Dear World This website is full of Questions and now some more… We have a post on this website called Questions, so WHY on earth do we need more 🤔 Most of us prefer not to be confronted or have Questions posed thank you very much. Our World is in …
How We Live
Dear World How we live is very important. How we live affects every-one. How we live affects every-thing. So HOW are we Living? This means how are we moving every single day in life, which affects everything and everyone. Most of us are probably not aware that the small things …
What’s Next?
Dear World What is Next for us? Have we stopped to consider what is Next? Is “What’s Next?” something we say every day? Do we dread the thought of what is Next in life? Are we always worried about what’s coming Next? The following are Real life examples of What’s …
Fake and Phony
Dear World How many of us can admit that we are Fake and Phony most of the time or now and then? What does it mean to be Fake and Phony and WHY do we behave in this way? What areas of our life do we suck at Fake and …
Hidden Agenda
Dear World How many of us have a Hidden Agenda? WHY does anyone have a Hidden Agenda? How far do we go with our Hidden Agenda? What does it mean to have a Hidden Agenda? Do we have a list of items in our Hidden Agenda? Do we dodge others …
Dear World Have we all heard these 3 words – NO BIG DEAL? Have we used NO BIG DEAL when we Talk? Have we considered life as NO BIG DEAL? How would our life be if nothing was a big deal? How would those around us be if we made …
Dear World What is Paperwork? Routine work involving written documents such as reports or letters Written documents (1) Synonyms Filing Administration Typing Deskwork Inside work (2) How is our paperwork going? Do we avoid it like the plague? Are we hoping it will go away? Do we …