Dear World
Today is National Simplicity Day in USA
What EXACTLY is Simplicity ?
Simplicity –
The quality or condition of being easy to understand and do
The quality or condition of being plain or uncomplicated in form or design (1)
Cambridge Dictionary
The fact that something is ordinary, traditional or natural and not complicated
The fact that something is plain and has no decoration (2)
So here we have kingpin Google and a well-known dictionary giving us their version of the word Simplicity.
We can all agree that Simple is not complicated and we know if something is simple it is easy to understand.
It would be easy to do something if it was classed as simple because it would be uncomplicated.
This website is called Simple Living Global.
Does the title give away what it is about
This website is plain and certainly has no decoration
For most it would be something ordinary and the content is saying something about the word traditional – let’s get Back to Basics.
Nothing is working in our world and it is full of Complications so why not bring in simplicity in absolutely every area of our living way and see what happens.
On that note, this website is committed and wholeheartedly dedicated to presenting Another Way that is all about living Simple, because having tried and tested the author claims it works and so do those that have used the presentations as part of their Simple Living.
Imagine if this website was called Complicated Existing
Sounds strange, weird or funny but the truth is many of us are choosing to live a very complicated lifestyle which feels like we are existing, as we do not feel alive and full of vitality every single day.
Next –
Do any of us have simplicity in our lives
What would Simple Living be like for us
Have we even considered what Simple Living would be like in daily life.
Have we ever wondered what life would be like without any Complications.
Have we been dreaming of the day when life becomes Simple in every way.
Do we wish our Crazy lifestyle would end if it was easy to swap it for Simple Living.
Do we hope for the day that life is simple and there is no tension.
Do we know anyone out there who chooses Simple Living as a way of life.
Do we think we are missing out on something if we opt for Simple Living.
Do we think we will get Bored with life if it was super Simple and easy.
Do we think we would want More and more as simple feels like it is just not enough.
Do we ever consider what might happen if we bring simplicity into any issue that we may have.
Do we wish for days where all is Simple and it feels like life is on track.
Enter Simple Living Global
This website is all about Simple Living
In other words, a way of living that is Simple
No more Complications = no more nonsense
No more existing because we are really living our life in the Flow Zone.
What if Simple Living can bring us to Honesty
What if Simple Living can bring us Harmony
What if Simple Living can bring us Stillness
What if Simple Living can bring us JOY
What if Simple Living can help us to lighten up
What if Simple Living allows us to Get on with It
What if Simple Living means we actually enjoy those daily tasks we call mundane.
What if Simple Living means the house jobs get done without effort and nothing is a big deal.
What if Simple Living helps us to manage our work and home life with ease.
What if Simple Living means we go to bed without a big never ending to do list in our head.
What if Simple Living means we wake up with vitality levels that will allow us to easily do whatever is needed.
What if Simple Living supports us to be equipped with the day ahead.
What if Simple Living offers us the space to help others as we no longer live in chaos.
What if Simple Living gives us more space inside our heads.
What if Simple Living supports us to breathe our own Breath.
What if Simple Living brings us more awareness about things that are important.
What if Simple Living helps us to know when SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
What if Simple Living gives us the opportunity to reflect on each day and learn from our Mistakes.
What if Simple Living means we always know where things are so nothing is Lost.
What if Simple Living means we have less of everything this world offers and more of what we truly need, which is already inside of us.
What if Simple Living brings out the real person who in the past was ducking and diving trying to be someone else.
What if Simple Living helps us to just Say It as It is no matter what the circumstances are.
What if Simple Living Connects us deeply to who we truly are and that means no more Loneliness.
What if Simple Living ends the Struggling with life as we have the time and space to review what is needed and what is not working.
What if Simple Living supports us to Just Talk to others and not hold back our Expression.
What if Simple Living means we are not likely to Lose the Plot.
What if Simple Living means Self Care is at the top of our agenda and we keep it that way.
What if Simple Living gives us an opportunity to approach everything in life by being Gentle.
What if Simple Living would help us to not Overdo things in life.
What if Simple Living stops all the Push Push Push behaviour that hardens our body.
What if Simple Living is the start to Do Less and Be More.
What if Simple Living has a profound effect on our own Health.
What if Simple Living would help the Global Wellness in this world.
What if Simple Living means not wasting money on Vitamins and Supplements but finding out what our body actually needs before buying.
What if Simple Living can support us if we have any of the following –
Chronic Fatigue
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
What if Simple Living changes the way we choose What we Eat.
What if Simple Living helps with our awareness of what Salt does to us.
What if Simple Living makes us look at why we have a need for Chocolate.
What if Simple Living means we join the dots and feel the impact of Gluten the glue in our belly.
What if Simple Living means we pay attention to Food Waste and no longer contribute to a Care-Less society.
What if Simple Living brings an end to the Champagne Lifestyle with a Lemonade Budget.
What if Simple Living gives us a Passport to get Real and we get to keep it.
What if Simple Living knocks out the current Intelligence1 we call Intelligent2
What if Simple Living supports us to connect to our Heart and listen to the wisdom and Intelligence1 it offers us.
What if Simple Living confirms we are Smart people who know what is and what is not true.
What if Simple Living gives us the permission to change our Focus and know what is Priority.
What if Simple Living brings a quality to our Sleep which supports us in daily life.
What if Simple Living means we are not relying on Alarm Clocks as we are connected to our internal body clock.
What if Simple Living means we plan ahead and never need to suffer with Jet Lag again.
What if Simple Living ends the Happiness up and down moods and life becomes a constant JOY.
What if Simple Living means we do not get silly and stupid at Christmas or New Year as we understand it is just another day on the calendar.
What if Simple Living means our Birthdays are no longer trying to beat what we did last year.
What if Simple Living means an end to seeking the Double Life that is hurting everyone.
What if Simple Living has no need for Vices and Secrets as everything is open and transparent.
What if Simple Living means living a See Through Life as it is easy.
What if Simple Living has no time allocated for Gossip and Hot Talk.
What if Simple Living is about Real Talking as this is what the world wants and needs.
What if Simple Living means we don’t get caught up in the Politics of the day.
What if Simple Living gets us off from Sitting on the Fence and watching the world go by.
What if Simple Living has no more need for Excuses as we know it is a waste of time.
What if Simple Living is needed if we are to truly Commit to Life.
What if Simple Living means we actually enjoy doing the Odd Jobs on our Day Off.
What if Simple Living means Completion with any task is no longer an issue for us.
What if Simple Living allows us to learn from Mistakes by doing a Take 2.
What if Simple Living ends the Regret stuff because how we choose to live now makes the new footsteps that erase the past.
What if Simple Living means our Careless ways are not on the radar anymore.
What if Simple Living means we take super care of those Pots and Pans and end our throwaway habits.
What if Simple Living means we actually have no problem Emptying our Trash and taking care of our dirty bins.
What if Simple Living means that Toilet of ours has our attention to detail.
What if Simple Living means we roll out the Simple at work too and our Pending Trays are easy to manage and action.
What if Simple Living means we have time and space to see the Dodgy Emails and take action.
What if Simple Living means taking care of our Eyes and appreciating them.
What if Simple Living means we look after our Feet and we invest in sensible Footwear.
What if Simple Living gives us the time and space to look after our Oral Health every day.
What if Simple Living means making the effort to read the blog and take Handwashing seriously.
What if Simple Living brings our life Back to Basics – in other words the old fashion way.
What if Simple Living means the end forever of living life in the Danger Zone.
What if Simple Living means no more Stress – the end.
What if Simple Living can bring us Another Way to live on Earth.
What if Simple Living keeps us on track with our own evolution.
USA | National Simplicity Day | 12 July 2019
The official website is telling us to get Back to Basics and celebrate National Simplicity Day
The date is in honour of Henry David Thoreau born on that day in 1817
He and his contemporary transcendentalists believed in simple terms that people have knowledge about themselves that “transcends” all the external forces in their lives.
They advocated for living a simpler life to better get in touch with those feelings.
“As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler”
Henry David Thoreau (3)
The fact we want to celebrate on the day that this philosopher Thoreau was born is saying something.
Was he making sense back then and we are only just considering his wise words 200 years later.
What was this man on about when he and others who were like minded were saying that we have the knowledge about ourselves.
Is this some prophecy or are there amongst us today, those who actually know this to be true.
What was he communicating to us about ‘external forces’ and is this something we all need to be aware of.
Can living a simple life help us to deal with the ‘external forces’ in our lives because we are better equipped and can get in touch with those feelings.
Is this what he was saying to us and we are only just getting it
As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler
What is he telling us here –
We need to make our life simple and if we do, then the laws of the universe will be simpler
Does that mean that we have no chance of ever knowing what the laws of the universe are if we continue with our busy-ness and crazy complicated lifestyle choices.
Does it mean the laws of the universe will be simple for us but only if we make our life simple first and keep bringing in ways to simplify even more.
If we for one moment, consider what Henry David Thoreau was telling us, could we learn something that would support our evolution.
For the record Simple Living Global have been presenting blogs and articles from their Back to Basics program on this website since 2016.
We are on the front foot because we know that Simple Living actually works and delivers results.
Our World is in a mess and no one can negate that fact.
We have stuff going on every day, which many of us are not even aware of.
We have Children with mental illness and we don’t know what to do.
We have illness and dis-ease at epic levels and our health systems are at breaking point.
We are finding ways to continue distracting ourselves and there seems to be an un-rest.
We are busy entertaining our minds and seeking where we can find comfort in this.
We are seeking experiences and our minds keep creating more pictures of what we want.
We are holding tension inside our bodies and we look for Solutions to not feel that.
We are living with a constant un-settlement and yet we do nothing about it.
We are demanding more self-medication – our drugs of choice to numb out what we feel.
We are blaming the Drug dealers but not looking at where the actual demands are coming from.
We are busy championing this and that but not looking at who is behind endorsing this stuff.
We know there is no safe limit for Alcohol but yet we continue with research to prove this wrong.
We know CAFFEINE keeps us stimulated and without it we would be simply exhausted.
We know SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT but say nothing as that is the easy option.
We Blame –
Social Media
Video Gaming
AND anything and everything about why things happen to us, but never once Stop and take Responsibility for the choices we are making.
We bury our issues and the misery that comes with it by living an irresponsible lifestyle.
We moan about work day in and day out, instead of being Honest and saying our lifestyle choices are not supporting us to do the job.
We go to work and think about our next Holiday as it helps us ignore the agony we feel.
We are always searching for the next trend, the next Diet and the next fashion thing but it seems to leave us feeling even more empty inside.
We have this need to upload on Social Media endless times a day and at the end, we still feel dis-connected from this world we have created.
We want the day where we feel content with what we have in the knowing it is enough, but it never seems to come.
We feel self fury and envy at the choices another is making when they just Get on with It.
We want the JOY we see in others who are getting on with a life of Simple Living.
We want others to make our home simple for us but we have this habit of not Letting Go.
We want to end our Holding On habits but that would mean a life where things become Simple Living.
We want the manual, the handout, the book, the audio for Simple Living but we do not want to take the actual steps and make the changes.
Simple Living is a way of living that supports us to work in harmony with what is within our body and all around us.
Our world is full of Complications and distractions and to hold steady requires us to live Simple – like we did a long time ago.
We have the space to cut the nonsense out of our life and lock in stuff that has meaning, value and purpose.
What is possible when we choose Simple Living is beyond anything we can work out with our so called intelligent mind.
This website is living confirmation of what is possible when one chooses to live a life of simplicity.
Bina Pattel | July 2019
(1) (n.d). Google. Retrieved July 10, 2019 from
(2) (n.d). Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved July 10, 2019 from
(3) (n.d). National Simplicity Day – July 12, 2019. National Today. Retrieved July 10, 2019 from
Comments 1
University of Waterloo – 25 November 2024
Simplicity is key to understanding and achieving goals.
Our minds favour simple explanations and efficient actions, according to a new study.
People’s preference for simple explanations of any situation is connected to their desire to execute tasks efficiently.
“These findings show that our preference for simpler explanations mirrors how we evaluate actions. Simplicity is not just valued in explanations – it is part of how we think about achieving results efficiently”
Claudia Sehl – Lead Author and PhD in developmental psychology, Waterloo University.
The study found that people are more attracted to explanations that involve common and reliable causes. If a cause seemed rare of unreliable, it was viewed as less helpful.
In other words, the simpler and more dependable the cause, the more appealing it was both for understanding any event and for achieving results in the future.
The research suggest that people care a lot about efficiency – the idea of doing more with less and that this focus on efficiency affects how people think about both explanations and accomplishments.
The study was published in Cognitive Psychology