Feet and Footwear

Only a small percentage of the population are born with foot problems.

Neglect, lack of awareness or proper care and ill-fitting shoes that bring on the problems. (1)

Who is interested in Feet these days?

What is there to say about our Feet?
What is the real job of our Feet?

Are we BIG into our Feet?
Are we good at ignoring our Feet?
Are our Feet a priority in our lives?

Do we know much about our Feet?
Do we want to look after our Feet?

Have we ever taken deep care of our feet?
Have we ever noticed what our feet look like?

Are we bothered about the anatomy of the foot?
Are we concerned about the physiology of feet?
Are we obsessed with our feet and footwear?

Are we only awake when it comes to footwear?
Are we really into wearing the best footwear?
Are our feet just a gross inconvenience?

Are things always going wrong with our feet?
Are we one to get foot injuries all the time?
Are we out of touch when it comes to our feet?

Do we have a dodgy foot?
Do we pay attention to our feet?
Do we get irritated with our feet?
Do we wonder why we have so much hard skin?

Do we think we have ugly toes?
Do we ignore our feet most of the year, except in summer?
Do we never display our feet so it’s a hidden thing?
Do we shy away from showing off our feet?

Do we squash our feet into shoes that are way too tight?
Do we have a habit of ignoring how our feet feel when we party?
Do we forget how delicate and tender our feet really are?
Do we live in our sports shoes as they are so comfy?
Do we have smelly shoes but we can’t seem to let them go?

Are we aware when we are digging our heels in when we walk?
Are we aware our footwear might take us off balance?

Do we have ideals and beliefs about our feet?
Do we value our feet and the work they do?
Do we take deep care of our precious feet?

Do we love everything about our feet?
Do we pay attention to our feet every single day?
Do we have any real connection with our feet?
Do we blame our feet when we trip over?

Are we aware how our ankle affects our footsteps?
Are we aware that our knee may affect our ankle?
Are we aware that our hips might affect our knee?

Are we aware that our body posture could affect our feet?
Are we aware that the way we move around can affect our feet?
Are we aware of the quality in which we move from A to B?

How aware are we when we do steps and stairs every day?
How are we placing our first foot on the first step or stair?


Flip Flops
Kitten heels
Sling backs

Where is our common sense when we go shopping for shoes?

Have we gone crazy when it comes to our footwear?
Have we seriously Lost the Plot when it comes to choosing sensible footwear?
Have we ever stopped long enough before buying the next pair of shoes?

WHY is it that we never like last season’s sandals for this summer?
WHY do most people think women are big into fancy footwear?
WHY do they now have footwear for kids which are like adults?
WHY do some of us have a need for so much footwear?
WHY are some of us addicted to buying shoes all the time?

Do we pay more attention to what we wear on our feet than the actual feet?
Do we have heaps of shoes, sandals and sports shoes for every single occasion?

Do we have a range of outdoor footwear?
Do we have special indoor footwear?
Do we know what it means to have the right footwear?

Do we have happy shoes for happy days?
Do we have footwear for every occasion we could think of?
Do we have stacks of closets full of footwear?
Do we suddenly find we have so many in our closet we forgot what we own?
Do we like to know we have plenty of shoes in our closet for a rainy day?

Do we have a footwear budget or is this one area that it does not apply?
Do we own two pairs and that’s our lot for this lifetime?
Do we wonder what all the fuss is about when it comes to footwear?

Do we envy those who have bling on their footwear?
Do we like to make a statement when we walk out with our new shoes?
Do we care what others think and say about our fancy shoes?
Do we suffer the foot pain just to look the part at the party?

Do we love the thought of all those foot aids to help us wear party shoes?
Do we keep walking when we know our feet are feeling so uncomfortable?
Do we realise that the bunion came from our bad choice of shoes?
Do we care enough about our feet to only wear sensible footwear?

Do we always swap flat stuff for heels as that makes us feel better?
Do we only live in high heels as we don’t like our height?
Do we wear killer heels even though we are tall because we like it?
Do we feel self-conscious in our kitten heels because our legs are way too heavy?

Do we ever compromise when it comes to buying those strappy sandals?
Do we queue outside the shop overnight for the best sports shoes ever made?
Do we fall for the next best shoe that the ads are telling us to buy?

Do we subscribe to fashion over the true health of our feet?
Do we live in stilettos even though we know they are mis-aligning our walk?
Do we tread carefully when we wear those backless things that have no support?

Do we find all footwear uncomfortable and go bare feet where possible?
Do we find footwear restricts our feet from breathing naturally?
Do we stick to keeping our shoes and socks on even indoors?

Do we wear the flatties indoors and outdoors with just the strap across?
Do we insist on never throwing out our old shoes?
Do we wear the same one pair year in, year out and not notice they are worn out?

Do we wear the flip flops because we need to get the sun on those feet?
Do we notice how the toes have to be when we wear those thongs?
Do we have maximum support from our choice of footwear?

Do we prefer a corn plaster than changing the funky footwear?
Do we save up just so we can buy those expensive outrageous shoes?
Do we find ourselves sharing our shoes with others or just giving them away?

Do we find ourselves obsessing over the perfect shoes to wear?
Do we insist on buying designer shoes as we want others to recognise us?
Are we known as a footwear fashionista and it’s where we put all our focus?

We want and we demand – so is it any surprise every high street and shopping mall is full of shoe shops?
Whatever we desire, the basic supply and demand thing applies.
Footwear of all – sizes, shapes, styles and designs available for any budget.

WHY is it that we insist on our children wearing sensible shoes that fit in all ways, but we do not apply the same common sense when it comes to our own footwear?

WHY does any form of common sense not apply to us when we go shopping for shoes for that special day?

WHY do we forget what agony our feet will be in after dancing in those fancy footwear all night?

WHY do we continue wearing shoes that have cut into our feet?
WHY do we wear those straps with band aids around our tiny toes?
WHY do we act so carelessly when it comes to our footwear choices?

WHY do we need to pack so many varieties of footwear for our holiday?
WHY do we bear the pain on our feet in the name of fashion?
WHY do we love it when others love what we wear on our feet?
WHY do we wait for someone to notice and say how great our shoes look?

WHY do we wear skinny heels when we are overweight and we know it?
WHY do we insist on platforms that are so high because it gives us something?
WHY do we compromise our tootsies in favour of the latest style of shoes?
WHY do we wear super pointy shoes that do not fit the shape of our toes?

WHY do some of us find fancy footwear even with the bunions sticking out?
WHY do some of us walk around with crusty hard skin feet every day?
WHY do some of us accept the state of our feet like we have given up?

Could it be possible that how we hold our body affects how we walk?
Could it be possible that how we walk and move around affects our feet?
Could it be possible that choosing sensible footwear helps us in many ways?
Could it be possible that having little regard for our actual feet harms us?

A podiatrist told me that ballet flats are as bad as high heels.
They totally lack support in the arch so you are hurting the bottom of your foot.

Elizabeth Holmes – WSJ Senior Style Reporter (2)

Could it be possible that our feet are communicating to us, if we stopped long enough to connect with them?

Could it be possible that our feet play a super important part in our lives?

Could it be possible that many of us pay little attention or give our feet any serious thought about what is best for them, to support us in daily life?

Could it be possible that basic foot care is not in our education so we never learn anything until we get an injury or pain of some kind down there?

Could it be possible that our feet are not naturally designed to walk in high heels?

Could it be possible that if our feet could talk they would communicate something we may not want to hear?

Could it be possible that frumpy footwear is how we see everything that is sensible for walking?

Could it be possible that we live in our running shoes as our life is constantly on the go at a super-fast pace?

Could it be possible that we have our running shoes on all the time, as we want to run from the life we have and don’t want?

Could it be possible that as we are evolving our footwear needs to change accordingly?

Could it be possible that our feet offer us the opportunity to balance our life and step forward with a quality that can truly support us?

Could it be possible that the way we choose to take the first step up or down the stairs gives us the quality for the next step?

Could it be possible that if we made effort to pay more attention to our feet when we walk, then there would be less chance of tripping or slipping?

Could it be possible that bashing our feet playing sports is not something our delicate foot bones can cope with?

Could it be possible that the whole foot area would benefit if we made a choice to focus on taking care of our feet?

Could it be possible that we could one day get to love our feet and cherish them like they were baby feet?

Could it be possible that neglecting our feet when we have Diabetes is seriously harmfull?


Diabetes disrupts the vascular system, affecting many areas of the body including eyes, kidneys, legs and feet.
People with Diabetes are advised to pay special attention to their feet.

It is critical for Diabetics to apply proper foot care as they are prone to problems such as –
Loss of feeling in feet
Changes in shape of feet
Foot ulcers or sores that do not heal (3)

People with Diabetes are particularly at risk for developing serious problems with their feet and this can affect how they walk and even lead to amputation. (4)

Foot problems in Diabetes are primarily due to a condition called Neuropathy.

Diabetic Neuropathy is a complication of Diabetes that affects the nerves. The most common type of Diabetic Neuropathy is called Peripheral Neuropathy and affects the Peripheral nerves. Peripheral nerves are the nerves that go out from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles, skin, internal organs and glands. Peripheral Neuropathy impairs proper functioning of these sensory and motor nerves. The most common symptoms of Neuropathy include numbness and loss of feeling, usually in the feet and hands.

Diabetic Neuropathy can cause insensitivity or a loss of ability to feel pain, heat and cold.

Diabetics suffering from Neuropathy can develop minor cuts, scrapes, blisters or pressure sores that they may not be aware of due to the insensitivity. If these minor injuries are left untreated, complications may result and lead to ulceration and possibly even amputation. Neuropathy can also cause deformities such as Bunions, Hammer Toes and Charcot Feet. (3)

It is important for Diabetics to take necessary precautions to prevent all foot-related injuries. Due to consequences of Neuropathy, daily observation of the feet is critical. Taking the necessary preventative foot care measures can reduce the risk of developing serious foot conditions.

Treatment and Prevention

The most successful way to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy from occurring is to control the Diabetes.

It is important to maintain blood sugars at normal levels, maintain normal blood pressure and have regular physical checks and tests for blood and urine. (3)

ADD to this the common sense stuff like No smoking and No alcohol, which is both covered in great length in our Tobacco and Alcohol blogs on this website as both are poison to the body.

Cosmetic Foot Surgery

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are treatments which involve injecting a substance known as hyaluronic acid underneath the balls of the feet to provide relief from pain. (5)

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan, which is polysaccharide – a sugar!
According to Beauty by Geeks it is naturally occurring in the connective tissue throughout our bodies with 50% of it being found in our skin.
It is one of the major components of our extracellular matrix and it plays an important role in retaining moisture. One molecule alone can hold up to 1000 times its own weight in water.
As we age our body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down. (6)

Does it make sense WHY many beauty creams and serums are adding Hyaluronic acid?

Risk of Dermal Fillers

Experience in this type of procedure is very important as there are dangers in terms of using too much of the dermal filler product and making it feel uncomfortable to walk. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the practitioner is trying to achieve for the client. In addition, the wrong kind of filler, namely one which is too firm or thick can have the same effect of making it uncomfortable to walk. (7)

Hello – here we have cosmetic surgery for our feet so we can totter around for longer in those heels that are body is saying ‘no thanks’ to.

What Intelligence1 comes up with ways to support us to continue harming our precious feet?
What Intelligence2 allows a specialist doctor to carry out the opposite to truly caring for our feet?

Foot Doctor


Origin of foot doctor – an Americanism dating back to 1865. (8)

A specialist in care for the feet. (9)


Podiatrists are health care professionals who have been trained for feet and lower limbs to

Correct deformity
Relieve pain
Treat infections
Keep us mobile and active
Care for feet
Advise on footwear

Alleviate day to day foot problems including:

Toenail problems
Thickened, fungal or ingrown toenails
Corns and calluses
Athletes foot
Smelly feet
Dry and cracked heel
Flat feet
Heel pain
Ageing feet
Sports injuries

Supply orthotics – tailor made insoles, padding and arch supports to relieve heel and arch pain.

This claims to re-align the foot, take pressure off vulnerable areas of the foot or make shoes more comfortable to wear. (10)

There is no difference between a podiatrist and a chiropodist.
A podiatrist is simply a more modern name. (10)

Podiatric Surgeon

A specialist in the treatment of foot and ankle problems.
Podiatric surgeons are not medical doctors.
However, they have specialised over their entire graduate and post graduate training and education in studying the foot and ankle in detail, as well as the lower limb and all the associated medical knowledge necessary to safely and expertly diagnose and treat foot and ankle problems.

The training of a podiatric surgeon covers a minimum period of 10 years.
During this time they commence with a 3 year undergraduate programme then a BSc Hons degree in Podiatric Medicine followed by a minimum of one year in clinical practice then a 3 year Masters degree in the Theory of Podiatric Surgery. (11)

Foot Problems

Achilles Tendonitis
Causes inflammation and degeneration of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon located in the back of the leg that inserts into the heel.
The pain can be a shooting pain, burning pain, or even an extremely piercing pain.
Achilles Tendonitis is aggravated by activities that repeatedly stress the tendon, causing inflammation. It is a difficult injury to treat in athletes due to their high level of activity and reluctance to stop or slow down their training.

The most common cause is over-pronation which occurs in the walking process, when the arch collapses upon weight bearing, adding stress on the Achilles Tendon. (3)

Athlete’s Foot
A fungal infection that causes red, dry, flaking skin, sometimes accompanied by pain or itching.
Condition usually occurs between the toes or on the soles or sides of the feet.
It can spread to toenails, causing chronic fungal infections.
Touching and scratching the infections can lead to the fungus spreading to fingernails or other parts of the body including groin and underarms.
In acute stage, the infected foot exhibits blisters that itch or ‘weep’.

All foot conditions, including athlete’s foot are of special concern to people with Diabetes and compromised immune systems who are more susceptible to developing infections that can lead to serious medical problems.

Arch Pain/Arch Strain
Inflammation and/or burning sensation at the arch of the foot.
Most frequently the cause is a common condition called plantar fasciitis.

Disease characterised by the inflammation of the cartilage and lining of the body’s joints.
Inflammation causes redness, warmth, pain and swelling.
Arthritis is a major cause of foot pain because each foot has 33 joints that can become affected by the disease.
Arthritis can also lead to many different forefoot deformities, including hammer toes, mallet toes and bunions.

40 million Americans currently suffer with Arthritis
60 million will have Arthritis by 2020

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (3)

Surgical repair or replacement of a diseased joint.
Used to treat a variety of foot and ankle conditions that cause destruction of cartilage and bones, such as arthritis. (12)

Medical name Hallux Valgus is one of the most common forefoot problems.
A bunion is a prominent bump on the inside of the foot around the big toe joint.
Symptoms include inflammation, swelling, soreness on side surface of big toe.
The discomfort commonly causes person from walking naturally.

This bump is actually a bone protruding towards the inside of the foot.

With continued movement of the big toe towards the smaller toes, it is common to find the big toe resting under or over the second toe. This causes a common forefoot condition called overlapping toes.

Bunionette known as a Tailor’s Bunion forms on the outside of the foot towards the joint at little toe. A smaller bump is formed due to the little toe moving inwards towards the big toe.

Bunions are a common problem experienced mostly by women.

Tight, narrow footwear with a constrictive toe area can cause the foot to begin to take shape of the shoe, leading to the formation of a bunion.
Women who have bunions generally wear dress shoes that are too small for their feet.

Toes squeezed together in their shoes causing the first metatarsal bone to protrude on the side of the foot.

Continued use of footwear which restricts the toe area can lead to surgery. (3)

Foot Bunion Surgery includes soft tissue work at the large toe and various levels of bone work. (13)

Caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells that harden and thicken over an area of the foot.
This callus formation is the body’s defence mechanism to protect the foot against excessive pressure and friction.
Calluses develop because of excessive pressure at a specific area of the foot.

Common causes are –

Abnormalities in gait cycle (walking motion)
Bony prominences
Flat feet
High arched feet
High heeled dress shoes
Loss of fat pad on bottom of foot
Shoes that are too small

A very common ailment that usually form on the tops, sides and tips of the toes. (3)
Corns are caused by friction and pressure from skin rubbing against bony areas when wearing shoes. If the first signs of soreness are ignored, corns rise up naturally as a way of protecting sensitive areas. (1)

Common causes of corn development are –

Deformed toes
Foot sliding forward in loose shoes
High heeled footwear
Tight fitting footwear
Tight fitting socks
Tight fitting stockings (3)

Gout is a type of arthritis in which small crystals form inside and around the joints.
It causes sudden attacks of severe pain and swelling.

Gout is caused by a build-up of a substance called uric acid in the blood.
If too much uric acid is produced or the kidneys do not filter enough out, it can build up and cause tiny sharp crystals to form in and around joints. These crystals can cause the joint to become inflamed and painful.

Any joint can be affected by gout but it usually affects joints towards the ends of the limbs, such as toes, ankles, knees and fingers.

The following can increase the chances of getting Gout –

High Blood Pressure
Kidney problems
Red meat, offal and seafood (14)

Hammer Toes
A toe that is contracted at the PIP joint (middle joint in the toe), potentially leading to severe pressure and pain. Ligaments and tendons that have tightened cause the toe’s joints to curl downwards. Hammer toes occur in any toe except the big toe.

Heel Fissures
Also known as cracked heels, can be a simple cosmetic problem but also lead to serious medical problems. Heel fissures occur when the skin on the bottom, outer edge of the heel becomes hard, dry and flaky, sometimes causing deep fissure that can be painful or bleed.

Causes are –

Consistently walking barefoot
Inactive sweat glands
Living in a dry climate
Wearing open back shoes
Wearing sandals

Heel Pain
A common condition in which weight bearing on the heel causes extreme discomfort.
Over-use repetitive stress can be caused by shoes with heels that are too low, a thinned out fat pad in the heel area or from a sudden increase in activity. (3)

Heel Spurs
Develop as an abnormal growth in the heel bone. This is the largest bone in the foot and absorbs the most amount of shock and pressure.

Calcium deposits form when the plantar fascia pulls away for the heel area, causing bony protrusion or heel spur to develop. The plantar fascia is a broad band of fibrous tissue located along the bottom surface of the foot that runs from the heel to the forefoot.

Heel spurs can cause extreme pain in the rear foot, especially while standing or walking.

Women have a significantly higher incidence of heel spurs due to the types of footwear often worn on a regular basis.

Ingrown Toenails
Known as onychocryptosis, a common, painful condition that occur when skin on one or both sides of a nail grows over the edges of the nail, or when the nail itself grows into the skin. The most common cause is cutting toenails incorrectly, causing them to re-grow into the skin. When the nail penetrates the skin, it provides entry for germs that can cause infection. Untreated, the nail can go under the skin causing a more severe infection.

Mallet Toes
Occurs when joint at end of the toe cannot straighten.

General term used to denote a painful foot condition in the metatarsal region commonly referred to as the ball of the foot. This common foot disorder can affect the bones and joints in this area.

Ball of the foot pain is often caused from improper fitting footwear, most frequently by women’s dress shoes and other restrictive footwear. Footwear with a narrow toe area forces the ball of the foot to be forced into a minimal amount of space.

Other factors that can cause excessive pressure in the ball of the foot area include shoes with heels that are too high or participating in high impact activities without proper footwear and/or orthotics. (3)

MIFS – Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
An alternative to open surgery using advanced technology to treat foot and ankle pain caused by variety of conditions.
Special surgical instruments, devices and advanced imaging techniques used to visualise and perform surgery through small incisions.
Aim of MIFS is to minimise damage to the muscles and surrounding structures enabling faster recovery and less pain. (15)

Morton’s Neuroma
A common foot problem associated with pain, swelling and/or inflammation of a nerve, usually at the ball of the foot between the third and fourth toes. Symptoms include sharp pain, burning and lack of feeling in the affected area. It can also cause numbness, tingling or cramping in the forefoot.

Symptoms often occur during or after placing significant pressure on the forefoot area, while walking, standing, jumping or sprinting. Footwear with pointed toes and/or high heels can often lead to neuroma. Constricting shoes can pinch the nerve between the toes causing discomfort and extreme pain.

Over Pronation
Known as flat feet – a common biomechanical problem that occurs in the walking process when a person’s arch collapses upon weight bearing. This motion can cause extreme stress or inflammation on the plantar fascia, potentially causing severe discomfort and leading to other foot problems.

Prominent in people who have flexible flat feet. The framework of the foot begins to collapse causing the foot to flatten and adding stress to other parts of the foot. As a result, over pronation often leads to Plantar Fasciitis, Heel Spurs, Metatarsalgia, Post-Tib Tendonitis and/or Bunions.

Obesity, Pregnancy or repetitive pounding on a hard surface can weaken the arch leading to over-pronation.

Plantar Fasciitis
Condition in which the plantar fascia – the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from heel to toes becomes inflamed. (3)

Heel pain is a common result of plantar fasciitis, as irritation turns into inflammation or swelling. (16)

Post-Tib Tendonitis
This is a strain placed on the posterior tibial tendon and the tendon cannot function to hold up the arch, resulting in flat feet.
It occurs when the muscle is overused and the tendon (soft tissue) that connects the muscle to the bone is strained.

Most common foot problems experienced by pregnant women are over-pronation and edema, referred to swelling of the foot. These problems can lead to pain at the heel, arch or the ball of the foot.

A common ailment that affects the forefoot typically in young people who engage in physical activity like running or dancing. Its most common symptom is pain the ball of the foot, especially on the medial or inner side. The term is a general description for any irritation of the sesamoid bones, which are the tiny bones within the tendons that run to the big toe. (3)

The colour, shape and texture of a toenail can also point to numerous health problems such as –

Spoon-shaped toenails – iron deficiency
White nails – psoriasis, diabetes, liver or heart problems
Pitted nails – nail growth problem or psoriasis
Clubbed toes – wide range including lung and digestive disorders (17)

Toenail Fungus
Known as Onychomycosis, this fungus infection occurs when microscopic fungi gain entry through a small trauma in the nail, then grow and spread in the warm, moist environment inside our shoes and socks. (3)
Laser treatment for toenail fungus is often effective. (18)

Toenail Removal
Surgical toenail removal known as avulsion of the nail plate is a common method of treatment for a variety of conditions, including onychogryphosis (ram’s horn nails”) and an ingrown toenail.
Removal can be partial and in some cases doctors may recommend permanent toenail removal. (19)

Also known as a plantar wart, a verruca is a wart on the sole of the foot. (20)

Skin growths caused by viruses that can be painful and if untreated, may spread.

Over the counter preparations rarely cure warts. A doctor can apply medicines, burn or freeze the wart off or remove the wart surgically. (17)

See photos on this link of warts and verrucas.

Foot Surgery
Usually recommended by podiatrist to relieve pain, correct a foot deformity or restore function in foot and/or ankle.

Generally a last resort and final option for treatment of a foot problem, condition or injury.

Foot Surgery can take place in hospital or the podiatrists clinic. (21)

Foot Amputation
A procedure where a surgeon removes the entire foot, a toe or multiple toes or part of the foot.

In all cases of foot amputation, the current state of the foot is threatening the patient’s health.

Peripheral Vascular Disease due to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is the most common reason for limb amputation.

Other reasons for foot amputation include –

Poor blood flow
Severe burn
Trauma caused by an accident
Wound or infection that does not heal (4)

Anatomy of the Foot

There are seven bones in the foot which are collectively called the tarsals.
Each tarsal is an irregular bone that slides minutely over the next bone to collectively provide motion.

The individual tarsals are as follows –

The talus bone is the main tarsal. It articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint.
The talus is significant in that it bears the weight of the entire body when standing or walking.

Also known as the heel bone, it is the largest and most posterior tarsal bone.
The calcaneum is an important site for attachment of muscles of the calf.

The cuboid is situated between the fourth and fifth metatarsals and the calcaneum on the lateral (outer) border of the foot.

There are three cuneiform bones, which are located between the navicular bone and the first three metatarsal bones.

The navicular bone is situated between the talus bone and the three cuneiforms.

There are five metatarsals forming the dorsal surface of the foot.

14 phalanges form the toes, 2 of which are in the hallux or big toe and 3 each to the other toes.

The bones of the feet form arches which are designed to support body weight and provide leverage when walking.

The arches of the foot are maintained by ligaments and muscles. They give the foot resilience in bearing the body’s weight when running or walking. (22)

$52,175,000,000 – Global Footwear Industry Annual Revenue (23)

45% people pick out the wrong size shoe (2)

75% Americans will experience foot health problems in their life (1)

60% all foot and ankle injuries were sprains and strains of the ankle reported by U.S. population older than 17 (1)

Foot ailments can be the first sign of more serious medical problems. (1)

What can we do to take real care of our feet every day?

Here are some basic tips taken from the Simple Living Global Back to Basics Program © –

Let’s start with socks

Super important to wear socks that actually fit.
Allow space for toes to move and breathe freely.
If socks are tight around the ankle area or calf, take note.
Wear a wider leg bit or roll them over so the sock rests on the slimmer bottom part of the leg. That way there are no marks on the skin and it will be more comfortable.

Sit down when putting socks on.
Raise leg and place across the other thigh.
Lean forward and use both hands to open up the sock.
Use fingertips to stretch the inner part and gently place over toes.
Make sure the heel bit fits the heel and the seam is not pulled beyond that.
Give the sock a pull at the toe area so there is no constriction.

Finally, cup the palm of the hand and place gently on the heel and then the sole of the foot and on top – like a “hello mate, I am with you”.

At the end of the day, remove the socks and rest the hand over the ball of the foot and heel in Appreciation for looking after you all day.

Next – shoes

Invest in decent walking shoes as this is super important.
There should be no compromise when it comes to footwear.
This is not about buying expensive stuff, it is about being sensible.
Treat your feet with the respect they deserve.

When purchasing footwear, take note of the following tips –

Make shoe buying important
Listen to what the feet are telling us
Check where the big toe is and how much space is there
Feel the width of the shoe
Does the little toe feel squashed?
Does any toe feel uncomfortable in any way?
Have a walk around in the shop
Ask – do they feel supportive?
Does the back of the heel rub the shoe?
Is this purchase a sensible choice?
Does one shoe feel more restricted than other?
Wear correct socks – so if buying work shoes, wear work socks.
Never buy shoes in hot weather as feet are usually swollen.
Note that leather upper shoes may stretch with wear.
Note slip on shoes with no back support or strap means no support.

Always go for sensible shoes before high fashion.
Worth shopping around to get the right fit. 

This publication is ©Copyright and the Moral Rights of the Author, Bina Pattel and Simple Living Global are asserted.
 Other than for the purposes of and subject to the conditions prescribed under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended, no part of this work may in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to Simple Living Global – info@simplelivingglobal.com.

Dear World

Can we join the dots here and be honest that something is seriously wrong when it comes to our precious feet and footwear?

Are we making sensible choices?
Are we bothered about what footwear we go around in?
Have we got our priorities wrong or upside down?

Are we taking the next step in life on the ‘front foot’ as the saying goes?
Are we back stepping or back peddling in life as the saying goes?

Would it be true to say we do not value and respect our feet?
Would it be true to say we do not regard our feet as being important?
Would it be true to say we do not understand how delicate our feet are?
Would it be true to say that most of us put fancy footwear before self-care?

Would it be true to say we are tempted by the latest fashion for our feet?
Would it be true to say our choices of footwear are in deep neglect to our feet?

Could it be possible that we are not being consciously present when it comes to our feet and this is the start of all the suffering that follows?

Could it be that Simple?


(1) (n.d). Podiatry Facts & Statistics. Illinois Podiatric Medical Association (IPMA). Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(2) Holmes, E. (2014, July 15). Feet Are Getting Bigger, and Many People Wear Shoes That Don’t Fit Right – VIDEO. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved July 6, 2017 from

(3) (n.d). Foot.com. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(4) Nirenberg, M. (2015, October 30). Your Complete Guide for Foot Amputation Surgery. FootVitals. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(5) (n.d). Dermal Filler Foot Injections. Essentials. Retrieved June 11, 2017 from

(6) Hall, V. (2016, November 3). The Science of Skincare: What is Hyaluronic Acid? Retrieved July 11, 2016 from

(7) (n.d). Foot Cushioning with Dermal Fillers. Consulting Room. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(8) (n.d). Dictionary.com. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(9) (n.d). The Free Dictionary. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(10) (2015, December 10). Foot Problems and the Podiatrist. NHS. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(11) (n.d). Find Out About Podiatric Surgeons. The College of Podiatry. Retrieved July 11, 2017 from

(12) DeHeer, P. (2015, October 2). Everything You Need to Know About Arthroplasty Surgery. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(13) Landsman, M. (2015, October 30). All About Foot Bunion Surgery. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(14) (2015, September 24). Gout. www.nhs.uk Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(15) (n.d). Minimally Invasive Surgery. SamerMorgan.com. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(16) Weaver, B. (2015, November 30). Your Complete Guide for Plantar Fasciitis. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(17) (n.d). Foot Care – and What Your Feet Can Say About Your Health. Footactive.co.uk.  Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(18) Pelto, D. (2016, January 1). Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus – What to Expect. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(19) Scholnick, K. (2015, October 2). Toenail Removal – Before, During, and After Surgery. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(20) (2014, December). Warts and Verrucae. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Retrieved July 13, 2017 from

(21) (n.d), All the Different Types of Foot Surgery. FootVitals. Retrieved July 12, 2017 from

(22) McGuinness, H. (2006). Anatomy & Physiology – Therapy Basics. (3rd edition). (p.78). Oxon, UK: Hodder Education

(23) (2016, August 13). Footwear Industry Statistics. Statistic Brian. Retrieved July 13, 2017 from





Comments 49

  1. Love our feet! They have carried us through our life.

    I am 66 years old and spent very little of that time sitting. I marvel at what my feet have done for me. They have been the first connection to the earth. They have dealt with all the impact of how I have been walking my life.

    I have been honouring my feet lately, it is part of a self care program that Simple Living Global presented.

    At first it seemed weird to massage my feet. But over time it has become a ritual that I love and never miss.
    At times it brings tears to my eyes when I do it.

    Feeling that commitment to myself is what it is all about. I did not realize that there was a part of me that felt I did not deserve to love myself.

    By doing the simple act of massaging my feet, it has allowed me to feel this disregard, and understand where it comes from.

    Just feeling this and honouring it, has helped me move on to deeper levels of self love. It has transformed my life in ways that nothing else has even come close to.

    So love your feet! It can change your life.

  2. I used to hike barefoot, I walked everywhere with no shoes often injuring my feet.

    Since inviting Simple Living Global into my life I have developed a close and honest relationship with my feet; this feels beautiful and is supportive to my entire body and being.

    Since choosing to pay attention to them I have learned a LOT from my feet.

  3. I was just clocking how much footwear aids are now readily available at the drug store or local pharmacy to support us to continue wearing shoes and sandals that are cutting the skin or causing it to blister or whatever.

    How come we just keep going, as we find solutions to our feet that are communicating to us that our choice of footwear ain’t any good?

    I know a long time ago I had a red pair of fancy shoes and they were tight at the back but there was no way I was going to stop wearing them because of this painful inconvenience. It was show off shoes that had not gone past their sell by date, as far as I was concerned, so suffer the blisters, sore skin and keep on moving.

    I found padded gel stick on things that were not making much difference. Then one day I thought this is crazy and it really hurts and made a choice to say NO to anything that harms me and that includes my shoes.

    We would never let our kids walk around in footwear that hurts them, so why on earth do we allow it for ourselves? No point having double standards I say as we all have a responsibility if we think about it.

    1. Yes Bina, “How come we just keep going?”…

      For the first time I am working in a retail (fashion) setting and I have been astounded at how little progress the world of shoes has made in designing stylish shoes that are not abusive to wear.

      We have millions of well dressed women working full time jobs which require them (officially) to wear fashionable shoes…

      and I have found some shoes which are lovely looking and as well as supportive to the person who will be standing & working in them all day looking great… so I know it can be done…

      …and yet I have visited many shoe stores and warehouses and in the fashion section MOST are not designed with much comfort or support for the feet (and person!) who will wear them.

      This is more an expose on the supply part of the uncomfortable shoe cycle;
      in other words what the heck are we choosing for ourselves!?

      We do not need to disassociate our selves from our feet to keep up a harmful social norm, so why do we do it?

      If we stop compromising our feet and choose reasonably fashionable shoes, which are designed to support us we would be encouraging the industry to produce just that.

      I want to live in a world that does not choose surface presentation at the expense of our actual well being.

    2. I know women who put into inflammatory gel on their feet before going out on a party night. They know they will be in agony with their shoes and they do their best to manage that, but the ‘look’ with their outfit is way more important than their comfort.

  4. I used to buy shoes that were a size too small or too big, it was a standing joke with a friend ‘what size did you buy this time’ all because I wanted a certain pair and they didn’t have my size or this is how I wanted my feet to look.. but I couldn’t wear those shoes for too long as they hurt my feet so much, how disregarding when I look back. It was a few years ago now when this stopped and I only buy shoes if they are the correct size and fit now and are really comfortable – what a difference this makes to my feet and my day.

    Now my feet are a priority for me.. my work shoes, shoes I walk to work in, each pair I wear.

    I love to massage my feet very tenderly before I go to bed focussing on every movement, this allows me to fully connect to my body and have appreciation for my body before I sleep.

  5. What an enlightening article on so many levels.

    Everyone needs to read those instructions for putting on socks – “hello mate, I am with you” – just that alone is life changing.

  6. I used to work as a children’s shoe fitter and it taught me a huge amount. Reflecting on it now, though, it was all common sense.

    That common sense is laid out in this blog as a reminder for us all.

    What if we got out all our shoes and tried them on with that common sense in mind – as if we were buying them in the shop having just read this blog.

    If we were really honest, which of our shoes would make the cut and stay in use and which would end up in the bin?

  7. I had not heard of dermal fillers for feet before. Surely it is worth asking why they are in pain and begin to look at that so the condition can be addressed and healed rather than it potentially worsening and becoming more painful from trying to fix it?

    1. Occasionally I get plantar fasciitis which is painful when I walk – when I start to feel the early signs of it (I can feel lumpy bits under my feet and it feels a little tender to walk) I look at how I have been walking and living, and what daily living choices I need to change. It can come on when I have been putting pressure on myself or walking with effort rather than relaxing when I walk.
      Once I do pay attention to it and deepen my self care, change the way I am walking and massage my feet at night before bedtime it quickly goes away.
      Its amazing how much we can do to support our body even in the tiniest detail.

  8. I didn’t know any of this stuff about diabetes and feet.

    It makes sense that something affecting the blood and the nerves would have an impact on the extremities of the body. Add to that the pressure the feet are under all day carrying us around.

    Reading all this is helping me start to actually appreciate my feet.

    If our feet started to suffer or pack up on us, I’m sure we’d soon realise what a great job they had been doing and wish we’d taken better care of them.

  9. I really appreciate this blog.

    Ever since I have read it I’ve been pulled to start the Simple Living Global Back to Basics tips on putting socks on, it is really changing my relationship with my feet!

    Each morning and night after putting my socks on, in the way the author describes, I just hold my feet tenderly and say the “hello mate, I am with you” to them.

    I can feel the warmth from the palms of my hands and a real care for myself and my feet as I do this.

    These are great moments in my day where just by doing it, I give myself permission to stop, pause and care for me; a way to remember that who I am is not all about the things I can do for others.

    Feet are not just extremities at the end of our bodies to be ignored, but they are to be well looked after just like any other part of our bodies – whether others can see them or not.

    1. Shevon I too have been applying the Back to Basics tips on putting socks on, gently pulling the toe so there is space and room for my toes to move and no pressure on them. It is amazing what small details like this make to how my feet feel throughout the day, and to gently connect with them by holding them before I put my shoes on, I love this.. and so do my feet.

      I too appreciate so much all that is shared on this website, what a huge difference to life these small but very significant changes make.

  10. Superb blog – I didn’t appreciate all there was to know about feet until I read this.

    I know in healthcare many healthcare professionals get foot problems and in hospitals we have needed to get plenty of support for the staff from the podiatrists, chiropodists etc. It’s accepted as normal to get foot problems while working in healthcare.

    I just read this on a site that supports nursing staff and their feet:

    “The foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and a network of over 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments. Add all the blood vessels and nerve endings, and you have a very complex body part! Working all together, the foot endures tremendous pressures involved in daily living. An average day of walking brings a force equal to several hundred tons to bear on the feet.”

    There is far more we can do to support our health and wellbeing through looking after our feet – whether we are a healthcare professional, or whatever we do in life.

  11. Some months ago I knew I needed to buy some new walking shoes for my daily walking. I went to a local sports shoe shop where the service was exemplary. They did a digital scan of my foot and I didnt realise how high my instep was – due to the fact that I did ballet for 10 years when I was a child my feet had developed an extremely high instep – so much so that as an adult there is not much of the sole of my foot that touches the ground.
    In the sports shop they had special insoles for high insteps and put one into my shoes for me to try, and also into some new sports trainer shoes for me to try. I was very surprised at the difference it made as with the special instep I could for the first time in my adult life feel most of my foot was now making contact with the ground as I walked. So I bought the insoles for my shoes, and I bought the training shoes with the special insole too. My walking has changed considerably since then and I feel so much joy when I feel my sole making connection with the ground as I walk.
    If I hadn’t had the digital scan and tried the insole I would not have known any better. Our feet are well worth investing in and buying the insoles is one of best investments Ive made these last few years.

    1. This is very interesting Jane. I too have high insteps and also one foot that is a different shape to the other due to it being twisted at right angles when I was born. I have always found finding shoes that fit and support a challenge but having a digital scan done as you have I’m sure would help me in opening up my options in finding the correct shoes for my feet. Something I’m going to look into.. and the insoles, thank you for sharing this.

  12. In preparation for my day I don’t feel complete unless Ive paid equal attention to my feet in the shower, as I dress, as I lace up my shoes. If I don’t lace up my shoes in a way that feels okay I start again. I like to have my feet firmly on the ground and if they don’t feel like that I take a moment to consider where I have not paid attention.

    Our feet do an amazing job, consider how many miles our feet walk and how many hours we stand on our feet throughout our lives – they absolutely need investing in.

  13. I never knew those bony protrusions next to my little toe were called ‘bunionettes’. Mine are from squashing my delicate feet into ballet shoes aged 5 onwards.

    Re-reading this blog has me wondering at the why of getting already Grace-full little girls to do ballet at all, never mind crushing their early forming feet into ballet shoes.

    And what about the pointe work? I quit before that started in earnest, but why would we think a hobby or a form of entertainment for others is worth such damage to the feet (or any part of the body)?

    Do we even consider this?

  14. Can we consider the possibility that our feet show us how we are moving and walking through life?

    Is it possible that the author of this blog is sharing that our feet are important because we are important and that we could be much more present and caring with ourselves?

    How different would society and our world be if we spent as much time honoring, cherishing and caring for our feet (our selves) as we currently spend ignoring or neglecting in favor of everything and anything but ourselves?

    If we are willing to look at our feet as representing us; how we are treating ourselves and our body and how our life is going on the whole than we may just have two very wise little teachers with us at all times.

  15. I was in a big store today and noticed how busy busy the footwear section was. I looked on the shelves at the high fashion of what is around these days and was stunned at the height of heels and how little support the straps offer and in some cases no straps.

    Our demands are there and we insist on wearing ill fitting shoes regardless of what it may do to our delicate feet.

    So how can we blame the suppliers?

    They simply give us what we want and so it is down to us if we want to change that and if not we keep going in the hope we will not need any serious foot surgery.

    1. Fashion and footwear is a big topic.

      I knew someone that would put her feet into the fridge and also cover them with ice to shrink them enough to fit into her shoes – and then wear the shoes which were painful to wear and when she took them off her feet were very sore – all in the name of fashion.
      I also knew a girl at school who wore very high platforms until she fell off them and broke her ankle.
      Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing beautiful shoes, great colours, and styles – but I can’t wear shoes that hurt my feet as it impacts on how I feel during my day and I can’t focus or concentrate so well if my feet are sore or shoes are rubbing. It also feels very disregarding to the body.

  16. Recently I’ve taken to tying my trainer laces every day. I use to slip them on in the morning, tied the same as the day before, to walk to work but I am now aware that my feet need them tied afresh everyday according to how they are and feel.. sometimes a little looser, sometimes a little tighter depending on the kind of support they need. This feels a deeper level care to take for my feet as they serve me so well.

  17. “Could it be possible that bashing our feet playing sports is not something our delicate foot bones can cope with?”

    This reminds me of the common footballer injury of a broken metatarsal bone in the foot.

    It is well known how delicate these bones are and how ill suited the foot is to the pressures of the sport.

    I wonder how much care footballers take of their feet. I know my Dad laments the state of his ‘footballer’s feet’ from years of abuse as a professional in the sport.

    What would happen if this blog was compulsory reading at the start of every football season?


  18. Since reading this blog I’ve been observing footwear as I go about the day. I’ve seen toes curled over the front of sandals and heels off the back of them, because the are too small. Where there are no straps or support heels half on half off, to one side, of the sandals. I’ve seen heels so high the natural walk and gate is affected, and wedges or platforms thick and high with no bend in the shoe, also affecting how people walk.

    What must this be doing to our feet.. and the rest of our body when they are made to walk in ways that are not natural or supportive to our frame?

  19. Research in Scotland recently concluded that high heels are not good for women bodies


    High-heel wearing should not be forced, the study says:

    “More needs to be done to stop women being forced to wear high heels at work, Aberdeen researchers have said.
    Calls to introduce a law banning companies from telling women to wear high heels at work were rejected by the government in April.
    The issue was debated after one woman who was sent home for wearing flat shoes set up a petition.
    The University of Aberdeen researchers recommended further investigation into the issue.
    The review examined research into the physical damage and injury that can be caused, as well as the social and cultural aspects surrounding the wearing of high heels.
    It found large amounts of studies showed a link between wearing high heels and an increased risk of bunions, pain and injury.”

    Our feet are really important. To put what something looks like – e.g. to force someone to wear high heels at work for an image/brand – would likely be detrimental to the physical health of that person, and hence likely detrimental to the services offered by that company.

  20. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/action-needed-ban-enforced-high-heels-work-researchers-university-of-aberdeen-a7869836.html

    The Independent – 31 July 2017 news story says that a study shows that high heel shoes increase women’s attractiveness to men and a “wealth of studies showing they raise the risk of developing musculoskeletal conditions and the chance of injury.”

    Researchers have called for action to stop women being forced to wear high heels at work.

    Dr. Max Barnish who led the research said “from our review it is clear that despite the huge amount of evidence showing heels are bad for individuals’ health, there are complex social and cultural reasons that make high heel wearing attractive.”

    So what are these ‘complex’ social reasons that we are subscribing to?
    We can sit and blame our employers and all those men who want us to wear high heels but what if we flat out refused and wore whatever supported our body without the need to please or fit in or pander to anyone?

    WHY do we associate fancy high heels with glamour dress to impress look?
    WHY are killer heels literally killing our tender precious feet?
    WHY is our job status affected by the height of our heel?
    WHY is common sense no where on our radar when it comes to high heels?

    What would happen if women just wore what felt true and supportive for their feet and not concern themselves with what anyone else thinks or says?
    What would our footwear industry be like then?
    AND what would our world be like if we started respecting our feet to the endth degree?

  21. I was talking to a wise woman called Elizabeth at the swim pool, who would make most senior citizens wake up and ask how on earth she does what she does.
    We talked about feet and I mentioned this blog and then asked her a question about her bunion.

    She was super clear that having grown up with ‘sensible’ shoes and then staying that way and never buying into heels or fashion stuff, her bunions were not because of ill footwear.

    I was super curious to know more and her take was that her life was off track and she done nothing about it and so continued walking off the truth path that she knew she could if she made choices. This is when her bunion developed and I realised she may just have a point as our body is remarkable in showing us signs and giving us messages.
    It is up to us how we interpret these communications or deny and ignore them.

    On that body talking back to us –
    My feet were telling me, just wearing my boots with a small heel two days in winter last year, a tiny tiny bit of hard skin appeared on my super soft yummy sole of my foot. Got it, message received, clear and understood. Never again is what I said and that was that.

  22. Wow…who would have thought there could be so much information about feet?

    I guess we would have that response because I’m sure most of us have never really given much thought about our feet.

    Yes, they serve a function and we know they are there because they also serve as a focal point in a favourite pastime for many people…shoe shopping.

    I could have singled out women for the shoe shopping but there are many men who are just as fixated on having the latest trendiest shoes or trainers.

    Our feet are put through a lot of disregard in the name of fashion, especially with women wearing high heels.

    It seems we only care about our feet when we have a problem with them and even then we still override the pain and do things we know we shouldn’t.

    Thanks Simple Living Global for this blog and giving us the opportunity to stop and truly consider how important our feet are, because it is our feet that are going to carry us through our life.

  23. Walking on the high street today behind a woman with platform mules that had two straps I noticed that her foot was not in the middle so the heel was only half on the base.

    She then lost balance and almost fell over.
    What I observed was she seemed in a hurry and not really bothered about this.
    Seconds later, again she lost balance and then continued at the same pace.

    When she stopped at the cashpoint, I felt to go over and tell her that she needs to slow down as that was a sure sign, as it happened twice within a few seconds. She agreed.

    Before this blog, I was never that interested in how people walk or how they actually place their feet on the ground or that their footwear may not be designed to fit the way their feet are, as in this case.

    What will it take for us to pay attention to our precious feet, which let’s face it, serve us day in and day out and keep going and taking whatever we throw at them.

    I for one regard my feet as a priority and have done so for decades now. I own much less footwear than I used to, but what I noticed is that the ones that get worn are the ones that have purpose and serve my feet. The fancy stuff comes out for weddings but even then it has to have the comfort factor and no squashing of toes or skin.

  24. I was in the supermarket checkout queue and I was looking at the lady in front with super high stiletto heels. She was not overweight but I did notice how difficult she found it to stand still. There was zero support at the front, due to the tiny bit of shoe barely covering the toes and it was very pointy. She looked and felt very uncomfortable but at the same time she was certainly what most people in our world would say ‘well dressed’ with not a hair out of place.

    When she walked, it was super clear that the shoes were taking her balance and there was a compromise like I have never seen before. The hips seemed to be out of sync and the lower back and pelvic area were also noticeably out of whack if you ask me.

    What for and who for and WHY?

    Well once upon a time, I would wear them and it was for others to see.

    I spent decades trying to find heels that were comfortable and realised they simply are not designed to support our human frame. The thing is, I never cared about my feet or any part of my body. I lived a trashy life indulging in foods and other distractions that this world was offering me and I just got sick.

    Self neglect has become our normal in society and we rarely bat an eyelid when we see people compromising their movements and their posture just to be in ill fitting footwear.

    What does it take to make changes and do we ever stop long enough to even question why we do what we do?

  25. This blog was inspired after walking down a busy London shopping street and watching people’s feet and footwear. Since writing this detailed article, I have become even more aware of peoples feet, their footwear and actually how they walk.

    I have noticed ankles rolling in or rolling out even in flat shoes and a general disregard when it comes to our feet.

    What I have also done is pay even more attention to the self care of my feet and that is not about cutting toe nails and filing them but how the pads of my feet feel, how are each of my toes feeling when I gently touch and press them. Sounds weird and whacky but this level of regard as part of my daily routine when I put socks on and take them off has supported me a bit more and this is not a bad thing.
    I find that when I connect to my feet I am with myself with no outer distractions and it is not a tick box exercise on my to do list. I do it because I want to and it is now just a part of my daily rhythm. No big deal but making a big difference if you ask me.

  26. We had heavy snow in London a few days ago and as we know after snow has settled it turns to ice.

    I walked in the road the day after as there was less ice as cars had already driven through.

    Then I noticed a lady with high heeled boots walking on the icy pavement.

    I questioned whether these were the only piece of footwear that she had and maybe this was why she was wearing them.

    Whatever the reason, it made me realise how we don’t often prepare for all eventualities of weather with our footwear, me included.

  27. I was talking to a colleague yesterday as it was pouring with rain and they were travelling to work in synthetic shoes – what I call dress shoes made from fabric and quite open at the top of the foot.

    It was interesting their response was that it was only a short distance to work, like somehow that made it ok.

    As I know this person, I said ‘you have boots’ and they replied but it doesn’t go with the trousers they were wearing.

    Again it makes me wonder, what on earth goes through our minds in the morning when we get dressed, totally unaware to what is going on outside like the weather.

    I know those weather apps may not always be super accurate but they do give us an indication. If not, opening the blinds or curtains can tell us when it is heavy rain or icey cold outside.

    All I can say from my own lived experience is that I when I am connected to my body, I know what to wear and not wear and that includes the type of footwear. I am no fashionista and do not own loads of footwear, like I did in the past but what I have is sensible, practical and serves the purpose in all weathers.

  28. Going for a walk is easy and simple for most of us, but what footwear do we choose?

    Do we go for convenience like a quick walk after work, so does it matter what shoes we are walking in or do we pay attention and note that the ‘quick walk in work shoes’ may actually be harmfull?

    Do we bother to check in with our feet and connect to them in a way that leaves us in no doubt as to what footwear is best for walking, or do we only go so far as to what suits us?

    Are we aware that our pelvic area is not in its natural position whilst walking, if we have heels on?

    Are we aware if our hips are out this will affect our knees and in fact the whole leg?

    Are we aware that walking magnifies our movements, so these little wrong footwear moments are adding up, as they are ingrained habits that are not so easy to knock out?

    Are we used to a level of disregard in our life, so what does it matter if we pay little or no attention to the footwear on a short walk because our goal is to simply tick the box and get that walk in as we have made it our new year way of living?

    Have we done a simple test and tried both – walk with sensible footwear that feels natural and then with a pair of heels that we wear to work? Is there a difference?

    Could it be possible that our ill choice of footwear during a walk is simply exposing that we are not living in deep regard of what our body needs to support it in life?

  29. Tonight I spent time with my feet, moisturising them at the end of my day. This is something that I do most nights and I absolutely loved it.

    Giving myself the space to be with my feet and thank them for their ability to take me from A to B feels very important.

    It was beautiful to see them come alive with the moisturising and as I type this comment I can feel them tingling now as a result.

    Every part of our body is so important and needs to be cherished as our body, with all of its organs and parts, works tirelessly everyday.

    What if at the end of each day we thanked our feet for their support?

    How would that change our relationship with our feet and even how we walk in life?

  30. The first summer-feeling day in London yesterday and people’s footwear has changed accordingly – so many people wearing sandals.

    2 observations on this.

    So many sandals don’t support the foot at all; the foot seems to slip around trying to cling on to the shoe.

    The temperature in the office remains pretty much the same whether it is warm or cold outside. For me, the office is nowhere near warm enough for sandals and we spend most of the day in there.

    Do we take less care with the fit of sandals than with shoes – with the support the foot needs?

    And do we take less care with the temperature of the foot when we want to embrace the sun?

  31. I have noticed this week that I am more aware of the way that I walk, in particular the way that I place my feet on the ground.

    I am finding that I am placing more of my whole foot on the ground as I walk and now I am more aware of how I was not using my whole foot to walk previously.

    It feels beautifull to use all of my foot, as I can feel the gentleness with which my feet touch the ground and the warmth under the soles of my feet. With this I notice that my thoughts change and I am less in a rush and feel less tense about where I am going. Instead I feel much more confident about who I am.

    Recently I took a pair of shoes to the charity shop, as I noticed that they were not supporting me. I noticed how one of my hips would go out of alignment in order to keep the shoe in place. As that was a no go for me, it was clear that they had to go.

    I have a standard now with my footwear, where I will not put up with anything that is ill-fitting, as it just isn’t worth it.

    Long gone are the days when I will try to squeeze my feet into shoes that are too small for me.

  32. What we were on our feet is so important – do we pay attention to the details of how our footwear feels or is it all about the look?

    I used to be always about the look, but that really does not look after my feet.

    I have a pair of boots for work that in the past I know I would never have purchased, but they are so soft and supportive for my feet; inspired by a friend I have even bought a 2nd pair, so when these one’s get worn out I have a replacement.

    They feel like slippers on my feet and I can walk in them all day and have no problems.

    These are the sorts of shoes I choose to buy from now on – comfortable, soft and supportive.

    I value that now any day over discomfort, fashion and bunions.

    1. Your comment Shevon has prompted me to reflect on my footwear business.

      I had a Saturday job working in a shoe shop in central London which at the time was so cool. We all used to spend time in the stock rooms and I would find the fancy stilettos and strappy stuff to try on and pretend one day I could have them.

      Well that teenage job led to addcition – I started buying shoes and sandals and loved it.
      My collection got huge.

      In the 1980’s a friend suggested I bought footwear that would support my feet so I would not be focussed on the pain or the corn that developed from ill fitting shoes rubbing on parts of my feet. This meant I would not be wearing most of my collection and then slowly slowly I got rid of the majority.

      These days I’ve got a few fashion items that are car to venue and a bit of walking. They look the part, I love them and they are staying as long-term. I take super deep care of how I store them and to be honest they look new but they are years old.

      There is a meticulous order in the way I clean the soles, heel, insides, brush the suede and spray the renovator or use leather polish with a soft cloth. Some have sheepskin insoles which I like for my feet as it feels yummy and supportive.

      Then they go in a box wrapped in tissue. ALL of this to me is part of the appreciation and how I cherish and value these items.

      The everyday stuff on the shoe rack in the hallway does get looked after, but not as regular as I would like. However, there is never a time that my shoes are dirty or look like they need a clean.

  33. I have noticed how some footwear sucks the authority out of me – changes my stride, puts me into comfort.

    Other footwear supports me to stand tall: to walk tall.

    This is very interesting and opens more up for choosing how I dress each day.

  34. I saw a brochure at the counter in a local ladies shoe shop, which was promoting all types of fancy shoes for women with bunions.

    It was a high end glossy catalogue with all types of modern styles and high heels.

    My first thought was this surely cannot be true but of course this is a reality in our world today.

    Whatever the demand is there will be suppliers ready.

    So the obvious reason for bunions is usually wearing ill fitting shoes for a long time. I know this from my mother and also many other women.

    But we can continue with this lifestyle choice now as there is a solution – we can buy shoes that are specifically designed to accommodate our bunions.

    What next –

    Well I also happened to be in town yesterday, where we have the most famous shopping high street full of shoe shops. I just happen to walk past a posh one and just stop to look in the window. Sun was shining, spring is here so let’s see what the shoe fashion industry has lined up for us. The prices were very high and the shop of course was busy.

    Lots of colours, new styles and shapes.

    My first thought was ‘eye candy’. It is like we see something new and we want it, regardless of the comfort factor for our delicate feet.

    My second thought was – how on earth could we wear x y z in the window, as I just know it would not be a perfect fit, as we all have different shapes and these are simply standard made shoes and sandals with heels on some, that confirm we cannot hold steady in them whilst moving.

    In my 30’s a friend suggested I wear flat comfortable footwear for travelling to work as it was walking, buses, trains and escalators. Then put the heels on at work.

    Well this sure helped, but it got to a point where the flat heel comfortable shoes were making me realise how un-comfortable the pointed strappy shoes were.

    My height was an issue for me at the time, so I thought I needed to be in heels and then add to that the comparison factor I suffered with in my banking world where I worked, as all the other women had fancy heels, so I would look odd and short.

    Well what a load of twaddle – roll on 25 years later and I wear what I want and when I want. Having comfortable footwear wins all the time.

    I do have the fancy footwear and to be honest it is not often worn, simply because it is not sustainable to walk very far in any of them.

    The height thing or looking the part so others can notice my great shoes/boots/sandals is no longer on my radar.

    In other words, I really could not care less what others think about what I wear, as long as I know it supports my feet.

    On that note, I have noticed that my walking has changed and so the heel is not as worn out at an angle as it used to be in the past. This in itself speaks volumes to me.

  35. Today is National Bunion Day and I just happened to be in a shoe shop where champagne was flowing and I noticed lots of fancy edibles like you get in a posh hotel for afternoon tea. The area was fitting for the clientele as far as I could see.

    I was offered a glass and refused and got talking to the assistant about this website and the truth about alcohol blog.

    The gathering was an open invitation to try on stylish shoes specifically designed for bunions.
    14 million in the UK suffer with bunions.

    I know my mother had this and I certainly don’t and neither do any of my sisters.
    So it got me thinking about the theory of hereditary being a reason for bunions, as I myself as a living science do not have bunions.

    My take is I gave up walking far in high heels and ill fitting shoes a very long time ago.

    It was a life changing moment as the comfort to my feet became very important to me and still is.

    If we did some independent research studies on young women who wear poor fitting shoes or high heels where their posture and balance is out – could this be a future bunion sufferer?

    As a world, we demand whatever it is that we want and that means there is a market and of course there will always be suppliers happy to produce the goods and services.

    We have become a culture of blame and then on top of that a world that just wants solutions for anything and everything.

    What if solutions are simply band aids and so they don’t really do the job, because sticking plasters were never designed to do much other than cover up the offending wound?

    What if we started to be really honest and asked some sensible questions like
    how did we get to this point?
    how do we treat our feet daily?
    how do we value our feet?
    are we wearing sensible footwear to support our feet?

    I absolutely love footwear and my first job was in a shoe shop and at one point in my crazy life a long time ago, I had over 100 pairs of shoes and sandals.

    Today I have a very small selection and each shoe is taken care of in detail after use and put back in a box or my shoe containers, specifically designed to house them.

    I take great care of my feet and I reckon if they could talk back to me they would thank me deeply as it is a big priority in my life.

    No crusty heels here or overgrown toe nails. Well groomed, neat and tidy all year round.

  36. Today is National Bunion Day in the UK.

    I was talking to a lady who has bunions and her take was about putting fashion footwear before her self. In other words, she was disregarding what her feet wanted and that means many years of abuse. Surgery was very painfull as it was releasing the many years of abuse.

    We could read this and dismiss it or put it aside as utter nonsense OR we could consider it.

    For me, with a dose of common sense this makes sense. Fashion footwear.
    My mother back in the 60s was in those kitten stiletto heels and very pointed but she had wide feet albeit a small size. Think about it – how can our foot sit comfortably if we are tottering around in heels and a narrow fitting shoe? It would be like suffocating our foot and the tiny bones it has.

    I worked in a shoe shop at the age of 15 and I loved trying on all the fancy footwear and high heels and totally unsupportive shoes and sandals. The thing was I could never wear the tight fitting stuff for long as I felt the harsh rubbing on my toes and the back of the heel. No amount of corn plasters and other solutions did it, so I was the old fashion girl with the frumpy look at times, as it was wearing sensible footwear or being a fashionista. The latter did not win and this could be why I have no feet issues and no bunions at the age of 58.

  37. I noticed recently the name ‘kitflops’ in a newspaper article saying the kitten heels give a stylish lift to the flip flop.

    Apparently there has been a debate over wearing flip flops beyond the beach. But now we have the latest fashion version which have become a hit on the high street. High end luxury fashion versions cost £600 for a kitflop.

    We seem to have hybrid names to add to our ever long list of words.

    A kitten heel is a short stiletto heel with a slight curve setting the heel in from the back edge of the shoe – a style popularised by Audrey Hepburn and now celebrities and other well known famous women including social media influencers.

    Add to that the flip flop and you could say we have a dangerous bit of footwear, but for many that is not something to consider as it looks cute, sexy, makes legs look longer and exposes most of the foot, except for the 2 straps that go from between the toes to the side of the upper foot.

    A common sense question would be – what about support at the back when we walk?
    Well the answer to that is simple – “There ain’t no support – this is fashion and it’s in right now”.

    I have done a bit of citizen journalism with footwear over the years and I am continuously clocking how we walk and what footwear we wear. My interest in this is because I was big into owning lots of different types of shoes – most were uncomfortable but looked the part, so to speak and they were a ‘must have’.

    I have loved shoes and worked in a shoe shop whilst I was a teenager. It was a fascination of how many versions and styles there could possibly be for women’s footwear and then its seasonal and even more variety comes out, year in and year out.

    It became an obsession until a friend told me put comfort before pain and discomfort. She marched me off to my first flat heel shoe shop and I hated them but they felt so comfortable and made it easy for me to travel to work on public transport – 4 to 6 buses a day and 4 trains. I recall literally gliding up and down the escalators at the station.

    Back to kitflops – WHY are we subscribing to a look?

    I can only say that from my past I would be the first to buy these because they look good.

    Not once would I think my wide feet and weight were simply not designed to hold me in a kitten heel, let alone a flip flop style that has no support whatsoever.

    Back to my observations – I have noticed that when we wear flip flops, which have now become so popular, the big toe and the second toe where the feet go into the flip flop requires effort to squeeze them on every movement as we walk to go forward. What I mean is that unless we hold the strap (usually rubber) with those 2 toes, we would just fall as there is nothing to hold our balance. So imagine walking any distance in flip flops – what on earth are we doing to our toes, our feet, our gait, our posture and our whole body alignment?

    Flip flops are our new normal and more people are seen out walking, shopping and using them as proper footwear, but have we stopped to consider the lack of support they offer?

    Yes they are cheap and cheerful and not just for the beach these days but have we asked our feet and all those tiny bones mentioned in this forensic article on feet if it wants flip flops or kitflops as its new footwear?

  38. Dear World

    Have we lost the compass inside us that says “please use your common sense”?

    WHY has our footwear become all about being different, being seen and fashion, whatever that may mean to most of us?

    WHY are we not having a good talk to ourselves before we set foot outside with those totally in-appropriate, mis-guided, un-comfortable, totally pain-full footwear that we have to pretend is ok, because we want to wear what we want and we are not interested or concerned about the consequences?

    We could say that we have a bit of sun so let’s get the flip flops or bling filled open toe, back and sides out, as we just want to feel good. But are we really feeling good if in anyway it is harmfull not only to our feet but to our whole posture and how we walk?

    What is interesting is that while we are busy shopping online and getting ready to wear our new footwear because restrictions have eased, we have the big adverts on public transport with the answer.

    “Defeat Foot Pain”
    “Hyper-Soft and Heavenly Sent”

    Really ?

    No God or his team up in Heaven would be stupid enough to send Heaven sent ultra soft nonsense as a solution to our ill, YES you read that correctly – our iLL choices, which we know are irresponsible.

    The fact they can use Heaven in the selling of their product says it all, but even more telling are those of us that seek this kind of support and find it, thinking we are going to suddenly have the answer to our pain-full feet, which we all know comes from the bad decisions that we make. In other words, our ill choice of footwear.

    Let’s wake up and put these ‘solution’ product suppliers, out of business, as it is nothing more than a band aid to keep going with our lifestyle choices that do nothing by way of real and true support.

    We seem to get distracted with a screen and the images thrown at us, but real life might be quite different. In other words, we see it and conjure up thoughts – how it is going to look and make us feel, but the raw reality is they were certainly not created or designed with your ultimate health and well-being as a consideration. It is about profit and they make the bucks because we the customer made the demand. We want and they supply so let’s not try a legal case when their footwear fails to do the job we want. Best we bring it back to us and our choices that led to the situation, incident, harm or accident.

    If we don’t get real and get honest then how are we ever going to get to the Truth.
    Worth reading that blog on this website. Just put ‘Get Real’ in the search bar.

    It is high time we start to question our everyday living choices, instead of continuing down the ill road that most certainly will lead to consequences we may not like.

  39. What is it about us that starts off on a good footing (pun intended) and then retracts and goes back to old behaviour, those habits that are not really helpful in any way.

    A classic example on the feet and footwear article – shoe laces.

    Most of us own a pair or two or much more when it comes to trainers.
    Some of us live in them daily or have different ones for different occasions.

    How soon after we buy them do we stop taking care of them?
    When was the last time we bothered to clean them properly?
    Are we the ones that wear ‘em out and just look out for the next one to buy?
    Are we even aware what those comfy footwear are doing for us every single day?

    Are we the ones that kick them off and never bother to un-do the laces as that would take up time and we don’t have any of that as we live a busy life?

    Are we trying to put them on without un-doing the laces as it keeps the on off thing going fast, as again no time to make the effort to stop and do that?

    Are we the ones who did once upon a time make the space to stop and pause and un-do our shoe laces as if it were a ritual when we take them off?

    Are we the ones from the first sentence above that did have a go and then slipped off with our movements as we do not see this as something important?

    Are we simply digging our heels in with our stubborn old behaviour patterns, even though we know it has no purpose?

    Whatever our view or take is on un-doing our laces, it is worth considering the following:

    What if the very act of spending a moment with ourself and gently un-doing our shoe laces, offers us a space that brings more settlement?
    In other words, we could be crazy busy or in our usual rushing mode but just making the effort to stop for that tiny moment, while we sit down and undo our shoe laces, could be all it takes to come out of the busy zone we were caught up in and settle down and get in the flow zone.

    On that note, worth reading our blog on this website about life in the flow zone – https://simplelivingglobal.com/living-in-the-flow-zone/
    When things flow, there is a simplicity and an ease to life, as if things just unfold at the right time and we get to receive more and as we feel more settled, the tension we hold dissipates.

    What if un-doing our shoe laces consistently, no matter what is going on for us could offer us more than we realise and that includes honouring the footwear we have and treating it with the decency and respect it deserves?

    What if we went the extra step and prepared the shoe laces for the next time and that means loosening them and placing the laces inside the shoes and not dangling out?

    What if this additional attention to detail supports us to focus more and at the same time is a loving gesture towards our own self care?

    Could it be possible that Every-thing is everything and we as humans with our so-called intelligence are far away from living this in our life?

  40. We have a lot of entertainment shows on TV now with the dancing stuff going on.

    An old veteran writes in the national newspapers about her ‘dancing feet’ and proud to announce that she studied ballet and tap dancing from the age of 3. Now in her 70s and still dancing, teaching and judging others on these TV shows.

    What they have to say – “Dancers push themselves to the limits and I have the most mis-shapen feet, with toes going in all directions”.

    We all know what ballet dancers feet end up like and what they go through.

    What is interesting is this is our normal. None of us question this, say anything, express what is this really about – we just accept what these famous people tell us and leave it at that.

    What if it is important how we walk in life and how our feet touch the ground?
    What if how we use our feet does affect us, even if we choose to over-ride the times when they hurt or cause us severe pain?

    What if our feet are simply not designed for footwear that looks good but are harming the sensitive and delicate tissue and bones in our foot region?

    How many of us regret how we have treated our feet in the past and do we ever wake up one day and realise what harm we have done OR do we say it was worth it ?

  41. GVR – Grand View Research – 2022



    Bunion correction products help to treat bunion which is a foot deformity that affects the metatarsophalangeal joint.

    Bunion or hallux valgus is a common foot disorder in the adult population with 1 in 3 Americans suffering from the condition.

    Most common causes of the condition include prolonged use of ill fitting and narrow shoes, foot injuries and inherited foot problems.

    According to a study, 63% to 74% of the participants used improper fitting shoes that did not accommodate either the length or width of the foot, which increases the risk of developing foot disorders such as deformity, calluses and bunions.

    The condition is more common in the older population, especially women due to weaker connective tissues and the use of tight and heeled shoes.

    One third of women suffer from bunion, according to the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society.

    Rising prevalence of arthritis expected to contribute to the growth of the market. Inflammatory arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of bunions.

    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have an increased risk of suffering from foot problems.
    90% of those with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from foot problems globally.

    Rheumatoid arthritis causes the body to mistakenly attack the linings of the big toe which increases the risk of bunion.

    The symptoms of both conditions include swelling and mobility issues in the affected joint, which is expected to contribute to the growth of the market.

    150,000 surgeries in the U.S. are performed every year.

    36% of the study population suffered with bunion condition.

    Dear World

    WHY do we demand ill fitting footwear that leads to a multi million dollar market and more importantly something we did not have to endure or live with had we made sensible choices for our feet?

    Some of the global industries exist today because of how we treat the human body.

    We want shoes that look great but our feet tells us no thank you but most of us do not listen, override and then we have consequences.

    This in depth article about feet and footwear is a grand reminder about the things that carry and move our body around.

  42. It is National Feet Week – asking us to be aware of our feet.

    This blog does a great job with the detail and the presentation style of questions.
    The few comments thereafter are worth noting too.

    What I have realised is when I am out and about on the streets and travelling across the city on public transport. You really do get to observe so much and footwear is something of interest as I see so many walking around with ill-fitting shoes or strappy sandals with zero support for the actual foot or ankle and then the famous thong.

    Yes – at the bus stop this week, I see a guy with the baby in the pram pushing and noticed his toes were in a gripping tight hold because he had flip flops.

    On the train platform, group of young girls out in very little clothes (regardless of it being super cold outside) wearing inappropriate shoes or sandals that communicated “accident”.

    Shoe shops displaying shoes that look like the eye candy we seek, but in reality it would be impossible to walk anywhere with them on. But yet we demand and so the suppliers make them and we buy them and then we upload on social media and make sure others are going to join us.

    As an elder in the community, I know taking care of myself and that includes my feet not only supports my body but it is ready and equipped because I am taking responsibility for what I choose to wear when it comes to footwear. No different to clothes. I don’t care if the world and its brothers see a bit of sun in winter and dress like it’s warm. I stick to my ear muffs, hat and gloves and always snug boots that support my ankles and feet.

    It doesn’t stop there – taking deep care of my feet is something I have done for decades.
    That means I have the voice, the authority from my lived movements to say “Yes, I got great feet because I take super care of them, consistently and that means every day.”

    So when I open my mouth or write a blog about Feet Care, its easy and simple. I just express what I live. I know when we do this, it can inspire others and from my experience many that I know and hang around with do take care or have started taking care of their feet.

    This is not to say never wear heels or fancy footwear but having a sensible approach and being honest about our feet and footwear is super important.

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