researchers say?

    A great question to ask is who is funding these research studies and are they totally independent?

    Next – when doing research would it be beneficial if we got the whole picture – in others words, get real life people, like me and hundreds of others that I know who made a conscious choice to stop all dairy products and are living anecdotal evidence that it has made a huge difference to true health and well-being?

    Is it easy to blame social media, fad diets and celebs for making a choice that may actually be true for the human body?

    WHY do news stories use words that can lend themselves to feel biased in some way?

    Is a dairy free lifestyle not about trendy almond milk and other plant based alternatives?

    WHY have we totally ignored the fact that a fifth of teenage girls surveyed, said they gave up cow’s milk as they had an intolerance to lactose?

    What if it is not current fashion to eliminate key food groups like gluten and dairy?

    What if our body knows best and it is for each of us as individuals to try things out and work things out for ourself, without the pressures and fear about what is good for our health and what is not?

    As a living science that does not require a lab to be double blind tested, I am evidence – proof – that dairy free has increased my vitality levels and completely knocked out my mucous, phlegm coughs and any other respiratory ailments that I suffered with for 40+ years.

    Just to be clear – I have been dairy free for over a decade. That to me is scientific evidence that it is not the end of the world to stop cow’s milk.

    I realise now how I turned to cream, cheese and frothy milk coffees to keep me very comfortable in my life and at the same time, it bloated me and always made me sluggish.

    What I have come to realise is that those who are advocating or championing something could be doing this because they need it and are not ready to see that there is another way.
    This then means there is a blind spot – they cannot give true independent advice because they are locked into that way of living.

    In this case, try getting professional advice about dairy, if the academic in front of you is a great promoter of milk, as they love their cream cakes and milky coffees.

    My job is to never promote or tell someone what to do, but you only have to see my vitality levels to know whatever I am doing is working and with no trips to the GP now in 10 years, it is worth at least considering this living body of evidence – me.

    People do ask and people are inspired when one walks the talk and has lived a way that is not harmfull to the body for over 10 years. This is something we cannot ignore.

  23. Talking to a colleague today about nursing her baby. She said her baby was allergic to cows’ milk from birth and was getting exposed into it through her breast milk.

    When she stopped having dairy in her own diet, her baby’s symptoms immediately stopped.

    It is amazing to hear how sensitive the body is. To know how the properties of dairy can pass through the human body and in to breast milk. And how even traces of cows’ milk can cause such huge discomfort for certain children.

  24. I am reading in the Evening Standard that dairy products like cheese give you bad breath, because eating dairy ‘causes bacteria’.

    This is according to Dr Harold Katz.

    I remember knowing I bad breath after eating cheese. And I know it from being near people who have eaten cheese.

    Bad breath for me is always a sign that something is wrong inside.

    Why would we want to eat something that causes bacteria and gives us bad breath?

  25. Just reading a supermarket food magazine with a big advert about a popular creamy alcoholic drink that is now available dairy free.

    Who thinks about this and comes up with manufacturing alternatives so no one misses out, because of their special dietary needs?

    There has to be a demand or suppliers would not invest in this type of product along with paying for huge advertising.

    Tiny sign at the bottom says “please drink responsibly”.

    Now what does that mean to anyone who likes a creamy sweet drink that tastes like a dessert?

    Reminds me how much I used to knock back the creamy stuff full of alcohol and how I could drink far more because it really didn’t taste like straight beer or a spirit.

    In fact, I was drinking this well known drink when I was a young child and it was seen as ok for kids because of the milkiness.

    How dis-illusioned are we and how responsible are we really?

    It is interesting how we can have certain dietary requirements and we never really have to miss out on the stuff we want, as someone out there is making it for us with no consideration of any health benefits.

    If we are to be totally honest – alcohol is a scientific proven poison and yet we never stop to question why we want it in the first place.

    If we did stop and ask – would that be the first sign of Responsibility?

  26. Talking to Mary in our community leisure centre who made me laugh when she said Dairy is her Kryptonite. I found out that Kryptonite makes superman weak.

    Well that in itself speaks volumes about what she is saying.

    She also said how she loves cheese and it is her “baby” and she can’t stop dairy even though she knows it is not what her body wants. Her dress size has gone up from 8 to 16 and the weight is not shifting.

    I know when I gave up dairy initially, it was quite amazing how much energy I had and the sluggishness and exhaustion started to lift. Of course I do not have the stomachs of a baby cow and so it is understandable that my human body simply could not process cow’s milk not designed at all for my comfort. This is what it did, the creamy stuff like cheese and yoghurts and fresh cream cakes were always on my mind and I could never get enough, like a bottomless pit.

    I am not perfect and sometimes I will eat something and it may have dairy in it and I don’t fly off the handle or see it as a big deal, but I do know the difference, as when it is not eaten my body is lighter and not bloated. So there is my proof and I don’t need anyone to tell me dairy is good for you and it must be included in my diet.

    I reckon there are heaps of people like Mary who actually know dairy is not working for them but they are not ready to let go and it’s up to them as we all have free will in this world to do as we choose.

    I know that one day we will all come to realise that we are the only species drinking the milk of another animal. You never get a goat drinking the milk of a lion, so why is it that we humans do and we call ourselves the most intelligent species on this planet?

    Unless we start to question things, chances are we will remain stuck and no doubt this will delay our evolution.

  27. Consumer.heaalthday.com – 11th June 2020

    Milk Chocolate, Dairy and Fatty Foods Tied to Acne in Adults

    The study of more than 24,000 French adults found that sweet and greasy fare – especially milk chocolate, sweetened drinks, dairy products and sugary or fatty foods – all appeared to raise the odds for zits.

    The dermatologist that led the study said that the new findings “appear to support the hypothesis that the Western diet (rich in animal products and fatty and sugary foods) is associated with the presence of acne in adulthood”.

    A US dermatologist that read the study wasn’t surprised. She said: “This new study confirms what I have always believed, that proper nutrition is an important component of acne treatment.”

    The likely culprit? Foods’ effects on hormones, she said.

    “One of the reasons that this high ‘glycemic diet – high in sugar – causes acne, is that it changes the normal dynamic of one’s hormones. These high-sugar diets can cause a rise in insulin levels and this affects other hormones, which lead to the development of acne.”

    She added: “there are also ongoing studies looking into the hormones that cows are fed in their feed, which may also have an effect on the development of acne.”

    The new study focused on acne in adults and not on people younger than 18, in which they kept food diaries for a period of two weeks.
    They also recorded any incidence of an acne outbreak.

    The result showed that certain foods – dairy, fatty and sugary fare – emerged as potential acne triggers.

    Quantity mattered. For example, having one glass of milk per day bumped up the odds of an outbreak by 12%, and a glass of sugary drink raised it by 18%.

    But drink five glasses of either milk or a sugary drink a day and your odds of developing acne rose by more than twofold or 76%, respectively.

    Fatty foods also boosted the odds by 54% and a complete meal of fatty and sugary products upped the odds more than eightfold.

    Intake of milk chocolate also tied to acne risk, bumping up the odds for an outbreak by 28%.

    The dermatologist noted that, for many, acne isn’t just a cosmetic nuisance. She said: “Acne patients suffer from low self-esteem and depression, and many go on to have physical scars, which they carry on their face for a lifetime. In fact, acne is an extremely important and emotional issue that frequently gets neglected. More studies need to be done but it is so important to investigate the role of diet, nutrition and chemicals, and their effect on blood hormonal levels and our health in general.”

    Are we so surprised at reports like this?

    Do we actually need reports like this?

    Doesn’t it stand to reason that if we drink the milk of another animal, there are going to be some consequences?

    In the case of expert nutritionists, health officials and the medical world, is it possible that common sense would come into the equation when deciding that cow’s milk is not going to be good for us?

    We have a baby calf that weighs between 60-85 lbs (27-38 kg).

    The calf will then grow in to a fully mature cow or bull weighing around 1210 lbs (550 kg) for a female cow or 1870 lbs (850 kg) for a bull.

    The milk required to get a calf to this weight will require the necessary hormones – hormones that we, humans, are ingesting.

    Is it possible that our bodies are not designed to process these hormones from another animal?

    Although a cow has only one stomach, it is broken down into four compartments:

    ‘The cow has four stomachs and undergoes a special digestive process to break down the tough and coarse food it eats. When the cow first eats, it chews the food just enough to swallow it. The unchewed food travels to the first two stomachs, the rumen and the reticulum, where it is stored until later. When the cow is full from this eating process, she rests. Later, the cow coughs up bits of the unchewed food called cud and chews it completely this time before swallowing it again. The cud then goes to the third and fourth stomachs, the omasum and abomasum, where it is fully digested. Some of this digested food enters the bloodstream and travels to a bag called the udder, where it is made into milk that will come out of her teats, while the rest goes towards the cow’s nourishment.’

    Our one stomach cannot process grass like this, so whatever processes are used for the cow, we are drinking the end result.

    When we observe cows we could say that their movements are quite sedentary. They spend most of their day grazing, laying down or waiting to be milked.

    Obviously, apart from being milked, is it possible that our lives are not too dissimilar to cows?

    Are we becoming what we eat?

  28. Metro News – 15 May 2024

    1 in 5 Generation Z believes most people will see drinking or eating dairy products as ‘weird’ within a decade.

    4 in 10 adults of all ages think the consumption of cow’s milk and butter will have declined or stopped entirely in 10 years’ time, according to the study into everyday habits by Flora.

  29. Eurostat – 18 November 2024


    EU farms produced 160.0 MILLION tonnes of raw milk in 2023.

    This is an INCREASE of 0.8 MILLION tonnes from the previous year and a RISE of 15.8 MILLION tonnes compared with 2013.

    149.3 MILLION tonnes of raw milk produced in 2023 was delivered to dairies and used to produce fresh and manufactured dairy products.

    Dairies produced 22 MILLION tonnes of drinking milk
    7.8 MILLION tonnes of acidified milk products like yoghurt

    The majority of the milk was used for cheese and butter production
    58.2 MILLION tonnes of whole milk and 17.4 MILLION tonnes of skimmed milk were used to produce 10.6 MILLION tonnes of cheese.

    45.4 MILLION tonnes of whole milk were used to produce 2.3 MILLION tonnes of butter.

    Germany was the largest producer of drinking milk in the EU, accounting for 19% of the total production.
    It was also the top producer of acidified milk products –
    27% milk
    20% butter
    22% cheese

    France was the second largest producer.

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