This is a vast topic and one that will need many chapters, by way of blogs in the future to cover the detail about Obesity.
For National Obesity Awareness Week, Simple Living Global is presenting a small snapshot for those who are ready to consider….
National Obesity Awareness Week 14 – 20 January 2019
National New Year’s resolution to help improve the nation’s health
Worldwide Obesity – triple since 1975
1.9 billion adults overweight
650 million obese
39% adults over age 18 overweight
Most of the world’s population live in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight
41 million children under age 5 overweight or obese
340 million children and adolescents age 5-19 overweight or obese (1)
Obesity is preventable
Malnutrition can arise in –
Hunger and undernourishment
defined as dietary energy intakes below the minimum levels necessary to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Micronutrient deficiency
defined as a lack of essential vitamins and minerals required in small amounts by the body for proper growth and development.
Obesity or overnourishment
defined as dietary energy intake which exceeds requirements for maintenance of a healthy body weight. (2)
What are Obesity and Overweight
Overweight and Obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
What is BMI
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters (kg/m2).
World Health Organization
for adults defines overweight and obesity as follows
Overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25
Obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30 (1)
Children and Adolescents – measuring overweight and obesity
It is difficult to develop one simple index for the measurement of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents because their bodies undergo a number of physiological changes as they grow.
Depending on the age, different methods to measure a body’s healthy weight are available. (3)
Childhood Obesity and Child Well-being
Childhood obesity has immediate and long-term effects on physical, social and emotional health.
Children with obesity are at higher risk of having other chronic health conditions and diseases that influence physical health. These include –
Asthma | Sleep apnea | Type 2 Diabetes | Bone and Joint problems | Risk factors for Heart disease
It is well known that children with obesity are bullied and teased more than their normal weight peers and are more likely to suffer from social isolation, Depression and lower self-esteem.
In the long term, a child with obesity is more likely to have obesity as an adult.
An adult with obesity has a higher risk of developing –
Heart disease | Type 2 Diabetes | Metabolic syndrome | Many types Cancer
Percentage of children and adolescents affected by obesity has more than tripled since the 1970s
2015 – 2016 data shows –
1 in 5 school age children and young people age 6 – 19 years has obesity (4)
World Health Organization latest data shows Southern European countries – highest rate of childhood obesity
2015-2017 data from WHO Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) (5)
Removing sweets from checkouts to help tackle obesity
Positioning of snacks near supermarket tills increases their sales, research shows.
Removing sweets and crisps from supermarket checkouts could dramatically cut the amount of unhealthy snacks bought to eat on the go, say researchers.
Under pressure to act because of rising childhood obesity, some supermarkets have moved snacks away from the till, where people queuing – often with children, are tempted to put them in the shopping basket as they wait their turn.
The government funded study, published in the journal Plos Medicine found –
76% fewer annual purchases of sugary confectionary and crisps were bought and eaten on the go from supermarkets that do not stock them at checkouts than at those that do.
7,500 shoppers commercially held data used, who recorded food bought and eaten on the go during 2016-17 from supermarkets with and without checkout food policies.
On the go purchases are often impulsive and can be the result of children pestering their parents.
“…eating too much sugar can lead to weight gain and being overweight or obese increases the risk of 12 different types of cancer.”
Dr Jean Adams – Senior Lecturer
Dietary Public Health Research – University of Cambridge (6)
Junk Food – 2 for 1 deals targeted in fight against obesity
The Department of Health and Social Care have launched a consultation on a proposed ban on two-for-one deals and celebrity endorsements of junk food.
The consultations, which will end on 6 April 2019 will seek opinions from the public and industry on the potential measures as well as whether exemptions should be made for small businesses.
As part of the campaign against Obesity, the government is seeking to prohibit –
multi-buy offers at checkouts on foods high in fat, sugar and salt | unlimited refills of sugary soft drinks in restaurants | make it illegal to sell energy drinks to under 16s
The proposed move would also require retailers to ensure that at least 80% of their sales from promotions are for healthier products. (7)
According to the NHS
1 in 4 children are obese or overweight by the time they start primary school
1 in 3 children obese or overweight by the time they reach 11 years old (8)
It would be worth reading our forensic blog on Fast Food, Junk Food with the stats and the facts.
The combination of sugar, fat and salt in unhealthy foods is the real concern as suppliers know what we want and what hooks us in.
Let’s remind ourselves that junk foods are no different to Drugs – it gives us something and we want more of the same to get the feeling, as the regular dose won’t cut it.
What we seem to have conveniently forgotten is it comes down to our own personal choices.
The very fact that obesity is preventable tells us it has something to do with our own lifestyle choices.
We can bang on and Blame the government, suppliers and all those who profit from our bad habits but in the end only we, the individual can make changes to turn the tides once and for all.
Next –
Should these changes have taken place a long time ago when we could sense where obesity was going
Would it be wise for us to question how on earth did we allow for any celebrity to endorse junk foods
Without Blame – do we need to consider why most of us Sit on the Fence, Do Nothing and expect changes to take place
Are any Solutions really going to work in the long-term
Do we think the government are on the front foot
Removing the candy at the supermarket tills – will it really work
How corrupt is our mind and how imaginative is it when it comes to getting what it really wants, at any cost
In other words, like a drug addict – do we find other ways if one way is stopped for us to get what we want in that moment
Do we as individual citizens need to adjust, step up and make changes that others can see by way of reflection
Do we need to look at our Priorities in life
Do we need to change our Focus when it comes to Eating
Do we need to be sensible and Real about our lifestyle choices
Do we need to become real role models for all generations
£154 million raised from new sugar tax on soft drinks (9)
So this confirms we are on track to raise the estimated proceeds of £240 million for the full year.
Does this success mean we have nailed it
Who is winning and who really benefits
Is this tax the answer to a very serious problem called Obesity
Will our fighting, campaigning, tackling, banning or other solutions get us to stop the rise in obesity, which is now a global epidemic
Public Health England have been working to cut sugar and calories in everyday foods, such as breakfast cereals, yoghurts, pizzas and ready meals by 20%.
90% of the public have said in the latest survey that they supported the government working with industry to make food and drinks healthier.
Most think the responsibility for tackling obesity lies primarily with individuals themselves and families. (9)
Dear World
Have we considered other factors when it comes to obesity and not just the obvious – cut out fat, sugar and salt combo foods
WHY do we eat What We Eat
WHY are our kids piling on the weight
WHY do we drink heaps of sugary drinks
How many of us are eating for comfort
How many of us eat because we are lonely
How many of us eat to fill a void we feel
How many of us are highly sensitive and overeating helps to numb that sensitivity
How many of us eat to not feel the pain and misery we feel every single day
How many of us use comfort foods that we know have no nutritional value to get through life
How many of us just give up as the world is designed to simply tempt and distract us
How many of us eat the wrong foods and live on a high sugar diet simply because we need the energy to get through the day
How many of us feel way too tired to be cooking real meals to support ourselves and our children
Dear World
Is it time to ask some real Questions
What is the root cause of Obesity
What is missing for a child that they crave the foods that harm them the most
WHY are we not having real education at every school level about what foods and drinks harm us and why
What if we could educate children and parents that a typical energy drink 500ml contains 13 cubes of sugar
Cola has 9 cubes sugar
Juice pouch 5 cubes sugar (9)
Then show them what happens to the body inside when a false stimulant is given
Then show them those who are ill and what it does to their body, because they consume excess sugar daily
Get dentists involved and ask them to talk to school children about what they see happening to the teeth of those who consume sugar daily
WHY are we waiting for governments, parents and teachers to lead the way, when each and every one of us on this planet can start by taking individual responsibility
Could it be that Simple?
(1) (2018, February 16). Obesity and Overweight. World Health Organization (WHO). Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(2) Ritchie, H., & Roser, M. (2018). Obesity. Our World in Data. Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(3) (n.d). What is Overweight and Obesity? World Health Organization (WHO). Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(4) (2018, January 29). Childhood Obesity Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(5) (2018, May 25). Latest Data Shows Southern European Countries Have Highest Rate of Childhood Obesity. World Health Organization (WHO). Retrieved January 16. 2019 from
(6) Boseley, S. (2018, December 18). Removing Sweets from Checkouts Could Help Tackle Obesity – Study. The Guardian. Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(7) Owoseje, T. (2019, January 13). Junk Food ‘Two-for-One’ Deals Targeted in Fight Against Obesity. Independent. Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(8) (n.d). Childhood Obesity Continues to Rise. St Mary’s NHS Treatment Centre. Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
(9) (2018, November 20). Sugar Tax on Soft Drinks Raises £154 m. BBC News. Retrieved January 16, 2019 from
Comments 118
Thank you for writing on this topic Simple Living Global. I look forward to reading more.
Obesity is now another modern day epidemic that man is suffering from and raising questions as to why we have got to this place are very very important.
Reading in this article from Independent
Obesity is one of the UK’s most urgent public health challenges with an estimated 16 million sickness days each year being attributed to obesity.
With obese people less likely to be recruited, the article discusses discrimination in the workplace and the resulting impact of people who are obese being less likely to be regarded as leaders or have career potential and that they are likely to experience more bullying and harassment.
We are wise to question why the obesity rates are rising especially with our children.
Whilst we may employ all sorts of methods and solutions to help people take more exercise and eat ‘properly’ is this enough and will we see any true change?
Is it possible that there is a root cause to obesity that we have not yet acknowledged?
Are there particular lifestyle choices yet to be identified?
Could this be the reason why more and more people are being diagnosed with this dis-ease?
BBC News – 26 February 2018
Millennials are set to be the fattest generation as they are on track with being the most overweight since records began.
This is old news but well worth reporting to expand this blog.
70% born between early 1980s and mid 1990s will be obese by the time they reach middle age.
Cancer Research UK carried out the analysis saying being fat as an adult is linked to 13 different types of cancer.
Britain is the most obese nation in Western Europe with rates rising faster than in any other developed nation.
“There is a danger that being overweight is becoming normalized as we know that many people struggle to recognise obesity in themselves and often are unable to see when their child is overweight.”
Professor Russell Viner | Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
So we have a professor – a bigwig we could say and kingpin on his subject matter telling us that there is a blind spot in us as adults to recognise something if we have it.
In other words, if we are overweight and we have somehow made it our new normal then it is likely we will not see it in our child.
ADD to that the media campaigns, where we see obesity being something that we need to be proud of and so we get confirmed that it must be ok.
At what cost is this to our health?
What makes us disregard and neglect the human frame?
WHY are we not taught from day dot about the value and importance of our body?
WHY are we at this point in our evolution where we have a whole generation heading towards major illness and dis-ease in their body as they become adults?
What will the cost be to society if this continues?
How will our health systems, which are already full of exhausted, overworked medical staff going to cope in the future?
What are we allowing to continue that keeps us on the ill road of Obesity?
We have a world giving out mixed messages on this subject of being fat.
We have one country saying 7 out of 10 millennials are going to be fat and the trend comes from the fact there is obesity among this generation right now and it is linked to lifestyle choices.
How do we re-educate, bring awareness and understanding and support these youth to ensure things do not turn out as predicted?
Can websites like this offer another way because it has been lived and therefore this is not theory or hot talk but real and alive?
In other words, the author walks the talk AND is not perfect, never claims to be perfect and has no intent on trying to be perfect.
Could this be the much needed game-changer that would turn the tides for generations to come?
In other words, someone presenting what they live and know is possible and that means it’s not unattainable or only for a chosen few.
It is all encompassing and others feel that because the body presenting is living the words expressed.
UK GOVERNMENT – 2 January 2019
10 year olds in the UK have consumed 18 years’ worth of Sugar.
According to Public Health England (PHE) this is based on total sugar consumption from the age of 2.
Children’s sugar intake is equivalent to 2,800 excess sugar cubes per year.
Severe Obesity in 10 to 11 years olds has now reached an all time high.
Overweight and Obese children are more likely to be overweight and obese as adults, increasing their risk of heart disease and some cancers, while more young people than ever are developing Type 2 Diabetes.
Excess sugar can also lead to painful tooth decay, bullying and low self-esteem in childhood.
Thank you Simple Living Global, this blog spells it out loud and clear in simple terms.. it is down to us to make the changes. Brilliant suggestion to get children actively involved in conversation with dentists about the effects of sugar, on teeth, and health helping them to understand fully how detrimental this poisonous stuff is to their sensitive bodies, the impact it has on a healthy body.
How hugely beneficial would this be to our growing generations if this was part of their curriculum?
To educate children from a young age would help prevent the rapidly growing statistics given above.
Do we need to look deeper as to why we go for the sugar, fast foods?
My parents talk about obesity a lot.
They live in the north of England and have noticed over the years the huge increase in obesity in their town.
Their observation is that ‘people just don’t seem to care’.
This was an interesting angle to consider.
Have we got to a place where obesity is getting normal and society starts to accept it.
Make the doors wider in hospitals.
Make aeroplane seats more roomy.
Offer more all you can eat in restaurants.
Pile the kitchen at work, high with fizzy drinks.
Or is the truth that there is more going on?
Do people really not care or is there something deeper about why they are obese and choosing the same eating habits?
Would we be better placed to act if we looked into the root cause and got a sense of what is really going on?
Science Magazine – 30 October 2018
Economic Impact of Excess Weight now Exceeds $1.7 Trillion
We reported this news story on our End of 2018 news blog.
However, this blog would benefit from the details of what this news headline is telling us.
The impact of obesity and overweight on the U.S. economy has gone to $1.7 trillion which amounts to 9.3 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product. GDP
The study draws on research that shows how overweight and obesity elevate the risk of diseases such as heart disease, breast cancer and osteoarthritis and estimates the cost of medical treatment and lost productivity for each disease.
Obesity and Overweight are linked to the following cases:
75% Osteoarthritis
73% Kidney Disease
64% Type 2 Diabetes
“Despite the billions of dollars spent each year on public health programs and consumer weight-loss products, the situation is not improving.
A new approach is needed”.
Hugh Waters – Director of Health Economics Research | Milken Institute
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40% of Americans were obese and 33% were overweight in 2016.
So let’s wake up and read what this kingpin of health economics research is saying.
We need another approach because our bodies are telling us so.
Billions of dollars spent on fix its and other solutions have failed us and we are not advancing or getting on the front foot when it comes to obesity and being overweight.
What if another approach is real education simply by bringing awareness and we start at small children and take it across the ages to older generations?
US is one large nation with excess weight costing $1.7 trillion and we still have not stopped to get to the root cause of WHY we overeat in the first place or put on weight which is not our natural state.
We can easily blame those fast food outlets, those who profit from our lazy lifestyles and the rest, OR we can take matters into our own hands with a dose of real honesty but it means taking Responsibility.
Are we ready?
Have we actually made the call to say Yes we want the truth of why we are currently x y z over our normal weight?
Have we aligned to the vibration of truly wanting to learn and know and get to the truth or is this a game we play with little effort and just lips moving and no true action?
There is zero purpose in making real change unless we truly want it and that means getting off our surpluses and doing something about it.
Doing nothing or jumping on the bandwagon of another fad diet or some pill that is suddenly going to reverse obesity is not going to work – WHY?
Because we have been there, done it and realised it does not work that way.
Small steps have to be taken and that means changing our movements in daily life and sticking to it and building on those steps.
Example – making sure we go for a walk every day with no excuses whatsoever.
Add to that early nights consistently and just these 2 steps would start to bring in some much needed change.
Each movement adds up and before we know it there is a momentum and in this case – going in the right direction.
That momentum is our pattern now and we can deepen that with more self care.
On that note and to stop going any further – this website is full of everyday support including self care, how to build a foundation, keeping things simple and awareness on important topics that affect us all in life.
Finally, imagine what is possible for a nation to not have to waste 1.7 trillion dollars on something that is preventable.
As this blog states in big bold red writing – OBESITY IS PREVENTABLE.
Note – a comment on this news story has been published on our Fast Food blog.
The Times – 24 May 2018
This is now old news but nevertheless it feels important to comment, as it relates to Obesity.
Mediterranean children are growing fat on fast food.
The place where the Mediterranean diet originated has the fattest children on the continent.
Southern Europe wants burgers, chips and fizzy drinks and rejects the fish, olive oil, fresh fruit and vegetables, known in the Mediterranean diet.
250,000 measurements of children | 38 countries
Study found Cyprus | Spain | Greece | Italy
High rates of Obesity | 40% boys | Age 6 – 9 over weight
Is this ironic – the world is banging on about the healthy Mediterranean diet but if we look at the children who live there and what their diets are telling us, it would be true to say SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT
These kids are born in a country where the sunshine means olive oil and fresh fruit and vegetables are just there and research studies have shown it is a healthy diet.
So WHY are these children – who will soon be our adult generation seeking and choosing junk foods, that we all know are unhealthy?
What is missing in their lives and how are they being raised?
Are these pertinent questions we need to be asking?
WHY is this not making sense – something the world wants is to be healthy and yet one such place in the world where they could be real role models, it is not happening?
We need to get to the root cause of Obesity and stop blaming governments, policymakers, the food industry and all those who profit.
What if we can put a stop to it all by taking personal Responsibility?
Once upon a time I was a little fattie and called myself a ‘heffer’ and my husband was morbidly obese – FACT.
Today we do not have a food or weight problem to speak of and our health and well-being have changed since we started looking at all aspects of our life and bringing that word RESPONSIBILITY into our daily choices.
I would say it is people like us who are real life role models, simply because we have not subscribed or aligned to ANY diet whatsoever but made choices every single day by taking Responsibility and asking questions.
Harvard T.H. Chan
Spike in Childhood Obesity in China May be Due to Economic Growth
1 in 5 children overweight or obese, up from just 1 in 20 in 1995.
The nation’s booming economy might be driving the increase. As family incomes grow, children are spending more time in front of the computer, TV and eating junk food.
Something is clearly not right when a nation who are not known for being obese and overweight are now suffering with both.
This microcosm – one country is reflective of the soaring global obesity rates which have tripled since 1975, as detailed in this blog.
Are the solutions that we have employed like removing sweets from checkouts and stopping 2 for 1 deals, going to help us get to the root of why the obesity rates are rapidly rising?
Are the questions asked by Simple Living Global in this blog worth us all considering?
Could these questions and the answers we are then presented with provide the key to understanding this worldwide epidemic?
Have we asked why obesity is growing exponentially out of control, to the point where plus plus plus size knickers at size 50, need to be produced for women?
Measuring 6ft on the waist and 7ft on the hips, a company specialising in larger size underwear have started to make the larger size knickers due to calls from customers that they needed a bigger size.
More than 1,000 pairs of the size 50 pants have been sold. The company have said that the market for super plus size underwear is growing.
Whilst on a practical level we do need to provide underwear for people of all shapes and sizes as basic human decency, can we admit that something is not right here?
Why is it that there is a market for super plus size underwear and why is this market growing?
Are there additional questions that we need to be asking about how we have gotten to this place where larger and larger size clothing is needed?
Whilst we can flaunt our body regardless of its size and make changes in society like, having plus size models on the front of fashion magazines – can we admit that for many this is not our natural size and that there may be a serious reason why this trend is growing out of control?
As the worldwide obesity rates have tripled since 1975 – something clearly is not right.
We can continue to come up with more solutions to enable the situation to seem more acceptable – but do we have a deeper responsibility to understand what obesity is actually about and what is the root cause, if we have any interest in seeing the obesity rates decrease?
The Telegraph – 2 April 2019
A new treatment which is deemed to be ‘minimally invasive’ is hailed as a new way to deal with obesity. It slows the flow of blood to the stomach promising to reduce reliance on gastric band operations.
A trial of 20 patients by John Hopkins University, USA found that participants sustained significant weight loss and suppressed hunger whilst enjoying an improved quality of life for at least a year.
The treatment is known as bariatric embolization and involves introducing microscopic spheres into the arteries using a catheter that restrict the blood supply to the stomach.
The spheres do not restrict blood flow enough to cause tissue damage, however the blockage is sufficient to suppress the production of hunger-stimulating hormones.
All of the patients were Obese and showed an early increase in satiety – the feeling of being full and satisfied. Their metabolism showed improvement and they displayed increased levels of high-density lipoprotein, the so-called “good” cholesterol.
Could we stop and ask –
Is this new kind of treatment really needed?
Why have we not chosen to delve deep and earnestly ask why we have this disease named Obesity?
Would that questioning alone stop us inventing new solutions for quick weight loss that do nothing about getting to the root cause of WHY someone is Obese?
Would we be wise to read the case study of Tim Bowyer, a man who was morbidly obese and now is no longer.
See photos and case study on this link
Without bariatric surgery or any weight loss treatment this man has made truly supportive lifestyle choices that have lead to the weight loss.
Is this a case study to be inspired by?
Do we have the answers right here?
Is this more real, relatable and accessible than any treatment we can create?
Is this man showing us that there is another way – but we first have to be willing to be accountable for the choices we are making?
The Telegraph – 2 April 2019
UK Statistics
Britain’s Obesity levels are the highest in Western Europe. They are rising faster than those in the USA.
2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese
Reading these statistics from just one nation we have to ask – What is going on?
Have we really stopped to ask some important questions on this topic of Obesity like –
What is our relationship with food and enmasse why is it so unhealthy?
What leads us to eating in excess and is there more behind it rather than just saying that we eat too much?
Have we questioned at all what actually leads us to eat certain foods?
Is it possible that there is a reason WHY we might reach for foods that are not good for us?
Is it more than just comfort eating?
Is it possible that if we just leave it at comfort eating we are reducing the scale of the problem and our propensity to understand more?
What if asking these types of questions and more will open us up to the answer as to WHY Obesity exists and WHY we have this deadly disease rapidly rising throughout our world today?
The Times – 9 May 2019
Hospital admissions related to Obesity have increased.
Last year there was an increase in children and teenagers needing weight-loss surgery.
10,660 admissions where obesity was judged as the main cause which is twice the number a decade ago.
75% of these patients were women in the age group 45 – 54.
100,000 more hospitalisations in just one year were obesity-related, this is the latest evidence that obesity is causing deadly diseases including –
13 types of Cancer
Heart Attacks
Type 2 Diabetes
This has come from Simon Stevens, Chief Executive of NHS England.
He is calling on manufacturers and retailers to protect children by making more cuts to “junk calories and excess sugar and salt that is quietly being added to processed food and drink”.
64% of adults nationally are overweight.
What is now clear is things are getting worse and we could start with reading the blog on this website called SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
Something is missing and we need to get smart, use our common sense and join the dots.
Calling manufacturers to protect our children when business is about profits before people may not actually work, because they have the shareholders wanting their money and who is going to do business if it is not about making big profits?
A complete change of mindset is needed and that may not happen overnight.
What we need to look at is the basic economic factor here of supply and demand.
There would be no business if we as individuals in our own homes started turning the tides by not overeating or eating foods and beverages we know harm the human body.
We, the customers need to take accountability for what we are doing in the supply chain before we point fingers at anyone.
We each have a responsibility to put an end to this over consumption when it comes to food and drink and look at WHY we need to live this way in the first place.
Our lifestyle choices are killing us and yet we seem to be ok just bopping along and relying on our health systems to sort us out when the time comes.
But what if we could get on the front foot, so to speak and take action now?
What if this proposal below is a real start that could work and is very cost effective and can support the masses?
The author of this website is saying – let’s get on the front foot and do something.
We need to get real education on the school curriculum from day dot.
At the same time all parents and would be parents need proper education and information, so everyone has the opportunity to learn what sugar, fat and salt added to our food is doing to us inside our mind and body.
Instead of putting even more pressure on our kids, what if we brought in well-being masters and experts in their field, like the author of this website to present on topics and inform the kids, teachers and parents of what is and what is not going to work.
Note – claiming to be a master or expert is not about knowledge and theory or even the current intelligence we call academia.
It is about someone who actually lives what they are presenting and that means they walk the talk.
They hold a living quality that comes from how they choose to live, day in and day out without perfection, that holds them steady and gives them the authority to express what is needed from their body, as it lives what they are talking about.
It is this vibration, this quality that others feel when one presents from a body that walks the talk.
We need to take the steps and not wait for governments and policymakers to tell us what they will and will not do.
A great step would be to read through every single blog and comment on this website and answer the questions that are being presented.
If we do not educate our kids and learn as parents what is needed and what is not, then we will for sure continue to be the statistics on health conditions including Obesity.
The Independent – 10 May 2019
Is providing bicycles or prescribing any type of exercise for someone going to make a difference if they have obesity?
Is the root cause of the obesity epidemic more than just a need for healthy eating and keeping fit?
Have we looked or even contemplated why people are obese?
In a comment on the Fast Food, Junk Food blog on this website by Bina Pattel posted on 9th May 2019
we would be wise to consider what the author is presenting –
‘…before we judge those who are overweight and obese, there could be a genuine reason why they choose food to comfort and bury their emotions and hurts from the past.’
What if there is pain or unresolved emotional trauma that a person is finding too difficult to deal with?
Public Health England (PHE) have just launched the latest edition of Health Matters which focuses on Obesity and the Food Environment.
Here are some statistics from PHE –
2015 –
66% of adults in the UK were classed as overweight or obese
1 in 4 adults were classed as obese
33% of 10 – 11 year olds and over 20% of 4 – 5 years olds were overweight or obese
At the current rates, it is projected that 60% of adult men and 50% of adult women will be obese by 2050 along with 25% of all our children.
2014 – 2015 NHS England spent £6.1 billion in overweight and obesity related ill health
The increasing consumption of out of home meals has been identified as one of the key factors contributing to the rising levels of obesity.
20% children eat food from out of home outlets at least once per week with the highest density of takeaways in areas with the highest deprivation.
In addition a new report by the NHS published week beginning 6th May 2019 revealed there has been a 15% increase in the number of UK hospital admissions where obesity is the main or secondary reason.
Of the total number of admissions recorded in 2017/18, 10,660 had a primary diagnosis of obesity and 74% of these were women.
Something clearly is not right and are we wise to consider the questions posed by Simple Living Global in this blog as the way that we are currently dealing with obesity and all of the solutions that we are coming up with, clearly are not working.
The Times – 9 May 2019
Surgery for Children as Hospitals Tackle Rising Obesity
Dozens of children and teenagers needed weight-loss surgery in the year 2017/2018 as hospital admissions related to obesity increased.
Of the 6,627 people who had bariatric surgery in 2017/18 –
2 were under 16
153 were aged 16 – 24
Calls are being made to manufacturers and retailers to protect children by making more cuts to “junk calories and excess sugar and salt that is quietly being added to processed food and drink”.
Is this really going to make a difference or do we need to be looking at why as consumers we are calling for empty calories, excess sugar and salt in our foods?
Could we have something to do with this and it is not the manufacturers to blame?
How has it got to this point where we are resorting to the need for surgery to aid our children and teens with weight-loss?
WHY are we not establishing the root cause of this illness and WHY any of us are overweight in the first place – before we seek any remedies or quick fixes?
Have we considered the high likelihood that the weight lost will just return as the root cause has not been established?
Are these current methods a waste of time and resources as they do nothing to empower society about why we have made the choices we have to reach a point where we are obese or overweight?
Does our current way of living enable us on all accounts to avoid any responsibility for the positions we find ourselves in?
Is there another way?
Could this other way if lived enable us as adults to be true role models for our children?
Is it possible that if we were, our children would not need bariatric surgery as we would be equipped to help them deal with and understand what they may be finding difficult in life, before the need to become overweight or obese to not deal with it?
We know that obesity is preventable.
Are we honestly doing all we can to prevent it or have we given up because we don’t want to look at the root cause and accept that the power is in our hands?
BBC News – 17 June 2019
Children whose parents are divorced, are more likely to get fat than those whose parents stay together, according to a new study.
The weight gain is particularly marked in children whose parents divorce before they are six.
Reasons include both economic and non-economic.
Is it really less money for fresh fruit and vegetables?
Is it because parents are working longer hours, leaving less time to prepare nutritious food?
Is it because parents have less time and energy to establish healthy eating habits in their children?
Is it because of emotional problems, parents overfeed and children eat too much sugary and fatty food?
What we could all agree on is that a child would have something at a foundational level disturbed, if the 2 people they know to be taking care of them are no longer united as a team.
How they cope and get through this time is not straight forward and each child would have different issues.
What would be wise is to observe their eating behaviours and see what changes when divorce is happening, but if we are too caught up as adults in the emotional aspects of our own issues, there is little or no room for real connection with our kids, let alone support with eating proper food that would nourish their body.
The other thing that we need to note is that many young children have become used to eating a high sugar, salt and fat combo, which is known in junk foods.
If a child is not going to express how they truly feel when things happen to their parents, then their relationship with food may be a way to comfort and numb the feelings of hurt or pain that are coming up.
What we need to do is be honest and up front about what is going on, but if our kids were raised to keep quiet and not express how they truly feel, chances are when things are bad, they are not suddenly going to be talkative.
We have a global obesity epidemic and this blog is telling us the facts.
A wise move would be to read it again and consider ALL the questions being presented and then move on to ALL the other stupendous blogs on this website and answer ALL those questions and see where it leads to…
Daily Mail – 10th August 2019
Tackling Obesity is All in the Mind.
A radio presenter caused a stir on his program by saying that obese people should be allowed to eat what they want so they die early and save the NHS money.
He also said that obesity shouldn’t be considered a disease and everyone must take responsibility for their diet.
The Daily Mail’s columnist, who is a NHS doctor, says while the radio presenter was being provocative, he understands what he is saying but disagrees with the presenter on several points.
Obese people may die sooner, but they are more likely to suffer from illnesses such as cancer, stroke and diabetes, which are huge costs to the NHS.
He goes on to say that the majority of overweight people are ‘emotional eaters’ so food helps them deal with anxiety or depression in the same way that others use alcohol and drugs.
While psychological support for people with anorexia or bulimia is readily available, there is no limited support for those that are obese. One of the reasons for this is that obesity is still seen as a lifestyle choice rather than a consequence of multiple psychological factors.
The answer lies not simply in what obese people eat, but WHY they overeat.
This last line is very important. The psychological impact of obesity cannot be underestimated and for anyone going through that, it is hard to break free from but as someone who has been there, I weighed close to 30 stone and I know it can be done and it can be done a lot easier than we think.
Taking away those that are obese due to medical reasons, obesity IS a lifestyle choice and because of the very nature that it is a lifestyle choice means we can simply change our lifestyle.
That may sound overly simplistic, but that is exactly what I did.
Once we have that understanding of how foods affect us, why and when we eat certain foods, it simply becomes a choice as to whether we instigate the necessary changes.
Of course, that will not be easy if we truly do not want to change.
Like everything in life, it all starts with a choice and whatever situation we find ourselves in, whether or not that choice is the one we want, we will always have a choice.
WebMD – 19th September 2019
Scientists Discover New Way Fat Harms Your Arteries
Scientists may have found a way that obesity directly damages the arteries and contributes to heart disease – a discovery that they say could eventually lead to new treatments.
The researchers found that in heart disease patients who are obese, body fat surrounding the arteries tends to secrete high amounts of a protein called WNT5A. The protein, in turn, appears to have “toxic” effects within the blood vessels.
According to the lead researcher, the findings are an early step, but they suggest that WNT5A is a good target for new drugs aimed at treating or preventing heart disease. He said: “If we develop a treatment to ‘switch off’ the production of WNT5A from fat cells, or block its effects on the blood vessel wall, then we may be able to ‘neutralise’ Obesity and prevent heart attacks or stroke.”
Many studies have shown that obese people have a higher risk of developing heart disease compared to thinner people. The American College of Cardiology (ACC) says that’s partly due to “indirect” reasons: Obesity promotes conditions that can lead to heart problems – such as Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea.
The lead researcher said the new findings shed light on how obesity directly damages the blood vessels. For the study, he and his colleagues analysed blood and tissue samples from about 1,000 heart disease patients who had undergone cardiac surgery. Overall, they found obese patients had much higher levels of WNT5A in their blood. The protein was specifically released in large amounts from fat around the blood vessels.
In addition, patients with higher WNT5A levels tended to show a faster progression of “plaque” buildup in their arteries in the next three to five years. Plaques are deposits of fat, calcium and other substances that clog the arteries and can trigger a heart attack or stroke.
Those findings alone do not pinpoint WNT5A as a culprit in causing heart disease, but researchers did find more direct evidence in the lab. It turns out that when blood vessel cells are exposed to the protein, they churn out more “toxic products” and enter a state that promotes plaque buildup.
What if the way to ‘neutralise’ Obesity is to educate people that if we eat food that is laden with calories and do not do enough exercise to burn those excess calories off, then we will start to become overweight and when we start to become overweight, we start to lose any motivation to exercise and are drawn to foods that will increase our weight – a cycle that is easy to get into, but difficult to get out off?
This study is showing the increased levels of WNT5A and the effect on the blood cells in obese people, so is it possible we should be looking at ways to prevent Obesity in the first place?
Although overweight or obese people are generally more predisposed to contracting heart disease, weight is certainly no barrier, as evidenced by the many healthy and fit people that do get heart disease. Indeed, even athletes suffer from it.
Apart from those that have a medical reason for weight gain, Obesity is a self-made problem.
So, with that in mind, is it possible that all we have is just another solution – just another way to treat an illness without truly looking at the root cause?
The Telegraph – 24 September 2019
Fatty Liver Disease could be the next Public Health Crisis.
This news story talks about a famous singer who died and the coroner’s report had listed fatty liver disease as one of the causes of death and it was probably the first time many of us in the world would have heard of this disease.
As the name suggests, fatty liver disease is telling us there is an increased build up of fat inside the liver. The main 2 causes are alcohol and obesity.
Most of us are familiar about the fact that drinking alcohol can lead to cirrhosis of the liver but how many of us link it to obesity?
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) refers to the accumulation of fat in the liver of people who do not consume high levels of alcohol but commonly seen in those who are overweight, obese and/or have Type 2 Diabetes.
Over years of damage, significant liver scar tissue builds up because the number of liver cells declines. The advanced stage of this is known as liver cirrhosis. It is at this stage that symptoms develop such as jaundice, liquid collecting in the abdomen (ascites) bleeding from prominent veins in the gullet (oesophageal varices) and confusion hepatic encephalopathy).
UK – 1 in 5 estimated to have early stages of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, yet most have no idea that they are even at risk.
NAFLD accounts for one in seven liver transplants.
Liver disease is now the most common cause of premature mortality and notably is the only one of the top five causes of mortality.
Experts are saying this condition could soon become a serious problem – almost an epidemic.
Europe – more than half of adults and one third of children are now classified as being overweight or obese.
The annual cost of NAFLD estimated to be greater than €35 billion in direct costs to the health systems and a further €200 billion by way of wider costs to society.
So despite these 911 statistics saying SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT, awareness that Obesity and Diabetes can contribute to significant liver disease is low amongst the healthcare community, as is knowledge of appropriate and effective everyday life changes that can help or even reverse liver disease.
The causes of obesity and NAFLD are sendentary behaviour and unhealthy diets which confirm this is a preventable epidemic.
An urgent expansion of knowledge and skills is needed.
So how do we engage patients in “appropriate behavior change initiatives”?
If it is preventable and avoidable – how come we have not nailed it yet?
If “public discussion of obesity places great emphasis on personal responsibility, yet this approach has manifestly failed to reduce the problem” can we at least ask WHY?
Is it possible that educating the public is not going to be an overnight thing but the most important element is to have real role models to educate?
This means those who are free of any conditions relating to what they are advocating, presenting or teaching.
In other words, they walk the talk – their lifestyle choices on a daily basis include taking full Responsibility for their diet and exercise and they show no signs of obesity, pre-diabetes or being overweight for at least a decade.
Example – the author of this blog on Obesity who is a living science and shows no symptoms of the above and is a prolific writer and researcher on health and well being topics. ADD to that this monumental website and all the facts, stats, questions and awareness that is being presented.
Would they then have the Authority and the Power to deliver from that lived body that is claiming – there is another way?
Would people listen or would they at least consider it as the person presenting holds a quality, a vibration so to speak that is clear of the dis-ease they are expressing about?
In simple words – are we more likely to listen up and pay attention to someone who we can see and feel is not overweight or tired or in need of unhealthy foods, than an obese educator who has the theory and facts but are not LIVING what they are trying to tell us to do and not do?
Is this where society needs to re-think, so that a real impact can be made?
BBC News – 24th September 2019
Obesity Not Caused by Lack of Willpower – Psychologists
A report by top psychologists say Obesity is not a choice and making people feel ashamed results only in them feeling worse about themselves.
It calls for changes in language to reduce stigma, such as saying “a person with obesity” rather than an “obese person”.
The report says health professionals should be trained to talk about weight loss in a more supportive way.
Obesity levels rose by 18% in England between 2005 and 2017 and by similar amounts in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
This means just over one in four adults is obese while nearly two-thirds are overweight or obese.
The psychologists say that these increases cannot be explained by a sudden loss of motivation, it is a lot more complicated than that.
A spokesperson from the British Psychological Society said: “The people who are most likely to be an unhealthy weight are those who have a high genetic risk of developing obesity and whose lives are also shaped by work, school and social environments that promote overeating and inactivity.”
The report says that psychological experiences also play a big role, with up to half of adults attending specialist obesity services having experienced difficulties in childhood.
Stress caused by fat shaming – being made to feel bad about one’s weight – by public health campaigns, GPs, nurses, and policymakers, often leads to increased eating and more weight gain.
Apart from those that have a medical pre-disposition to gaining weight, I feel that obesity is most certainly a choice.
We can choose to blame our childhood psychological experiences or blame work, schools and social environments all day but, although these factors may come into the equation, we still have a choice.
Is it possible that we still have a choice to go for that fast food takeaway or cook something that is a lot healthier?
Is it possible that these factors do not promote overeating as we choose to overeat?
Is it possible that these factors do not promote inactivity as we choose to be inactive?
If we choose to listen to the psychologists, if we believe it is genetics, if we believe it is work, schools or our social environment, is it possible that we are choosing to not take any responsibility for ourselves?
At one point in my life I weighed almost 30 stone and this was due to me eating the wrong foods, eating at the wrong time, eating more food than I should and not getting adequate exercise.
Yes, I could use my childhood experiences, work or my social environment as a reason why I was overweight and why I would overeat, and not exercise.
The fact is, I was choosing to live this way and a consequence of my lifestyle choices was that I became obese.
Once I started to eat the right foods, eat at the correct times, eat sensible amounts and started to exercise more, the weight gradually came off.
Is it possible that, in everything we do in life we will always have a choice?
The Times – 11th October 2019
Obesity epidemic takes heavy toll on taxpayers.
Economic calculations suggest the average British person’s tax bill is £409 a year higher because the nation has an obesity problem.
Official figures released on 10 October 2019 showed that a record 20.2 per cent of youngsters were obese by the time they left primary school and that the gap between rich and poor children who were overweight is widening.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) laid bare the financial cost of obesity after the outgoing chief medical officer called for a ban on eating and drinking on public transport.
Britain is among the heaviest of wealthiest countries. The OECD said that this shortens lives by an average of 2.7 years and cuts GDP by 3.4 per cent.
Lost economic output, equivalent to 944,000 missing full-time workers, and the cost of the NHS treating obesity means that every person in the UK pays an extra £409 in taxes.
The OECD cites effective measures such as the sugar tax but suggests that tougher action would pay economic dividends.
The OECD secretary-general said: “There is an urgent economic and social case to scale up investments and tackle obesity. By investing in prevention, policy makers can halt the rise of obesity for future generations and benefit economies.”
The calculation comes as NHS Digital statistics showed that obesity rates in reception-age children, rose to 9.7 per cent in 2018-19, up 0.2 per cent on the year before.
Among pupils leaving school, 20.2 per cent were obese, up from 17.5 per cent in 2006-07.
The figures also showed that 34.3 per cent of ten and eleven year-olds were too heavy, equivalent to 206,000 children in this age group.
The head of NHS England said: “Obesity is a dangerous public health threat for our children leading to a string of serious illnesses. As a country we are clearly not on track to meet the government’s sensible goal of halving childhood obesity by 2030.”
The public health minister said: This problem has been decades in the making but we can turn this around.”
The chief nutritionist at Public Health England said that officials were working with industry to improve children’s food. She added: “However, we know more action is needed.”
As this article states, this problem has been around for a long time and there have been many measures and actions put in place but nothing has truly worked.
Is it possible we are looking in the wrong place for answers?
The figures quoted by the OECD are aimed at reception-age children, 10-11 year olds and pupils leaving school.
These are young people that can’t or don’t cook for themselves, or earn money, so where do they get the type of food that has the potential to make them obese?
Do we need to be looking at what the parents are feeding them or the money they give to their children?
Is it possible that as parents we need to take responsibility for the nutritional content of what our children are eating?
As history has shown us many times, we sometimes don’t listen to what is truly needed. A great example of this is evidenced in the media spectacle of a well-known TV chef and celebrity who introduced a healthy-eating campaign to promote better school meals in 2006 and ended up with several mums pushing burgers and chips through the school railings to give to their children because they didn’t want to eat the healthy, nutritious food that was being provided.
If the parents themselves don’t want to nourish themselves properly, is it possible that the children are going to follow their parents’ lead?
Is it possible that, whatever measures or actions the government can come up with, they will only be as successful as parents want them to be?
The Guardian – 2 October 2019
Childhood obesity is rising exponentially worldwide as the relentless marketing of junk foods reaches around the globe and governments do too little to protect their children’s health, according to data shared with The Guardian.
The number of obese children globally is predicted to reach 250 million by 2030 an increase from the current figure of 150 million.
Up to 1 in 5 of the 250 million children will suffer with severe obesity.
Only 1 in 10 countries have a 50% chance of meeting the World Health Organization target of no rise in child obesity from 2010 – 2025.
The chances of 156 of the 191 countries studied achieving the target are less than 10% according to the World Obesity Federation which has compiled the data in the first Childhood Obesity Atlas
In 2030 the world population of obese children and adolescents is predicted to grow to 254 million – an increase of more than 60%.
Children who are obese often become adults with obesity and are likely to develop serious health problems that will shorten their lives, including heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
“The continuing increase in childhood obesity will overwhelm the health services of many countries…”
Donna Ryan – President and Johanna Ralston – Chief Executive, World Obesity Federation
Some countries have low levels of obesity but will not escape the global surge without drastic action. Other countries have moderate or high levels and are not doing enough to stem the tide.
Children aged 5 – 19
China – 62 million obese children
India – 27 million
US – 17 million
Democratic Republic of Congo – 2.4 million
Tanzania – 2 million
Vietnam – 2 million
UK – 1.3 million
Even though the UK are doing better than most, with policies to restrict marketing of junk food to children and to tackle inactivity and healthy diets, it’s chances of meeting the World Health Organization target of no rise from 2010 – 2025 is 37% – which is at the high end.
Many countries have zero chance of reaching the World Health Organization target.
US – 17% chance of meeting the target
South Africa and China are expected to have the largest increase in the number of obese children between 2017 and 2030.
Cook Islands (South Pacific Island) and Palau (Western Pacific Island), Puerto Rico (Caribbean) and Eswatini (South Africa) are the countries noted as having the highest risk of an obesity crisis.
Cook Islands 40.7% of children aged 5 – 19 are obese.
Ukraine has the highest proportion of overweight infants at 26%.
US is in the top 20 with 25% children obese and 20% adolescents.
Children with obesity may need medical help such as bariatric surgery and are at risk of Type 2 Diabetes, which used to be an entirely adult disease. They will also be at risk as adults from cancers and heart disease.
“In many countries the systems won’t cope. There may be a certain fatigue from listening to these figures getting worse and worse, but doing nothing is going to cost an awful lot more than making serious interventions in the marketplace to reduce the global marketing of soft drinks and ultra processed foods. Multinational companies worldwide are making cheap food in bulk that has pushed out more nutritious foods from the market place.”
Tim Lobstein – Policy Director, World Obesity Federation
Louise Baur – Consultant Paediatrician and Head of Child and Adolescent Health, University of Sydney and Child Obesity Ambassador at World Obesity Federation has said that no-one thing is responsible for the rise in Childhood obesity which began in the mid-1980s.
Baur states –
“What we were seeing was the rise of more convenience foods, more motorised and less active transport, fewer kids biking and walking, the rise of sedentary pursuits and the use of screens by children…”
So here we have it – even more stats and facts about Childhood obesity and the very dire and serious state we are in.
Across the globe this epidemic is far reaching and although we have multiple remedies, solutions and strategies that are being adopted globally to address this, can we be honest in saying that we have clear evidence that none are effective if 156 of the 191 countries studied have less than a 10% chance of reaching the World Health Organization target.
We have a very serious problem on our hands and is the answer in blaming the food manufactures or do we need to look at something else here?
No market can exists without there being a demand, a call from consumer for it.
Therefore is it possible that we are asking for more convenience foods?
Is it possible that we have demanded the cheap low nutrition meals and if so the next question needs to be WHY?
Perhaps then this will leads us all to an honesty in establishing our part in this rising epidemic and what can truly be done to change this.
Thank you Simple Living Global for this first instalment on what is a very much-needed topic to be discussed.
As someone that was close to 30 stone in weight, I know something of being both overweight and obese.
At one point in my life, I weighed just over 15 stone and was quite fit due to all the sports activities I was doing. I wasn’t eating particularly healthily but my continued exercise helped maintain a decent weight. Then one-day things started to change. I gradually reduced my sporting activities and started to eat more and started to drink more alcohol.
The more I carried on like this, the more the weight went on and so the lack of motivation increased until I got to the point of weighing nearly 30 stone.
It all started to change when I began attending the presentations of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon. He presented how certain foods react in our body and how we eat food depending on how we are feeling at that moment. He presented that all of our everyday choices go into our choice of what we will eat, when we eat and why we are choosing the type of food we eat.
I would like to point out that Serge Benhayon never told me to NOT eat any types of food but simply presented the effect it has on our bodies and left me to make my own choices in what I eat.
With these presentations, I was able to start to change my eating habits. With the understanding I now had, I adapted my diet and in no time things started to change for me.
Losing weight was never a driving factor for me. It just happened to be a very welcome consequence of my new choices around food.
I know there are some medical reasons and diseases as to why people can’t lose weight, but the majority of cases where obesity is involved, is exactly the same reason as to why I was obese and that is simply eating too much food, eating too often, eating the wrong types of food and a lack of physical exercise.
Once we start down that road of overweight/obesity we get into a vicious cycle which is not easy to get out of. We start to eat a lot more comfort foods because we are unhappy about our weight and that then puts more weight on and we get even more miserable and the cycle starts to compound.
We start to eat more sugar because we need the energy, but in truth sugar is just a false energy, so we end up doing nothing but watching TV/DVD’s or playing computer games.
But, it certainly doesn’t have to be that way. I made the choices to change which means anyone can make those same choices – it all depends on whether we truly want to change or not.
I was always like, yeah I will start dieting next week but as much as I told myself I wanted to lose weight, I really didn’t want to come out of my comfort and make those choices. It was easier to stay where I was and make excuses and blame everyone and everything else for where I was at.
This paragraph from this blog says it all –
“We can bang on and Blame the government, suppliers and all those who profit from our bad habits but in the end only we, the individual can make changes to turn the tides once and for all.”
Through our choices of what to eat, we are the ones that put the weight on so therefore, we and only we are the ones that can take the weight off – if we are willing.
The Telegraph – 13th November 2019
Rise in Number of Obese Dogs and Cats Force Vets to Bring in Lifting Gear to Treat Over-Sized Pets.
The number of overweight pet dogs has risen by 50 per cent in two years. One in eight (12%) dog owners say they have been told this year by their vets that their pets are overweight, up from 8% two years ago.
The extra weight is putting increased strain, not only on owners who are reporting pulled muscles or back, but also vets. More than half of whom say they are regularly concerned about injuring themselves when treating the heavier animals.
According to a survey of 2,100 dog owners and vets, more than four in ten vets said they have invested in lifting equipment including hoists and electrically raised tables.
A TV vet and animal welfare campaigner said the impact of obesity on the health of dogs was the primary concern, but it was also an issue for vets who repeatedly had to pick up animals sometimes weighing more than four and a half stone. He said: “It’s definitely an occupational hazard. A lot of vets do have back problems and slipped discs because of that. If owners are having problems picking their dogs up, then they should stop getting them into that state in the first place.”
One in seven (13%) dog owners said they had suffered bruising or strained muscles from lifting overweight dogs.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) is so concerned, that this week it will hold a special session at its Congress, to focus on strategies to help owners reduce pet obesity.
According to the PDSA vets charity, with the overweight and obese dogs that vets are seeing half of these are suffering consequent health-related problems, including increased risk of heart disease, arthritis and diabetes.
The RSPCA said that obesity is a “serious welfare issue” that can cause suffering and be extremely disabling for pets. “Pet obesity can also cause serious health problems and make existing problems worse, which can reduce the length and quality of your pets life and weight problems can cause and contribute to diabetes, heart disease, respiratory distress, high blood pressure and cancer.”
As I write this, I realise something.
Is it possible, that we do exactly the same to children?
We let them eat what they want, however much they want and when they want and watch them getting bigger and bigger.
I was frequenting a newsagents the other day, schools had just kicked out and there were several children all of various ages buying chocolate. Some bought more than one bar. A couple of children had their mothers with them. Next door was a takeaway and as I left the newsagent, again I saw several children in there, and one of the same children and mother walked out with a box of chips for the child.
Just like humans our pets are not immune to putting on weight, if they are given the wrong type of food. Too much food and little or no exercise.
The difference being although very rare, as humans can actually say no to the food we know we shouldn’t be eating, whereas our pets will eat whatever we give them.
In the case of most dogs, if it is there, they will probably eat the food until they are sick.
Our pets cannot and do not feed themselves, so we are the ones that are making them obese and just like humans, obesity in our pets comes with all the dangerous side effects.
Just like our children, we claim that we love our pets – so why are we overfeeding them and subjecting them to a range of possible and needless illnesses and diseases?
What are we doing with our responsibility here?
The NHS spends approximately £6 billion a year on overweight and obesity related illnesses.
How much money will our pets end up costing us?
CNN – 19th December 2019
Half of America will be Obese Within 10 years Unless We Work Together
Over half the nation will be obese within 10 years if America does not collectively adopt healthier eating habits.
Even worse, 1 in 4 Americans will be “severely obese” with a body mass index over 35, which means they will be more than 100 pounds overweight.
The chair of Tufts University’s Public Health and Community Medicine, who was not involved in the study, said: “Given how notoriously difficult obesity is to treat once it’s established, you can see that we are in an untenable situation. The societal cost is high, both in terms of obesity-related health consequences and healthcare expenditures which could bring us to our knees.”
The study found that 29 States, mostly in the South and Midwest, will be hit the hardest, with more than 50% of their residents considered obese. But no part of the country is spared – in all 50 States, at least 35% of the population will be obese.
The lead author of this study who is an analyst at Harvard Chan School’s Centre for Health Decision Science said: “What’s even more concerning is the rise in severe obesity. Nationally, severe obesity – typically over 100 pounds of excess weight – will become the most common BMI category. Prevalence will be higher than 25% in 25 States.”
Currently, only 18% of all Americans are severely obese.
The chair of Tufts University said: Fifty years ago, obesity was a relatively rare condition. People who were poor were underweight, not overweight. But that has changed.”
One reason is the rise of sugar sweetened beverages and ultra processed foods, which contribute calories but little nutrition. Another is that the price of food, including unhealthy fast food choices, has fallen in America.
Other reasons given are limited options for physical activity and the stress of structural racism.
Interventions to tackle the obesity crisis are bolstering local public transportation systems to encourage walking instead of driving, keeping schools open on weekends and during summers to allow access to gyms and swimming pools, farm-to-school and farm-to-work programs, farmers markets, calorie labelling on restaurant and drive-thru menus and replacing vending machines with smart snacks in schools.
The most cost effective solution was the tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. The study found the tax saved $30 in health care costs for every dollar spent on the program. The chair of Tufts University said: “So much added sugar is delivered through sugar-sweetened beverages, and people do have other options for hydration. I think it’s an easy target.”
In 2009 the program decreased the intake of foods and beverages associated with excess weight gain. By simply cutting the juice allowance in half, reducing cheese, requiring whole grain products and requiring low-fat or skim milk, a study found the program reduced the obesity rate in children between two and four years of age and boosted the intake of fruits and vegetables.
Some of these interventions may even have a limited effect.
Is it possible that these are still only solutions – solutions that have been tried and tested for many years but are still not ultimately successful?
Is it possible that nothing is being done to address the real reason as to why we are obese – why we are eating the wrong foods and why we are eating too much of the wrong foods?
Losing weight is not rocket science as this 2009 study showed. It can be done quite easily if we reduce or cut out the foods that predispose us to obesity.
The only thing stopping ourselves is – ourself?
Have we asked the question WHY?
BBC News – 16th December 2019
Poorest Countries Facing Both Obesity and Malnutrition
According to a report in The Lancet, a third of the poorest countries in the world are dealing with high levels of obesity as well as under-nourishment, which leaves people too thin.
It says the problem is caused by global access to ultra-processed foods and people exercising less.
Countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia are most affected.
The report estimates that nearly 2.3 billion children and adults on the planet are overweight, and more than 150 million children have stunted growth.
And many low and middle-income countries are facing the two issues at once – known as the ‘double burden of malnutrition’.
The report says, 45 out of 123 countries were affected by the burden in the 1990’s, and 48 out of 126 countries in the 2010’s.
The report authors say action should be taken by governments, the United Nations and academics to address the problem, and it points the finger at changing diets.
The way people eat, drink and move is changing. Increasing numbers of supermarkets, easy availability of less nutritious foods, as well as a decrease in physical activity, are leading to more people becoming overweight.
These changes are affecting low and middle-income countries as well as high income ones.
Although stunted growth of children in many countries is becoming less frequent, eating ultra-processed foods in life is linked to poor growth.
The lead author, who is the director of the Department of Nutrition of Health and Development at the World Health Organization said: “We are facing a new nutrition reality. We can no longer characterise countries as low-income and undernourished or high-income and only concerned with obesity. All forms of malnutrition have a common denominator – food systems that fail to provide all people with healthy, safe, affordable, and sustainable diets.”
He said changing this needed changes in food systems – from production and processing, through trade and distribution, pricing, marketing and labelling, to consumption and waste. “All relevant policies and investments must be radically re-examined.”
A link in this article talks about how ultra-processed foods make us eat more.
A trial to assess the impact of these foods showed how volunteers ate 500 calories a day more than when they were given unprocessed meals.
The US National Institutes of Health said ultra-processed foods may be affecting hunger hormones in the body, leading people to keep eating.
It comes as no surprise that this trial showed that we eat more of this processed food as it comes laden with sugar, salt, flavourings and additives – everything that our taste buds like.
As this report says, we cannot confine obesity and under-nourishment to country’s income levels anymore as we are seeing both in one country.
I feel that the lead author is correct in saying an overhaul of the whole system is needed, but with the powerful lobby groups that abound to keep the manufacturers of these types of foods where they are, it is going to be a difficult challenge to meet.
So what, if anything, can we do to help – because after all, we are the ones making the choice to buy this type of food?
Are we willing to take Responsibility for our own health and do everything we can to nurture ourselves with healthy food?
Or are we going to carry on as normal, eat this type of food and worry about the consequences later?
Just like everything in life, we do, and always will, have a choice.
Daily Mail – 28th December 2019
Bloated Britons Health Warning
Shocking NHS figures reveal that half of middle-aged Britons’ waists are too big – putting them at risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Women face the greatest threat, with 61 per cent of those aged 55-64 having ‘very high’ waist measurements. In the 45-54 age group, 52 per cent of women have waistlines which the NHS deems too large, measuring 34in or above.
For men, 46 per cent of 55-64 year-olds and 38 per cent of 45-54 year-olds have ‘very high’ waist measurements.
Waist sizes are increasingly being used by medical staff to predict the likelihood of developing serious health conditions.
The head of the NHS said our expanding waists were a ‘growing sign’ of Britain’s obesity crisis. He warned that hundreds of thousands of people were at risk of ‘deadly and debilitating diseases’.
He said: “Carrying extra pounds also places a strain on the NHS with rising hospital admissions and the wasteful costs they bring.”
Our waistlines have been steadily growing. In 2003, an average of 41 per cent of women and 31 per cent of men had ‘very high’ measurements. By 2018, the latest figures available, this had risen to 48 per cent of women and 34 per cent of men.
Medical professionals believe that fat around the waist is more deadly tham fat on our hips and thighs. They are particularly concerned about a type called ‘visceral fat’ which sits around the liver, kidneys, intestines and pancreas.
Some studies have found that visceral fat interrupts the functioning of hormones including insulin, which can trigger Type 2 diabetes.
The NHS defines waistlines as being ‘very high’ if they are 34in or above for women, the equivalent of dress size 18, and 40in or over for men, an XXXL in clothing size.
A spokesperson for Cancer Research UK’s health information said: “These figures are concerning as being overweight or obese can increase the risk of 13 different types of cancer. Keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases, so whatever your age, losing weight and keeping it off could really improve your health.”
Many academics believe that the waist circumference is a more accurate indicator of obesity, Type 2 diabetes and other diseases than the traditionally used Body Mass Index (BMI).
The latest figures show that one in four adults in the UK and one in five children leaving primary school are obese, as defined by their BMI. But these statistics may be misleading because some people with healthy BMI’s may have large waistlines.
Taking aside the few anomalies where those with large waistlines have healthy BMI’s, is it possible that, if we have a large waistline, our BMI’s will be high and we will be overweight, obese or morbidly obese?
Nearly half of the population of the UK has large waistlines – however we want to look at it, that is quite a sobering picture.
But what are more sobering are the figures that say one in five children leaving primary school are obese.
Primary school is for children ages 5-11 – it stands to reason that parents have responsibility for them.
If these children are not providing and cooking for themselves, why are they becoming overweight or obese?
With the burgeoning pressure on our health system already at breaking point, is it possible that we, as parents, have to start to take more responsibility in the health and well-being of our children?
The Telegraph – 5th January 2020
NHS Chief Warns Lack of Gym Openings Undermining Obesity Epidemic
The chief of the NHS has warned that “perverse” planning rules restricting gyms from opening are undermining efforts to solve the Obesity epidemic.
The chief spoke out after health and planning experts claimed it was easier to open a fast food outlet than get permission from councils to open a gym.
Under planning laws, restaurants are given priority over leisure activities on high streets, meaning it is harder for permission to be gained.
Public health doctors have called for restrictions on fast food outlets opening near schools, in a bid to combat Britain’s Obesity epidemic.
Gym operators said they were struggling to open new sites on high streets due to “outdated planning regulations” that can see shop units sit derelict for “up to two years”.
Fitness bosses are now calling on local planning authorities to overhaul their policies, in a bid to “improve public health” and reinvigorate Britain’s physical and mental health.
The chief of the NHS said: “While exercise alone will not cure our national obesity epidemic, it undoubtedly improves both our physical and mental health. So at a time when there are around twice as many high street fast food outlets as there are public parks, it does seem perverse that gym operators report difficulty in being able to open new facilities.”
Two in three adults are overweight or obese, and Britain’s obesity rates are the highest in Western Europe.
The average Briton does less than 10 minutes exercise a day.
With the planning rules as they are, favouring food outlets in town centres means that it would be easier for a shop selling gym equipment to change into a fast food restaurant than if they wanted to change to a gym.
The chairman of the National Obesity Forum said: “This planning directive needs quickly revising. With today’s obesity epidemic in mind it is plainly ridiculous that outdated local bylaws make it easier to open a fast food outlet than a gym.”
Is it possible that, when we hear stories like this one, we have to question the rules and regulations that govern our society?
On one hand we have a national Obesity crisis and the government making all sorts of pledges to ‘solve’ it and then we come across situations like this where, one of the tools that could help us to lose weight has been made difficult, expensive and time consuming to achieve.
We see on the news everyday how town centres are becoming ghost towns because all the shops are being boarded up.
Wouldn’t it make more sense to fast track these gym applications so as to get more people into the town centres, get people becoming healthier and get people spending money in other shops rather than letting them stand empty and be of no use to anyone?
It seems paradoxical to allow even more fast food restaurants to open and then complain about the obesity epidemic.
Is it possible we need to look at our priority here?
The World Bank – 6th February 2020
Obesity-Related Diseases Among Top Three Killers in Most Countries
Long believed to be a problem exclusive to high income countries, evidence shows that over 70 per cent of the world’s 2 billion overweight and obese individuals live in low or middle-income countries. A new report launched by the World Bank said that faced with increasing disability, mortality, health care costs and lower productivity, obesity is a growing concern for all countries regardless of income level.
Obesity has a major impact on national economies and on human capital by reducing productivity and life expectancy and increasing disability and health care costs.
It is projected that in the next 15 years, the costs of obesity will total more than US $7 trillion in developing countries.
Factors escalating the obesity epidemic include ultra-processed and sugary foods, reduced physical activity, and higher incomes, which often go hand-in-hand with a higher consumption of unhealthy foods.
In China, between 2000-2009, health care costs associated with obesity grew from half a percent to more than 3 percent of China’s annual health care expenditure. In Brazil, obesity-related health care costs are expected to double, from less than US $6 billion in 2010 to more than US $10 billion in 2050.
In addition to directly increased health care costs, there are also indirect costs associated with reduced work productivity, absenteeism and early retirement. Many countries across the globe are also suffering from what is referred to as the “double burden of malnutrition” – high stunting and increasing obesity rates, further compromising their human capital.
The report stresses that in order to avoid the rise of obesity in future generations, governments and developing partners must adopt a comprehensive approach.
Effective primary health systems will be crucial together with a strong focus on preventative measures such as mandating the labelling of processed foods; increasing consumer education; reducing salt and sugar-sweetened beverages; and investing in early childhood nutrition programs.
The report also highlights the importance of strong fiscal policies, such as taxation of unhealthy foods; and enhancing urban design, such as playgrounds in schools and walking and bicycle paths.
The reporting of the increasing obesity rates has been going on for some time now.
The reports and recommendations from all manner of health groups, associations and bodies about having informative labels on processed foods, reducing sugar in food and drinks, increasing the public’s awareness of what is in our foods, have been going on for some time now.
The reports and recommendations that unhealthy foods should be taxed, and governments and food manufacturers should be doing more have been going on for some time now.
In fact, most things about obesity related issues have been talked about for some time now, but yet, here we are, still receiving more reports on exactly what has been said and all the while, the obesity rates are continuously increasing.
Is it possible that we do not need any more reports but instead, we simply need the governments to start to implement some of these policies?
But of course, this shouldn’t be the government’s problem alone.
We are the ones choosing to buy this food.
We are the ones choosing to not exercise as much.
We are the ones choosing to overeat.
In most cases, obesity is an issue that we have created individually and therefore we, individually, have the choice to deal with this issue.
Science Magazine – 8 April 2020
Depression in Adults who are Overweight or Obese.
A study found that antidepressants were prescribed in approximately two thirds of adults who were overweight or obese.
The analysis of primary care records of 519,513 adults in the UK who were overweight or obese between 2000 – 2016 and followed up until 2019, the incidence of new cases of depression found was 92 per 10,000 people per year. The risk of depression also rose with higher weight, according to the Obesity analysis.
The lead author of the study says “Our findings highlight the complex relationship between depression and obesity.”
What we could say is that there is a direct correlation with obesity and depression.
Does someone get depressed and this leads to obesity OR is it the other way around, where they are overweight or obese and then feel depressed?
Having lived with a morbidly obese partner for many years, I did know that he was never depressed as he had this commitment to life where he was working and had a regular routine which he loved and it included sports, regardless of his weight.
What he came to realise was the weight had a lot to do with his lack of expression and lack of self worth. He felt his weight was always there and whilst it did not initially bother him, he felt and sensed that others were judging him.
He was a quiet man who bottled things up and instead of saying it as it is, he would always hold back and turn to food and over eat instead of dealing with whatever came up to be expressed.
This went on for years and years and the weight just piled on to the point where exercise no longer was happening and TV binge watching took over.
Having lost over 12 stone in weight, he is now full of life and certainly showing no signs of depression or concerned about his eating or weight as he has found a way to express what he feels and continues to work on this.
Back to the study – what if we are prescribing drugs to ‘depress’ natural feelings that actually need to come up and be dealt with?
What if anti-depressants for those who are overweight or obese is not the answer and we need to get to the root cause of WHY anyone puts on more than their natural weight?
No baby is born morbidly obese or overweight – so what happens?
Where along the line in life do things start to change that gets us on the road to excess weight?
Instead of more studies, what if we went on the streets and got real life conversations going to find out more and get to the truth of WHY we have depression in adults who are overweight or obese.
Mail Online – 3 July 2020
3 in 10 reception class children are either obese or overweight in parts of Britain.
Public Health England statistics show a fifth of children aged 4 – 5 are now considered fat.
90% of the worst areas affected by the obesity time bomb are in the North of England.
The news story goes on to say that 1 in 3 children are actually obese by the time they reach school and that obesity increases the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, disability and early death.
So how do we make our government ‘tackle’ this public health crisis and why have the solutions all failed thus far?
If any had worked then we would surely be following and replicating it them?
How can we honestly educate or shall we say re-educate parents and inspire them so that the tides start to turn once and for all?
If 3 in 10 adults are clinically obese can we say that some of these people are parents?
How can one make ‘healthier choices’ for their children if they themselves are not making any healthy lifestyle choices?
What if the government’s determination to tackle the obesity problem is not working as there is a consistent rise in numbers?
What if we each as individuals need to look at our own lifestyle and reflect on where we are contributing to the state of our country in the health and well-being departments?
What if goals and hot talk about making changes go nowhere if they are merely empty words with no true action?
On that note, read our blog on this website – True Actions Empty Words.
Next – how many of us have noticed that diets really do not work as they just aren’t sustainable in the long term.
Worth reading our Do Diets Work blog on this website.
Next – what if our policymakers and those who control the masses are themselves on the heavy side and would be classed as obese?
How does that then transfer into the rules of do and do not when those dishing out the rules are not living what they are asking us, the public to do.
Next – the video on this news link comes from a member of the House of Lords saying teachers and NHS need to set an example as there are many who are obese.
We want our kids to not be fat and we want the best for them in terms of health and well-being.
Would it be simple if we focused on making sure we were committed and dedicated to consistently doing our best to live the true health we want for others?
We all know that we inspire others when we live a life that is real, purposefull and meaningfull but yet we get in the blame trap wanting government and everyone else to do it for us instead of taking the small steps daily to make the effort to change.
For example what could happen if we started to go to bed early every day and made that the new routine and rule in the household, regardless of age?
Then we add other wellbeing support and see how that goes?
For any reader who truly is seeking another way to live – look no further as this website is a library presenting some great topics on health and well-being including this blog on obesity.
Daily Mail – 18 July 2020
According to the UK Health Secretary, if everyone who is overweight loses 5lb, it would save the NHS £100 million over the next 5 years.
Dr. Max Pemberton says that we could use that money and carry out every hip and knee replacement for starters. Treating obesity eats up half the entire NHS budget.
So how do we empower others to make that change?
WHY are all our solutions failing us thus far as Obesity is on the rise?
There was a time where kids were not obese and now we have made it our normal.
We have a nation that wants to lose weight, but at the same time has it very easy and accessible to not eat healthy foods and endorse and foster in the name of entertainment things like fast foods and TV as acceptable and needed. We cannot expect movements to exercise or even simply go walking, if our nation loves the comfort of sitting and watching a screen for hours on end every single day.
We need real education from real role models – those in society who walk the talk and are not in it for self recognition or to champion their own business. Those who live consistently a way of being that does not add to the Obesity crisis or any other illness or dis-ease – not because they are special but because they are choosing to live in a way that does not harm the human frame. This is not about perfection but another way that is real, simple and easy to live.
Nothing is working and we all know things are getting worse.
We are heading towards bankrupting our health systems if we don’t change – let us not forget that.
American Heart Association – 22 April 2021
The risk of Heart Disease is high among people who carry excess tummy weight even if they are deemed overweight, researchers have said.
Too much fat around mid-sections and vital organs are at increased risk for heart disease, even if body mass index falls within what is considered a healthy range, according to a new scientific report. Belly fat is also referred to as abdominal fat and visceral adipose tissue or VAT.
The “Obesity epidemic contributes significantly” to many chronic health conditions and cardiovascular disease cases around the world. Specifically, Obesity is associated with a higher risk of Coronary Artery Disease and death from cardiovascular disease. It contributes to High Cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Sleep disorders” said Powell-Wiley – Chief of the Social Determinants of Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk Laboratory at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland.
Weight loss from lifestyle changes improves blood sugar, blood pressure and triglyceride and cholesterol levels – a cluster of factors referred to as metabolic syndrome. It also reduces inflammation, improves blood vessel function and helps non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
In addition, intense weight loss may help curb Atrial Fibrillation, according to the report. Estimates suggest Obesity may account for one-fifth of all cases.
The news scientific statement evaluated research on managing and treating obesity, especially abdominal obesity. Experts concluded that reducing calories and aerobic exercise were the most beneficial for treating obesity.
The Guardian – 27 August 2021
Losing weight through exercise is harder for obese people according to new research.
Apparently lab research could be misleading because estimates of total daily expenditure tend to be less than the sum of baseline and activity expenditure in individuals.
A group of International scientists got together and analysed measurements of energy expenditure from 1,754 adults from data collected over decades and supplied by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
For those that require more knowledge from the study, go to this link
For anyone interested in knowing HOW my husband lost over 11 stone in weight with NO sagging skin – please read on.
This is real life experience and we can no longer ignore what others have to say if they are the living science, which of course we all are. This is not lab stuff or double blind tested or a hypothesis or part of a data analysis about atomic energy. This is basic banana talk straight as it is with no fluff or fancy words.
How on earth does a man go from military service super skinny and doing that gruelling training to a larger than life super mega fat man?
How did he lose ALL that weight and manage to keep it off a decade later with no skin sagging as is the case with every big weight loss?
We need to be asking questions like this and becoming aware that it is actually possible.
It was about cutting out the poison first and foremost but before even going there, he had to ask WHY was he drawn to drinking copious amounts of alcohol, which he discovered back then was a poison. Then looking at his coffee consumption, gluten and dairy. None of us can give up something just because another tells us as it will not work and we have all been there and done that.
For the record, I too was a heffa with a petite size naturally but carrying excess weight for decades. We made eating and no exercise our lifestyle choices and they became ingrained habits.
Back to mr Husband who got a great understanding from a Universal Medicine presentation by Serge Benhayon which was a game changer and life changing for both of us. With understanding we got to know what was behind our eating habits and the unwillingness to move (exercise).
Today, we are both in our late 50s and the world would say we are fit and super healthy with vitality levels like we are super human or living what we could all be living in the future – not dependent on cravings that alter our natural state and keeping the body fit with walking and gym for him and move-fit online for me – a website that gives basic core strength with music and I actually enjoy it for the first time in my life. The bonus is I feel super strong and my shape has changed and I know I have more energy.
What if science can learn from people like us and save all those resources because we are living proof and are representing another way to live, deal with Obesity and actually enjoy fitness with daily exercise that are not pushing with any force?
Journal of Internal Medicine – 19 October 2021
Lifetime Obesity Trends are Associated with Subclinical Myocardial Injury:
The Trondelag Health Study
The Trondelag Health Study is the largest population based cohort in Norway, with more than 150,000 participants from Trondelag County.
Individuals with stable overweight or obesity are at increased risk of subclinical myocardial injury, independently of glycemic dysregulation and abdominal adiposity.
The data in this study support a direct detrimental effect of long standing Obesity on cardiovascular health.
Dear World,
What this study is saying to us is if we are overweight and not quite in the Obesity category, we are at increased risk for heart damage. Having Obesity for a long time will have a huge effect on our heart even if we may not notice this.
Time to re-read this outstanding blog about Obesity and make the necessary changes to get to the root of WHY and HOW we developed excess weight and stop blaming our past and the food industry and the relationship break up, stress, etc.,
As a species we over eat quite happily and as often as we want to and there is nothing or no one that can stop us. Add to that we choose not to move our body and build the muscles necessary to support our structure and bingo – before we know it we have been labelled overweight or obese. What do we do – well for some that is a downward mood thing and we continue to eat the wrong foods and watch even more TV or enjoy our sedentary lifestyle which requires us to do almost zero when it comes to exercise. Even walking to the car seems like an effort.
Our health systems now know this and so do we as this study has been published for the public to access. We therefore have no excuses when it comes to making the movements necessary to bring our body to the fitness levels required to do our job and get back on the road to true health and wellbeing.
World Health Organization – 3 May 2022–europe-can-reverse-its-obesity–epidemic
The new WHO European Regional Obesity Report 2022, published on 3 May by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, reveals that overweight and obesity rates have reached epidemic proportions across the Region and are still escalating, with NONE of the 53 Member States of the Region currently on track to meet the WHO Global Noncommunicable Disease (NCD) target of halting the rise of obesity by 2025.
59% adults in the European Region are overweight or living with obesity
29% boys and 27% girls are overweight or living with obesity
Overweight and Obesity are among the leading causes of death and disability in the European Region, with recent estimates stating 1.2 million deaths annually.
Dear World
The above confirms what is currently going on in Europe and yet the headlines on this Media Release says – New WHO Report: Europe Can Reverse its Obesity “Epidemic”
How and shall we just give it time and see what unfolds now…?
The fact that none of the Member States are on track – how on earth is this going to have a U-Turn now or in the near future?
This article on obesity is well worth re-reading and answering all the questions presented.
The Guardian – 8 June 2022
A rise in the number of people undergoing knee replacement surgery for osteoarthritis, earlier in life, has been linked to increasing rates of Obesity, according to a new research study led by Orthopaedic surgeons.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis which affects the joints.
Those with BMI of 40 or above were considered “Class 3” Obese and these patients undertake knee surgery on average 7 years earlier than those with ‘healthy’ BMIs.
Class 3 obese women aged between 55 and 64 years were 17 times more likely to undergo knee replacement than their normal weight counterparts respectively.
Australia has one of the highest rates of Obesity in the world.
57,000 knee replacement procedures were performed in Australia in 2019.
161% increase since 2003.
The annual incidence of knee replacement is projected to exceed 161,000 procedures by 2030.
Existing research found Obesity resulted in a significant increase in the incidence of total knee replacement in those aged between 18 and 54.
Knee replacement implants do not last forever, with a lifespan of roughly 30 years and doctors are usually reluctant to perform such surgery on younger people because of this.
Dr. Omar Khorshid – an orthopaedic surgeon from Perth said “Obesity was more complex than telling people to diet and exercise. People need specialist, multi-disciplinary support to lose weight.”
“There is not really anything available outside private health care, which is expensive. So all we can suggest is lifestyle changes to help lose weight or some physiotherapy to build muscle strength but we cannot easily refer them for expert help.
Instead they end up having a joint replacement, at ages where that could have been avoided if we had access to those kind of preventive, accessible services and treatments for Obesity” Khorshid added.
Brigham Young University Utah – 23 June 2022
New Study from BYU exercise science researchers reveals critical, rare data detailing the severity of the Obesity epidemic in the United States and confirming it is “not slowing down.”
Published in the Journal of Obesity – 13,000 adults.
Over half gained 5% or more body weight over a 10 year period.
More than a third gained 10% or more body weight.
Fifth gained 20% or more body weight.
10 year weight gain was significantly greater in women than in men.
Women gaining twice as much weight.
Black women experiencing the greatest average weight gain over the 10 year period.
Greatest weight gains found in young and middle-aged adults.
In 20 years, the prevalence of Obesity increased by approximately 40% and severe Obesity almost doubled.
UPI Health News – 25 July 2022
For the first time ever, 1 in 5 children in America is obese.
Obesity rates among U.S. children has increased 22% in 2020.
“What is even more alarming is these data were all collected prior to the pandemic and other data published recently show that children are gaining even more weight because of restrictions to their diet and activity during the pandemic.”
Amanda Staiano – study lead, Director of Pediatric Obesity and Health Behaviour Lab – Louisiana State University’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center
Dear World
Will medications, bariatric surgery or behaviour and weight “management” cut it or do we need to go a bit deeper and answer every single question on this in-depth presentation on obesity?
This blog speaks to us and is asking us to go back to our choices and how we behave. Our behaviour is our movement – so how are we moving every day?
Are we really going down the healthy eating and exercising or is it adhoc and screentime and the weekends seem to give us different movements (behaviours)?
Absolutely everything needs to be considered and lifestyle programs can and will work if the one presenting is actually living it and that means walking the walk and talking the talk. If we are not walking (movements) what we live every day then what kind of role model are we presenting to our children of today?
When we walk the talk, like the author of this website, it comes with an authority that is felt by those that are ready to listen up and are ready for change. Until then we can continue with more research and then some more and then solutions, which are band aids and continue as we have thus far. No real change and hence why a meteoric rise in obesity rates globally and not just children, but across all ages.
Science Daily – 4 August 2022
One third of children in the United States are overweight or obese.
According to a new study, childhood obesity is a complex condition with multiple subtypes. It is a socially significant health issue that may affect different clinical and demographic subtypes of paediatric patients differently.
Researchers say childhood obesity may be associated with an array of underlying medical conditions.
Childhood obesity is linked with an increased risk of developing multiple comorbidities including:
Psychological conditions
The researchers found 8 classes of health conditions that were highly prevalent among children diagnosed with paediatric obesity including:
Respiratory disorders
Sleep disorders
Inflammatory skin conditions
Seizure disorders
Gastrointestinal symptoms
Genitourinary symptoms
Neurodevelopmental disorders
The Guardian – 10 August 2022
Doctors and nurses often “weight shame” people who are overweight or obese, leaving them feeling anxious, depressed and blaming themselves for their condition.
Research shows some people skip medical appointments because they feel humiliated by staff, which can lead to more weight being put on.
The problem is so widespread around the world that health professionals need to be taught as students that excess weight is almost guaranteed in modern society and not the fault of individuals, so they can treat people more sensitively, according to authors of the study.
25 previous studies were analysed about “weight stigma” involving 3,554 health professionals. They found “extensive evidence of strong weight bias” among a wide range of health staff, including doctors, nurses, dieticians, psychologists and even Obesity specialists.
The analysis found that a number of health professionals “believe their patients are lazy, lack self-control, over-indulge, are hostile, dishonest, have poor hygiene and do not follow guidance.’
“Healthcare, including general practice, is one of the most common settings for weight stigmatisation and we know this acts as a barrier to the services and treatments that can help people manage weight”.
Dr. Anastasia Kalea – University College London
In the UK 2/3rds of adults are either overweight or obese, which has warnings of even more cases of diseases, like cancer and diabetes in years to come.
“Healthcare professionals need to get wise to the fact that many individuals affected are powerless to overcome the obesogenic environment in which they live, notably the ultra processed food with slick advertising and relentless marketing encourages them to eat.
They are invariably cash poor and depend on this cheap but less than healthy food to live – an environment from which they have no escape’”
Tam Fry – Chairman of the National Obesity Forum
American Association for the Advancement of Science
EurekAlert – 31 August 2022
A new study published by Oxford University Press USA, indicates that overweight patients are more inclined to disagree with their healthcare providers on weight loss advice and lifestyle.
Researchers also found that there were more doctor-patient disagreements, the more overweight the patient was.
Obesity tripled between 1975 and 2016, according to the World Health Organization.
Conclusion taken from the study – see link
These disagreements could degrade the quality of patient-physician relationship.
Dear World
Have we forgotten how super ultra sensitive we are about our body and weight?
Are our physicians able to relate to a patient and have an approach that could possibly work or would it be true to say that no obese person is going to like being told, suggested or advised about changing food choices and lifestyle?
What we have chosen to dismiss and negate is no one becomes obese without overeating and consistently making ill food choices. Yes, let’s call it ‘ill’ because that is what it is.
We have a plague called Obesity and our solutions are simply not working. Gastric bands for children is not the answer and we have yet to get to the root cause of WHY and HOW anyone gets to be oversized.
It is a no brainer if we simply observed their movements day in and day out, 24/7 for just a week or two. We would see WHY they are the size they are. In other words, watch what they ingest, how they move and their behaviour. There will be no doubt the answers will be clear. This lifestyle choices ‘snapshot’ a microcosm of their life is what we need to be putting to research.
Then get all the researchers in the world to work together and find out how a child starts overeating. What is going on for them and being honest from the start to see if anything is from the child reacting or having hurts or emotions that are simply not expressed. These simple key factors could direct us to the much needed answers so we can end this worldwide plague called Obesity.
Is it not time to ask WHY Obesity has tripled?
Metro News – 8 September 2022
Sausage roll is a staple of British and Irish diets. It has been named as a ‘gateway food’ to obesity.
According to new research, the pastry turns teenagers on to unhealthy eating – acting like a drug.
Lead author Maria Balhara said “Ultra-processed foods are designed to be hyper-palatable or engineered to be as addictive as possible. They are also cheap and convenient. Most people are eating too many of these foods without realising it.
Ultra-processed foods, like bacon butties, pizzas, burgers, ready meals, biscuits, cakes and white bread make up 50% of the average Briton’s diet.
The study found –
12% rise in eating other ultra-processed foods when more pies or sausage rolls were consumed.
31% rise with confectionary which is full of sugar,
11% rise with frozen desserts also full of sugar.
For the record, the author of the study is age 16 and carried out the study while attending high school. What does that tell us?
We do not need another expensive funded research study to tell us what common sense and a teenager is telling us. We do know and we know what to do and not do.
The issue is we are not willing to call it out and stop the rise in Obesity, which let’s face it has something to do with what we eat and the quantities, the amounts we eat and the high fat, high sugar, high salt foods that are designed to make us increase in size.
The World Obesity Federation – 21 September 2022
Economic impact of overweight and obesity set to reach 3.3% of global GDP by 2060.
New peer-reviewed research published in the BMJ Global Health predicts that US $2.2 TRILLION could be saved annually if overweight and obesity remained at 2019 levels.
The economic impact of overweight and obesity is estimated to rise from 2.19% to 3.3% of GDP in 161 countries.
The biggest increase in cost to GDP will be concentrated in lower-resourced countries, which is expected to be 12-25 times greater than 2019 levels.
The countries expected to have the largest economic cost of overweight and obesity are China (over $10 trillion), the United States (over $2.5 trillion) and India ($850 billion).
NIH National Library of Medicine – 28 September 2022
Study found patients with a history of bariatric surgery were at increased risk of developing epilepsy.
Among participants who received bariatric surgery, stroke during follow-up increased epilepsy risk.
The findings suggest that epilepsy is a long-term risk associated with bariatric surgery for weight loss.
Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for obesity and obesity-related chronic conditions. However, this research supports a previous finding that bariatric surgery recipients have an elevated risk of epilepsy.
Dear World
While we wait for future research to investigate epilepsy as a potential long-term complication of bariatric surgery and while we wait for further studies to explore the possible modifying effect of procedure type, it may be a wise move to consider absolutely everything that has been presented in this article on Obesity and then continue reading all comments thereafter posted on this much needed topic which is prevalent worldwide.
The Guardian – 18 October 2022
According to the first study of its kind, children who are raised with neglectful parenting are more likely to grow up obese or overweight.
Parental warmth is key to a healthy weight.
Data over 2 decades on 10,510 children in the UK found authoritarian and neglectful parenting in early childhood were linked with higher weight throughout childhood and adolescence. Both types of parenting are characterised by a lack of warmth.
Childhood obesity is a growing problem worldwide.
1 in 4 children in England aged 10 and 11 are obese.
25% aged 4 and 5 are overweight or obese.
Professor Louise Baur of the World Obesity Federation said “The world today often makes it difficult for children and families to eat well, be physically active, sleep well and cope with stress.”
U.S. News – 14 November 2022
This is the conclusion of a new study charting trends in bariatric (weight-loss) surgery among U.S. teenagers.
2010 – 2017
Researchers found the annual rate of procedures double among kids under age 19.
Black and Hispanic teenagers, who have a higher prevalence of Obesity than their white peers, accounted for a disproportionately low percentage of the procedures.
Teenagers with severe Obesity often already have some of the health conditions traditionally seen in adults, such as Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Kidney Dysfunction.
Doctors stressed that surgery is not for teenagers who are simply overweight.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics – 4.5 million U.S. children and teenagers have severe Obesity, double the number in 1999.
“Obesity does not start in adolescence. Often, a child starts gaining excessive weight in the pre-school years and that is when pediatricians and parents should be talking about healthy nutrition and physical activity.
On that note – Dear World
What if we explore further and start to ask more questions when the pre-school years show us excessive weight?
What has happened and why is the child contracting away or shutting down from their natural state of being that then leads to excess weight?
Is over eating the main reason or lack of activity or is there something else?
Unless we go there and get honest, we are going to continue witnessing the trends where more and more of our kids are going to end up carrying excess weight which we all know is displaying signs that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
Great we have all the solutions, but our health systems are struggling and where is this going and how will it end with most of us not demanding what is the root cause of Obesity and how can we turn the tides, once and for All.
University of Connecticut – 2 December 2022
A new study from the University of Connecticut Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health offers insights about the terminology for weight that adolescents most prefer, dislike and have negative emotional reactions to when their parents raise the topic.
“Body weight is a sensitive topic for many youth and the way that parents talk about it can have an emotional impact.
By asking adolescents their preferred terms when discussing weight related health, parents can promote more supportive and less stigmatizing communication with their children.”
Rebecca Puhl – lead author and Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences.
University of Connecticut – 2 December 2022
A previous study reported finding that epilepsy risk is elevated after bariatric surgery for weight loss; however, this association has not been adequately explored.
Neurology – 22 November 2022
A new study with 16,958 exposed participants and 622,514 unexposed participants was carried out with objectives to:
1. estimate the risk of epilepsy after bariatric surgery for weight loss relative to a non-surgical cohort of patients with an obesity diagnosis.
2. identify epilepsy risk factors among bariatric surgery recipients.
Those who had the surgery had a 45% relative increased risk of developing epilepsy, compared with people who did not have the surgery. Moreover, those who suffered a stroke after weight loss surgery were 14 times more likely to develop epilepsy than those who did not have a stroke.
Lead researcher Dr Jorge Burneo, a professor of neurology at Western University in London, Ontario said “It is important to note that, though elevated, the risk of epilepsy following bariatric surgery is still quite low. It is not clear why bariatric surgery is associated with an increased risk for epilepsy. ”
Dear World
As with all research studies, we are told that more future studies are needed to validate the results and explore other possibilities.
While we wait, would it be wise to consider:
WHY anyone gets to the point where bariatric surgery is needed in the first place?
WHY we are not clear why bariatric surgery is associated with an increased risk for epilepsy?
Just because the risk is low does not mean that we are any further in our evolution when it comes to weight loss surgery.
Global Health Advocacy – 4 January 2023
Columbia enacts 2 major healthy food policies –
Tax on sugar-sweetened beverages and ultra-processed products
Columbia is one of the first countries in the world to tax ultra-processed products.
In addition, the Ministry of Health issued a resolution to enforce a new regulation to include octagonal front of package warning labels on foods high in sugar, sodium, trans fats and with any sweeteners.
Ultra-processed products are defined as industrially manufactured ready to heat and eat foods. These products have grown over the past 25 years and contain low nutritional value and have high levels of sugar, sodium and fat and other additives.
In countries like Columbia with high rates of Obesity and Diabetes, it is critical to shift diets away from ultra-processed products.
NBC News – 9 January 2023
For the first time in 15 years, the American Academy of Pediatrics have released new guidelines for treating childhood Obesity, emphasising a need for early and intensive treatment.
Since 1980’s, Obesity rates have tripled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. And the pandemic made matters worse.
CDC report – see link found the rate of weight gain nearly doubled in 2020, compared to pre-pandemic years.
15 million children and teenagers are affected by Obesity in the U.S. according to CDC data.
The new guidelines emphasise that obesity is a complex and chronic condition without a simple fix. Intensive behavioural and lifestyle changes should be the first-line approach but the AAP also includes recommendations for anti-obesity medications and surgery for the first time. These recommendations are in response to a windfall of research and drug approvals in the past few years.
Obesity is a chronic disease and should be addressed same as other chronic diseases says Dr. Sandra Hassink, medical director of the AAP Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight.
The guidelines say that pediatricians should offer weight loss drugs for children age 12 and up with Obesity. The problem with these drugs is they are very expensive and insurance does not often cover them. A one month supply can cost as much as $1,500.
The guidelines also recommend that teenagers age 13 and up with severe Obesity consider discussing weight-loss surgery. There is research that shows getting bariatric surgery sooner can reverse health issues like Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, which is why surgery should be considered for pediatric patients.
Hassink, of the AAP emphasised that medications and surgery are not first-line treatments and should be considered only in special circumstances when lifestyle changes prove ineffective for individual patients. She acknowledges that these lifestyle changes can be really hard to adopt, especially for overworked and low-income parents.
“There is work going on, but we can safely say that all of us in this country (U.S) are living in an environment that tends to promote Obesity across the board,” said Hassink.
Dr. Roy Kim, a pediatric endocrinologist at Cleveland Children’s Clinic in Ohio says that medications and surgery are expensive and asking overstretched parents to implement lifestyle changes is not always realistic. While the recent drug breakthroughs for treating Obesity are huge, “the best, most effective, safest and most economical approach will always be prevention.”
On that note about prevention..
Dear World
Re-read this article on Obesity by Simple Living Global and consider ALL the questions presented, as there could be some valuable and important pointers to prevent what we now know is a chronic dis-ease of the human body.
House of Commons Library – 12 January 2023
Men more likely to have a body mass index measurement above normal, than women.
75% age 45-74 Overweight or Obese
1 in 10 children Obese by age 5
23% children Obese by age 11
Deprived children more likely to be Obese and the gap has widened.
Obesity Levels increased from 15% in 1993 to 28% in 2019.
Strong Nation – 24 January 2023
77 Percent of American Youth Can’t Qualify for Military Service
Malnutrition, especially malnutrition manifesting as obesity, poses a threat not only to our nation’s health, but to our national security.
Nationwide, 77 percent of youth between the ages of 17 and 24 cannot qualify for military service, an increase from 2017’s already troubling ineligibility rate of 71 percent.
Overweight disqualifies 11 percent of youth from serving if they so choose and contributes to the 44 percent of youth who are disqualified for multiple reasons.
Obesity rates for 2 – 19-year-olds increased from 17 percent in 2009-10 to 19 percent in 2017-18.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Provides access to healthy foods and nutrition education for women, infants and children under 5 years old.
Participation has been linked to improved dietary quality, and increased fruit and vegetable consumption.
Older children consume up to half of their daily calories at school, making the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) an important component of good nutrition.
The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 led to updated nutrition standards for the NSLP and improved guidelines for food and drinks available in schools.
Since these standards were implemented, fruit and vegetable consumption by participating children increased by 16 and 23 percent respectively.
Providing opportunities for children to reach the recommended 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity at school can also help kids maintain a healthy weight.
During the pandemic, rates of obesity among children in this age group increased even further, from 19 percent in August 2019 to 22 percent in August 2020.
The retired admirals and generals of Mission: Readiness recognise that the underlying causes of obesity cannot be solved by the efforts of the military alone.
With an increase of youth being ineligible for military service, it is more important than ever for policymakers, including state and local school boards, to promote healthy eating, increased access to fresh and nutritional foods, and physical activity for children from an early age.
All of this makes sense – access to healthy, fresh, nutritional food.
At least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise.
This is at school – but what happens when the kids go home?
What happens when the parents are too tired and can’t be bothered to cook a health nutritious meal?
What happens when the easy thing to do is order a take-away?
Children do not go to work so they cannot pay for these take-aways.
The schools can only do so much.
The military aside, obesity is one of the biggest expenses for health services and businesses due to the myriad of complications that can arise from being overweight.
The children are our future workers, policymakers, leaders of industry.
Doesn’t it make sense to ensure they are not pumped full of unhealthy, nutrition lacking food and drink?
Diabetes UK – 8 March 2023
The NHS has approved a weight loss injection and is set to offer this to thousands of people living with Obesity in England.
Health Officials have warned this is not a “quick-fix”.
The drug mimics the hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and suppresses appetite and causes people to eat less.
The drug is being used by celebrities.
The drug will not be available to everyone and The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has stated that it remains value for money for the taxpayer and it can only be used for a maximum of 2 years.
26% of adults in England are obese
38% are overweight
Dear World
We have all seen that when celebrities endorse or share on their social media platforms about drugs, such as this one, chances are this will become a trend. Add to that the media news on this ‘weight loss’ drug.
Regardless, of the warnings and reminders that this is not for everyone, those that see it as a solution or quick fix or the answer to their weight issues will find a way. When we want something and that means demand, there will be a supplier as that is how our world operates.
What if we started questioning things more and reading articles such as this one which is spelling it all out and asking us to consider perhaps another way of living that may just work, as nothing out there seems to be giving us the answers that deal with Obesity. Solutions are great for the short term as we have seen but we ought to wake up that they remain a band aid and not ever do they deal with the root cause of any ill that we have created.
One thing we need to be reminded of – back in the old days, Obesity was rare. So why not look at how we live today and what we ingest by way of foods and drinks that really do nothing in terms of nutritional value but add excess weight on our body? Common sense was something that was relied on back in the days of our granny and common sense today has answers if we dare go there as it’s very simple.
NBC Health News – 22 March 2023
Eating fatty or sugary snacks can alter our brain activity, according to researchers at Yale University and the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Germany.
Introducing even small amounts of high-fat, high-sugar foods into people’s diets can rewire their brain circuits. It creates lasting preferences for these less healthy items.
The study concluded that fatty, sugary snacks activate the brain’s dopamine system, which gives people a feeling of motivation or reward.
An example given is eating dessert around the holidays, then finding the pattern hard to break.
“Diet of high-fat, high-sugar has such a strong effect on brain activity that dopamine signals can fire even when someone anticipates eating fatty or sugary food, like when they pass by a bakery or smell a pastry.
It just tells us how sensitive we are to the food environment and how the food environment can actually change our behaviour.”
D. Small – Senior Author and Director of Yale University School of Medicine’s Modern Diet and Physiology Research Center.
Dear World
We all know that eating high fat or high sugar content which are available in snacks is linked to Obesity. We call it lifestyle choices.
There is nothing or no one that can stop us eating what we want, when we want, with who we want and how we want.
Those that profit from these snacks are not suddenly going to stop supplying when they know there is a demand.
The questions we ought to start asking is WHY do we need that dopamine reward?
WHY are we so not able to stop ourselves from going there and what is behind all of this?
What is going on for a human being that needs food that was clearly not designed for human consumption to crave it and go back for more, regardless of the consequences?
Where will this stop and what is it that we can do to turn the tides, once and for all?
Diabetes is now a global epidemic with numbers rising and predictions that more children will develop Type 2 Diabetes.
We have child Obesity at epic proportions in our world today and while we call ourselves the most intelligent species, it looks like we have failed when it comes to basic education from day dot for our kids. Sugar as we know is a legal poison and very addictive. We are introduced from a young age to sugar and snacks follow soon after.
The snacks industry is in business and profiting because we, yes we the masses put them there.
And finally, it is high time we looked a bit deeper at our Global Obesity crisis instead of waiting for more scientific evidence or the next forum, conference or journal.
We have a 911 and we do not seem to have the answers on how to change the trajectory which is now out of control.
What if there is another way but it means ‘think outside the box’ as the old saying goes?
We cannot continue down the road we have adopted forever as it simply is not working. Man has developed Obesity and therefore man has the answer to deal with it.
Let’s go there and why not, we have nothing to lose.
Let’s start with this article and then move on to Junk Foods, Fast Foods and honestly answer all the questions presented.
Let’s start conversations at every opportunity about the topic of unhealthy snacks and its strong correlation to Obesity.
A great question posed from Simple Living Global for those that don’t know where to start is – What is going on for someone that needs the dopamine reward centre in the brain activated? In other words, what is missing, what is the void that makes them go for high fat and high sugar foods?
Independent News – 21 March 2023
An investigation has found 7 British patients have died after weight loss surgery in Turkey.
The Foreign Office reports that since January 2019, at least 22 British citizens have died following trips to Turkey for medical procedures, advising against so-called “medical tourism” on account of varying facilities and treatments from country to country.
Weight loss surgery is available on the NHS but a combination of long waiting lists and costly private healthcare, some patients seek procedures abroad.
The most common type of weight loss surgery is a gastric band, gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, working to increase weight loss as the stomach becomes fuller quicker. This is achieved either through the placement of a band, the joining of the top part of the stomach to the small intestine or through the removal of part of the stomach.
£9,500 – £15,000 cost of treatments in the UK through private providers.
£2,000 cost in Turkey.
The NHS guidelines stipulate that those eligible for weight loss surgery must have tried all other methods for weight loss and in the event of receiving the surgery, they must agree to attend regular checks and make appropriate lifestyle changes.
Weight loss surgery does not come without risk. Patients can be left with excess folds of skin, gallstones or blood clots in the leg and might struggle to obtain enough vitamins and minerals from their diet.
A gastric band can also slip out of place, allowing food to leak from the passage between the stomach and small intestine or causing a blockage or narrowing in the gut.
Diabetes UK – 8 May 2023
Toddlers and young children developing Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure has rocketed in recent years, health officials have warned.
Experts say the number of Diabetes cases in young children has surged due to the country’s growing childhood obesity problem.
Obesity has been the root cause of many hospital appointments for Diabetes, with the number more than doubling since 2014.
Healthcare officials have also witnessed a sharp rise in gallstones and weight-related knee complications in children.
More than a fifth of primary school children are classed as overweight or obese, while 4 in 10 secondary school children are above the recommended BMI.
“The Government has abandoned attempts to prevent obesity due to supporting big corporate food companies. Many children are still consuming far too much junk food which is loaded with salt, sugar and calories.”
Professor Graham MacGregor
American Association for the Advancement of Science – 10 May 2023
A new study has found that an overweight or obese body mass index (BMI) in early and middle adulthood is associated with increased risk for gastrointestinal cancer. The study also found that frequent aspirin use did not modify this increased risk in overweight and obese individuals.
Colorectal cancer is the 3rd most common cancer among men and women in the United States. More than 150,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer are diagnosed annually.
“70% of the U.S. population is considered overweight or obese and understanding the association between obesity and long-term disease risk, such as cancer, is critical for improving public health…Our study suggests that being overweight or obese during several phases of life can increase a persons’s risk for gastrointestinal cancers in later adulthood.”
Lead author Holli Loomans-Kropp – Phd
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center
The Guardian – 17 May 2023
Past Obesity can have lasting effects on mental health, according to a new study on ‘weight scarring’.
History of Obesity increases the risk of early death by 30%, regardless of current weight. This is because they are more likely to struggle with their mental health.
The study tests the “weight scarring” hypothesis, which theorises that past Obesity can leave a negative legacy on a person’s current psychological wellbeing that can bring about meaningful health consequences, such as depression and anxiety.
The Guardian – 16 May 2023
Weight Gain Early in Life Increases Risk of Prostate Cancer Death by 27%.
A study of more than 250,000 men from Sweden indicated there was a strong link between men gaining weight across their healthiest years and developing prostate cancer.
Part of the Obesity and Disease Development Sweden study from 1963 to 2014, researchers analysed the data of men who had their weight measured at least three times between the ages of 17 and 60.
The findings indicated there was a strong link between men gaining weight across their healthiest years and developing prostate cancer.
Men who put on 2st (12.7kg) before turning 30 are 27% more likely to die from prostate cancer in old age than those who maintain their teenage weight.
But gaining weight more steeply puts you at a similar risk.
13kgs (28lbs) between the ages of 17 and 29 is associated with –
13% increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
27% increased risk of fatal prostate cancer.
• 23,348 participants were diagnosed with prostate cancer.
• Average age at diagnosis of 70 years.
• 4,790 men died from the disease.
1.4 million cases diagnosed every year –
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer occurring in men.
UK –
1 in 6 are diagnosed with the disease.
12,000 men a year die from the disease, and
African-Caribbean men in the UK are almost twice as likely to die from the disease compared with white men.
Many prostate cancers are slow-growing and may not cause a man harm during his lifetime.
8 in 10 men diagnosed in England live for at least 10 years after diagnosis, others can be more aggressive and harder to treat.
Previous research has suggested a strong link between excess body fat increases and the risk of aggressive and fatal prostate cancer.
Uppsala University – 31 May 2023
In a new study, researchers investigated how junk food affects sleep.
After the unhealthier diet, the quality of the participants’ deep sleep had deteriorated, compared with those who had followed a healthier diet. The results have been published in the journal Obesity.
Several epidemiological studies have shown that what we eat is associated with changes in our sleep.
“Both poor diet and poor sleep increase the risk of several public health conditions. As what we eat is so important for our health.”
Jonathan Cedernaes – Physician and Associate Professor in Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University.
This randomized trial concludes that short term consumption of a more unhealthy diet alters sleep oscillatory features that regulate the restorative properties of sleep.
The Guardian – 2 June 2023
Fire crews in England deal with Obesity callouts every 4 hours.
2,319 times firefighters help move people in 2022 to help police or ambulance with “bariatric assistance” coming to the aid of people who otherwise are unable to leave their homes due to serious Obesity.
58% increase since 2020.
Separate data shows increasing complexity or bariatric rescues with more personnel and equipment required for such procedures last year.
Data shows 1 in 8 incidents required more than 4 vehicles in attendance in the past 2 years.
The rise in cases has been linked to increasing levels of Obesity, which is heavily concentrated in the poorest areas of the country and is increasingly common among children.
26% of adults in England were Obese.
15% of adults in England were Obese.
The figures show large rises in Obesity among some younger age cohorts:
24% aged 25 to 34 were Obese in 2021.
27% were Obese in the 35 – 44 age group in 2022.
Katharine Jenner – Director of the Obesity Health Alliance, a group of over 50 health organisations said “It is essential that we tackle the root causes, such as the flood of unhealthy food and drink that is constantly marketed and promoted to us.
Now we are seeing a deeply concerning rise in Obesity rates in people at younger and younger ages with devastating consequences for physical and mental health.”
Diabetes UK – 1 June 2023
More people are turning to plastic surgery to remove excess saggy skin as a result of the surge in popularity of weight loss drugs.
In America, 2 drugs came onto the market to help people lose weight and the number of prescriptions for these drugs has skyrocketed.
However, a side effect of rapid weight loss can be saggy skin and many people are now opting to go for cosmetic surgery to have it removed.
Dramatic weight loss can also leave people with a gaunt face, leading them to get filler in their cheeks to correct it.
With social media influencers now sporting ‘skinnier’ looks, cosmetic surgeons have warned of the dangers of chasing trends in plastic surgery.
Plastic Surgeon Dr. William Koenig from New York said the rise in tummy tucks and fillers goes “hand in hand” with the growing popularity of the drug Semaglutide. He said that being skinny is more attainable with these medications.
“The influencers, they influence. They definitely seem to now have more angular faces, less chest and a smaller body.”
Semaglutide was initially developed to treat Type 2 Diabetes but after it was found to help people lose weight, it was re-branded and promoted as just a weight loss drug.
According to the CDC – 70% of the American population are overweight and 40% of these people are obese.
Mail Online – 3 June 2023
Airlines have been accused of fuelling Britain’s child obesity epidemic by packing inflight meals containing up to 3 days’ worth of sugar.
An investigation has found that meals offered to children by certain airlines contain up to 16 teaspoons of sugar.
16 grams of sugar was recommended for children aged 4 to 6.
Choices likely to be picked for a child had 28 grams of sugar or 7 teaspoons.
NHS have recently revealed young children are being treated for high blood pressure, diabetes and knee-joint problems.
More than one fifth of children are now overweight or obese when they stary primary school.
NHS England – 14 June 2023
NHS to open new specialist clinics for obese children and young people
Thousands more children and young people who are severely obese will receive intensive support from the NHS, with 10 new specialist clinics set to open across England.
3,000 obese children and young people aged between 2 and 18 will receive help to lose weight, treatment for complications as well as tailored care packages developed with their family, which could include diet plans, mental health care and coaching.
Early intervention can prevent long term health problems such as heart attacks and strokes.
Backed by £18 million over next 2 years, the boosted rollout doubles the ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Plan to introduce 15 new clinics in England.
Diabetes UK – 19 June 2023
Obesity epidemic drives NHS prescription cost past £10 billion.
Obesity rates in the UK have significantly increased, NHS officials have said.
2022/23 financial year, the NHS spent £10.4 billion on prescription drugs.
According to the new report, prescriptions for Type 2 Diabetes have increased drastically, with NHS spending £1.4 billion on pills like metformin.
60% of Britains are classed as overweight. This number is expected to rise further in the coming years.
The government is set to supply a weight loss injection Semaglutide to overweight people in an attempt to tackle the Obesity crisis in the UK.
Currently the weight loss injection is available on the NHS for some people living with Type 2 Diabetes.
Tam Fry from the National Obesity Forum said “Unfortunately, we have a huge number of people who are so fat they need drugs in order to lose weight. But the horror is we have basically done nothing for the last 25 years to prevent Obesity in the first place.
If you don’t prevent the disease from occurring you naturally have to expect to have to pay a lot to cure it. Prevention is always cheaper.
It is a no brainer that we should really be doing something right from birth. I tear my hair out when I see the Government doing absolutely nothing.
Prevention of Obesity will save a sack full of money for the NHS in the long term and this prevention should start in the first 5 years of life rather than leaving it until obese or overweight has already gotten a grip.”
Research has shown 10% of children are obese by the time they start primary school.
Dear World
We ALL know that with Obesity comes other health complications like Type 2 Diabetes, some cancers and cardiovascular disease. But we do nothing as we are generally mis-informed and let’s get real, its suits our lifestyle.
What if we had real Obesity Awareness Educators that can present to ALL ages and so we do not end up at conception with overweight or obese parents? Why wait until they are born, let’s get to the parents, the children, then everyone.
What is missing it seems is real proper education about food, physical activity and how we react and respond in everyday life. Let us not forget the latter as we know in particular kids that don’t express, hold back and stuff themselves with foods to numb out what they feel. This is obvious now and in our face so what are we going to do about it and when will this stop?
With our irresponsible choices we are bankrupting the NHS and yet we each have the individual responsibility to change that with our new way of living but are we ready?
Science Daily – 4 July 2023
A study involving more than 745,000 adolescents from 41 countries across Europe and North America identified an increase in the amount of teenagers who underestimate their body weight.
Tracking data from 2002 to 2018, the peer-reviewed findings, published in Child and Adolescent Obesity, demonstrate a noticeable decrease in those who overestimate their weight too.
The researchers warned that these shifting trends in body weight perception could reduce the effectiveness of public health interventions aimed at weight reduction in young people.
“During this impressionable age, body weight perception may influence a young person’s lifestyle choices, such as the amount and types of food they eat and their exercise habits. So it is concerning that we are seeing a trend where fewer adolescents perceive themselves as being overweight. Young people who underestimate their weight and therefore do not consider themselves to be overweight may not feel they need to lose excess weight and, as a result they may make unhealthy lifestyle choices.”
Lead author – Dr. Anouk Geraets from the Department of Social Sciences at University of Luxembourg
Diabetes UK – 19 July 2023
Junk food and cheap Alcohol has triggered increase of Liver Cancer deaths in the past decade.
40% increase in Liver Cancer over the last 10 years triggered by unhealthy lifestyles.
Liver Cancer is now the fastest rising cause of Cancer deaths in the UK.
Pamela Healy, the Chief Executive of the British Liver Trust
“The key drivers for the increase in cases and deaths are Alcohol and Obesity.
Too many of us are drinking too much Alcohol and are overweight.
The Government must urgently tackle the accessibility and abundance of unhealthy food which is often significantly cheaper.”
Pamela Healy – Chief Executive of the British Liver Trust
Public Health officials are now calling for the Government to set a minimum pricing on Alcohol after Scotland introduced a minimum price of 50p a unit in 2018.
According to the British Liver Trust, cases of Liver Cancer can be reduced by getting an earlier diagnosis, having better access to the most effective treatment and having a greater focus on prevention.
The Trust has discovered that people with Liver Disease are more at risk of developing Liver Cancer compared to those without the condition.
However, the charity has reported that healthy lifestyle adjustments can reverse the disease, such as reducing junk food and Alcohol intake.
Population-wide measures which regulate the affordability and accessibility of Alcohol and unhealthy food are proven to be more effective than individual behaviour change in reducing disease.
95,000 people prevented from becoming obese due to ban on junk food advertising on Transport for London.
Junk food in reality TV could be fuelling Obesity.
6,000 cases of Liver Cancer are detected every year in the UK, equating to 16 per day.
15% of people with Liver Cancer live for five years or more after their diagnosis.
A representative from the Department of Health said:
Dear World
We know this is a worldwide problem and not just happening in the UK.
Most of us are not aware that having trashy lifestyles and that means consuming foods and drinks that are not in any way having benefit for our body will have serious consequences.
This is now in our face and we simply cannot afford to insist we are ok and carry on like its not happening.
We can no longer wait for the next research study and the next and neither are we going to make any real changes with our quick fix solutions.
Time to wake up and join the dots and keep it simple with a bit of good old fashion common sense.
We eat too much – far more than our body needs.
We crave foods that are referred to as junk but we ignore and do nothing to make changes.
We drink alcohol more than we do simple plain water.
We eat in excess and drink alcohol in excess, but never ever question why.
We don’t seem to like reading or hearing about the fact that cancer is waiting for us and its going to hit us fast if we carry on down the Obesity road.
We have become comfortable in life cruising on the disease road as that is what happens when we just keep going with our unhealthy lifestyle, thinking we are getting away with it, but we conveniently forget there are and will be serious consequences.
Our body is very resilient but everything we do to it is communicated back to us and we do not like that when we have the signs and symptoms that send us messages that we have assaulted and that means we have abused our precious body – that vehicle we have with us until our last breath.
Is it time to educate from day dot so our very young children are not creating a demand for any forms of sugar or screen time because they have been in-formed of what happens if they do?
If they then want to and parents are aware of the education, then it is their choice. Every choice we make has consequences, let us not forget this.
eCancer – 21 July 2023
Researchers reveal why obesity makes ovarian cancer more deadly.
Most women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed with the most advanced form of the disease. Less than one third of those diagnosed with the disease survive 5 years later.
Ovarian cancer is the 3rd most common type of gynaecological cancer, with 200,000 reported deaths globally in 2020, according to a recent study.
Obesity, considered a non-infectious pandemic, is known to increase the risk of ovarian cancer and decrease the likelihood of surviving the disease.
In cancer patients with a BMI higher than 30, the researchers found a particular pattern in the type of immune cells surrounding cancerous tumours.
The cancerous tumours in obese patients were also surrounded in more stiff, fibrous tissue known to help tumours resist treatment by chemotherapy.
WILEY Online Library – 21 July 2023
UPI Health News – 21 July 2023
A new 24 year follow up study of patients who received bariatric surgery has found that while the procedure is generally safe and effective, it presents a clear increased risk the patient will go on to develop a drug use disorder.
4,000 patients with obesity – those who underwent weight loss surgery were 2.5 times more likely to go on to develop a non-alcohol related substance use disorder than those who receive standard obesity care.
IHME | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation – 21 August 2023
A new study reveals the most common form of Arthritis known as Osteoarthritis affects 15% of the global population over the age of 30.
The study projects nearly 1 billion people will be living with osteoarthritis by 2050.
The research study analysed 30 years of osteoarthritis data from 1990 to 2020 covering more than 200 countries and was led by IHME as part of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.
Obesity is a major contributor to Osteoarthritis.
Obesity was responsible for 20% of the disability of Osteoarthritis.
The most common spots for osteoarthritis are knees and hands.
75% increase in Osteoarthritis of the knee
48% increase in the hand
78% increase in the hip
95% increase in elbow and shoulder
There is no cure for Osteoarthritis.
The study found that cases increased rapidly over the past 3 decades because of 3 main factors: aging, population growth and obesity.
256 million people had Osteoarthritis
595 million people had Osteoarthritis, which was a 132% increase from 1990.
American Heart Association – 6 September 2023
Obesity related cardiovascular disease deaths TRIPLED between 1999 and 2020 in the United States.
Black adults had the highest rates of obesity-related cardiovascular disease deaths.
The highest percentage was found in black women, according to a new research study in the Journal of the American Heart Association.
Black adults who lived in urban communities experienced more obesity-related cardiovascular disease deaths than those living in rural areas.
Obesity remains a global public health crisis and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
42% of the U.S. population are affected and this is an increase of 10% from the preceding decade, according to 2023 statistics – see link. – 16 September 2023
Fatty Liver: cases rise by 131% in the last 30 years
The number of people living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the USA is rapidly rising.
Otherwise known as NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the term for the range of conditions caused by a build-up of fat in the liver.
50% more at risk of developing NAFLD compared to White people are those with Mexican descent (Hispanic) the most likely to be diagnosed with the condition, according to data.
NAFLD is also more common in people with diet related issues, Obesity, High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has identified
131% increase in NAFLD cases, going from 16% in 1988 and 37% in 2018
If left untreated, NAFLD can trigger the development of some life-threatening diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer.
Typical symptoms of NAFLD are:
• Weight loss
• Fluid retention
• Muscle wasting
• Internal bleeding
• Yellowing of the skin or eyes
• Long-lasting itching
• Severe tiredness
• Spiderlike blood vessels on the skin
• Confusion
• Weakness
The condition can also develop without showing any signs, so middle-aged adults are encouraged to get their liver examined, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions.
UPI Health News – 28 September 2023
People who gained weight and those who had a slow gait speed – a marker of low physical fitness developed kidney disease faster than those who had stable weight and higher fitness, according to a new multi-ethnic cohort study.
Previous studies found an association between weight gain and higher chronic kidney disease risk but this study is among the first to explore the role of physical fitness and chronic kidney disease risk in an obese population without diabetes or kidney disease as a baseline.
Kidney disease risk was similar between those who maintained their weight and those who lost weight.
The results of the study say that preventing weight gain and improving physical fitness are important to mitigate kidney disease risk among obese adults.
“Over 40% of adults in the United States have obesity, which is an independent risk factor for kidney disease.
Most studies that have looked at kidney disease risk factors in obese adults have focussed on those with Diabetes or other risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease.”
Study lead author – Dr. Meera N. Harhay, Professor of Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine.
Dr. Marie Nevin, endocrinologist who was not involved in the research said this was a “solid study” based on its size and 10 year duration.
Northwestern University – 10 October 2023
Pregnancy complications such as Preeclampsia and Gestational Diabetes have recently been associated with a higher risk of developing heart disease later in life.
A new study from Northwestern Medicine found Obesity before or during pregnancy is the actual root cause of future cardiovascular disease.
Prior to this study, scientists were unsure which factor – Obesity or pregnancy complications played a larger role in cardiovascular disease risk years after pregnancy.
This large, multi-center and diverse study is the first to disentangle that question, ultimately determining that pre-pregnancy Obesity is the true driver of both poor pregnancy outcomes and further cardiovascular disease risk.
It is one of the only studies to follow its participants – half of whom were overweight or had Obesity from the beginning of their first pregnancy through several years postpartum.
“We demonstrate for the first time that adverse pregnancy outcomes are primarily indicators and not the root cause of future heart health”.
Dr. Sandiya Khan – Northwestern Medicine Physician and Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology.
JAMA Pediatrics 11 December 2023
According to a cohort study, high BMI in late adolescence was associated with early CKD -Chronic Kidney Disease in young adulthood. This risk was also present in seemingly healthy individuals with high-normal BMI and before 30 years of age and a greater risk was seen among those with severe obesity.
These findings suggest that adolescent obesity is a major risk factor for early CKD in young adulthood; this underscores the importance of mitigating adolescent obesity rates and managing risk factors for kidney disease in adolescents with high BMI.
Diabetes UK – 18 December 2023
Britain’s Obesity Epidemic is costing £100 BILLION a year.
The number of overweight people has significantly increased since the mid-90s, rising from 50% to 65%, according to a new study.
The rise is due to more eating processed, calorie-laden foods and having inactive lifestyles.
Previous research studies have demonstrated that adults living with Obesity are a huge financial strain on the NHS.
The analysis also found that those living with Obesity are also at risk of not being able to work due to illness and therefore having to apply for social benefits.
350,000 middle-aged adults are not working because they are living with overweight.
Latest NHS data revealed that the health service currently spends £19 Billion on treating weight-related health complications, such as High Blood Pressure, Type 2 Diabetes and Depression.
New weight loss drugs could become an essential tool in the battle against Obesity, experts have said.
“Our concern is that weight loss drugs are currently being presented as a viable solution to Obesity for the whole population.
They complement but do not compete with population measures like protecting kids from junk food advertising and encouraging companies to put healthier products on our supermarket shelves.
If we only attempt to treat people without changing the environment that made them ill in the first place, we will simply be spending huge amounts of extra money in the NHS for little to no long-term benefit.”
Katharine Jenner – Director of the Obesity Health Alliance (OHA)
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center – 8 January 2024
A new study links anti-psychotic drugs with weight gain and other metabolic disorders.
An increased concentration of the hormone leptin in fat cells is linked to being responsible for weight gain associated with antipsychotic drugs.
The study was published in Science Translational Medicine.
Despite the effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in managing psychiatric conditions, certain prescriptions can cause patients to add significant weight gain and in some cases result in Diabetes and liver disease.
It is a well established side effect of these drug interventions for those that start taking these antipsychotic drugs. The study implicates that leptin is a key driver of these negative metabolic consequences, said Professor Phillipp Scherer of Internal Medicine.
The Guardian – 29 February 2024
More than a billion people worldwide are obese
Over past three decades, Obesity rates increased fourfold among children and doubled among adults.
Analysis of the weight and height measurements of over 220 million people from more than 190 countries shows how body mass index (BMI) changed across the world between 1990 and 2022.
Approximately 1,500 researchers contributed to the study by the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO).
For girls worldwide, the Obesity rate increased from 1.7% of the world’s population in 1990, to 6.9% in 2022. For boys, the increase was from 2.1% to 9.3% over the same period.
Obesity is defined as having a BMI greater or equal to 30kg/m2.
For women, Obesity rates worldwide increased from 8.8% to 18.5%, and for men 4.8% to 14% across the same period.
At the same time, rates of people who are underweight fell for both children and adults, meaning that Obesity is the most common form of malnutrition across many countries worldwide.
The proportion of the world’s children and adolescents who were underweight fell by around one-fifth in girls and more than one-third in boys, while the proportion of the world’s adults who were affected by being underweight more than halved over the same period.
In total, 880 million adults and 159 million children were living with Obesity in 2022. Tonga, American Samoa and Nauru were the nations with the highest Obesity rate at over 60%.
The UK ranked 87th highest in the world for Obesity rates for women, and 55th highest for men.
The senior author of the study said it was “very concerning” the epidemic of Obesity that was evident among adults in much of the world in 1990 is now mirrored in school-age children and adolescents.
He said: “At the same time, hundreds of millions are still affected by undernutrition, particularly in some of the poorest parts of the world. To successfully tackle both forms of malnutrition it is vital we significantly improve the availability of healthy, nutritious foods.”
The director general of the WHO said: “Getting back on track to meet the global targets for curbing Obesity will take the work of governments and communities, supported by evidence-based policies from WHO and national public health agencies. Importantly, it requires the cooperation of the private sector, which must be accountable for the health impacts of their products.”
The NHS England’s national clinical director for children and young people said: “These figures will be alarming to parents as they are to the NHS.
Obesity affects every human organ system, and so at a young age can have a major impact on a child’s life, increasing their risk of Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, mental health issues and many other illnesses, which can lead to shorter and unhappier lives.”
He added: “The NHS is committed to helping as many young people and families affected by extreme weight issues as possible through our network of 30 specialist clinics, which offered tailored packages of physical, psychological and social support – but the NHS cannot solve this issue alone and continued joined-up action by industry and wider society is needed if we are to avoid a ticking health timebomb for the future.”
Is it possible that the ticking timebomb is already here?
Is it possible that the ticking timebomb has been here for quite some time already?
Those in authority have known for a very long time that the incidence of Obesity is beyond control and putting governments and communities together to put forward goals and targets of what needs to be done about it is simply not working.
Of course we are obese.
We have been for a long time.
We are obese because we eat too much food.
We are obese because we eat too much of the wrong foods.
We are obese because we eat for comfort.
We are obese because we eat to push down our emotions.
We are obese because we eat at the wrong time of day.
We are obese because we do little to no physical activity.
We are obese because we eat food to distract from the things we need to get on with.
And then we wonder why we are obese!!!
The italicised paragraph below is of some note –
“Importantly, it requires the cooperation of the private sector, which must be accountable for the health impacts of their products.”
Is it possible that therein lies part of the problem?
Is it possible that the private sector is only interested in making a profit?
Is it possible that the private sector will continue to provide these low-cost nutrition lacking foods if we are demanding them?
It has to work both ways here and we can’t just blame the producers of unhealthy food.
We are the ones buying it. We are the ones eating it. We are the ones enjoying it. We are the ones complaining about it when we get obese.
Medical News – 7 March 2024
Parental Obesity linked to higher odds of adult offspring Obesity.
A new research study states that individuals have 6 times the odds of living with Obesity in middle age if both their parents lived with Obesity at that age.
The analysis of height and weight data showed a strong association between parents’ BMI in middle age (40-59 years) and that of their offspring at the same age.
The odds were also raised when only one parent lived with Obesity.
When only the mother lived with Obesity, the offspring had 3.44 times higher odds of living with Obesity themselves.
The corresponding number for fathers was 3.74.
The research will be presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Venice – May 2024.
Independent – 8 March 2024
The stats show the children of obese parents are more likely to become obese
A new study suggests that people are six times more likely to be obese in middle age if both parents were obese at that age.
Having one parent living with Obesity triples the odds.
Analysis of height and weight data showed a strong link between parents’ body mass index (BMI) in the middle age (40-59 years) and that of their children of the same age.
The lead researcher, Mari Mikkelsen, of the Department of Community Medicine, UiT Arctic University of Norway, said: “From previous studies we know that several factors contribute to the shared Obesity status between parents and their children.
“Genes play an important role by affecting our susceptibility to weight gain and influence how we respond to obesogenic environments in which it can be easy to eat unhealthily.
“Some studies also speculate that children tend to develop similar dietary and exercise habits to their parents when they all live together under the same roof, resulting in a similar BMI status.
Obesity in childhood, and especially in adolescence, tends to follow the individual into early adulthood and so suspected it would also follow them into middle age.
“We found that this is indeed the case – children whose parents lived with Obesity are much more likely to be living with Obesity themselves when they are in their 40’s and 50’s, long after they have left home.”
The researchers used data from the Tromso study, an ongoing health study in Norway.
Everyone who was aged 40 to 59 years old when they took part in the seventh wave of the study (carried out in 2015-2016), and whose parents took part in its fourth wave (1994-1995) at the same age, were included in the analysis, giving 2,068 parent-offspring trios.
When both parents were obese in middle age, their children had six times higher odds of living with Obesity themselves in middle age, than adults with both parents in the normal weight range.
When only the mother lived with Obesity, the child had 3.44 times higher odds of living with Obesity, and 3.74 times higher odds if just the father was obese.
Ms Mikkelsen said: “It can’t be established from our analyses whether this is due to genes or environment but we are most likely looking at a combination of two.
“Whatever the explanation, our finding that Obesity is transmitted between generations can persist well into adulthood underlines the importance of treating and preventing Obesity, a condition that contributes significantly to ill health and premature death.
“It also lays the foundation for research into factors that influence the intergenerational transmission of Obesity and that can be targeted to prevent offspring from spending their whole life affected by Obesity.”
Apart from ascertaining the actual figures involved in this study, could it be possible that, any study is not needed to tell us that some children living with obese parents, may be obese in their middle age?
Is it possible that, if we have lived with a reflection from our parents of eating unhealthily, doing little to no exercise and generally not taking care of themselves, our standard in life is going to be that of which we have observed, namely our parents’ lifestyle choices and standards?
Likewise, if we observe our parents’ lifestyle and standards to be of healthy eating, regular activity and taking care of themselves, then, is it possible that we are more likely to adopt those standards which are being reflected to us?
Of course, all of this can be easily changed by understanding how our body interacts with food, the benefits of regular moderate exercise and sleep quality.
If obese children of obese parents become obese in their middle age, is it possible that true lifestyle changes will be very beneficial in reducing Obesity levels?
In fact, surely these lifestyle changes will benefit anyone, obese or not?
Queen Mary University of London – 13 March 2024
Girls with Obesity are more likely to experience pain in their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments or tendons compared with children with a healthy weight, according to a new research study by Queen Mary University of London.
The study was published in Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Previous research has indicated a link between musculoskeletal problems and Obesity in children but this study is the first to observe the association within a large, ethnically diverse population in the UK, with high levels of childhood Obesity and deprivation.
Knee and back pain were among the most common symptoms reported and may be caused by excess weight placing additional stress on the body’s joints.
Precision Medicine – 29 March 2024
Childhood Obesity linked to MS in adulthood.
Childhood Obesity more than doubles the risk of later developing Multiple Sclerosis (MS) according to new research.
The study will be presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Italy – May 2024.
Paediatric Obesity is associated with several autoimmune diseases and the leading hypothesis is that a persistent low-grade inflammatory state, which is typically observed in Obesity, is the cause of this association.
Emerging evidence implies a link between high body mass index (BMI) in adolescence and an increased risk of MS.
World Obesity Federation – 2024
Over 1.5 billion adults and 400 million children will be living with Obesity in 12 years time unless significant action is taken.
Global study predicts that more than half the global population will be living with overweight and Obesity within 12 years if prevention, treatment and support do not improve.
3% of global GDP is on par with the financial impact of the pandemic in 2020.
Every single region will see an increase in economic impact by 2035, with the Americas (North, Central and South America) shouldering the highest costs as a proportion of the GDP (3.7%) and the Western Pacific region the highest total costs ($1.56 trillion U.S.)
51% (over 4 billion) will be living with either overweight or Obesity by 2035 if current trends prevail.
1 in 4 people will have Obesity.
1 in 7 people currently live with Obesity.
Childhood Obesity is predicted to more than double by 2035 from 2020 levels.
Rates are predicted to be double among boys, which is a 100% increase and more than double among girls – 125% increase.
Childhood Obesity is rising particularly fast.
By 2035, the economic impact of overweight and Obesity is estimated to be over $370 billion a year in low and lower-middle income countries alone.
“We simply cannot afford to ignore the rising rates of Obesity any longer”.
Johanna Ralston – CEO of the World Obesity Federation
Institute for Fiscal Studies – 4 April 2024
Takeaways and meal delivery grew by more than 50% during the pandemic and have stayed HIGH thereafter.
Restaurant openings saw takeaway consumption fall through in 2020 but it began to rise again going into 2021.
These HIGHER LEVELS have continued.
First quarter of 2022 – takeaway consumption was 50% above pre-pandemic levels.
This marks a change in where households get calories when eating out, rather than how much they buy, as the overall level of calories purchased had returned to its 2019 level by 2022.
In other words, the INCREASE in takeaways has come at the expense of calories from coffee shops, pubs and restaurants.
Households’ food shopping baskets also got bigger through the pandemic and beyond.
Even outside strict lockdown periods in 2020, households purchased around 170 more calories per adult per day.
The findings of the IFS research state that since there has been no corresponding reduction in calories to offset the increases during the pandemic, the changes that occurred in the 18 months from March 2020 could still have long-term effects on health and weight.
Swansea University – 12 April 2024
Consuming sugar-sweetened drinks in the first few years of childhood linked to poor diet patterns that increase the risk of Obesity in later life, according to a new study.
The study tracked the influence of diet on 14,000 British children from birth to adulthood and is believed to be the longest of its kind ever reported.
Researchers found that children who drank fizzy drinks such as cola or sugar-sweetened fruit cordials before age 2, gained more weight when they were 24 years old.
Toddlers at age 3 who drank cola consumed more calories, fat, protein and sugar but less fibre.
There were corresponding differences in food choices.
Children who consumed pure apple juice followed a diet with more fish, fruit, green vegetables and salad.
Those drinking cola ate more burgers, sausages, pizza, french fries, meat, chocolate and sweets.
Lead researcher Professor David Benton said “The early diet establishes a food pattern that influences, throughout life, whether weight increases”.
Dear World
There is absolutely no point finger pointing or blaming anyone.
Real proper education is needed even before adults become parents.
How are they eating, living and operating in daily life?
We need to start from the very beginning before we see the trajectory that we now have.
A worldwide Obesity epidemic and more and more children obese at younger ages.
Every one of us actually knows that anything we crave or want more of is not designed for human consumption.
Our most legal accepted drug of choice is SUGAR and we can keep demanding more and more research studies or we can cut the costs now and apply good old fashion common sense and start to ASK WHY on earth do we need sugar and what are we not dealing with, avoiding or refusing, as we are using a substance that is artificially altering our inner state of being and we do not seem to be able to stop it.
No amount of research is going to change us. We have to start to ask sensible questions.
This website is full of sensible questions as our escalating illness and disease rates are telling us how we are living is not supporting the human body.
Mail Online – 10 May 2024
Obesity is now linked to 32 types of Cancer – an increase from the 13 in which it is known to play a role.
Research involving 4.1 million adults in a landmark study has revealed that Obesity could be fuelling 4 in 10 cases of cancer.
Experts warned the ‘ground-breaking’ research which monitored weight and lifestyle, spanned 4 decades, shows the devastating time bomb the nation is facing.
Scientists say Obesity may increase cancer risks through biological mechanisms, such as chronic inflammation, alterations in metabolism and changes in hormone levels.
332,500 cancers were identified during the study and of these, there appeared to be a link between excess weight and cancer in 40% of cases.
A further 19 potential Obesity related cancers were also identified for the first time, including malignant melanoma, gastric tumours, cancers of the small intestine and pituitary glands, as well as types of head and neck cancer, vulval and penis cancer.
According to the most recent NHS health survey in England –
26% of adults are obese
38% are overweight
£6.5 BILLION a year cost
60% of adults in Europe are obese or living with pre-obesity
‘We are likely facing a SIGNIFICANT INCREASE in cancer cases’.
Dr. Jennifer Baker – European Association for the Study of Obesity
Diabetes UK – 13 May 2024
Schools in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil have banned ultra-processed food and put classic Brazilian fruits and vegetables firmly back on the menu to reduce rates of childhood Obesity.
School cafeterias have been targeted by the city’s officials in the face of a childhood Obesity “epidemic” with almost one-third of children classed as obese in Brazil.
“Childhood Obesity is an Epidemic – not just for Brazil, but worldwide.
It is easier to educate young children. Once a person’s way of thinking is set, it is a challenge to introduce new concepts.”
Marluce Fortunato – Nutrionist for Rio City Government.
City leaders have banned ultra-processed food including snacks and cookies containing additives. Instead, students are being served up traditional Brazilian fruits and vegetables, such as yams, okra and persimmons. For many, it is the first time they have tried such items.
“Science has shown these products (UPFs) are very detrimental to our health and are responsible for 70% of chronic disease worldwide.”
Daniel Becker – Paediatritian
Independent News – 6 May 2024
Obese workers in Europe are far more likely to take time off sick and be off work longer, according to a new Europe-wide study.
Researchers warn the economic consequences of Obesity are “massive” urging policymakers to “take more action”.
The study represented 147 million people in employment across 26 countries.
36% more likely to be absent from work with BMI of 30 to 35.
61% more likely to have sick days with BMI of 35 to 40.
147% more likely to be off work sick with BMI of more than 40.
400% more likely to be off work ill with BMI of more than 40 in Denmark.
150% more likely in Italy.
Researchers also found that BMI also impacted the length of time a person spend off work sick.
“Our results show that it is not only healthcare systems that are affected by people living with Obesity but also economies as a whole across Europe.
An increased prevalence of people living with overweight and Obesity will result in an increasing number of absences due to health issues in European countries, with knock-on effects on productivity and the economy.”
Siegfried Eisenberg – Study Researcher
“The health consequences and economic consequences of Obesity are massive.”
Dr. Thomas Czypionka – Study Lead
Medical Dialogues – 13 May 2024
Poor muscle health common in people living with Obesity.
A new research study presented at the European Congress on Obesity (ECO) has found that poor muscle health is associated with a higher risk of early death in people living with Obesity.
Individuals with Obesity often experience poor muscle health due to several factors:
Excessive adipose tissue accumulation can lead to chronic low-grade inflammation, which contributes to muscle insulin resistance and impairs muscle function.
Additionally, increased fat mass can result in mechanical loading on muscles, leading to reduced muscle strength and endurance.
Hormonal imbalances associated with Obesity, such as elevated levels of adipokines and decreased levels of anabolic hormones, further exacerbate muscle dysfunction.
9,840 participants with Obesity
20.3% had adverse muscle composition
3.9 years average follow-up period – 174 participants died, with the most causes of death being ischaemic disease and hypertensive disease.
The results showed that participants with adverse muscle composition were 3 times more likely to die during follow-up than those with normal muscle composition.
Adverse muscle composition was linked to a 70% HIGHER RISK of early death.
The findings revealed that adverse muscle composition was common in individuals living with Obesity and significantly associated with all-cause mortality.
The Guardian – 22 May 2024
SHARP RISE in Type 2 Diabetes among people under 40 in the UK
39% rise in diagnoses in 6 years with the condition fuelled by Obesity, health inequalities and junk food, according to a new study.
168,000 Type 2 Diabetes cases among the under-40s
Britain has one of the highest Obesity rates in Europe
2 in 3 adults are overweight or obese
£6 BILLION a year NHS spending for treating obesity-related ill health
The forecast is £10 billion by 2050
“Drastic changes to the environments we live in and the food we eat over the last 25 years are taking a toll on our health. We are bombarded by adverts for cheaper, unhealthy food.
The foods on our shelves are increasingly high in fat, salt and sugar. And rising costs are pushing a healthy diet out of reach for millions.”
Colette Marshall – Chief Executive of Diabetes UK
The authors report 150,000 people under 40 are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in England alone.
Thousands more are living with the condition undiagnosed.
Analysis suggests half of the people aged 16 to 44 with Type 2 Diabetes are unaware they have it.
It warned of a growing impact on the economy.
43,000 people out of work as a result of long-term sickness “primarily because of their Diabetes.
79% increase since 2019″.
Diabetes is also listed as a secondary condition for hundreds of thousands more people who are unable to work, the study said.
5 million – number of people living with Diabetes in the UK.
The independent report said ultra-processed foods (UPFs) and products high in fat, sugar and salt had become “normalised” in children’s diets with poorer parents powerless to curb them.
University of Michigan – 30 May 2024
Use of Diabetes and Obesity drugs has surged among teenagers and young adults.
Monthly use of medications for weight loss drugs soared in people aged 12 to 25, according to the new analysis of dispensing records from 94% of U.S. retail pharmacies from 2020 to 2023.
The report was published in the journal JAMA
31,000 children aged 12 to 17 used the medications
162,000 people aged 18 to 25 used the medications
2020 to 2023
600% INCREASE in the number of 12 to 25 year olds using any GLP-1 drug
Those who received the drugs were just a fraction of young people who struggle with Obesity.
20% of U.S. children and 42% of adults have Obesity which is now called a Chronic Disease.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children and teenagers with Obesity be evaluated early and treated aggressively, including surgery and medication, if warranted.
The Endocrine Society – 1 June 2024
People under the age of 50 have a GREATER RISK for heart attack or stroke if they lived with Obesity for 10 years.
It is well established that people who have excess weight at any point in time have a greater risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes.
The study found that among women younger than 50 and men younger than 65, having Obesity over a 10 year period was associated with a 25-60% INCREASE in the risk of Heart Attack and Stroke.
American Heart Association – 6 June 2024
Women with excess weight as a teenager or young adult may have higher stroke risk by the age of 55, according to a new study published in the Stroke journal.
Women with excess weight at age 14 or 31 may have increased Ischemic (clot caused) stroke risk before age 55.
Losing excess weight after adolescence may not eliminate the stroke risk.
More than 10,000 people from birth into their 50s were followed in the study.
An Ischemic stroke occurs when a vessel supplying blood to the brain is obstructed.
87% of all strokes are Ischemic stroke and the most common type of stroke.
Women affected by Obesity at age 14 were 87% more likely to have any early clot caused stroke or mini-stroke.
Obesity at age 31 were 167% more likely to have a stroke compared to those at appropriate weight.
Women with Obesity at age 31 had almost 3.5 times increased risk of bleeding stroke
Men with Obesity at age 31 had more than 5.5 times increased risk of bleeding stroke.
Diabetes UK – 7 June 2024
Non-Diabetic Men with Obesity are at a GREATER RISK of erectile dysfunction and testosterone deficiency, following Semaglutide treatment, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
The research did not include those that had a prior history of erectile dysfunction, penile surgeries or testosterone deficiency.
Average age of participants was 35 years
74% were White
Diabetes UK – 10 June 2024
Cancer cases among young people on the RISE due to ultra-processed foods and Obesity.
Unhealthy diets and poor gut health in the UK for under-50s and they are now more at risk of developing cancer.
35,000 younger people are diagnosed with Cancer every year, with types including stomach, breast and bowel cancer.
According to the academics, cancer cases among younger people are rising because they are eating too much ultra-processed food.
Bowel cancer is on the rise due to changes in the gut microbiome limiting the body’s ability to deal with pre-cancerous cells, the study has reported.
“The rise of the disease among under-50s was being seen globally and that otherwise healthy patients are increasingly presenting with advanced bowel cancer in their 20s, 30s and early 40s.
They are not necessarily obese or unhealthy looking and you would have no idea they had cancer.
Research has correlated it with High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Diabetes and Sedentary Lifestyles as well as links to Tobacco and Alcohol.
It is not necessarily what you eat as there is also research regarding antibiotic use and what you have been taking into your body since childhood.”
Dr. Cathy Eng – Bowel Cancer Doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville
BBC News – 28 June 2024
Sport ‘not the only answer’ to Childhood Obesity
“Sport is seen as a ‘barrier’ to moving more by children who do not enjoy taking part.
While establishing healthy nutrition in schools is a priority to lower levels of Obesity, there is also a need for schools to help children move more..
The persistence of governments to focus on sport is turning many children and young people off being physically active.
It is not about joining a sports club – it is more about ensuring physical movement and good lifestyle choices, like a healthy diet are built into the school day.
Alternative ways of getting children active could involve incorporating movement in classroom learning.”
Dr. Andrew Daly-Smith – Child Health Expert
Dr. Daly-Smith has worked with 50 schools and said more emphasis is needed on general lifestyle changes rather than children being encouraged to join sports clubs.
Head teachers have said that team sports were not always effective in helping pupils to enjoy exercise.
All data shows, children born into poorer families are 13 times MORE LIKELY to have poorer health outcomes by the age of 70.
“Babies born in inner-city neighbourhoods close to Bradford Royal Infirmary were likely to die 10 years sooner than those from rural Wharfedale.”
Professor Mark Mon-Williams – University of Leeds
The British Medical Journal – 26 June 2024
Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) close lists for weight management services as demand skyrockets.
One specialist Obesity service in England reached its 3 year quota of patients in less than 17 weeks.
1 in 6 Integrated Care Boards in England has stopped accepting new patients for specialist weight management services as referral numbers spiral out of control, a BMJ investigation has found.
42 ICBs around the country are warning that demand far exceeds capacity.
Tier 3 services involve multi-disciplinary teams, including physicians, physiotherapists, dieticians and mental health specialists to support patients, sometimes providing access to weight loss drugs.
Experts have said that the rise in Obesity and the demand for weight loss injection pens may be fuelling the increase in referrals.
World Obesity – June 2024
48% of Brazilian adults will be living with Obesity by 2044, according to a new study.
27% will be living with Overweight.
The research was presented at the 2024 International Congress on Obesity.
Based on current trends, almost half will be living with Obesity in 20 years, which is 130 MILLION Brazilians.
56% are currently living with Obesity or Overweight.
Adult Overweight and Obesity in Brazil are increasing rapidly over time.
The prevalence of Obesity almost doubled from 2006 to 2019.
2030 – Projected Prevalence
68.1% Overweight and Obesity
This Obesity epidemic is already causing and will cause further epidemiological and economic burdens to Brazil, considering the comorbidities of Obesity and their related costs.
10.9 MILLION NEW CASES of Overweight and Obesity will develop over the next 20 years.
1.2. MILLION DEATHS attributable to Overweight and Obesity over this period.
51% of the new diseases attributable to Overweight and Obesity were represented by Diabetes.
57% Cardiovascular Diseases.
The authors conclude “Based on current trends, the epidemiologic burden of Overweight and Obesity in Brazil will INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY.”
Diabetes UK – 5 July 2024
The first generic versions of expensive weight loss injections will hit the market soon.
Experts predict a surge in uptake because of the low price tag.
Pharmaceutical companies are making huge efforts to produce cheaper generic versions for people paying privately.
Injections that reduce appetite by mimicking the gut hormone GLP-1 will see a boom in uptake.
The current market is largely private via patients who are self-paying. The cost of the patented medicine is often prohibitive for the NHS, so it has been sparingly prescribed by clinicians.
The onset of generic competition will likely significantly reduce the price and this means the NHS can afford to treat more patients.
Generic versions of drugs typically reduced the price paid by the NHS by as much as 80-90%.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry defended the use of patents, saying developing drugs was a high-risk process which can cost around $2.3 BILLLION.
Diabetes UK – 4 July 2024
60% of people taking weight-loss drugs stop after 3 months.
33% quit after just 4 weeks, according to new data analysed by an American Health Insurance provider.
170,000 weight loss medication prescriptions were analysed over the period 2014 to early 2024.
The potential side effects were widely reported, with clinical studies showing nausea and diarrhoea as common complaints.
The cost of the drugs may also be a factor
“This study shows most people are unlikely to see lasting benefits.
Unfortunately, weight loss is not as simple as filling a prescription.”
Razia Hashmi – Vice President of the Clinical Affairs at Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
2,000% INCREASE in weight loss drugs – new prescriptions from 2020 to 2023
79% of the patients were women
Average age of those receiving the prescriptions were 45
35 and under – those most likely to quit
41% less likely to stay on the drugs compared to those aged 35 to 54
48% less likely to continue than those aged 55 to 64
People were more likely to continue beyond 3 months if they had no underlying conditions, such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure or Heart Disease.
Other studies have shown that people taking this class of medication often put the weight they have lost back on in a short pace of time.
There have also been reports of patients losing their hair or experiencing severe stomach pains caused by inflammation of the pancreas.
Johns Hopkins Medicine – 1 August 2024
A new study uncovers connections between Obesity and Heart Failure.
The study published in the journal Nature Cardiovascular Research revealed the impact of Obesity on muscle structure in patients having a form of Heart Failure called “Heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction” (HFpEF)
According to the journal of Cardiac Failure, HFpEF represents over half of all heart failure worldwide.
In the United States it accounts for over 3.5 million heart failure cases.
Originally, this form of Heart Disease was associated with having a high blood pressure and along with this, excess muscle growth (Hypertrophy) to help counter the pressures.
Over the past 2 decades, HFpEF is occurring more often in patients with severe Obesity and Diabetes, according to the journal of the American College of Cardiology.
HFpEF is a complex syndrome, involving abnormalities in many different organs, said lead investigator Professor of Medicine – David Kass M.D.
Prior efforts to treat HFpEF using standard heart failure drugs have not worked. Success has since come from using drugs to treat Diabetes and Obesity.
BBC News – 16 August 2024
Child Obesity in deprived city areas on the RISE.
44.3% of children in the most deprived parts of Southampton are overweight or obese.
Inequality in childhood Obesity across a city could get even worse in the years ahead, a public health chief has warned.
40.5% of year 6 children in Southampton are Overweight
26% are Obese
36.6% – the national average for Overweight children
22.7% – the national average for Obese children
Researchers found a basket of food in a large supermarket costing £18 was £20 more expensive for the same items when purchased in a smaller shop from the same supermarket company.
1 in 4 homes in Southampton are more than a 16 minute walk from a healthy food outlet.
News Medical – 22 August 2024
Research identifies 31 ADDITIONAL CANCERS potentially linked to Obesity, according to a new study published in The Lancet Regional Health – Europe
4.14 MILLION individuals were included.
Obesity was associated with a higher risk of 18 cancers – 16 cancers in females and 15 in males.
These were potential Obesity-related cancers previously not established as Obesity-related and accounted for 15% of all cases.
In females, these were cancers of the cervix, head and neck (squamous cell carcinoma), vulva and nodular melanoma.
In males, these were cancers of the penis, head and neck (adenocarcinoma) and malignant melanoma.
In both sexes, these included cancers of –
Small Intestine
Oral Cavity
Paranasal and Nasal Sinuses
Biliary Tract
Adrenal Glands
Myeloid Neoplasms
Lymphoid Neoplasms
There were sex interactions for –
Malignant Melanoma
Lymphoid Neoplasms
Connective Tissue Cancers
News Medical – 23 August 2024
Alarming INCREASE in Obesity-related Cancers among young people in China.
Obesity-related Cancer rates in China were rising at an alarming 3.6% every year between 2007 and 2021, according to the 1st comprehensive study published in the Cell Press journal Med.
The increase is pronounced among young people, highlighting the urgent need for better public health policies to address China’s growing Overweight and Obesity rates.
Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death in China, with Lung Cancer being the most common type.
However, Obesity-related cancers, such as Colorectal, Breast, Thyroid, Kidney and Uterus Cancers were among the fastest growing Obesity-related cancer types among young people.
The trend is CONSISTENT with the growing Overweight and Obesity rates among young people in China.
Adoption of a Westernised lifestyle, including increased meat and alcohol consumption contributed to the increased prevalence of Obesity in China.
34% of Chinese adults were Overweight.
16% were classified as Obese.
Children and adolescents are experiencing faster INCREASES in Overweight and Obesity rates.
Previous studies state Obesity will soon overtake smoking to become the main modifiable risk factor of Cancer.
“If we don’t drastically change the Obesity epidemic, the rates of Cancer associated with Obesity will inevitably continue to rise.
It will place a large burden on China’s economy and healthcare system.
The researchers analysed all newly diagnosed cancers in China between 2007 and 2021.
During this period, the country recorded more than 651,000 cases of Cancer.
48% were identified as one of the 12 Obesity-related cancers recognised by the World Health Organisation.
The research team predicted that without aggressive public health measures, Obesity-related Cancer rates in China could double in the next decade.
UPI Health News – 9 September 2024
Obesity INCREASES risk of severe infection, especially in Diabetes patients.
“1 in 3 hospitalizations in people with Diabetes are for infections and people with Diabetes are twice as likely to be hospitalized with infections than the general population. They are also at HIGH RISK for re-admission.”
Rhian Hopkins – co-lead author at the University of Exeter Medical School
According to the research presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Obesity is linked to a higher risk of severe infection.
Every 5-point increase in BMI incurred a 30% RISE in the risk of a serious bacterial infection and a 32% RISE for severe viral infection.
Medical News Today – 12 September 2024
‘Night owls’ are at INCREASED risk of Type 2 Diabetes, as well as higher adiposity.
Researchers are finding associations between Type 2 Diabetes risk and sleeping patterns.
Type 2 Diabetes risk has been associated with late chronotype or a need to go to bed later than usual.
Previously it was assumed this was due to poorer habits of people with late chronotype but new data presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes has said this risk is independent of lifestyle factors.
Later chronotype is associated with HIGHER adiposity, which could be linked to a higher Type 2 Diabetes risk.
Previous research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that late chronotype was associated with poorer lifestyle factors, including being more likely to smoke and being less active.
This latest study suggests that the link exists independent of lifestyle factors.
55% INCREASED risk of Type 2 Diabetes over a 6 year follow-up for those identified as having a late chronotype.
They also had a HIGHER average BMI, larger waist and HIGHER visceral and liver fat than people with an intermediate chronotype.
Diabetes UK – 16 September 2024
Excess abdominal fat and chronic pain have been linked in a recent study which also found that reducing the waistline can alleviate musculoskeletal conditions.
The world-first study utilised the data of 32,409 people who had abdominal MRI scans to assess fat deposits.
Results demonstrated a link between abdominal fat deposits and the prevalence of chronic pain.
Women with abdominal fat were found to have worse widespread chronic pain.
They had double the pain sights when their Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) was elevated.
60% more chronic pain for women with high amounts of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT) and VAT.
34% HIGH chronic pain in men was linked to VAT
39% HIGH chronic pain in men was linked to SAT
This is the 1st study to link waist size, rather than overall weight and Obesity to chronic pain.
Researchers say that reducing waistline can be an alternative way to relieve chronic pain rather than medication.
The research was published in the journal Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Medicine
Florida Atlantic University – 26 September 2024
ALARMING SURGE: GLOBAL CRISIS of Childhood Overweight and Obesity
Since 1990, the rise in childhood Overweight and Obesity has surged across every continent, almost doubling in prevalence.
United States has the HIGHEST prevalence, other nations are not far behind.
10% – 15% of children are Obese in Southern Europe, including Spain, Italy and Greece.
Eastern European countries are experiencing a rapid INCREASE.
Globally, Asia has nearly half of all Overweight children under the age of 5.
20% of children under age 20 are Overweight in Latin America.
Many developing countries face the dual challenge of both Overweight Obesity and malnutrition in their children.
The consequences of this epidemic are already evident:
• Childhood Hypertension
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Lipid Disorders, which contribute to metabolic syndrome
In adults, these issues SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE the risks of:
• Heart Attacks
• Stroke
• Liver Disease
• Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
• Arthritis
• Certain Cancers – many of which now occur at younger ages
This study was published in The Maternal and Child Health Journal
USA Today – 26 September 2024
Obesity is now an epidemic in American.
4 in 10 U.S. adults fit the medical definition of having Obesity.
New data shows a growing number of Americans are severely Obese.
10% of adults ages 20 and older had severe Obesity last year.
1 in 5 adults in the United States now live with Obesity.
Obesity INCREASES the risk of 200 diseases and can cause serious health conditions like asthma, strokes, Type 2 Diabetes and some types of Cancers.
Obesity was a risk factor in 3.7 million deaths in 2021.
Severe Obesity is on the RISE.
August 2021 to August 2023 – most recent data available.
Severe Obesity prevalence was 9.4% in all adults.
Rate of severe Obesity in women was twice as high compared to men.
Women ages 40 to 59 had the highest prevalence of severe Obesity compared with all other ages.
15% of women in this age group reported living with severe Obesity.
The data released from the CDC also shows 23 states have an adult Obesity prevalence at or above 35%.
Before 2013, no state passed the 35% threshold of adult Obesity.
41% – West Virginia had the highest rate of adults living with Obesity.
Obesity rates were highest in Southern and Midwestern states.
States that have the highest Obesity prevalence among adults (35% or higher):
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Osaka Metropolitan University – 3 October 2024
Diabetes and Obesity INCREASE the risk of Liver Cancer relapse.
According to a new study, the risk of recurrence after 2 years postoperatively was 1.5 times higher in the case of comorbid Obesity and 1.3 times higher in the case of Diabetes Mellitus.
The risk of recurrence after 5 years postoperatively was 3.8 times higher in the case of comorbid Obesity and 2 times higher in the case of comorbid Diabetes alone.
The study was published in the journal Liver Cancer
News Medical – 16 October 2024
40% of post-menopausal hormone positive Breast Cancer cases linked to excess body fat, according to a new study.
This proportion is significantly higher than 1 in 10 cases currently attributed to excess weight, using the widely used measure of body mass index (BMI) and indicates that the real impact of Obesity on Breast Cancer risk has likely been underestimated.
BMI is not necessarily a very accurate measure of body fat particularly in older women because it does not account for age, sex or ethnicity.
The findings published in the British Medical Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health conclude that the significance of excess body fat in post-menopausal hormone receptor positive Breast Cancer could be under-estimated when assessed using only BMI.
American Heart Association – 11 November 2024
Obesity-related Heart Disease deaths INCREASED in the United States over the past 2 decades.
180% INCREASE in the number of people in the U.S. who died from Ischemic Heart Disease related to Obesity from 1999 to 2020.
The HIGHEST RATE of deaths from Ischemic Heart Disease related to Obesity were noted among:
• Middle-aged men ages 55-64
• Black adults
• People who live in the Midwestern states
• People who live in non-metropolitan areas
“Obesity is a serious risk factor for Ischemic Heart Disease and this risk is going up at an alarming rate along with the INCREASING prevalence of Obesity.
Aleenah Mohsin M.D., M.B.B.S. – Lead Author and fellow at Brown University.
Obesity contribute to Heart Disease risks, including –
• Elevated Cholesterol
• High Blood Pressure
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Sleep Disorders
It is also an Independent risk factor for Cardiovascular Disease.
CNN Health – 14 November 2024
Obesity is at a Crisis point throughout the USA.
A new study predicts that 260 MILLION in the United States will be Overweight or Obese by 2050.
This is one of the first studies to project what the nation’s Obesity epidemic will look like.
43.1 million children and adolescents and 213 million adults will have Overweight and/or Obesity.
36.5 million children and adolescents and 172 million adults had Overweight and Obesity.
1990 – 2021
The prevalence of Obese or Overweight U.S. women ages 15-24 increased faster than men.
This new forecast means hundreds of millions of people in the U.S. could be facing health complications associated with a high body mass index or BMI, including Diabetes, Cancer, Heart problems, Breathing issues and Mental Health challenges.
$261 BILLION – $481 BILLION – Health care costs attributed to Obesity only.
Obesity and Overweight are among the fastest growing risk factors for an early death or disability in the United States, studies show.
The study was published in the medical journal The Lancet
AAAS – American Association for the Advancement of Science – 4 December 2024
According to a new study, broken sleep is a hallmark sign of living with the most common liver disease.
The study proves the suspected link between poor sleep and Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Steatotic Liver Disease.
The study was published in Frontiers in Network Physiology
The prevalence of MASLD (Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Steatotic Liver Disease) is exploding in most regions of the world, boosted by INCREASED Obesity and Sedentary Lifestyles.
30% of adults are affected by MASLD formerly known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
The prevalence is predicted to rise to over 55% of adults by 2040.
People with MASLD run a heightened risk of Diabetes, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, non-liver Cancers, Chronic Kidney Disease, age-related Muscle Loss and Cardiovascular Disease.
This is the first time that sleep-wake rhythm in patients with MASLD have been shown to differ from that of healthy individuals.
Those with MASLD demonstrated SIGNIFICANT fragmentation of their nightly sleep due to frequent awakenings and increased wakefulness.
All patients in the study with MASLD were Obese.
80% had metabolic syndrome and had SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER levels of triglycerides, fasting glucose and insulin in their blood than healthy participants.
Euro News – 20 December 2024
ITALY plans for a multi-million euro dedicated public fund to fight Obesity.
€4.2 MILLION in dedicated funding managed by the Health Ministry over 3 years.
6 MILLION currently affected by Obesity in Italy.
HIGHER rates of physical inactivity, especially among teenagers and RISING rates among children suggests this could become a major Public Health issue in the future, according to a 2023 report from the European Commission.
Spending on weight loss drugs with the active ingredient Semaglutide, which helps to suppress appetite, there was a RISE in consumption by 75.9%, according to the National Drug Regulator.
Lifetime Costs of Overweight and Obesity in Italy
A study earlier this year, published in the journal Economics & Human Biology highlights –
• Obese individuals generate the HIGHEST expenditure throughout the life cycle.
• Prescription drugs lead to HIGHER lifetime costs for women in All BMI categories.
• Overweight patients spend less, mainly from lower costs starting in early middle age.
The Guardian – 28 December 2024
1 in 5 Britons would use a weight-loss drug if it was Free on the NHS, according to a new poll from Ipsos.
1 in 7 have either taken the injection themselves or know someone who has.
1 in 4 people would not tell others if they were using them, suggesting the growing popularity of weight-loss jabs is accompanied by persistent stigma about them.
Semaglutide drugs are booming in popularity globally as fast-growing numbers of people turn to them to shed unwanted pounds.
The average cost is £180-£220 per month to buy privately.
64% of adults are currently Obese or Overweight in the UK.
Some medical experts say the drugs, which can have risky side-effects are increasingly seen as a quick-fix way of losing weight compared with improved diet or vigorous exercise.
Growing numbers of people are getting Semaglutide from a private doctor or online.
Tam Fry – Chair of the National Obesity Forum stated that Semaglutide is tragically already a recreational drug, influenced by A-listers who do not care about mis-information.
“Semaglutide is not, repeat not, for anyone who fancies losing a bit of weight and feels able to pay for it.
It is a serious drug for a serious disease and not for some ‘celebrity’ who wants everyone to see her squeezed into a little black number.
Everyone should persevere with their own weight loss by choosing to eat better food, eating less and exercising more.” Fry added.
University of Auckland – 14 January 2025
Children with traumatic experiences have a HIGHER risk of Obesity.
Children who had a higher number of positive experiences had a lower risk of being Obese at the age of 8.
87% of ALL Children in Aotearoa, New Zealand have experienced SIGNIFICANT trauma by the age of 8 – far more than earlier thought, according to a new research study.
Childhood trauma has lasting impacts on mental and physical health, including Obesity.
Children who experienced at least one adverse experience were twice as likely as children who had not experienced any traumatic events to be Obese at age 8.
Those who experienced 4 or more adverse childhood experiences were 3 times more likely to develop Obesity by age 8.
Childhood Obesity is a serious issue in Aotearoa, New Zealand.
1 in 3 children starting school are Overweight or Obese.
Childhood trauma in the study included:
• Physical Abuse
• Mental Abuse
• Bullying
• Parental Violence
• Substance Abuse
• Mental Illness
• Incarceration
• Separation
• Divorce
• Ethnic Discrimination
Children living in financially disadvantaged households and those who identified as Maori or Pacific had the highest prevalence of experiencing almost all types of adverse experiences as well as the higher numbers of adversities.
The study was published in the European Journal of Public Health
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners – 15 January 2025
World experts urge overhaul of Obesity definition.
The Global Commission on Clinical Obesity says diagnosis must change, setting out new criteria, categories and calling on doctors to go ‘beyond BMI’.
They add that the current approach is too broad and over reliant on Body Mass Index and leaving patients without the care they need.
In a landmark research paper published in The Lancet, The Global Commission on Clinical Obesity made a long list of recommendations, saying the traditional definition and diagnosis hinders clinical practice.
It calls on doctors to add extra diagnostic methods, such as waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio or waist-to-height ratio or a bone densitometry scan regardless of BMI.
2 new categories of Obesity are proposed:
Clinical Obesity
Pre-Clinical Obesity
18 criteria for ‘Clinical Obesity’ were set out in adults and 13 for children and adolescents, which included:
Obesity-induced Heart Failure
Knee Pain
Hip Pain
‘Pre-Clinical Obesity’ is defined as patients who ‘do not have ongoing illness, although they have a variable but generally increased risk of developing clinical Obesity and several other non-communicable diseases in the future’.
The Commission has also aimed at settling what it says is one of the most polarising debates in modern medicine – whether Obesity is considered a disease.