Dear World
Is this question worth asking – are we being fooled?
What exactly does it mean to be fooled?
Are we aware of where we might be being fooled?
Are we willing to at least consider we might be fooled?
What is it about us that allows being fooled to be ok?
Does it suit our lifestyle to be fooled everyday?
Do we care that we may just be fooled about many things?
Are we concerned that being fooled is big bucks for others?
Are we ready to look at some areas of life, that this blog is presenting that may confirm we are being fooled?
Who is having the last laugh at our expense?
How is being fooled affecting our true health and well-being?
What is the dictionary telling us about this word?
What is Google spelling out to us about the word fooled?
Trick or deceive (someone); dupe.
Act in a joking, frivolous, or teasing way.
Google (1)
A person who behaves in a silly way without thinking.
Cambridge Dictionary (2)
Fool is used to describe an action or person that is not at all sensible and shows a lack of good judgement.
Collins English Dictionary – COBUILD
A person who is made to appear ridiculous.
To act or play (with) irresponsibly or aimlessly.
To squander; fritter.
Collins English Dictionary – British
A person with little or no judgement, common sense, wisdom, etc;
Silly or stupid person; simpleton.
Collins English Dictionary – American (3)
a weak-minded or idiotic person.
To jest; pretend; make believe. (4)
a person who enjoys something very much.
to speak or act in a way that is not serious.
to spend time in an aimless way.
to play with or handle something carelessly.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (5)
History for Fool
In Latin, the word follis meant ‘bag’.
In the late stage of Latin that developed into French, follis also took on the meaning ‘person without sense,’ whose head seemed, like a bag, to be full of nothing but air.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (5)
Fool – a person who acts unwisely.
A person who is duped or imposed upon.
Jester or clown
Trick, deceive or dupe.
Act in a joking or frivolous way.
Foolish or silly.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary (6)
Are we confused now with all these different variations about the word Fool?
Are we being duped or deceived here?
Are we being tricked with these words that are not making simple sense?
Are we make-believing or pretending in anyway?
Are we weak and irresponsible when it comes to reading words?
Is our mind being fooled around with, as there are so many different meanings?
Have we lost our common sense and good judgement with all these other words telling us it means one word?
Are we being fooled by the very word itself as we cannot agree on it?
WHY do we have so many different meanings for one word?
Is this a clear sign that we are being fooled when it comes to words?
Is this an indication that we as a world, are not united when it comes to words?
Could we agree that in this world today, we have lots of meanings for one word and this in itself is telling us something is not right?
How can we ever agree and unite on something, if we all have different versions of what it is we are saying because the word itself has so many different meanings?
Is this a sign why things in our world don’t add up and we are in such a mess?
Are we ready to explore this being fooled stuff by asking questions?
Dear World
Are we being fooled when we see things that make us want it now?
Are we being fooled because we keep seeking more and more from the outside world to keep going?
Are we being fooled by the supermarket strategies that just want us to spend more than we need to?
Are we being fooled with our daily cereal packets which we all know are full of sugar?
Are we being fooled when we have giant sweet shops in shopping malls ready to keep us and our kids entertained?
Are we being fooled when we grab the bargains in a frenzy to save some bucks?
Are we being fooled when research is funded by an industry that is not going to expose itself?
Are we being fooled because our world does not rely on independent research that is not biased in anyway?
Are we being fooled when we think we can drink Responsibly, a scientifically proven poison, called Alcohol?
Are we being fooled because we just keep waiting for more research studies instead of using our common sense?
Are we being fooled when our pharmacy sells Ibuprofen for babies aged 3 months?
Are we being fooled with the drug store having paracetamols for toddlers and young children at the counter?
Are we being fooled by social media as we seem to think it is just a playground?
Are we being fooled by the dark web world that exists and is big business?
Are we being fooled when we follow the latest Diet that is promising us a drop in dress size in one weekend?
Are we being fooled when our shops sell us a small dress size that is not really that size but it makes us feel better?
Are we being fooled when we read a No Sugar label on diet products but they are replaced with chemicals that replicate the effects of sugar?
Are we being fooled with all the varieties of weight loss products that tell us they are going to work?
Are we being fooled with all the vitamins, minerals and supplements that are going to help us, so we do not have to make any changes?
Are we being fooled with all the medications we take thinking they are the answer to our ills and we can carry on doing what we keep doing, with no changes?
Are we being fooled with substitutes for dairy free and gluten free, just so we can still eat the stuff?
Are we being fooled with super expensive face creams that contain the magic ingredient to make us youthful?
Are we being fooled with all the concealers now available to cover our dark under eye circles?
Are we being fooled when we buy all the gadgets and gimmicks that are supposedly going to take away our stress and anxiety?
Are we being fooled with the latest vaping gadget which claims to stop us smoking cigarettes?
Are we being fooled by the Tobacco industry after knowing for 150 years that it is killing the human frame?
Are we being fooled when we read something that suits us like Marijuana is ok for recreational use, when we know it is a mind altering dangerous drug?
Are we being fooled by the sounds we take in daily like the music we choose?
Are we being fooled by some movies we choose to watch that then play havoc on our mind?
Are we being fooled when we read books that entrench us further into negative thinking that we can feel are harmfull?
Are we being fooled by the tiny small print that we are required to sign on documents before we can go any further?
Are we being fooled as we seem to rely on old text, that is way out of date in the name of Justice?
Are we being fooled in any way, by those we regard as academic and who know more than we do about a subject?
Are we being fooled by listening to those we think are in positions of power as ‘they know best’?
Are we being fooled when we follow the latest celebrity lifestyle but we only know bits of their life that the media tell us and we don’t really know them at all?
Are we being fooled when we keep Listening to Other People who somehow make Lying look normal?
Are we being fooled when we subscribe to a belief that has been passed down to us from our parents?
Are we being fooled when someone we know is ill and we stop living our life to be in sympathy with them?
Are we being fooled when we run around others because they have become victims in life?
Are we being fooled when it comes to our government policies and strategies?
Are we being fooled by legislation that can be totally different in another country?
Are we being fooled by our current systems in this world, that seem to lack the word RESPONSIBILITY?
Are we being fooled in job interviews when we KNOW the job has already been given to someone on the inside but they have to go through the process, like they are advertising?
Are we being fooled by the news headlines that somehow miss out on important news in other areas of our world?
Are we being fooled by all the days in our calendar that aim to make us send cards for every occasion we can think of?
Are we being fooled by these World days that seems to not really make any difference as things are getting worse?
Are we being fooled about the current state of the world?
Are we being fooled about the ill going on in our world today?
Are we being fooled when it comes to corruption in our world?
Are we being fooled with out of date statistics that may not be telling us the WHOLE TRUTH of what is really going on?
Are we being fooled simply because we as a world have not yet reached a ONE-UNIFIED TRUTH when it comes to the meaning of words?
Are we being fooled as we have not yet united when it comes to the word Religion?
Are we being fooled when drugs like Caffeine remains a legal substance?
Are we being fooled when sugar is not recognised as a drug?
Are we being fooled when our Fast Food giants are becoming a trillion-dollar industry?
Are we being fooled when our $80,800,000,000 sleep aids market has no signs of getting to the root cause of our Global Sleep Epidemic?
Are we being fooled because we have not made TRUTH our Priority?
Are we being fooled because we simply cannot see if there Is Another Way?
Are we being fooled when it comes to eating foods that truly support our body?
Are we being fooled when the medics have no answers for Cold Hands but common sense does?
Are we being fooled with the Heartburn pills that are just a band aid?
Are we being fooled because we do not keep asking Questions?
Are we being fooled when it comes to Chocolate because it suits us?
Are we being fooled but we cannot admit that we have Lost the Plot?
Are we being fooled because we have not got Real and Honest?
Are we being fooled with the latest gadgets because we do not want life Simple?
Are we being fooled with how we educate our kids without true Expression?
Are we being fooled when they say there is no cure for Chronic Fatigue?
Are we being fooled thinking Gossip, Judgement and Cursing doesn’t affect us?
Are we being fooled by the credit card world to continue living our Champagne Lifestyle with Lemonade Money?
Are we being fooled because we have made Lying Normal in our life?
Are we being fooled because Slavery, now called Trafficking in Persons is still going on and is even worse than the old days?
Are we being fooled when it comes to War because we don’t know half of what is going on in our world, like the drug wars?
Are we being fooled in the name of Sport, when there is scientific evidence about the harm to our players?
Are we being fooled when it comes to our Youth and what they are getting up to?
Are we being fooled by the drug Amphetamine and the long-term dangers for those choosing to take this in life?
Are we being fooled or even stunned by doctors committing Suicide and why is this on the rise in every country?
Are we being fooled by our need to hold on and not Let Go, Let Go?
Are we being fooled because we have the tendency to Sit on the Fence and Do Nothing when we know we need to Do Something?
Are we being fooled in our minds and is it worth considering that this may lead to ill Mental Health?
Are we being fooled because we do not choose to live a See Through Life?
Are we being fooled by Internet trolls out there who prey on us because we cannot discern?
Are we being fooled by all the Dodgy Emails that could be stopped if we took action?
Are we being fooled with Video Gaming – the latest electronic sports which is addictive?
Are we being fooled by our check out mode when it comes to TV watching?
Are we being fooled by a false heart full of emotions that stops us connecting to our real Heart deep inside us?
Are we being fooled because we are not aware that our lifestyle choices play a big part in Diabetes?
Are we being fooled when it comes to understanding WHY Kidney Disease is on the rise and what we could actually do about it through daily lifestyle choices?
Are we being fooled because we keep chasing this Perfect Life that is an image in our mind?
Are we being fooled with our Living in the Fast Lane lifestyle that is creating even more stress?
Are we being fooled when it comes to DECEMBER, Christmas and New Year?
Are we being fooled when it comes to the Common Cold and our need to get the latest fast remedy to get us back to life before the cold?
Are we being fooled, know it, but think we are Getting Away with It?
Are we being fooled by the what the word Intelligence1 actually is?
Are we being fooled by aligning to the current Intelligence2 in our world?
Are we being fooled because never seem to get over our Mistakes?
Are we being fooled as we are living in such an Illusion with Social Media?
Are we being fooled with modern day syndromes, like Just Incase Syndrome?
Are we being fooled with most of us choosing to live a Double Life?
Are we being fooled by our own Hot Talk which then tries to fool others?
Are we being fooled by All the Solutions, Solutions that our world keeps coming up with for answers to our problems?
Are we being fooled by our own Vices and Secrets that play havoc daily?
Are we being fooled as we do not have enough knowledge about new drugs on our streets and prisons like Spice?
Are we being fooled because our world keeps supplying our demand for More, More More?
Are we being fooled because we are not reading websites like this?
Simple Living Global is presenting another way that empowers us to get real and be honest and start by asking questions.
(1) (n.d). Google. Retrieved December 9, 2017 from
(2) (n.d). Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved December 8, 2017 from
(3) (n.d). Collins English Dictionary. Retrieved December 8, 2017 from
(4) (n.d). Retrieved December 8, 2017 from
(5) (n.d). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved December 8, 2017 from
(6) Concise Oxford English Dictionary – Twelfth Edition. Oxford University Press. 2011
Comments 28
When we moved to California last year, I was amazed at how often I smelled marijuana smoke, it was everywhere.
On January 1, 2018 marijuana will be a legal drug in California.
Is this a good thing? Does anybody really think that legalizing marijuana will help our drug problems?
Are we being fooled because it is easier than taking responsibility for what is really going on in the world?
We are amazing intelligent beings. We have to consciously choose to not be aware, in order to ignore what this website is presenting, because it is happening all around us.
Do we shy away from truth that we see, because it makes us uncomfortable?
How uncomfortable do we need to get before we wake up?
Just reading some notes I made which were about me saying how I got fooled by the Christmas Day Syndrome.
I was so into this one day that I got swept away with the whole illusion. I call it this because for me that is what it was.
What a fool I was writing over 300 cards which were gold and glitzy and big. That way they would stand out from the rest, as my need to get noticed and recognised by people I had no time for all year was important. What a load of twaddle is what I say now.
What is interesting is the classic lie I put in each card “lets meet up in the New Year”. Well that never happened so I was fooling them and myself and it got really boring.
Good news is all that is in the past and I am no fool now.
In fact, I would say that I do my best to discern what I know is truth and what is not.
No longer does anything in this world of ours impress me, but there are people who inspire me and that is what matters, as they live a life with integrity and responsibility that speaks volumes to me.
Being fooled is what none of us want, but how many of us are being played with on a daily basis. This is well worth considering.
So I’m reading this ‘Are We Being Fooled?’ article and I’m thinking:
– are we wanting to be fooled?
No one likes to be taken for a fool, and yet it feels like, in many ways, we are quite happy with the wool-pulled-over-our-eyes status quo.
But what if we burst that bubble and have a good look for the truth?
I suspect we won’t like what we see, but if we look, we at least have a fresh chance to decide how to move forward – fooled or free.
Great questions posed in this blog. I love the question about common sense, as many things in life simply do not make sense, yet we go with them as the seem ‘normal’ – but who decides what is ‘normal’ – just because the masses do something it does not mean it is true, or makes sense.
In recent years I have become more curious about life once again, having spent many decades numbed and not really looking at what was going on around me. Nowadays when I am out in the world, or reading something on the internet I use my ‘commonsenseometer’ to check in – does this make sense? is this really going on? why is it this way? does it have to be this way? what is the choice here?
Does it make any sense that the U.S. government is supporting farmers that grow tobacco?
Tobacco is costing the government billions in medicare and medicaid payment.
How do things like this happen?
I also observe in the press and social media that some days alcohol is said to be good for us, other days it is said it is not good for us, some days coffee is said to be good for us, other days it is said it is not good for us, some times dairy is said to be good for us, other reports say dairy is not good for us.
How many contradictory and confusing bits of information and news are there out there that just don’t make sense?
Is it possible that we actually choose one piece of news or social media report over another to suit our own lifestyle e.g. so we can justify why we do what we do?
I like the ‘stop’ moment this blog offers – in that we may be being fooled by something e.g. by the sugar industry that promotes sugar is good for you, or the dairy industry that promotes that dairy is the only way to get calcium – but deep down we actually already know that certain foods or lifestyle choices affect our body. So is it that we are being fooled? when we are choosing to fool ourselves? If we choose to be open, and honest, and aware – no food industry or otherwise can fool us.
I am noticing how I can believe something, just because I saw it on the internet. Why do I tend to believe something just because somebody wrote it down?
How does the media get away with saying basically anything they want these days?
A new diet or drug is advertised, and people are ready to jump right in. No questions asked.
The media can do what it wants, because we read and believe it. We determine what is printed.
It comes down to us, the public, believing and sometimes acting on what we read, with out any discernment.
It is our responsibility to not give our power away to anyone. We have an inborn intelligence to know what is true, and we are being foolish to give it away.
This is true for me too, Ken.
Perhaps we will come to thank fake news eventually, as it will precipitate the end of us giving our power away to the media.
I have noticed an awareness in myself these days, of needing to tune up my discernment to the max. Discernment with everything – with what I read online and whatever else I hear and experience.
‘Resilience’ is a buzz word in parenting and education circles at the moment – the focus is on helping kids build resilience for what they will face in the future.
Helping kids build and hone their ‘discernment’ would be a much wiser focus.
I realise that I used to feel uncomfortable when things were said and they didn’t make sense – but I didn’t really honour that feeling in the past.
Nowadays sometimes when people are speaking or I am reading articles I have a ‘marker’ or sensitivity when I can’t actually understand what is being said or written. That indicator often tells me that there is a lack of transparency, or something is being hidden and not disclosed. We all have that ‘marker’ in our body and the more we choose to discern and be aware the more we can discern whether what is being said or presented is true or not.
This I am learning is the counter to ‘being fooled’.
If we do not question what is being said, it is easy to be fooled.
Every word has a true meaning, words were developed in order to convey a concept that already existed.
When we hear or read something, and it does not make sense, even if the words seem to work, maybe it is because the words are being used in a way that does not reflect there true meaning, and we can feel it.
We can only be fooled if we allow ourselves to ignore the truth that we can always feel.
I am a radar for manipulative advertising. I am always pointing this out to my family.
Mascara adverts with an asterisk at the bottom telling you the model is wearing false eye-lashes.
Skin cream ads with perfect, air-brushed faces.
Claims such as ‘seems as if you have stopped the ageing process’ – ‘seems as if’ but of course not actually.
It’s all just one big game and we know it.
And yet there are rules – get too blatant and the advertising standards regulator will stop you. Keep it subtle, and we can all keep up the charade.
Yes JS, I feel advertisements and marketing are getting to be just a way to fool consumers. It is like anything goes as long as you sell the product.
If you really read most ads you can see that what they are presenting is not at all what you first thought. They have become an incredible way of getting you to want something that they are selling even if you do not want it.
Why is this happening?
Because it works. We are falling for the ads. They would not advertise like that if it did not make them money.
Great time of year to be asking this question – are we being fooled?:
* Christmas and New Year – we can go wild in what we eat, drink, for instance, thinking it won’t matter, yet there is a cumulative effect. And for the UK its just before the coldest part of the winter when our body needs extra care and attention – so if we think we get away with it we don’t, it leaves our body down just when it needs the most care.
*New Years resolutions – as of 1st January – we put our ‘wish list’ together of what we want to change, which can be done in the energy of regret, or shame for how we have been the last year, or in the energy of wanting to fix e.g. lose any weight we put on over the Christmas period. We see on TV/social media lots of ‘get fit for summer’ or ‘lose weight for a bikini holiday’ promises if we do this or that. But are we really honest with ourselves about what our body actually needs?
A super great time to ask ourselves the question ‘are we being fooled?’ and to invite our body to discern what is true or not for us in the coming weeks, and months to follow.
Am I being fooled when I feel I am hungry, but I just ate and my stomach is full?
Yes, I have been fooled many times in my life, doing things that make no sense but I do them anyways thinking I can get away with it.
So how can I do things that make no sense?
Can my brain make me do things that are not good for me?
Yes, I think everybody would agree that the brain can fool the body into doing stupid things.
So that means that the brain and the body are sort of two separate things.
Maybe it is time to start listening to the body, since the world we have created with our brains is not working very well.
We are so used to being fooled, we just take it for granted.
And thats how things get crazy, when we just settle and go along with it.
It is like we have to fool ourselves because if we felt the truth that we are responsible for all the insanity in the world, it would be too much.
So, start small, take control of our own lives, live and demand truth and no more foolishness.
Daily Mail – 30 December 2017
This news story is telling us that Travel firms are fooling people into paying hundreds of pounds over the odds for holidays.
An investigation by Which? Travel has found that companies use fake ‘hurry deals’ to pressure people into making bookings. Some may be breaking the law with adverts portraying a deal as a time-limited bargain when it is not.
Which? have reported its findings to Trading Standards and the Advertising Standards Authority.
Academics from University College London have found that the psychological tricks used by travel websites to sell expensive hotels, flights and insurance do have an effect.
“The marketing tricks tap into ‘social proofing’ which is effectively taking advantage of people’s herd mentality.
Copying the herd helps us make quick decisions and can be a very sensible thing to do if we do not have time to make an independent decision under pressure. But these ways of thinking can sometimes lead us astray – or allow us to be led astray.
Consumers are bombarded with these kinds of marketing tactics every time we go on line and the study clearly shows that they work.”
Dr. Joe Gladstone
As a world we are great at pointing the finger and blaming, but could we ask some valid questions in situations like this?
WHY are marketing strategies getting away with this type of marketing in the first place?
WHY are the victims not really victims if they are making a choice, albeit under pressure?
WHY are people booking a holiday with little time and following the pack herd lot?
WHY are we falling for flags online that keep feeding our fears that we lose if we don’t buy now?
WHY do we need to follow others even though deep down we know it’s not us?
WHY do we even think that what others are saying and doing is true and will work for us?
WHY are we not living in a way that knocks out this doubting stuff and we get real and sensible with every single online and offline choice?
What if we are being fooled because we are not choosing to connect to our inner most feelings inside us, which can guide us to what we know is the Truth and not the Truth?
What if this way of marketing is only working because we keep falling for it over and over again? In other words, they supply because on some level we are demanding it.
WHY do we keep falling for this and hate the very thought of being fooled and duped yet again, because we could not discern in that moment and now it has cost us?
Would it be worth pondering on why we follow the herd and it leads us astray?
Would it be worth digging deep and asking even more questions and finding out why we have no time to make independent decisions because we are under pressure?
Would it be worth living in a way so we are not caught out or fooled?
Can this blog, this website and the hundreds of questions it keeps asking through blogs and comments, help us to be empowered, so the following and fooling stops once and for all?
I read a newspaper article recently about a well-known hotel where visitors asked for compensation when the afternoon tea was not up to scratch. One of the complaints was that the food did not taste fresh, the other was that the tea was not poured correctly. The hotel lost the case and had to pay damages to the customer.
I cannot count the number of times I have had high expectations of famous people and places and they fall short. However the more that I live what I know is true, it is becoming more obvious what is not true and of high standards and so it is easier to not engage with it – no matter what they are offering.
Are we being fooled into expecting that because a place has a certain name and has being doing something for years that it will be of the highest quality?
Do we have a need to be blind to the truth and what is in front of our eyes, so as a result it is easy to be fooled?
In this particular case I found it quite shocking that the matter went to court and damages were paid. This is such a waste of time, energy and money, including the fact that CCTV footage had to be reviewed to see how things were done on the day and whether it was up to standard.
The fact that this is also in a newspaper makes me wonder whether our need for sensationalism is also a need that is being fulfilled by us choosing to be fooled?
If we were more discerning of the truth would this story make news headlines?
Are we being fooled?
This is a great question Simple Living Global and one that I am sure most people will deny.
We are at the mercy of the news articles we read, what the politicians say, what the manufacturers say, what those in authority say and whether they are true or not.
Pick a topic and we will find articles that promote it and articles that refute it. From fake news, the lack of hospital beds, the shortage of NHS staff, alcohol, sugar, dairy, wheat, caffeine, the state of the environment, the state of the economy, politics, sport, crime levels, marijuana, even whether the earth is flat or round. Any topic is open to someone’s perception.
Its not to say that all journalists are trying to fool and deceive us but they, like us, are human too and they will see things the way they want to see them just like we will see things the way we want to see them.
I know I used to be influenced and had my opinion informed by what I read in the newspapers or what I had seen or heard on the TV or radio.
So how do we know if something is true or not?
The only way we can know for sure is through a lived experience.
For example: I used to drink alcohol, fizzy sweetened drinks, caffeinated drinks, and eat many foods that were harmful to me because they were laden with sugar, salt and fat.
Since having an awareness, through the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine, of how these foods affected me, I then started to reduce my intake of these products.
Having had these products and then coming off them gives me that lived experience and with that I know what the truth is and then I can make better, informed decisions.
For those topics that we will never have a lived experience of and will never know if they are true or not, is it possible that we can still discern whether something is true or not, or at the very least, start to question things instead of blindly accepting what is being presented?
Is it possible that we want to be fooled?
Is it possible that if we started to take more notice and question things we would then have to start doing things about it?
Is it possible that by doing things about it, that would mean we would have to get out of our comfort zone?
Is it possible that by getting out of our comfort zone, we will have to change?
So, Are we being Fooled?
Simple answer to this question is – without doubt – YES…but is it possible that we are only being fooled if we choose to be fooled?
What you say here, Tim, about lived experience is so true.
We can experiment ourselves with different choices and see how they make us feel. None will be able to argue with us about the results, because we will have felt and experienced them for ourselves.
There are many people around me experimenting with food. Having a look at dairy and gluten consumption, alcohol, coffee, sugar and meat in particular. They share the impact it has on their body and, listening to them, it is clear it is a science experiment, where they are the scientist and the subject is themselves.
You talk about change and getting out of our comfort zone and I really feel that.
It takes commitment to stop eating your favourite or go-to foods. It is easier to just carry on. But the body speaks. For some, more loudly than others.
And once it has spoken, there is no being fooled any more.
iPaper – 13 February 2018
£41 million to online fraudsters in 2017.
A study by a new task force set up to tackle the issue found that British people were being duped by romance fraud.
Fraudsters create fake online profile on dating sites and enter into a ‘relationship’ with the victim – 83% were women.
43% said it had a ‘significant’ impact on their health or wellbeing.
18% were at risk of bankruptcy or had received medical treatment as a result of romance fraud.
Police believe the true figure could be much higher as many romance frauds may go unreported due to embarrassment on the part of the victim.
We could all agree that it is probably a lot worse and as the police are saying some would not come forward as they know they have been fooled.
Before we jump on the bandwagon and feel sorry for all these innocent victims – is there something we all need to do in order to stop this?
Could it be possible there is a market here of demand and supply and we tend to go into the good and the bad people but is there more to consider?
What is it about us that makes choices that lead to this?
What if we stopped online dating as it never existed back in the old days?
What if we learned how to discern, so we are never going to get fooled?
What if it is possible not to get duped but it does mean making changes?
What if there is a personal responsibility that we all need to look at before we go blaming others?
What if we need to end this demand so there will be no supply from fraudsters who have the business because we are asking for it?
What if we started to examine what our needs are and why we feel we want this type of service in the first place?
We tend to have a habit of blaming but what if we need to take Responsibility and look at the choices we are making and see how we got to the end result of those choices?
Could this be the simple start of ending being fooled once and for all?
I was talking to someone in politics this week.
Politics is known to be ruthless, but hearing about how self serving it is was pretty depressing.
The level of ambition for power and notoriety is apparently through the roof. Relationships are built on hidden agendas and not on human connection or the issues to address for the country. At the various political events, it is all about talking to people who can help you get ahead and dismissing all others, and this is in no way hidden.
Hearing about this has made me want to take a deeper interest in politics. How can we effect true change without first looking at the quality from which our activity is coming?
To my simple mind, politics is about decisions for the all, not for the few.
If we are living selfishly, how can we expect our political decisions and policies to be anything but laced with that?
Citizen Journalism today – 16 May 2018
I was in the car and bus in front had a big advert about baby vitamins.
My first question was how come we never needed vitamins for our babies in the past?
I then realised we are without a doubt from Divine Design as no intelligence that we know of has yet worked out how we get from a tiny cell to a full baby in 9 months.
So what if everything that baby needs is in breast milk for those who choose the natural way or in the super advanced alternatives now available?
What if that is what our babies need and nothing more at the start of life?
What if we are doubting our innate ability to know what is best for our baby with ads like this promoting well-being?
My husband said he feels the brands are big into these vitamins and minerals for adults, elderly and teenagers and a market was there for babies.
They took advantage as profits are the name of the game, if we are going to be Absolutely Honest.
The thing is they would not sell if we said no thanks.
It all sells because we never question it and blindly go with it as if our baby needs vitamins because we take them.
Have we STOPPED – TRULY STOPPED and looked at our lifestyle choices and how we are living everyday before we subscribe to anything?
Could it be possible that we think that our baby needs this and that but it may not be the Truth?
Has anyone stopped to ask the question – ARE WE BEING FOOLED?
At the office where I work there is a lot of free food.
I noticed yesterday a new breakfast cereal has arrived. On first glance, it looks like a granola type cereal with the apprearance of healthiness. On closer inspection it has pieces of dark chocolate in it.
It strikes me as a great example of are we being fooled.
A cereal that looks healthy with oats and nuts, but that is coated in sugar. And sticks of dark chocolate that look a bit like raisins but that double the stimulation and the comfort.
Suffice to say this new cereal is being eaten morning, noon and night as a snack, not just for breakfast.
My husband was telling me how rife it is that celebrities buy followers on social media.
Having a big following means big business these days, because you can capitalise on that following by advertising to them.
Followers soak up all the celeb’s moves – the sunglasses they wear, the car they drive, clothes, what and where they eat and drink. The list goes on.
So if you want to make money, you need a following. Then brands and companies will want to pay you to wear their clothes and post photos online. Or post about staying at their hotel or driving their car.
Companies pay good money for you to do this if you have a big following.
It is seen to be an very effective form of advertising if we all think you authentically chose that car or those sunglasses, not that you were paid to like or model them.
So you need a big following.
And what do you do if you don’t have one? Buy one.
There are companies out there who will bring you a ready made following.
Those follower accounts can be real people or ghost accounts and bots.
So when we see a celeb with thousands of followers, how much of that is true?
Can we trust this marker of reputation – the wisdom on the crowd, or not?
Are we in fact being fooled?
It sounds like the cracks might be starting to appear.
Apparently there are lists now, of people who buy their following. And some of those people getting ditched by brands who were sponsoring them.
They don’t want to be associated with the optics of fake followers.
This to me re-highlights the need to be vigilant and discerning in this world.
And it is also a reminder that Truth seems always to be the last one standing.
A big weekend national newspaper reaches the masses so the marketing is strategically there to get the audience.
I see a very famous fast food outlet advertising meals under 600 calories. Not so long ago it was vegan to get that group of customers and before that it was a theme every month of different sauces to go with their classic burgers.
You see the bun with some green leaves and a fillet of chicken next to a small salad box.
Next to that you have a zero sugar soda from one of our most famous soda companies, with their trademark on the cup and ice oozing out at the top.
Is calories the only thing we need to look at here or do we need to ask some sensible questions?
Can we start with – what chemicals need to go into our favourite soda to make it taste as sweet and sugary as we are used to, but the label tells us it is zero sugar?
What are the side effects of these chemicals – do we have independent research?
Can we check in with notable and reliable nutritionists and get their take on this?
Could it be possible that our body responds exactly the same to a zero sugar soda as if it was the same as normal soda?
Could it be possible that those of us who love our soda will skip the tiny salad box or even throw it out, as salad and soda was never our combo style?
Could it be possible that whilst we like the thought of not consuming too many calories, once we order and eat we just don’t feel full, so we go back and get the usual burger and fries but conveniently forget it’s in addition to the 600 calorie meal we just had.
Is it time dear world to ask some serious questions if we do feel we are being fooled?
Are we, the consumers demanding this and then the suppliers are already on the front foot giving us what they know we want?
But do we ever stop and ask WHY and HOW it has got to this point?
By eating junk foods, which many of us know by now are highly addictive because of the perfect combination of salt, sugar and fat – are we avoiding something?
Are we filling up a void inside us?
Is something missing?
What if we are so much more than what we have been told we are and what we miss is who we truly are and we have some steps to take to get there?
What if these ads entice and hook us, but regardless we do still have the choice to subscribe and align to this or not?
Once upon a time a few decades ago, soda was a daily medicine for me and with it came all the junk foods. What changed was sorting our my sleep and knocking out the lifestyle choices that simply were killing me.
Today, at the age of 58 the fancy machine at the local community gym tells me my body age is 42 and every thing tested flagged up as green. There was no amber or red and they guy said the majority have the age well over their real age and I was rare.
Well the truth is I am not special. Just someone who has learned some valuable common sense stuff which came from listening to the presentations of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.
This man has helped me beyond words to learn how to discern everything and everyone including him to ensure I am never fooled again.
Of course, I am human and so there are times I might get fooled, but this is now very very rare indeed. Fact.
I was discussing with a friend about what gets put on the Internet and how information can be mis-leading the reader.
A great example is hearing about those who champion milk chocolate.
Recently we had a milk chocolate day and social media were all over it.
Firstly, I would like to know who on earth comes up with these national or global days?
What is the purpose ,if we all know it is not really supporting us as a species to evolve?
Reading this “Milk chocolate gives you stamina because it stimulates your brain and emotions. Milk chocolate gives our bodies the fat we need in our daily diet”.
We really must not be fooled by what we read but the truth is, many are and that is because we like to go seeking for stuff out there that suits our comfort lifestyle. So in this case we love the dairy and the comfort that brings and we love the sugar (which most of us do know is a legal toxic substance that is highly addictive) as it gives us the instant hit and when we drop we go for more of the same.
Common sense would tell us that any true health practitioner would never endorse milk chocolate as a way to get our daily diet fat. There are plenty of other foods that would give our body what we need, without ever having to eat milk chocolate.
Next – what stamina are they talking about and is stimulating our brain and emotions something we really need to support our health and well-being?
We ought to learn that what we read may not have an ounce of truth in it and developing the ability to discern what is truth and what is not is worth practicing. If in doubt – ask common sense and we might just get back on track.
Metro News – 13 November 2020
Britain now has thee most expensive rib eye steaks – 9oz for £120.
They are from beer drinking cattle raised in Japan.
As the title of this blog says – Are we being fooled?
Do we need to question this further or are we going to find out where we can get some from and try it out so that we have something to say on social media?
For the record Britain is known for steaks that come from their own cattle, so why do we need to try something that is coming by air freight and how do we know that these cattle are drinking beer? Who comes up with these new ways to entice, enchant and hook us into buying something ‘different’ but without thinking it through?
Besides the excess cost we could question with our common sense hat on –
Are cattle naturally going to find beer or are they best left to nature to find what they need to grow and mature and become the steaks we eat one day?
As humans we seem to have lost the plot in so many ways and it would be a wise move to read our blog on this website called “Have we Lost the Plot”. Then move to reading all the comments posted to get a taste of all the crazy crazy things we are getting up to.
Back to beer drinking cattle. Are more of us going to jump on the bandwagon and so we will hear that it has become a hit during the festive season to land a rib eye steak that may have traces of alcohol because the cattle were drinking beer?
Suppliers exist because they have us – the masses making demands that make no sense.
It is like we are being fooled. On some level we do know that but we get caught up in the hype, the frenzy of something new and different, which can of course make us have our moment of recognition on social media.
We may say no thank you to beer drinking cattle steak but then digress into something just as non-sensical like the £50 goblet of coffee or the £5,000 easter egg, or we may let the billionaires fulfill their appetites as they have all the money and more to spend on whatever they want because they can. On that note a blog worth reading called “Because We Can”.
The point of this comment is back to the title – Are we being fooled?
If no – then try it out and empty your wallet on a £120 steak and feel the beer.
If yes – then wisen up and ask how have we got to this point of being fooled?