1. Is it time we asked Is there Another Way
2. Have we ever bothered to ask Why do we get Sick
4. Could it be possible We are What we Eat
5. Why do so many of us have Cold Hands, Cold Feet
6. Common Sense when it comes to Heartburn may help us
7. If we start asking Questions Questions – will there be change
8. WHY is it that we love our Chocolate so much
9. Official – our world is a mess – Have we Lost the Plot
10. Imagine having a Passport to Get Real
11. What are all these World Health Day themes about
12. Would we benefit if we started Building a Foundation
13. What if we Keep it Simple in all areas of life
14. How many of us realise that EXPRESSION IS EVERYTHING
15. Are we aware of our World Asthma issue
16. Why have we created a syndrome called Chronic Fatigue
17. What is Intellegence1
18. What if we all stopped the Gossip, Judgement and Cursing
19. Why do we have Champagne Lifestyle, Lemonade Money
20. Is it time we all know the Truth about Dairy
21. Why do we think Lying is not Normal
22. Check the comments for update on world DRUG NEWS
23. Have we thought about the War Inside Us
24. Read more about the Independence Day celebrations
25. Do we know that Gluten is a Glue
26. The Real Truth about MARIJUANA
27. Modern Slavery is still going on – a must read for All
28. Can we learn more by Understanding Sport
29. What is going on for our Youth1 today
30. The Real Truth about AMPHETAMINES
31. Why do we Blame the world and its brothers
32. Ground Breaking News – EARTHQUAKES
33. Could we all learn more about Suicide
34. What would happen if we Let Go, Let Go
35. What happens if we Do Nothing, Do Something
36. The Real Truth about ALCOHOL
37. Have we Forgot Something, Lost Something
38. Why is Mental Health such a big global issue
39. How many of us are Living a See Through Life
40. What have we all created with our Internet
41. Is it time to Get Real, Get Honest and Get to Truth
42. What is Our Priority in Life
43. Is this a thorough presentation about Diabetes
44. What have we done with Television
45. Is the Law of Cause and Effect, the same as Karma
46. Why is our world going for more, More More
47. Why are we seeking a Perfect Life
48. Why are we a Careless Society
49. What is Christmas all about
50. Why is New Year such a big deal for some of us
51. Do Diets Work
52. What if there was a simple Recipe for Life
53. Why is the Common Cold so common
54. Is there more we could learn about Cancer
55. Have we all heard of FGM – Female Genital Mutilation
56. Why are some of us Bored with Life
57. Are we really Getting Away with It
58. Can we fly Business Class to Heaven
59. How are we looking after our Kidneys
60. Why is Sleep such a big global problem
61. Is there such a thing as Happiness
62. What do Birthdays mean to us
63. DEPRESSION – our leading cause of ill Health and Disability
64. What happens if we make a Commitment to Life
65. What are we all doing to our planet Earth
66. What if we all started to Be Gentle in all our movements
67. Where has Listening to Other People got us
68. Is there more to learn about Intelligence2
69. WHY is High Blood Pressure so prevalent today in our world
70. Could we work things out if we practiced Nil by Mouth
71. Tobacco1 is killing us and we all know this
72. Why are Eating Disorders now a big problem in society
73. What is the state of our world Global Wellness
74. Are we Giving up on Life because of our choices
75. What is going on with our Social Media world
76. What if Truth was at the core of every choice we make
77. What is there to learn about our Feet and Footwear
78. Are Mistakes all about learning in life
79. What would happen if we Stop Shouting and Swearing
80. What if we all started saying What if1 … what would happen
81. What more could we learn about what our Youth2 are up to
82. Do we treat Our Car like it was our body
83. Why do most of us live Life in the Fast Lane
84. What are we doing about our Dodgy Emails
85. What are Video Games doing to us
86. Are we aware of what Holding On is doing to us
87. There is so much more to understand about the human Heart1
88. Why do we have this Just Incase Syndrome
89. Why do most of us live a Double Life
90. Can we admit we have Our Vices, Our Secrets
91. The Real Truth about SPICE – synthetic cannabis
92. What is Hot Talk
93. Why are some of us comfortable Sitting on the Fence
94. Can we agree our world is full of Solutions, Solutions
95. Do we know enough about Fast Food, Junk Food
96. What is it about the month of D E C E M B E R
98. Time to admit we all got stuff going on with Family
99. Can Closing Cycles help us move forward in life
100. This BLOG is asking more questions about human life
101. Why do so many of us keep living our life in Regret
102. Where are we Overdoing It and where has it got us
103. Why have we made Crazy Days our normal days now
104. Doing a Take 2 gives us the space to have another go
105. Complications are the total opposite to living Simple
106. How many of us are aware of what Raynaud’s is
107. To not get distracted, common sense says Focus
108. Read what is going on for Women all over the world
109. Jet Lag affects many of us – this is well worth reading
110. Plug in and Connect means we get to feel inside us
111. Read – The Real Truth about Caffeine
112. What is the state of our World Health – read this
113. Commitment to Life2 means taking Responsibility
114. Do Less and Be More is medicine for us right now
115. GET ON WITH IT and Focus on what needs to be done
116. A simple and practical guide to Closing our Eyes
117. What happens when we learn to stop – just STOP
118. What do we really see when we look into the Mirror
119. Read – The Real Truth about Tobacco2 – Part 2
120. Have we all heard about FOMO – Fear of Missing Out
121. Real Talking cuts out the fake and phoney nonsense
122. Check what this blog says about Heart Handshake
123. A life of true Consistency is a life of true Responsibility
124. Pay attention world – Tidy Up is super important
125. Would we invest in this world if it was a Business
126. Bog standard presentation Toilet Talk – a must read
127. Politics – this one page article really speaks volumes
128. The what, why, when and how about our Excuses
129. What if2 our world considered the questions in this blog
130. What is it about us that never completes the Odd Jobs
131. WHY do we have a Holiday industry worth $8.8 trillion
132. Is there a science behind going to bed at 9 o clock
133. How do we really take care of our Pots and Pans
134. This 911 wake up call is a real emergency for us ALL
135. Dear World – what would happen if we ALL read this
136. A practical handout to support us when we Wake Up
137. Another practical handout for Cleaning our Glasses
138. Another practical guide – Hand Washing for any age
139. Living Life in the Danger Zone is well worth reading
140. Read – The Real Truth about Stress
141. WHY is Self Care not on our agenda from day dot
142. Read the benefits of Living Life in the Flow Zone
143. Trash the Body + take Vitamins = really no point
144. What goes on when we have the End of a Year
145. Have we thought about the real Waste at Christmas
146. Christmas Shopping – largest economic stimulus
147. Global News for 2018 reporting the facts and stats
148. WHY have our New Year Resolutions never worked
149. What goes on with us in the month of J A N U A R Y
150. Read – The Real Truth about Obesity
151. How can we have Loneliness with 7.7 billion people
152. The Real Truth about Children’s Mental Health
153. Empty the Trash includes a guide to cleaning our bin
154. What if we put voice to what we feel = JUST TALK
155. WHY are so many of us Struggling in everyday life
156. Salt Awareness education is now needed for us ALL
157. Read what there is to know about Alarm Clocks
158. 50% of world population affected by Oral diseases
159. Here is another take on our Pending Trays
160. England alone 71 million Anti Depressant prescriptions
161. What does a Day Off mean to us and what do we do
162. Read the stats and the facts about our Food Waste
163. What would life be like if we all went Back to Basics
164. Are we really Smart or is this what we think we are
165. £20 billion – cost of poor Numeracy to UK economy
166. How often in daily life do we get that Push feeling
167. Read – The Real Truth about Tobacco3 – Part 3
168. Check out the facts about Waste in our World
169. What would happen if we all started to ‘Say It As It Is’
170. Read – The Real Truth about Opioids
171. Read the value and importance of what Completion is
172. SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT in this world of ours
173. Simple Living just makes sense – read this blog
174. NOTHING TO DECLARE – what is that all about
175. Drinking Water is super important for the human body
176. A strong message to ALL of us about Passing Water
177. This What if3 Part 3 is presenting even more questions
178. What does Slowing Down really mean and why do it
179. Why have we got this Can’t Wait attitude going on
180. This Sleeptember is delivering even more on sleep
181. Absolute must read forensic article about Hoarding
182. Sorting Things Out in our life has value and purpose
183. More about our precious human Heart2 in this Part 2
184. Online Shopping – our modern world drug of choice
185. Read more about the state of our World Mental Health
186. STOPTOBER is about giving up smoking for October
187. A much needed practical guide for Toilet Cleaning
188. How many of us live a life with Double Standards
189. What are we up to – True Action or Empty Words
190. Read the details presented about Atrial Fibrillation
191. Why are we aligning and subscribing to Black Friday
192. What is it about us that gets in Christmas Party Mode
193. What does it mean to us when Another Year is over
194. Questions to consider on this Christmas Day article
195. Annual report card on the state of our world in 2019
196. Giving up alcohol for a month is called Dry January
197. Citizen Journalism is ALL of us reporting the facts
198. People Health Education is now what the call is
199. Life Lessons 101 – our sister website will be coming
200. What if change is possible if we read the 200 blogs
201. Are we ready for a World Annual General Meeting
202. Before we dismiss Napping – read this presentation
203. A foundational guide to Making our Bed every day
204. Late Nights are not our natural design – read this blog
205. A very use-full and valuable Email Housekeeping Guide
206. We all need a Life DIY Manual and here it is…
207. Having a Daily Routine supports us more than we realise
208. Walk the Talk – no point honking your horn – utter waste
209. This website is the confirmation there is Another Way to Live
210. There is no such thing as Boring Jobs – read the blog
211. FOR THE RECORD – our world is in a serious mess
212. A caring guide for all things needed for Hand Care
213. A step by step guide to take deep care of our Feet
214. Our “Because We Can” behaviour has consequences
215. It is high time we raised the bar by Setting Standards
216. A must read for all of us FINISH THE JOB – no excuses!
217. MEDIA – time we all started questioning what this is
218. WHY do the majority of us get Headaches
219. What is possible if we had a Simple Lifestyle
220. Multi-Tasking ensures we are never steady or present
221. The Real Truth about Gambling – a disease we have today
222. The Real Truth about Cocaine – a must read for us all
223. Hundreds of news stories for the year ending 2020
224. It is high time we all got a REALITY CHECK
225. What are we leaving with our Digital Footprints
226. Check the stats on what we are up to on Valentine’s Day
227. The Real Truth about Heroin – every child needs to read this
228. Speaking Up means not holding back on the Truth
229. Why is it that we don’t like Change – blog worth reading
230. Practical Living from an author that lives and loves Practical
231. The statistics on this forensic blog Screen Time are a must read
232. Playing Nice is not real or true but fake and phoney
233. Why is it that we often Mis-Interpret when it comes to Truth
234. Pause means we don’t move, we take a moment to breathe
235. Why do we get STUCK in life and how can we change that
236. If we don’t like it then WHY do we keep Putting Things Off
237. How did we become mini experts at Ignoring the Signs
238. Our Neighbourhood, Our Community does matter
239. What if we started having real and proper Conversations
240. An extract from our forthcoming book on Migraine
241. Why bother opening our mouth if we can’t Tell ‘em Straight
242. Most of the world is Exhausted – this is an Absolute must read
243. What, why where and how are we Hiding in this world
244. A serious account to bring awareness about Alcohol
245. Why do we behave Online differently to offline
246. A presentation that highlights how Life is Out of Balance
247. Even more news stories for the year ending 2021
248. Why is it that we have a void and feel Empty Inside
249. Read about this phenomenal website SIMPLE LIVING GLOBAL
250. Our Lifestyle Choices can lead to lifestyle diseases
251. Tick Box life will not make a dent when it comes to real change
252. Night Shift has to be read by all workers as a wake up call
253. Reminder – Weekends are just the same as any other day
254. A practical guide about our Paperwork that needs attention
255. Being Honest is no longer the standard or normal
256. A super simple blog so we have NO BIG DEAL
257. Well worth living these words – Stay On Track
258. 988 is the new USA helpline for Suicide Crisis
259. Band Aid to a bullet wound approach will never work
260. Everyone in our world seems to be Tired – WHY
261. Our Hidden Agenda serves no one because there is No Purpose
262. Why are we Fed Up and what does that actually mean
263. Fake and Phony lifestyle is widely accepted – why is this
264. How does Mind Your Own Business work for us
265. A practical guide to taking care of our Nails
266. A supportive guide for Preparing for Sleep
267. Well worth reading the tips for Supermarket Shopping
268. Early Nights – another chapter from our Sleep Book
269. Cold Weather needs our attention. Ignoring it does not work
270. What’s Next when it comes to living life everyday
271. A wake up report card about WORLD NEWS in 2022
272. A 101 for All of us – Talk to Someone
273. Are we ready to know about the State of our World
274. Overwhelmed – worth reading as it could make sense
275. Why do most of us have Hurts and bury them
276. How We Live in every moment, every day matters
277. Time we started asking More Questions about everything
278. Are we aware of what Lifestyle Diseases are
279. Do we know what Rushing around does to our body
280. FENTANYL – another forensic in our Real Truth series
281. Everything in this blog tells us THIS IS SERIOUS
282. How are we Living is a very important blog
283. Avoiding has consequences so start with reading this
284. A Master of Laundry sharing about a Laundry manual
285. What is NEXT for us in this world – ponder on this one
286. As the masses have Anxiety – this presentation is a start
287. What are we up to when it comes to Breakfast every day
288. A reminder that supply comes after we make the DEMAND
289. A very serious presentation for All of us – DEBT
290. Comfort Eating seems to be like a hobby – why is that
291. A snapshot in numbers – World Statistics
292. This disease is now highly prevalent – Pancreatic Cancer
293. Read more about what is currently trending – Fasting
294. What were the Highlights for us this year – 2023
295. Our end of year report card – World News 2023
296. Continuation of our World Report Card – even More
297. Why is this topic so popular in January – DETOX
298. Real Life examples of what is now our New Normal
299. WHY do we create such un-necessary Tension every day