Every year, after the excesses of the festive period, people give up Alcohol en masse for Dry January. It is meant as a detox period to give the liver a break for those who have over indulged at Christmas. (1)
Dry January is the one-month challenge in the UK from the charity Alcohol Change who claim they are working to reduce the harm drinking causes but they are not anti-alcohol.
Every hour someone dies as a result of Alcohol (2)
Have we missed this bit or has it registered?
Someone in our world is dying every single hour as a result of the poison we call Alcohol.
Do we ever stop to Question WHY we go into excesses during the festive season?
Where does this licence to indulge come from and when did we subscribe to it without giving any thought about the consequences?
Have we checked if this detox month is really a break for our liver or is Dry January just something we want to jump on the bandwagon with as the masses are doing it?
Are we going to wait for more research studies to tell us how our liver is doing during excess Alcohol Christmas Party season and after, or can we apply a dose of Honesty and some common sense?
Are we ready to ask those in the medical profession who deal with some of us who are into excess alcohol during Christmas season, what the damage is and the harm to our whole body and not just the liver?
Let’s get Real, the liver is the organ that takes the hit, but common sense tells us it is all part of the whole and so everything inside us will get disturbed when a scientifically proven poison that we call alcohol enters.
In the last 10 years, we have seen a 20% increase in the number of deaths from liver disease – a major cause of which is drinking too much alcohol.
Dry January should be seen as an impetus to change your relationship with alcohol forever.
Judi Rhys – Chief Executive | British Liver Trust | 2018
4.2 million people in December 2018 were already planning to do Dry January in 2019. They will stop drinking alcohol for one month to feel healthier, save money and improve their relationship with alcohol long term. (3)
What this tells us is that there are millions of people overdoing it in December when it comes to alcohol.
The cost is clear – it has a knock on effect with our health, finances and relationships.
We all know when we consume alcohol, it alters our natural state and therefore we can in Truth say, we are not ourselves. In other words, we become someone we are not and others feel that. Our behaviour changes and there is no getting away from this immutable fact.
For the reader – a wise move would be to read our forensic blog on this website called The Real Truth about Alcohol. It is presenting the stats and the facts and it is for each of us to gain more awareness and then make the choice of what we will then align to going forward.
What would support the reader is to answer with Honesty the Questions that are being presented.
So how do we improve our relationship with alcohol long term, so that the British Liver Trust can report back to us the monumental changes made, when we stop all forms of alcohol consumption?
Referring to all forms, one needs to pay attention to ALL the foods now available, which include alcohol like it’s a normal ingredient and not the actual poison that it is.
Let us not forget that we have a legal substance that poisons us and it is called Alcohol and the masses are consuming it.
Add to this all the beverages that contain alcohol, albeit in smaller quantities, that can even pass as a non-alcoholic drink.
Research conducted by the Royal Free Hospital and published in the British Medical Journal found that a month off alcohol –
- Lowers Blood Pressure
- Reduces Diabetes risk
- Lowers Cholesterol
- Reduces levels of Cancer-related proteins in the blood
According to independent research conducted by the University of Sussex with over 800 Dry January participants, it showed drinking was less even six months later. (4)
If just one month off from alcohol can reduce our blood pressure is that worth considering?
If one month away from alcohol reduces our Diabetes risk – would that be a sensible movement worth following through?
If just a month of no alcohol can lower our Cholesterol – is that telling us our body is communicating something serious?
In other words, keep the poison out and the health benefits are there.
Let us stop and consider the above figures with our common sense…
Firstly, we all like to know we have more money, so not spending on alcohol is a no brainer.
Next – if the majority are telling us they have better Sleep without drinking alcohol – surely that is a bigger no brainer.
Next – if two-thirds feel they have more energy, is that telling us we are on a winner. More energy = more productive.
This means we benefit as individuals but so does society, as we are going to have higher levels of vitality to Get on with it.
These factors above confirm to us that our health will improve and the changes are very quick and positive if we give up alcohol.
So why stop at a month?
WHY not continue for another month and see what happens?
Where is the pressure to give up and go back to our old ways?
Is it really that easy to discontinue a social habit that we love?
In truth, do we ignore the health benefits as we just love booze?
The alcohol-free drinks market is expanding quickly.
Some of these products contain 0.5% or 0.05% alcohol.
These drinks are “perfectly acceptable” during a Dry January or any other dry month.
We could say that the alcohol free drinks market is growing because of demand and that demand is coming from us and they simply supply.
Could it be possible that the drinks market know some of us just need that drop of poison (pun intended) and so we accept a 0.5 percentage or even less added to our drinks as it does make a difference?
Could it be possible that even 0.01% minutiae can actually alter our physiology if it is poison entering our highly intelligent human body?
Does common sense tell us that if we add just a tiny tiny drop of poison into a baby milk bottle, it will have an effect regardless of the amount?
Think about it – as responsible adults and parents we would say no way, as even a drop of poison is enough to do something harmful so we would not go there, yet we endorse it as ‘perfectly acceptable’ for Dry January.
Is it really perfect and acceptable to allow even a tiny drop of alcohol or is it a suitable vibration we want to align to?
In other words, we want to move away from our natural state and if others say that it is perfect and acceptable, then we seek that vibration, as it suits our needs, as it is better than absolute zero alcohol.
Because having zero alcohol would mean we have to deal with the cold turkey stuff that comes, as our body has become dependent on this substance and the symptoms that come when we abstain are not nice.
On another note, it is always worth discerning everything that we read, including this blog and everything presented on this website.
We all need to be questioning and researching who stands to gain from mankind continuing to ingest the poison we openly accept called Alcohol.
Simple Living Global are here to bring awareness and present the facts and the stats and anything else that needs to be said, so that we are well informed and equipped to have an understanding first before we embark on the next step, whatever that may be for us.
How many of us are aware that the alcohol industry pays for research?
Can we at least agree that this is not in any form – Independent research?
What about those charities that are funded or receive a proportion of sales if they promote the low and no alcohol drinks?
Is there a vested interest and is this the real way to go about ending the harm caused by alcohol or IS THERE ANOTHER WAY?
Our first ever blog on this website is well worth reading – see link
Raising money for charity and taking on the ultimate test of willpower by going alcohol free for January NO ALCOHOL this January.
Is this ultimate test of willpower going to nail it for us or have we seen this happen over and over again where we just go back to alcohol when things get tough, a situation occurs and the Stress comes on?
Do we go into a mode of drive, where we need a force to make us do something we just don’t want to do and in this case stop drinking alcohol?
Does raising money in some way give us the recognition we need and therefore we can use our will to give up alcohol as in our minds we are doing something good out there but not really for us?
Does the benevolent side of us like the thought of doing good for others, but forgets about anything deeply caring that would benefit us directly?
Why are we not able to simply stop alcohol after a month of excess indulgence in the name of Christmas?
Has anyone of us who are called the mass stopped long enough to look at that word which starts with Christ?
So what would Jesus have to say about our alcohol consumption?
Is it something we get away with in his name as we are celebrating him?
Would Jesus allow us to poison our body with something man has created to alter their natural state?
Dear World
If Jesus was here in January 2020 with his words of wisdom right now – would he say…
My dear fellow brothers
You have created a poison to ingest called alcohol that has been around for a very long time now.
It was deliberately designed to take you away from your natural state and now it is time to ask WHY and HOW it serves you?
To allow for true healing, the root cause has to be addressed.
The masses would probably dismiss the above wisdom from Master Jesus, but what if this does make sense and needs to be considered?
What we do know is that our Solutions are not cutting it and our need for seeking a poison called Alcohol to relax, chill out, have fun, numb us, remove us from our issues, bring on irresponsible behaviour and artificially stimulate us is actually killing us and we do know that, even if we are all far from ready to admit, let alone accept that fact.
Giving up Alcohol for a month may aid weight loss and lower blood pressure
Our work has shown that a month off alcohol, in healthy individuals drinking at moderate to high levels does lead to tangible health benefits by the end of the month. Our study saw a weight loss of around 2kg, a decrease in blood pressure of around 5% and improvement in Diabetes risk of almost 30%. We also noted large decreases in blood growth factors that are linked to certain Cancers. However, we do not know how long these benefits last or whether they translate to longer-term improvements in health.
Dr. Mehta – Senior Lecturer | UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health
At 6 to 8 months after Dry January, the proportion of participants drinking at harmful levels decreased by about 50%. (5)
For the masses, weight loss is at the top of the agenda in January, when it comes to post Christmas and New Year celebrations.
If it means giving up alcohol and losing weight can happen in one month, then chances are we will jump on the bandwagon and Social Media is out there championing us, so it must be worth doing.
Next – the very fact mentioned above tells us the knock on effect is huge.
One month off the booze and 6 months down the line, we no longer consume as much. Surely this is a no brainer.
Great news, monumental we could say BUT yes an even bigger BUT here – what if we are not quite out in the clear, as we still need the poison, even if it is smaller quantities or less often?
Have we considered this minor or shall we say major factor?
In other words, the body adjusts after one month of no alcohol but it goes back to drinking in February and it has to re-adjust to counter the poison once again, albeit in lower doses.
Yes Dry January allows us to reset our relationship with alcohol BUT and this is an even bigger giant BUT than before…
But what if the reset simply cannot work in truth because in a matter of a few weeks we are introducing the very poison our body has worked hard to get rid of, in other words detox?
WHY do we go back to drinking alcohol if we can actually feel the benefits in our health and well-being in just one month?
Is there more here to ponder on as it’s not that simple?
Do we feel like alcohol owns us and that is the relationship we have?
In other words, we use our will to keep away but somehow we just get taken, drawn in, seduced so to speak and it’s so predictable.
Do we feel like we have this unspoken invisible contract where no matter what we do our behaviours just go back and if things get a bit too much or an incident or situation occurs, bingo – we are back on the wagon.
Can we really in truth get control over our drinking or does the alcohol control us in some way? Let us read on…
Dry January might be a helpful way to re-establish control over your drinking and could have some short-term benefits. For example, a lot of people report sleeping better but it is unlikely to have major long-term health benefits in itself.
We do not really know whether short-term abstinence affects longer term drinking patterns. If people can use Dry January as a way of feeling more confident about managing their drinking generally, then that could translate to lower consumption overall across the whole year. However, it could also have unintended consequences – people might feel that they have detoxed after a month of no drinking and drink more than they otherwise would have done in subsequent months.
Marcus Munafo – Professor of Biological Psychology | University of Bristol (5)
Dry January or its pre-Christmas counterpart – Go Sober for October are marketed as temporary periods of sobriety, with some people even asking others to sponsor them for charity to take a month off booze.
Drinkaware Study – July 2019
- 45% adults in higher economic and social groups were “risky” drinkers
- 34% adults in lower socio-economic groups drank in a risky manner
- 75% age 18 – 34 felt pressure to drink alcohol
- 20% say they are teased for not drinking enough
Journal of Public Health 2018 study suggested “those from lower socioeconomic groups consume the least amount of alcohol. However, prevalence rates for disease and mortality due to alcohol harm is highest in these groups, often because of other harmful behaviours”. (1)
Note – these other harmful behaviours are referring to smoking, poor diet, excess weight and heavy episodic drinking. (6)
Can we join the dots here and keep it Simple so we all get a real understanding of this?
Public Health study tells us those who are not that well off happen to drink the least amount of alcohol.
We could say it’s because they don’t have the money. Full stop.
BUT disease and death rates are the highest due to alcohol and it has to be because of the other lifestyle choices mentioned.
So they may not be buying much liquor but is that because they have other go to’s like smoking or bad diets like Junk Foods?
Is it the bad food diet causing the Obesity?
Where does the heavy episodic drinking come in and WHY is this?
What is going on for them in daily life that leads to the irregular and occasional volcanic activity of a heavy drinking session?
We need to be asking these Questions and not pretending it is going on out there in a country that is lower in social and economic status and it doesn’t affect us over here, thank you very much.
It is this ignorance of not expressing and relating to all humans as equals and the same, that has led to the world we currently have – a total mess.
Let’s get real mankind – we have not done a grand job with this so called Intelligence that we seem to champion at all costs.
Back to real life and on the home front for some of us –
Real Life Stories
Millie – aged 28
I had three jobs at university – all in bars and I was supplied with free drinks.
I would get really bad blackouts and I would forget bits of my night.
Everyone was drunk and it was the thing to do.
When I came out of university, I went to work in the media and it was a boozy industry, so I kept it up. Then I realised that day and evening drinking was not working for me. I was embarrassing myself and colleagues, so I gave up weekday drinking. But even drinking only at weekends gave me bad anxiety – I would feel like the world was ending and that would creep into Monday and Tuesday.
I was not productive and I felt really sad and anxious.
I tried to work out what the common denominator was and pinned it down to booze.
Millie went sober in February 2018.
Scott – aged 29
After a year at a fashion college in London, Scott was offered a job with a fashion PR agency.
Every night of the week there was a fashion party to go to that was sponsored by an alcohol brand. The alcohol was even more accessible because it was free.
One of the biggest parts of my job was socialising because there was no way to make a name for myself without doing that.
Alcohol became a real fixture in who I was.
Scott went sober in January 2019. (1)
Just these two real life expressions speak volumes if we are prepared to sit and ponder on what is being said.
We have an educational system that is designed for those who are the supposedly smarter and more intelligent, as they will study at an advanced level.
What is there that is advancing, if alcohol is at the very core of university life and the pressure to drink is part of the culture?
WHY have the so-called intelligent crew amongst us humans not worked out that alcohol in any form is a poison to the body and it alters our mind – the very mind supposedly there to study in the world of academia and then go on to employment, that is valued above other menial important jobs that we need to make our world tick in flow and order?
Is any of this making sense?
Is our world designed to be upside down as intelligent people are subscribing to alcohol as part of education culture?
WHY is this NOT making any sense at all?
WHY have we not ever stopped and bothered to Question this?
It is important to take a look at what actually happens when we come off alcohol and to note that each and every one of us who has a relationship with alcohol will have a different experience.
What is Alcohol Withdrawal?
Alcohol withdrawal is the changes the body goes through when a person suddenly stops drinking after prolonged and heavy alcohol use.
Symptoms include insomnia, anxiety and other physical and mental symptoms.
Alcohol has a slowing effect also called a sedating effect or depressant effect on the brain. In a heavy long-term drinker, the brain is almost continually exposed to the depressant effect of alcohol. Over time, the brain adjusts its own chemistry to compensate for the effect of the alcohol. it does this by producing naturally stimulating chemicals such as serotonin or norepinephrine, which is a relative of adrenaline in larger quantities than normal.
If the alcohol is withdrawn suddenly, the brain is like an accelerated vehicle that has lost its brakes. Not surprisingly, most symptoms of withdrawal are symptoms that occur when the brain is overstimulated.
The most dangerous form of alcohol withdrawal occurs in about 1 out of every 20 people who have withdrawal symptoms. This condition is called Delirium Tremens.
In Delirium Tremens, the brain is not able to smoothly readjust its chemistry after alcohol is stopped. This creates a state of temporary confusion and leads to dangerous changes in the way our brain regulates our circulation and breathing. The body’s vital signs such as our heart rate or blood pressure can change dramatically or unpredictably, creating a risk of heart attack, stroke or death.
Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
If the brain has adjusted to the heavy drinking habits, it takes time to adjust back.
Alcohol withdrawal symptoms occur in a predictable pattern after our last alcohol drink.
Tremors (shakes)
These usually begin within 5 to 10 hours after the last alcohol drink and typically peak at 24 to 48 hours.
In addition to tremors (trembling) there can be –
- Anxiety
- Hyper alert state
- Increase in blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Irritability
- Nausea
- Nightmares
- Rapid breathing
- Rapid pulse
- Sweating
- Vivid dreams
- Vomiting
- Anxiety
Alcohol Hallucinosis
This symptom usually begins within 12 to 24 hours after the last drink and may last as long as 2 days once it begins.
If this does happen, you hallucinate which is see or feel things that are not real.
It is common for people who are withdrawing from alcohol to see multiple small, similar or moving objects.
Sometimes the vision is perceived to be crawling insects or falling coins.
It is possible for an alcohol withdrawal hallucination to be a very detailed and imaginative vision.
Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures
Seizures may occur 6 to 48 hours after the last drink and it is common for several seizures to occur over several hours. The risk peaks at 24 hours.
Delirium Tremens
This commonly begins 2 to 3 days after the last alcohol drink but it may be delayed more than a week. Its peak intensity is usually 4 to 5 days after the last drink.
This condition causes dangerous shifts in breathing, circulation and temperature control. It can cause the heart to race dangerously or can cause blood pressure to increase dramatically and it can cause dangerous dehydration.
Delirium Tremens can also temporarily reduce the amount of blood flow to the brain. Symptoms include –
- Angry behaviour
- Confusion
- Disorientation
- Hallucinations
- Irrational beliefs
- Nervousness
- Sleep disturbances
- Soaking sweats
Alcohol withdrawal is easy to diagnose if typical symptoms occur after heavy habitual drinking.
If there is a past experience of withdrawal symptoms, it is likely that they will return if heavy drinking starts or stops again.
There are no specific tests that can be used to diagnose alcohol withdrawal.
If there are withdrawal symptoms from drinking alcohol, then it confirms that there has been enough alcohol consumption to damage other organs.
It is advised to get a doctor to examine and do blood tests, checking for alcohol-related damage to the liver, heart, nerves in the feet, blood cell count and gastrointestinal tract.
Diet and vitamin deficiencies are evaluated because poor nutrition is common when someone is dependent on alcohol.
It is usually difficult for those who drink alcohol to be completely honest about much they have been drinking.
Expected Duration
Symptoms of alcohol withdrawal typically improve within 5 days although a small number of patients may have prolonged symptoms lasting weeks.
Anyone who suffers severe vomiting, seizures or Delirium Tremens needs to be treated in hospital.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is often required for the treatment of Delirium Tremens.
Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing can be monitored closely incase emergency life support such as an artificial breathing machine is required.
Benzodiazepines can lessen alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
Commonly used medicines in this group include Librium (chlordiazepoxide) and Ativan (lorazepam).
Most alcohol abusers who are having withdrawal symptoms have a shortage of several vitamins and minerals and can benefit from nutritional supplements.
Alcohol abuse can create a shortage of folate, thiamine, magnesium, zinc and phosphate. It can also lower blood sugar levels.
After withdrawal it is essential that alcohol consumption is not started again.
Note – not all symptoms develop in all patients (7)
Alcohol Use Disorder
Problem drinking that becomes severe is given the medical diagnosis of “alcohol use disorder” or AUD.
This is a chronic relapsing brain disease characterised by compulsive alcohol use, loss of control over alcohol intake and a negative emotional state when not using.
Diagnosis for Alcohol Use Disorder must be met by certain criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
Under DSM-5 anyone meeting any 2 of the 11 criteria during the same 12 month period receives a diagnosis of AUD.
Mild, moderate or severe is based on the number of criteria met.
However severe the problem may seem, most people with AUD can benefit from treatment. Less than 10% of those suffering receive any treatment.
If we drink excessively, it is advisable to seek medical help to plan a safe recovery as sudden abstinence can be life threatening. (8)
Dry January Health Benefits – week by week
Week One: Improved Sleep | Better Hydration | More Energy
Getting drunk means falling straight into a deep sleep and skipping the REM – rapid eye movement phase. This means 1 – 2 cycles of REM sleep instead of the recommended 6 – 7 cycles a night.
In the first week of Dry January it may be harder to fall asleep but even if there are fewer hours, it is likely to be of higher quality.
Alcohol use influences sleeping patterns and it can take time to adjust to a normal sleep cycle that is not induced by alcohol.
Withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and restless legs may affect sleep.
It is vital to get through week one without depending on alcohol or other medication for sleep so that insomnia is not being masked. This will lead to improved sleep that comes with sobriety.
In addition, the first week without alcohol the body will become more hydrated.
When you drink alcohol, you lose around four times as much liquid as what you actually consumed.
Giving up alcohol can help you stay hydrated, which is beneficial for your brain. Mood and concentration will be more stable and headaches are likely to decrease.
The effects of dehydration such as lack of motivation and increased fatigue will not be present so there will be more energy felt throughout the day.
Dr. Niall Campbell – Addictions Expert | Priority Group (9)
Week Two: Better Digestion | Less Irritation
In addition to better sleep and more hydration, reduction in stomach pain, nausea and digestive issues.
Alcohol is an irritant to the stomach lining (9)
Hello – a very important side note
If alcohol is an irritant to our stomach lining then is our body actually communicating something serious to us?
Can we really afford to trash our human frame once we know this or is it more convenient to skip this bit and not read it for what it is?
Are we anywhere near ready to accept this or at least consider it?
Do we have good intentions to keep going without alcohol but it’s like we get grabbed and lose the common sense we have and just go back, as it’s more familiar to drink alcohol than it is not?
Do we have big plans of life without alcohol but they seem to be out there or in our head with no true movement – in other words, no True Action.
Week Three: Reduced Blood Pressure
Blood pressure will start to reduce.
Heavy drinking is linked to Hypertension in all genders so reducing intake or quitting entirely will have benefits.
Week Four: Better Skin | Improved Liver Function | Weight Loss
Boosted hydration levels will have a positive effect on the skin which includes reduced dandruff and eczema.
Removing alcohol from our diet for four weeks can also help to improve our liver function as our liver will start to shed excess fat.
If liver function is not badly affected by alcohol, it can recover within 4 – 8 weeks.
Common sense – if alcohol is avoided, more benefits will continue.
Compulsive drinkers have stopped for several Januarys but just counted the days until February…they think they can stop at any time but this is rarely the case.
The vast majority of people who struggle with alcohol do not necessarily look like they have a problem. People often come to me insisting no one at work knows they have an alcohol problem. As they come through treatment it emerges that alcohol has often caused them quite significant work problems for years.
Example – patient drinking significant quantities of wine from a plastic sports drink bottle on their desk.
Dr. Niall Campbell – Addictions Expert | Priority Group (9)
Dear World
We all know deep inside us what is true and what is not.
If we keep it very Simple – we seem to have an innate response when it comes to children – we would never ever give them alcohol. WHY is this?
WHY have we not applied the same value to us?
Alcohol is a scientific proven poison.
Research has now told us there is no safe level of alcohol. (10)
Full stop.
The End.
(1) De Gallier, T. (2020, January 3). Dry January: ‘I Thought Not Drinking Was Just for Alcoholics’. BBC. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(2) (n.d). Dry January. Alcohol Change. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(3) (2018, December 18). 4.2 Million People in the UK to Give Up Alcohol for Dry January 2019. British Liver Trust. Retrieved January 7, 2020 from
(4) (n.d). Why Do Dry January? Alcohol Change. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(5) Lienard, S. (2019, January 2). Dry January: What are the Benefits and Drawbacks? BBC Good Food. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(6) Rosenberg, G., Bauld, L., Hooper, L., Buykx, P., Holmes, J., & Vohra, J. New National Alcohol Guidelines in the UK: Public Awareness, Understanding and Behavioural Intentions. Journal of Public Health, Volume 40, Issue 3, September 2018, Pages 549 – 556. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(7) (2019, April). Alcohol Withdrawal. Harvard Health Publishing. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(8) (n.d). Alcohol Use Disorder. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH). Retrieved January 7, 2020 from
(9) Scott, E. (2020, January 3). Dry January: The Health Benefits You’ll See by Ditching Alcohol, Week by Week. Metro. Retrieved January 4, 2020 from
(10) Gabbatiss, J. (2018, August 23). No Safe Level of Alcohol Consumption. Independent. Retrieved January 9, 2020 from
Comments 1
The article gives us a presentation with some valid questions to consider.
The following has been taken from the website of Alcohol Change UK
If we ADD to this from the same website real life testimonials –
“My appetite was poor, my anxiety was through the roof and my blood sugars were high. The benefits of Dry January have changed my life and it is like a light bulb has been switched on”.
“Alcohol for me can so often be used as a social thing that soon becomes part of stress relief. With a recent prostate cancer diagnosis this has made me re-evaluate a big portion of my lifestyle choices..”
“..My sleeping improved and instead of nursing a hangover, feeling rough and being unable to move, I actually got on with those little jobs around the house..”
“I have struggled with anxiety, depression, lack of motivation and fatigue for a long, long time now. Since staying sober, I have slept amazingly every night..”
“After drinking heavily over Xmas for two solid weeks, my appetite was poor, my anxiety was through the roof and my blood sugars were high (I am a type 1 diabetic). Dry January was not easy but the benefits have changed my life..”
“..This is the longest period of time I have not drunk alcohol for almost 20 years and it has given me the time and space to consider the role alcohol has played in my life..”
“The biggest noticeable benefit for me was my sleep. I have been sleeping better than I have in a long time..”
Dear World
We no longer can deny or negate what the people are saying. This is not coming from an organisation or a blog that wants to stop alcohol. It is coming from those that have consumed it and are feeling the benefits from not drinking the scientific proven poison that alcohol actually is.
The thing is we hear stories that something happens in life and we go back to alcohol and that is something to note, as we have yet to go there.
If we ‘give it up’ for a month – is that a real renunciation or is that a force coming through that we call “will-power” and so it is not really coming from a place inside us that genuinely is sick and tired of living this false life and using alcohol to avoid dealing with our issues, hurts or pain that we carry?
Without a big dose of Absolute Honesty we may not have completely cleared it at the root level. In other words, there is more that we need to get to before we can champion that we are free from the hooks and tendrils that alcohol have on us.
WHY did we drink alcohol back then when we started?
What was going on in our life and how did alcohol assist?
How have we got to the point where we are at now today?
These would be wise questions for those on the Dry January program.