This is taken from the official website
Children’s Mental Health Week | 4 – 10 February 2019
Taking steps to be Healthy: Inside and Out
Place2Be is encouraging young people and adults to look after their bodies and their minds.
It does not have to be difficult
Our bodies and our minds are connected, so simple things that we do to improve our physical well-being can help our mental well-being too. (1)
Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity providing school-based support and in-depth training programmes to improve the emotional wellbeing of –
Pupils | Families | Teachers | School Staff (2)
Dear World
Would it be a wise move to ask some sensible questions because any in-depth training programmes are going to affect a large population of society and more importantly the children will be our future adult generations?
Are those presenting and delivering training programmes living with a quality of emotional well-being that is in-depth?
Imagine these types of questions at an interview for the job of an in-depth emotional well-being trainer – would that be what parents would like for their children?
First – how connected are the people delivering any program?
How are our bodies looking and how do we feel about our body?
Is it clear and obvious we have a healthy mind and body?
Is ‘improving’ what we need or is there more to consider?
What is our own definition of in-depth?
What are we training others about exactly?
What is our own living way of what we call well-being?
If the presenter of well-being talks about the importance of Sleep and the steps to take to support early bedtime routine – are they themselves masters of this actual topic they are delivering “in-depth”?
How are we living on a daily basis and how is our own emotional well-being?
Do we look and feel full of vitality because we have a strong sleep rhythm and adhere to early bed without the need for stimulants or sleeping aids?
Do we ensure there is never screen time in the late evening hours before bedtime as we are asking others to do the same?
What if when someone talks about something they actually live, it holds a quality that others can feel?
What if it is this vibration that could make the real difference and bring about real change?
Back to the example, whilst it is important to teach about the sleep wake cycle and the effects of lack of sleep on the body, it is equally important to bring in a very practical approach that students, parents, teachers and everyone can take away and develop. This is where we may see the tides turn and document by way of qualitative research study, so that others all over the world can benefit.
It only takes one class to live the teachings in this way and by way of reflection, others would feel it like a magnet and be drawn to moving in the same direction and before we know it, a whole school including the staff are going to bed early.
Whilst this way has yet to be scientifically researched and tested over and over again – the point is could this be another way, as all else has failed when it comes to true emotional wellbeing?
Is it time to listen to real role models who walk the talk – like the author of this blog and well-being website?
What is the Definition of Child
English Oxford Living Dictionaries
A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
A son or daughter of any age
An immature or irresponsible person
A person who has little or no experience in a particular area (3)
England | Northern Ireland | Wales
A child is someone who is under age 18. Once they turn 18, they are legally an adult. (4)
FRA European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights
The age of majority is the age at which a child becomes an adult and acquires full legal capacity. It means that a person can engage in legal activities and is liable for any contractual obligations.
The age of majority is 18 years in all EU Member States except Scotland, where children are considered to have full legal capacity from the age of 16 years. (5)
The Convention on the Rights of the Child
Definition of the child (Article 1)
The Convention defines a ‘child’ as a person below the age of 18, unless the laws of a particular country set the legal age for adulthood younger.
The Committee on the Rights of the Child, the monitoring body for the Convention, has encouraged States to review the age of majority if it is set below 18 and to increase the level of protection for all children under 18. (6)
1 in 5 American children | Age 3 – 17 | Diagnosable
Mental | Emotional | Behavioural Disorder – any given year (7)
Number of Children Taking Psychiatric Drugs
Includes ADHD | Anti-Depressants | Anti-Psychotic Drugs | Anti-Anxiety Drugs
0 – 1 year | 125,361 |
2 – 3 years | 202,319 |
4 – 5 years | 306,079 |
6 – 12 years | 3,259,955 |
13 – 17 years | 3,419,633 (8) |
We need to take a stop moment here and read these statistics again
This is one country so what are the real figures worldwide
Can we comprehend a baby under the age of 1 taking drugs
Can we understand that there are 125,361 babies taking drugs
3 million teenagers needing psychiatric drugs is telling us clearly
Suicide – 2nd leading cause of death for children age 10 – 17 (9)
ADHD Increase in Rates Past 20 Years – New Study
The prevalence of ADHD in U.S. children and adolescents | study published 31 August 2018
1997 6.1%
2016 10.2%
Recent evidence also suggests that frequent use of digital media may be linked to an increase in symptoms that are typically associated with ADHD. A long-term study has not yet been possible. (10)
Is Social Media Causing Childhood Depression
January 2018
A group of U.S. Child Welfare experts wrote to a social media platform citing evidence of adolescents reporting severe mood changes because of social media use and girls as young as 10 facing body image issues because of the pictures they are bombarded with on platforms who offer photo and video sharing social networking services. (11)
Why are 10 year old girls facing body image issues
Where is this going to lead to as they become teenagers
What is life going to be like for them in their 20s and 30s
What are our young kids going to end up doing or not doing
WHY have we as a world allowed what goes on in Social Media
What if we stopped the Blame game and took our own personal responsibility here
In other words, we all have a say and a hand in what goes on out there in our world
We can champion, campaign, fight what we don’t want or like or we can be the change we want to see in the world.
That means we live it day in and day out and that’s one less person contributing to not posting pictures and videos on social media.
Now that would leave us some time to do other things like go to bed early, prepare for work, tidy up, cook meals the old fashion way and other basic tasks as presented on this website.
Have we thought about our digital footprint
What is our digital responsibility and is it the same offline
Everything we do online is recorded, it is clocked whether we think it is or not
Most of us have had a faux paus moment where we Regret something we posted and rather than waste a second thinking about the error, a wise move would be to consistently take small steps to ensure it does not happen again.
What is it about our minds that needs images, visuals, the eye candy to satiate our appetite and keep wanting More and More
What is the purpose and where is it going to end if we just keep bombarding the Internet with our photos and videos which could be harmfull to not only ourselves but others too
Where has the old fashion common decency and respect gone when it comes to modern day life for kids on Social Media
How fast are they growing up and who is raising them
Are we as adults failing somewhere and we just don’t know where to start
Have we added to our kids going crazy on social media because we do it daily
Have we seen our behaviour online as something we would not want our kids to do
Are we constantly checking our screens and then try and stop our kids
In other words, have double standards. We want them to do what we don’t do.
If a wise mother and father were asked is there a link with Social Media and Depression – they may say there is.
If we asked common sense the same question – it would probably say
“Think about it – the kid is not connected to who they truly are. They are using visuals in a world of virtual reality because it is not real earth life. This means they are not Committed to Life here on Earth and are giving their life force/energy to something outside of themselves, in this case social media. The masses are doing it so there is a big pull, a hook that sucks them in and they go with it.
As soon as they pull back or even switch off they feel the void – the emptiness inside of them and they think they need more of the same to not feel this hole.
This is where they stay in the loop which feeds them more of the same.
However, one movement in another direction would change all of this.
It is of course a choice, nothing more and nothing less and no big deal.
What if we just Stop and read the STOP blog on this website
Plug in and Connect – blog on this website gives the step by step guide on how to do this simple technique
Learning to repeat anything that supports our body with true health and wellbeing so it becomes our Foundation – read the blog for more insight
Learn what Commitment to Life means and how it is possible for each and every one of us as long as we are willing to make changes that do not harm us in any way.
BINGO – life starts to move in a different direction because the need – the pull to go to the outside world, in this case social media is simply not there as the void inside is filled up with purpose and connection.
Then once we have that inner most connection, we can support ourselves to ask for help and deal with the buried hurts and issues that we are carrying.
For more understanding about life – there are over 150 Blogs on this website presenting Another Way to live and be.
Keeping things Simple – another blog would help and the simple Recipe for Life is also available on this website to stay on track.
Definition of a minor child varies depending on the province (12)
National Study
Children have high rates of mental illness | poverty | mortality
“An alarm bell needs to be rung…there are a range of factors that contribute to mental health issues.”
Sara Austin | Founder | Lead Director | Children First Canada
1 in 3 children experience child abuse | closely linked to Mental Health outcomes (13)
Suicide – 2nd leading cause of death under 18’s
One of the highest teenage suicide rates
1 in 5 children age 13 – 18 reported considering suicide in past 12 months
46% of these children reported having a plan (14)
Screen Time May Harm Toddlers
Large Canadian Study | 2,500 Children | Age 2
Letting a toddler spend lots of time using screens may delay their development of skills such as language and sociability.
2011 – 2016 mums surveyed about screen use
Screen time included watching TV programmes | films | videos | Gaming | computer | tablet | phone | any other screen-based device
17 hours screen time per week | Age 2
25 hours screen time per week | Age 3
Findings suggest increased viewing begins before any delay in development can be seen
Published in JAMA Paediatrics
It is not clear whether screen time – including how much or what type is directly to Blame
Screen use might just go hand-in-hand with other things linked to delayed development, such as upbringing and how a child’s remaining leisure time is spent.
Researchers think when young children are observing screens, they may be missing important opportunities to practice and master other important skills.
In theory, it could get in the way of social interactions and may limit how much time young children spend running, climbing and practicing other physical skills.
Even without solid proof and harm, it still makes sense to moderate children’s screen time and make sure it does not interfere with ‘face to face interactions or family time’.
Dr. Sheri Madigan (15)
So here we have a doctor that is talking sense, telling us it makes sense to moderate children’s screen time and we don’t need to wait for solid proof/evidence.
We as a world seem to like the delay as it suits us on some level.
WHY else would we wait for solid proof when it is under our nose
In this case, our children are suffering with these modern day mental health issues and a probable cause is the screen time and use.
Is it probable or actually a fact, but we cannot say that for fear of being told we are not basing it on science who know best and have told us from day dot that it is the only one to have proof.
Have we forgotten that a human being is a living science so can we start with our own common sense research.
In other words, what if we observe closely the eye movement, body language, posture and what happens when our child is absorbed in screen time.
Then continue observing their movements when they stop the screen time and take it from there to see what behaviour changes there are and make a note.
Then get Talking to other parents at the school gates, then take it to the schools and ask them what they are observing and see if we can join the dots.
For far too long now, we have become dependent and reliant on not making changes or taking responsibility, when deep down we do know and we just have not bothered to take the steps.
It is our children that are suffering and this means the knock on effect has consequences.
We all suffer – all of society and then the bigger picture tells us these future adults are going to have a lot of mental health issues which of course will lead to other illness and disease.
We have a hand in all of this now – so the question is when are we going to change?
With hindsight researchers are saying they should have perhaps followed children from even a younger age as it is becoming increasingly common for 12 month old babies to be watching and using screens.
This new study does not make any recommendation about how much is too much.
Screen Time Guidelines
RCPCH – The Royal College Paediatrics and Child Health say adults should consider their own use of screens and set a good example.
Canada | USA
Experts say children should not use screens before 18 months old
No guidelines set (15)
Dear World
Will we pay attention now as the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health are saying we, the adults need to set a good example.
Does that mean we have a responsibility to be real role models.
Has anyone noticed that we seem to always not have concrete solid answers when it comes to research and this means we wait for even more research and it goes on and on as history has shown us.
What if we get the facts, use our common sense, feel and know what is wrong and take it from there.
In other words, not wait for a scientific study to make recommendations but instead take the individual responsibility as parents or guardians to very young children and bring in the sensible approach, with a dose of common sense.
Chief Executive of Royal Society of Public Health has called for school lessons on how to use social media in a healthy way.
“In the last fortnight I have had two children request extra appointments because of online bullying.
These kids are living in a fictional world, sometimes to the detriment of their physical health. They might have physical ill-health, like toothache but they are still not wanting to leave their virtual worlds.”
Doctor Louise Theodosiou – Consultant Psychiatrist (16)
There is one group of children who have simply stopped going out because of their online addiction to Social Media | Gaming platforms | or both
Often, these children will refuse to travel to psychiatrist appointments, so a range of professionals have to make home visits to deal with the issue.
It can take months to persuade them to leave their bedrooms.
It can be very difficult for parents and it is known that some sleep with the home router to make sure the children cannot connect to the wi-fi in the middle of the night.
“Youngsters have a need to compulsively watch others and are getting upset because they feel their lives are not like that.
My sense is that they think that their friends have better lives than them, even though they are just seeing an idealized version of others’ lives.”
Doctor Louise Theodosiou – Consultant Psychiatrist (16)
3 Children in Every Class Suffering Mental Health Problems Fuelled by Social Media
Office of National Statistics Study | 7,000 Children
“Three children in every classroom thought to have diagnosable Mental Health problem, which is approaching epidemic proportions.
The nature of ‘vulnerability’ is changing and it does not respect class or privilege.
Across the country, children living in comfortable homes with their parents, who seem safe and secure. The moment they switch on their phone | tablet | computer – they enter a new realm where the usual rules, regulations and safeguards to not apply.”
Javed Khan – Chief Executive | Barnardos (17)
60% social workers | education staff | law enforcement staff – seen increase in vulnerable children
66% attributed the rising numbers to a shortfall in early intervention and said more children than ever had complex problems including –
Trauma | Grooming | Exploitation | Sexual Abuse
Call for Action to End Children’s ‘Battery-Hen Existence’ in Summer Holidays
Children’s Commissioner for England has warned – URGENT action needed to stop children leading “battery hen existence” during the summer holidays that is –
Damaging their Mental Health
Contributing to violence
Ensuring they return to school in worse health than when they left
Children measurably less fit by the end of summer holidays
Deterioration considerably worse among children from deprived areas
Study published in 2017 | UKactive | not-for-profit group of organisations (18)
We have built a world, which suppresses our children’s natural instinct to be active, replacing it with sedentary lifestyles and screen addiction.
The holidays should be spent playing with friends but for many children it has become an unhealthy, unstimulating and even Lonely time – damaging their physical and mental well-being. (18)
What if we asked parents to report what they observe when their child is watching the screen
What is the eye movement telling us
Are they in a trance
Does it feel like they are lost
Does it look like they are no longer aware of anything going on around them
Are they transfixed to this screen with total focus
What are they doing with their hands
Do they have a certain posture when doing screen time
How do they respond if we tell them to stop
What sort of things holds their attention on screen
Are they seeing what older siblings do and it’s a copy thing
Are they watching adult behaviour and doing exactly the same
Are they learning how to adjust to virtual reality
Are they finding a connection with this screen that talks to them
Then let’s interview the adults – the people responsible for raising these young toddlers
How are they feeling
How are they coping
How are their vitality levels
How convenient is it to hand a screen to a young child
How does screen time support quiet time in the household
70,000 children prescribed anti-depressants in England
1,844 children under the age of 10
Pills prescribed in large numbers, despite warnings that they may harm developing brains for little benefit. (19)
NHS to offer Children | Depression Therapy | via Smartphone
Significant waiting times prompt introduction of new technology
75% children get worse before they are seen due to significant waiting time to access face to face counselling through child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS).
The digital therapy provides appointments with counsellors via a messenger-style chat app.
5 – 18 age group will now be recommended, as a first option in updated guidance for treating depression in children from the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the watchdog which determines whether new treatments are cost effective for the NHS.
While digital CBT will not be an option for every child and will not be used as an option for those with a significant mental health condition or suicidal thoughts, the success of recent clinical trials caused new recommendations to be fast-tracked. (20)
Boys Behave Badly When Parents Divorce
Daily Mail – 17 January 2019
Major study | 6,000 children | age 3 – 14 | Impact divorce on children
16% rise in intensity of emotional problems | Primary school age | Early teenage years
Boy’s behaviour particularly badly affected
7 years of age and over | Children more likely to be damaged by divorce
Family splits occurring in late childhood are detrimental to adolescent mental health
Possible that children are more sensitive to relationship dynamics at this age
Family break-ups more disruptive to schooling and peer relationships at this stage
Children from more privileged backgrounds were just as likely to have mental health problems as their less advantaged peers.
1 in 10 children age 10 – 15 often Lonely
Analysis by the Office of National Statistics (21)
As our recent blog on this website says –
WHY have we got loneliness when there are over 7 billion people here
Read the blog on Loneliness for more understanding
Calls for Action Over ‘Intolerable’ Child Mental Health Crisis
31 August 2018
Teachers | Doctors | Campaigners | MPs have warned
Children and Teenagers face ‘intolerable’ mental health crisis
Urgent cash injection needed in schools to prevent lifetime of damage
Concerns about rates of self-harm
Rise in numbers of children seeking help for Eating Disorders
100,000 children | Age 14 | Self-Harming
22% of girls affected
Teachers’ leaders said schools are at crunch point in terms of the mental health challenge facing classrooms and they feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.
Teachers are overwhelmed by the sheer number of students, showing signs of mental health problems. There is more focus on attainment measures rather than overall concern about the well-being of a child.
Louise Regan – Former President of the National Education Union (22)
“One girl I teach scratches herself until she bleeds when she is stressed.
Lots of students say they want to harm themselves…it is usually because they have lots going on at home but also lots of things in school, for example – exam pressure.”
I feel a lot of what goes on in lessons is all about exam technique and preparing yourself and not a lot goes into coping mechanisms… I am surprised more students have not fallen apart because of how stressful it is (in the exam years).”
Teacher from Comprehensive School – Yorkshire (22)
“We see more kids breaking down with anxiety, having to leave class. Some students in my class have panic attacks once a week and have to leave lessons.
Sometimes you end up with 10 emails a day saying ‘look out for this student and provide them with this’ … it can be overwhelming to spin all these plates and deliver good lessons.”
Teacher from Comprehensive School – Hertfordshire (22)
One mother, who asked to remain anonymous said her daughter had been self-harming since she was 13 and lots of her friends did it too.
“There are forums online where you can share scar photographs. There are support groups too but at the same time it is that weird thing of when does a support group become a window into what everyone else is doing.
I could give you loads of other examples of girls with eating disorders or other anxiety disorders. I know of about 6 children who have had to drop out of school completely and they are now in children’s mental health services.
Mother who asked to remain Anonymous (22)
200 British School Children take their lives each year (23)
What is the current form of Intelligence that we align and subscribe to that puts more focus on attainment and achievement than the overall wellbeing of a child
Does anyone ever dare to challenge this Intelligence that has been running our world of education and academia
Is there Another Way and is it time to ask more Questions
Nauru is a small island near Australia with a population of 10,000 people (24)
Nauru Refugees: the island where children have Given Up on Life
1 September 2018
Mental Health Crisis | Refugee Children | Nauru | Suicide attempts | Acts of Self-Harm
8 -10 year old children – starting to see suicidal behaviour | absolute crisis
Louise Newman – Professor of Psychiatry | University of Melbourne (25)
Australia intercepts all asylum seekers and refugees who try to reach its shores by boat.
It insists they will never be able to resettle in Australia, so over the years has sent many to privately run “processing centres” it funds on Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
Supporters argue the policy has been highly effective, resulting in a dramatic drop in illegal boat arrivals.
Huge physical and mental toll exacted on people placed in offshore detention facilities
Groups working with families on Nauru paint a brutal picture of life for children on the island.
Many have lived most of their life in detention, with no idea of what their future will be.
The trauma they have endured with poor and often dangerous conditions, contribute to a sense of hopelessness.
30 children are suffering from Traumatic Withdrawal Syndrome – known as Resignation Syndrome
Estimate from The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre | ASRC (25)
It is a rare psychiatric condition where sufferers, as a response to severe trauma, effectively withdraw from life.
The condition can be life-threatening as victims become unable to eat and drink.
“Around 3 months ago, we were seeing a smattering of this…then over that period it seems to have proliferated.”
Natasha Blucher – ASRC Detention Advocacy Manager (25)
“The outbreak of this very serious condition is particularly concerning.
In many ways it is not surprising… they are exposed to a lot of trauma there and a sense of hopelessness and abandonment. They feel very unsafe.”
Professor Newman – Former Advisor to Australian Government on The Mental Health of Asylum Seekers (25)
Most advocates and medical professionals assist families on Nauru remotely as access to the Island is heavily restricted.
60 cases referred – every child has some mental health impairment
“It is impossible not to. They witness suicide attempts almost daily as well as sexual harassment and physical and sexual abuse and there is no prospect of release.
3 year old children ‘displaying inappropriately sexualized behaviour’ – behaviour that typically only comes from having this acted upon themselves.”
Barri Phatarfod – GP | Doctors 4 Refugees (25)
What is Traumatic Withdrawal Syndrome
Progressive, deteriorating condition – commonly seen in children and can be life threatening.
Begins with disengagement from enjoyable activities such as playing and drawing and progressively worsens. Sufferers may begin to refuse food and drink.
In worst cases, sufferers will become unresponsive, unable to speak and their body will begin to shut down.
Treatment – can take months and requires access to Paediatric Intensive Care (25)
First reported in late 1990s
Resignation Syndrome affects only the children of asylum-seekers, who withdraw completely ceasing to walk, talk or open their eyes.
169 cases in 2015 and 2016
Sweden’s National Board of Health (26)
1 in 35 | age 4 – 17 | experienced a depressive disorder
1 in 14 | age 4 – 17 | experienced an anxiety disorder in 2015
50% of all lifetime cases of Mental Health disorders start by age 14 (27)
Dear World
How are we going to put a stop to the rise in children mental health?
Does it start with each and every one of us to take Responsibility for our own mental health?
Could it be that Simple?
Written by Bina Pattel
Community Mental Health and Psychiatry – Level 4 Award
Depression Management – Level 3. Grade: Distinction
Advanced Psychotherapy – Level 4. Grade: Distinction
Advanced Psychology – by examination. Grade B
Stress Consultant – Corporate & Professional Level 3. Grade: Distinction
If you are feeling suicidal, contact your GP for support or the Suicide Helplines.
In a crisis contact your emergency services.
UK – Samaritans available 24 hours
Tel: 116 123
Childline – for children and young people
Tel: 0800 1111
USA – National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Tel: 1-800-273-8255
Other Countries
Check International Association for Suicide Prevention Resources on Crisis Centers
(1) (2019). Children’s Mental Health Week. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(2) (n.d.). About Place2Be. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(3) (n.d.). English Oxford Living Dictionaries. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(4) (n.d.). What is a Child? NSPCC. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(5) (n.d.). Age of Majority. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(6) (n.d.).The Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(7) Snow, K., & McFadden, C. (2017, December 11). Generation at Risk: America’s Youngest Facing Mental Health Crisis. NBC News. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(8) (2017). Number of Children & Adolescents Taking Psychiatric Drugs in the U.S. CCHR International. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(9) (2016). Suicide. NIMH. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(10) Bracho-Sanchez, E. (2018, August 31). ADHD Rates in Kids Have Increased Over the Past 20 Years, New Study Says. ABC NEWS. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(11) Wakefield, J. (2018, February 10). Is Social Media Causing Childhood Depression? BBC News. Retrieved February 4, 2019 from
(12) (2013, February 25). Provincial Definitions of a Minor. Government of Canada. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(13) (2018, September 4). Canadian Children Have High Rates of Mental Illness, Poverty and Mortality: National Study. GlobalNews. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(14) (2018). Raising Canada. University of Calgary. p.12. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(15) Roberts, M. (2019, January 28). Screen Time May Harm Toddlers. BBC News. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(16) Wakefield, J. (2018, February 10). Is Social Media Causing Childhood Depression? BBC News. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(17) Hymas, C. (2018, September 23). Three Children in Every Classroom Suffering Mental Health Problems Fuelled by Social Media, Barnardos Chief Warns. The Telegraph. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(18) Savage, M. (2018, August 25). Call for Action to End Children’s ‘Battery Hen Existence’ In Summer Holidays. The Guardian. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(19) Dalton, J. (2018, July 21). Tens of Thousands of Children Prescribed ‘Potentially Harmful’ Antidepressants. Independent. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(20) Matthews-King, A. (2019, January 23). NHS to Offer Children Depression Therapy via Smartphone in Bid to Cut Waiting Times. Independent. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(21) Siddique. H. (2018, December 5). One in 10 Children ‘Often Lonely’, According to ONS Figures. The Guardian. Retrieved February 5, 2019 from
(22) Marsh, S., & Boateng, A. (2018, August 31). Calls for Action Over UK’s ‘Intolerable’ Child Mental Health Crisis. The Guardian. Retrieved February 6, 2019 from
(23) Crawford A. (2019, January 22). Instagram ‘Helped Kill My Daughter’. BBC News. Retrieved January 28, 2019 from
(24) (n.d). Our Country. The Government of the Republic of Nauru. Retrieved February 3, 2019 from
(25) Harrison, V. (2018, September 1). Nauru Refugees: The Island Where Children Have Given Up on Life. BBC News. Retrieved February 6, 2019 from
(26) Pressly, L. (2017, October 26). Resignation Syndrome: Sweden’s Mystery Illness. BBC News. Retrieved February 3, 2019 from
(27) (n.d). Stats and Facts. Beyond Blue. Retrieved February 3, 2019 from
Comments 30
Daily Mail – 2 February 2019
Government lays out its first official guidelines for youngsters’ web use.
It is telling parents to enforce breaks every two hours and BAN social media at bedtime.
This comes after a father blamed a social media platform for the death of his daughter.
Now that parents are being told officially, will it change anything and who is going to take this seriously?
Will our kids just demand what they have been used to which is video games, TV, mobile phones and tablets?
Would it be like taking away their sweets which they need and love and have no intention of giving up?
WHY have we not questioned before about children being too young to be allowed social media accounts?
WHY are we being told by these children that getting around lax age restrictions was a ‘game’?
A study found that children who do screen time before bedtime were far more likely to be sleep-deprived during the week.
However, the Chief Medical Officer for England states that there is no definitive link between the use of technology and growing levels of mental health problems among children and young people.
Hello – with due respect to a chief bigwig in their field, can we question this statement?
The word definitive is telling us we have not yet reached an agreement or conclusion.
Is this because we are waiting for more and more research or can we read this blog and come to our own conclusions?
Whilst we wait for those in authority to tell us what is best for our kids, could we use a dose of common sense and open our eyes and see what is really going on?
Any child spending excess time looking into a screen is going to be feeling different as this is not a natural state of being.
We have somewhere along the line forgotten how good old fashion going to bed early with a routine and rhythm did work.
Instead we are caught up in this modern fast world of social media, internet, tv and video games to entertain us.
Whilst we wait for more studies to make this link definitive, it would be a wise move for any reader to check out the blogs on this website by searching –
Social Media
Mental Health
After reading the stats and the facts and pondering on all the questions presented, we can then make a choice about what feels true and what does not.
The Times – 15 January 2019
Nearly 50 school children a day age 4 – 7 are being suspended from school for attacking their teacher, according to government figures.
The latest data from the Department for Education showed that the number of incidents had more than doubled in 4 years.
In 2012 – 2013 the number was 4,210
In 2016 – 2017 8,845 instances
130 infants have been excluded.
Teachers’ unions say that a squeeze on school budgets has led to some cuts to extra support for children with special educational needs, meaning more have had to be suspended or expelled.
It used to be school suspensions would only be heard of in secondary schools. That alone was concerning but now in primary school and children under the age of 7.
This is very shocking.
What are our children struggling with?
Why do we have more children with special education needs?
I have noticed over the last few years, increasing amounts of children being diagnosed with ADHD and autistic spectrum disorder.
What is behind this and how does it occur?
Is medication the answer or is there another way for us to be with our children to understand the root cause?
As adults is it dependent on us to get our act together and truly take care of ourselves, so that we can offer our children the true support that they need?
Is it possible as Simple Living Global are presenting that there is Another Way?
CNN – 18 February 2019
Study published by JAMA Pediatrics on Monday 18th February found that screen time has more than doubled for children under the age of 2 since 1997.
Screen time refers to
TV time
Video games
Cell phones
Electronic readers
Learning Devices and more
Researchers looked at data from 1997 – 2014 and found that:
1997 – screen time for under 2’s – 1.32 hours per day
2014 – 3.05 hours per day
TV represented the majority of the screen time
‘Excessive screen time early in life has been associated with cognitive, language and social and emotional delays, probably because screen time decreases the time kids spend interacting with parents. Too much screen time has been linked to an increased risk of obesity and impaired sleep in kids.”
This was why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended avoiding screen time altogether in children under 18 months, watching only high quality programming and co-viewing between 18 months and 2 years and limiting screen time to 1 hour a day for kids aged 2 – 5.
What is classed as high quality programming?
Is it possible that ‘high quality’ is not the same as ‘true quality’ and by that I mean programmes that are made by people to raise awareness about who we truly are and are made by people who are not harming or abusing themselves or others in anyway?
I have heard parents talk about how their children become monsters when they come off the screen and I remember one mother sharing that her primary school age child had taken a knife to attack her after a fit of rage related to screen time.
A father told me this week that his daughters are praised by his brother for being quiet and he gave the example that they only need a screen and that is it.
What are we really saying when we applaud this?
Are we actually advocating suppression of our children through confirming that screen = good as it means quiet?
Is there a responsibility needed as adults to address and asses our own screen time so that we can be honest with ourselves as to how we are using our devices and why?
Would it then support our children to see real role models, those that are not addicted to screen time and are willing and available to truly connect with them?
Would this address the frustrated, hungry tired child and the frustrated, hungry tired parent syndrome that Dr. Wendy Sue Swan, a GP and chief of digital innovation at Seattle’s Children’s Hospital says is the reason why parents give their children screens?
Is there a simple way to deal with this seemingly complex issue?
Is it possible that the power is in our hands to stop this situation escalating further?
ITV News – 25 February 2019
Children in England will be taught new compulsory lessons on relationships, keeping safe on the Internet and looking after their own mental health.
Primary school children will be taught relationships education and secondary school will receive relationships and sex education.
All children of all ages will receive health education.
Pupils will learn the link between physical and mental health. The lessons will focus on the importance of getting enough sleep, the dangers of sexting and spotting anxiety in their friends.
Also on the agenda is age-appropriate online safety, which includes what to do if they come across things they are uncomfortable with, the importance of respect for others even when posting anonymously and the risks of talking to people on the internet that they do not know in real life.
Teaching primary school children that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life and why simple self-care is important. In addition, they will be taught about nutrition, staying active and the early signs of physical illness. This will support them to understand how there is a link between mental and physical health.
Secondary schools will build on what has been learnt at primary school in the hope that they can spot the signs of common mental illnesses like anxiety and depression in themselves or others.
Young people will learn how to discuss their emotions accurately and sensitively, the impact of drugs and alcohol on physical and mental health and how to access professional help.
Also on the agenda is online safety topics, including the serious risks of sharing private photos, the impact of viewing explicit or harmfull content and how to report it and get support.
The new content will be added to the existing computing curriculum, which gives pupils a grounding in how to use technology safely, responsibly, respectfully and securely.
There is more – secondary school pupils will also be taught about FGM – female genital mutilation with the focus on awareness, the availability of support networks and informing them that this practice is illegal.
The Department of Education is saying students aged 11 and older should be taught other forms of honour-based abuse as well as grooming, forced marriage and domestic abuse as part of a strengthened curriculum.
Teachers will have to take lessons on online safety topics.
Schools will be left to decide exactly how they teach the new content.
Firstly, not everyone is in agreement with this new proposal the government plans to roll out.
Currently a petition has been signed over 100,000 times and this means it will be debated in Parliament.
It is related to giving parents the right to opt their child out of Relations and Sex Education.
Whatever our opinion or our view is – could we consider how is this going to work?
Is this a tall order for our currently over-worked exhausted teachers?
Have we really asked them on the ground – those who will be doing this teaching how their current mental and physical state of health and wellbeing are?
Can teachers suddenly become masters and experts in the field of health and wellbeing because they attend courses that are topical and just need to be taught?
Are policymakers looking at the bigger picture or is this a solution to an ever growing problem that our nation is facing with children’s mental health and wellbeing.
We only have to read this blog which gives us a snapshot of what is really going on.
With due respect – could it be possible that teachers will not have the background, depth and knowledge that most secondary school kids have when it comes to the Internet and what goes on there?
So where do we start and how are we going to really and truly turn the tides, once and for all?
Simple Living Global are world leaders when it comes to health and wellbeing and this website is confirmation of that. Non-stop delivery of weekly blogs that are educational, informative and full of wisdom for any reader to apply if they choose.
What if the real game changer is that we need those who live what they are teaching for it to work?
That means those who present on sleep for example, must themselves be masters or experts of sleep.
They need to show the pupils they are not talking from knowledge or attended a crash course on the importance of sleep but are actually living in a way that ensures their sleep quality is maintained consistently. This would allow them to speak from a body that lives it – in other words walk the talk.
If we continue to teach and preach to our kids of what is good for their health and what is not, surely we need to be living examples.
Why would any child or adolescent take note if they know inside themselves that what we are asking them to do is something we are not prepared to live and do for ourselves, in our own life.
It makes sense for any government to take note of what is being presented in this comment and on this website as there is another way to ensure we bring real change to the younger generations who will one day become our adult population.
There is work to be done and Simple Living Global are on the front foot when it comes to delivering what is needed and bringing awareness to our world.
Science Alert – 11 April 2019
United States – child suicidal behaviour is now a public health crisis and it is affecting some of the youngest people in the country.
Children and teenagers visiting the emergency department for suicidal behaviour has almost doubled and the median age is 13.
Researchers collected data by CDC and analysed over 30,000 visits to emergency departments for children age 5 to 18. The study was from 2007 to 2015.
80% increase in visits to emergency department for suicide attempts.
This is the second analysis in a row to show an alarming increase and the problem is rising.
Of all the hospital visits recorded for suicidal behaviour, half were young children aged 5 to 11.
The authors say that the exact reason for this trend remains unclear which makes the crisis even harder to tackle.
Past research indicates that children who die by suicide are more likely to report to have experienced mental health disorders and tense relationships with family and friends.
The problem is made worse by severe lack of children and adolescent psychiatrists and the rise of cyber-bullying.
So here we have the highlights of a new study and when did it become a public health crisis?
WHY are many of us around the world not aware of the real state of children’s mental health?
If we are clear that cyber bullying plays a part and is a direct link to the rise in child suicidal thoughts or suicidal attempts – do we need to be asking more questions?
How do we get on the front foot with a topic like child suicide?
How are we parenting and what type of role models have we become?
WHY is cyber-bullying so widely accepted without any real changes happening?
How can we stamp out the harm caused to others with this type of online behaviour?
What is missing in our children’s lives that gives rise to these types of thoughts?
Are we ready as a world to ask some serious questions because we all know – SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT?
Daily Mail – 22 June 2019
The prime minister has just announced that all teachers will be trained to spot mental health conditions in their pupils.
Is this really a good idea and how will our teachers cope when they are already stressed due to over work?
This news story also tells us that teachers are known to do more social work, pastoral care and child protection.
Many have burn out and leave the profession.
What if the limited training offered leaves holes and that means a wrong diagnosis?
Would they really know if it was a serious emerging mental illness or just everyday distress?
Dr. Max Pemberton states in this article that Children’s Mental Health is currently at breaking point and trying to turn teachers into mental health professionals is not the answer.
Have we considered that our teachers may themselves have a blind spot?
They could be taking medication or making lifestyle choices that fog their ability to clearly read the situation and the child in front of them.
ADD to that the enormous work loads and pressure they are under, which creates anxiety and stress and at the very least tension in their body.
Who sits and advices our government officials to make pledges about what is needed?
Do we get down and on the streets, so to speak and find out what is really going on by talking to people and having conversations at the school gates and interviewing parents, teachers and the kids?
What if we studied age groups and classroom movements and behaviours – could that give us an insight into what, why, when and HOW the end point is ill mental health?
What if we tracked and clocked the movements outside school, on the journey to and from school and then home life and at weekends?
Could that reveal more of what is really going on under the surface?
We seem to have a very limited view about what is going on and before we know it there is a solution to fix the problem.
A band aid to a bullet wound is never going to work.
What will work is finding out HOW on earth the bullet got there in the first place, so we never have to invest in band aids, which are a temporary fix and we all know they never work.
Metro – 13th August 2019
Rise in Children Needing Help for Exam Stress.
More youngsters are seeking help with anxiety caused by exam results says a well-known charity.
This charity, linked to the NSPCC, provided 1,414 counselling sessions last year, compared with 937 four years ago – a 51 per cent rise.
The founder of this charity said: “Some children are overcome with panic.”
Why are our children feeling this way about exams?
Is there too much emphasis being put on them to pass these exams?
Is there too much emphasis being put on our children to get good grades in exams?
What is this saying about our education system?
Yes, we want children to learn, but is it possible that it is counter productive to have a child sit an exam ‘overcome with fear’?
Is it possible that we are just teaching children to recall information rather than actually learn it and be more confident when they do sit an exam?
Something is very wrong with our education system if we are seeing an increase of more than 50 per cent in four years of children needing counselling sessions?
Where is this pressure to do well coming from?
Is it coming from the school itself or is it coming from closer to home?
Is it possible that the school wants to increase its profile or is it possible that the parents are pushing their children to do well in the exams?
Is it possible we need to rethink our approach to education?
Is it possible that education is nothing more than achieving the good grades rather than how our children are actually feeling and coping with life?
Whatever the reasons, we have many children suffering because they have to sit an exam – what is the rest of their life going to look like if they are already feeling this sort of pressure at a young age?
The Telegraph – 2 September 2019
At least 2 children in every class has contemplated suicide because of bullying according to a study.
57% of children have said that they have been bullied at some point in their school lives of which 1 in 5 said it had made them feel suicidal.
75% of those bullied at school say it has made them anxious
56% have not been able to sleep at night
This news story also refers to a member of parliament who was bullied and details are on the above link.
This is one country talking about 40% of kids going back to school after the long summer break are worried because of bullying.
It is great that we have famous celebs talking about bullying from their past but is there more we can do without judgement and without pointing fingers and blaming who is not doing enough.
Can we take this into our own homes and see what is actually going on and how it has gotten to this point where our children have anxiety or are even contemplating ending their life?
How serious is this and where is this leading to if something is not done to stop it?
Where do we start without blaming governments, policy makers, teachers and parents?
What if we simply start with a real dose of medicine called honesty and then ask some questions and what part are we playing when it comes to Responsibility?
Do we have a responsibility to instill common decency and respect at home in every situation and not let things slip or dismiss something ugly when we know we need to deal with it?
Do we have a responsibility to connect and engage with our children every single day and find out how they are feeling before we jump into what did they do and not do?
Do we have a responsibility to call things out when we know beyond doubt SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT?
Do we have a responsibility to seek support and whatever it takes to get our own mental health and well being on track?
Do we have a responsibility to become real role models so our kids know that there is another way to live that will never end up with bullying on the radar?
Do we have a responsibility to ensure we leave no stone unturned and keep going and remaining consistent, in finding ways to support our children so they do not deviate from who they truly are?
Do we have a responsibility to lead the way for the younger generations by setting standards and then upholding them and that means consistency becomes a priority?
Do we have a responsibility to make it our business to know what our kids are getting up to so we stay on the front foot and never need to worry about bullying as we would smell it a mile off?
Do we need to get real and get honest about how we are living and what our part is in all of what is going on that hurts and harms our kids and society as a whole?
What if we just start with the above questions and see how that support us with our Children’s Mental Health?
Reading this blog, we are left in no doubt that something about the way we are living and raising children is clearly not working.
Today in our supermarket it was candy candy candy – sweets full of sugar sugar and more sugar ALL in the name of Halloween at the entrance before we entered the store.
I stopped and picked up some “scary sweets” and the first 6 ingredients were sugar, sugar syrup, dextrose and more names which we may not know but are sugar in different forms.
More of this will be expanded on when this website presents a forensic article on sugar.
Back to Halloween – there was so much on display with the three colours, orange black and white, you could not miss it.
Then it came with names to entice customers to purchase sausages and other junk foods including skeleton shape cheesy crisps.
Aisles full of ‘goodies’ for us to gobble up in the name of Halloween.
Is this a healthy route when we have our health systems telling us they cannot cope with the rise in lifestyle choice dis-eases that are now at epidemic levels?
Does all this consumption of sugar in a young child have a direct affect on their mental health?
Do we as parents, adults or members in the community have a responsibility here?
What is making no sense is that the UK have just announced that severe obesity is at a record high level now among 10 to 11 year olds?
Are these kids going to be joining the Halloween sugar bandwagon this month or have they suddenly got a new lifestyle?
It is very easy to blame these supermarkets for hooking us into more and more purchases that contribute to ill health, but what if we took matters into our own hands and said “No thanks” because all of these sugar filled treats are tricking us – pun intended here.
We are the customers and there has to be a demand and the suppliers know this and they profit from our insatiable appetite for more and more treats and more and more new foods and drinks to keep up living in a very un-natural state.
The mental health and well being of any child matters simply because they are going to be our future generations.
Having a calendar date as a licence to go silly with foods is not helping anyone and bringing more harm to society as a whole.
There is much we can do and it starts with getting a real dose of honesty and applying that before we ask ourselves some serious questions about how we are choosing to live human life.
This website is full of questions being presented to humanity.
It is calling the world and its brothers to say – there is another way.
The author and those who support this platform are living proof of how to live life polar opposite to how the masses are currently living today.
Simple Living Global research daily on global news and report on this website by way of comments relating to any particular topic as and when needed.
Where it is appropriate and a news story is worthy of highlighting, it is added to our Annual END OF YEAR blog.
Thus far this year, the following are just a few of the news headlines about our children, who will one day be our future adult population.
Research studies tell us that 60 – 90% of children globally have tooth decay.
We also get told that sugary drinks are the main part of children and teenagers diet.
Next – there is a rise in children feeling intense unhappiness and wanting to suicide.
Enough said – we all know that there is a link with this sugar in our kids’ diets and obesity.
We cannot sit and point fingers or blame the sugar industry when we as parents, guardians and custodians of these young people are Responsible.
Babies did not say – “Give me a sugary snack” when they cannot utter a single word.
However, common sense would tell us that if we, the adult, introduces the sugar stuff, then they will want more of the same as it gives them something like it does to us as adults – a hit, stimulation, buzz, high – call it want we want, but it sure does do something to our internal state of being.
Then as soon as they start talking they want more and more and before we know it our kids are statistics for the unhealthy choices we made on their behalf and now cannot seem to stop.
What if the high consumption of sugar alters their natural state inside their body and this ‘wired’ up feeling is WHY they cannot have a natural sleep routine or rhythm AND this is WHY they develop all the adverse side effects of not going to bed when they need to?
For example, sleep issues can lead to poor mental health and this is something we all know but may not care to admit.
What if the lack of proper sleep is giving rise to them “feeling intense unhappiness”?
What if they stopped being who they truly are a long time ago, as they just want to fit in and be one of the crowd or a parent pleaser or star sibling or school academic?
What if we as parents or adults in the role of carers failed in the Responsibility department to do our “good old fashion common sense” parenting as we wanted to be liked and not ever have a confrontational minor at any time.
In other words, discipline and boundaries and a proper talking to was something we avoided at all costs, as being nice just took over. That way we calculated that they would not feel confronted or have ill feelings towards us.
What we can all start with saying is SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
How on earth have we got to a point in society where children are wanting to commit suicide?
How serious is this and where is it going to go before we stop and question absolutely everything about how we are living, what lifestyle choices we are making, how this is affecting our children in every way and what are the consequences?
We can sit back and say that we don’t have kids or we can all contribute and start conversations about the state of our Children’s Mental Health if we want true change.
A great place to start is this blog and what it is presenting to the world to bring awareness.
Doing nothing, saying nothing, in the hope it is not on our doorstep or that it will just go away is WHY we are currently where we are at.
If we think about it – these children are going to be our future adults.
What is the global state of mental health going to be with the signs we have right now?
The Guardian – 11 April 2020
The University of Oxford study aims to track the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of children and young people. Its earlier findings suggest younger children aged 4 to 10 are more worried than those age 11 to 16.
53% of younger children are worried about family and friends catching the disease.
36% are anxious about missing schoolwork.
19% are worried the family would not have enough food and other essential items during the outbreak, after news coverage of panic buying.
16% are worried about household finances.
We could say these numbers are small and the majority of children are taking it in their stride and not worrying ‘excessively’, but is this bringing in a form of reductionism?
In other words, we are not concerned as its not the masses.
Would it be wise to reconsider this and know that even if there were only a few children being affected, we should get to the root of it and ask questions why and how it has got to this?
Next – the results indicate that anxiety is higher among parents than children and this is understandable considering the current situation of a global pandemic and the fears most have about the future, falling ill themselves, or family and friends getting ill or passing the disease to another. ADD to that social isolation and we have a cocktail that points towards some form of ill mental health down the road.
Back to Children’s mental health – if we read this blog, we are left in no doubt that they are going to be our future adult generations.
What is it presenting to us without sounding alarming?
If we use just a dose of common sense here for one moment and explore the possibility being offered – what if parents who are suffering with anxiety are affecting their children because like all humans they are sensitive and can sense the vibrations, call it the vibes that their parents feel?
Even though it may not be voiced or expressed it does not mean they do not feel it.
What if this anxiety over time affects their mental health or what if the parents have other symptoms and signs of mental illness and just find solutions to cope and function and get through life the best they can?
Where do we go then or how do we make changes to ensure this does not happen or have we given up?
What if the current situation we find ourselves in is highlighting or call it exposing to us how we are choosing to live everyday in life?
In other words, our lifestyle choices up to this point are now right under our nose, in our face so to speak and there is no getting away or escaping from that.
What if our methods of entertaining ourselves are just not cutting it and emotions and tensions are running high, having been told to stay at home with our children for the foreseeable weeks and if not months ahead?
How are we going to operate under such unusual circumstance and how are we going to adjust to this new reality which looks like it is here to stay for some time yet?
Are these the sort of questions we should be asking or are we not interested as we want others to fix us and sort out our problems?
Our health systems are at the point of bankruptcy and this includes the budget for mental health services.
Is there anything we could do – in other words can we take action to ensure we make a U-turn and not go down the road where ill health is our future?
A wise reader may consider looking at this website and reading the blogs presenting another way to live human life.
Our children’s mental health is now more important than ever. Most of us are blaming the pandemic, the lockdown restrictions, home schooling and our overwhelm list of things to find in the name of entertaining our children and we feel like it is a losing battle.
What if Dear World we started with the word Responsibility for our children?
This means we give them that word and teach them – by example of course that taking responsibility in every choice we make does have a knock on effect, call it consequences. So for example, if you go to bed out of sync and not the usual bedtime that was in place during school time, then chances are you will not be energised and ready with the vitality levels needed to engage and focus for the next day.
Another example is giving them treats to counter their boredom or pander to their wayward behaviour. This is not going to make life living at home great right now.
Our kids are bored and we (most of us) have no time or tolerance to continue on the same same ‘stay at home and suck it up’ agenda. So what are we going to do and not do and what is the way forward?
Has anyone noticed our children are checking out and that means they are not totally engaging in conversations or paying attention to what we have to say? In other words, not really listening and this is of concern, as we know it can affect their mental health.
We have more children phoning the national helpline asking for help – what is that saying to us?
Where did we drop the ball and how have our parenting skills been recently if we are going to be super honest and real with the feedback needed here?
What have we offered our children by way of purpose? In other words, have we bothered to show them (by example) that tidying up, making the bed everyday, getting dressed and brushing teeth to name a few basic practical everyday living things, have meaning? That means they hold value and they benefit us and support our very foundation.
Do our kids know this and are we living it day in and day out so they get to feel we are not barking orders or telling them, but actually living by way of reflection for them to see and sense we are not coming from the empty words department where no one would ever take note as we don’t live it?
If our children are withdrawing from life – what are they getting up to, as that mind does not just switch off?
Are they on their screens or do they have another way to hide from the world?
Are we paying attention here, as this is what we need to be finding out – making sure we leave no stone unturned?
Mental health services cannot cope and we have heard over and over again, things are getting worse, so let’s take some adult responsibility. We signed up and subscribed to being a parent, so we better make sure we raise our children to the best of our ability, so we are not left down the road wondering how it got to the point where our child is diagnosed officially with some form of ill mental health.
This comment comes directly from the author observing in the neighbourhood during lockdown where children are direction-less, some screaming for attention, some bored to the point they are looking for trouble to stimulate them, over eating, excess screen time on video gaming and social media and refusing to listen.
We have a 911 on our watch and how we go about it will be what the history books will be telling us about Children’s Mental Health back in the early 21st century.
Daily Mail – 4 June 2021
Charities in the UK have warned that thousands in poverty suffer abuse and suicidal thoughts as they struggle just to get through the day.
41% have been abused at home in lockdown.
80% children experiencing serious mental health issues as a “direct result of lockdown measures”.
4 out of 5 charities say that social distancing and a lack of social interaction were still damaging children’s mental health despite lockdown easing.
Laurence Guinness – Chief Executive of The Childhood Trust said “For many of these children, the lockdowns have exacerbated chronic anxiety, stress, inadequate diets, domestic violence, loss of peer support and rapid mental health deterioration. While the nation worries about whether or not they will make it abroad this summer, children living in poverty are worrying about school and having suicidal thoughts. Many are struggling to just get through the day.”
The Childhood Trust surveyed 75 charities, children’s programmes and community organisations supporting around 85,890 disadvantaged children and young people across London.
Heightened anxiety and depression were the most common mental health symptoms and according to the charities, these trends are likely to be mirrored all across the country.
2 in 5 charities had children with eating disorders and others encountered youngsters mis-using drugs. A similar figure had dealt with youngsters mis-using alcohol.
Dear World
We could say this is a microcosm of what is currently going on in our world.
Can we really afford to sit back and just read it as another news story or does this type of stuff disturb us, as we can sense that something is not right?
Questions worth considering –
What is going to happen to these children if they are affected in this way now?
In other words, how are these future adult generations going to operate and live human life, if they are displaying serious symptoms of ill mental health in response to a lockdown?
How are we raising our children and have we got the correct ingredients to give them the purpose and responsibility they need to equip them as young adults to join the working population one day?
Talking to a tradesman in the community today, I get to hear about the pressures of trying to be a parent where the child is shared.
Most of us have heard of this type of arrangement, where the adults do not talk other than to pass the child from one home to another at certain times. In this case alternative weeks.
Do we ever really stop long enough to consider the impact this may have or are we busy finding ways to smother them with material things in hope this will compensate somehow for the void they are probably sensing from the separation?
What is interesting is how I got to hear the “cost” involved and they were talking about not having an overseas holiday as the restrictions right now mean lots of tests and they have to be paid by those that choose to go abroad. So it is a local hotel by the coast, which is cheaper than a caravan. The UK have gone nuts and it’s all about staying on land for their vacation and the new name is ‘staycation’.
This has led to people booking camping and caravan holidays and where there is a demand, we can expect higher prices – WHY? Because they can as the customers are seeking this and they are the suppliers.
Back to the man who had a child when he was a teenager and then 2 decades later in a new relationship another child and at the same time a grandfather. So far nothing new, we have heard this before.
Back to the cost, I got an itinerary of a 4 day holiday with entertainment everyday like a circus, fare and theme park and zoo and each costing extortionate prices, because it is summer holiday season and the kids need to be distracted and entertained.
Question to all of us – Dear World, what happened to good old fashion days where we were expected to do the extra jobs around the home, like spring cleaning and a holiday or circus tickets were not on the radar?
Did we really miss out, or did it give us a sense of Responsibility that has held us steady because tasks like cleaning are our foundations which support us.
How will a child of 4 so distracted at such a young age grow up? What will their expectations be and how will they perceive their relationship, in this case how will this young girl see her father and how will she have relationships with men in her adult life? All worth questioning and pondering on.
What is it about us in modern day living that cannot stand the thought of staying in or doing house jobs that need focus and attention? Instead we find ways and in some cases do things we financially cannot afford as its way off budget, but ‘hey ho we do it for the kids’ as we say.
Anyone reading this may think this is not the way our kids deserve, to be brought up when the world is showering them with total utter distractions everywhere.
Let’s look at the current state of children’s mental health. We only need to read this blog and stop for a moment and consider what has been presented.
These kids grow up and are the youth of our society. Well worth reading both our articles on YOUTH which really speaks volumes.
We know so many of our children today have sleep issues and are addicted to screens and video gaming.
Look no further, take some time out and get reading ALL our sleep category articles, the go to Screen Time and if that is not feeling like an internal compass saying something is not right, then a must is to read Video Gaming which is very serious and a confirmation of our lifestyle choices in the modern early 21st century.
In time history will be clocking all this and joining the dots, that most of us don’t want to consider right now.
Simple Living Global are on the front foot, presenting on topics that are worth pondering on about human life and how on earth we are living every day.
Science Daily – 16 September 2021
A study from the University of New Hampshire in the United States, has shown that children who witness the abuse of a brother or sister by a parent can be just as traumatised as those witnessing violence by a parent against another parent.
7,000 children age 1 month – 17 years old.
This type of exposure is associated with mental health issues like depression, anxiety and anger.
Many children who are not the actual direct victim are equally abused and we should consider “more about these dynamics when we tally the effects of family violence exposure”
Corinna Tucker – Professor of Human Development and Family Studies.
The study highlights the unique contribution of EPAS (exposed to parental abuse against a sibling) to feelings of fear and mental health distress in youth.
The research for this study was funded by the U.S. Department of Justice.
So what have we learnt here, because this study has made us aware of something or do we already know and this is simply a confirmation for us?
How many of us know this to be true or can sense that we are affected even when someone raises their voice, swears or makes even a movement with the intent to harm and hurt another?
How have we become as adults growing up with harmful behaviour in our family?
How have we dealt with it or is it buried so deep we don’t ever go there to talk about it?
How many of us felt sorry for the sibling and went into sympathy and our life has been consumed around making sure they are safe?
How many of us can feel the anger bubbling up because we could never express how hurt we were back then and it shows up at times in the form of an explosion in our life?
How many of us have written off our blood family and seek out friends that have no history with us of ill behaviour and we feel safe around them?
How many of us made the choice to be nice and friendly and never dare mention at the Christmas family gatherings all the pain and misery from those past years?
These questions are worth considering, but for some they may not apply or hold meaning or understanding.
What we ALL know is this is going on in our world and let us then not be surprised when we keep reading the rise in mental health with children and our young adults.
This is a stark reminder of where the root cause may lie and yet we tend to dismiss this as we are in the belief that our family life is safe and secure.
UK Education – 28 March 2022
Schools and teachers not adequately trained to respond to mental health problems in children, according to a group of experts writing in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
These experts say we need to invest in schools and teachers urgently, to support them to promote good mental health and respond to problems.
Rates of mental illness amongst children have increased by 50% in 3 years.
Do we need to ask – why are they buckling under the strain of providing mental health support for children?
OR do we get upfront, real and super honest – how are the teachers that we are supposedly training getting on in life?
Do they have personal issues that could flow into their teaching?
Could schools have those in authority who have some problems that society deems as ok and acceptable like daily alcohol consumption or high levels of caffeine?
Dear World,
If we have a blind spot then it is likely we will not see something.
In other words, if we have our own problems, this could mask what we are able to identify or see in another. A bit like a cloud or fog that casts over and blurs what needs to be seen and read.
Next – we seem to put all emphasis on solutions but never questioning the root cause.
How about we find our WHY and HOW our child developed the ill mental health?
What happened, when, what was going on for them, use common sense, use our innate ability to sense what did happen and when they changed and then see or feel the pattern emerge. ADD to that how many hours are we allowing and accepting they have on screens, be it their own personal mobile phone or TV or gaming or whatever else they do.
We do know and we have got the answers to our ills.
Let us not forget, we created them in the first place so we have the answers.
How about we do more observational studies and involve real life to feed us back the answers? For example, let’s get talking to parents and those close to a child suffering with ill mental health. Then remove their ‘virtual’ way of living life through a screen which includes all online activity and that means Social Media, TV, Gaming etc., and see how their body responds. Then remove stimulants in their food choices and as an experiment see what happens to their bodies. Then get a decent and sensible bedtime routine and rhythm going 7 days a week and see what happens.
Have a go at this experiment and of course ensure that any teacher or school member that holds authority ought to be doing this in the first place, so they know the results first and foremost registered in their body and then they can say how and what happens.
Of course, we all know there will be significant changes if the above were to be applied.
Then empower these children to be advocates for real living and true well-being and get them sharing with others the benefits of proper quality sleep that can lead to less need for screen stimulation and foods and beverages that simply create more ills inside our body.
Worth giving this free and simple wisdom a go, as we are yet to find the resources to get on top of children’s mental health problems.
Rollins School of Public Health
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) declared a national emergency in child and mental health.
Emory University researchers found that use of school mental health services went up among key adolescent groups in the year before the pandemic happened, compared to previous years in the United States.
Using a national database to examine mental health trends over a decade, 170,000 adolescents age 12-17 participated.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated:
31% rise in emergency department visits for mental health emergencies for children age 12 -17 years during the start of the pandemic (March to October 2020).
51% increase in girls age 12-17 for emergency department visits for suspected suicide attempts in early 2021, compared to the same period in 2019.
Dear World
How serious can it get?
These are our future adult population.
Are we aware this is a 911 telling us ALL to wake up as this is going on in our world?
The Guardian – 6 May 2022
Teachers in England are observing “high levels of anxiety” among pupils in the run up to GCSEs and A-Level examinations.
There are reports of panic attacks, angry outbursts, self-harm and disengagement among students, before the first exams in 3 years since the pandemic.
A headteacher of a Roman Catholic college says there are students ‘desperate to do very well and fear they will not get the grades they should be getting because of the disruption and because the government needs to sort out the (grade) inflation over the last 2 years. Also requests from doctors and Child Mental Health Services (CAMHS) requesting children should have a room of their own for the exams.
The panic attacks have affected sleeping and eating, particularly in females. There is also a lot of self harm and low mood and anxiety.
A headteacher from a boys only school tells us that he has seen a noticeable increase in pupils seeking additional mental health support or counselling. He says ‘it is hard to tell whether this is a real increase or suppressed demand now coming in to the open.”
Dear World
This is a tiny snapshot of our current children’s mental health.
How serious is this and what on earth are we doing as adults, parents and guardians, if this is what is really going on under our watch, so to speak?
Have we stopped long enough to even consider the long term effects of this?
In other words, how will these young people fare as they transition into adult life?
What will the state of our world be if we have a whole population that were self harming, having panic attacks, angry outbursts and disengaging from fellow students when they were younger?
No amount of speculating, predicting and seeking solutions for our ills is going to save us or bring us closer to our evolution.
It is high time to question absolutely everything because what we do all know is something is not right.
Is education the way the current model tells us the answer or is there another way?
Dear World
WHY are parents behaving in a way that does not support a young child?
WHY are we not up in arms asking for real education on how to raise children?
Where is the life manual that parents need to embark on and qualify before having a licence to have children?
Have we seen the impact of a child aged 4 in our community that leaves no doubt that there are signs of ill mental health?
Is it Responsible to allow a 4 year old wear to wear footwear with no support?
Is it ok to make it a joke that their 4 year old daughter does not want to walk to school so Daddy gets a bicycle seat and rides her around?
Is it ok that a 4 year old is on social media every day wanting to contort her body posture like they do in ballet?
Is it true to say that at weekends their child aged 4 can go to bed when she wants and that is usually 11pm?
What on earth are we allowing in the name of parenting and not calling it out as we like to do the “this is not my business” so we say nothing?
A child doing screen time late into the night has serious consequences. A wise move would be to go to the category on Sleep on this website and read every article published.
The reader will be left in no doubt that the importance of sleep is key to living human life. Then go to our Screen Time blog which spells out the facts and the stats and presents a whole list of questions that need to be considered and not dismissed.
It is high time our researchers were sent out into the real world to do observational studies and not allow the academic world to invalidate it, as it is not substantial data and not double blind tested with a hypotheses.
It is time, we the people asked for answers and a sure way to get them would be get to the people. We are the creators of our ills and we also happen to hold the answers to those ills.
Let’s track the daily movements of a child aged 4 acting like an adult with her sleep times at the weekends and not walking anywhere, as she does not like it and see how she turns out as a teenager, adolescent and adult.
There is much we could learn and it’s time that we demand this kind of study, so we can all wake up and not pretend that we have a healthy child when this is what we are allowing, if we are to be honest.
Kings College London – 29 July 2022
New research from the Institute of Psychiatry & Neuroscience at King’s College London has found that emergency hospital visits for self-harm were twice as likely for boys during strictest lockdowns.
Researchers believe it is possible that a lack of meaningful social interactions outside of immediate family during lockdown could also play a part due to a shrinking support network.
Prior research by the Royal College of Psychiatrists demonstrated how children and young people’s mental health has been severely affected by the pandemic, with more of these patients visiting emergency departments in crisis.
This is confirmed by NHS data that shows self-harm admissions to hospital for 10-24 year olds at their highest levels during the first quarter of 2021-22, following a drastic drop during the first lockdown 2020.
JAMA Pediatrics – 27 December 2022
308,264 mental health emergency department visits in the U.S.
This cohort study included more than 200,000 children seen at 38 U.S. children’s hospitals from 2015 to 2020.
Mental health ED visits increased by 8% annually.
13% patients re-visiting within 6 months.
Factors associated with mental health ED re-visits included psychiatric co-morbidities, chemical restraint use, public insurance, higher area measures of child opportunity and presence of an inpatient psychiatric unit at the presenting hospital.
Patients with substance use disorders were less likely to revisit.
16 August 2023
NBC News
Emergency room doctors beg for help treating children with mental health illnesses.
Three influential groups of paediatricians and emergency medicine providers are pleading for more support and resources as the number of children and teenagers with mental health concerns overwhelm emergency departments nationwide.
Dr. Mohsen Saidinejad, a professor of emergency medicine and paediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, said: “The scope of this problem is really great. But our ability to solve it is not there.”
Dr. Saidinejad is the lead author of a joint policy statement from the American Academy of Paediatrics, the American College of Emergency Physicians and the Emergency Nurses Association.
The groups are calling for local communities to increase access to mental health services before emergency care is needed.
Every year, approximately half a million children with mental or behavioural health conditions are evaluated in emergency departments. That number increased over the past decade.
DR. Willough Jenkins, medical director of emergency and consultation liaison psychiatry at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego said that the number of kids seeking psychiatric emergency care in her ER has grown from approximately 30 a month in recent years to 30 a day.
She said: “The volume is astronomical, and I don’t know that people fully understand how many people are struggling.”
She said that children as young as six are coming in, often talking about suicide.
A February study from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention found an unprecedented level of hopelessness and suicidal thoughts among the nation’s youth.
Dr, Jenkins said: “The bulk of these children are coming in with depression, anxiety and trauma.”
But emergency departments are not set up to handle mental health crises.
Emergency physicians are highly equipped to handle situation that need immediate attention: gunshot wounds, shattered bones, heart attacks.
While they may be able to address mental health issues at a basic level, emergency staff typically do not have the resources to manage such long-term cases.
Dr Saidinejad said: “Now we’re adding to this a huge element of increasing number of children – younger and younger, as young as 5 – who are coming in with mental health complaints. All we can do is provide screening and identify those who are at higher risk. At the end of the day, we need a mental health provider to do definitive care.”
The groups’ joint policy statement recommended several courses of action”
• Develop community-based teams that can respond to paediatric mental health crises in schools, doctor’s offices and homes
• Add paediatric mental health professionals to emergency departments
• Support emergency department staff with information specific to groups at high risk for mental health concerns: victims of abuse, post-traumatic stress, depression and LGBTQ youth.
Terry Foster, president of the Emergency Nurses Association, said: “Children and adolescents deserve the best care when they come to the emergency department during a mental or behavioural crisis, as anyone does. But many times, a lack of resources can complicate matters.”
“An increase in treatment education and resources can only continue to improve the care provided for not just youth, but all mental and behavioural health patients.”
What is going on with our children?
How is it that a 5 or 6-year-old is talking about suicide?
Why are our children not coping?
Why are the health services being overrun with children’s/teenagers’ mental health issues?
With already overburdened health systems, if children and teenagers are presenting with mental health issues now, what are the health systems going to be like in 10 years’ time?
We aren’t born with mental health issues so how are kids living their lives now?
Does this mental health increase in children stem from families, from school, from isolating themselves by playing video games, from a lack of communication, from withdrawing?
Something is going on.
Something is not right.
Independent News – 23 January 2024
Energy drinks may cause mental illness in children, scientists warn.
In the research review, scientists assessed health data from 57 studies of over 1.2 million children and young people from over 21 countries.
The more people drank energy drinks, the less sleep they had.
Even just one occasional drink – about 1-3 times a month is linked to an increased risk of disturbed sleep.
Energy drinks are linked with an increased risk of psychological illnesses in children, including Anxiety, Stress, Depression and Behaviours such as Violence and Substance Abuse Use, according to a new study.
Increased consumption of energy drinks is also associated with poor academic performance, sleep problems and unhealthy dietary habits.
The findings, published in the journal Public Health, underscore the need for regulatory action to restrict the sale and marketing of energy drinks to children.
Young people aged 18 to 35 who consumed energy drinks every day, slept about half an hour less than those drinking them occasionally or not at all.
Boys were found to consume the drink more often than girls.
35% more likely to have an energy drink at bedtime after midnight.
52% more likely to sleep less than 6 hours
60% more likely to wake in the middle of the night than those who did not or rarely drank energy drinks.
Energy drinks contain high levels of caffeine – 150 mg per litre and sugar. They are marketed as providing people with an energy boost.
These drinks are easily available in local shops and being sold for as little as 25p with “4 for £1” promotions. They are being sold to children, targeting them via online adverts, computer games, television and sports sponsorship, linked to extreme sports and gaming; along with the use of sexualised imagery, researchers say.
“The evidence is clear that energy drinks are harmful to the mental and physical health of children and young people as well as their behaviour and education.”
Amelia Lake – Study Author
Independent News – 21 January 2024
More children than ever in the UK need mental health care as figures show half a million are waiting for treatment. Some have been left for several years before being seen by medics. Other areas show over 4 years waiting time to be seen by a mental health professional.
Anxiety and Depression are among the most common conditions which children are being referred for.
Health experts have warned that the UK is facing a mental health crisis and have called for the ‘staggering demand’ to be addressed urgently.
289,047 children have been approved for treatment under mental health services, but are still waiting to have their first appointment.
Young people who can access mental health support quickly are less likely to develop severe and complex conditions.
Number of issues include historical under-funding, long waiting lists, workforce shortages and increases linked to the pandemic having a major impact.
Dear World
£2.3 BILLION in additional annual funding from Health and Social Care and this means 345,000 more children and young people will be able to access NHS services and mental health support teams in schools covering at least 50% of pupils, by March 2025.
Is this certain, accurate or absolute or are we nowhere near on the front foot because most of us are not asking how and why this has happened?
What is super clear is SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. Our kids having anxiety and depression is communicating something to us as parents and teachers, so where do we start?
How about we all go Back to Basics – to the good old fashion way of simple living where tying your shoelaces and emptying the trash is as important as any other job or task?
We ought to get real and super honest about how we are raising our kids and how much time they are spending on screen and away from real life inter-acting.
There are many more questions but just a few starts to gets things moving. With no questions we are going nowhere – just around and around and that is not evolution.
Future Care Capital – 5 February 2024
28% of age 12 to 18 secondary school pupils have not attended school over the last year because of Anxiety.
Experts are warning that many stay away because they feel unable to cope.
Poor mental well-being is a major reason for the post-covid surge in school absenteeism.
Dr. Nihara Krause, a mental health charity founder says “emotionally based school avoidance is leading to pupils being off for long periods, disrupting their education and putting huge strain on families.
School and the challenges it sometimes poses can increase anxiety in some young people, making them feel overwhelmed and unable to cope.
Emotionally based school avoidance is a very worrying, growing phenomenon. It is different to school absence due to truancy. It is when a child or young person experiences extreme anxiety or distress relating to attending school. This fear can be so great that they avoid going to school.”
24% avoided school due to family difficulties
18% due to bullying or friendship issues
Others because of exam stress
Krause added “These findings are very alarming as they show the far-reaching impact of untreated anxiety and other mental health difficulties can have on a young person’s life. What can start as a few days off school can quickly spiral into persistent absence.”
The Guardian – 7 February 2024
53% rise in Children’s Emergency Mental Healthcare referrals in England.
32,521 emergency and urgent referrals to child and adolescent mental health services crisis teams.
600 mentally ill children a week are deteriorating and have reached crisis point.
Many of the children requiring Emergency Care – some suicidal or seriously ill as a result of Eating Disorders have been stuck on waiting lists for an average of 5 months and in worst cases as long as 2 years.
University of Glasgow – 13 February 2024
Study finds Childhood Bullying linked to Distrust and Mental Health problems in Adolescence
The study, published in the journal Nature Mental Health, is the first to examine the link between peer bullying, interpersonal distrust and the subsequent development of mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, hyperactivity and anger.
Researchers used data from 10,000 children in the UK who were studied for nearly two decades.
They found that adolescents who were bullied at age 11 and in turn developed greater interpersonal distrust by age 14 were around 3.5 times more likely to experience CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT Mental Health problems at age 17 compared to those who developed less distrust.
The findings come amid growing public health concerns about the Mental Health of youth.
44.2% sampled high school students in the US reported being depressed for at least 2 weeks, with 1 in 10 students reporting attempted suicide that year.
The researchers say that when people develop clinically significant mental health problems during the teenage years, it can increase their risk of experiencing both mental and physical health issues across the entire lifespan if left unaddressed.
PR Newswire – 11 March 2024
According to a new study published in JAMA Network open – Healthcare costs associated with Pediatric Mental Health conditions have risen 31% from 2017.
20 million young people in the United States, which is approximately 1 in 5 children have a mental health condition, with many more at risk for developing a mental health condition, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
20% of these children who need services receive appropriate care from healthcare professionals – a problem exacerbated by increasing costs of care and a historic clinician shortage.
Spending was also higher in specific categories, including:
Inpatient stays
Outpatients services
Office visits
Emergency department costs
21% INCREASE in mental health diagnoses among children from 2017 to 2021
47% of total pediatric medical spending accounted for children with mental health condition
$3,256 – average healthcare costs for a child with Anxiety
$5,979 – costs associated with a child with Depression
North Western University Feinberg School of Medicine – 21 May 2024
Children with Skin Diseases suffer Stigma, Bullying and Depression.
First large study to look at mental health problems in children with chronic skin conditions.
The study was published in JAMA Dermatology
The study reports that the majority of children and teenagers with chronic skin diseases, such as Acne, Eczema, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata (hair loss) and Vitiligo feel stigmatised by peers for their condition.
As a result, these children have a poor quality of life that includes suffering from depression, anxiety and impaired relationships with their peers.
Eczema affects more than 10% of school-aged children.
90% teenagers are affected by Acne.
This is the 1st large, multi-site study of the psychosocial impact of skin diseases in children and teenagers.
73% had experienced a measurable stigma, which was strongly associated with poor quality of life.
Medicine Net – 24 July 2024
Risk of Mental Illness RISES for children treated in ICUs, according to a new study.
Children and teenagers treated in an intensive care unit have a SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER RISK of developing a mental illness as they grow up.
The risk of MPDs – Major Psychiatric Disorders were SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER among the child and adolescent ICU survivors than among the controls.
The study was published in the Journal of Affective Disorders
The study analysed 8,700 children admitted to an ICU between 1996 and 2013.
Those who survived their illness were followed an average of 10 years.
Data showed the survivors had:
4.7 times the risk of PTSD – Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
3.2 times the risk of Schizophrenia
Double the risk of Bipolar Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
1.7 times the risk of Major Depression
Children who stayed in the ICU 3 days or more in particular had a higher risk of these disorders.
Risk of specific mental illnesses also varied depending on the condition that landed the child in the ICU.
Example –
Schizophrenia risk was highest among patients admitted for blood diseases, nervous system disorders and digestive illnesses.
PTSD was highest among respiratory patients.