The following is taken from our Back to Basics Program
How many of us hate drinking water?
How many of us actually love drinking water?
Why do most of us find water
- Flat
- Bland
- Boring
- Plain
- Dead
- Tasteless
Our bodies cannot live without water – FACT
Can we be honest and say the following are NOT water
- Tea
- Coffee
- Alcohol
- Fruit Juices
- Fizzy Drinks
- Energy Drinks
Water is the main ingredient but the body gets the caffeine, sugar or alcohol and that is where the problem starts…
Water is essential for our body as our cells can be hydrated and our organs, including our brain can function.
Our human body is complex and there is a lot going on inside of us that we may not be aware of.
Drinking plain and simple water and making sure we stay hydrated throughout the day is essential for our health and there are many benefits.
Water is free so what is our excuse?
What would happen if we started our morning with a cup or two of hot water?
How many of us would gag at the very thought of drinking plain water first thing?
What if we had a go and made it part of our everyday morning routine?
Think about a plant or fresh flowers – how long would they look alive without any water?
What if common sense medicine is telling us to drink more water as it supports us in so many ways?
What if we need a hot drink and change the taste and try any of the following which are caffeine free
Slice of Lemon | Peppermint | Chamomile
Life without water is not possible so it makes sense to drink water as part of our daily Simple Living
This publication is ©Copyright and the Moral Rights of the Author, Bina Pattel and Simple Living Global are asserted. Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended, no part of this work may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to Simple Living Global –
Comments 13
CNN Health – 1 October 2018
This is an old news story but nevertheless worthy of reporting on this blog about Drinking Water.
Women who added 1.5 liters of water a day to their regular intake for 12 months were 50% less likely to get another urinary tract infection than women who drank less than that amount, according to a study published in JAMA.
4 bottles of 12 ounce water or 6 cups of water is the equivalent to 1.5 liters.
Increase in urine volume drove more frequent urination, both of which flushed more bacteria from the bladder and this is probably why there was a reduction in recurring infections.
This blog presents the common sense take on drinking water and here we have a research study saying that drinking simple plain water does help us to flush out what needs to be discarded from the body.
At least 50% of all women are at risk of urinary tract infections at some point in their lives. Once they get one, about 25% of those women will get another within 6 months. Up to 75% of women will then have another within a year.
What we could say here is something is clearly not right if our body is repeating a message to us and we are not getting to the root cause.
If we do not question how we are living everyday then chances are we will get fixed and get back to what we were doing before the infection and then it comes back again as a reminder to let us know that our body has not healed this UTI at the root.
The news story mentions that many women are encouraged to try lifestyle changes before or in addition to prescription medication.
What if we simply start with our lifestyle changes by drinking more water daily and see where that leads to?
For those who feel the benefits – go to our Sleep category and nail the sleep issues that the majority of humanity are suffering with and then see what happens.
This website is full of different lifestyle choices that could be made when we are ready to live another way, as things are not going great with our usual way of operating and functioning in life.
1 in 5 children in the United States do not drink water – but they do drink a lot of sugar, according to a new study.
Sodas and sports drinks are fully replacing water for some kids.
The study found that the 20% that did not drink any water at all are the children that end up getting more calories from sugary drinks than kids who do drink water.
Sugary drinks also raise the risk of dental cavities and Type 2 Diabetes.
2 in 3 Americans are currently overweight or obese.
20% between ages 12 and 19 are obese.
Researchers from Pennsylvania State University looked at data from more than 8,000 children across a variety of age ranges.
If we read this very short and simple article about drinking water – there is a clear message. As humans we need to ingest much more water than most of us are currently opting for.
How are we raising our children if water is not something they go to as their first drink and then throughout the day?
Why were they introduced to sugary beverages and what benefits did we see in allowing this?
Do we are the carers, the guardians, the parents, the custodians of these young children have sugary beverages as our ‘normal’?
Can we be honest and take a good look at what types of drinks we consume throughout the day?
If we are such great water lovers or advocate pure water as our main daily drink then how come we allow our kids to do what they want as if they know best for their body?
Ask any dentist or do a simple google search and check out some stats about children with tooth decay.
Our oral health article on this website has referenced some statistics and this one is relevant to quote on this comment –
60% – 90% children have tooth decay globally.
50 million school hours are lost each year due to poor oral health.
What is this telling us and why are we not prepared to listen up and make the necessary changes, so our kids are not having teeth extracted at younger ages than ever before because of the legal drug called sugar, that seems to be in everything that kids like having?
The Times – 27th August 2019
Hydration – Have You Become Obsessed By It?
It’s not just the market for snacks that is booming. Rehydrating after exercise used to be a case of queueing up to fill a cup from a water dispenser in the gym.
Now, at most fancy gyms, water is considered not worth sipping unless it has been purified or filtered, is alkaline or oxygenated. And it is likely to be drunk on the prompt of an app that tracks water status or a personalized fluid plan from a company that offers this.
At one gym, regulars fill their reusable bottles, which are available to rent, from stations that provide seven-times purified water while at another gym, you will sip water that has gone through “advanced reverse osmosis”. Another fancy gym offers filtered water that is chilled or at room temperature.
Do we need this new wave of hydration and the rules that come with it? According to a nutritionist and the head of technical development at the English Institute of Sport, the role of water consumed at the gym is to aid the thermoregulation of the body, enabling us to sweat more efficiently so that we don’t overheat. He said: “ There’s a lot of nonsense spoken about hydration. Tap water will do this job as well as any of the more fancy brands.”
He says, some studies, including one in 2017 in the journal Biology of Sport, have suggested that alkaline can improve the hydration status of elite athletes training intensely but the evidence is not strong and “tap water is fine”.
A lot of emphasis is placed on water intake that it has become easy to consume too much but overdrinking puts you at risk of hyponatremia, a potentially dangerous condition in which blood levels of sodium become excessively diluted.
So how much do we need to drink?
A professor of sport science at Bucks New University, UK, said: “in warm weather you need to sip little and often to stay hydrated before exercise. In general you should be aiming for no more than 500ml per hour of fluid when exercising.”
You should drink water first thing. It doesn’t need to be hot, but drinking water when you wake up is one wellness rule that gets the thumbs up from scientists. He added: “You can become dehydrated overnight and it’s a good idea to drink some water when you get up.”
These are some wise words indeed regarding drinking water when you first get up.
It makes sense to me to drink after I have got up, as I know I am dehydrated because as soon as I drink my water, I feel more with it and drinking a mixture of hot and cold water works better for me rather than having cold water alone.
Is it possible that the influx of this ‘specialised’ water, i.e. filtered, purified, alkaline or oxygenated, is simply a marketing exercise to get us to buy this water, as after all studies have shown elite athletes may gain some benefit, but for us non-elite mortals, water is simply water and tap water will hydrate us just as well. The added benefit of drinking normal water is that it will also keep our bank balances hydrated.
Is it possible that these apps or plans to monitor and or prompt our water consumption, is another marketing exercise?
Why do we need an app or water plan to track our water status?
Is it possible that if we listen to what our bodies are telling us, we will know when we need to hydrate?
Water is a very important part of our lives because without it, we will not live very long.
It is easy to see how we can start to believe these stories of needing water that has been filtered, purified, oxygenated, etc. because it sounds convincing, but we have been drinking plain water since time immemorial.
Of course these companies are only offering us what we have asked for, so maybe the question we should be asking ourselves is, why do we want these products?
Is it possible that we need to discern when companies are telling us we need something from them?
Our bodies are very intelligent and it will soon let us know when it is dehydrated.
Wouldn’t listening to our bodies be so much more efficient and cheaper than listening to an app or a water plan?
This is a great blog, Simple Living Global, and one that is very obvious but is not paid much attention to.
It makes sense that we drink water as our bodies are approximately 70% water and so are the cells of our body.
As rightly stated, we cannot live without water and the more we dehydrate, the more we are known to be susceptible to contracting an ailment or illness.
Keeping hydrated throughout the day is the key, but does that mean everything we drink is going to hydrate us.
Alcohol is known to be a diuretic, which makes the body lose fluids because we have to go to the toilet more often.
Drinks like tea, coffee, energy and soft drinks contain caffeine and they are known to cause symptoms of dehydration.
These are all drinks that are known to have a mild diuretic effect on the body as well.
I used to drink all of the above and only drank water as a means to quench my thirst during or after some form of physical activity. To drink it through choice was boring.
But as soon as I was given an understanding by Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon on how these drinks truly affect our bodies, I weaned myself off the alcohol, tea, coffee and soft drinks with the very noticeable improvements in my health, my sleep, my skin, my weight, my moods, my concentration and my activity levels.
Without doubt, water is very much underestimated but it has the power to alter our lives for the better, just as it has done with my life.
Long before any of these drinks were created, nature provided us with an abundant natural source of hydration.
Doesn’t it make sense to drink that, which keeps us healthier and naturally alive?
Something I have been observing and the time is now to put a comment on this blog.
Drinking water on a long haul flight is not a priority.
Walking through the airport terminal before we board a flight it is full of eating places and coffee shops which sell cakes, pastries, muffins and croissants.
I clocked it a long time ago, that I need to purchase plenty of water before I board the flight as this is not the beverage you can get on the plane.
First and Business Class go on first to settle down and alcohol including champagne is on offer immediately, while coach class are boarding before take off.
I noticed no one had water as their choice of beverage.
In economy class soon after take off, seat belt signs off and alcohol trolley saying Shiraz or Chardonnay – in other words, red or white.
Then the spirits are offered – all larger than average size and you can have more, no limits up there in the sky.
Later with dinner a tiny bottle or plastic container of water is placed alongside the tea cup and of course wine with your meal is always offered.
It would be an odd request to ask for water as it just is not the norm. Fact.
I took on board and drank 1.5 litres of water in flight and realised how supportive it actually is – not just to hydrate me but because I know and can feel the benefits of drinking simple plain water with nothing else. I was able to rest and be awake and work, with no need for a TV screen to entertain me or any other stimulant like coffee or chocolate.
What would happen if airlines introduced a water only policy.
Think about it, once upon a time smoking was normal on a flight but now we have a total ban and it has not stopped us, the consumers, from using it.
What would happen if alcohol was banned, as we all know it plays havoc 39,000 feet above in the earths atmosphere?
Would it mean airlines would need to re-consider future planes and build more toilets?
I always wondered how a jumbo jet with 300 + passengers have such few toilets.
Well it’s obvious – we don’t need them as very few of us hydrate well by drinking water and passing water.
Daily Mail – 7 March 2020
Page 45 – Dr. Max Pemberton
Latest fad that Dr. Max is calling ludicrous is ‘dry fasting’.
This involves abstaining from liquids of any sort for 10 hours a day in order to ‘give the kidneys a break.’
“This displays such woeful ignorance of how the body works…
It is like saying give your lungs a break by stopping breathing…
The fact that this absurd craze has gained any sort of traction suggests we are failing to teach the young basic biology.
Enough said – this blog is spelling out to all of us the value and purpose of drinking water.
WHY are blogs like this NOT used to present and educate at schools and colleges around the world?
WHY are silly non-sensical fads that are seriously dangerous to the human body getting the press coverage, so to speak?
Where is the Responsibility and who is subscribing to it?
We can blame the Internet and Social Media but the choice is back to us – the individual.
Is it time we got Back to Basics and that means using common sense and good old fashion ways of living so that we can help and support the younger generations who seem to be swept away by nonsense consistently?
Are we are aware that we are very much influenced by our screens and what we view?
A recent news story talks about two famous soccer stars choosing to not endorse the soda or alcohol sponsors and instead pick up a water bottle.
The media call them “health conscious atheletes”
According to Britain’s Obesity Health Alliance, one of the soccer stars was simply setting a positive example for young fans and showing disdain for a cynical marketing attempt to link him with a sugary drink’.
Drinking water is not a fad, a trend or a lifestyle. It is essential and a natural way to hydrate our body and if we all started to drink more water, we may feel the benefits in many many ways.
This story made news headlines because the media got their facts wrong and said the stock price had fallen and wiped out billions for the big soda giant. It was circulating all over social media and those that reported the news had to update the facts with a note from the editor with a correction.
The point is the soda company’s stock price had fallen before the soccer star was seen on camera, moving away from the sponsors drink and favoured the water bottle.
Could it be possible that some of us are waking up now and realising that sugary drinks are not making us feel great and hydrated, so we are making the move, hence the drop in stock price for the big soda makers? Possible?
Today is World Kidney Day – 10 March 2022.
The focus as always is to raise awareness about kidney health.
We all know our kidneys play a big part in our drinking water and passing water cycle.
On that note – yesterday I hear a true story that I have to report.
It is my duty and responsibility to bring to the world more awareness about what is going on in our world, in particular when it is real life as we tend to relate to it more.
13 year old has stopped drinking water as she does not want to use the toilet at school.
Because other children come in and take photos and upload them on social media.
The mother has repeatedly reported this to the school but there is no change as it is way out of control and totally accepted as normal.
This means no change other than the body not able to do its job properly.
Common sense would tell us lack of hydration will lead to all sorts of complications in the body. Our body cannot survive without water and our children of today need to be encouraged to drink more water.
I know how I operate in life and I would not accept this behaviour, even if the school head and others in authority were doing nothing about it.
This is not my child and we could say not my business but yet we know it is going on.
It is for this reason that I commit and devote my time to writing simple blogs like this that do hold value and could one day be of use.
I cannot fight or just accept but I can use my skill of writing and express that I know this is going on and SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
This child and many others are at the hands of abuse in school – Yes the abuse is clearly going on and nothing is being done about it. The abuse will continue because the masses, the majority, are not united and coming together to stamp this out.
To spell it out – it is abuse to know that any child avoids drinking water and using the toilet because the risk of being exposed and having their image on social media whilst using a toilet is not what they want.
In my world, this is a crime.
It is a crime to sit back and simply accept this goes on in our world.
Where is our Responsibility?
Drinking water and not having it laced with anything – just plain water is a must for all of us and not just our children.
If we continue avoiding drinking water, then we will without doubt have our bodies break down and show the symptoms of illness and dis-ease.
American Association for the Advancement of Science – 11 April 2022
Fighters who rapidly cut weight before boxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) are at a higher risk of suffering concussions or being mis-diagnosed with head trauma – ground breaking study reveals for the first time.
60% of athletes in combat sports like boxing and MMA revealed symptoms were worse after dehydrating themselves to make stringent weight classes before contests.
These controversial techniques see competitors stop drinking water and endure long periods in saunas to rapidly drop weight.
40% higher concussion severity reported by athletes compared to other sports, particularly boxing, which is due to the mix of striking and contact with the ground.
The study by academics from 3 UK universities comes after a list of tragedies linked to weight cuts with some athletes dying in the attempt to achieve a perceived competitive edge, by competing in a smaller weight class.
This study has probed into the neurological implications of rapid weight loss and researchers have called on governing bodies to check fighters’ hydration levels before fights.
“Not only is cutting weight through dehydration in and of itself dangerous, but it might actually exacerbate concussion symptoms and even more concerning, medical professionals may actually mis-diagnose it”. Researcher Nasir Uddin from St. Mary’s University.
65% of the fighters had an experience of a weight cut “not going to plan”, suffering a lack of energy, strength, power, co-ordination or increased susceptibility to being ‘rocked’ during a bout.
This means the dangerous practice may not after all offer a competitive advantage.
Dear World
Drinking water is something our body cannot ever do without.
Why are we treating our body this way – to perform at elite sports with dehydration?
It makes no sense and will never make sense as we all know this is not going to work.
Sports like this continue at the expense of the players involved. We put them there with our insatiable demand to be entertained and we forget these are fellow humans, or made to be superhumans excelling, but at the cost of the human frame. Forget this not.
NIH – National Heart, Lungs and Blood Institute – 2 January 2023
Adults who stay well-hydrated appear to be healthier, develop fewer chronic conditions, such as heart and lung disease and live longer than those who may not get sufficient fluids, according to the National Institute of Health study published in eBioMedicine.
Health data from 11,255 adults over a 30-year period was analysed by researchers.
They found adults with serum sodium levels at the higher end of a normal range far more likely to develop chronic conditions and show signs of advanced biological aging. Adults with higher levels were also more likely to die at a young age.
The results suggest a proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life.
National Institutes of Health – 24 January 2023
Higher blood sodium in middle age was associated with increased mortality, chronic disease risk and biological aging, according to a new study published in The Lancet.
As people live longer, the world has a rapidly aging population and an emerging chronic disease epidemic, finding mechanisms and implementing preventive measures that could slow down the aging process has become a new challenge for biomedical research and public health.
The findings suggest that poor hydration may accelerate biological aging and increase the risk of chronic disease and death.
United Nations University – Institute for Water, Environment and Health
Published 16 March 2023
The bottled water industry is helping to mask a world problem – the failure of public systems to supply reliable drinking water for all.
Needed to provide safe water to 2 billion people without it:
An annual investment less than half the US $ 270 billion now spent each year on bottled water.
Some private firms take a public good at little cost, treat it and sell it back to those who can afford it. Many cases from 40 countries show the product is not always safe, with companies largely scrutinized far less than public utilities.
The fast growing problem of water bottle plastic waste already is enough every year to fill a line of 40 ton trucks from New York to Bangkok.
Global sales of bottled water are expected to double to half a trillion dollars by 2030.
Report: Global Bottled Water Industry: A Review of Impacts and Trends
The Guardian – 17 May 2024
Scent flavoured water bottle becomes the latest playground craze.
The drink was targeted at health conscious Generation Z’s and millennials and has become popular after going viral on a social media video platform.
The latest playground ‘must-have’ is an expensive drinks bottle that comes with scent pods that trick the brain into thinking water is cola or fruit juice.
The bottles work with circular pods that fit on the neck of the bottle.
Drinking from the straw creates a suction that transports the water and also air from the outside through the pod into the mouth.
The cheapest bottles start at £30.
The company set out to make “responsible consumption more attractive” and to encourage adults to drink more water.
60% of the consumers are children.
According to the producers –
80% of what we perceive as flavour is actually derived from what we are smelling.
There are currently 30 pod flavours from lemon to chocolate, orange and iced coffee.
‘Kola’ is the most popular and the company plan to make bacon and experiment and go ‘wild’ with more flavours.
The company claim that “there is a very tiny amount of transference of the aroma into the water but it is so small, it has no impact on the body”.
“It is important to consider the flip side of the impact of new product development from brands adding to consumption culture and therefore undermining the principles behind refill and reuse”.
Jane Martin – Chief Executive, City to Sea Environmental charity
£7 BILLION is the global market worth of reusable bottles.
10 MILLION bottles of water a day are used in the UK.
2.8 BILLION bottles by 2026.