Dear World

We ALL know that our lifestyle choices are not always taking into consideration what our body needs for optimum health and vitality.

We are bombarded with ‘lifestyle’ marketing and we cannot escape it.

Equally, we are inundated with ‘Solutions’ to fix the ills that come from our lifestyle choices.

Yes – you read correctly. This is crazy.

Why are we not waking up to the fact this is all upside down and makes zero sense, yet we subscribe to this model of life?

Who sold it to us and WHY?

Does it suit us to be irresponsible because we have lifestyle choices that harm our body?

A few examples that most of us can relate to:

1. We do not honour our Sleep and wake cycle. We know there is a natural way and yet we do what we want, go to bed when we want and have an attitude that it is ok to be living with little, if any real quality sleep.

We have lots of distractions and we subscribe to them like going out Late to party, eating out late, taking Drugs, flicking the Net, binge watching TV, following our Social Media influencers, to name a few things we get up to and avoid quality sleep time.

We have a multi-billion dollar sleeping aids industry telling us it can fix our sleep problems but we all know this does not work. If even one thing worked then we would put this industry out of business.


2. We enjoy our glass of beer or the wine with our meal and over the years the Alcohol consumption has gone up.

We know that it helps to numb all the things that we don’t want to deal with on that day and what happened in the past.

We make out we are just ‘relaxing’ and there is nothing wrong with having a scientifically proven poison that happens to be legal called Alcohol.

This is our lifestyle choice and we champion it and turn a blind eye to those that are addicted to the point where it is painfull to see the suffering.

We never want to hear about blogs like the one on this website called Alcohol Awareness, giving 300 news stories around the world spelling out the utter abuse that Alcohol causes.

We never want to associate ourselves with a drink that is at the centre of domestic violence.

And there are days where the Alcohol is not cutting it like it used to. It is like we have a tolerance and we need more of the same to get the same feeling we seek and desire.

For some, it now means the next step and another lifestyle choice is made Drugs.

Maybe some Cannabis as we heard it is legal in some parts of the world and it happens to be a natural plant, so we jump on the bandwagon or we go straight for the white stuff called Cocaine.

Or we want to party all night and know that we cannot stay awake, so to fight our natural state we consume party drugs – the stuff that buzzes us and we have no recollection the next day of our movements.


3. We ALL know Caffeine is a legal drug and we find it in our Coffee and energy drinks and our supplements and medicines. We need our Caffeine fix first thing in the morning and without it we cannot get started.

We like the high, the buzz we get and we do not want to hear about any side effects or what it is actually doing to us inside our body.

The whole world and its brothers are doing Coffee and we know it happens to be the 2nd largest traded commodity in the world.

We do know it is a drug because it alters our natural state.

We all know that coming off Caffeine is not easy and that is our sign this is an addictive drug.

We think we are Smart by moving to energy drinks or doing both but who are we Fooling really?

We like to forget that Caffeine races us and in that heightened state of being, we are artificially running our body and it comes at a cost.

We have this habit of talking about the Caffeine affecting our Sleep and yet we do nothing to make the moves to change.

We are comfortable in the un-comfortable-ness we feel as a result of consuming Caffeine, as it is a lifestyle choice we are not willing to admit is not working for us.


Next –

Simple Living Global has a Lifestyle Choices Category on this website and each article is worth reading as they simply present another way to live human life.

Is There Another Way?

Why Do We Get Sick?

Why is Coffee Big Business?

We Are What We Eat

Cold Hands, Cold Feet

HEARTBURN and Common Sense

Questions Questions

Chocolate Chocolat World

Passport to Get Real

Building Your Foundation

Keep it Simple

Expression is Everything

Gossip, Judgement & Cursing

Champagne Lifestyle, Lemonade Money

Lying is Not Normal

Gluten is a Glue

Understanding SPORT

Do Nothing, Do Something

The Real Truth about ALCOHOL

Living a See Through Life

Get REAL, Get HONEST and Get to TRUTH

What is Our Priority?

Karma Karma

more More More

Perfect Life

BORED with Life

Getting Away with It


Commitment to Life – Part 1

The Real Truth about Tobacco – Part 1

Giving Up On Life

Tell the TRUTH Day

Making Mistakes

SSS – STOP Shouting and Swearing

What If…Part 1

Life in the Fast Lane

Holding On

Just Incase Syndrome

Double Life

Our Vices, Our Secrets

Hot Talk

Sitting on the Fence

Solutions, Solutions

Overdoing It

Crazy Days




The Real Truth about CAFFEINE


Commitment to Life



Stop – Just STOP

Mirror Mirror

The Real Truth about Tobacco – Part 2




Tidy up, Tidy up


What if…Part 2

Odd Jobs


Living in the Danger Zone

Living in the Flow Zone

Christmas Shopping

The Real Truth about Obesity


Salt Awareness

Alarm Clocks


Push Push PUSH

The Real Truth about Tobacco – Part 3


What if…Part 3

Online Shopping


Double Standards

TRUE Action OR Empty Words

Black Friday

Christmas Party Mode

Another Year Over…

Christmas Day

Dry January

People Health Education

Life Lessons 101

2020 World AGM


Late Nights

Daily Routine

Walk the Talk

Another Way to Live

Boring Jobs


“Because We Can”

Setting Standards



Simple Lifestyle


The Real Truth about Gambling

Reality Check

Digital Footprints

Speaking Up


Practical Living

Playing Nice




Putting Things Off

IGNORING the signs

Our Neighbourhood | Our Community


Tell ‘em Straight  



Alcohol Awareness

Online Behaviour

Life Out of Balance

Feeling Empty Inside

Dear World

The above list of topics are the everyday stuff we can all relate to.

There are 122 opportunities here and inside each one there is another offering of what is possible, if we are open to considering Another Way to Live.

Nothing is working and our rise in illness and disease is a confirmation that our Lifestyle Choices need to be addressed. Failure to do this leads to a correction and this is what we can all avoid if we simply take the steps to Change what is not working, has never worked and never will work.








Comments 2

  1. CNN – 20 February 2024

    A new study has found that adopting a healthy lifestyle could reduce the risk of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS.

    42% drop for adults in midlife and older who were physically active, got enough sleep, ate a quality diet, moderated alcohol intake and did not smoke – the risk for developing the gastrointestinal disorder.

    This common disorder affects 5% – 10% of the global population. 1 in 10 people worldwide.
    The impact of the disorder on the stomach and intestines and on mental well-being is well recognised but the cause of the condition is not fully understood.

    21% lower risk of developing IBS symptoms for participants who exhibited one behaviour.
    36% for those who took on two behaviours.
    42% lower risk for those with 3 to 5 of the behaviours.

    Those who maintained none of the healthy behaviours were at the highest risk of developing the condition.

    When analysing the behaviours separately, the study team found that getting a good amount of sleep each night was the most influential in reducing the risk of IBS.
    27% lower risk of developing IBS compared with those who do not.

    The study was published in the British Medical Journal GUT

    Adhering to a higher number of healthy lifestyle behaviours is significantly associated with a lower incidence of IBS in the general population.
    Our findings suggest the potential of lifestyle modification as a primary prevention strategy for IBS.

    “Although lifestyle modification is recommended as a means of managing IBS symptoms, its potential role in preventing the onset of the condition has not been given due attention.”

  2. The University of Sydney – 17 October 2024–could-.html

    Standing more does not improve Cardiovascular health but it could INCREASE the risk of circulatory issues related to standing, such as varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis.

    According to this new study, researchers say that standing for too long will not offset an otherwise sedentary lifestyle.

    The study was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology and found that sitting for over 10 hours a day INCREASED BOTH Cardiovascular Disease and Orthostatic incidence risk, reinforcing the need for greater physical activity throughout the day.

    Standing has gained popularity among people looking to offset the harms of a sedentary lifestyle often caused by spending long days sitting in front of the computer, television or driving wheel.

    Standing desks have become a popular option among office workers and in other industries like retail where workers may opt to stand instead of sit.

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