Hello World
Are we ready for this year’s Christmas Party?
How do we get Christmas Party mode started?
Where are we with our Christmas Party mode?
Have we been planning our Christmas Party?
Have we been plotting and planning all year?
How long have we been dreaming about this?
How has our behaviour been so far this year?
How do we really operate at this time of year?
Are we spending all of D E C E M B E R in this Party mode?
Are we one of those who are well into the swing of it already?
Are we known for entertaining others in proper Party style?
Have we got the lights up outside the house end of November?
Have we got so many lights it takes us days to finish the job?
Have we gone online to find more crazy ideas like hanging Santa’s underpants on a washing line with flashing lights?
Have we got pictures in our head about how to spice up the Christmas Party this year?
Do we go the whole hog so we get more noticed than last year?
Do we give ourselves the whole month to do what we want in this Christmas Party mode with no holding back?
Do we make sure our Focus and Priority is about having a good time in Christmas Party mode and forget about our worries?
Do we have a preferred way when it comes to this mode?
Do we know what we want and don’t want to experience?
Do we feel excitement and anxiety about a Christmas Party?
Do we feel bombarded at this time of year with the pressure?
Do we feel a sense of Depression as we don’t really like it?
Do we have a fake and phoney smile to cover up the fact that we really find this whole Christmas Party stuff a bit too much?
Have we put on our “buy buy buy” hat when it comes to Christmas Party season, as that is how we get into the mode?
Have we lost our “common sense” hat during this excess period?
Have we ordered a huge Christmas tree and forgot we were banging on earlier in the year about the Earth’s resources?
Have we left last year’s decorations in the loft and head straight to the online shops for the latest Christmas Party paraphernalia?
Have we got the Christmas Party music blasting already in our head, as we need it to stimulate us for this mad season?
Have we got the supermarket jingle bell songs in our head at night when we want to go to Sleep?
Have we got the pharmacy supplies for headaches, Heartburn and indigestion, as we will need it for Christmas Party mode?
Have we clocked on that prosecco is now out of date and this year it is all about the bubbly stuff – champagne?
Do we really know our chardonnay from shiraz when it comes to wine, or do we just wing it as it’s booze at the end of the day?
Do we indulge in the eggnog, sherry, port and other sugary creamy stuff as that’s what we do during Christmas Party time?
Do we know that 1 litre spirit bottles are all over the shops because we the consumers are making the demand?
Do we prefer the bourbon spiced syrup that is now being advertised, which is simply the spirit and a mass of sugar?
Do we have beer offers now available at the local supermarket, as we are well into Christmas Party season?
Are we finding that excess Alcohol is not making us feel great and we are dreading Christmas Party season this year?
Are we hiding the fact that we cannot afford to blow the bucks this year on Christmas Party stuff, as our budget is not there?
Are we showing off on Social Media about how Perfect our Christmas Party planning is going, but in truth it is not?
Are we starting lists for this and that as part of the Party mode?
Are we walking around with too many to do lists, as we want to be sure it is all going to go off with a big bang on the night?
Are we into cooking to impress and are busy already freezing up the food, for this spectacular Christmas Party we plan to have?
Are we feeling more tension and Stress at this time of year?
Are we going to make it with this new fad Diet before Party time?
Are we upping the Caffeine as we are finding we need it to keep going, as there is no time now to rest and relax?
Are we getting our cocaine supplies ordered in advance, as we need our Party head on and it’s cheaper than booze these days?
Are we ordering even more fine wines and fancy Chocolate as that is part of the Christmas Party mode?
Are we following some of the traditions from other countries with mulled wine, tequila and rum on the agenda?
Are we going lethal with our cocktails with our Christmas Party mode hat on, as it allows us to do that and Get Away with It?
Are we going big this year with the Christmas Party and we don’t mind the Stress as others always tell us how great it is?
Are we buying up the tinsel and baubles with this year’s fashion colours, as we want to keep up and show off to our guests?
Are we into the mistletoe thing, as it suits us to have it hanging around, as we have got our plans for this kissing business?
Are we aware that mistletoe is a parasite and grows wild on apple trees and has to all be hand-picked?
Are we using our Christmas Party mode to get the New Year Party firing off with a fireworks display?
Are we getting the fireworks illegally, as we want our Christmas Party to go off with a bang and get the neighbours all talking?
Are we going to gate crash, as we get to hear about big house parties on Social Media, where security does not really exist?
Are we going to hire the chauffeur driven giant limousine, as we want everyone to have eyes popping out at the Christmas Party?
Are we ignoring what the doctor said about our drinking, smoking and excess weight, as it is all about Christmas Party mode now?
Are we avoiding Responsibility and going with the masses, as the rest of the year now is all about Christmas Party mode?
Are we wearing our most expensive fancy underwear again that is super uncomfortable in the name of Christmas Party mode?
Next –
Is Christmas Party mode all about “the look” and that means really going for it in the name of eye candy?
That means we want heads to turn and mouths to drop when we walk in – wherever that Christmas Party is taking place.
That means get going with Online Shopping and keep buying until we find the “perfect” outfits, as we need more than one.
That means not spending a second on thinking about returning all the unwanted stuff we don’t want from online shopping.
That means meeting the mates at the shopping mall with the Just Incase Syndrome going on, to buy even more.
That means getting the waxing, Botox, fillers, false nails, false eyelashes and hair extensions all for Christmas Party mode.
That means spending more More More as it’s worth it for this year’s Christmas Party mode.
Dear World
Is Christmas Party mode a licence for us to go nuts, do what we want and make sure excess indulgence is on the menu?
Do we lose all sense of decency and forget our moral compass when it comes to Christmas Party mode?
Are we using Christmas Party mode to forget about all the responsible stuff that needs our attention?
Could it be possible that life is not that great if we are to be Honest, after Christmas Party mode is over?
Do we need to ask that Question again this year –
Was it worth it?