Tidy up, Tidy up

Who on earth is interested in Tidy up?

WHY do we need to Tidy up, Tidy up?

WHY do we avoid this Tidy up business?

WHY do we see Tidy up as a discipline?

WHY do we think Tidy up means effort?

WHY do we always avoid Tidy up stuff?

WHY do we find Tidy up such a chore?

WHY do we make out Tidy up is a bore?

WHY do we feel there are no benefits for Tidy up?

WHY did we grow up hating the words – Tidy up?

WHY are we nagging our kids to Tidy up?

WHY is the very act of Tidy up not appealing to us?

Would it be true to say that most of us have grown up with these words –

Tidy up and it was like a constant loud ringing that never seemed to stop?

What would a person who lives these words Tidy up be like?

What would life be like if Tidy up was part of our daily living?

Would it make a difference if we had a Tidy up ritual every day?

Do we think it is the job for our cleaners to Tidy up for us?

Do we think Tidy up is for mum as she cleans up after us?

Do we think we cannot recall signing up for this boring task?

Do we think we can Get Away with It by living in a real mess?

Do we think we are cool because Tidy up is not on our radar?
In other words, we live in chaos every single day and justify it.

Do we think Tidy up is a waste of our time, when we could be doing other things?

Do we think Tidy up is linked to a neat and perfect disorder?

Do we resent Tidy up, Tidy up because it was drummed into us as kids and now as adults, we just let loose and make sure we don’t Tidy up?

Do we get stressed most days as we forget to Tidy up and then things feel like they are piling up on us and it’s all too much?

Do we wish others would run after us and do all our Tidy up stuff as we like it that way?

Do we get our gran in while we are at work to Tidy up our place?

Do we want a Tidy home but make no effort whatsoever to ever Tidy up?

Do we crave to be a Tidy person but we never put Focus on it?

Do we get exposed at work, as our desk does not know what Tidy up is?

Do we hate the hot-desking thing, as people never Tidy up when they move on?

So how are we really?

How tidy is our attic/loft space?
How tidy is our bathroom?
How tidy is our bedroom?
How tidy is our car?
How tidy is our cellar?
How tidy is our garage?

How tidy is our garden shed?
How tidy is our office?
How tidy is our office drawer?
How tidy is our spare room?
How tidy is our wardrobe?
How tidy is our cupboard under the sink?
How tidy are our kitchen cupboards?
How tidy are our kitchen drawers?

What would happen if we made a choice to “Tidy up” when we complete something?

What would happen if Our Car gets a “Tidy up” after every road trip?

What would happen if our kitchen cupboards got a proper “Tidy up”?

What would happen if our fridge had a weekly “Tidy up” before shopping?

What would happen if our bedroom got a daily “Tidy up, Tidy up”?

What would happen if we never left work without a “Tidy up, Tidy up”?

What would happen if our office got a real good “Tidy up” every month?

What would happen if we just picked up and folded our clothes that have been hanging around to be put away?

What would happen if we started seeing small things as equally important to the big stuff that goes on in our life?

What would happen to us if we walked into a Tidy room?

What would be the quality of our driving if we always had a car, which had the Tidy up as normal maintenance?

What if by actively committing to the Tidy up, Tidy up way of life, we found more space in our day and in that space, we had joy like never before?

What if at the end of every day Tidy up, Tidy up was just the same as brushing our teeth and we can feel the support?

What if to keep things in order and flow, we need to Commit to the Tidy up task every single day?

What if we need to understand that there is a magic in this ceremony of Tidy up, Tidy up because everything has a place if things are to flow?

What if we started seeing Tidy up as something of great value and benefit and not an arduous task, where we just can’t be bothered to Commit?

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = harmony

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = less tension

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = more clarity

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = more space

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = more content

What if Tidy up, Tidy up = more gets done

What if we put focus into Tidy up, Tidy Up every single day and feel our life flow with a natural order and ease?

What if we Consistently made the effort to Tidy up after us, no matter what?

What if we commit to Tidy up and made it a Priority at the end of our day?

What if Tidy up, Tidy up knocks out the Crazy Days where we Forget Something or Lose Something?

Dear World

Could it be possible that when we have order and flow in our own life, we inspire others by our living way?

Could it be possible that the real ripple effect of consistent Tidy up is our neighbourhood, community, country and beyond feel it?

Could it be possible that if Tidy up was part of our personal and individual lives, then our whole world would be Tidy and not in the mess it currently is in?

Is this making sense?





Comments 11

  1. This is such a great blog and one that I can very much relate to, as I can all of the blogs and articles on this website.

    Just this week at work in one morning I had two people approach my desk asking why my desk was different to everyone else’s including being bigger.

    I have the same size desk as everyone else so I could not understand what my colleagues were talking about. Then one of them said it was so lovely to have a tidy desk and I realised that was what they were seeing and feeling, how a tidy desk lends to more space and so it appeared that my desk was different to others, but could it be because I respect my desk and look after it, including giving it a wipe every morning it remains tidy?

    Making Tidy up an essential part of my life wherever I go has really transformed it, including making me more focused and orderly.

    It’s amazing how the most simple things in life can have the most profound effect.

  2. Oooh, what a fantastic blog, bringing focus to a very interesting and oft-hidden topic.

    Tidy Up Time is a regular thing for me. I absolutely love tidiness and order and how it makes me and my environment feel.

    Untidiness causes a disturbance inside me – like an irritation; a feeling of something being off kilter.

    And I have to admit to tidying up after my kids in our house. Reading this blog helps me see it really is time to stop that – my kids are pretty awesome on the responsibility front, but more commitment and consistency is certainly needed to Tidy Up.

    One line that jumps out for them is this:
    “What would happen to us if we walked into a Tidy room?”

    You can feel a settlement and flow when you have tidied up. It is literally a joy to feel that and they have often commented on that themselves.

    It is like it allows space to get on with what is next, un-imposed.

  3. When I was a child I found a wooden box that was called a Captains chest. On it was written. ‘ A place for everything and everything in its place”

    This phrase has stuck with me. I began to understand how critical it was when I started working on a commercial fishing boat. When you are on a boat it can literally be a matter of life and death to have access to what you need at any moment.

    That is why you only take what you need [because space is limited], and you always put things back where they belong.

    It just makes sense to live to live like that. It is about taking responsibility for our actions.

    With support from Simple Living Global I have been taking this concept deeper and into all aspects of my life.

    It has supported me to heal many of my physical and emotional issues, because my body is being supported with a simpler and less stressful life.

    And now my life is reflecting to other people the value of tidying up.

  4. I love this tidy up theme, when we see tidying up as an equally important task as every other task we do and we do it with presence and respect it is like giving the items being tidied a dusting of love that shine to all that enter the room.
    We can imprint the love that we bring into everything we do, the type of energy we put in will be the energy that emanates to others. Love in – love out.

    If tidying is done in anger, frustration or resistance – what will be the result of the tidying?

  5. I love tidying up when I get home from work.

    I enjoy unpacking my bag and putting my clothes away in the same way each evening, before I do anything else.

    I love the simplicity, focus and order that it brings, not just to me but also to my environment.

    I know these tasks are often seen as mundane and useless, but I cannot ever imagine now arriving home from work and just slinging my bags down and checking out on the sofa.

    For me there is much work to be done and so by me including tidying up into my daily rhythm, it means that I can stay focused on the larger jobs like my office work.

    There is a saying called ‘A tidy house, is a tidy mind’ and I think most of us would agree that we feel like we have more space in our head and we feel clearer when things are tidy.

    What if tidying up is a key component to True Success?

  6. We have an informal ‘hot desking’ arrangement at my work. If you are away from the office, someone will sit at your desk.

    I can always tell when someone has sat at my desk. People leave an imprint.

    In rare cases it is wayward uncleanliness. Sometimes it is untidiness. Sometimes it is simply the angles that are off.

    Always, the desk must be cleaned and brought back to order.

    This process grounds the day. Sets in the foundation and the quality for what will come next. It is non-negotiable.

    Then the work-day can begin with the utmost clarity.

  7. Today I spent half of the day cleaning my kitchen and loved every moment of it.

    I couldn’t complete it all in one go, as I had other tasks to do outside of the house, so I gave myself permission to complete half before I left and continue the rest afterwards. I even had a nap in between. I share this because in the past it would never have been an option for me to take a break or do something in stages. I would be driven to complete it all in one go and this would put a lot of pressure and stress on me and I would end up not enjoying what I was doing and feel exhausted. This time I feel energised.

    As I was cleaning and rearranging things, I realised that I am away for a few days next week and this cleaning is a preparation so that when I return my home is clean and clear and tidy and so it will support me, rather than drag me down by being unkempt.

    There are a few other areas of my home that I will attend to tomorrow and I am so looking forward to this, with no dread but just joy for the task ahead and the benefits both me and others in my household will experience from having a tidy house.

  8. Another great blog Simple Living Global and one that makes a lot of sense.

    Tidying up brings a lot of focus and clarity into our lives, simply because it gives us the space to see the bigger picture.

    As a child growing up I was made to do chores and one of those chores was to tidy and clean the living room which, with 5 of us living in a house, created a lot of tidying up.

    I always liked to approach it with having a clear canvas, which meant I would put everything that needed to be tidied in a central place, clean and then put everything away in its designated place.

    I always remember the satisfaction I got after completing the task and I realise now that it was simply because I liked the space that it gave me and that is what I feel every time I clean and tidy up now.

    “Could it be possible that when we have order and flow in our own life, we inspire others by our living way?”

    I feel the above sentence from this blog rings very true.

    I know I have order and flow in my life and I have seen the effect it has on my colleagues at work.

    Is it possible that tidying up is not an OCD thing but one that shows we have standards and we are willing to take responsibility for ourselves?

  9. It just occurred to me how far we can take this “Tidy Up” business really.

    I started to tidy up my desktop having got some support from someone who is more tech savvy than I am. This made me feel like I had just acquired heaps of space and I could feel a shift that is hard to explain but I will have a go …

    Things felt lighter and clearer. It all looked easy on the eye and not busy in any way.
    I felt an internal expansion in my chest so I could breathe deeper.

    Might sound a bit way off and whacky but let me continue… I noticed I had a very deep quality sleep and woke up feeling strong and steady with a clarity that was saying “Let’s go..”

    Well I did – I began to clear up even more folders on the desktop and then after my break resuming to the screen, I noticed what a HUGE difference could be felt and seen with the flow and order of the icons and the simplicity in which I could now work.

    No surprise I have been able to effortlessly get on with work with a new found focus and joy that in truth I have not felt at this level before.

    I highly recommend this Tidy up Tidy up business in all aspects of life, never giving in or giving up because we can’t be bothered or we ate too much or TV is more important or whatever our excuse is.

  10. I have come to realise recently the value of this tidy up business. For me tidy up tidy up is essential, necessary and a part of my work and personal life.

    What I have noticed is doing this very simple and practical task supports me to settle inside my body. I feel more still and steady and that supports me in my life. I find it is easy these days for me to just focus and not get distracted or side tracked with nonsense in my head and I actually enjoy tidying up. The order and flow I feel is worth so much to me and my office space and home both feel like they’ve had a deep clean hoover everywhere. It always feels lighter and I feel content.

    Today I had admin paperwork that needed sorting and tidying up. Job done and it inspired me to look at my pending trays and review them.
    It is on my list so there is no drive or push to try and get more things done. I used to do that in the past and it was just a chore on my tick box to do list. These days I can actually feel the Joy in completing even a small job that requires a tidy up.

    What I love is how one thing alerts my awareness to the next thing – example:
    When I put the laundry away where it needs to go and then I seem to see other odd jobs that need tidying up.

    I am not saying we need to be obsessive with our tidy up business, but I do feel there is a purpose and the bonus is I feel more settled and that for me is well worth continuing living in this way. Just wanted to share that as it’s coming from my lived experience and it may just inspire a reader now or in the future to take note, re-read this blog and have a go.

  11. Today is Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day – 17 October 2022.


    We seem to have world days, international days and national days – all to bring awareness via our digital platforms.

    This one today seems to be about how we rarely clean our desktop and if that is the case then we probably do not do filing, back up files to a secured hard drive or delete them from our computer.

    The link about this “clean Your Virtual Desktop Day” came originally from the Personal Computer Museum in Ontario, Canada.
    It gives 3 tips – back up your files, organize things by archiving them into folders and let stuff go, like the screenshot from 3 years ago.

    These are great tips and apparently the logic behind it is simple. The more things stored on our computer, the slower our machine is running. So the RAM, which is the horse power uses more and slows speed down.

    What if this is a great way to start, but with all things we are not really interested as there is a comfortableness in how we operate on a day to day basis? In other words, we seem to not see the clutter on our desktops because it is the same in our home. Things are not organised, the space is not clear or clean and if they do get done it is very now and then.

    Could it be possible that to get things clean in our virtual world, this needs to happen first in our real world?

    What if we need to bring in some words that could make us feel uncomfortable in our comfortable-ness like RESPONSIBILITY and CONSISTENCY? This means we have a Responsibility to put focus and emphasis on cleaning and clearing things out by letting go and organising and tidying up on a daily basis and this would give us the movements to follow it through in other aspects of life and that includes our desktop.

    Worth considering what this comment is presenting. This is not about being perfect or becoming obsessive – it is about having a sensible approach to everything that we attend to in life and not just using days like this to do a ‘one-off’ movement to change but for the rest of the year we make no choices that support our life.

    What if we just start by re-reading this blog and making this a part of our everyday foundation and see what unfolds thereafter?

    Where else could it lead to with other much needed changes that would support us?

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