Beat Stress – International Stress Awareness Day – 7 November 2018
20th International Stress Awareness Day to celebrate helping people to beat stress.
Theme this year – Does Hi-Tech Cause Hi-Stress. (1)
This is also the first year for International Stress Awareness Week 5 – 9 November 2018. (2)
The main reasons for stress at work –
Increasing redundancies | relationship conflicts between colleagues | build-up of accidents caused by a worker | problems linked to overall upkeep of organisations’ image (1)
So we have a day to make our world aware of Stress.
However, this year it has turned into a week – is that because Stress has got worse in our lives?
Do we all need to be reminded about what Stress is and how we can ‘beat’ it?
Is ‘beating’ Stress the answer and is it that simple?
How do we ‘beat’ an ill in society called Stress?
Does anyone have the answers and if yes, are they Stress free?
Do we need to ask more Questions instead of seeking Solutions for Stress?
Is there more to learn and understand about what Stress actually is?
Do we really know the harm Stress in our daily life is causing our body?
Depression and work issues are one of the main causes of stress reported to GPs. (1)
WHY are depression and work issues one of the main causes of Stress reported to our doctor?
Could it be possible that what Simple Living Global are presenting, in the Depression blog on this website, gives us questions to ponder on and consider – if there is Another Way?
Have we considered that our lifestyle choices may be why we have work issues in the first place?
Definitions of Stress
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension.
It can come from any event or thought that makes us feel frustrated, angry or nervous.
Stress is our body’s reaction to a challenge or demand.
In short bursts, stress can be ‘positive’, such as when it helps us avoid danger or meet a deadline.
Stress is caused by an existing stress-causing factor or “stressor”.
Anxiety is a stress that continues after the stressor is gone. (3)
Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry or unease.
It can be a reaction to stress or it can occur in people who are unable to identify significant stressors in their life. (4)
Stress is a normal feeling. (3)
The Health and Safety Executive define stress as “the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demand placed on them”.
This makes an important distinction between pressure, which can be a positive state if managed correctly and stress, which can be detrimental to health. (5)
Oxford Living Dictionaries
Pressure or tension exerted on a material object.
The degree of stress measured in units of force per unit area.
A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
Something that causes a state of strain or tension.
Physiological disturbance or damage caused to an organism by adverse circumstances.
Particular emphasis or importance.
Verb with object
Subject to pressure or tension.
Cause mental or emotional strain or tension in.
Informal no object
Become tense or anxious; worry. (6)
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
constraining force or influence: such as
a force exerted when one body or body part presses on, pulls on, pushes against or tends to compress or twist another body or body part.
the deformation caused in a body by such a force.
a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.
a state resulting from a stress especially: one of bodily or mental tension resulting from factors that tend to alter an existent equilibrium job-related stress.
archaic: intense effort or exertion. (7)
There has been no definition of stress that everyone accepts.
Therefore, it is difficult to measure stress if there is no agreement on what the definition of stress should be. (8)
We have very different ideas with respect to the definition of stress.
The most common is – physical | mental | emotional | strain or tension
Or a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceived that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise.
Stress for most people tends to focus on the negative feelings and emotions it produces.
Almost every definition of stress discusses certain resultant physical, physiological or biochemical responses that are experienced or observed.
A very comprehensive definition of stress that includes these and more is the biopsychosocial model, which has three components –
External – this is made up of elements in the external environment.
Internal – consists of physiological and biochemical factors in the internal environment or body.
Interaction – represents the cognitive processes that result from the interaction between external and internal components. Some of the physical reactions experienced during stress include –
Hypertension | Headaches | Gastrointestinal | Skin complaints
Any definition of stress that does not include these dangerous physical responses is incomplete.
A definition of stress that does not refer to the role of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis or stimulation of the Sympathetic Nervous System and Adrenaline secretion in the “fight or flight” response should also be considered to be a deficient definition of stress.
Since stress is such a subjective phenomenon that differs for each of us, there really is no satisfactory definition of stress that all scientists agree on. (8)
Hello – is everyone getting this?
Our world has yet to unite and agree on what stress is.
What we can agree on is that we do not have a One-Unified Truth about this word called stress.
So if we consider the above, it is super clear we do not agree with what the definition of stress is.
As we do not all agree and accept what stress is, we are confirming SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
How on earth are we going to ever agree on what stress is when we don’t have everyone knowing what it actually is?
The fact we have different ideas with respect to the definition itself confirms we are off track.
Does this tell us why our Stress beating, Stress busting, Stress Solutions are not working?
We all know stress is a feeling and it is our body reacting to something.
In other words, our body is communicating SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
If we keep it SIMPLE and join the dots – can Simple Living Global bring a deeper understanding from what has been presented about the word stress?
If we are to be Honest, can any form of stress really be positive if our body changes its natural state in order to meet a deadline?
What if our body is super intelligent and can sense danger well in advance of the actual event, so that we can use our movements to change what could happen?
Anxiety is huge in our world today and so many of us are suffering with this ill and finding ways to cope.
We have a definition above that Anxiety is a stress that continues after the stressor is gone.
So WHY have we got fear, worry or unease in our life that brings rise to Anxiety into our body?
We are told that it can be a reaction to stress – so would it be wise to Question why we have stress in the first place?
If stress alters our natural state, then can this really be defined as ‘normal’ as stated above?
Has the majority of the world got some form of stress and so it becomes the normal?
Back to the definitions above – more questions to consider:
WHY have we got an adverse reaction to excessive pressure?
Is it because our body is not designed to have any force, so it reacts to the harm felt?
If we are going to get Real – can any pressure be a positive state for our body?
If it is, then why do we need to manage it correctly and how are we going to do this?
Could it be possible that any form of stress is detrimental to our health?
Next – the dictionary
We know stress is pressure or tension exerted and that means SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
A demand of some kind causes a state of strain or tension on a mental or emotional level.
The very fact that there is a physiological disturbance or damage needs to be noted here.
So then it would then make sense that because there is a change inside our body, it could be a factor for causing dis-ease.
In other words, our body would no longer be at ease – its natural state.
Next – let us continue joining the dots and keep it simple to make some sense.
We know stress does something to our mind, body or both.
It comes from something outside of us, which results in changes inside us.
Our body does not like these changes and so it communicates back to us with physical signs like:
- Our blood pressure goes up
- Our head aches with pain
- We cannot stomach what is going on
- The dis-harmony inside affects our skin
We then get told that any definition of stress if it does not include the above list is incomplete.
What we do know is that each of us has a different response to stress.
What if that response is linked to how we choose to live our life each day?
In other words, our lifestyle choices are behind every movement we make and determines how we will respond or react to life and what it brings every single day?
Stress is a Response
Our response to a stimulus
This theory has been based on the work of physicians Hans Selye and Walter Cannon.
Stress is the non-specific response of the body to any demand.
Hans Selye, Stress in Health & Disease (1976) (9)
Selye discovered the following changes occurred in animals as a result of exposure to ‘threatening type’ stressors:
The cortex –
outer part to suprarenal glands (also known as adrenal glands) grew larger and more active.
The result is an increased release of fatty substances into the blood stream.
Immunity glands – lymph, pituitary, hypothalamus, thymus and spleen shrank in size.
The result is a decrease in immunity to conditions such as Colds and Flu.
Stomach and digestive tract – will develop ulcers.
The result, severe stomach indigestion, poor eating habits and gastro-intestinal problems.
Following a stimulus, there was an immediate REACTION. (9)
The first stage termed the alarm stage, represents a mobilisation of the body’s defensive forces. In other words, the body is preparing for the “fight or flight” syndrome. This involves a number of hormones and chemical excreted at high levels as well as an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, perspiration and respiration rate. (8)
Physiological responses show an increase in activity levels.
This immediate (and innate) response, is a programme to resist or respond to danger.
If the stimulus continues then the physiological responses will also continue. (9)
In the second phase known as the stage of resistance, the body becomes adaptive to the challenge and even begins to resist it. The length of this stage of resistance is dependent upon the body’s innate and stored adaptation energy reserves and upon the intensity of the stressor.
Just as any machine wears out, even if it has been properly maintained, so do living organisms that sooner or later become the victim of this constant wear and tear.
The acquired adaptation is lost if the individual is subject to still greater exposure to the stressor. (8)
Continuous (longer-term) exposure to the stimulus leads to signs of Sickness or lowered immunological responses.
These signs include damage to cells, tissues and organs.
Long-term exposure to the stimulus will eventually lead to ‘exhaustion’ and death.
This occurs as a result of ‘adaptive energy’ being exhausted in order to fight the demands of the stimulus.
Each of the above have been described as the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) (9)
- Stage of Alarm (the stimulus and immediate response)
- Stage of Resistance (adaptation as a result of continuous exposure)
- Stage of Exhaustion (depletion of physiological stores)
Note – those who are ‘constantly’ feeling under stress will find that their resistance to new stimuli (‘stressors’) will begin to drop off much quicker towards exhaustion.
Employees under a great deal of stress, including those who feel under pressure will ‘hide’ their stress levels via a number of actions. (9)
We have a theory here being presented which we could dismiss simply because it was tested on animals or we could consider what is being said.
It confirms the immediate reaction inside the body that takes place to a threatening type of stressor. First the alarm goes off and the body immediately goes straight into preparing for fight or flight mode.
If the stimulus continues then the body may resist depending on the intensity of the stressor and energy reserves that it has.
We cannot simply hold ourselves in this state, if the stressor carries on and we will get Sick because this is an un-natural way of living. Our immune system will not be strong and if we carry on like this, then exhaustion will be felt because of the physiological depletion.
What is clear is long-term, stress cannot be sustained by our body as it is not designed to cope in this way where we repeatedly put the body under stress.
There are two broad categories of stressors.
Physiological (or Physical) Stressors
These are stressors that put strain on our body.
E.g. – very hot/cold temperatures, injury, chronic pain or illness.
Psychological Stressors
These are events, situations, individuals, comments or anything we interpret as negative or threatening.
E.g. not able to find a babysitter for a sick child when you cannot take time off work.
Scientists are now proposing that stressors can be further divided into:
Absolute Stressors
These are stressors that everyone exposed to them would interpret as being stressfull.
They are objective stressors that are universal like Earthquakes, Tsunami or 9 11 events.
Relative Stressors
These stressors only some would interpret as being stressful.
They are subjective stressors that cause different reactions in different people.
E.g. time pressure at work, traffic, paying taxes, exams.
Stress is highly personal, as we have to interpret a situation as stressful.
What stresses one person is different to what stresses others.
Stressors whether Absolute or Relative, cause the release of stress hormones. (10)
So a stressor is something that causes us stress.
How many of us would think that a stressor that could put strain on our body could be something as basic as cold weather outside?
In other words, we are warm inside our body and then when we go outside, we have not put clothes on to hold that internal state, so our body changes. It has a tension, because the warmth needed to continue feeling natural has been changed by something external like the cold weather.
Is this making sense?
Next –
Have we considered that a single comment from someone can be a psychological stressor?
How many of us experience these ill feelings and dismiss them in everyday life?
How many of us have been at the receiving end of negative comments online through emails, app messaging, Social Media and everything else we choose to subscribe to?
Are we allowing small stressors to go under the radar everyday and not realise the harm they are causing our body?
Is it the ignored small stuff that adds up and causes us the big stress?
What if we paid attention to the small stressors in daily life – could that help us long-term?
Would our reaction to traffic be different if we were choosing to live our life in the flow zone?
In other words, not getting caught up in what is outside of us because we have made an effort to Commit to Life1 and build a Foundation that truly supports our body, which holds us steady for any traffic jam, exam or unexpected tax bill.
This means our True Health and Well-Being becomes a Priority in life.
And taking FULL Responsibility for the choices we make every single day.
In other words, being accountable for the choices we are making so we end the Blame game.
Could it be possible that when we have the above in place, our stress levels will drop?
Next – we need to bring in a standard of decency and respect in the way we live everyday.
We can no longer go on about this or that causing our stress because we know it is our choices that will make us respond or react, the latter being the harmfull one to our body.
Is this making sense?
Written by Bina Pattel
Stress Consultant – Corporate & Professional Stress Management – Level 3 Distinction
Community Mental Health & Psychiatry – Level 4 Award
Depression Management – Level 3 Distinction
Advanced Psychotherapy – Level 4 Distinction
Advanced Psychology by Examination – Grade B
If you are feeling suicidal, contact your GP for support or the Suicide Helplines.
In a crisis contact your emergency services.
UK – Samaritans available 24 hours
Tel: 116 123
Childline – for children and young people
Tel: 0800 1111
USA – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Tel: 1-800-273-8255
Other Countries
Check International Association for Suicide Prevention Resources on Crisis Centers
(1) (2018). International Stress Awareness Day. National Awareness Days. Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(2) (2018). International Stress Management Association (ISMAUK ). Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(3) (2018, October 1). Stress and Your Health. MedlinePlus. Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(4) (n.d). Stress and Anxiety. Healthline. Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(5) (n.d). An Example of a Stress Policy. Health and Safety Executive. Retrieved October 18, 2018 from
(6) (n.d). English Oxford Living Dictionaries. Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(7) (n.d). Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved November 3, 2018 from
(8) (n.d). What is Stress? The American Institute of Stress (AIS). Retrieved November 1, 2018 from
(9) (2016, June). Corporate and Professional Stress Management Diploma Course. Stonebridge Associated Colleges
(10) (n.d). Stressors. Centre for Studies of Human Stress (CSHS). Retrieved October 14, 2018 from
Comments 41
This is a university dissertation, but full of not just facts and stats but lived wisdom. Perhaps what is written here needs to be studied in its entirety, as if we are honest, we have not got a handle on stress and how to deal with it, but the author of this piece has.
There have been many things that have been an eye opener in reading this and I will address each one as I place a comment on here, but today I will start with what is going on in the physical body as I never knew that all of this is taking place, when we feel stressed. A great trigger for a heart attack, if we live in that constant fight or flight state, which most of us do.
Now I understand why we seek things like sugar and caffeine, as if we are living with that internal edge going on we will seek substances to distract us from the way our body feels; if we are not willing to ask the questions needed to understand why we are feeling stressed and make changes to our lifestyle.
A super educational piece of writing that I will return to again and again, both on a personal and professional standpoint.
Has anyone heard of the fact that a toy company is promoting the use of their toy for women to reduce stress by using building blocks?
This is not the first as just a few years ago I remember seeing a plethora of colouring books designed for adults as a way to deal with stress and as part of ‘mindfulness’. The interesting thing about this is that I can relate to all of it.
In my late twenties/early thirties, I went through a phase where I was buying games – board games. I never ended up playing them, but there was a longing in me to relive my childhood as I played a lot of board games then and it was a way to connect with family members as that’s when we spent time together. So when things in my life were getting difficult as an adult or ‘challenging’ as they say, I would long to escape to things like board games again.
Are these types of activities for adults, really going ‘back to basics’ as they are called?
Is there more going on here as to why adult toy spending has increased?
Can these activities really be called hands on ‘real world’ activities?
For me this longing and fantasy never helped me at all to grow up. It just kept me in my head and away from the responsibilities of life and of being a woman. I am now 40 and with support, I have now dealt with many of these childhood issues and I no longer have that same longing for escapism.
It seems that we are always looking for ways to reduce stress and I heard someone talking in an office just recently saying that there is a place that people can go to – a room that has items in that can be smashed up with baseballs; an opportunity and a ‘safe’ environment for people to let out any anger and frustrations.
Do we ever ask what happens to these emotions afterwards?
Is it possible that they have not gone?
Is it possible that places like this are just providing relief, until the next time these pent up emotions resurface?
Is there really any difference between this and punching someone?
Is this an effective way to deal with stress?
China Daily – 12 January 2018
Work stress in Hong Kong is often said to be more intense than in other places, sometimes with deadly consequences.
The long working hours and the high demand for results are said to be worse at banks, law firms and consulting firms and the long hours far exceeds those of other major cities.
The working hours in any given day can stretch long into the night.
The average weekly working hours in Hong Kong from 15 professions are 50.11.
Working hours in Paris average 30.84 hours per week (the shortest work week among all cities).
There are no laws in Hong Kong to define or identify work stress and no authority to manage it.
“…Your body just cannot deal with these working hours and workloads…”
Au Yeung Kwok-Leung – Hong Kong based psychiatrist
Reading this and then reading what Luisa Tam has shared above, writing in South China Morning Post about her experience in journalism, it tells us that this stress problem is a big deal and is causing loss of lives.
What if there is another way to live and deal with work and day to day life that means we do not have to drive ourselves into the ground?
What if we do not have to make work everything and that there is more to each one of us that is far greater than the job that we do?
What if there is something distinct that each one of us are bringing to our work, because of who we are and our unique skills and talents and this is more important than any target, job status or performance?
What if we actually put the care and well-being of our employees at the top of our organisations’ agenda? What would happen then? Are we ready to make well-being key instead of paying lip service to it?
Daily Mail – 22 December 2018
Divorce can bring on depression and PTSD.
Divorcing couples frequently show symptoms such as high stress and depression.
In some cases, it can contribute to post-traumatic stress disorder and the onset of suicidal thoughts.
A law firm, which handles 360 divorces each year, said there was evidence from clients showing a rise in mental health problems that appeared to be a direct result of the split.
With over 100,000 divorces a year in Engand the above tells us we have a rise in mental health issues just from divorce alone.
As this is not a scientific study, double blind tested it would probably be dismissed and not taken seriously by many.
However, it has made it to the newspapers, so we as the general public can be aware it is going on.
Who better that a company dealing with hundreds of divorces to give us some insight into what is going on.
Some of us reading this may agree as it has happened to us
Others may know of people who have been through divorce and suffered
Add to this – what about where children are involved?
What about where teenagers or adolescents are seeing parents divorce?
What is the state of their mental health – do we have solid research studies that show us how behaviour in children with divorcing parents change?
What signs and symptoms do they display, if any and how do they deal with their stress?
Do we think stress and PTSD only happens to adults?
Next – have we considered the other ‘divorce’ where long term relationships end and just because a legal document called a marriage certificate was not there, would it negate the stress and other symptoms as mentioned in this news story?
If for a moment we just apply our common sense and wisdom.
How difficult and uncomfortable is it when we end a relationship where at one point there was a commitment, a ceremony to legalise it, a home and everything else that goes with marriage, including kids in some cases?
Then boom, one day we make a choice to end it or our partner chooses to end it for us as we did not say we wanted the divorce.
What happens to the delicate connective tissue surrounding our heart?
Have we ever got that deep to even ask such a profound question?
Could it be possible that this modern plague called ‘stress’ is a word that is not even touching the surface of the real harm caused to the human frame when things happen in life, like divorce?
Furthermore, are we aware that some people never get over the grief and sadness of losing their partner, whilst others may seemingly look like they have moved on, but on some level they have not dealt with the agony and misery that was around at the time of divorce.
Have we ever considered that it would be a huge investment in our lives to deal with our buried hurts and issues, so that we can be free of them, move on in life and knock the stress out?
The Guardian supplement – 13 October 2018
We check our smartphones every 12 minutes and 71% of us never turn them off according to new research – Ofcom (August 2018)
40% said they check their phone within 5 minutes of waking.
This always on-behaviour is very harmful to long-term mental health as more and more experts are telling us that these interruptions and distractions have eroded our ability to concentrate.
The article goes on to say that we have known for a long time that repeated interruptions affect concentration. In 2005, research carried out by Dr. Glenn Wilson – London’s Institute of Psychiatry found that persistent interruptions and distractions at work had a profound effect. Those distracted by phone calls and emails saw a 10-point fall in their IQ, twice that found in studies on the impact of smoking marijuana.
More than 50% of the 1,100 participants said they always responded to an email immediately or as soon as possible, while 21% admitted they would interrupt a meeting to do so. Constant interruptions can have the same effect as the loss of a night’s sleep.
In 2002, it was reported that, on average, we experience an interruption every 8 minutes or about 7 or 8 per hour. In an 8 hour day that is about 60 interruptions. The average interruption takes about 5 minutes, so that is about 5 hours out of 8 and if it takes about 15 minutes to resume the interrupted activity at a good-level of concentration, this means that we are never concentrating well.
Two social media firms have said that they are developing new tools designed to limit usage.
Continuous partial attention – or CPA – was a phrase coined by Linda Stone (ex-Apple and Microsoft consultant). By adopting an always on, anywhere, anytime, any place behaviour, we exist in a constant state of alertness that scans the world but never really gives our full attention to anything. In the short term, we adapt well to these demands, but in the long term the stress hormone adrenaline and cortisol create a physiological hyper alert state that is always scanning for stimuli, provoking a sense of addiction temporarily assuaged by checking in.
Are we aware of how much harm we are doing to both our physical and mental health with this screen time addiction and the lack of presence with our minds constantly flitting from one thing to another?
Is it possible that this type of behaviour could lead to Alzheimers and dementia as each time that we become distracted, we are not ‘with ourselves’ so to speak and so our minds are disengaged from our bodies?
What if we are able to handle the constant demands of life if we have a mind and body that are already working together and so we naturally know what and when we need to respond to, rather than jumping to every call that we receive?
What if learning how to be consciously present, where we have our minds with our bodies in everything that we do is key to living without stress?
National Stress Awareness Month in UK
Every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures for our modern stress epidemic.
The official website says
“despite this running for 20 years we have got a long way to go. According to the Mental Health Foundation – 74% of UK adults has felt so stressed at some point over the last year, they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.
Millions are experiencing high levels of stress and it is now one of the great public health challenges of our time but it still isn’t being taken as seriously as physical health concerns.
Individually we need to understand what is causing us personal stress and learn what steps we can take to reduce it for ourselves and those around us.”
We then get a list of what we can do by talking about it, sharing our coping mechanisms, being nice to those who are stressed and thinking about self care and not to forget eating well and exercise, even when we feel too stressed.
There is more – a list of stress solutions.
If we read the Solutions blog on this website and what it is presenting, is there something we could learn and understand about solutions?
If this one nation is a microcosm of our world – what on earth is going on?
Two thirds ‘so stressed’ at some point – do we need to question WHY?
How are we living? What are our lifestyle choices?
Millions – yes millions in a small country are experiencing high levels of stress.
Are those dishing out advice under any stress or living a stress free life consistently?
Would this be worth considering before we follow the next thing to deal with our stress?
Next –
Is coping going to nail it and are we really going to eat well when we feel too stressed or is this a time when we actually make poor quality food choices?
Talking as an individual and from lived experience exercise was not even on my radar if stress was dominating me and all my thoughts.
Is thinking about self care enough or do we need to activate with our movements to make real changes – like making sure we get to bed early consistently and staying hydrated by drinking more water instead of other drinks that are readily available, that may not be contributing to our true health and well being?
Next –
Being nice to others – again from an individual perspective I know beyond doubt that nice is not what truly helps another. I have been there, done it and lived this way of treating others with compassion and empathy but I end up worse off, as I am taking on stuff that is not mine, when I used to do the nice business.
True compassion to me is ‘live and let live’ and by that I mean we allow others the time and space to live their own choices but making sure we are not adding to the ill in our life by getting on with it. That means me looking after me and making sure I ‘live’ and others then have that reflection. Some may think it great and be inspired and others may not and both are ok with me, as both are simply choices.
If we know someone who is stress free most of the time and feels rock steady solid in life – no matter what comes at them, then would it be worth checking them out and observing how they live and what they are up to in daily life?
Next –
What if the ‘unable to cope and feeling overwhelmed’ is simply because our body is exhausted and there has been no real movement to make lifestyle changes to deal with this exhaustion?
Talking as an individual who was a statistic for decades in the “so stressed” category, I KNOW that I had to deal with WHY I was feeling so overwhelmed with life to the point that I had given up.
On reflection, my dishonesty and irresponsibility at the time were because I did not want to admit that my choices got me there and I had no idea where to start or even how to get out of it, so I just kept going until the wake up call – major surgery to remove an organ.
Even that didn’t change my head racing and getting stressed lying in bed doing nothing.
Small steps like addressing my sleep and learning to take care of myself by cooking foods that would support my body everyday was the start of the tides turning.
Roll on a decade later and it would be true to say that I have nailed the stress stuff and this is an area of expertise for me – not because I have studied Corporate and Professional Stress Management and a whole lot of other topics like depression, not because I am the author of this stupendous website for humanity and not because I have posted over 7,000 comments online.
NONE of this.
I would claim that it is because I am living in a way that does not add stress to my body or my life, simply because I KNOW what to do and what not to do.
What has done it is having a strong and steady foundation in life and committing to life.
Both blogs worth reading as they speak volumes.
Today I KNOW I am a real role model for what human life can be without stress.
Reading an article in a lifestyle magazine today on foods to eat to beat stress has prompted a number of questions –
Is it really possible to eat foods to beat stress?
Do we ever question whether this is a myth when we see headlines like this or do we accept it all as fact?
If it were true that foods can help us deal with stress would there not be much less people experiencing stress if food was the simple remedy?
What if stress has nothing to do with what we eat but is related to an internal state of being and our ability to deal with life and what we encounter?
What if we experience stress as we do not feel equipped to deal with life and so in reaction to what we experience we become stressed?
What if we eat certain foods when we feel stressed in order to quell the symptoms we feel inside?
What if eating food when we feel stressed gives us momentary relief from the intensity of what we are feeling?
What if our lifestyle choices and how we look after ourselves, or don’t look after ourselves determines how well we are able to deal with stress?
Are we willing to ask these questions and more when we are presented with quick fix solutions on beating stress?
Is it worth taking full note of what Simple Living Global is presenting in this extensive article on The Real Truth about Stress?
Are these the type of upfront articles that are needed to help us get to the root cause of stress?
Metro News – 12 November 2019
50% employees listen to music at work
33% wear headphones to help them be more productive and fight stress
So what exactly is this research telling us?
Firstly – it is well worth re-reading this forensic article and what it is presenting about Stress.
In truth, can we really fight stress or to be candid – can we really fight anything?
Where has fighting got us other than bringing in a force that combats or tries to eradicate, diminish and annihilate something or someone?
Common sense would tell us fighting anything is a waste of time and effort, will never work, as history has shown us this over and over again.
Back to Stress – if we fight it, can we really get rid of it forever, or do we find it builds even more tension in the body or it goes away, only to discover down the road that it gets triggered and all along it was there – just conveniently buried when we thought the fighting worked?
How serious is this – we have half our work force listening to music and employers allow this?
What if we were in the driving seat and leading our company?
Would we be in total agreement or would we see low productivity?
Have we bothered to stop and consider what music does to the human frame?
Have we got enough scientific evidence to tell us it does affect us more than we would like to think and it may not be all positive and stress relieving?
Does wearing headphones at work actually deal with stress OR does it push it aside as we have something that feeds us what we want – the music of our choice?
Can we be honest and admit that songs we listen to can be playing repeatedly in our head when we are trying to sleep or upon waking the next morning?
Are we really productive and if so WHY not study those who have no music whilst working?
Until we ALL unite and get to a one-unified Truth, we cannot say something truly works and is beneficial to ALL of us – Equally.
On that note – Simple Living Global is saying there is another way to live human life and this website is unprecedented when it comes to delivering.
Citizen Journalism here – today my taxi man tells me about his friend who lives on his own after a divorce. He works 18 hours a day every single day.
Working 7 days a week has cost him. He has got so ill that over 50,000 bucks has been spent and the only diagnosis so far is he is very stressed.
All that money he earned and where has it got him in the health and well-being department?
Could it be possible that his way of not dealing with his pain of losing his marriage was to just work?
Being alone with himself was not something he could do, so working all waking hours was his solution, his way to function in life?
Mr taxi man agreed and said this was like common sense talking.
Next – could it be possible that he earned a lot of money in dis-regard?
In other words ignoring taking care of himself and his body, as he just worked and worked with no break or no regard for his true health and well-being.
So now that money is going out the back door fast, as he cannot hold on to it due to his ill health now.
We blame stress for most things that do not flow and go our way in life, but what if our body is simply communicating the choices we have been making and it gets to a point where it just says “enough” as the tension we feel inside has just hit the limit?
As a daily researcher of news stories, I know of the general big media global companies but when it’s a name I am not sure about, I will check them out.
So I find an electronic publishing platform based in Denmark, which enables creators of publications to share their content digitally.
This was a US health magazine with an article on Stress because April is Stress Awareness Month.
Hello – incase the reader of this comment has not joined the dots – let me assist now.
The platform based in Europe has a news story for us to read – 1 June 2020.
It’s a one pager and you see a colour poster telling us “Did you know April is Stress Awareness Month” and the rest is about a person telling us that stress alters the way our body and brain function and we should have a stress management “tool box”.
As the author of this blog and someone who has had zero stress for over a decade, I would question if solutions actually work and have the benefits we are seeking. By that I mean, if we are suggesting tool box techniques like positive thinking, listening to music and filling our minds with the latest meditation – is this going to truly cut it, so we can be sure we have nailed the stress thing?
I know that the type of music we listen to can actually harm us and I am talking from my own lived experience. Yes it may seem like it’s done the job but in my case it buried the issues I had not fully bothered to deal with further and deeper into my body. No amount of positive thinking, affirmations and using other people to dictate to me what my mind needs to be thinking and guiding me into a forest and visualising a bubbling brook and a meadow blah blah changed anything. I tried it all with the hot tub bath, candles and massage treatments, only to find the stress was still lurking around just under the surface and even small things would trigger me to explode.
Back to the article in a popular healthy lifestyle publication – we get a few sentences about stress and then it’s a person who offers classes for those suffering from chronic health conditions to practice improving self-management techniques like positive thinking, visualisation and journaling to name a few. Note under the name they have a pharmacy sponsoring them.
HELLO – do we need a wake up call here?
Has anyone clocked anything yet?
Can we start with saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT?
Are we taking a rather Reductionist view by using the banner to raise awareness about stress as it is is officially Stress Awareness Month, but we are seeking business from those suffering from “chronic health conditions”?
Can we take a dose of honesty and put our common sense hat on?
Are we really going to nail it and cut the stress by positive thinking, if we have chronic health conditions?
Are we all on the same page – in other words are we all one-unified with the meaning and definition of the word Chronic?
Is this the reductionism here?
We are using these watery solutions to tell those who have chronic health conditions that we have answers to their stress?
Would it make sense here to say “band aid to a bullet wound”, or are we the public asking for this quick fix way of dealing with our issues?
Do we take note as it is in a so-called healthy living lifestyle publication, so it must be ‘healthy’ for us?
We could ask – Where is the responsibility of publications that allow this type of article without looking at the detail of what is being printed?
On a final note, if these self improvement solutions were working, WHY and HOW have we got to the point where the masses right now in our world are suffering with stress on a daily basis and it is on the rise with no signs yet of a U turn.
What if this blog and this website are presenting another way – not because of the high volumes of research and content, but because the author walks the talk?
That means they live a life every day that reflects true health and well-being.
Mail Online – 15 July 2021
Answering emails outside of work hours increases the risk of stress and leads to emotional exhaustion, headaches and back pain, according to a new research study led by the University of South Australia.
2,200 academic and professional employees at 40 universities were surveyed from June 2020 to November 2020.
75.9% of those who were contacted had higher levels of psychological stress.
65.9% had emotional exhaustion.
21% had supervisors who expected a reply to work-related texts, calls and emails after work.
55% admit to sending digital communications about work to colleagues in the evening.
30% did so at weekends and expected a same day response.
70% of employees who had supervisors expecting them to reply to messages after work, reported higher levels of stress.
22% reported health problems, such as headaches and back pain.
The researchers said that although only university employees had been surveyed, the results likely reflected a society-wide problem of digital communication out of work hours.
Experts warn that constantly waiting for work notifications at home can affect metabolism and immunity, making a person more vulnerable to serious health problems such as infection, high blood pressure and depression.
One of the study’s authors, Amy Zadow reported to The Conversation that “the personal and social implications of blurred boundaries between home and work are serious. When employees are answering calls or responding to emails at home, this affects their recovery from work – both mentally and physically.
We can focus on the immediate problem and reduce the extent of digital connectivity out of work hours but ultimately, our problem with out of hour emails and messaging reflects broader societal issues relating to the pressure of productivity, job insecurity and diminishing work resources.”
Recent research by the World Health Organization and International Labour Organisation suggest that long work hours may even increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
WHO – The World Health Organization and the ILO – The International Labour Organization are developing The Joint Estimates of the Work-Related Burden of Disease and Injury, supported by a large number of individual experts. Evidence from previous reviews suggests that exposure to long working hours may cause depression. analysis_from_the_WHOILO_Joint_Estimates_of_the_Work-related_Burden_of_Disease_and_Injury
The link has the article which presents a systematic review and meta-analysis of parameters for estimating the number of deaths and disability-adjusted life years from depression that are attributable to exposure to long working hours, for the development of the WHO/ILO Joint Estimates.
Dear World
The above tells us that our stress levels are increasing and we are getting emotionally exhausted, creating headaches and we get back pain.
Do we stop and question all this first or are we going to just carry on, in the knowing that we have a health system that will sort us out when it’s needed, OR do we find those solutions that seem to be bombarding us that have a short shelf life? In other words, they don’t last, we know it and yet we choose to continue down the road of fixing up our life like a band aid to a bullet wound.
It is well worth reading and then re-reading this insight-full article about stress and then ponder deeply on the questions presented. There is much to learn and gain from understanding why we create problems and that tension within us is referred to as stress. We are not born with stress, but things happen on the outside (our world) and then we re-act and it is our reaction that creates tension. This is basic banana stuff and not rocket science talking here. We all get that and can relate to that.
What if we learned to respond instead of react? What would that look like, feel like and be like in our work setting?
Most of us play nice, live a life of security and that means we need the job, so we go along with the demands and everything else thrown at us, but it may not be serving our true health and wellbeing. An important point to note here is that if anything we think, say or do is not truly true then bet your bottom dollar it ain’t true for the other person.
On that note, this news story. We answer emails outside work hours. So what?
Why is it such a big deal if we know and acknowledge that us doing a bit outside the “hours” may just be life changing or have a ripple effect because what we need to action supports the person asking to do what they need to do? Think about the old fashion factory line, if one person on the job decides to say “not working, it’s just 2 minutes past my official work time”, the whole thing goes belly up, as the others need this person to do their bit.
Next – what is this working to the exact hours really about?
What is so important that we cannot go the extra mile and just do it without feeling we need the recognition, extra pay or some kind of reward?
What were we going to be doing – watching the TV or out drinking alcohol, as that’s what we prefer after a day at the job to unwind, relax and numb everything out?
What if we got sensible and started to take real care of ourselves by going to bed early and staying consistent with that and see what happens?
What if this alone could support us to not get so stressed and therefore not be so reactive during the day time and we may just see some emails to answer out of work, actually supports everyone?
What if our whole approach to the way we relate to WORK needs changing, but it first starts with us looking at what and how we deal with things in everyday life?
It is high time we stopped following the masses and moaning about this and that and look at what we have created, that has led to such levels of stress that cause headaches, back pain and everything else to do with our health. In other words, take a good look at the way we react to things in everyday life and the choices we are making.
Since the stores in the UK have re-opened, following another lockdown, retailers have sold 5 million fidget poppers. It is the latest toy craze that the nation is hooked on that mimic popping bubble wrap over and over again. When pressed they make a popping sound.
Some say this is a ‘stress busting’ thing and we have children and adults saying it helps to focus and manage emotions.
A global industry analyst for market research said the influence of social media meant these pop its are a global rather than a local phenomenon, because kids are watching those social media video platforms.
Does the satisfaction we get from repetitive action like this really going to deal with our stress levels?
By the way – should we not be asking WHY are our kids getting stress in their life?
Not everyone is on the bandwagon. Feedback tells us some say it is relaxing and good for anxiety and others say it could be damaging to our planet.
If we do some research – is this a reductionist comment, when we say it can be good for anxiety, which most of us would class as a form of ill mental health? In other words, we brush off the seriousness about anxiety by saying our movements with a toy/gadget, call it what we want is going to help us deal with something that has a root cause and is far more harming that we may want to consider.
Damaging to the planet is of course referring to the plastic and waste as we know with all trends. It simply will not last and is just a seasonal must have as it’s Christmas or we get bored soon and move on to seek the next thing.
Something worth noting is the cost – we want it now and that means the suppliers have to deliver. In order to keep the demand going, the shipments which come from China will cost $19,000 per container and one country needs 70. Pre-covid rate was $1,500.
The huge rise in prices are the result of Covid related production and transport delays.
Have we sat long enough to consider what this is saying?
We spend all this money on a toy to relieve us of something that could be dealt with at no cost, if we apply some common sense, a good dose of honesty and get going on reading the 240+ blogs on this website.
For those that have no time to read – here is the laser version.
Fidgety movements are telling us something about our behaviour. Let’s not pretend.
We need to ask questions and be open and willing to go there about what is not working in our life or in our kids’ lives. Take a big dose of honesty and apply good old fashion common sense, keep it simple and learn how to FOCUS and that means being present with your mind as you carry out the task, whatever that is – washing up, going for a walk or tying up shoe laces.
If we got stress then know that we created it and we also have the answers.
If we need guidance or direction on what to do or not do or where to start…scroll up and read this spectacular forensic presentation – The Real Truth about Stress.
Dear World
Stress is a huge topic and a current worldwide plague and most of us have some form, some level, some degree of stress in our life, if we are being honest.
We go out searching online to find answers, remedies and solutions to make that thing we call stress, go away.
First – we ought to consider this –
What if those dishing out the great advice have some level of stress – could this be possible and have we ever considered that?
Our internet doctor – Web MD gives us some emotional signs of stress.
Whilst the following and so much more is covered in this forensic article – The Real Truth about Stress, this is what we will find online from this link:
Depression or Anxiety
Anger, irritability or restlessness
Overwhelmed, unmotivated, unfocussed
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Racing thoughts or constant worry
Memory or concentration problems
Making bad decisions
Depression – worth reading our blog on this website and considering ALL the questions that are being presented. Next – read the blog about anti-depressants as there is much presented to bring more awareness about these drugs.
Anxiety – we are all familiar of waking up with tension and throughout the day having an internal shuddering that stops us feeling settled. Could it be possible that we are really not equipped to deal with the day ahead because we have agony, misery, hurts, issues and unresolved areas in our life and it’s like we are carrying it all into the next day and our body is communicating “Listen up, I cannot deal with anything more, we need to get all this buried stuff out now”?
Could it be possible that our anger is not going to go away until we look at what hurt us in the first place and this would stop the blaming and venting at others? Possible?
Is our irritability a sign that we simply cannot feel the internal settlement that we so want and this unrest inside is the restlessness we are feeling? Possible?
Are we overwhelmed because we are simply exhausted, as we have no real sleep routine or rhythm? Could the lack of honouring of our natural sleep and wake cycle have something to do with why we sleep too much, feel unmotivated and un-focussed in life?
Do our so called bad decisions come from our dis-connection as we start the day with an imbalance? In other words, we did not receive the true level of quality sleep that our body is asking for in order to operate at maximum vitality levels and so our first move out of bed is already off track as we are seeking solutions to get through the day. This day comes with all the unresolved stuff from the day before, week before and so on… could this be possible ?
Could we start off the day on the wrong foot, so to speak and move through it with thoughts racing and at the same time worrying about small things and wondering how on earth we can get out of this cycle which is creating so much stress and tension?
Unless we begin to get real and get honest, what chance do we have of getting to the truth of WHY and HOW we have got to this point in life where stress is now feeling like an illness and a dis-ease in our body.
Today is National Stress Awareness Day in the USA – 3 November 2021
This link has a timeline and it is worth noting that the first major annual report on Stress was written in 1951.
We have known about stress for 70 years and as we continue to have an annual report, what have we learned, where are we at and how come the whole of this world is not aware of the authors and those that contribute to this report.
What we do know is that our stress levels have gone to a whole new level with younger generations displaying symptoms. The elite and those that have a higher so-called status in society are not exempt, when it comes to stress.
We are given effective ways to manage our stress, one being exercise and the other laughing.
With due respect to those that say this, could it be possible this is a form of reductionism here?
Laughing is not something that is possible if we are on the path and well down the road of depression. Nothing can make us laugh all day long and if we do have a moment of laughter, the effects more often than not, will not be long lasting. It may be easy to say we should prepare with our friends and family to do things that make us laugh but anyone who has overwhelm, anger, depression or constant worry, to name a few from the list below, is simply not going to suddenly jump on the laughter bandwagon. It is time we get real and get honest that our championing and wanting solutions to get out of the stress pit may not be a one minute, one day thing.
What message are we putting online when we suggest keep away negative vibes and do what we love and that could be skip work on this day?
Could it be possible that going to work is something that can be of great benefit as it has meaning and purpose and above all gives us a routine and rhythm that is important for our health and wellbeing?
Imagine if we were taught how to take ALL of us to work and to bring our all and that we are enough and our unique expression, skills and qualities is exactly what this job and this organisation need and all those that benefit from the services we bring.
It is easy to dish out advice and those writing on website platforms and offering support is great, but not if they are not living those words themselves.
In other words, we need stress free real life role models, like the author of this comment, this article on stress and this website.
This is the living proof, the anecdotal evidence and the real life, accessible human body that is not just empty words. Someone that walks the talk is what we now need here on earth, leading the way and saying to all those that are ready, that there is another way to knock out stress in life and lock in sensible and simple movements that are sustainable and bring a constant joy, so there is no up and down, regardless of what life brings.
Civil servants were given a ‘crystal healing for beginners’ session to ease their work stresses.
With due respect to any modality out there that does work and has lasting long term effects, can we really call it wellbeing when we get offered programmes that make it about I, me and myself and that is the focus, or those positive affirmations which we somehow think will magically erase the misery, agony and depth of emotional pain we carry everyday from our unhealed past?
Can crystals really change our life and if they were so amazing and transformational, then how come we haven’t all yet jumped on the bandwagon?
Just because celebrity endorsements bang on about semi-precious stones with curative properties, we ought to discern and check out our role models and how steady, strong and solid their lives are in every area. This is not about being perfect but we do need to question things.
The public purse pays for civil servants and so we, the general public must have a say and how many of us would agree to our tax going towards crystal healing classes?
However, we are informed that this particular event was aimed at improving wellbeing of staff and was a no cost to the taxpayer. On that note, are we relieved or is this saying more?
Dear World
What if our governments got awareness classes going with presenters like the author of this website that claims to ‘walk the talk’ when it comes to wellbeing?
What would happen if the staff swapped the crystal ‘ease the stress’ class for a session with Bina Pattel, the founder of Simple Living Global and this monumental article called THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT STRESS?
If we have stress in any form, then we need to get those in to talk about it and present to us the facts and stats and bring us an understanding what stress does to the body.
If the presenter themselves are not suffering with stress or lead a stressful life in anyway but live in the ‘real world’, not choosing to distract or escape from daily life, then we ought to find out more about them, their lifestyle choices and how they live without stress every day. Surely that would be not only inspiring for others but a real life living body of science that has done something, lived it and can now talk about it to others by saying “yes, there is another way”.
This website alone is confirmation of what is possible for one person to produce when stress is not on the daily agenda.
Thank you Simple Living Global for this great forensic blog on one of the, may I say, biggest health conundrums that we face in our lives.
I say conundrum because, although stress may feel physical, stress is not a physical pain like a broken arm or a burn, and therefore it is always open to people’s interpretation.
This blog quotes the fact that “Stress is estimated to account for 80% of all visits to GP’s”
This figure, I feel, is very accurate as there is a lot of sickness in the workplace with staff claiming stress as the reason.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on whether you are the employer or the employee, stress is one of those illnesses that has to be taken at face value.
What I mean by this, is that stress is very subjective – it is all based on personal feelings.
One person’s stressful situation is another person’s walk in the park.
So of course, using stress as a reason to go off work is open to abuse.
Now I am not saying that stress isn’t real – it is.
In the past, I have experienced stress, so I know what it feels like – but is it possible that stress is something that we allow into our lives because we don’t want to deal with the whatever the situation may be?
Is it possible that we allow stress into our lives because it is our way of avoiding responsibility?
Is it possible that we allow stress into our lives because it is our way of not dealing with our issues?
Is it possible that we use stress as an excuse because we are not getting our way?
I have witnessed it several times where people are upset because things are not going their way when dealing with management or they have a personal issue and the company cannot help them, and they blame the company because they are not getting their way. They get overwhelmed with the situation and then use stress as a reason to go sick.
If we look at it simplistically, stress should never really come into it because if we can deal with a situation, there is no need to stress about it and conversely, if we cannot deal with a situation, then again, there is no need to stress about it.
But of course, it is never that easy when we allow our emotions to control our lives.
In a busy hair salon where a woman shows up asking to be seen immediately. Obviously known to the boss as she demands he fits her in around her nail appointment next door.
All staff went into reaction was my first observation.
Phone ringing and those attending to clients were clearly disturbed, including the main man – the owner. His job like most these days – don’t want to say no to any client if they can get them in.
So she gets a seat and looks pretty stressed. She announces so we all hear that she is currently so stressed – she needed to step away and get her hair and nails done to feel better about herself.
After her justification as to why she needed to be seen immediately and not wait, head down and into phone looking very miserable with a frown which could not be disguised even with Botox lips and a frozen forehead that is often seen these days.
Is this how we approach life with a demand to fix as we need it in that moment like a magic pill?
Will this type of solution ever work if we are not even prepared to reflect on how our life has got to this point?
What makes us miserable in the first place and WHY does no amount of money deal with our underlying state of wellness?
Are we using social media and all our apps to get our life sorted but nothing is really working, if we were to be super honest?
Are we seeking outside of ourselves from those influencers and celeb status individuals wanting what they have with their lifestyle choices?
Are we deep in comparison with our close friends and family, which brings us UN necessary stress?
Do we go around in the blame game trap, like it’s never anything to do with us – it’s always others or that washing machine or the car breaking down etc…?
Are we busy circulating the same old crap that we know winds us up but we still continue doing it?
Do we listen to our head with those endless chitta chatta thoughts bombarding us, moving us to do this and that, which leads to even more internal UN settlement?
Do we ever bother to stop long enough to realise how can we ever make any changes that could possibly support our health and well-being if we have no time or space to just simply STOP?
What is it about us that blindly goes along with life, totally unaware as if it’s all just happening and we have no say in what is going on?
Have we forgotten we got choices in every single moment?
So what next?
What movements (in other words what behaviour) are we going to address this label we call stress?
What would granny have to say in this situation with words of wisdom coming with good old fashioned common sense?
Something like – get to bed early and alcohol will not help you sleep like you say it does.
Put that thing away that you keep looking at that changes your moods up n down.
Drink more water instead of copious cups of coffee and fizzy soda drinks.
Stop ringing for delivery when you could go shopping and cook for yourself.
Stop hanging out with that lot that are not going to help you out of this mess you put yourself in.
Stop moaning, whinging and whining and just say you like it because if you didn’t you would take some action to change the situation or the circumstances.
And finally, back to the stressed lady in the hair salon now with long blond bouncy hair loud and awake asking the Italian hairdresser for tips as she’s off to Rome next week on her own before her new boyfriend moves in to live with her.
The funny thing is we see clearly a well dressed woman with a hand bag to confirm wealth, asking questions about how can she get cheap taxis in Rome as she plans to find designer clothing shops.
Could this bring an internal disturbance when part of us wants the stress of seeking out cheap and the other part knows money is not an issue?
Enough said –
This extensive article titled The Real Truth about Stress presents All of us with many questions to consider.
For those that need the scientific evidence there is enough to confirm how stress affects our body.
Time to listen up Dear World
Nothing out there is working
As the author of:
This comment
This article
This website
I speak with Authority that there is most certainly another way of living life every day which does not allow stress to even touch the peripherals of this human vehicle.
I have claimed that those who disbelieve or slag off without knowing the facts – study me day in and day out. Yep I make mistakes but I sure know what is needed to get back on track with no beating up or nonsense thoughts that try to harm.
Without perfection as that is not something I ever want, it would be true to say there are not many 60 year olds that strutt the streets and walk up public transport underground escalators consistently and pay zero attention to social media to feed and fuel this engine but talk to strangers in real life everyday.
This is real science – a living body expressing what is lived. Nothing more and nothing less.
What if we pay attention to those that have walked the steps and know what is working and what is not? Do we have the answers that everyone wants and are waiting for?
Study this website before the last question is answered.
American Association for the Advancement of Science – 26 September 2022
Stressful life circumstances can affect how married couples interact.
A person experiencing stress is more likely to notice their spouse’s negative behaviour than positive, according to a new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science.
The negative actions included a spouse breaking a promise, showing anger or impatience or criticizing their partner.
“Studying newleyweds drives home the significance of the results because couples are especially likely to focus on each other’s positive behaviour and overlook negative actions during the “honeymoon” period.
For many people, the past few years have been difficult and the stress of the pandemic continues to linger.
We found that individuals who reported experiencing more stressful life events outside of their relationship, such as problems at work, were especially likely to notice if their partner behaved in an inconsiderate manner,” says lead author, Dr. Lisa Neff of the University of Texas, Austin.
The findings suggest that those under stress were not any less likely to notice their partner’s positive behaviour but they were more likely to notice inconsiderate actions.
American Heart Association – 10 October 2022
91% of parents say their family is less stressed when they eat together.
65% of adults surveyed said they are at least somewhat stressed.
27% said they are very or extremely stressed.
84% of adults wish they could share a meal together more often.
Overall, respondents reported eating alone about half of the time.
Stress reduction, connecting with other people and taking time to slow down are identified as top benefits of mealtime.
Chronic, constant stress can increase lifetime risk of heart disease and stroke.
67% said sharing a meal reminds them of the importance of connecting with other people.
54% said it reminds them to slow down and take a break.
59% said they are more likely to make healthier food choices when eating with other people but have difficulty aligning schedules with their friends or family to do so.
69% respondents who are employed full time or part-time said they would feel less stressed at work if they had more time to take a break and share a meal with a co-worker.
News Medical – 31 October 2022
New research has shown a sharp increase in incidence of stroke in young adults. The study was conducted on 94,567 people over 20 years.
Young stroke is now a growing problem in high income countries.
There was a 67% increase in stroke incidence among younger adults under age 55 between 2002-2010 and 2010-2018.
Among this group classified as young people, there was a significant increase in the proportion who were in more skilled occupations, particularly for professional or managerial jobs.
Work related stress, low physical activity and long working hours, each were more strongly associated with the risk of stroke than heart attack.
How can we raise general awareness and while we wait for ‘better ways of identifying young people at high risk of stroke..’ can we apply some common sense and good old fashion talk?
A job, our workplace environment and our need to have a career all represent our working life.
If we read what this blog by Simple Living Global is presenting, there could be many questions that need to be answered to examine why and how we end up with work related stress.
The lack of any physical exercise is a no brainer. What would granny have to say if we have got to the point where we start work super early and stay there longer than we spend time away from work? Where is the walk once a day and where are the early nights?
With modern day culture, many young adults work during their non-working hours to catch up on excess demands that the working life pressures bring, regardless of what industry it is.
A stroke is very serious and it seems that most of the adult working population are not aware of the details or triggers that may lead to a stroke.
What if the stress, unresolved, undetected and unaddressed continues? Then what?
What if our blood flow is super hyper ultra sensitive and a build up of dis-harmony that we create in the body because of our daily life choices is what brings about the stop? In other words, the body communicates loud and clear, enough and there is a disruption of blood flow to the brain and we get a stroke.
What is super serious is that younger adults are experiencing stroke and this is something that did not happen in the olden days.
It is a no brainer. It is clear that how we are now living modern day life is not cutting it and our health is at the receiving end. Let us not be surprised if more and more younger adults develop illness and disease related to how they are choosing to live without paying attention and deep regard to the body.
Websites like this are by their design offering awareness about living human life in a way that is incongruent and polar opposite to how many of us are choosing to live everyday.
CNN Health News – 7 March 2023
According to a new study published in JAMA Network Open, people with elevated stress levels are more likely to experience a decline in cognitive function.
They study found that participants with elevated stress levels were more likely to have uncontrolled cardiovascular risk factors and poor lifestyle factors.
Even after adjusting many of these physical risk factors, 37% were more likely to have poor cognition.
Stress is presented in this article and it is known to take a physical toll on the body. As this news story says “raising the risk of stroke, poor immune response and more. It can also drive people to unhealthy behaviours like smoking and poor physical activity.”
“Stress not only worsens your current cognition, it can actually have harmful effects in the long-term as well.”
Dr. Ambar Kulshreshtha – Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology at Emory University.
“The relationship between stress and cognitive function is a vicious cycle. These stress-signalling pathways get released and they rapidly impair the higher cognitive functions of the prefrontal cortex that includes things like working memory.
With chronic stress, you actually lose gray matter in the prefrontal cortex in the exact regions that are involved with inhibiting the stress response and those areas that give insight that you are needing help.”
Dr. Amy Arnsten – Professor of Neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine.
Kulshreshtha says that stress is one of the factors that should be considered as a modifiable risk factor that a person can change to lower their risk of developing dementia.
On that note, this article on Stress by Simple Living Global is worth a re-read as it presents many questions that may not have been considered by the author who lives in the real world, with daily life challenges, no privileges and in an age where most would seek retirement and avoid stress, like it was a plague.
University of Waterloo – 16 March 2023
According to a new study, employees are actually discouraged from taking breaks at work despite causing high levels of stress, fatigue and poor performance.
Researchers found that employees often kept working despite wanting to pause. One potential reason is employees may have felt pressure to continue working to get everything done on time.
Although previous research has shown that breaks can benefit employee well-being and performance, they may resist taking breaks if they feel supervisors discourage breaks at their workplace.
There may be a mis-conception that breaks are unproductive, the study author noted that many employees take breaks because they are committed to staying focused and maintaining high levels of performance.
Dear World
This is telling us something about employers and employee well-being.
What if those that do take breaks are not maximising their health and well-being, which then actually affects their work performance.
We know in reality many take breaks to go on screentime – their phones or eat snacks or drinks that contain caffeine and or sugar.
Great that we recognise breaks are important to reduce stress on employees but we need to take it a step further and ask what are we doing in terms of taking Responsibility for our well-being during our break. Have we considered going for a short walk and focusing on how our body is feeling, so we are connected and communicating with our body?
What if just a simple movement like walking with our body, not checked out or on the phone or distracted in any other way and that if done consistently, would have a positive impact on our performance?
University of Waterloo Canada – 16 March 2023
Employees tend to avoid taking breaks despite high levels of stress.
Employees may feel pressure to continue working to get everything done on time.
Heavy workloads make employees feel a greater need for a break but new research finds they may actually discourage employees from taking breaks at work despite causing high levels of stress, fatigue and poor performance.
Researchers found employees often kept working despite wanting to pause. One potential reason, employees may have felt pressure to continue working to get everything done on time.
Although previous research has shown that breaks can benefit employee well-being and performance, they may resist taking breaks if they feel supervisors discourage breaks in their workplace.
“Although there may be a misconception that breaks are unproductive, many employees take breaks because they are committed to staying focussed and maintaining high levels of performance”.
Dr. Vincent Phan – first author of the study
National Council of State Boards of Nursing NCSBN – 13 April 2023
NCSBN research data reveals that 100,000 nurses left the workforce during the pandemic and by 2027, almost 900,000 or almost 1/5th of 4.5 million total registered nurses, intend to leave the workforce, threatening the national health care system at large, if solutions are not enacted.
For the first time, the research findings reveal how the nursing workforce was impacted by the pandemic and how many left the workplace in this period and forecast how many nurses in the United States have an intent to leave the workforce.
The research also examined the personal and professional characteristics of nurses experiencing heightened workplace burnout and stress due to the pandemic.
The study is considered to be the most comprehensive and only research in existence, uncovering the alarming data which have far reaching implications for the health care system at large and for patient populations.
188,962 additional registered nurses younger than 40 years old reported similar intentions to leave the workforce due to stress, burnout and retirement.
62% reported an increase in their workload during the pandemic
50.8% reported feeling emotionally drained
56.4% used up
49.7% fatigued
45.1% burned out
29.4% end of the rope
A few times a week or everyday
These issues were most pronounced with nurses with 10 or fewer years of experience.
Licensed practical/vocational nurses, who generally work in long-term care settings caring for the most vulnerable populations, have seen their ranks decline by 33,811 since the beginning of the pandemic and this trend continues.
The researchers added that nurses’ workloads and unprecedented levels of burnout during the pandemic played key roles in accelerating these workforce trends and threatening the future of the U.S. nursing workforce, particularly for younger, less experienced registered nurses.
University of Aberdeen – 17 May 2023
A study led by the University of Aberdeen has found workers who rely on performance-related pay (PRP) are at higher risk of chronic stress, heart disease and poor mental health.
The study found that PRP contracts – often associated with the so-called ‘gig’ economy were linked to poorer mental health and higher blood pressure.
For the first time, it also showed PRP employees, particularly men have higher levels of fibrinogen which is associated with chronic stress.
Previous studies of the relationship between PRP and health have been inconclusive and largely based on self-reported data.
In this study, scientists undertook rigorous statistical analysis of data and the results present the clearest picture yet of the link between PRP and ill health.
“Our study provides evidence for physiological wear and tear in PRP workers and is consistent with previous research showing they are more likely to have poor health, including self-reported mental health issues and cardiovascular health issues.
In summary, our results indicate the use of PRP contracts may have unintended consequences for employee health impacting on employee well-being and long-term productivity in the workforce.”
Professor Keith Bender – University of Aberdeen Business School.
“Chronic stress in PRP employees may be due to the need to put in more effort at work, work under time or performance target pressure or stress associated with an uncertain income stream.
Regardless of the causes, chronic stress may exacerbate health issues by adding strain onto physiological systems or leading to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol and drug use.”
Dr. Daniel Powell – co author University of Aberdeen Institute of Applied Health Science
Mail Online – 20 May 2023
Employees who are stressed are more likely to commit typographical mistakes, according to a new study.
People who were more stressed moved the mouse pointer more often and less precisely and covered longer distances on the screen.
They also made more mistakes when typing and wrote in fits and starts with many brief pauses.
Relaxed people took shorter, more direct routes to reach their destination and took more time doing so.
Typing and mouse behaviour can be explained by what is known as ‘neuromotor noise theory’.
Increased levels of stress negatively impact our brain’s ability to process information. This also affects our motor skills.
79% of people said they frequently suffer from work stress.
Survey in the UK
This was Higher than the number of people who said they suffer from monetary or family stress.
13.7 MILLION WORKING DAYS are lost each year in the UK because of work-related stress, anxiety and depression. The cost is £28.3 BILLION ANNUALLY.
European Respiratory Society – 11 September 2023
Young people who have used e-cigarettes are more than twice as likely to report experiencing chronic stress, according to research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress.
Senior Scientist, Dr. Teresa To from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada said “Research is starting to show how vaping affects young people’s physical and mental health.
Chronic stress can lead to mental health conditions, such as Anxiety and Depression.
Vaping is not an effective way to cope with stress but stress and anxiety can trigger vape cravings and make it harder for the user to quit.”
For example – our previous research has shown that those who vape are more likely to suffer an asthma attack.
The data showed that although young people who vaped were more likely to be physically active, they were also more likely to report experiencing extreme chronic stress in their lives.
The results indicated young people using e-cigarettes had poorer quality of life but lower risks of some signs of ill health, such as high blood pressure, although these findings did not reach statistical significance.
Community Care – 19 September 2023
500,000 working days Councils lost to mental-ill health and stress among social care staff last year.
Reasons given in the last year:
• 41% – No
• 36% – Taken sick leave for stress
• 18% – For mental health issues worsened by work
2021 – 2022
30% of sickness absence among local authority adults’ children’s services staff accounted for Poor Mental Health and Stress
The findings came from a freedom of information request sent to all English councils with social services responsibilities by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and British Association of Social Workers (BASW).
• 1,653,117 full-time equivalent (FTE) days of sickness taken by adults’ and children’s services staff
• 406,796 (25%) of these days accounted for Mental health issues
• 93,225 FTE days for Stress, including work-related stress
• Mental health issues and stress, combined, was the most common reason for sickness among adults’ and children’s services staff in 76 of the 98 councils who provided responses.
Council adults’ services social workers took an average of 12.1 days of sickness absence in the year to September 2022 – HIGHEST SINCE RECORDS BEGAN IN 2012.
The rising levels of sickness absence comes against a backdrop of increasing social worker vacancy rates, in both children’s and adults’ services, and increasing proportions of children’s services practitioners reporting that their workloads were too high and they felt stressed by their job.
On the back of its findings, the BPS criticised the government’s decision to end funding for NHS staff mental health and well-being hubs in March 2023.
The hubs were set up in February 2021 to provide health and social care staff with fast access to free and confidential mental health support.
NHS England provided £2.3 million in funding for the hubs in 2023 – 24, the BPS said it estimated their annual running cost as £40 million, and that 15 of the 42 hubs had closed or were pending closure.
Dr. Roman Raczka, President-Elect of the British Psychological Society, and Chair of the Division for Clinical Psychology said –
“Health and social care leaders simply cannot afford not to invest in staff well-being if they wish to retain staff, recruit new talent and provide the effective, safe services people deserve.”
Dear World
This is a strong message about what is going on in our “care industry”. Those that are caring are themselves suffering and we ought to be asking WHY is this happening and is it just about low pay and not enough funding.
Dr. Raczka has a point and it makes sense but while we wait for the government to provide funding, is there anything we can do to support our own well-being?
How are we living in daily life that could contribute to our stress levels, anxiety or other mental health symptoms?
What if we visited websites like Simple Living Global which has dedicated a library to well-being for all of us with plenty of topics that many of us can relate to?
Self Care needs to be at the core of any education, training or learning in every industry.
In particular the care industry as their job is ensuring the care of others, but this is not really and truly possible if we, the carer has stress or some kind of mental health issue.
We quote sickness which leads to time off work is ‘work related stress’ but could this be because we are reacting to our work and it may have something to do with our lifestyle choices like no sleep routine, late nights, screen time, alcohol, smoking, vaping, caffeine and excess sugar or eating to name a few?
Absolutely everything matters and until we look at our repeated behaviours at work and outside work, we are not going to join the dots that are much needed to make changes.
Social care staff work in the industry as they want to make a difference by helping others. Bombarding them with paperwork and all the other legislations which they have to follow requires support. Poor funding means no extra staff to do all the admin and this is one hole that needs to be addressed. We have ignored it for far too long and now we have staff off sick at the HIGHEST SINCE RECORDS BEGAN IN 2012.
This tells us everyone is affected with staff absences and no amount of trying to catch up is going to deal with the issue unless we get to the root of what and how and why this is happening.
American Heart Association – 19 September 2023
Job strain combined with high efforts and low reward doubled men’s heart disease risk
According to American Heart Association statistics, Heart Disease is the No.1 cause of death in the US.
383,000 Americans died of Heart Disease.
Research has shown that psychosocial stressors – job strain and effort-reward imbalance at work may increase Heart Disease risk.
The study found:
• Men who said they experienced either job strain or effort-reward imbalance had a 49% increase in risk of Heart Disease.
• Men reporting both job strain and effort-reward imbalance were at twice the risk of Heart Disease compared with men who did not say they were experiencing the combined stressors.
• In men, the impact of job strain and effort-reward imbalance combined was similar to the magnitude of the impact of Obesity on the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
The study results suggest that interventions, such as providing support resources, promoting work-life balance, enhancing communication and empowering employees to have more control over their work, could be particularly effective for men and could also have positive implications for women as these stress factors are associated with other prevalent health issues such as Depression.
Ohio State University – 12 January 2024
STRESS via inflammation is linked to metabolic syndrome, according to a new study.
Stress through its propensity to drive up inflammation in the body is also linked to metabolic syndrome.
People with metabolic syndrome are diagnosed with at least 3 of 5 factors that increase the risk for Heart Disease, Diabetes and other health issues – excess belly fat, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol and high levels of fasting blood glucose and triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood. The condition is also referred to as insulin resistance syndrome.
The results made sense – Stress is just one of many factors that can launch health markers into a state of disarray.
Other factors include a range of behaviours including inactivity, unhealthy eating habits, smoking and poor sleep, as well as low socioeconomic status, advanced age and being female.
1 in 3 American adults has metabolic syndrome.
“People think of Stress as mental health and that it is all psychological. It is Not.
There are real physical effects to having chronic Stress. It could be inflammation or metabolic syndrome or a number of other things. This study is another reminder of that.”
Jasmeet Hayes – Associate Professor of Psychology at The Ohio State University
American Heart Association – 17 January 2024
Childhood Stress linked to higher risk of High Blood Pressure, Obesity and Diabetes in adults.
According to a new study in Journal of the American Heart Association, young adults who reported higher stress as adolescents were more likely to have High Blood Pressure, Obesity and other cardiometabolic risk factors as adults.
Cardiometabolic risk factors often occur together and are a significant cause of cardiovascular disease. These include Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure.
“Our findings suggest that perceived stress patterns over time have a far reaching effect on various cardiometabolic measures including fat distribution, vascular health and obesity.
In 2020, cardiometabolic disease, including cardiovascular diseases and Type 2 Diabetes were the most prevalent chronic health conditions and collectively accounted for 25% of all deaths in the United States.
In 2023, the American Heart Association noted the strong connections among Cardiovascular disease, Kidney disease, Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity and suggested redefining cardiovascular risk, prevention and management.
The Guardian – 22 January 2024
UK Risks Being ‘Burnt-Out-Nation’ Due to Poor Mental Health
A charity has said a worrying number of people taking time off work due to poor mental health leaves the UK at risk of becoming a ‘burnt-out nation’.
The head of Mental Health UK has suggested global issues such as climate change and artificial intelligence fuelling “feelings of hopelessness” could be contributing to burnout.
More than a third of adults faced extreme pressure in the workplace in the past year
The YouGov poll of 2,060 adults – 1,132 of whom were workers found
35% had experienced high or extreme levels of pressure at work
20% requiring time off due to poor mental health caused by stress in the past year.
Mental Health UK’s chief executive said: “High levels of work absence due to poor mental health are a major challenge, but its causes are complex.
Public attitudes and understanding towards mental health and work have changed, particularly as the workplace transformed overnight in response to the pandemic.”
“Meanwhile, we live in unprecedented times, and life outside work has become increasingly difficult due to the cost-of-living crisis and pressures on public services, while global challenges such as climate change and artificial intelligence fuel stress, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness.”
He called on the government to intervene and better support the workforce. He advocated for a “national conversation” on the issue.
Mental health UK urged the prime minister to hold a national summit to bring together ministers, employers and experts in an effort to create healthy workplaces and better support workers.
A government spokesperson said: “We are investing £2.3 Billion into Mental Health Services and putting almost 400,000 extra people through NHS talking therapies. But the link between work and good mental health is clear, which is why our back to work plan will help hundreds of thousands including those with long-term health conditions to break down barriers at work.”
“Inactivity has reduced by over 300,000 since the pandemic peak, and our occupational health consultation will help make sure businesses offer the best possible health support to their staff.”
The YouGov survey also found
35% of people were not comfortable voicing concerns about pressure and stress to line managers or company leaders
31% saying bullying and intimidation by colleagues had been the cause of their stress in the last year.
49% of workers suggested their employers did not have a plan in place to spot signs of chronic stress.
Staff using stress as a reason for sickness is becoming quite commonplace now and, although there are many genuine cases, it is open to abuse.
This situation with increasing numbers going off work for stress-related reasons will only continue, and if the company I work for is a microcosm of the workplace, then I feel that the figure of 49% is quite an underestimation.
Stress is subjective – one person’s stress is another person’s walk in the park.
As such, it will always be open to abuse.
An example of this abuse happened at work recently:
Vocational drivers must have completed 35 hours of professional competence courses (DQC – Driver Qualification Card) over a five-year period.
Although these courses are arranged by the company and drivers are sent in lieu of working, just like a driver’s licence it is their responsibility, so too is the completion of these courses. If they don’t have the required number of courses, by law they cannot drive.
One driver approached me and stated that he hadn’t done any of these courses and his DQC expires in September 2024.
I told him that he needs to speak to our allocation department and let them know of the situation.
He then replied that it is nothing to do with him and they should sort it out.
I explained to him that although the company will send you, ultimately it is your responsibility to make sure you have completed the courses.
He again replied, with a few expletives, that he ‘aint gonna do anything and that he would go off sick with stress if they messed him about’.
Although this may have been a bit of bluster on the driver’s side, it shows that people are aware of and not afraid to use the ‘stress card’ to their advantage.
UPI – 9 February 2024
Teenagers report Stress is biggest reason for drug and alcohol use.
A new study reveals that American teenagers cite Stress as the leading reason they might get drunk or high.
That only underscores the need for better adolescent mental healthcare, according to the researchers.
The report concluded that better access to treatment and support for mental health concerns and stress could reduce some of the reported motivations for substance use.
2014 – 2020 data analysed on 9,500 people ages 13 – 18, all of whom were being treated for a substance use disorder.
Teenagers were using a myriad of substances, including alcohol, marijuana, prescription painkillers (often opioids), prescription stimulants (for example Ritalin), or prescription sedatives (such as Valium or Xanax).
They were also asked why they thought they were using or abusing substances.
Easing stress in their lives was the leading factor cited.
The study reported that the most commonly reported motivation for substance use was:
73% “to feel mellow, calm or relaxed”
44% with other stress-related motivations among the top reasons, including “to stop worrying about a problem or to forget bad memories” (44%)
40% “to help with depression or anxiety”
Stress relief wasn’t the only motivator: Half of the teenagers reported using substances “to have fun or experiment.”
This reason for using substances was more often cited for alcohol or non-prescription drug use than it was for the use of marijuana or other drugs.
76% Substance abuse with the aim of easing stress was most often cited marijuana
61% prescription pain meds
55% sedative/tranquilizers
Half of the teens surveyed said they often used drugs or alcohol alone
81% said they also used them with friends
24% with a boyfriend or girlfriend
23% with “anyone who has drugs”
Prior data has long shown that “anxiety and experiencing traumatic life events have been associated with substance use in adolescents.”
But with burgeoning rates of substance abuse and related overdoses, the consequences of turning to substances to ease stress can be tragic.
The study team said:
“Harm reduction education specifically tailored to adolescents has the potential to discourage using substances while alone and teach how to recognise and respond to an overdose in others.
Such interventions might “prevent overdoses that occur when adolescents use drugs with friends from becoming fatal.”
North Carolina State University – 4 March 2024
A new study found that younger adults look and feel older on stressfull days but only on days when they also feel they have relatively less control over their own lives.
“There is substantial research that tells us Stress makes older adults feel their age, or even feel older than they actually are. And the literature tells us that when seniors feel older than they actually are, that is associated with a host of negative health outcomes…
…experiencing chronic Stress over time can have adverse effects and that people generally report increasing levels of Stress as they move from young adulthood to midlife – their 40s and 50s.
If these young people are already experiencing historically high levels of Stress for their age and that Stress is affecting how old they feel, it will be important to pay close attention to the markers we use to assess stress-related physical and mental health for this generation.”
Shevaun Neupert – Professor of Psychology at North Carolina State University.
UPI Health News – 19 March 2024
Too much energy spent combating Stress linked to earlier death in men.
According to a new research study, the total amount of effort expended by older men in coping with stressful events has the greatest impact on their mortality risk over and above how stressful an event is or the coping strategy type employed to deal with it.
The study found total coping effort was associated with 14% higher risk of all-cause mortality.
Findings were published in The Journals of Gerontology
University of Georgia – 23 May 2024
Stress bragging at work like a badge of honour that will backfire.
According to a new study, bragging about stress levels is seen as less competent and less likeable by co-workers.
The study was published online by Personnel Psychology
Participants of the study said they were less likely to help the complaining co-worker if they are overburdened at work.
“People are harming themselves by doing this thing they think is going to make them look better to their colleagues.
Bragging about stress creates a perception that chronic high-stress levels are an expected and normal part of the work culture.
When somebody is constantly talking about and bragging about their stress, it makes it seem like it is a good thing to be stressed. It just spills over onto the co-worker next to them. They wind up feeling more stressed, which leads to higher burnout or withdrawal from their work – like a spiralling contagious effect from one person to the next.”
Jessica Rodell – Lead Author and Professor of Management in University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business
Researchers also found employees with co-workers who stress bragg often reported higher levels of personal stress and burnout.
University of Michigan – 19 August 2024
Parents who frequently pick up phones due to device notifications more stressed.
Average 300 mobile notifications per day.
Greater daily parental stress experienced picking up phones from work emails, messages or other apps.
On average, parents picked up their phones 93 times.
Parents had a higher number of total notifications and pick-ups compared to previous studies.
This could be due to greater media use during the pandemic and the need to potentially monitor devices for pandemic-related news.
Associated stress also appeared to be higher on weekdays, suggesting content of notifications may have also driven parent stress.
“The findings give us a glimpse into how distractions from phone demands affect day to day parental stress.”
Jenny Radensky M.D. – Senior Author and Behavioural Paediatrician
University of Sydney – 3 September 2024
A University of Sydney led study has revealed a dual mental health and vaping crisis among young Australians, with high-school students struggling with mental health, stress and well-being more likely to have tried e-cigarettes.
Data showed overall HIGHER e-cigarette use among those with poorer mental health, including severe depressive symptoms, moderate and high stress and low well-being.
E-cigarettes use
74% HIGHER for students who reported moderate Stress
64% HIGHER for students who reported high levels of Stress
The results were published in Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry
University of California, Los Angeles – 17 September 2024
Childhood trauma linked to major biological and health risks, according to a new study by UCLA Health.
Both males and females in the high-stress classes had the poorest metabolic health and greatest inflammation.
However, there were differences between both sexes.
The impacts of adverse childhood experiences on metabolic health biomarkers were greater for females than males.
Emotional abuse and neglect also tended to have greater effects in males for several biomarkers and health conditions, such as blood disorders, mental and behaviour health issues and thyroid issues.
“Stress is implicated in 9 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States today.
It is about time we take that statistic seriously and begin screening for stress in all pediatric and adult clinics nationwide.”
Dr. George Slavich – Director of the Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research
The findings were published in the journal Brain, Behaviour and Immunity
Forbes – 23 September 2024
A new study, published in the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics has found that academics who trade cryptocurrency report lower quality of life, worse sleep and higher stress levels compared to their non-trading peers.
They scored lower on quality of life assessments, experienced poorer sleep quality and had higher perceived stress levels compared to their colleagues who do not trade crypto.
The cross-sectional study at a state university used validated scales to measure quality of life, sleep and stress.
Results showed statistically SIGNIFICANT differences between crypto traders and non-traders across all measured health outcomes.
The authors noted “The 24/7 nature of crypto markets and their volatility can create patterns of behaviour similar to problematic gambling”.
Researchers concluded:
“Cryptocurrency trading is a significant public health problem.”
A recent Scoping Review published in Addictive Behaviours revealed associations between problem gambling symptoms and cryptocurrency trading engagement and intensity.
Furthermore, researchers found cryptocurrency traders share similar demographic and personality characteristics with high risk stock traders and problem gamblers.
This overlap means some individuals may approach crypto trading as a form of gambling rather than traditional investing.
A study published in Public Health found strong associations between cryptocurrency trading and various forms of excessive behaviour.
Cryptocurrency traders were 4 TIMES as likely to engage in excessive gambling.
TWICE as likely to exhibit excessive Gaming behaviour.
TWICE as likely to show signs of excessive Internet use.
This study also revealed that cryptocurrency traders reported HIGHER levels of psychological distress, perceived Stress and perceived Loneliness compared to non-investors. These differences were statistically significant.
“Crypto traders have a proclivity for risk-taking and a lack of impulse control.
They are lured in by the promise of quick rewards but stay for the highs and lows, which are similar to addiction.
There is a dopamine effect when doing well that brings a high and a desire for more of it. There are losing days that bring on very low lows. The allure of getting back that (dopamine) high keeps traders in the game, despite ultimately often giving back any gains.”
A study published in the Journal of Finance found:
70% to 80% of day traders lose money over time.
“The risk of big financial losses is a major cause of stress for cryptocurrency traders, especially when they use leverage”.
Dr. Andrei Polgar from Never Trade
Polgar notes that the time commitment required for trading can lead to Burnout and neglect of other life aspects. The high costs associated with frequent trading, including fees and potential tax implications, add further financial pressure to an already stressful activity.
The illusion of control, where traders over-estimate their ability to predict market outcomes, can lead to increased stress when faced with the market’s unpredictability.
United European Gastroenterology – 13 October 2024
Chronic Stress accelerates Colorectal Cancer progression by disrupting the balance of gut microbiota, according to a new study.
The findings showed that chronic stress not only increased tumour growth but also reduced beneficial gut bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus genus, which is essential for a healthy immune response against cancer.
Colorectal Cancer is a significant health concern across Europe and is the 2nd most prevalent cancer and 2nd leading cause of cancer-related death.
Its incidence is predicted to rise significantly in the next decade, due to ageing population, unhealthy diets, Obesity and physical inactivity.