
Do we need to ask some simple questions about Politics?


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    The founder of this website – Bina Pattel used her left hand to write this blog.

    It may seem a bit simple for such a complex subject, but this is deliberate.

    What has been expressed is generally how the author questions life.

    What if we just started with the questions that have been presented and be really honest in our response?

    Would we all agree that SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT ?

  2. So simple. As a child would ask it.

    It makes you realise how complex we make it.

    What if we simply went back to first principles and moved forward from there?

    What decisions would our politicians make then?

    To what standard would we hold them?

    And what press coverage would we then see?

  3. I was talking recently to someone who has worked in politics. They are withdrawing from that world and from the limelight because it has been too brutal, too intrusive, particularly with the online trolling and other personal attacks and the behind the scenes backstabbing.

    This person is exactly the type of person you would want to represent you. Considered and considerate. Wise and worldly, with integrity.

    So what is going on if these types of people are turning away from the political arena?

    Are we in a place where the only ones to stand forward in politics and represent us are those who can withstand attacks or who want limelight and power?

    Does this reduce the pool of candidates who would put people first, above all else?

    Has it always been this way or is it getting worse?

  4. In the USA politicians are supposed to be a voice for the people they represent.

    If this is the case, is the state of USA what its citizens are asking for?

    Can we blame it on the politicians?

    Is it time to take responsibility for what we have created?

    Is it time to get honest about our individual responsibility in all this?

    Is how we are living and indication of the state of our political system?

    Simple Living Global – Back to Basic Program has supported me to take responsibility for my own life.
    This has allowed me understand the power of living the way I would like the world to be.

    When I take more responsibility for my own life, it allows me reflect to the world that it is all about taking true individual responsibility for the world we have created.

  5. I had a close friend who was on the board of selectman in our town. We worked together at times and I valued his common sense and ability to mediate problems between people.

    He was the type of person that I felt would be a good politician.

    He served in state government for a term, and enjoyed it but it put an incredible stress on his home life. And it was frustrating because he felt there was so much individuality in the government, i.e. [nobody looking at the big picture] that it was impossible to get anything done.

    He returned to politics in our town. (1500 people).

    I feel that our political system is so complicated that it makes it extremely difficult to be effective. And the type of person that I feel should be a politician is too smart to want to get involved.

  6. Brilliant questions.

    In talking with local communities about politics and politicians many people have ‘lost faith’ in politics and politicians, some feel the democratic processes have broken down irretrievably, some actually don’t feel there is a Party to vote for, others don’t want to vote any more, some feel that citizens are no longer part of the equation (e.g. politics is for politicians and some politicians have long since forgotten to look out at their electorate and talk with them). So, yes, absolutely it is a mess.

    The other thing is the way people treat one another – people from different political parties, and people from within the same political parties can still abuse and harm one another – doesn’t make sense does it?

  7. Observing several conversations this week has shown me how talk of politics can be used to:

    -pass the time
    -create drama
    -revel in or build outrage
    -cast judgements
    -perpetuate division between people
    -give the appearance of intelligence

    This feels like a bastardisation of the potential and perhaps true purpose of politics, to:

    -build understanding
    -bring people together
    -raise the bar

    Reflecting on this makes me realise how easy it is to feel we know best or consider ourselves ‘right’ and others ‘wrong’ – to hold ourselves above.

    And also how easy it is to have conversations that merely circulate opinions on politics, and that do not go anywhere except round and round. In fact it seems this is often the exact intention.

    It strikes me that for as long as we keep doing this in our own lives, we can not expect a different outcome on the big political stage.

    It is therefore motivating to:

    -ask more questions
    -consider deeply and dispassionately
    -watch the integrity of our information
    -choose our conversations wisely

    This website is a great anchor for such integrity, reflection and information.

  8. I love this blog.

    The eloquence of this blog is in the simplicity.

    Not much has been written but what has been written is very power-full.

    When people start to talk about politics and politicians, generally, there isn’t a good word to be said, especially in this post Brexit era.

    We can posit that all politicians are only there to look after their own self-interests, but of course that is not the truth.

    One of the biggest scandals we have had in recent times was the MP’s expense scandal where only a handful of MP’s were NOT involved.

    Is it possible that this simply shows the endemic failings of government?

    Or, is it possible that this simply indicates the failings of human beings?

    If we look at politicians as a reflection of what our society looks and behaves like, is it possible that the majority of us would act in the same way, if we were in a position to claim our expenses?

    In truth, our politicians are us – humanity – is it possible we need to start to look at our behaviours before we cast judgment on them?

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