Dear World
Have we heard of World Kidney Day?
What is this all about?
Are we interested in our kidneys?
Do we know how our kidneys actually work?
Do we know anything really about our kidneys?
Do we know what Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is?
World Kidney Day is a global awareness campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys. (1)
This World Kidney Day has been going since 2006. Each campaign has a different theme –
2006 Are your kidneys ok?
2007 CKD: Common, harmful and treatable
2008 Your amazing kidneys
2009 Protect your kidneys: Keep your Pressure down
2010 Protect your kidneys: Control Diabetes
2011 Protect your kidneys: Save your Heart
2012 Donate – Kidneys for Life – Receive
2013 Kidneys for Life – Stop Kidney Attack!
2014 Chronic Kidney Disease and Ageing
2015 Kidney Health for All
2016 Kidney Disease & Children – Act Early to Prevent It!
2017 Kidney Disease and Obesity. Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys
So here we are 12 years down the road and we are not able to get to the root cause of WHY we have kidney problems. Are we able to join the dots here and make some simple sense?
2006 – Are your Kidneys OK?
Over a decade ago we started a World Awareness Day about our kidneys, which was asking us all to check in to see if they are “OK”.
What does OK mean to us?
Do we all have the same meaning for OK?
What is the definition of OK?
Google tells us OK is used to express agreement or acceptance.
Are we all in the same agreement here?
Do we actually know what expression is?
Do we think expression is just about talking?
Do we understand that Expression is Everything?
Could it be possible that our kidneys shut down if we are not truly expressing?
Are we OK if our kidneys are affected because we are not in agreement with something?
Are we OK if our kidneys are disturbed because we accept something that is not the truth?
Are we OK if our kidneys are suffering because we are not looking after our body?
Is OK for us the fact we do not have Chronic Kidney Disease?
Is OK for us because we don’t need kidney dialysis?
Is OK for us a confirmation as we don’t have kidney cancer?
Back to the question in the World Kidney Day theme 2006 – Are your kidneys OK?
Could it be possible that back then the world was being asked to check in to see if their kidneys were OK?
Also in 2006 a book called ‘The Way It Is’ talked about the imbalance we have in our body, which comes from breathing in motion and breathing out motion, with no stillness in the equation.
Was the author back then presenting some answers?
What is the stillness that we don’t seem to know much about?
Is it because our life is so full of motion there is no space for stillness?
Check this bit out from this book, which may make some sense.
We breathe in the energy of Motion and exhale in the energy of Motion. This creates constant motion in our body, both physically and physiologically. Our physiology does not truly shut down at night and therefore, sleep becomes a physical rest and not a true reconstitutional period of healing and re-balancing.
This simply means that we constantly breathe in Motion and breathe out Motion and therefore, there is no Stillness in the equation. It is no wonder that we have depleted kidney energy, the main contributory cause to all illness. This leads to one of the most undiagnosed current conditions, adrenal exhaustion.
Energetically, when there is adrenal exhaustion the Thyroid Gland is also overworked and thus, many thyroid conditions arise from these complications. When we have kidney energy depletion the other organs work harder to make up the shortfall in energy. This leads to sugar cravings, if the pancreas picks up the slack. Alternatively, we crave stress if the nervous system is being used for basic everyday functioning, which is normally sustained by the life-force-giving kidney energy. For those in the latter aspect, stressful situations are actually created because this stimulates the nervous system and thus you feel energised. This form of sustained living does not last and not before long, the body begins to show the imbalances.
The long-term effect of existing with depleted kidney energy leads to irreparable damage. It is very difficult and stressful for the medical industry to cope when the energy systems in the body breakdown because the symptoms given out are usually referred conditions, which fall into many categories and so the true cause is undiagnosed and therefore, it becomes a quest in management rather than a true cure.
Serge Benhayon, The Way It Is, p. 252 – 253 (2)
Was this man onto something back in 2006?
How come most of the world are not aware of this simple understanding?
Since this was his first book and he has not stopped writing, does he have answers to our current world problems?
Have we got any real answers about adrenal exhaustion?
Are we blinded in some way because of our own depletion?
Are our researchers living in stillness or motion?
Are these the questions we need to be asking and not just campaigning to find solutions on how to best manage our symptoms?
Is Serge Benhayon giving us a simple truth about the root cause?
So let us summarise this valuable piece of wisdom that may just support us right now.
Serge Benhayon is saying that we have energy systems and we cannot ignore that when we look at illness and disease.
He is saying that this constant motion that we seek does not seem to stop just because we go to sleep.
Is this why we crave stimulants like coffee and sugar?
We all know that caffeine and sugar are artificially keeping us going.
We all know deep down that this way of living cannot be sustained by our body and things start to go wrong and we get signs in the form of symptoms.
He talks about us craving stress – is this making sense and can some of us nod and agree?
Can we relate to how we strive and drive our body to do more and more as the stress gives us a false energising?
As the author of this blog, I can honestly say I was in this category of total exhaustion and living on sugar and carbohydrates. I know I was well on the road to Diabetes with my lifestyle choices. It was after reading this exact piece quoted, which has stayed with me since, that I made the choice to address this ‘adrenal exhaustion’ business with the support of Serge Benhayon.
So when we ask the question Are our kidneys OK? – it really depends on what OK means to us and our own definition of it.
2007 – CKD: Common, Harmful and Treatable
So what is the title alone telling us?
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is common and that means it is occurring a lot and is widespread.
It is harmful – that one says it all really.
It is treatable – we have treatment to the harm this dis-ease in our body is causing.
Can we sit back and accept things will be ok as we know it is treatable?
Is treatment actually dealing with WHY we got it in the first place?
Is having treatment enough?
We know when we read the words Chronic Kidney Disease something is seriously wrong, because it is persisting, long-term and not going away. It just keeps recurring.
Chronic Kidney Disease is when kidney function has got worse over a number of years. This can lead to End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) which requires dialysis or a kidney transplant. (3)
Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease is also known as End Stage Renal Disease. (4)
So here we have just one website with a list of over 35 titles relating to Kidney health information. From Atherosclerotic renovascular disease to stages of kidney disease.
Just the long list tells you we as a world have not nailed this kidney stuff and it is a huge global problem. (5)
Back to CKD – it can be thought of as a thief that works quietly at night, without creating any disturbance. CKD is quite often found by accident when the doctor carries out tests to investigate something else. (5)
Could it be possible that it is not quietly working but that we are simply not aware as we are dis-connected from our body most of the time?
Could it be possible that if we live in motion 90% of the time, which is what Benhayon is saying, that could make us unaware of what is going on inside our body?
Could it be possible that our overworked medical staff are unable to detect it in others, as they may be suffering from adrenal exhaustion?
Could it be possible that if we are not completely clear of our own exhaustion, it would be impossible to clearly see it in another?
In other words, we have a blind spot to detect something if the same is going on inside us.
26 million American adults have CKD and millions of others are at increased risk (6)
1 in 2 American adults aged 30 – 64 are expected to develop CKD in their lifetime (7)
Treatment of CKD is likely to exceed $48,000,000,000 per year (4)
Can we just stop and take note –
1 in 2 adults in the USA are expected to develop Chronic Kidney Disease in their lifetime.
How serious is this one single statistic?
What does it mean to us personally?
Do we care?
Are we disturbed?
Is it just a few numbers?
Are we ready to make any changes?
How are they going to deal with this?
Could $48 billion dollars a year be spent on something else?
Are we concerned that the money may run out?
Are we worried about our own future health?
Are we ok with the thought of being on kidney dialysis?
Are we aware that a machine maybe the only way to keep us alive in the future?
What is this telling us?
What is this spelling out to us?
What on earth is going on in our biggest nation?
WHY are we not asking the WHY questions?
WHY is it 1 in 2 adults?
WHY are we so unaware of the signs of CKD?
WHY are we not able to join the dots?
WHY are we not choosing to apply some common sense?
WHY are we getting high blood pressure?
WHY is our heart under so much pressure?
WHY do other organs get out of balance?
WHY is our body so exhausted?
WHY are our medical systems struggling?
WHY are our medical professionals not telling patients to take personal Responsibility for their lifestyle choices?
WHY are we thinking it is ok to get away with living however we want?
WHY are we not educated at school about Chronic Kidney Disease?
WHY are we not well informed about the choices we make and how that will affect our body?
Kidney Disease costs more than breast, lung, colon and skin cancer combined in England
NHS Kidney Care (4)
Chronic Kidney Disease affects over 3 million people (8)
There are 40,000 – 45,000 premature deaths in the UK, each year due to Chronic Kidney Disease (9)
Chronic Kidney Disease affects 1 in 10 people worldwide (4)
Every year millions of people die prematurely from complications related to CKD (4)
2015 (10)
1.2 million deaths due to CKD. An increase of 31.7% from 2005
Latin America had the highest CKD death rates in the world
Heart Disease is the major cause of death for all people with CKD
Kidney Disease increases your risk of having heart and blood vessel disease (6)
The two main causes of Chronic Kidney Disease are Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, which are responsible for up to 75% of cases (6)
So when we have high blood sugar it causes damage to many organs including our kidneys. For more details, please read our Diabetes article, which gives you a deeper understanding of this debilitating disease.
Hypertension causes CKD and CKD causes hypertension.
Hypertension means abnormally high blood pressure. (11)
Google adds – a state of great psychological stress.
So our mental and emotional state of health gives rise to high blood pressure which is the same as hypertension.
High blood pressure occurs when the pressure in our blood against the walls of our blood vessels increases. If it is not controlled then it can lead to strokes, heart attacks or chronic kidney disease.
Note also that chronic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure. (6)
Is it time once again to just stop and press the pause button.
We know that our body is not set up to take on ‘great psychological stress’ which gives rise to ‘abnormally high blood pressure’.
So if we just apply simple common sense – could it be possible that the way we are living and the choices we are making are contributing to our stress levels?
Could it be possible that these stress levels determine the pressure of our blood?
Could it be possible that our mind can make our body work out of its natural rhythm?
In other words, our mind can override and negate the body’s natural state of being.
Could it be possible that our emotions are causing our blood to not pulse in harmony?
Could it be possible that what this scientist is saying in this video, applies to all our cells including our kidneys cells?
There are 5 CKD stages and for more details go to the Renal Association that has been going since 1950. (12)
Just the very fact that this association has been going for almost 7 decades is telling us something loud and clear – we have not found a cure for CKD.
So as a world, we tend to marvel at the advancements we have made in technology and other areas which is great news, but what about finding the root cause of chronic kidney disease?
WHY is it that we do not fund and put effort and resources into working together and using our intelligence to find the root cause of kidney disease?
Each stage of chronic kidney disease is related to the level of kidney function and kidney damage. (13)
2008 – Your Amazing Kidneys
Great news, as we all like the word ‘amazing’. Now what?
Does that mean we have sorted out the previous year’s problem of Chronic Kidney Disease?
Or are we just telling the world we have ‘amazing kidneys’ that require us to take deep care of them so we never get CKD?
Are our kidneys amazing because they –
filter around 180 litres of blood every day?
filter our blood about 50 times daily?
receive around 1100ml of blood per minute?
contain 1,000,000 nephrons?
clean our blood from wastes?
help to keep our internal water balance?
retain essential elements?
help to maintain our pH and blood composition?
help to control our blood pressure?
help to produce red blood cells? (14)
Do any of us ever bother to sit down and deeply appreciate what our precious organs do for us every day?
Do we care enough to look after our body so we do not bring harm to any of our organs?
Have we ever stopped long enough to consider what intelligence is keeping these kidneys going?
Are we really saying our kidneys are amazing every day and doing our best to take care of them?
Are we truly taking responsibility to ensure our kidneys remain amazing?
2009 – Protect your Kidneys: Keep your Pressure Down
So we know that this year’s theme was telling us something about keeping our blood pressure down as this would protect our kidneys.
Is this simple to understand?
Are we getting the message?
Is it saying if we keep our blood pressure down, then our kidneys will be safe from harm?
So what causes us to have high blood pressure?
Our blood is being pumped around our body and the pressure is related to our heartbeat.
More facts about this on our World Hypertension Day blog – out in May 2017.
Are our lifestyle choices playing a part in WHY we put pressure on our body?
Are our bad habits showing us the pressure our body is under?
Do we have a clue here WHY we have high blood pressure?
WHY is it that we do not know the exact causes of high blood pressure?
WHY is there no scientific evidence happening for this serious condition?
WHY are we the public not asking more questions?
WHY are so many of us accepting high blood pressure as normal?
WHY do we think we are ok taking medication for the rest of our lives?
Our web medical doctor tells us (15) –
The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including:
Being Overweight or Obese
Lack of Physical Activity
Too much Salt in Diet
Chronic Kidney Disease
Adrenal and Thyroid disorders
Sleep Apnea
Hello – can we join the dots here.
So these are factors and conditions and if we were to be absolutely honest, most of us would probably agree and nod that the above list is telling us something. Ignoring it will not bring our blood pressure down. Asking more questions and looking at how we are choosing to live everyday may give us the answers that we are all seeking for true health and well-being.
1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure has Chronic Kidney Disease (7)
High blood pressure causes just over a quarter of all cases of kidney failure (4)
Chronic Kidney Disease deaths due to hypertension were 550,000
An increase of 34.5% from 2005 (10)
We can of course sit back, keep taking the tablets and just accept the medics telling us that they really do not know what causes high blood pressure.
OR we can put on our common sense hat for a moment and be open to more questions.
As Einstein said back then – The important thing is to NOT stop questioning.
So what disturbs our heartbeat?
Could it be possible that the way we are choosing to live everyday maybe affecting the natural rhythm of our heartbeat?
Could it be possible that we create the stress in the first place and this is causing us to have hypertension, which is the other name for high blood pressure?
Could it be possible that our aggressive movements make our body hard and this gives rise to blood pressure?
Could it be possible swearing and shouting is raising our blood pressure?
Could it be possible drinking poison, which we call alcohol disturbs our heartbeat?
Could it be possible that consuming copious amounts of sugar is harming our blood and this means we do not have the correct pressure?
Could it be possible that choosing to do no exercise makes our heart work harder and this means high blood pressure?
Could it be possible holding back from expressing what we feel pushes our feelings down and this upsets our heartbeat?
Could it be possible that our parents had high blood pressure and we live like they do and this is WHY we also have high blood pressure?
Could it be possible that a life of constant doing doing, motion, motion as Benhayon says in his book ‘The Way It Is’, is why we have adrenal and thyroid disorders, which the medical world tells us may play a role in high blood pressure? (2)
Watch this video from our web medical doctor telling us sugar could be the biggest cause of high blood pressure. More will be presented when we release our Real Truth about Sugar blog.
2010 – Protect your Kidneys: Control Diabetes
We have a thoroughly researched document on this website with over 11,000 words talking about Diabetes. Well worth reading as we have done a forensic job reporting on Diabetes in an easy to understand format.
So this theme 7 years ago was telling us that there is a correlation between Diabetes and how that can harm our kidneys.
Are they saying we better ‘control’ our Diabetes or we may end up with Chronic Kidney Disease?
Are we ready to address this killer disease that is eating away at us?
1 in 3 adults with Diabetes has Chronic Kidney Disease (7)
Diabetes has been known to cause around one third of all cases of Chronic Kidney Disease and is the commonest cause of End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in most developed countries (4)
More than half of the people with End Stage Renal Disease had an underlying diagnosis of Diabetes
Mexico is the country with the highest Chronic Kidney Disease death rate
Chronic Kidney Disease deaths due to Diabetes were 418,000
An increase of 39.5% from 2005 (10)
Are we able to join the dots and say chances are if we get Diabetes then CKD is a high possibility?
Are we aware that not only do we have to deal with one disease but two or more?
WHY are we getting Diabetes?
WHY has Obesity just been accepted?
Are we ready to admit that our lifestyle choices may just be the number one contributor on whether we develop Diabetes or not?
Are we ready to take RESPONSIBILITY for all the choices we are making in everyday life that may be contributing to Diabetes and high blood pressure?
Are we ready to say No to anything that is harming our amazing kidneys from doing their job?
Are we ready to stop relying on our exhausted medical world to take care of our irresponsible ways of living?
In other words, are we ready and willing to make a serious conscious effort every single day, to the best of our ability to choose to live in a way that does not harm our precious body, others and our environment?
2011 – Protect your Kidneys: Save your Heart
So we all know that to protect our kidneys means to not harm them so they can continue to function and do the job they were designed to do.
Save your Heart – what on earth does that mean to us on the street?
How on earth do you protect your kidneys and save your heart?
Who thinks and comes up with these titles?
Is there a book, an instruction manual, an audio, an app or DIY kit to “save our heart” and “protect our kidneys”?
What does Google have to say about this?
Well you get straight to the first link about World Kidney Day in 2011.
It tells us that we can do the following to reduce our risk of both kidney and heart disease –
- Do not smoke
- Maintain healthy blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels
- Maintain healthy weight
- Drink plenty of water and fluids to keep hydrated
- Drink alcohol in moderation
- Try to get 30 mins exercise 4-5 times week. Even walking each day
This link gives us the poster for the theme that year.
So here we have some advice and who is telling us this?
How hard is it for us to maintain blood sugar levels? – check our Diabetes blog.
How difficult is it to give up smoking?
How many of us know exactly what cholesterol is?
How many of us know how to maintain healthy cholesterol levels?
How many of us know what a true ‘healthy weight’ is for us?
How many of us know what ‘healthy’ blood pressure is?
How many of us are actually interested?
How many of us want to know and then don’t like what we need to do, so we just ignore it?
How many of us struggle with our weight issues and have no idea what ‘healthy weight’ means?
How many of us don’t like drinking plain water, full stop?
How many of us interpret ‘fluids’ to suit us and consume soda, caffeine and sugar drinks?
WHY would drinking poison, because alcohol is a scientific proven poison, be ok in ‘moderation’?
WHY do we just accept something we read on the internet as the truth without questioning it?
Is it because it confirms and suits our current lifestyle and we are comfortable with that?
WHY are our ads telling us to drink the poison called alcohol “responsibly”?
Now let’s get back to “saving your heart” as that is the theme for this section.
How can we ‘save our heart’?
What are we saving it from?
WHY do we need to save our heart?
WHY do so many people die from a heart failure?
WHY is our heart failing us?
WHY is our heart so inter-connected to everything?
WHY is our heart a super precious organ like no other?
WHY do we choose to live in a way that harms our heart?
WHY do most of us know very little about the detail of our heart?
WHY do we think our heart is about the emotional love stuff?
WHY do we bop along in life not really connecting to our heart?
WHY do we hold back from expressing what our heart feels?
WHY do we choose to not say what we know our heart is telling us?
WHY do we take on other people’s stuff and disturb our heart rhythm?
WHY do we numb our heartbeat with all our outer distractions?
WHY do we self-medicate on substances and destroy our natural heartbeat?
WHY do we not want to know about the heart impulse and where it comes from?
WHY do we never question our lifestyle that maybe affecting our heart?
WHY do we need to save our heart if we live a deeply self-caring life that brings no harm to our human vehicle?
How would our heart respond if we put the word RESPONSIBILITY into our everyday life?
In other words, we make choices that do not harm our body and so our heart feels the harmony as it is the Head Office of the organ departments.
Many people with Chronic Kidney Disease suffer a heart attack or stroke before they know they have kidney disease (16)
What if our heart has an intelligence that very few are aware of?
What if our heart goes beyond logic and rationale?
What if our heart just knows what is Truth and what is not?
What if in the centre of our heart there is no thinking?
What if our heart can only communicate with inner-most feelings?
What if our inner-most heart gives us access to something far greater than what we think we know?
What if our heart is related to the vibration of nature?
What if the pulse of our heart, in its natural state, is the same as the universe?
What if the flow of our heart is supported when we make responsible choices every day?
2012 – Donate – Kidneys for Life – Receive
Are we being asked to become kidney donors so others can receive and get life?
Is this message spelling out that our kidneys are for life?
Are our kidneys our life-force so they are essential for our energy?
Why is there a shortfall of people donating their kidneys so others receive life?
Is donating our kidneys to other people going to sort out our world kidney problem?
Is receiving another person’s kidney the answer to kidney conditions?
Are we aware we can make money by donating a kidney?
Are we aware of organ trafficking?
Are we aware of this human abuse industry?
Are we aware of the scale of this kidney trafficking business?
Are we aware of why money is at the root of this industry and not human life?
Are we aware of how desperate some patients get that they go abroad for a transplant?
Are we aware of the high risks of organ transplants?
Are we aware of where our donated kidney comes from?
Are we aware of who the person is donating the kidney?
Are we aware of how the donor was or is living and their quality of life?
Are we aware that money was the reason some give us their kidney?
Do we have a moral compass inside us when it comes to donating our kidney?
Do we have a Responsibility when we agree to giving our kidney to another?
Are we quick to give our organ because we have a need to be recognised as doing good?
Are we up for donating because this is needed and we keep getting told?
Are we not donating as we feel each life has a natural cycle and to give a kidney is simply imposing an existence that is not natural?
Are we not donating because we have strongly held religious beliefs?
Are we not donating because we feel a responsibility and know that our ill choices may get transferred during the transplant?
Are we not donating because we can feel the demands and desperation of others are coming from need, not truth?
Could it be possible that a person’s quality of life lived to that point is what is actually transferred when we receive a kidney transplant?
In other words, how they are living is a vibration and this simply gets moved into the receiver with no moral questions asked, no discernment or feeling if this is Truth or not.
3,300 kidney transplants occur in the UK every year, but over 5,200 people are waiting (9)
BBC program talks about The Cost of a Kidney –
Here we have some revealing content from the program highlighting the extent of the organ donation shortage in the UK and kidney organ trafficking abroad.
In UK 1 in 3 people die every day waiting for an organ transplant.
People from ethnic minorities have a particular shortage of donors.
Renal failure patients have to wait 3 years on average for a transplant.
Kidney buyers and sellers post their adverts on social media.
Kidney donors are being lured with job offers, kidnapped and told their kidney will be removed.
Pakistan is known as being the biggest kidney bazaar in the world.
Police raid in October 2015 found 24 young people kidnapped and locked in a room waiting to have their kidney removed. Some were there up to two months.
There have been as many as a hundred illegal transplants happening every month.
Dr. Mirza Naqi Zafar, General Secretary of the Transplantation Society of Pakistan.
So this individual was a very young man in his late twenties, married, the father of one child, and basically what he did, he borrowed money from a credit card – that’s what we found retrospectively. He went abroad and he brought a kidney in another country.
…What happened is that he collapsed in Heathrow…The problem was first of all that he was septic, grossly septic to the point that it was difficult to reverse it actually – with all modern antibiotics and all efforts from a multidisciplinary team, it was next to impossible.
Sepsis at this level, that has been neglected for so long, especially for someone who has immunosuppression before for his transplant, that knocks down your defence mechanisms, your immune system.
Sepsis of this level leads finally to multi organ failure, and multi organ failure, of course, leads to death. All the antibiotics in the world cannot beat three or four litres of pus in your abdomen…
You need to wash this out.
Obviously they didn’t do it and they didn’t do it simply because he did not have enough money to pay them to do it.
Vassilios Papalois, Professor of Transplantation Surgery, Imperial College, London
Three days after arriving back in the UK, the man died.
Yasmin Gurki’s brother became infected with Hepatitis C whilst on dialysis in Lahore, Pakistan.
Gurki says – It turned out that maybe they weren’t cleaning the machines as they should have been. So if one person had Hepatitis C and they were dialysing on those machines and then Asif went on it, because the blood’s going in and out, it’s blood-borne, isn’t it, so he’s caught it from there…
Mostly it’s not going to be any other person than a poor person who’s going to give you a kidney, and they’re selling it for maybe getting their daughter married and paying for the dowry or getting a house or something material.
So this one program is showing us a microcosm of what is actually going on in our world today and how there is a supply and demand chain for kidneys.
Whilst our patients become desperate for life and will do what it takes to get a kidney, we have to start and question – is this the Truth?
Taking another kidney may give us a longer existence but is it negating the root cause of HOW we got the disease in the first place?
In other words, did our lifestyle choices contribute to the point of our kidneys eventually failing?
Are those who have a new kidney completely clear of the complications that ill kidney health brings?
Are kidney donations offering us as a race of beings, true evolution or is something missing?
2013 Kidneys for Life – Stop Kidney Attack!
Does anyone actually know what this title means?
We know the previous year’s message said – Kidneys for Life.
What exactly is a kidney attack?
How do we stop a kidney attack?
Is there a book or an app or has doctor Google got anything?
Are they saying anything that is harming our kidneys is an attack?
How come we can’t find anything on kidney attack?
Do those who write this theme realise some of us aren’t getting it?
Google and you get the poster for that year and nothing else.
Keep researching and you find an article stating the theme for 2013 is focusing on AKI – Acute Kidney Injury and the mission is to spread awareness of the significance of our kidneys to our overall health.
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a rapid loss of kidney function and faces gross negligence from public awareness and research. It is inadequately addressed in medical education and training.
There is an urgent need to raise awareness of AKI amongst physicians and hospital staff.
18 to 26% of cases of AKI are from prescribed drugs from our health care systems.
Dr. Nithin Jayan (17)
Medications known to cause AKI are:
Some Blood Pressure medications
Cancer treatments
Dyes – those used in medical imaging tests
Illicit drugs e.g. heroin and methamphetamines
HIV medications, also known as protease inhibitors
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Ulcer medications
Insecticides, herbicides and ethylene glycol (used in anti-freeze) are chemicals that are known to cause AKI. (18)
Over the counter and prescribed pain medication can damage and reduce blood flow to kidneys.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are a main culprit.
1 – 3% of new cases of chronic kidney failure, may be caused by an overuse of pain medication. (19)
Next – The American Journal of Kidney Diseases announced World Kidney Day 2013: Acute Kidney Injury – Global Health Alert about the global increase in acute kidney injury in both developing and developed countries.
AKI is a syndrome of abrupt loss of kidney function, often with oliguria (small amounts of urine output), which is strongly associated with increased early and long-term patient morbidity and mortality, as well as the subsequent development of chronic kidney disease. (20)
8th World Kidney Day and we should all be asking what are we actually celebrating?
What are we publicly acknowledging as a significant happy day?
Have the statistics come down?
Are we out of deep trouble?
Are we closer to what the root cause is?
Why is this year’s theme alerting the public to the global increase in Acute Kidney Injury?
Have we got the meaning right about AKI, that it is severe intense kidney damage?
Have we got the meaning wrong about the word ‘celebration’ in the context of kidney health? (20)
Do we know that the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation is AJKD – American Journal of Kidney Diseases?
Do we know that the February and March 2017 publications has over 60 articles? Some of the titles would throw us off on the street, as it is way past our natural thinking or vocabulary. So here is the proof that heaps and heaps of studies are being published and the academics behind this are working hard and gathering evidence. Great news or is it?
What if they ALL united and worked together with one question –
What is the root cause of any kidney injury, attack or disease?
People who have Chronic Kidney Disease are at increased risk of Acute Kidney Injury (3)
Acute kidney attack can be caused by –
X-ray contrast fluid
Severe infection
Surgical procedure
Sudden drops in blood pressure (21)
Up to 50,400 Australians and 11,200 New Zealanders a year are diagnosed with acute kidney attack which, when requiring dialysis, is the most expensive hospital admission. (21)
The burden of acute kidney attack is increasing and it is much more common than the Chronic Kidney Disease that requires long term dialysis.
It is a common complication during hospitalisation and is associated with high death rates, ill health and prolonged stay and therefore cost.
Martin Gallagher, Associate Professor, George Institute for Global Health and the University of Sydney, Australia. (21)
More people actually die from acute kidney attacks than from heart attacks.
Tim Matthew, Medical Director, Kidney Health Australia. (21)
3 ½ years after being diagnosed, only a third of acute kidney attack patients were still alive.
Research has found that higher doses of continual dialysis, in the long term, did not reduce the high death rates. (21)
Acute Kidney Injury affects 1 in 5 people admitted to hospital as an emergency and may be more deadly than a heart attack. (9)
It affects over half a million people every year in England. (8)
It occurs more frequently in people who are obese. (22)
It is estimated that 2 million people die of acute kidney disease each year. (20)
Acute Kidney Injury negatively affects immunity and is linked with higher rates of infection. Patients frequently enter a vicious cycle of immune dysfunction, sepsis and multi organ failure. (20)
2014 – Chronic Kidney Disease and Ageing
The prevalence of CKD is higher in older people (23)
It affects 45% of adults older than aged 70 and can double the risk of physical impairment, frailty and cognitive dysfunction including dementia (24)
If we go back and read 2007 we know that Chronic Kidney Disease means our kidney function has got worse. In other words, things have not reversed or changed for the better.
So if we keep doing what we do and make no lifestyle changes, it is obvious that things are going to get worse as we age.
Do we just blame old age?
Do we just accept that CKD is a by-product of ageing?
Do we just keep popping the pills and hope for the best?
Do we just listen to the medics as they know everything?
Do we just shut down from ever asking any questions?
Do we feel that maybe the way we are living and have lived, up until now, is the reason why our kidney function has got worse?
Do we feel we have the right in our old age to ask for answers and not give up?
The author of this article was presented with a frail woman aged 76, who looked drained and depleted to the point that she could fall asleep in the chair. Exhaustion was off the scale and cravings for copious amounts of sugar daily was what kept her going to simply exist and function.
She agreed there was no quality of life and she was diagnosed with 4th stage Chronic Kidney Disease.
As an observation, what was clear was that this woman had no regard for her body, her entire life and was pushing herself by over-working. Her vegetarian diet was full of sugar and her body was craving this drug to keep awake. She had no true sleep rhythm and no understanding of the value and benefits of sleep quality. She struggled to function with daily living because of her Chronic Fatigue.
After 4 months of consistently applying the Simple Living Global Back to Basics Program with super focus on the sleep routine, we had results. She was sleeping longer without waking up, completely stopped chocolate and biscuits from her diet and felt energised.
No surprise she no longer has CKD and one year later, she is showing no signs of CKD.
Could it really be that simple?
Could this just be a one off random example?
Could this be thrown out as it is one anecdotal evidence?
Could this be a case of unreliable evidence for the scientific world?
Could this be challenged as it does not come from a kingpin in the medical world?
Could this be dismissed because it has not been double blind tested in a laboratory?
Could this be ignored on the grounds of it not being a hypothesis scientific study?
Could this real life example be negated when in truth it did happen?
Could this be poo poo’d just because it is such common sense?
Could it be possible that if we started to make some sensible choices by taking Responsibility then things can change, regardless of our age?
Could it be possible that the Simple Living Global Back to Basics Program works and has results because those presenting are living the quality of life that does not have kidney exhaustion in their own health?
In other words, they walk the talk and so others get that vibration so to speak.
WHY – because they present what has been lived and so the communication is coming from a body which holds the lived experience.
2015 – Kidney Health for All
Now the 10th anniversary of World Kidney Day where leading kidney charities are uniting to raise awareness of kidney disease. (8)
Recent surveys have highlighted the astonishing lack of awareness amongst the public of what their kidneys do.
Survey published in January 2015 of over 2,000 people in the UK –
Only 17% knew that high blood pressure was a risk factor for kidney disease.
50% unaware that the kidneys make urine.
74% had limited or no knowledge of kidney disease.
21% confirmed they had Diabetes, high blood pressure or vascular disease.
6% considered themselves to be at risk of Chronic Kidney Disease. (8)
These surveys show an astonishing lack of awareness of the kidneys and what they do. It’s very worrying to see these results … Kidney health is not at the forefront of the public’s mind, but our kidneys are vital and they must be given proper attention and kept healthy.
Professor John Feehally, a Leading Kidney Specialist and one of the founders of World Kidney Day (8)
Kidney Health for All is about bringing awareness, so the public have an understanding of this serious disease and the importance of kidney health.
It is estimated that 1 million people have kidney damage without knowing it (8)
Kidney Stones (25)
The medical term for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis.
When they cause severe pain this is called renal colic.
Waste products in our blood can sometimes form crystals that collect inside the kidneys.
Over time, the crystals may build up to form a hard lump, like a stone.
This is the cause of kidney stones.
See photo on this link of a kidney stone –
Kidney stones are likely to develop if we do not drink enough fluids, take certain medication or have a medical condition that raises the levels of certain substances in our urine.
They are most common in people aged 30 – 60.
They can develop in both kidneys.
3 in 20 men and up to 2 in 20 women have kidney stones at some point in their lives.
Up to 50% of everyone who has had kidney stones, will experience them again within 5 years.
2016 – Kidney Disease & Children – Act Early to Prevent It!
Approx. 1,000 children in the UK have kidneys that have completely failed and require lifelong treatment (9)
So kidney dis-ease in our body is telling us something is damaged and our kidneys cannot do the job of filtering our blood to get rid of the waste. That unwanted stuff starts to build up inside our body and we all know it has to go somewhere.
So in their 11th year of campaign the aim is once again to raise awareness of the importance of our kidneys.
They say we are to encourage and facilitate education, early detection and a healthy life style in children, starting at birth and continuing through to old age, to combat the increase of preventable kidney damage including acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease and to treat children with inborn and acquired disorders of the kidney. (26)
Finally, they are asking us to campaign by joining forces once again to build healthier generations.
Who writes all this stuff as it sounds great but what is going on here on planet earth is so far far away from these great ideas.
If we just look at the previous year where a study in the UK confirms that three quarters did not even know what kidney disease is and 50% do not know that one of the main functions of the kidneys is to produce urine.
So let’s join the dots and bring in some real honesty.
Our current population really have not got much of a clue about what kidneys do and what on earth all this kidney disease is about.
So how can we educate our new born or young toddlers about kidney health?
What gives us the authority if we are not even aware of our own kidney health?
Why are we allowing our 3 month-old baby to watch a screen?
Why are we happy because they are engaging with a cartoon?
Why are we as parents using the same time to do porn and social media?
WHY are our young parents not able to engage with young babies and just be with them?
Is this the first signs of moving away from our inner-most connection that then leads to kidney depletion?
Are our babies being subjected to a kind of motion because we lack connection ourselves?
Are our babies being entertained because we need our daily distractions?
Are we taking Responsibility raising our young babies and children?
Are these young babies on screen time going to need sugar to keep stimulating them?
Are these babies going to be our young children who have no true rest in their body?
Are these young children going to be our teenagers with Chronic Kidney Disease?
Are these teenagers going to be ending up as the adult statistics in this article?
Is this the motion Benhayon is talking about in his book – The Way It Is? (2)
How can our teachers educate on kidney health if they are suffering with kidney depletion?
What if our medical profession were not adequately trained and educated on kidney health?
What if those educating our medics have long-term kidney depletion and so it is missed in the training?
What if kidney issues arise from our life lived in motion as Serge Benhayon said back in 2006?
What if we simply cannot help our children with early detection because we have no idea what signs to look for as we as parents and guardians are kidney drained?
What if we cannot build healthier generations as 10 years of World Kidney Days has seen a rise in kidney statistics with no signs of it slowing down?
What if it is easy to put words out on a website and champion and campaign but in truth there is no real change?
What if we do have the answers for all our ills?
What if going Back to Basics can make a difference?
What if taking Responsibility for our daily life can help our children?
What if applying some common sense to our lifestyle can be a medicine?
What if there is another way of living?
What if there is a reason WHY we get sick in the first place?
Note – the above 3-month baby on screen time is a true account of a Simple Living Global client.
2017 – Kidney Disease and Obesity. Healthy Lifestyle for Healthy Kidneys
Check the World Kidney Day website and it tells us that in 2014 over 600,000,000 adults were obese. (22)
We all know that things have got worse so consider for a moment what the real figure is today.
If we are being honest it is probably over a billion and that is serious.
Kidney Health Australia report that being overweight or obese can up to double a person’s chances of developing Chronic Kidney Disease
More than 500,000 Australians have signs of Chronic Kidney Disease that may be due to Obesity
Nearly 2 in 3 Australians are classified as being overweight or obese
In the general population, Obesity increases the risk of death and contributes to many other diseases such as –
Heart Disease
High Cholesterol
Fatty Liver
Gall Bladder Disease
Various Cancers
Mental Disorders
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
If we just stop here and re-read this list and ask What Quality do we want for our life?
We never signed up for all these illnesses and diseases, so where did it all go belly up?
Where did we lose the plot?
What if there is another way to live?
What if we knew more Why we do get sick?
What if we are what we eat?
What if we were educated about the real harm of caffeine?
What if we actually knew what chocolate is doing to us?
What if we were told at school that Alcohol is a poison?
What if we knew what dairy was really doing to us inside?
What if we knew that our daily bread has a glue called gluten?
What if we knew the truth about Heartburn?
What if we knew about the harmfull effects of drugs?
What if we could understand more about mental health?
What if we knew what TV mode was doing to us?
What if we knew more about our asthma pump?
What if we knew more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
What if we knew in detail about Diabetes?
What if we knew there was a real recipe of life?
What if we knew more about Cancer?
What if we knew why we get the common cold?
What if we knew how to get real and get honest?
WHY are we constantly reminded of the fact that Obesity is a potent risk factor for Kidney Disease and it also increases the risk of developing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and it most certainly puts a strain on our heart? (22)
Obesity has a direct impact on the development of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Reducing Obesity may reverse or slow CKD progression.
People who are overweight or obese have 2 to 7 more chances of developing End Stage Renal Disease compared to those of normal weight. (22)
WHY is this?
People who are obese carry excess body weight, so this puts more demands on the body and our kidneys have to work much harder to filter out more blood.
We are consistently making choices every day to not support our kidneys and this could be –
Struggling to breath correctly
Caffeine drinks
Over eating
Over working
Eating sugary foods
Eating secretly
No exercise, not even walking
Sleeping late nights
Partying all night
Binge drinking
Stimulating with social media
Creating stress
Taking on other people’s stuff
Feeling dis-connected
Holding back what we feel
Not expressing who we truly are
Living in fear
Hiding or avoiding others
Pretending to be in the ‘in crowd’
Feelings of deep self-loathing
Popping pills for our headaches
Taking heartburn tablets most days
Holding onto emotions
Not dressing to keep warm
Dragging our body around like it was a burden
It is like the kidneys are working overtime and never get a moment off 24/7 just because it needs to keep us alive and do its job the best it can.
The good news is that Obesity and CKD are in most cases preventable. (22)
Bad news is we have to get off our butts and actually take action.
In other words, make it happen by changing our lifestyle and making sensible choices that have the word RESPONSIBILITY weaving through it like a thread.
No amount of education is going to change us unless we are willing to make a commitment and remain consistent. It all starts with small steps so check this inspiring true story.
Morbidly obese man who lost over 180 pounds with no diet, no exercise regime other than daily walking and NO sagging skin.
So this is the el cheapo common sense diet which comes with a reality check.
We all know diets do not work.
It was all about making simple lifestyle choices – inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon.
Pictures do not lie so check out this dude Tim Bowyer before and after.
The bonus is we can free ourselves from the fat size clothes and our whole life shifts. No surprise this man has now been promoted in his job and he inspires others by his daily living way.
Now that he is feeling himself, he visits the gym but no drive or push, just to keep toned and fit.
The big picture is Big Tim is still BIG in the world but not by his size.
He is no longer a burden on our health system and he is living, walking, talking science of what is possible for ALL of us if we choose to make lifestyle changes to support our true health and well-being.
A truly self-empowering way to evolve and know that we are not a victim but that we hold the power within us to make changes by starting with small steps and remaining consistent.
So here we have it 12 years on of World Kidney Day trying to tell us all to be aware with different themes each year.
What has changed since 2006?
Can we join the dots and put on our common sense hat?
Things have got worse.
Statistics are rising.
We have more cases diagnosed now than ever before.
How many of us are aware of how our kidneys work?
How many of us even know about Kidney Disease?
How many of us are not bothered about the state of our kidneys?
How many of us realise the importance of our kidney life force?
In other words, without our kidneys we simply would not have life.
Reading this blog gives us a snapshot of what is going on right now in our world and it would be true to say our researchers have not yet come up with the answer for the root cause.
Are we going to carry on waiting for solutions?
Are we going to allow animal testing to find us ways to function?
Are we going to continue the way we are living and ask no questions?
Are we going to simply wait for the medical world to tell us what to do?
Are we going to put our lives into the hands of others as that’s what we all do?
Are we going to just accept that there is no other way?
Are we going to at least consider what Serge Benhayon is saying as there are true life stories from the author and Tim Bowyer confirming that there is another way?
(1) World Kidney Day. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(2) Benhayon, S. (2006). The Way It Is. Byron Bay, New South Wales: UniMed Publishing
(3) Types of Kidney Disease. Retrieved February 28, 2017 from
(4) (2017). Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(5) (n.d). Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(6) (2017, February 15). About Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(7) (2015, October 20). Info Cards/Memes on Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(8) (2015, March 9). Kidney Health for All – 10th Anniversary of World Kidney Day. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(9) (n.d). Are You Kidney Aware? Retrieved February 28, 2017 from
(10) Global, Regional, and National Life Expectancy, All-Cause Mortality, and Cause-Specific Mortality for 249 Causes of Death, 1980 – 2015: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet 2016; 388:1 p. 1483, p. 1490, p. 1525. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(11) Concise Oxford English Dictionary – Twelfth Edition. Oxford University Press. 2011
(12) (2013). CKD Stages. The Renal Association. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(13) (2017). Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(14) (n.d). Kidney Facts. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(15) (n.d). Causes of High Blood Pressure. Retrieved February 25, 2017 from
(16) Amazing Kidneys! Protect Your Kidneys, Save Your Heart! Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(17) Jayan, N. (2013, March 13). World Kidney Day 2013 – Kidneys for Life: Stop Kidney Attack. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(18) (n.d). Medicines that Cause Acute Kidney Injury – Topic Overview. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(19) Spry, L. (2013, May 28). 5 Surprising Ways You Could Be Damaging Your Kidneys. Retrieved March 5, 2017 from
(20) Li, P.K-T., Burdmann, E.A., & Mehta, R.L. (2013, March). World Kidney Day 2013: Acute Kidney Injury – Global Health Alert. American Journal of Kidney Diseases; 61(3): 359-363. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(21) (2014, February 12). More Patients Die from Kidney Attacks than Heart Attacks. Retrieved February 28, 2017 from
(22) 2017 WKD Theme. Kidney Disease & Obesity. Retrieved February 28, 2017 from
(23) Tonelli, M. & Riella, M. (2014, March – April). Chronic Kidney Disease and the Aging Population. Indian J Nephrol; 24(2): 71-74. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(24) Anand, S., Johansen, K.L., & Tamura, M. (2013, August 2). Aging and Chronic Kidney Disease: The Impact on Physical Function and Cognition. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2014) 69A (3): 315-322. Retrieved March 4, 2017 from
(25) (2016, June 15). Kidney Stones. Retrieved March 5, 2017 from
(26) (2016). Kidney Disease & Children – Act Early to Prevent It! Retrieved March 5, 2017 from
(27) (2017, March 6). Obesity Comes with Increased Kidney Risk. Retrieved March 7, 2017 from
Comments 37
So is the world that we have created really working? Mankind has made incredible changes in his life in the past 100 years but with the alarming statistics that this blog has presented do we really have a better quality of life?
Maybe it is time to do something really different. Einstein said you can not change something with the same technology that created it. Serge Benhayon is presenting another way to look at life that makes sense to me and is worth considering. It has transformed my life. I wake up in the morning and feel ready to do whatever is needed to get Humanity back on track.
Correct Ken – we have made some incredible advancements in this world in the last century but as you say do we currently have a ‘better quality of life’.
Many would say they do have, but it all depends on what we call quality.
We each have our own version of what a true quality of life means for us.
Without the medical advancements most of us would not be alive as our illness and dis-eases in our body would have finished us off.
Living on daily prescribed medication is not really a quality of life if we are being honest.
Living with daily tension and anxiety is also not a true quality of life.
Living on pot or crack or ice is not a way to keep going in life.
The list could go on and on…
As the author of this blog, I am not professing to be a halo head, as I sure was living a life that was totally in dis-regard to my human frame with utter neglect.
Exhaustion was not even in my awareness as it was like a normal for me. No wonder I over-ate, over-worked and lived on nervous tension.
However, for the past 11 years I have committed to getting my life on track and doing whatever it is that is needed to “get Humanity back on track” as you are too Ken.
This is because I applied and Live the teachings of Serge Benhayon, Universal Medicine and simply got my act together and stopped blaming the world for my ugly choices.
Now I have the time and space devoted to doing what I do best – Get on with it. That means making sure I look after myself to the best of my ability and that allows me to continue inspiring others by bringing more awareness. This website is living proof of that.
As I read this powerful gem of a blog I can feel my kidneys and they feel alive.
I am one of the many people who has reversed patterns of illness (mental & physical) by applying the common sense of Simple Living Global’s Back to Basics Program to my life.
My kidneys have come a long way in the past six years.
As a child they ached so badly at night I described it as knives in my low back.
Doctors checked me and said ‘nothing was wrong’… in other words I did not, yet, have what can be called ‘disease’… but obviously something was not right.
The pain came and went for 34 years; often on a nightly basis.
I also had exhaustion, hypo glycaemia, sugar addiction and was sure I was on track to develop diabetes.
Since I began taking gentle care of myself and making more life choices with Responsibility, the pain, hypo glycaemia and sugar cravings have gradually diminished to nothing.
I have not had kidney pain for 3 years and my exhaustion continues to fade.
Inspiration & support of Truthfulness from the author – a person who walks the talk is what it took for me.
Brilliant blog – how many of us have been educated, or understand much if anything about our kidneys, and how often do we ever talk about kidneys in our daily life – except if we have a kidney infection or something is wrong?
It is interesting in reading this blog to realise also that people would sell a kidney – not seeing it as of value – almost the same as we buy clothes and give them away in a readily expendable society where we think we can just replace things with no true care for what we have, and also how readily we think we could fix a problem by having another person’s kidney installed into our own body – with the risk as you say of sepsis, hep c and other things too.
Why is it that we just take it that kidney issues are part of the human condition, and we never ask why even with advances in science, research, technology and pharmaceuticals, we still have an ever rising kidney problem in the world.
This blog certainly is the ‘gift of life’.
Reading it feels like reading a moment in history: personally and for all of us.
We will look back on this blog in years to come and see the truth and realise it was a defining moment, when we started to see the wood for the trees.
I find it quite shocking to realise that 42% of kidney cancers are preventable for example: “42% (47% in males and 34% in females) of kidney cancer cases each year in the UK are linked to major lifestyle and other risk factors.
An estimated 42% of kidney cancers in the UK are linked to lifestyle factors including smoking (24%) and overweight and obesity (24%). ” Cancer Research UK –
And shocked more so that we are not shouting from the rooftops that the statistics related to kidney cancer – and other cancers are rising yet, we have a part to play in this and, our health is in our hands – as we are the only ones in the end who are making the decisions about our daily life choices. There is so much we could do in educating, raising awareness to this factor.
Thanks to all these amazing blogs on this website, I am seeing all the not ok-ness that is going on in the world, that everyone is just accepting.
Our level of health has been rapidly going downhill, even with all the amazing technology in our modern lives.
So what is going on?
Why are we just accepting that our health is getting worse and that there is nothing we can do about it?
Are we just giving up?
It is time to take responsibility for the world we have created, for our sake and for future generations?
Great comment – thank you Ken Elmer.
Our world is ‘rapidly going downhill’ as you say.
What true good is the fastest latest computer or mobile phone if we are yet to find a cure for many of our dis-eases that are crippling the human frame.
So WHY are we accepting things as they are?
Is it time to take that R word and live it to the best of our ability? RESPONSIBILITY
Or is it that we have given up on life, as we are so exhausted living in a way that is going against our natural state?
How many of us can say we tick none of the boxes on this list?
Struggling to breath correctly
Caffeine drinks
Over eating
Over working
Eating sugary foods
Eating secretly
No exercise, not even walking
Sleeping late nights
Partying all night
Binge drinking
Stimulating with social media
Creating stress
Taking on other people’s stuff
Feeling dis-connected
Holding back what we feel
Living in fear
Hiding or avoiding others
Pretending to be in the ‘in crowd’
Feelings of deep self-loathing
Popping pills for our headaches
Taking heartburn tablets most days
Holding onto emotions
Not dressing to keep warm
Dragging our body around like it was a burden…
This blog is huge and so informative.
Having had Chronic Fatigue for over 17 years, a kidney condition, from withdrawing from life, driving myself and using my nervous system for energy I didn’t have. I have gone from my day lasting about 5 hours, due to the level fatigue I had, to now working full time with shifts and enjoying life so much. I can categorically say that from making Basic Simple Changes to the way I was Living and Breathing with commitment and consistency, I have completely reversed this condition.. that still has the medical world baffled.
How profoundly Simple it is as this website is presenting, that such turn arounds can take place from making different choices.
If we as a humanity made some Back To Basic changes to our lives, what change would this bring to each of us, as a whole, with each other and our planet?
From my experience a phenomenal one.
Thank you for sharing you own true story here Ruth how you have turned your health and life around by bringing things back to basics.
Making simple changes to our lifestyle is what the medics are now telling us.
The thing is very few pay attention and listen as the statistics are rising by the day.
Should we all be asking the questions –
WHY is nothing working ?
WHY is it not sustained in the long-term?
WHY are the majority not committed?
WHY are most of us not consistent?
Could it be possible that those advising us need to walk the walk and talk the talk?
In other words they need to first and foremost LIVE what they are asking others to do.
Would that hold value and a quality that can bring about real change?
Is this the missing ingredient?
Since reading this blog, my kidneys have been seriously communicating with me. For example, right now, they are aching a little because I have done a few too many chores today and haven’t rested enough. At work last week they were pulsing at certain points in the day, asking me to take a break or to shut up and let something pass I would normally have interfered with. What an awesome messaging system to have and certainly priceless enough to take better care of.
How is that we think we can run on empty and keep going, convincing ourselves we are ok?
Lets just stop on this and take stock.
Our car does not run on empty.
Our dog would be barking if there is no food.
So how come we put little regard, focus, attention or care into our human frame?
As you say we pay attention when something goes wrong with our organs.
WHY are we relying on the medical systems to fix us and sort us out as we know thats what they do?
WHY are we not making any daily adjustments to our lifestyle choices that could be harming our body?
WHY are we living a life of irresponsibility and trashing our tyres, so to speak and waiting for the medics to give us new ones, only to do the same thing all over again?
WHY are we not learning lessons?
WHY are we not taking our health into our own hands and seeing life as medicine?
In other words how we choose to live everyday is our medicine.
Our lifestyle choices are key contributors when it comes to dis-eases in the body.
If we just look at blood pressure for a moment and stick our common sense hat on, as our World Hypertension Day blog is not out until May.
Blood Pressure. What is causing pressure to our blood?
How are our thoughts?
How does our body feel with pressure inside?
What is putting pressure into our system?
What are we putting inside us?
What is the strain on our blood pumping faster?
We know it has something to do with our heart, so what is going on?
Are we taking on stuff?
Are we holding back?
Are we not truly honouring what we feel?
Are we doing nice and it sucks?
The list goes on but we can stop for now and just sit with questions like this to at least get us to consider HOW we are living maybe WHY things like high blood pressure happen.
Talking with a nurse a while ago she was telling me how dry her skin was, we discussed gloves and creams and then got onto the topic of water. I asked if she drank enough water and she said she didn’t because there wasn’t time to go to the toilet, so she hardly drank when at work. This is such a stress on the body and against the bodies needs to be vital and functioning well.. surely leading to dehydration.
The NHS say ‘water makes up two thirds of the healthy human body’
‘It lubricates the joints and eyes, aids digestion, flushes out waste and toxins, and keeps the skin healthy.’
Surely this is a basic requirement for our health.. all of us? and something we need to prioritise?
The articles and blogs on this website are so educational and really call us to question what we accept as normal.
This real life case that you share of a 3 month old baby doing screen time is alarming and what also jumps out at me, having read your article on sleep, is that ‘from three months old, levels of Melatonin enter a cyclical pattern that will continue for the rest of an individual’s life.’
As ‘the main job of Melatonin is to regulate the night and day cycles or sleep and wake cycles in the body’ and we know that screen time before bed can affect our ability to sleep and it’s quality, by allowing our children to use devices at such a young age are we then also stripping them of vital life force energy from their kidneys and this could be a cycle that is also then lived for the rest of their lives?
Are we looking at the repercussions to the whole body and all of our organs through our use of screen time?
Could this be setting our children and teenagers up to become sick adults?
Is this where it starts?
It is interesting how you say ‘doing screen time’, Shevon. It brings home the addictive nature of what is really happening.
Wow Simple Living Global there is a huge amount of research gone into this blog, a testimony to your commitment to getting the message out there.
In my work as a midwife, I see more and more women with renal disease resulting in hypertensive disorders needing to be medicated and what is alarming is they can be young mothers, ages of 20 or so.
It is a concern that communities need ‘world’ this day or ‘world’ that day or an ‘organ’ day. What is surprising is that there is no ‘world responsible’ day.
I see more and more women in our ward who might as well sign a form to hand their bodies to the medical system – they do not want to take that responsibility.
20 years ago I cannot recall seeing women with renal disease or conditions, it was rare. You had your baby, bonded, breast fed and out in the world, simple.
Now 20 years later, women have diabetes, hypertension and other diseases to add to it, so there is more and more complications when they come to have their babies. These women are no longer solely managed by Obstetricians, they are now also needing to be managed by the medical team or the renal team or genetics team etc.
We take for granted what is inside our bodies, it is absolutely fascinating how the body works, all the workings going on in the background and it is only when something goes wrong, we come to a realisation but at what costs, our bodies, yet still the responsibility lies with the medical profession to fix it. We are seeing more and more multi-symptomatic patients and the complexity of their ill living is being managed by a team of specialists doctors and it could all be prevented by simply going back to basics and taking responsibility.
Standing at the bus stop this week, the wind was bitterly cold, I noticed school children with just their uniform and a thin blazer on, some with bare legs and socks. I had a thick feather filled coat on and but could feel the bite in the wind, the children were standing there shivering and huddled, jiggling around to try and keep warm. I know from my own experience that when I have got really cold it takes a long time to warm up and my body relax, it felt like the cold had gone right in and my kidneys would ache.
How does this set the children up for their day at school, cold and shivering, would this be affecting their kidneys and therefore draining their energy before they start their day?
Would their concentration levels drop due to being cold?
Is it our responsibility to show them dressing warmly supports healthy kidneys, by doing this ourselves?
“We breathe in the energy of Motion and exhale in the energy of Motion. This creates constant motion in our body, both physically and physiologically…
…It is no wonder that we have depleted kidney energy, the main contributory cause to all illness. This leads to one of the most undiagnosed current conditions, adrenal exhaustion.”
This part about Motion and Motion has really stayed with me.
It’s like we take our day into our sleep with us, carrying forward the happenings and stresses of the day, the tension, the TV show or book we read before bed etc. You know when you wake up and you don’t feel rested or you’ve had a disturbed night or you’ve dreamt about work or a drama in your life or you just feel restless? Isn’t that exactly what this Motion and Motion thing is talking about?
Whereas it’s supposed to be Motion in the day and Stillness in the repose of sleep.
That’s our natural balance and what the body needs. Motion in the day and sleep providing true rest.
It makes sense that without that balance, without that true rest part of the cycle, our bodies will suffer.
Ruth, that is so interesting to read and quiet shocking. I realise the same goes for my kids at school. I have noticed their hair and scalp getting dry and they tell me they don’t drink during the day.
Our bodies are 60% water and need replenishing.
We can go weeks without food but only days without water.
A great reminder to all of us to drink plenty of the quenching stuff every day.
Thank you for this great blog Simple Living Global.
The statistics are very shocking especially the figures for the USA in that 1 in 2 people are expected to develop Chronic Kidney Disease in their lifetime.
This is just for the USA and there is no reason to assume that all or most other countries will have very similar figures.
What was interesting to read in your article was the story of the 76 year old woman who cleared her 4th stage Chronic Kidney Disease by applying the principles of the Simple Living Global Back to Basics program.
By taking responsibility and making changes to how she lived her everyday life, she has changed her prognosis of living with Chronic Kidney Disease.
With kidney disease having the potential to cripple any national health service, the testimony of the Back to Basics program is one the medical world needs to take much more notice of.
I agree Tim, clearing 4th stage chronic kidney disease through the Back To Basics Programme of Simple Living Global is remarkable and very much worth taking notice of.
How much we can help our selves and our heavily burdened health services by taking responsibility with step by step changes to how we live our lives.
This is powerful.
I saw a bill board today with a message saying:
“drink water, sugary drinks lead to diabetes”.
Didn’t we know this 20 years ago?
When we have one in 2 people just in the US expected to develop chronic kidney disease we don’t have time to start with the obvious or with what has been known and ignored for so long already.
Isn’t it time we look at how people are reversing their kidney disease by taking more responsibility in all areas of their lives?
I had a lot of pain in my kidneys from age 9 to age 40.
I am now 44 and have had no pain since because of how I look after myself thanks entirely to Simple Living’s Back to Basics Program.
We have made ourselves sick with poor choices and we can heal by making choices that take into account what our wise body has been saying all along.
It has turned quite chilly recently as we head into autumn and I have noticed that even when it is very fresh in the morning people are still going to work with short sleeves, no sleeves, flimsy summer clothing and no coats. How is this going to affect our kidneys for the coming winter? are we setting ourselves up for chills, flu’s, colds and more by not dressing for the changing climate? Are we aware that our bodies may be feeling the cold and our kidneys need some warmth?
The article in the Los Angeles Times, 15th October 2017, has a headline that says: ‘Kidney for sale’: Iran has a legal market for the organs, but the system doesn’t always work.
The adverts are scrawled in marker on brick walls or tree trunks or on paper affixed to telephone utility boxes, sidewalks and road signs.
Dozens of messages read “Kidney for sale” accompanied by phone numbers and blood types.
New ads appear daily along with a tale of individual woe – joblessness, debt, family emergencies – in a country beset with economic despair.
A 42 year old air conditioning installer who got into debt because of a failed government led scheme to build houses said: “If I could sell my kidney, I could get out of debt. I would sell my liver too.”
Iran offers people a legal way to sell their kidneys – and is the only country in the world to do so.
A government foundation registers buyers and sellers, matches them up and sets a fixed price of $4,600 per organ. Since 1993, doctors in Iran have performed more than 30,000 transplants this way.
But human nature as it is, sellers have learned that they can cut side deals to earn up to thousands more from well-off Iranians eager to bypass the roughly yearlong wait for a transplant under the government system or from foreigners banned from the national program.
In recent years, doctors have been caught attempting to perform transplants for Saudi’s who obtained forged Iranian ID’s.
The authorities and the hospitals say that it gives poor people a relatively safe way to make money while saving lives, keeping surgery costs low and reducing transplant waiting times.
The chairman of the urology and kidney transplantation department, at a medical centre in Tehran said: “Instead of doing something illegal to cover their debts, like stealing or smuggling, they are saving a life first. This is not exploitation. The end result is good for the recipient and the donor.”
The director of the kidney transplant program at UCLA, who is a vocal opponent of organ sales, says: “When you are that hopeless, giving that person a lump of money while lowering their self-esteem at the same time doesn’t help them. Its an act of desperation, not an act of love.”
Is it possible that whenever you throw a poor person and lots of money into the mix, there will always be some form of exploitation?
What happens if there are complications with the transplant?
Is it possible that the rich person will just find another donor, as there are so many of them, while the poor person will probably die?
Is it possible that this system will just make it worse for these vulnerable people, as it may give them hope where none exists and it may open them up to unscrupulous characters?
There will be those that say we can live with just one kidney.
Is it possible that we are meant to keep all our organs, as that is the way we have been created?
Is it possible that taking a kidney away will have an effect on our own life-force energy?
Is it possible that selling a kidney, or any organ for that matter, is an easy way out and an easy way for us to not take any responsibility for our choices?
I was talking to someone yesterday who had had a major stressful experience earlier that day. They said their lower back and kidneys were in a huge amount of pain.
They could feel how the kidneys were having to deal with the massive chemical release and how the body was suffering as a result. They said they knew it would take a while to process through the body and were astounded that a single experience could cause such harm.
They could see the stress was actually the reaction they had gone into and they were wondering whether it is possible to have the same experience, but without the stress onslaught and hormone release.
We talked about staying with the breath and reading the situation dispassionately to allow space.
It really does go to show how sensitive the body is and the responsibility we have to live in a way that supports it.
Forbes – 15th December 2019
Why the Global Kidney Exchange Remains Controversial
Exchange programs for organ donations are an underused option for reducing the massive queue for desperately needed organs.
These can be simple paired exchanges between strangers whose loved ones are matches for each other. Or they can be more complex daisy chains, which are kicked off by a non-directed donor who donates a kidney to a complete stranger who then donates to someone else and so on. The number of donors in a chain can reach into the triple digits and computer algorithms are used to calculate the potentially very complicated logistics.
Kidney chain programs tend to be operated within countries, although global exchanges have increased in the last few years. The nonprofit organisation Eurotransplant supports collaboration across eight European countries, benefitting from a larger pool of potential matches.
But, as with so much healthcare, wealthier countries have an advantage. This is where the Global Kidney Exchange (GKE), established in 2015, has attempted to bring together donor-recipient pairs from poorer and richer countries.
There are some differences from a domestic program. The GKE starts with a person in a high-income country who has a willing donor, but it isn’t a match for them. The program links them with a pair in a low or middle-income country who might match each other, but can’t afford the medical fees. The GKE covers the cost of the surgery and allocates $50,000 for post-surgery expenses. However, it doesn’t compensate donors for lost wages (which the US has been doing since 2019).
The exchanges are more cost-effective on the rich-country side because the costs of medical care are smaller in lower-income countries. This lopsided cost-effectiveness is one of the main sources of controversy around the GKE.
As well as this, the financial compatibility raises the specter of organ trafficking. Receiving a free transplant and other medical services could count as payment in kind. This exchange might also muddy the waters in countries where organ sales do exist, possibly creating an air of legitimacy around black market deals. It could also increase pressure and coercion in any country on relatives and friends reluctant to donate their kidneys.
Human nature being what it is will always provide an opportunity to those lacking in moral integrity to manipulate and abuse others where money is concerned.
The dearth of finances brings desperation to some people, possibly forcing them to make decisions they normally wouldn’t.
Although it wasn’t a life and death situation where a transplant was needed, I have been in a situation where I have made such a decision I normally wouldn’t have made due to my lack of financial stability.
I can’t imagine what it would be like for those needing to make a decision based on life or death, but does our will to live negate all responsibilities we have?
What if we looked at organ transplants in another way?
Is it possible that we need to take more Responsibility for our health and start to look at, not just the mechanics of our illness or disease but, the deeper reasons of why we get ill?
Like most things in life, organ transplant is a solution, a way to fix something, but it does not address why we needed the transplant in the first place.
Do we need to take a long, hard and honest look at what a kidney transplant, or in fact, any organ transplant, means?
Yes, our bodies can still function with only one kidney, but at what cost?
Is it possible we were given two of the same organs for a reason?
Do we go straight to the solution of wanting to have a transplant without looking at any responsibility on our part?
Is it possible that we need to look at what caused the need for an organ transplant in the first place?
What if, how we live our everyday life, is the cause of all of our illnesses and diseases?
What if our organ has failed because we are living in a way that is not true to ourselves?
What if any failing organ is our bodies way of saying our time is up with the way we have been living?
If, after we have our transplant, we choose to live the way we were living before, is it possible that we will create the same conditions that caused the reason why we needed the transplant in the first place?
Is it possible that, now we have a new organ, if we don’t change the way we lived our lives before, we will need another transplant at some point?
Without doubt, organ donation may keep us alive a bit longer but, is it possible that the fact that we know we have the possibility of an organ donation, means we are not as responsible as we could be?
Scientific American 14 December 2020
Title: Kidney Dialysis is a Booming Business – Is it Also a Rigged One?
A new law in California aims to curb what sponsors say is profiteering by dialysis centers.
80% goes to 2 companies who donate to the American Kidney Fund.
It has been called a scam and there are those that want this type of business to not continue.
Others say if this happens then aid to California residents in this way would cease.
2016 – 125,000 Americans started treatment for end-stage renal disease.
Studies suggest 23 – 28% of people with kidney failure “crash” onto dialysis, which means they start in an unplanned way, with little or no prior care from a kidney specialist. Many of these individuals are too sick to work full-time at this point. The potential to remain employed is difficult as dialysis gets in the way. Those with physical labour would dislodge their dialysis catheter and would have to quit working. This also would lead to loss of employer-sponsored health insurance – something most people fear.
Back to the news story – there is profits to be made and it is not millions but billions.
They talk about acquisitions and there is no real transparency and hence speculation and exposing of what is going on and the usual stuff, we all know but would rather not know.
What we could say is that kidney dialysis clinics is big business and that is because there is a demand. What we have negated to question is WHY and HOW does anyone get to chronic kidney disease to the point that they are artificially staying alive because of advanced medical technology?
What is going on and what quality of life is on offer if we are living in this way?
What could we do now – those of us who have yet to be diagnosed with some kind of illness or disease such as CKD?
WHY have we not got our researchers to use public money and independently find out the root cause and that means no funding from those who could be biased or have a vested interest of some kind in the outcome? Real ‘back to the drawing board’ approach which we could say is good old fashion stuff that is simple. Get them to only report if they have results that could turn the tides and that means find the root cause and not give us any more hypothesis or this and that.
We ought to demand answers but before we can even go there, we do need to admit we have a problem and get honest first.
Our world is very divided and money seems to be creating more ills and dis-harmony, but yet we all go around seeking more without understanding the essence of what it is when we say “Put People Before Profits.
Today is World Kidney Day – 10 March 2022
Are we aware that 1 in 10 adults worldwide have Chronic Kidney Disease and that Kidney Disease mortality continues to increase yearly and is projected to be the 5th leading cause of death by 2040?
We have campaigns going on that “will focus on efforts to increase education and awareness about kidney health and on reducing the stubbornly high CKD knowledge gap at all levels of kidney care”.
On that note what if we got presenters like the author of this article to go into schools and deliver the simple facts, keep it light and say it as it is? In other words, present the truth so they all get it without trying to make it sound intelligent, so it is an easy way of learning the importance of taking care of our organs.
The author has no sign of CKD or any kidney related illness or dis-ease on the radar. So just finding out how they live would be worth taking note of. In addition, they do not have exhaustion, chronic fatigue, high or low blood pressure, Diabetes or any heart condition that are supposedly ‘normal’ at the age of 60. Above all they do not have stress related symptoms showing in their body but they do have consistent vitality levels.
Dear World
Why are we so complacent and accepting of numbers such as being told we will have more deaths related to Chronic Kidney Disease within the next 2 decades? That means our kids of today are going to show signs of this dis-ease in the body.
WHY are we not up in arms finding out more and seeing what we can be doing to ensure, we as adults and the children of today, (who not so in the distant future will be adults) do not end up with any kidney related illness?
We ought to realise that Chronic Kidney Disease does not just suddenly show up in our body. We get warnings and plenty of signs for it to get to that stage.
We could learn a lot from this article and we could learn even more from those that suffer with any kidney disease. Observe their lifestyle choices and we would know how and why they have what they have and how the stages happened to end up as CKD.
With due respect to campaigns and efforts –
In truth we must ask now what does it mean to campaign.
Our dictionary tells us it is an organised action to achieve a goal, any crusade, drive, push, effort, battle, fight, press, strive.
Will this work really if we are already saying that by 2040 Chronic Kidney Disease will be the 5th leading cause of death worldwide?
How do we turn the tides and ensure that this projection does not become a reality?
Is there another way?
The Guardian – 15 April 2022
Are we aware that when astronauts travel into space they have reported having kidney stones upon returning to earth?
Researchers are now looking at why space travel is linked to this painful condition.
According to Dr. Stephen Walsh, clinical senior lecturer in experimental medicine at UCL “the pain you get when passing a kidney stone is the worst pain you can experience”.
It is already known that spending time in microgravity is linked to a drop in bone density: the loss of calcium into the blood offers one possible explanation for the build up of mineral rich kidney stones in astronauts, with dehydration another potential cause.
Analysing mice that were exposed to galactic cosmic radiation in laboratories on earth and compared their kidneys with those of control mice. The research has not yet been published, but early indications show damage to DNA in the kidneys as well as affecting the transport and metabolism of fats. Researchers said there were even signs of changes in proteins around the cells of the kidney, potentially indicating either adaptation or damage of the organs.
In addition, mice exposed to the galactic cosmic radiation had lower levels of proteins involved in transporting ions such as those of sodium, calcium and phosphate. The findings hint damage to the powerhouses of cells – the mitochondria. The problem is that a key component of the kidney, the proximal tubular cells, rely entirely on the energy they produce. When the proximal tubular cells go down, it gives kidney failure.
Mice were given a dose equivalent to a year and a half trip to Mars; those that travelled to space were only onboard the ISS for a month.
Dr. Keith Siew, a research fellow and renal specialist at University College London said “we are seeing increases year on year of kidney stones occurring on Earth.
Considering the prevalence of kidney stone disease, the understanding of how the majority of stones form is surprisingly poor says Professor Ben Turney, a consultant urological surgeon at the Oxford University hospitals NHS trust, who was not involved in this study.
Dear World,
Will mice really give us humans the answers we seek?
Could we apply a very child like simple question?
WHY do we need to leave this planet and explore outside it when we have not yet sorted out all our problems on Earth including kidney stones?
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) – 4 August 2023
Researchers have shown for the 1st time a greater intake of added sugars is associated with a greater risk of kidney stones.
7% – 15% of people in North America suffer from kidney stones. This is between 5% ang 9% in Europe.
Common symptoms are severe pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills and blood in urine.
Kidney stones do not just reduce quality of life. In the long run they can lead to infections, swollen kidneys (hydronephrosis), renal insufficiency and end stage renal disease.
Known risk factors for developing kidney stones include being a male adult, obesity, chronic diarrhoea, dehydration, having inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes or gout.
Lead author Dr. Shan Yin said the research suggests that “Limiting added sugar intake may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones.”
Dear World,
This is great news as researchers are now joining the dots that what we ingest could then affect our organs.
What if we go one step further and ask our researchers to find out WHY anyone needs added sugars when let’s face it, we all know it is a toxic harmful substance that is addictive and legal?
What makes us pull, crave and go for added sugar as it seems the masses and that means the majority of us need sugar to function?
Is it time to do even more research on the association of sugar to the human body?
UPI Health News – 28 September 2023
People who gained weight and those who had a slow gait speed – a marker of low physical fitness developed kidney disease faster than those who had stable weight and higher fitness, according to a new multi-ethnic cohort study.
Previous studies found an association between weight gain and higher chronic kidney disease risk but this study is among the first to explore the role of physical fitness and chronic kidney disease risk in an obese population without diabetes or kidney disease as a baseline.
Kidney disease risk was similar between those who maintained their weight and those who lost weight.
The results of the study say that preventing weight gain and improving physical fitness are important to mitigate kidney disease risk among obese adults.
“Over 40% of adults in the United States have obesity, which is an independent risk factor for kidney disease.
A slow walking pace was associated with more rapid kidney function decline.
1 in 7 U.S. adults – 37 million suffer with chronic kidney disease.
90% of these people are unaware they have the disease.
Deaths from chronic kidney disease are rising nationally.
Treating patients is costing the nation’s health care system, with over $85 billion spent in 2020.
88,658 people are on the waiting list for a life-saving kidney transplant in the United States.
Most studies that have looked at kidney disease risk factors in obese adults have focussed on those with Diabetes or other risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease.”
Study lead author – Dr. Meera N. Harhay, Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine.
Dr. Marie Nevin, endocrinologist who was not involved in the research said this was a “solid study” based on its size and 10 year duration.
National Kidney Foundation – 13 October 2023
A new study finds Kidney Disease elevates the risk of Sudden Cardiac Arrest risk in Hispanic/Latino Communities.
356,000 people in the United States suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), according to the CDC.
SCA is where the heart unexpectedly stops beating.
60% to 80% of people who experience SCA die before ever reaching the hospital.
A ground-breaking study of SCA in the Hispanic/Latino community by researches at the Smidt Heart Institute, Cedars-Sinai Health System, Los Angeles found that Chronic Kidney Disease is the most significant risk factor for Hispanics/Latinos who had Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
The results were clear.
An overwhelming number of people had kidney problems.
• 51% of the cases had a kidney disease diagnosis before SCA
• 20% were on dialysis
Other SCA risk factors included:
Existing Cardiovascular Disease
Atrial Fibrillation
Coronary Artery Disease
Heart Failure
Heavy Alcohol consumption
The kidneys and the heart depend on each other.
The heart provides the oxygen-rich blood that the kidneys need to do their job.
The kidneys clean the blood that the heart pumps throughout the body.
Kidney disease and dialysis can cause the heart to work harder. The harder it works, the more likely it is to grow larger and thicker. If the heart becomes too large or weak, it will not be able to pump blood through the body properly.
For some on dialysis, heart function can decline to the point where the patient can no longer continue treatment.
Hispanic/Latino persons experience Kidney Failure at twice the rate of non-Hispanic White persons.
Harvard Medical School – 21 March 2024
In a first of its kind, a genetically edited Pig Kidney was transplanted into a Human. The procedure marks a milestone in the quest to prove more organs to patients in need.
The pig kidney was genetically edited to make it more compatible with humans and reduce the chance of infection.
Longer-term results of the first of its kind transplant, conducted under an FDA compassionate use protocol are not yet clear.
The patient was a 62 year old man and he has Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, the most common causes of Chronic Kidney Disease. He previously received a human kidney transplant but it showed signs of failure after 5 years.
The ‘success’ of the transplant is the culmination of efforts by thousands of scientists and physicians over several decades.
Researchers have been exploring xenotransplantation, as a solution to a worldwide shortage of donated organs. Transplantations of pig hearts into living patients and pig kidneys into brain-dead recipients have made recent headlines.
According to the United Network of Organ Sharing, more than 100,000 people in the U.S. are awaiting an organ for transplant.
17 people die each day waiting for an organ.
Kidneys are the most common organs needed.
“There are so many unknowns – we still do not know how many years this kidney can survive but we are aiming at more than 2 years.
Our hope is that kidney dialysis will become obsolete.
I am firmly convinced that xenotransplantation represents a promising solution to the organ shortage crisis.”
said the lead of the surgical team, Riella Kawai.
Dear World
Whilst we seek other animals to provide organs for us as humans, do we need to ask could we get to the root cause of why and how anyone develops kidney disease that leads to the chronic stage where dialysis is the only way to survive? How is someone living that starts them on this road as we learn here that kidney organs are the most common needed of all organs.
Would it be wise if we started to make a demand for our researchers to come together with their expertise and work out WHY is this and what happens to us at the start when our kidneys communicate symptoms that lead to dis-ease in the body?
If our kidneys are depleted in anyway, can we examine how we are living and what we are doing in terms of lifestyle choices? If we don’t then chances are we are going to end up having farms and labs to deal with the shortage crisis of organs.
Surely this is not the true way to deal with such a serious issue or is this what we want and have accepted?
Medicine Net – 12 June 2024
Older women with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) could lose so many teeth that they are not able to chew and talk effectively, according to a new study, published in the journal Menopause.
Post-menopausal women with Kidney Disease are –
40% more likely to have fewer than 20 teeth – the minimum number needed to adequately chew and speak, researchers reported.
This sort of tooth loss is also associated with an increased risk of Stroke and other systemic illnesses like Diabetes, Thyroid Disease and Osteoporosis, researchers noted.
“Our findings suggest that preventing and managing mineral and bone metabolism disorders in post-menopausal women with Chronic Kidney Disease are crucial to prevent tooth loss.”
Dr. Ki-Ho Chung – Associate Professor at Chonnam National University School of Dentistry, South Korea
Diabetes UK – 24 July 2024
Waiting lists for Kidney transplants hits HIGHEST number in 10 years, NHS figures have highlighted.
New health data has shown that more than 600 people were removed from the transplant list in the last 12 months because they became too unwell to undergo the procedure.
In addition, 300 died before receiving the transplant.
A report published by Kidney Care UK has revealed that someone is diagnosed with Kidney failure every hour.
8,000 adults started Kidney replacement therapy – 7.3% increase from previous year.
Due to the spiralling cases of Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and an ageing population, experts say the number of people needing Kidney replacement therapy will rise in the near future.
7 MILLION will be living with CKD – Chronic Kidney Disease by 2033.
1 in 5 people with Type 2 Diabetes end up needing a kidney transplant, making the disease one of the leading causes of Kidney failure.
5 MILLION for the first time – people living with Diabetes in the UK.
3,300 Kidney transplant operations took place in 2023.
Growing waiting lists and a failure to recover from the 30% drop in transplants during the pandemic, have led to a worsening situation for transplant patients.
1,753 people on the Kidney waiting list in London are expected to wait 500 days for a transplant.
The study reported that individuals who have undergone or are waiting for a Kidney transplant are at risk of experiencing financial and psychological problems.