Alcohol Awareness

Dear World

We have Alcohol Awareness Week

This article is to bring awareness about Alcohol (1)

Note – the initial stats are what we would say are a bit old

As we know Alcohol use continues to increase, so the real figures today would be much higher, if we are to be honest.

For more details about Alcohol – read our blogs


49 die in Siberia after drinking bath essence – used as a cheap substitute for Alcohol

Alcohol is a major problem in Russia – 1 in 4 men die before age 55

12 million impoverished, regularly consume surrogate Alcohol – perfume, window cleaner and surgical spirit. (2)


40% of NHS workload related to Excessive Alcohol consumption, smoking and lack of exercise, says the Chief Executive of NHS England. (3)


Over half of adults in Wales have been harmed by someone else drinking Alcohol (4)


80% of weekend arrests are Alcohol related

50% of violent crime is committed under the influence of Alcohol

53% of police workload is Alcohol related

Alcohol is found to be involved in 1 – 30% of all fires
50% result in casualties – cost 5 times more on average (5)




£24,000,000,000 spent on Alcohol in pubs, bars and restaurants

£400,000,000 higher than previous year – 2015 (7)


Higher rate of injury reported when mixing Alcohol and Caffeine
Spirits being mixed with caffeine-based energy drinks

Studies show increase in falls, car accidents and incidences of suicidal behaviour and violence increased (8)


1 in 7 divorces linked to heavy drinking by wives

Alcohol abuse in a marriage due to the behaviour of the wife has tripled since 1980 (9)


The physical health risks of drinking Alcohol are well known. Less discussed are the mental health consequences.

94% increase over 10 years of age 15 – 59 being admitted to hospital with Alcohol related behavioural disorders.

150% increase for people age 60+ (10)


Binge drinking sessions were enough to cause symptoms of early stage liver disease

Study published online in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research (11)


29 million age 16 + drank Alcohol

7.8 million binged on Alcohol
Office of National Statistics bulletin – Great Britain 2005 – 2016 (12)


Moderate drinking results in structural changes to the brain, leading to ‘brain atrophy’ or ‘right sided hippocampal atrophy’.
British Medical Journal – June 2017 (13)


5 major organs being destroyed by Alcohol consumption

  • Heart
  • Brain
  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Kidneys (14)


High Blood Pressure is also a health risk of Binge Drinking

Study found blood pressure of adults aged 20 – 24 were 2 to 4 mmHg higher than those that did not binge drink. (15)


World Health Organization data shows Europeans drink more Alcohol than any other continent


63,000 will die in England over the next 5 years from liver problems linked to heavy drinking, doctors warn.


Research shows that industry sponsored research almost invariably favours the interests of the industry sponsor, even when investigators believe they are immune from such influence.


Scotland – new health guidelines

NHS staff told to warn that even light drinking poses a risk to the heart (19)


50% rise in number of air passengers arrested for drunken mis-behaviour on flights and in airports. (20)


Alcohol drinkers caused more emergency 999 callouts than Christmas partygoers.
London Ambulance Service (21)


Alcohol Epidemic in USA – National Survey | 79,000 people

1 in 8 Americans are now Alcoholics

49% increase in Alcoholism in U.S. over 11 years (22)


Urgent action needed to tackle Alcohol and drug misuse among baby boomers, experts warn. Growing body of data from around the world – substance misuse increasing among those mid-50s and older.

Over half a million adults, aged 55 to 74 admitted to hospitals in England, with Alcohol related injuries, diseases or conditions. More than any other age group. (23)


Cancers linked to Alcohol consumption:

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Mouth Cancer
  • Throat Cancer
  • Oesophageal Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer (24)


Alaska town trying to address hard drinking that is deeply entrenched there

Law proposed prohibiting intoxication in public places, like the city’s main street, where people can be seen stumbling along or passed out near tourist shops.

Locals say law would unfairly target residents who are struggling with alcoholism, while failing to address root causes. (25)


Chief Medical Officer – Dame Sally Davies warns pregnant women against drinking any Alcohol, on the grounds that there is no safe level.


Research Study analysed information relating to cancer on the websites of 30 Alcohol industry organisations between September and December 2016.  Findings show “some sort of distortion and mis-representation” of evidence.

Activities have parallels with those of the Tobacco industry

Alcohol consumption is an established risk factor for a range of cancers including oral cavity, liver, breast and colorectal cancers. (27)


Illegal traders selling contaminated Alcohol
880 gallons seized | 16 people died (28)


£2.7 billion a year is the cost to the National Health Service for treating Alcohol Abuse

£1 billion a year on Ambulances and A & E services to look after drunks

25% increase in Alcohol related hospital admissions in last decade (29)


Scientists have spent 3 years studying the flow of liquid across wine bottle lips, using slow motion video. This is so that they can design wine bottles that do not drip.


Over 100 brands of Gin now available on the UK market like Christmas gin with frankincense and myrrh.


Parents giving children Alcohol too young and ordering takeaways too often.
Researchers warn. (32)


70% of emergency department attendances at weekends are due to Alcohol consumption. (33)


Data examined on millions of adults in France 2008 – 2013


Drinking Alcohol linked to early dementia

57% diagnosed with dementia before age 65 were heavy drinkers (34)


88,000 people die from excess drinking of Alcohol each year in America

More than half are related to binge drinking

37 million adults reported binge drinking

Study found there were 17.5 billion binge drinks consumed per year (35)


New statistics state that people in their 50s and 60s, Alcohol is now the 6th most common cause of disability, with Alcohol-related dementia of particular concern.

75% of serious air rage incidents involved Alcohol – 2016 on British flights (37)


Largest ever study of its kind concluded –

2 glasses of wine per night takes 2 years off our lives

30 year study | 600,000 people who drink Alcohol | 19 countries

During the time period – 40,000 died and 39,000 suffered heart problems (38)


Crete bans young people from the UK to “reclaim” the Greek island from the hedonistic, Alcohol fuelled reputation it has, because British tourists pour into its bars and clubs every summer.

95% of the town’s 137 hotels are scrapping the notorious 18 – 30 holiday group package deals, seen as a right of passage for thousands of young people in the UK. (39)


Airline pilots are allowed to drink Alcohol

There is a legal limit of 20 mg of Alcohol per 200 ml of blood that pilots can have in their body. (40)


Major study into the health effects of Alcohol had to be stopped
Much of the money came from the Alcohol industry


8,000 babies born every year with health problems caused by their mothers drinking. (42)



Researchers covered 195 countries between 1990 and 2016 and amassed data from hundreds of other studies, which makes it the largest collected evidence base to date.

One drink a day increases the risk of developing an Alcohol-related disease, which includes Cancer, Diabetes and Tuberculosis. This increased by 37% for those who had 5 drinks. (43)


British women are one of the heaviest drinkers in the world

UK, South Korea and Gambia – females drink as much as males

Denmark has the highest number of Alcohol consumers
95% women | 97% men

Research involved 592 studies and over 28 million participants (44)


The most expensive draft beer – coffee flavoured beer costing £22.50 a pint


UK drink driving limit set in 1967
80mg of Alcohol per 100 ml of blood

2001 European Commission suggested it be lowered to 50mg but UK did not change. (46)


Coroner ruled – student died from the “toxic effects” of drinking excessive Alcohol on an “initiation-style” bar crawl.
20 year old student on a bar crawl where 100 triple vodkas were ordered (47)


Cold weather and long nights make people drink more Alcohol and increase the risk of binge drinking and liver failure. The study found people who live in countries with less sunlight and lower temperatures drink more Alcohol than those in warmer regions.




Hundreds of thousands of Alcohol related deaths every year
Alcohol addiction and Alcohol related crime is so high
Episode 2 –  (50)


Doctors warn – adults who drink 3 or 4 pints after work may need a liver transplant.

Experts at the Royal Free Hospital in London said that it was a “common mis-conception” that only hardened drinkers were in danger of damaging their liver.

People who have developed a habitual unhealthy excessive drinking pattern, like 3 to 4 pints after work, was far more representative of the people that undergo a transplant. (51)


2.6 million children in the UK living with an Alcohol dependent parent

Children of alcoholics are –

6 times as likely to witness domestic violence
3 times as likely to consider suicide
Twice as likely to experience problems at school (52)


Airlines UK – the trade body for UK registered airline companies said airport bars were fuelling a rise in bad behaviour in the air and the routine sale of doubles in mixers and cocktails was ‘worrying and irresponsible.’

Airports saying airlines heavily market Alcohol offers on board and want to curb drinking at airports to boost their own sales. Their concerns over drinking Alcohol at airports are driven by commercial interests rather than a genuine concern about excessive Alcohol consumption or disruptive behaviour, says a senior airport source. (53)


80 people die every day of Alcohol related causes in the UK and over 1 million Alcohol related hospital admissions every year.

1 in 10 people in hospital beds in the UK are Alcohol dependent

Hospitals in the UK struggling to cope with numbers of people whose heavy drinking lands them in A & E or Mental Health Units. (54)


64% rise in Alcohol related hospital admissions in 2017 (55)


Older people, particularly the middle classes, are not associated with excessive drinking, few of them realise that they have a problem.

Doctor working on a liver unit, in a large inner-city hospital said he was shocked to see Accountants, Lawyers, Doctors and Teachers with liver failure. They could not believe drinking Alcohol was the cause of their health problems, until it was too late. (56)


New parents worrying about their baby’s health every hour and turning to Alcohol for comfort – new research study. (57)


2030 – half of all adults worldwide will drink Alcohol and 25% will binge drink at least once a month, according to projections covering 189 countries.

The world is not on track to achieve global targets to reduce harmful Alcohol use.


Alcohol intake per head has increased 70% in the country since 1990 (58)


A major report shows the average Briton is now drinking 108 bottles of wine a year – far more than the rest of the Western world.

The study of 36 nations show that the UK’s Alcohol consumption is now among the highest in developed countries.

Over 65s beginning NHS treatment for Alcohol problems has doubled in the past decade.

Trends among older drinkers were alarming. The impact of this long term is seen in liver disease, Alcohol related brain damage, dementia, cancer, blood pressure, strokes and a whole range of health problems.
Addictions Faculty of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (59)


The number of Alcohol deaths per year, in the United States has doubled since 1999.

America is in the middle of an alcohol epidemic as alcohol causes more deaths than all drug overdoses combined – even at the height of America’s opioid epidemic. (60)


35 million bottles of rum sold in UK worth £1 billion

Rare collection created – only 500 bottles of Rum costing £3,000 (61)


Inventive ways to socialise with Alcohol during lockdown:

  • Video conferencing and holding nightly parties online with Alcohol
  • Weekly newspaper quiz on Zoom with extra top up of Alcohol if you get it right
  • Poker parties
  • Bridge parties
  • Communal cooking
  • Book reading groups (62)


589,000 people dependent on Alcohol in the UK

Hospital beds needed for coronavirus victims being blocked by Alcoholics depending on the NHS. (63)


728 people died after ingesting toxic methanol thinking it could cure the new virus.

10 fold increase in Alcohol poisoning in the past year

5,011 people poisoned from methanol Alcohol (64)


2nd largest consumer of liquor in the world

India consumes more whiskey than any other country in the world

Study in 189 countries between 1990 and 2017 – Alcohol consumption had grown by 38% in India. (65)


Alcohol consumption is emerging as a major public health problem in India
It has been strongly linked to domestic violence (66)


$10 billion – part of the Alcohol industry is Travel Retail
Sales during flights, on cruises and duty free shops

$21 billion – part of the Alcohol industry is E-commerce with sales increasing
People are developing a new habit of getting Alcohol delivered to their homes. (67)


UK government fast track approval for any venue with Alcohol licence to sell drinks for take away, in a bid to encourage people to drink Alcohol outside.

Police concerned the move could lead to a rise in disorder (68)


1 in 5 adults get so drunk they feel out of control at least once a month

61,043 adults from 21 countries

85% felt the effects of Alcohol at least once a month
66% became as drunk as they wanted to (69)


22% adults admit drinking more Alcohol in lockdown and this was stronger among teenagers under age 18 and young people in their 20s.

DrinkAware have warned drinking Alcohol could become a habit that is “ingrained and hard to break.” (70)


UK government endorses Alcohol
Distilleries have won £10 million funding to help them harness energy sources. (71)


Average drinker at home pours 50% more wine than standard measure

1 in 5 put at least third of a bottle of wine in each glass

Drinking Spirits
150% bigger than a single measure
1 in 4 pour themselves a triple shot

5 million people in past 6 months, driving knowing they are over the drink drive limit. (72)


The number of people now drinking Alcohol at high risk levels that threaten their health has doubled to 8.5 million since February 2020. (73)


9,719 youth –
this is the largest study to investigate the impacts of low level Alcohol use during pregnancy.

It is also associated with greater psychological and behavioural problems in youth, which includes:

  • Anxiety
  • Being withdrawn
  • Depression
  • Poor Attention
  • Being Impulsive (74)


UK doctors have warned super cheap high strength cider is causing ‘colossal’ harm to the nation. A week’s worth of Alcohol can be purchased for the price of a takeaway coffee.

The Alcohol Health Alliance UK – a coalition of more than 50 organisations, which include Royal Colleges and Health charities found cider being sold in 2.5 litre bottles containing almost 19 units of Alcohol. (75)


Millions drinking Alcohol more heavily due to pandemic – 22 November 2020

29% have been drinking Alcohol at increasing or high risk levels over past 6 months.

53% said they drank Alcohol for a mental health reason –

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Worry
  • Boredom
  • Sleep Issues
  • Feeling Sad or Low (76)


Benefits of not drinking Alcohol for one month – Dry January

70% report sleeping better

65% notice general improvement in health (77)


Research published in the British Medical Journal 2018 found short term abstinence from Alcohol had the following results:

  • Changes in Cardiovascular risk factors
  • Changes in Liver function tests
  • Blood Pressure lower
  • Reduces Diabetes risk
  • Cholesterol levels lower
  • Reduces levels of Cancer related proteins in blood (78)


Alcohol is the new cigarette in Canada
$3.7 billion national Alcohol deficit (79)


Global whisky exports from UK grew to £4.9 billion in 2019

130 distilleries operating in this region (80)


New TV show – 96% of the drinks on screen were alcoholic (81)


Teenager died after 4 hour binge drinking “initiation” for a university rugby club. (82)


Deaths from Alcohol misuse in England and Wales has hit a 20 year high in 2020.

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) show the death rate starting to rise at the beginning of the first lockdown and increasing sharply each quarter.

7,423 Alcohol specific deaths in 2020
Highest annual death toll since records began (83)


A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled Trial of Intravenous Alcohol to assess changes in Atrial Electrophysiology.

The data demonstrates a direct mechanistic link between Alcohol, a common lifestyle exposure and immediate proarrhythmic effects in human atria.

Acute exposure to Alcohol reduces Atrial Effective Refractory Periods AERP, particularly in the pulmonary veins. (84)


Study published in Society for the Study of Addiction

Associations between Social Media usage and Alcohol among Youth and Young Adults.

4+ hours users more likely to binge drink 3 or 4 times a month

There is a strong correlation between heavier social media use and more frequent Alcohol consumption and that relationship exists across time. (85)



25,378 people – observational cohort study in the UK

Moderate consumption is associated with more widespread adverse effects on the brain than previously recognised. (86)


Global Drugs Survey 2020

Data based on 90,000 people who drink Alcohol:

  • 28 times, male respondents reported getting drunk in last 12 months
  • 30% of occasions, respondents reported regretting getting drunk
  • 64% regret drinking too much and too quickly
  • 39% regret mixing drinks
  • 75% – Bad Hangover

Top consequence of drinking Alcohol that led people to say they regretted getting drunk. (87)


LSE study over 8 years, shows domestic violence higher in the 12 hours after a football match.



Alcohol is a major player in the relationship between sport and abuse (89)


38% rise in domestic violence when England loses an important football match. (90)


741,300 cancer cases globally caused by Alcohol in 2020

16,800 cases of cancer in UK caused by drinking Alcohol in 2020

There is strong evidence that Alcohol consumption can cause various cancers

  • Breast Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Rectum Cancer
  • Oropharynx Cancer
  • Larynx Cancer
  • Oesophagus Cancer (91)


21% increase in Alcoholic liver deaths during year of the pandemic


12.6 million EXTRA litres of Alcohol sold in the financial year 2020 to 2021

58.6% increase of people reporting they are drinking Alcohol at increasing and higher risk levels when comparing March 2020 and March 2021.

Alcoholic liver disease accounted for over 80% of all deaths in 2020 (93)


95,000 Alcohol related death in USA each year and the number is rising

Despite mounting evidence of the harm Alcohol causes, the main reason it is legal in the US is the banning of Alcohol (prohibition) a century ago, failed. (94)


Alcohol is used in ready made pastry – the box in the supermarket fridge section.


A small town Greenland has banned Alcohol temporarily due to what they call were “spooky” incidents. These included domestic disturbances, suicides and incidents of violence. (95)



US $12,997 MILLION – Revenue in Gin Market

Most of the revenue is generated in the United Kingdom ($3,249 million) in 2021 (96)


Dear World

A reminder once again about Alcohol Awareness


195 countries | 25 year study | largest collected evidence base to date (43)

For those that would like more understanding about Alcohol and the harmfull effects to the human body, plus the facts and the stats – see links




(1) (2021). Alcohol Awareness Week. Alcohol Change UK. Retrieved November 14, 2021 from

(2) (2016, December 24). The World at a Glance. The Week. Issue 1105, page 11

(3) Hughes, L. (2016, June 7). More Spent on Treating Obesity Related Conditions Than on the Police or Fire Service, Says NHS Chief. The Telegraph. Retrieved November 12, 2021 from

(4) (2016, September 27). Over Half of Adults in Wales Suffer Harm from Someone Else’s Drinking. NHS Wales. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(5) (2015, October). Alcohol’s Impact on Emergency Services. Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS). Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(6) Campbell, D. (2016, December 2). Alcohol-Related Crime, Lost Output and Ill Health Costs UK £52bn a Year. The Guardian. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(7) Binns, D. (2017, April 12). £24bn Pub Bill as We Opt for Better Bitter. Metro.

(8) Dotinga, R. (2017, March 22). Mixing Energy Drinks with Alcohol May Make Dangerous Cocktail. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(9) Doughty, S. (2017, March 20). One in Seven Divorces is Linked to Heavy Drinking by Wives: Number of Husbands Citing Unreasonable Behaviour Triples. MailOnline. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(10) Todd, M. (2017, May 11). I Know How Alcohol Can Ruin Your Mental Health. So Why Is It Rarely Discussed? The Guardian. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(11) Dovey, D. (2017, January 23). Dangers of Binge Drinking: Just 21 Instances of Unhealthy Alcohol Use May Cause Early Signs of Liver Damage. Medical Daily. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(12) (2017, May 3). Adult Drinking Habits in Great Britain: 2005 to 2016. Office for National Statistics. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(13) Topiwala, A., Allan, C. L., Valkanova, V., Zsoldos, E., Filippini, N., Sexton, C., Mahmood, A., Fook, P., Singh-Manoux, A., Mackay, C. E., Kivimäki, M., & Ebmeier, K. P. (2017, June 6). Moderate Alcohol Consumption as Risk Factor for Adverse Brain Outcomes and Cognitive Decline: Longitudinal Cohort Study. The BMJ – The British Medical Journal.  Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(14) Caba, J. (2014, July 4). Alcohol’s Effect on the Body: 5 Major Organs That Are Being Destroyed by Your Alcohol Consumption. Medical Daily. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(15) Bushak, L. (2016, February 19). For Young Adults, Binge Drinking and High Blood Pressure May Go Hand in Hand. Medical Daily. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(16) (n.d). Data and Statistics. World Health Organization. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(17) Campbell, D. (2017, July 24). Heavy Drinking Will Kill 63,000 People Over Next Five Years, Doctors Warn. The Guardian. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(18) Rabin, R. C. (2017, July 8). Is Alcohol Good for You? An Industry-Backed Study Seeks Answers. Independent. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(19) Puttick, H. (2017, August 4). New Health Guidelines Warn That Even Light Drinking Can Be Bad for Your Heart. The Times. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(20) Moody, O. (2017, August 14). Arrests of Drunken Air Passengers Up by 50%.  The Times. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(21) Lydall, R. (2017, August 2). Summer Drinkers Caused More 999 Callouts Than Christmas Partygoers. Evening Standard.

(22) Henriques, M. (2017, August 11). Alcoholism Epidemic in the USA: More Than 1 in 8 Americans Are Now Alcoholics. International Business Times. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(23) Davis, N. (2017, August 23). Baby Boomers’ Drink and Drug Misuse Needs Urgent Action, Warn Experts. The Guardian. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(24) Bullen, J. (2017, August 23). Does One Drink a Day Damage Your Health? Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(25) D’Oro, R. (2017, September 10). Alaska Gold Rush Town Struggles with Hard Drinking Legacy. Denver Post. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(26) (2017, September 23). To Be on the Safe Side, Don’t Drink. The Week. Issue 1143, page 20

(27) Clarke, J. (2017, September 7). Alcohol Industry Accused of ‘Downplaying’ Risk of Cancer from Drinking Too Much. Independent. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(28) (2017, November 3). World Bites. Metro.

(29) (2017, May 6). Drunkards Belong in Drunk Tanks, not A & E. Daily Mail.

(30) (2017, March 25). For a Tidier Tipple, Wine Bottle That Never Drips. Daily Mail.

(31) Horton, H. (2017, December 16). Vodka Falling Out of Fashion as ‘Bored’ Consumers Plump for ‘Interesting’ Gin Cocktails. The Telegraph. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(32) Roxby, R.  (2017, December 15). Parents Giving Children Alcohol Too Young, Researchers Say. BBC News. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(33) Tiggle, N. (2017, December 29). Drunk Tanks May Become Norm, NHS Boss Warns ‘Selfish’ Revellers. BBC News. Retrieved November 13, 2021 from

(34) (2018, March 3). Drinking Linked to Early Dementia.  The Week. Issue 1165, page 21

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(84) Marcus, G. M., Dukes, J.W., Vittinghoff, E., Nah, G., Badhwar, N., Moss, J.D., Lee, R.J., Lee, B.K., Tseng, Z.H., Walters, T.E., Vedantham, V., Gladstone, R., Fan, S., Lee, E., Fang, C., Ogomori, K., Hue, T., Olgin, J.E., Scheinman, M. M., Hsia, H., … Gerstenfeld, E.P. (2021, May 7). A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Intravenous Alcohol to Assesses Changes in Atrial Electrophysiology. JACC Journals. .  Retrieved November 14, 2021 from

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Comments 58

  1. Alcohol Awareness Week in the UK

    Here are a few statistics taken from Alcohol Change – an organisation that brings awareness about alcohol and the consequences.

    602,391 Alcohol dependent drinkers in the UK – 2018/19

    82% not accessing treatment

    24% of adults in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low risk guidelines.

    27% binge drink in Great Britain


    74% more affordable than alcohol was in 1987





    Rise in older people over age 65 admitted to hospitals in England for alcohol related conditions.

    39% of all violent incidents in England – offender under the influence of Alcohol

    Young people who obtained Alcohol
    71% were given Alcohol by parents or guardians
    49% were given Alcohol by friends
    48% took Alcohol from home with permission

    66% of young people drink Alcohol with parents
    58% drink Alcohol with friends
    61% who drink Alcohol never buy Alcohol

    36,000 – 51,000 children live with a parent or guardian those Alcohol use is potentially problematic.

    These are some statistics and there are more – see link above.

    This is one country – United Kingdom and these statistics are speaking volumes.

    The burden on the National Health System means society as a whole is paying for it.
    Our Youth being enabled through their parents or custodians, that are supposedly to raise them by being real role models, drink Alcohol with them.

    Thousands of children living with parents that have an Alcohol problem.

    A reminder to ALL of Us.
    Statistics are always out of date, so take note that this is old news.
    How many live and go under the radar and never make the stats?

    This is worth considering as our methods of collecting data never includes all those that dodge the system, the world and remain under the radar.

    What would the real figures look like today if they were ALL included?

    What is the real state of this one country alone when it comes to Alcohol?
    What is this microcosm report telling us about the whole world and Alcohol?

    What is this blog, stating some facts and stats and posing some sensible questions telling us all Dear World?

    As this is ALCOHOL AWARENESS week, the spotlight is on this topic.

    How about we make it news headlines and keep the spotlight on Alcohol Awareness so that we all get to learn and understand the devastating and harmfull impact, beyond words that Alcohol consumption is doing to the human frame, those we say we love and care for and our communities, our countries and the whole world?

  2. World Health Organization – Europe
    Copenhagen – 20 October 2021


    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed type of cancer in the European region of the World Health Organization.

    2020 – Alcohol was the cause of almost 40,000 NEW BREAST CANCER CASES and Europe has the highest rate of new breast cancer diagnoses compared to any of the other WHO regions.

    Breast cancer has become the most common cancer globally.
    2 million new cases in 2020 and 100,000 attributable to alcohol.

    Many people, including women are not aware that breast cancer is the most common cancer caused by alcohol among women globally.

    WHO is telling us that people need to know that by reducing alcohol consumption they can reduce their risk of getting cancer.

    The risk of breast cancer increases with each unit of alcohol consumed per day.

    “Simply put, alcohol is toxic. It harms every organ while it passes through the body”

    We then get told it makes ‘perfect sense’ but the advice is contrary. WHY?

    WHY are the World Health Organization saying people are unaware and then saying there is no safe level of alcohol consumption (which we all know already), then offer advice to limit our alcohol consumption, find ways to replace alcohol and adopt new policies that help reduce alcohol consumption?

    Will the recommendations from the World Health Organization work –
    increase taxes, ban or restrict marketing across the media and regulate sale hours?

    Would this drive alcohol underground, like the sales of cigarettes and illicit drugs?

    Could we ask the World Health Organisation that there could be another way?

    We already know the public are un-aware so WHY not bring in some real education?

    Let us put big billboards and adverts across social media and television and every other media platform throughout the world. If we just roll out statistics, like this article on Alcohol Awareness has done, that would be a great start.

    Let us bring in some proper real human life education and that is a reality check for ALL adults and then what they do with it once they are presented with the Real Truth about Alcohol is up to them.

    Let us remind the adult population of the consequences of their choices, as we are no longer ignorant once we know and have the facts presented. One such choice is our health systems can no longer give priority to this lifestyle choice of inflicting a poison in excess and expecting to be treated.

    Let us inform those that use the emergency services – because of their drinking habits that there will be a price to pay – community service for 100 hours and that happens regardless of job title and wealth status.

    Let us get into every school and bring in proper education for the kids.
    Then we get the researches in to do their studies and track those that have been offered the real education from presenters like the author of this blog, this comment and this website and see down the line IF they go near alcohol.

    Before we shut this comment down, why not consider it as nothing else is working?

    With due respect the organisation for world health is offering an approach that still gives the person a choice. How can we continue to allow more breast cancer cases to continue if we know and have the answer?

    We know that alcohol affects every organ and we know beyond doubt there is zero health benefits in consuming a toxic poison.

    The question we now need to ask is WHY are the authorities and those that tell the masses what is law and what is allowed and what is not, taking a soft approach that continues to harm the human frame?

    Are they afraid of the reaction or are they enabling others to continue because they themselves are unable to give up alcohol in their own personal life?

    Dear World,

    We are at a critical juncture in human life – nothing is working.
    Illness and disease is off the scale and our health systems are not coping.

    We continue to endorse or accept lifestyle choices that are harming people and having a huge knock on effect, like cancers because of alcohol and domestic violence because of alcohol and drugs.

    Yet we say ‘we want to reduce the risk’.

    WHY are we not saying let us ELIMINATE ALL RISK and that means give the people the facts, the stats, the absolute ALL that we know about alcohol and then give them the choice to choose if they want to continue?

    Our solutions have failed us and our nice approach does not work.
    Alcohol is killing people and the loss is devastating for those left behind.

    And finally, we need Independent Research studies (not funded by the alcohol industry) to do observational studies and present qualitative data in the European region so we know exactly WHY so many women are turning to alcohol.

    Let’s get into their real everyday life and observe what is going on and this may give us a greater insight and indication as to WHY they use alcohol.

    This comment serves as it offers another way for humanity, as does this whole website.

    It may be dismissed right now but one day scholars will study this website and note that the answers were presented to mankind back in the early 21st century.

  3. University of California San Francisco – 30 August 2021

    Alcohol can cause Immediate Risk of Atrial Fibrillation.

    A single glass of wine can quickly and significantly raise the drinker’s risk for Atrial Fibrillation, according to a new research study by University of California, San Francisco.

    This study provides the first evidence that alcohol consumption substantially increases the chance of the heart rhythm condition occurring within a few hours.

    “Contrary to a common belief that atrial fibrillation is associated with heavy alcohol consumption, it appears that even one alcoholic drink may be enough to increase the risk.” – Gregory Marcus, MD, MAS, Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology at UCSF.

    Until now, research for Atrial Fibrillation has largely focused on risk factors for developing the disease and therapies to treat it, rather than factors that determine when and where an episode might occur.

    “The effects seem to be fairly linear: the more alcohol consumed, the higher the risk of an acute AF event. These observations mirror what has been reported by patients for decades but this is the first objective, measurable evidence that a modifiable exposure may acutely influence the chance that an AF episode will occur.” said Marcus.

  4. Independent News – 8 December 2021

    Alcohol claimed the lives of more people than drugs in 2020.

    Ian Hamilton writes “The government’s war on drugs turns a blind eye to one of Britain’s deadliest narcotics – Alcohol.
    The only intervention we have witnessed is to ensure uninterrupted supply of alcohol during the pandemic”.

    Many of us do not consider alcohol as being a drug.
    The Office of National Statistics report on alcohol-specific deaths is a reminder.
    3,000 lives were claimed for drugs and 8,974 deaths were alcohol related in 2020.

    Men continue to be twice as likely to die due to alcohol.
    Scotland and Northern Ireland have the highest rates of deaths.

    While those with more wealth drink as much as those with the least, factors such as diet and access to health care and other resources ensure the impact of heavy drinking is felt more acutely by those with the least.

    The advertising budge at the disposal of the alcohol industry – count the number of times a day alcohol is advertised. TV, bus shelters, billboards, social media, etc., Add to that the number of outlets where it can be purchased.

    “Alcohol advertising and promotion pays, otherwise the industry would not bother investing the millions that it does” says Hamilton.

    There has been a trend showing a slight fall but what we ought to pay attention to is the switch from lower strength alcohol like beer to stronger ones like wines and spirits. So collectively we might be drinking a bit less but what we are drinking is significantly more potent and therefore a greater risk to our health.

    “Despite the record numbers dying as a result of alcohol, do not expect action from the government on this. Whilst it continues to get tough on narcotics, it works hard to ensure we continue to have access to our favourite drug, irrespective of the damage it causes to an increasing number of families and communities” adds Hamilton.

    WHY does the British government not take the alcohol crisis seriously?
    WHY are they endorsing this industry when we all know the harm it causes?

    The following is in line with the government guidelines:

    £1,734,347 total spent on Alcohol in The House of Lords between 2015 and 2020
    £1,073,724 total spent on Alcohol in The House of Commons between 2017 and 2020

    Could it be possible that those that are in positions of making decision for and on behalf of the general public, need to lead by example. In other words, become real role models and if not, they could just have a blind spot and not see Alcohol for the actual toxic scientifically proven poison that it is?

    We have 195 countries telling us with numerous studies to back this statement now – THERE IS NO SAFE LEVEL OR HEALTH BENEFIT WHEN IT COMES TO ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION.

    Let us not blame the politicians or those that love their alcohol or those that profit from this industry. Let us turn it around and take a look at WHY we need to consume alcohol and why are we using a poison to harm our body?

  5. The Conversation – 8th December 2021

    Alcohol Deaths Up Almost 19% During the Pandemic – the Greatest Increase Since 2001

    Deaths from alcohol in 2020 were up almost 19% compared with the previous year, according to the latest figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). In total, 8,974 deaths resulting from alcohol misuse were recorded in the UK in 2020. This is the largest single-year increase since the ONS started collecting this data in 2001.

    As in previous years, there were significant gender differences: twice as many men as women died as a result of alcohol.
    The highest number of alcohol-specific deaths were recorded in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
    In England, the West Midlands and South West reported the highest increases in rates.

    The pandemic, and associated lockdowns caused many people’s relationship with alcohol to change. Although overall sales fell during 2020 due to pub and restaurant closures, there was a significant rise in supermarket sales of alcohol. And while some people may have drunk the same or less than they normally would have, reports from Public Health England show an almost 59% increase in people who said they were drinking at higher risk levels – around 50 units of alcohol a week for men and 35 units a week for women. These levels of consumption are linked with a range of conditions, including cancers, heart disease and liver failure.

    Many people began drinking strong forms of alcohol (such as wines or spirits) during the pandemic which are also linked to a greater risk of developing health problems such as cancer, coronary heart disease and psychological dependence.

    There are many complex reasons why the pandemic may have changed our relationship with alcohol. Of particular concern is the impact the pandemic has had on mental health, with some even attributing increases in alcohol consumption to experiences of loneliness, depression and anxiety.

    Previous research shows that people with common mental health disorders are twice as likely to report an alcohol use disorder than those without. While many people have used alcohol during the pandemic to cope with poor mental health, this short term relief could lead to longer-term risks to both mental and physical health.

    The number of people receiving specialist alcohol treatment has been in decline since 2014 – though there has been no less demand for treatment. But significant budget cuts in recent years have meant that specialist services are less equipped to provide help to those who need it.

    Alcohol is recognised as putting substantial pressure on the NHS. But, even in the government’s latest ten-year drug strategy – which has pledged £780 million in specialist treatment for drug problems – there are no plans to update dedicated treatment strategies for alcohol problems.

    There are no quick fixes when it comes to reversing the rise in harm that alcohol is causing, including fatalities.
    While Scotland, for example, has introduced minimum unit pricing for alcohol to reduce harm, there is currently no evidence that it has reduced alcohol-specific deaths despite reducing consumption. This is why there is currently a campaign to reduce the stigma associated with problem alcohol use, which is recognised to play an important role in seeking help.

    The ONS data also showed that those living in the most deprived areas are three times more likely to suffer alcohol harm (including deaths) compared to those living in the most affluent areas. Tackling wider issues of inequality – such as poverty, education, housing and unemployment – are critical in reducing both the uptake in risky levels of alcohol consumption as well as the fatal outcomes this yields.

    This article states that overall sales of alcohol fell but supermarket sales rose significantly. This was due to pubs and restaurants being closed which means that we were drinking at home which means that we would be less likely to stop drinking when pubs and restaurants would normally close plus the added bonus of not having to pay for your drinks at the bar would probably give us the mindset that it was cheaper, so we carry on drinking.

    The pandemic and the lockdowns that followed have been and are being blamed for many of our highlighted problems.

    It is very easy to put everything down to mental health issues but is it possible that, with regard to the increase in alcohol related deaths, this is nothing more than our inability to deal with life and what life puts our way?

    What I mean by this is everything we do in life always comes down to the choices we make.

    We can choose to let the pandemic and the lockdowns affect us in a way that leads us to our next bottle of wine or whiskey, or we can choose to deal with what is in front of us without the need for checking out and numbing ourselves with a harm-full substance.

    I know the feeling of wanting to unburden myself with all of what life was throwing at me.

    I couldn’t wait for my days off work so I could have a drink and not care about my life or anyone around me or the world. But my life would always come screaming back to me the next day.

    Yes, a 19% increase in alcohol-related deaths is a shocking figure but at what point do we take responsibility for ourselves?

  6. Its that month again – some of us dread and some of us are up for this challenge or at least want to give it a go. DRY JANUARY.

    The article gives us a presentation with some valid questions to consider.

    Simple Living Global have posted on their Social Media platform Twitter some stats taken from Alcohol Change UK

    86% SAVE MONEY

    If we ADD to this from the same website real life testimonials –

    “My appetite was poor, my anxiety was through the roof and my blood sugars were high. The benefits of Dry January have changed my life and it is like a light bulb has been switched on”.

    “Alcohol for me can so often be used as a social thing that soon becomes part of stress relief. With a recent prostate cancer diagnosis this has made me re-evaluate a big portion of my lifestyle choices..”

    “..My sleeping improved and instead of nursing a hangover, feeling rough and being unable to move, I actually got on with those little jobs around the house..”

    “I have struggled with anxiety, depression, lack of motivation and fatigue for a long, long time now. Since staying sober, I have slept amazingly every night..”

    “After drinking heavily over Xmas for two solid weeks, my appetite was poor, my anxiety was through the roof and my blood sugars were high (I am a type 1 diabetic). Dry January was not easy but the benefits have changed my life..”

    “..This is the longest period of time I have not drunk alcohol for almost 20 years and it has given me the time and space to consider the role alcohol has played in my life..”

    “The biggest noticeable benefit for me was my sleep. I have been sleeping better than I have in a long time..”

    This article on Alcohol Awareness gives us a global report card on what is going on around our world with this toxic poison so many of us consume – ALCOHOL.

    Those that are waking up and making the choice to stop drinking alcohol for one month are sharing the benefits and these quotes above are not to be negated or dismissed. This is real life, they call it anecdotal evidence and for those that don’t know, science and those that profess to know and have more intelligence than the rest of us, generally dismiss and discount it, simply because it is coming from a person and what if they are not accurate and are not under the microscope in a lab or double blind tested with a hypothesis to start with etc., etc.,

    Enough said. Our world has a serious 911 when it comes to alcohol addiction and it is an enormous strain on our human body and the health systems.

    Nothing has worked and we can keep asking for more research until we get to the point we have with cigarette smoking – hundreds of years later where we now admit it is harmfull and there are zero, yes ZERO benefits to smoking.

    Are some of us getting to this realisation with alcohol and will this support those that continue to seek alcohol as a prop in life to dull, numb, bludgeon their body and alter the natural state of who and what we truly are?

    We have the evidence, these people speak for ALL of us and there are millions that know what alcohol does, like the author of this comment, this article and this website.

    WHY are we not interested, open or willing to listen to them?

    That would be a great question to start with?

    Without having ALCOHOL AWARENESS we lack the understanding and without knowing the facts and the stats, we may not be aware of how huge the problem is. Learn more about alcohol in our post on this website called THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL then read the 250+ comments which ADD more ‘evidence’ – let’s call it ‘confirmation’ about what alcohol is doing to the human frame, those around us and society as a whole.

    Simple Living Global are leaders in topics like Alcohol. We bring to the people about what the people (and that means ALL of us) are creating in life today and report on it without any need to convert, preach or teach. We say it as it is, present it all in a way that is SIMPLE and that means we all get it. No fancy talk and no sounding like we are up there with the current specialised intelligensia that the world subscribes to.

  7. World Heart Federation – 20 January 2022


    In a new policy brief, the World Heart Federation (WHF) is challenging the widespread notion that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can decrease the risk of heart disease and they are calling for urgent and decisive action to tackle the unprecedented rise in alcohol-related deaths and disability worldwide.

    2.4 million people died in 2019 because of alcohol, which accounts for 4.2% of all deaths globally and 12.6% of deaths in men aged 15 to 49.


    Alcohol consumption is a major avoidable risk factor for non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, digestive diseases and intentional and unintentional injuries and for several infectious diseases.

    The evidence is now clear – any level of alcohol consumption affects our health.
    Studies have shown that even small amounts of alcohol can increase a person’s risk of cardiovascular disease, including coronary disease, stroke, heart failure, hypertensive heart disease, cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation and aneurysm.

    “The portrayal of alcohol as necessary for a vibrant social life has diverted attention from the harms of alcohol use, as have the frequent and widely publicised claims that moderate drinking, such as a glass of red wine a day, can offer protection against cardiovascular disease. These claims are at best mis-informed and at worse, an attempt by the alcohol industry to mislead the public about the danger of their product”.
    Monica Arora – Member of the WHF Advocacy Committee and Co-Author of the brief.

    The economic and social costs of alcohol are also significant: they include the cost to health systems, out of pocket expenditure, productivity losses and the increased risk of violence, homelessness and criminal activity.

    Dear World

    Is this enough or do we want to continue and ignore this brief from the WORLD HEART FEDERATION.

    The writing is on the wall, so to speak and we all know, yes we do.

    We can continue to bludgeon ourselves and live in the illusion that alcohol is not harming us, even if the rest of the world is affected or we can wake up now as time is up and the leading world authorities like the World Heart Federation are telling us – spelling it out. What more could we need or want when it is super clear and simple.

    If we are still in any doubt, read this article and add up all the research studies, then go to our blog called THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL and there can be no doubt unless we go blind, stop reading and ignore what is in front of us on the screen.

    Alcohol is a scientific proven poison and it has been killing us for centuries.

    How much longer do we want this to continue – where is our own Responsibility?

  8. Oxford Population Health – 20 January 2022


    New data from a LARGE SCALE study led by Oxford Population Health confirms that alcohol directly causes cancer. The results were published in the International Journal of Cancer.

    3 million deaths each year worldwide from Alcohol, including over 400,000 deaths from cancer.

    Alcohol consumption is rising, particularly in rapidly developing countries like China. There is an urgent need to understand how Alcohol affects disease risks in different populations.

    Evidence from Western countries already strongly indicates that alcohol is a direct cause of cancer in the head, neck, oesophagus, liver, colon and breast.

    This comment is to ADD another study about Alcohol Awareness.

    The detail of this study is interesting and will be covered in our forthcoming book in the future – THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL.

    Dear World

    How serious is it to know that alcohol is a direct cause of cancer?

    Without understanding, without the awareness, we seem to blindly continue with our ill habits that are literally killing us.

  9. University of Michigan – 1 July 2022

    Pre-teenage children at the age of 9 or 10 are curious about using substances.
    10% of children already say they are curious about using alcohol or tobacco products.
    1 in 50 are curious about using marijuana according to a new study.

    12,000 9 and 10 year olds surveyed said they already have a friend who uses one of these substances. Those who said they did were also much more likely to be curious about trying alcohol or tobacco and other nicotine containing products themselves.

    35% of the children’s parents said their children may have easy access to alcohol at home, while smaller percentages said the same about tobacco or marijuana.

    25% of parents said they had not yet set rules for their pre-teenage children about whether they are allowed to use the substances.

    This study was published in the June issue of Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports and was led by a University of Michigan researcher, using data from a large national project.

    The findings show considerable variation by gender, race/ethnicity and family income in many of the measures. Across-the-board boys were more likely to be curious about substances than girls.

    Pre-teenagers whose parents made $100,000 or more per year were much more likely to be curious about alcohol and their parents were more likely to say it was readily available in the home. Lower income children with family incomes of $50,000 or less, were slightly more likely to be curious about nicotine and marijuana and to have it available in the home.

    “the earlier in adolescence a child begins using the substances, the greater the potential impact on brain development and functioning.” Megan Martz PhD

  10. Oxford Population Health – 14 July 2022

    The results of a new large-scale study indicate that even moderate alcohol consumption impacts the brain.

    Alcohol’s damaging effects on cognitive functions may be partly caused by increased iron accumulation in the brain, damaging nerve cells.
    Very heavy alcohol consumption has been associated with iron accumulation in the brain but it was unknown whether this also occurs in moderate alcohol drinkers.

    Results from the study –

    Alcohol consumption above 7 units each week was associated with greater iron accumulation in the basal ganglia, a group of structures found deep within the white matter of the brain that perform various cognitive, emotional and movement-related functions.

    Higher levels of iron in the basal ganglia were in turn associated with poorer executive function and fluid intelligence and slower reaction speed.

    There was a significant interaction between alcohol consumption, age and iron accumulation in the brain, suggesting that alcohol may magnify how ageing affects the brain.

  11. Arizona State University – 20 July 2022

    New research from Arizona State University has show that experiencing loneliness in childhood predicts problem drinking in adults.

    Alcohol misuse is not the only health problem connected to loneliness.

    In older adults, loneliness contributes to poor physical health, including dementia, heart disease and stroke.

    Julie Patock-Peckham, assistant researcher professor in the ASU Department of Psychology said childhood loneliness before the age of 12 was associated with perceived stress right now and affected dysregulated drinking.

    Higher levels of loneliness before age 12 led to more stress in early adulthood that was associated with greater alcohol use and alcohol-related problems.

    Stress leads people to drink alcohol in excess, especially women – see link.

  12. Independent News – 31 July 2022

    More and more patients with lockdown drinking habits that they cannot shake off says Dr. Punam Krishan.

    “In my GP surgery, I have seen first-hand the drastic and direct impact of lockdowns on people and their relationships with alcohol. The following are a few I have seen who have turned to alcohol to cope with the pressure of daily life.

    Woman in her 30s, tired teacher with 2 children, trying to home-school and educate 30 other pupils everyday with no external support during lockdown. She had never attended my surgery until recently when her husband threatened to leave her if she did no seek help for her drinking.

    Social drinker had turned to a gin and tonic every evening to de-stress and cope with the pressures she was under but this was now a bottle of wine every night; well over the safe alcohol guidance of 14 units per week.

    57 year old man whose wife died due to Covid. Chartered Accountant with no previous health problems found himself grieving without external support and used alcohol to sleep. His children expressed concern that he was drinking alcohol in the morning to curb the shakes and throughout the day. His drinking was impacting all aspects of his life.

    28 year old woman struggling with anxiety, something she had been receiving treatment for pre-pandemic, found that alcohol helped her settle the feelings of doom and gloom during Covid peaks. Started with a glass of wine at night, which turned into drinking sessions on zoom with friends and soon drinking most days of the week.

    Collective anxiety, alcohol becomes a default coping mechanism for some. This is what I am hearing from several of my patients. I often have patients who have drink-free days during the week but then binge drink over the weekend, says Dr. Krishan.

    Dear World

    This is a microcosm – one doctor reporting real life cases to bring awareness.
    The pandemic has without doubt increased alcohol intake in many many households globally. We are yet to know more and hear more.

    Alcohol is a scientific proven poison with zero health benefits. We do not need any more research studies to tell us this. 195 countries have united on this.

    What is of great concern is when we champion or even consider that we are in control and can manage to drink in ‘moderation’. Is this not what most start off with and before they know it, life brings more tension, more stress or something unexpected and boom we are drinking excess amounts to the point of addiction? We need more to just keep the edge off life, so to speak.

    This whole article by Simple Living Global is full of evidence and confirmation over and over again about alcohol.

    This website is to bring more awareness to humanity and present another way to live.

  13. SSA – Society for the Study of Addiction – 22 August 2018

    In England, the alcohol industry appears to be highly financially dependent upon heavy drinking and might face significant financial losses were consumers to drink within guideline levels.

    According to this study – see link

    The heaviest drinkers continue to account for the majority of alcohol consumed in England.

    The most striking difference found in sales revenue from purchase by heavy drinkers was between the on-and off-trade.

    81% of off-trade revenue was estimated to come from those drinking above guideline levels.
    60% for the on-trade, although heavy drinkers also still accounted for the majority of sales revenue.

    Every beverage and retailer type has significant exposure to changes in consumption by heavy drinkers. This holds true even for sectors such as wine that are more likely to be associated with moderate drinking the in the popular perception.

    77% of beer expenditure came from drinkers consuming above guideline levels.
    70% for cider
    66% for wine
    50% for spirits

    38% fall estimated in total revenue from sales of alcohol in England if all consumers drank within government low-risk guidelines of 14 UK units per week.

    £13 billion in absolute terms, this implies that market value would fall by, given that alcohol sales in England were approximately £35 billion in 2014.

    These findings raise serious questions about the conflicts of interest inherent to voluntary schemes and self-regulation. Moreover, in so far as they suggest that a financially successful alcohol industry of its current size and form depends upon harmful drinking, the government’s economic support for alcohol producers, for example, through tax cuts and trade negotiations, appear more problematic.

    These findings may also have relevance for ongoing debates about whether to restrict alcohol sales to state monopolies or open them up to commercial enterprises. A further implication is to reinforce the need for researchers to be cautious in receiving funding from, or collaborating with, the alcohol industry.

  14. NIAAA – National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism – September 2022

    The NIAAA has released the Healthcare Professionals Core Resource on Alcohol (HPCR) to help healthcare professionals provide evidence-based care for people who drink alcohol. It is designed to help them integrate alcohol care into their practice.

    Alcohol contributes to over 200 health conditions and 100,000 deaths in the United States each year with an upward trend in both deaths and alcohol-related consequences seen during the pandemic. Yet alcohol-related risks often go unaddressed in healthcare settings.

    Although many healthcare professionals ask patients about their alcohol consumption, few use validated screening tools or follow up with an assessment and brief intervention and some may not be aware of treatment options.

    Less than 10% of people ages 18 and older who had Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) received any treatment in the past year and less than 2% receive U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved AUD medications.

    In the United States between 2003 and 2018, Alcohol use preceding death by suicide increased among women compared with men.

  15. JAMA Network Open – 1 November 2022

    1 in 8 total deaths among U.S. adults ages 20 to 64 were attributable to excessive alcohol use, according to a study led by CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    1 in 5 deaths among adults aged 20 to 49 years.

    CDC maintains that the number of premature deaths could be reduced by taking such steps as increasing alcohol taxes or regulating the density of stores selling alcohol.

    Death rates from “fully alcohol-attributable causes” such as alcoholic liver disease have increased in the past decade.

  16. News Medical – 2 November 2022

    People in their 20s and 30s who drink moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol could increase the risk of stroke.

    The risk of stroke increased the more years people reported moderate to heavy drinking.

    “The rate of stroke among young adults has been increasing over the last few decades and stroke in young adults causes death and serious disability. If we could prevent stroke in young adults by reducing alcohol consumption that could potentially have a substantial impact on the health of individuals and the overall burden of stroke on society.”
    Eue-Keun Choi, MD, PhD, Study Author, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea.

  17. Radiological Society of North America – 22 November 2022

    Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can change the unborn baby’s brain structure and delay brain development, according to a new MRI study.

    The study revealed that even alcohol consumption at a low to moderate level during pregnancy can cause this effect.

    Using foetal MRI, researchers observed structural brain changes in regions related to key functions including language development.

    Significant changes were seen in foetal brains even when the mothers consumed less than one alcoholic beverage per week.

    Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can expose the foetus to a group of conditions called foetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Babies born with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders could develop learning disabilities, behavioural problems or speech and language delays.

    Lead author of the study Patric Kienast M.D., Ph.D. student of the department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, division of Neuroradiology and Musculoskeletal Radiology at the Medical University of Vienna said “Unfortunately many pregnant women are unaware of the influence of alcohol on the foetus during pregnancy. Therefore, it is our responsibility not only to do the research but also to actively educate the public about the effects of alcohol on the foetus.”

    On that note, this is what Simple Living Global is actively doing: bringing awareness to the public about the effects of alcohol with this article on Alcohol Awareness and thereafter comments such as this one.

  18. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs – 12 December 2022

    Alcohol is the most commonly used intoxicant in the United States and is responsible for significant public health burden in terms of both morbidity and mortality.
    (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2019).

    Research suggests that alcohol consumption, problematic alcohol use and alcohol-related deaths have increased substantially in the United States over the past 20 years, especially for women.
    (Shmulewitz et al., 2021; Spillane et al., 2020; White et al., 2018, 2020).

    Rates of alcohol-involved injury emergency department (ED) visits and the costs associated with such visits, appear to be rising along with other public health indicators of problematic alcohol use (DiMaggio et al., 2021).

    Many injuries coded as intentional self-harm or assault involve alcohol.
    (Goldman-Mellor et al., 2019; Kool et al. 2018).

  19. Office for National Statistics – 8 December 2022


    9,641 deaths from alcohol-specific causes – HIGHEST NUMBER ON RECORD

    Alcohol-specific deaths risen sharply since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Research suggested people who were already drinking alcohol at higher levels before the pandemic were the most likely to have increased their alcohol consumption during this period.

    Alcohol-specific deaths have risen sharply since 2019.
    27.4% rise from 2019 to 2021

    3 individual causes, which caused 95.9% of all alcohol-specific deaths registered in 2021
    Alcoholic Liver Disease
    Mental and Behavioural Disorders because of the use of Alcohol
    Accidental Poisoning by and exposure to, Alcohol

    Consistent with previous years, the alcohol-specific death rate for males in 2021 was around twice the rate for females.

    Scotland and Northern Ireland had the highest alcoholic-specific death rates.

    Last pre-coronavirus pandemic year, the largest increases in rates were seen in England and Wales.

    Rates of alcohol-specific death have risen in every region of England since 2019.

    8th consecutive year, the North East had the highest rate of any English region for alcohol-specific deaths.

    When comparing rates of alcohol-specific death in 2021 with deaths registered in 2019, 8 out of 9 English regions have observed statistically significant increases in rates.

    Note –

    16 consecutive years – ratio between male and female rates of death was greatest in London. In 2021, the male rate for London was more than double the female rate of deaths.

    Alcohol-specific deaths only include those health conditions where each death is a direct consequence of Alcohol (that is, wholly attributable causes such as alcoholic liver disease). It does not include all deaths that can be attributed to alcohol.

    Studies show that there is no safe level of Alcohol consumption, as shown in this article from The Lancet.
    The level of alcohol consumption that minimised harm across health outcomes was zero standard drinks per week.

  20. Medical University of Vienna – 13 December 2022

    Alcohol abstinence is essential – even in advanced liver cirrhosis, according to a new study from the Medical University of Vienna. The results were published in the journal “Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology”.

    Scientists have provided evidence of the positive effects of alcohol abstinence even at very advanced stages of the disease.

    “Our results clearly show that all patients with alcohol-related cirrhosis who maintain sustained abstinence from alcohol not only show a significant lower risk for developing complications of liver cirrhosis but also live considerably longer.”

  21. NIH – National Cancer Institute – 18 January 2023

    A new study conducted by National Cancer Institute research team, confirmed that most American adults are not aware of the link between alcohol consumption and cancer. It also found that even among those who are aware, there is a belief that it varies by the type of alcohol.
    For example – more participants were aware of the cancer risks from hard liquor and beer than about the risk from wine, with some believing wine lowers your cancer risk.

    “All types of alcoholic beverages, including wine, increase cancer risk.
    Unfortunately, there have been very few attempts at educating the public about the alcohol-cancer link,” said Andrew Seidenberg, Ph.D., who led the study.

    The key conclusion from this study is numerous changes need to be made to raise public awareness of the fact that drinking alcohol raises the risk of several types of cancer.

    “The study’s findings are important because they help to “document gaps in awareness that, if addressed, can support system-level efforts to reduce the health impact of alcohol, such as higher regulation and changes in social norms.”
    Dr. William Klein, Ph.D., – Associate Director of NCI’s Behavioral Research Program

    4% of cancers diagnosed worldwide in 2020 can be attributed to alcohol consumption, according to the World Health Organization.

    In the United States, 75,000 cancer cases and 19,000 cancer deaths are estimated to be linked to alcohol each year.

  22. The Guardian – 10 March 2023

    A £350 bottle of champagne has been launched in London to meet soaring demand.

    Experts say that rich people are drinking more bottles of champagne and seeking out specific vintages and more valuable bottles.

    A luxury brand is capitalising after shipments hit a record £5.4 billion last year, despite the cost of living crisis. Sales are expected to be even stronger in 2023.
    The cost of living crisis does not affect the richest people. Luxury goods are doing better than ever according to the co-founder and chief executive of an Investment firm.

    The launch is the latest in a series of expensive vintage champagnes capitalising on booming demand as wealthy people continue to party hard to make up for lost extravagances during the pandemic.

    Consumer studies show champagne is the drink of celebration and people want to celebrate even small things after lockdown.

    One luxury goods company behind several champagne brands said wealthy people are enjoying a new “roaring 20s” age of decadence.

    Champagne bottles shipped in 2022 increased to 326 million.

  23. NIAAA Spectrum – Volume 15 | Winter 2023

    National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

    Alcohol misuse accounts of 50% of all liver disease deaths each year.

    Alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) is the most common alcohol-related cause of death.

    22.4% rise in ALD-related deaths between 2019 and 2020.

    Mortality rates are increasing faster among women and among young adults ages 24 – 34 than in other groups.

  24. University of East Anglia – 26 May 2023

    According to new research, heavy drinkers could be putting themselves at risk of muscle loss and frailty in later life.

    The study shows that people with the lowest amount of muscle were drinking 10 units or more a day which is about a bottle of wine or 4-5 pints.

    Most of the people in the study were in their 50s and 60s.
    Those who drank a lot of alcohol had a lower amount of skeletal muscle after taking into account body sizes and other factors.

    Professor Welch said “This study shows that alcohol may have harmful effects on muscle mass at higher levels of consumption.”

  25. University College London News – 1 June 2023

    According to a new study led by UCL and University of Bristol researchers, adolescents who show signs of alcohol dependence are more likely to develop depression by their mid 20s.

    Problematic drinking patterns could be a warning sign of future mental health problems.

    The study looked at the association between alcohol consumption and signs of problematic drinking or dependence, at age 18 and depression 6 years later at age 24.

    Alcohol dependence signs include an inability to stop drinking, failure to meet normal expectations due to drinking and feeling a need to drink after a heavy session, as well as harmful effects such as drink-related memory loss.

    The researchers found that those who appeared to be dependent on alcohol from age 17 to 22 were more likely than their peers to have depression at age 24.

  26. Columbia Mailman School of Public Health – 16 June 2023

    A new study examined changes in binge drinking after the implementation of recreational cannabis laws.

    The national study found a decline in binge drinking among young people alongside rise in the behaviour among adults aged 31 and older.

    Until now, research on the relationship between recreational cannabis laws and binge drinking has been limited to data from a few states, small study samples and combined age groups.

    This study was one of the 1st to report associations between binge drinking and recreational cannabis laws in adolescents and adults at a national level.

    Dear World

    While we wait for more research studies, can we join the dots here and keep it simple?

    Recreational cannabis is the licence to smoke a joint, weed, pot or whatever the name is for marijuana.

    What if this substance does more for us than binge drinking so we go for this drug but as we get a bit older (only a few years), we use alcohol or we use both? At this stage we are not aware if those older are still doing their pot and adding alcohol to the ‘recreation’ – the licence society gives us to use mind altering substances, which remains illegal in other countries around the world.

    Alcohol has now been confirmed by 195 countries that there is nothing beneficial but this website covers enough evidence which tells us clearly it was never designed for human consumption.

    What if we did not do any more research but got anecdotal evidence and started to observe closely how these youth are living, what their background is and that means how they attend to daily life, day in and day out, their responsibilities, their approach and how they cope with the stresses of life?

    Then let’s dig a bit deeper and go to their background in terms of previous years and their childhood and teenage years. We could probably learn a lot and we could also no doubt summarise WHY on earth these young adults do what they do.

    How much more research studies are we going to churn out whilst we continue to ignore the obvious, which is using good old fashion common sense and questioning how and why until we get to the root of this?

  27. Columbia University Irving Medical Center – 20 June 2023

    Risk of problem drinking rising among women in their late 20s and 30s.

    The proportion of women at risk is growing amid rampant marketing and social media messaging that normalizes drinking among women of reproductive age.

    Traditionally, women tend to reduce their alcohol consumption one they have had children and in recent years, more middle-aged women have delayed or skipped motherhood.

    Excessive drinking and alcohol related deaths are increasing at an alarming rate among women and this growing trend in women who are delaying or foregoing parenting is contributing to an increase in women at highest risk for excessive alcohol use, according to a new study led by Boston University of Public Health and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

    The study is the first to consider the impact of delayed parenting on excessive alcohol use among new generations of middle-aged women, but particularly among this expanding group of women without children.

    “Because more women are delaying having children in the U.S., a growing proportion of women fall into the highest risk group. This growing prevalence of heavy drinking is exacerbated given that excessive alcohol use is increasing overall for middle-aged women in more recent cohorts. Therefore, at-risk alcohol use and consequences are expected to continue increasing in future years, if not addressed.”
    Rachel Sayko Adams – Study Lead Author

    Compared to men, the consequences among reproductive age women who binge drink or develop AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) include an increased risk for liver disease, alcohol-related injuries and breast cancer, along with sharper increases in alcohol-related mortality.

    The researchers state that one of the most significant drivers of unhealthy alcohol use among women today is the widespread acceptance and normalization of alcohol consumption in daily life in the U.S. – from social and professional settings to casual drinking at home. Women with children were also at an increased risk, particularly in more recent cohorts.

    This public embrace of alcohol may be influenced in part by social media-driven “wine mom” culture, which encourages mothers to drink to cope with the challenges of motherhood and work and for recreational enjoyment.

    “Alcohol industry messages around drinking for stress relief and enjoyment have always been part of the industry’s advertising strategy and we have seen this emerge on social media platforms, particularly geared towards people who parent. Promotion of alcohol use for moms to deal with the stresses of motherhood on popular social media platforms have common hashtags like #winemom #sendwine #mommyjuice.
    Simultaneously, there has been a rapid increase in alcohol products targeting middle age women, such as low calorie seltzers, pink beverages and expression such as ‘rose all day’.

    Due to little research, knowledge about how these cultural changes may be impacting women’s drinking behaviours is very limited.

    Studies have shown that drinking to cope with stress increases risk for AUD.

  28. Medical Xpress – 29 June 2023

    Home delivery of alcohol soared in the United States during the pandemic, as did binge drinking along with it, with permanent effects on health, according to a new study.

    ‘Home delivery’ refers to when restaurants, bars or retailers use their own employees or a third party delivery system to deliver alcohol to consumers’ homes.

    The number of states permitting home delivery of alcohol by restaurants or bars rose from 23 states to 39 states.

    Although many states expanded their home delivery laws as a way to help businesses, few considered the potential consumer on public health. Furthermore, the fact that retailers and third party delivery drivers often do not check IDs, youth drinking habits were probably also negatively impacted by expanded home delivery laws, said E. Grossman from the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse.

  29. Mail Online – 27 June 2023

    Researchers assessed Alcohol intake data from over 400,000 participants.

    Researchers state that even one glass of wine or a beer can make people fatter.
    They dispute claims that light alcohol consumption can protect against Diabetes and Obesity.

    The study adds to the decades long dispute over the harms of moderate drinking.

    Study author Dr. Tianyuan Lu said “some research has indicated moderate drinkers may be less likely to develop Obesity or Diabetes compared to non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. However, our study shows that even light-to-moderate alcohol consumption does not protect against Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes in the general population.
    We want our work to encourage the general population to choose alternative healthier behaviours over drinking alcohol.”

    This study comes after World Health Organization officials warned that no amount of alcohol consumption is safe in January 2023.

    3 million deaths worldwide each year from excessive alcohol consumption.

  30. The Guardian – 22 July 2023

    Self-service EBars are available at some sporting and cultural events in the UK – replacing the need for bar staff.

    EBar robot beer vending machines means there is no queue for the bar which has been an issue for thirsty sports fans.

    A man who missed an international rugby match while waiting for a beer led to a “technology commercialisation” project to find a better way to bring alcohol to crowds at mass events.

    The solution was the EBar invention – a wall of mobile vending machines pouring pints at the touch of a button.

    They have been at a sports event and an international festival and there are now 40 automated EBar kiosks in the UK.

    30% – 40% of potential sales at some of the biggest venues were missed due to not enough staff to meet demand.

    The machines are designed to pour the perfect pint every time and it can do it from 11am to 1 o’clock the next morning. It does not need a break.

    Within months the EBar will be capable of producing 180-200 pints an hour and that will double within a few years.

  31. JAMA Network Open – 28 July 2023

    A cross-sectional study of 605,948 alcohol-attributed deaths, male individuals had a significantly higher burden of alcohol-involved mortality. Temporal trends revealed an increase in alcohol-related deaths among both sexes, with a significantly higher rate of increase in deaths among female individuals in recent years.

    In the U.S alcohol ranks as the 4th leading cause of preventable death, after tobacco, poor diet and physical inactivity, and illegal drugs.

    18.5% of emergency department visits and 20% of prescription opioid deaths are related to alcohol.

  32. 31 July 2023

    American Heart Association – 31 July 2023

    Headlines – Routinely drinking Alcohol may raise blood pressure even in adults without hypertension.

    An analysis of data from 7 studies involving more than 19,548 adults in the United States, Korea and Japan found a clear association between increases in systolic blood pressure and the number of alcohol beverages consumed daily.

    Even people who drank one alcoholic beverage a day showed a link to higher blood pressure when compared to non-drinkers.

  33. The Washington Times – 10 August 2023

    A new study has found that most adult cancer survivors drink Alcohol despite medical warnings that doing so can derail their treatment and recovery.

    78% of cancer survivors reported drinking actively
    75% among them consumed substantial amount of Alcohol
    24% reported binge drinking
    38% displayed habits medical experts classify as “hazardous drinking”

    “Our study fills in a critical unmet understanding as growing evidence shows that Alcohol consumption can worsen outcomes for cancer survivors, both in the short and long term. Our research underscores the need for increased support to address risky drinking in cancer care settings” said Yin Cao – senior author of the study and Associate Professor at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.

  34. Wake Forest University School of Medicine – 12 September 2023

    A new study has found that heavy Alcohol consumption and binge drinking are linked with higher levels of ectopic fat, which refers to fat around organs such as the heart, liver and intestines.

    The study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

    Pericardial fat, or fat around the heart is also associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

    The research team found heavy alcohol consumption and binge drinking was associated with significantly higher pericardial fat. Results were similar for other ectopic depots with the strongest association for pericardial and hepatic.

  35. Mail Online – 16 September 2023

    Experts have warned that drinking alcohol to cope with the stresses of parenting could lead to problems.

    ‘Wine mum” drinking have higher problematic drinking issues, according to a new study.

    ‘Wine mum’ culture means using alcohol to ‘get through the day’ or ‘cope with the challenges of motherhood’.

    The results of the study showed that while many of them joked about their drinking and were part of social media groups with light-hearted names such as ‘mums who drink wine’ or with the hashtag #sendwine – those that drank like a wine mum were found to have higher levels of problematic drinking.

    They admitted to binge-drinking, memory loss after drinking and feeling remorseful after drinking. They were also more likely to have issues around food, skipping meals to avoid extra calories after drinking wine or eating less so they could feel the effects of alcohol faster after a stressful day.

    The study was published in the journal Alcohol.
    Those who scored highly on alcohol-related food issues at the extreme included making themselves sick after drinking alcohol to get rid of the extra calories.

    The food issues fell into 4 categories:
    Bulimic behaviour
    Exercising and dieting
    Eating less to get more intoxicated
    Skipping meals to make up for the calories drinking

    Mothers who reported being more stressed were more likely to fall into the last 2 categories and this was even more the case if they drank like a ‘wine mum’.

    Dear World

    The researchers say as always “more research is needed” – so while we wait and “really need women to be self aware about how much they are drinking” can we ask WHY they are reaching for a toxic poison to cope with raising a child?

    What is going on for them?

  36. Diabetes UK – 8 October 2023

    According to a new study, 30% of those diagnosed with liver disease after being admitted to hospital in an emergency, end up losing their life within a year.

    Latest research identifies that evening wine drinkers have contributed to a rise in liver disease cases, which increased by 5 times since the 1970s.

    Latest health figures show that a significant number of liver disease cases are diagnosed late, putting thousands of people at risk of health complications or death.

    • Fatty liver: cases rise by 131% in the last 30 years
    • People who stay up late, snore and nap are at greater risk of fatty liver disease

    Experts are now urging people to ‘wake up’ and alter their lifestyle behaviours, including reducing their alcohol intake. They are also keen to detect liver disease early by calling for more liver ultrasounds.

    During the study, researchers analysed hospital records to detect individuals who were diagnosed with chronic liver disease after an emergency hospital admission.

    Each year in England, approximately 30,000 emergency admissions were caused by chronic liver disease, with 13,000 of these people living with the condition undiagnosed before being admitted.

    According to the findings presented at the British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL) conference, around 17% of people hospitalised with chronic liver disease died in hospital.

    In addition, the results show that 34% of the people hospitalised with chronic liver disease were readmitted within a month.

    One of the authors, Dr Jessica King, said: “Our analysis of all hospital records from across England allows us to measure the full scale of this problem for the first time.
    The initial results are stark: the numbers of patients diagnosed in an emergency is increasing, but survival has improved very little.”

    She added: “So far, we’ve only looked at the years leading up to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the picture may look even worse with the disruption to health services and increased alcohol use during that time.”

    Every year in the UK, more than 10,000 people died from chronic liver disease, making it one of the top causes of deaths in adults under the age of 65 years old.

    Vanessa Hebditch, Director of Policy at the British Liver Trust, said: “People wrongly believe they are not at risk. People have got this sort of misconception that you need to be an alcoholic to have liver disease. But, actually many of us are drinking at levels that can really cause harm.”

    She added: “If you are drinking half a bottle of wine every night, which is easy to do with a glass while you are cooking, another with dinner and maybe a third while watching TV, then you’re drinking at a potentially harmful rate.

    It is really ingrained in our culture now – that you can go and have Prosecco for breakfast. The other key driver is fatty liver disease and the big risk factors for that are being overweight and also having Type 2 Diabetes.”

    She concluded: “Better early detection is needed through such things as enabling GPs to carry out more fibroscans, a type of ultrasound which measures liver stiffness and changes to the liver.”

    I fully understand this ‘toxic wine culture’ and how easy it is to get hooked onto it.

    As a member of a wine club in the past, and consistently having several bottles of wine in the house, it was very easy for me to drink one or even two bottles a night.

    I know I would be one of these statistics if I had carried on drinking.

    Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago – this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation and tobacco

    If we have known this for decades and tobacco is in the same risk group, why don’t we have photos of diseased livers on all forms of alcohol containers just like we have photos of diseased lungs on cigarette packets?

    The thing is, with alcohol being a socially accepted norm, we feel we are entitled to drink it and sod the consequences.

    We know that if we get this disease everything will be OK because we can just get a new liver.

    Where is our responsibility in this?

    Alcohol is a scientifically proven poison, so why would we ever consider putting this into our bodies?

    Do we really need to go any further than this?

  37. Mail Online – 25 November 2023

    Alcohol has got so much stronger since the 1970s that doctors now say no driving even after having one drink.

    The alcohol content of beer, wine and cocktails has surged in recent years.

    Larger glass sizes which hold more alcohol, powerful New World wines and craft beers are to blame for alcohol becoming stronger, experts say.

    Sir Ian Gilmore – Head of the British Medical Association (BMA) warned that it is now nearly impossible to work out how many units of alcohol a person has consumed.
    He called for laws effectively banning motorists from consuming any alcohol before driving.

    A glass of 125ml wine, which is standard has 1.6 units of wine.
    Sir Ian warned that these are now ‘virtually unheard of’.
    Instead, a 250ml glass has become the standard measure offered in many pubs, bars and restaurants. This contains 3.5 units of alcohol.

    Studies have suggested that the introduction of the larger 250 ml wine glass in the 90s encourages drinkers to consume more – effectively making a glass of wine stronger than it was a decade ago.

    Wine itself has also become stronger due to the trend of bolder wines.

    The popularity of stronger European lagers among the British has also seen alcohol by volume levels rise.

    There has been a shift from the British bitter and more trendy to drink a Spanish lager or a Greek lager than one from the UK.

    Craft beer options have an ABV (alcohol by volume) of up to 15%.
    A light beer has around 3% ABV.

    The total number of breweries in the UK has risen in 2023.
    There is a demand for craft beer and brewery taprooms or microbreweries.

    An increase in Gin, Vodka and Whisky measures confirm that the British are now consuming more alcohol per drink than they previously did.

    Spirits in 25ml measure glasses are equivalent to one unit of alcohol.
    Many have now switched to 35ml or 50ml measures.
    This means often people are consuming far more alcohol than they realise.

    Sir Ian said his preference is to go down to 20 milligrams, which allows for almost zero-tolerance.

  38. The Guardian – 25 November 2023

    The rise of undersea Champagne.
    The discovery of intact bottles on 1852 shipwreck sparks the development of underwater ageing process. 145 bottles of champagne were found 160ft below the surface.

    2 years after the discovery, 11 bottles were auctioned for $156,000.

    These sleeping ancient champagne bottles tasted by experts have been declared to be among the world’s best champagnes. One droplet from a micro syringe was reported to have the aroma in the mouth 3-4 hours after tasting it.

    £6 BILLION A YEAR undersea ageing industry.

    Demand has grown so rapidly that an offshore exploration company that worked for the gas and oil industry has launched a new division, dedicated to undersea wine storage.
    They have the perfect underwater cellar: Full darkness, constant temperature and total safety.

    These underwater sites are located at the depths beyond limits of human free diving, so there is no risk of being stolen.

  39. The Guardian – 29 December 2023

    47% increase this Christmas for the number of offenders with “sobriety tags” that can tell probation officers if they have been drinking alcohol and potentially put them back in prison.

    2,800 in England and Wales wearing the tags this season after the government said it would increase use of the devices aimed at reducing alcohol-fuelled crime.

    The devices can detect if an offender has been drinking by analysing their sweat.

    The tags are accurate and will not be triggered by foods that contain alcohol but alcoholic drinks will raise the alarm.

    39% of all violent crime involves alcohol in the UK, including domestic abuse, which can rise during the festive period.

    The devices are part of the government’s £156 million investment in tagging technology.

  40. Independent News – 14 January 2024

    Huge rise in women drinking alcohol and women dying from alcohol related disease has soared in recent years.

    Incessant marketing of drinks towards women has fuelled a surge in alcohol-related deaths, particularly liver disease.

    37% increase in 5 years of UK women who lost their lives according to the latest data, marking the HIGHEST LEVEL since records began.

    While more men than women still die from alcohol-related diseases, the figures from the Office of National Statistics show that the number of deaths is rising substantially faster in women than in men with 29% increase in women over the same period.

    Professor Shawcross at King’s College London’s Institute of Liver studies said –
    “Liver disease is a particular problem in female patients.
    Women tend to present with more severe liver disease, particularly alcohol-related hepatitis and do so after a shorter period of excessive drinking and at a lower daily alcohol intake than men.
    Alcohol-related liver disease often has no symptoms for many years, while women also have lower levels of the enzyme that breaks down the alcohol.”

    42% rise from 2015 to 2021 in number of deaths in women attributed to alcohol-related liver disease in England.

    34% male deaths linked to alcohol-related liver disease in men during the same time frame.

    Recent research found that the proportion of British women who are binge-drinking is the joint HIGHEST out of 33 countries.

    Dr. Richard Piper, Chief Executive of Alcohol Change charity raises concerns about the “feminisation” of alcohol marketing. He highlighted the annual reports of major alcohol brands, which reveal that they are deliberately targeting women.
    “This is leading to deaths, and the second reason would be pricing – alcohol is more affordable now than it has been at any point in the last 20 years, so people are drinking more.”

  41. U.S. News – 29 February 2024

    U.S. deaths linked to Alcohol keep rising – especially among women, data from CDC
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    2016 to 2021 are the latest numbers available
    The average number of U.S. deaths from excessive alcohol use increased by more than 40,000 – (29%)

    488 Americans died each day from excessive drinking, the authors concluded.

    2018 to 2021
    23% increase in alcohol deaths

    The rate at which women are dying from excessive drinking is rising faster than that of men.

    35% rise among women over the study period.
    27% rise among men.

    Death rates for women involving alcohol were highest from heart disease and stroke.

    According to the researchers, there are numerous factors for the steady, steep rise in deaths, including a widening of access to alcohol – for example, home delivery that began during pandemic lockdowns.

    Binge drinking also is on the rise.
    The prevalence of binge drinking among adults aged 35-50 was higher in 2022 than in any other year during the past decade, the CDC team noted.

  42. UPI Health News – 10 April 2024

    ‘Gig economy’ jobs linked to HIGHER RISK of Alcohol-related illness.

    People who take poorly paid temp jobs as freelancers or independent contractors are
    43% more likely to develop an alcohol-related illness than those with full-time permanent employment, according to a new research study.

    The study warns that the ‘gig economy’ could be setting up many young adults for drinking problems later in life.

    Those illnesses include mental and behavioural disorders caused by:
    Alcoholic Liver Disease
    Alcohol Toxicity

    The research team concluded that young adulthood in precarious employment might use alcohol as a coping strategy for stress and form a habit of consuming larger quantities of alcohol compared with individuals in standard employment of the same age.

    Data was evaluated on 340,000 participants born between 1973 and 1976.

    The long-term unemployed were twice as likely to have an alcohol-related illness after taking those factors into account.

    The results indicate that any full time job, even if it is substandard, might be better than no job or a ‘gig’ job when it comes to a person’s health.

  43. The University of Queensland – 23 April 2024

    Link between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Substance Abuse

    According to a new study by the University of Queensland, people maltreated as children are 3 times more likely to be admitted to hospital for Alcohol and Substance use by the time they are 40.

    Data from more than 6,000 children were analysed in the longitudinal birth cohort study.

    Maltreatment was defined in the study as –

    Up to the age of 15
    Physical Abuse
    Sexual Abuse
    Emotional Abuse
    Emotional Neglect

    Those children were 2.86 times more likely to be hospitalised for Alcohol Use Disorder as adults.
    3.34 times more likely to be admitted for a Substance Use Disorder.

    Emotional abuse and neglect were as strongly associated with subsequent alcohol and substance use disorders.

  44. World Health Organization – 25 April 2024–e-cigarettes–cannabis–concerning-trends-in-adolescent-substance-use–shows-new-who-europe-report

    Alcohol, E-Cigarettes and Cannabis – concerning trends in adolescent substance use.
    New WHO/Europe report

    Alcohol is the most commonly used substance, while e-cigarettes are more popular than conventional cigarettes.

    Europe, Central Asia and Canada
    57% aged 15 have experimented with Alcohol
    37% have consumed Alcohol in the past 30 days

    1 in 10 adolescents across all age groups have experienced SIGNIFICANT DRUNKENNESS in their lifetime.
    5% at age 13
    20% by age 15
    This demonstrates an escalating trend in alcohol abuse among youth

    1 in 5 have recently used e-cigarettes

    A higher proportion of e-cigarette use compared to cigarette smoking can be seen from the age of 13.

    The new data emphasises the long-term consequences of these trends are SIGNIFICANT and policy makers cannot afford to ignore these alarming findings.

    Teenagers playing a lot of video games where a character is holding an alcoholic drink in their hands or a cigarette can impact and make it seem ‘normal’.

    1 in 10 report using Cannabis.

  45. BMJ | British Medical Journal – 25 April 2024

    Universities and Schools are urged to ban alcohol industry-backed health advice and join a growing movement that seeks to drive out the alcohol industry from any influence on public health advice on drinking.

    Industry tied programmes provide information to school children as young as 9.

    Initiatives normalise drinking and downplay the long term health risks of alcohol, according to Public Health experts.

    One of the world’s biggest alcoholic beverage company has a “freshers week survival guide” for university students and a theatre based educational program which the alcohol company funds.

    This call follows a successful campaign in Ireland that has led to educational programmes funded by the alcohol industry being removed from schools.

    In the UK, universities continue to welcome initiatives funded by a charity which is funded by major alcohol producers and retailers, venue and restaurant groups – intended to educate students about “responsible” drinking skills.

    For example – in universities, their materials are distributed to students, including a free cup to measure alcohol units and a wheel with the number of units and calories in popular drinks. The “freshers week survival guide” advises students to eat carbohydrates or protein before going out and drink plenty of water.
    The charity told the BMJ that the aim of the guidelines is to inform people but not to stop them drinking alcohol “as it is considered a normal activity”.

    Mark Petticrew at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said this focuses on the short term effects of getting drunk. “Food has no relevance to the longer term harms of alcohol, including cardiovascular disease, cancers and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders”.

    The Department for Education said that universities are private institutions and the government has no remit to review materials distributed to students in England.

    In Wales, a toolkit is given and Petticrew states that the toolkit is “misinformation” given it omits any information about the risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, injury and death associated with Alcohol. “The framing of the entire document is to preserve the industry reputation and not about protecting young people at universities from harm.”

  46. British Liver Trust – 20 May 2024


    New research by the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) has found –
    40% INCREASE in the cost of harm from alcohol since last calculated in 2003.

    In the first nationwide analysis of its kind in over 20 years, the latest figures show:

    £12.5 million Tax Revenue from alcohol.

    10,000 people died from alcohol-related liver disease in 2022.

    76% of these deaths were attributed to alcohol-related liver disease, which is a 46% increase since 2012.

    1 in 5 people drink alcohol to an extent that could put their liver in danger.

    £4.9 BILLION – Economic burden on the NHS now.

    “Year after year, we have seen steady increases in alcohol consumption and deaths are at a record high.
    Now we have data to show that the financial cost of harm has risen too.
    As a country we cannot afford to sit back and do nothing.”
    Dr Katherine Severi, Chief Executive, Institute of Alcohol Studies

    £14.58 BILLION – Cost to the Criminal Justice system, police and wider crime and disorder.

    £5.06 BILLION cost to the wider economy due to lost productivity – such as people missing work or being less productive at work.

    £2.89 BILLION cost to Social Services.


    The figures reflect the ‘external’ cost of alcohol, demonstrating the scale of harm drinkers impose on others. Across the population, the average cost per head of alcohol harm is £485 a year.

    The region with the highest cost per head of alcohol harm was the North East and this impact is rising year on year.

  47. SKY News – 4 June 2024

    A new study has found the combination of in-flight alcohol and cabin pressure at cruising altitude may put strain on the hearts of sleeping passengers.

    Researchers discovered that when people fall asleep after drinking alcohol at the low air pressure typically experienced during flights, blood oxygen levels drop and heart rates increase – even in those who are supposedly healthy and young.

    “We were surprised to see that the effect was so strong. Please don’t drink alcohol while being on an airplane.”
    Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst

    Published in the journal Thorax, the researchers said passengers with heart problems have an increased risk of aggravation of symptoms due to the decreased cabin pressure at cruising altitude, which is amplified during sleep.
    Alcohol, often consumed on board a flight has similar effects.

    “The on board consumption of Alcohol is an under-estimated health risk that could be easily avoided.
    It may be beneficial to consider altering regulations to restrict the access to alcoholic beverages on board.”
    Academics from the Institute of Aerospace Medicine in Germany

    Researchers found the combination of Alcohol and experiencing low oxygen concentration at high altitudes reduced sleep quality, “challenged the cardiovascular system” and led to extended duration of low blood oxygen levels.

    The authors concluded:
    “Together these results indicate that even in young and healthy individuals, the combination of alcohol intake with sleeping under hypobaric conditions poses a considerable strain on the cardiac system and might lead to exacerbation of symptoms in patients with cardiac or pulmonary diseases.”

    “The oxygen saturation dropped to quite low levels during sleep.
    This is why I would recommend to avoid drinking alcohol even when someone is healthy.”
    Dr. Elmenhorst

  48. World Health Organization – 25 June 2024

    OVER 3 MILLION ANNUAL DEATHS due to Alcohol and Drug use and the majority are among men, according to a new report from the World Health Organization.

    2.6 million deaths per year were attributable to alcohol consumption.

    The overall number of deaths due to alcohol consumption remains unacceptably high and amounts of 2.6 million in 2019, with the highest numbers in the European Region and the African region.

    Death rates due to alcohol consumption per litre of alcohol consumed are highest in low-income countries.

    Highest deaths attributable to alcohol were among young people aged 20-39 years.

    The Global status report on alcohol and health and treatment of substance use disorders presents a comprehensive overview of alcohol consumption, alcohol related harm and policy responses as well as treatment capacities for alcohol and drug use disorders worldwide.

  49. The American Association for the Advancement of Science | AAAS – 26 June 2024

    Alcohol Rehabilitation and Abstinence Reduce the Risk of Alcohol-Associated Cancers.

    A new study is the first to draw a direct link between alcohol treatment and a 40% REDUCTION in certain types of cancers.

    The study was published in Lancet Public Health.

    It is the largest study of its kind to provide evidence linking reduced or ceased Alcohol consumption with a decreased risk of all alcohol-attributable cancers, including liver and throat cancers.

    Data was analysed from more than 24 million people.
    All were adults in mainland France who were discharged from hospital between 2018 and 2021.

    The research team were surprised at the size of the treatment intervention effect in this study.
    “We know that alcohol dependence treatment is effective but the fact that alcohol dependence is a recurring chronic disease often makes us forget that even with relapses, periods of abstinence markedly lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.”
    Dr. Jurgen Rehm – Senior Study Author and Scientist, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research at Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.

  50. University of Southern California Keck Medicine – 10 July 2024

    Cirrhosis affects twice as many transgender adults as cisgender adults, according to a National Cohort Study.

    Cisgender – people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.

    The study was published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology.

    Cirrhosis is a chronic, progressive end-stage liver disease that occurs when scar tissue prevents the liver from functioning normally.

    The study authors found that the majority of transgender adults with Cirrhosis –
    60% have a diagnosis of Anxiety and/or Depression, compared to 40% of cisgender patients with Cirrhosis.

    60% of cases accounted for Alcohol – the leading cause of Cirrhosis in the transgender group.

    This study reveals that Cirrhosis disproportionately affects transgender individuals.

    Studies have shown that the 2 leading causes of Cirrhosis – Alcohol Use Disorder and Viral Hepatitis occur more frequently in transgender individuals.

    In other findings, transgender patients with Cirrhosis also
    • tended to be younger (a larger portion were age 44 or younger)
    • had HIGHER rates of viral Hepatitis
    • were 5 X MORE likely to have HIV/AIDS

  51. Florida Atlantic University – 8 August 2024

    Alcohol use in older adults DOUBLES risk of Brain bleeds from falls, according to a new study.

    150% INCREASED odds of a brain bleed (intracranial haemorrhage) in older adults after a head trauma from a fall with daily Alcohol use.

    Nationally, across the U.S. falls remain the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries in older adults. It is also the LEADING cause of traumatic brain injury.

    36,500 falls led to deaths in older adults in the United States
    3,085 were those living in Florida

    Little is known about the frequency of Alcohol use and the severity of injuries sustained after a fall in older adults.

    This is one of the first studies to examine the relationship between self-reported alcohol use and severe head trauma in this cohort.

    “Drinking Alcohol can make you more likely to fall as it affects balance, concentration and awareness.
    As Individuals age, the effects of Alcohol are INCREASED”.
    Richard Shih M.D. – Professor of Emergency Medicine and corresponding author

    Many risk factors for falling have been identified in older adults, such as polypharmacy, a sudden drop in blood pressure and home environmental dangers.

    Findings from this study warrant the consideration that Alcohol use should be regarded as another important, independent, modifiable risk factor for falling.

  52. The Guardian – 9 August 2024

    UK shortage of drug used to prevent brain damage in alcoholics.

    Alcoholism impairs the body’s ability to absorb vitamins which can increase the chance of developing a degenerative brain condition.

    Doctors have warned that a severe shortage of an “essential” medicine used to help protect alcoholics from degenerative brain conditions could disproportionately affect “some of the most vulnerable” in society.

    Pabrinex, a multivitamin injection is used to protect heavy drinkers from conditions such as Wernicke’s Encephalopathy and Korsakoff Syndrome, which can have symptoms similar to Dementia.

    The drug is £2 per treatment and claimed to be highly effective and used for over 50 years.

    The supply of the drug has been affected by the closure of manufacturing facilities that would have required upgrading to comply with changes in EU regulations.

    A new manufacturer is actively working to transfer and facilitate but it is a complex process.

    The UK has experienced a dramatic recent rise in the number of unavailable drugs, with supply problems doubling from 2020 to last year – 2023.

  53. The National Scotland – 10 September 2024


    According to the latest annual figures, a total of 1277 deaths were attributed to alcohol-specific causes. The HIGHEST number since 2008.

    Figures from the NRS (National Records of Scotland) show Alcohol-specific deaths were 4.5 times as HIGH in the most deprived areas of Scotland, compared to the least deprived areas in 2023.

    Men accounted for 66% of the deaths.

    The mortality rate for those aged 65 and over has reached the HIGHEST level since the National Records of Scotland began recording the data in 1994.

    The youngest age group to record any deaths related to alcohol was 20-24.

    Alcohol deaths have risen across Britain with post-pandemic figures showing the entire UK recorded the HIGHEST number on record in 2022.

  54. New York Post – 16 September 2024

    Drinking water is ineffective in preventing a hangover, according to a new study from Utrecht University in the Netherlands.

    Those who drank water felt less dehydrated but still experienced same degree of pain, nausea and exhaustion as those who chose to forgo the water. These symptoms persist throughout the day.

    “Drinking water may help against thirst and a dry mouth but it will not take away the misery, the headache and the nausea.”

    The hallmark effects of an alcohol hangover are the result of oxidative stress and the body’s inflammatory response to alcohol consumption.

    Using the data from 3 studies, the researchers concluded that dehydration is not the sole cause of a hangover.
    They concluded that hangover and dehydration are 2 co-occurring but independent consequences of alcohol consumption. This means that drinking water has a limited effect on the body’s recovery.

    Anecdotal evidence suggests that hangovers worsen over time.

    Research shows that as we age, our liver function declines and our bodies have less water and we lose muscle mass. This means a higher concentration of alcohol remains in our blood stream and a bigger hangover awaits the next morning.

  55. Gloucestershire Live – 10 November 2024

    A recent study has established a connection between Alcohol and the advancement of Alzheimer’s Disease, which gradually erodes memory and cognitive abilities, leading to Dementia.
    Typical signs include issues with memory, thinking, reasoning, language, perception and mood changes.

    The study was published in eNeuro and holds significant implications for understanding the intricate molecular landscape of Alzheimer’s Disease with Alcohol Use Disorder.

    Alcohol Use Disorder and Alzheimer’s share similar brain gene expression alterations affecting inflammation and cellular function.

    Alzheimer’s Society report that 1 in 3 people born in the UK today will experience Dementia in their lifetime, predominantly due to Alzheimer’s.

  56. Keck School of Medicine – University of Southern California – 11 November 2024


    A new study finds that heavy drinking of alcohol among adult Americans INCREASED more than 20% during the peak of the pandemic and continued for the following 2 years.

    The increase was sustained in 2022.

    The RISE in drinking alcohol was seen across ALL groups, genders, race, ethnicities and regions in the country, except Native Americans and Asian Americans.

    Age 40-49 had the HIGHEST INCREASE in heavy alcohol use.

    “These numbers reflect an alarming public health issue that could result in severe health consequences for far too many people.
    Our results show men and women under 50 are at special risk.”
    Brian P. Lee M.D., MAS., – Hepatologist and Liver Transplant Specialist and Principal Investigator of the study

    Half of all liver-related deaths are caused by Alcohol and Alcohol-related cirrhosis is now the leading cause of liver transplants.

    The National Cross-Sectional study was published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine

  57. Florida Atlantic University – 18 November 2024

    1999 – 2020
    Alcohol-related deaths in the U.S. MORE THAN DOUBLE

    4-FOLD RISE occurred among ages 25-34.

    Alcohol-related deaths in the U.S. have surged dramatically in the last 2 decades, with the mortality rate doubling.
    Every age group has suffered increases.

    Age 55-64 had both the steepest RISE in mortality and the HIGHEST absolute rates in both 1999 and 2020.
    Both men and women experienced SIGNIFICANT INCREASES in alcohol-related deaths, but men had the highest rates in both years and saw the steepest increase overall.

    Women had the LARGEST proportional RISE, with deaths increasing.
    Deaths in women INCREASED 2.5 times, while Asian and Pacific Islander communities experienced the steepest rise of 2.4 times.
    Midwest region experienced the greatest rise, with an increase of 2.5 times in alcohol-related mortality, followed by Northeast, West and South.

    The increase in women may reflect changing social norms and the alcohol industry’s increased targeting of women through marketing campaigns. Mental health issues like depression and anxiety, already more common in women can be worsened by alcohol use, says senior and corresponding author and professor Panagiota Kitsantas.

    Results of the clinical research study was published in The American Journal of Medicine

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