Dear World,
The following is an extract taken from our forthcoming book titled The Real Truth about Smoking, Vaping and Tobacco.
Do we all know about World No Tobacco Day?
Do we know it has been going since 1988?
Do we know the facts about Tobacco?
Do we know the harm Tobacco is causing?
Do we know how huge the Tobacco industry is?
What does all this mean to us on the street?
Are we ready to learn the real Truth about Tobacco?
The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced. (1)
WHY is tobacco such a huge threat to the public?
What are we campaigning about this year?
How do we go about taking ‘intensified action’?
Is this type of action going to change anything long-term?
Are we coming up with new ways because we have to do something?
Are we fighting but in truth, not really going anywhere?
Are we employing the same old stuff with new agendas?
Are we coming up with strategies and plans but not making much difference?
Are we being honest that we cannot control the threat of tobacco?
Are our current goals going to make any difference to this global epidemic?
Are our contributions globally really changing anything?
One of the goals for the 2017 campaign is to demonstrate how individuals can contribute by making a sustainable, tobacco-free world by committing to never taking up tobacco products or by quitting the habit.
Well is it that easy?
How come many simply cannot kick the habit?
How do we get past our addictive nature and knock out harmfull substances?
Have we bothered to really study those who are addicted to tobacco?
Do we know why they started taking the stuff in the first place?
Do we need to spend our resources and efforts asking valuable questions?
Are we too busy looking for solutions but not getting to the root cause?
Are we aware that most of us replace one addiction with another?
7 million people die from tobacco use every year.
8 million predicted by 2030. (2)
4.3 million hectares of land, used for growing tobacco each year.
2 – 4% global deforestation every year.
Tobacco growing requires large amounts of pesticides and fertilizers, which can be toxic and pollute water supplies.
2 million tons – amount solid waste tobacco manufacturing produces. (2)
World No Tobacco Day is celebrated around the world every year on 31 May.
According to the official website, this yearly celebration informs the public on –
Dangers of using tobacco
Business practices of Tobacco companies
What WHO is doing to fight the tobacco epidemic
What people around the world can do to claim their right to health and healthy living and to protect future generations. (3)
How many of us know what true health is?
How many of us are choosing to live healthy?
How many of us have different meanings for the word ‘health’?
How healthy are our younger generations today?
How are we raising our kids when it comes to healthy living?
How responsible are we regarding protecting future generations?
So, what are we actually celebrating after 30 years of campaigning?
What has been going on for the past three decades?
1988 Tobacco or Health: Choose Health
1989 Women and Tobacco: The Female Smoker: at Added Risk
1990 Childhood and Youth without Tobacco: Growing Up Without Tobacco
1991 Public Places and Transport: Better be Tobacco Free
1992 Tobacco Free Workplaces: Safer and Healthier
1993 Health Services: Our Windows to a Tobacco Free World
1994 Media and Tobacco: Get the Message Across
1995 Tobacco Costs More Than You Think
1996 Sport and Art without Tobacco: Play it Tobacco Free
1997 United for a Tobacco Free World
1998 Growing up without Tobacco
1999 Leave the Pack Behind
2000 Tobacco Kills, Don’t be Duped
2001 Second-Hand Smoke Kills
2002 Tobacco Free Sports
2003 Tobacco Free Film, Tobacco Free Fashion
2004 Tobacco and Poverty: A Vicious Circle
2005 Health Professionals against Tobacco
2006 Tobacco: Deadly in any Form or Disguise
2007 Smoke Free Inside
2008 Tobacco-Free Youth
2009 Tobacco Health Warnings
2010 Gender and Tobacco with an Emphasis on Marketing to Women
2011 The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
2012 Tobacco Industry Interference
2013 Ban Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship
2014 Raise Taxes on Tobacco
2015 Stop Illicit Trade of Tobacco Products
2016 Get Ready for Plain Packaging
2017 Tobacco – a Threat to Development (3)
What is Tobacco?
Concise Oxford English Dictionary tells us –
A preparation of the dried and fermented nicotine-rich leaves of an American plant, used for smoking or chewing. (4)
Tobacco-Related Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – Fifth edition
Tobacco Use Disorder
Tobacco Withdrawal
Other Tobacco-Induced Disorders
Unspecified Tobacco-Related Disorder
Tobacco Use Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria
A problematic pattern of tobacco use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
1. Tobacco is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended.
2. There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control tobacco use.
3. A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain or use tobacco.
4. Craving, or a strong desire or urge to use tobacco.
5. Recurrent tobacco use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (e.g., interference at work).
6. Continued tobacco use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of tobacco (e.g., arguments with others about tobacco use).
7. Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of tobacco use.
8. Recurrent tobacco use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., smoking in bed).
9. Tobacco use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by tobacco.
10. Tolerance, as defined by either of the following:
a. A need for markedly increased amounts of tobacco to achieve the desired effect.
b. A markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of tobacco.
11. Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following:
a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for tobacco (refer to Criteria A and B or the criteria set for tobacco withdrawal).
b. Tobacco (or a closely related substance, such as nicotine) is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Tobacco Withdrawal
Diagnostic Criteria
A. Daily use of tobacco for at least several weeks.
B. Abrupt cessation of tobacco use, or reduction in the amount of tobacco used, followed within 24 hours by four (or more) of the following signs or symptoms:
1. Irritability, frustration, or anger.
2. Anxiety.
3. Difficulty concentrating.
4. Increased appetite.
5. Restlessness.
6. Depressed mood.
7. Insomnia.
C. The signs or symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The signs or symptoms are not attributed to another medical condition and are not better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication or withdrawal from another substance.
Diagnostic Features
Withdrawal symptoms impair the ability to stop tobacco use. The symptoms after abstinence from tobacco are in large part due to nicotine deprivation. Symptoms are much more intense among individuals who smoke cigarettes or use smokeless tobacco than among those who use nicotine medications. This difference in symptom intensity is likely due to the more rapid onset and higher levels of nicotine with cigarette smoking. Tobacco withdrawal is common among daily tobacco users who stop or reduce but can also occur among nondaily users. Typically, heart rate decreases by 5-12 beats per minute in the first few days after stopping smoking, and weight increases an average of 2-3 kg over the first year after stopping smoking.
Tobacco withdrawal can produce clinically significant mood changes and functional impairment.
Associated Features Supporting Diagnosis
Craving for sweet or sugary foods and impaired performance on tasks requiring vigilance are associated with tobacco withdrawal. Abstinence can increase constipation, coughing, dizziness, dreaming/nightmares, nausea, and sore throat. Smoking increases the metabolism of many medications used to treat mental disorders; thus, cessation of smoking can increase the blood levels of these medications, and this can produce clinically significant outcomes. This effect appears to be due not to nicotine but rather to other compounds in tobacco.
Other Tobacco-Induced Disorders
Tobacco-induced sleep disorder.
So here we have the kingpins who wrote the book – American Psychiatric Association telling us what the real harm of Tobacco is.
Taken word for word from the manual, we can say that coming off tobacco is not easy.
For those who do, check out the symptoms above that may occur and again it confirms why it is so hard to come off any substance that is addictive.
How many of us then go from one addiction to another?
How many of us give up smoking but need the nicotine in another form?
How many of us are aware that we have become so dependent on this drug?
How many of us can admit that tobacco is a mind-altering substance?
How many of us know someone who gives up fags and moves onto something else?
How many of us are honest enough to say we get the sugar munchies if we stop smoking?
How many of us go from chewing tobacco to constantly wanting to chew non-stop?
How many of us realise that tobacco is seriously affecting our mind and body?
There is much more to read and research about this subject and it would be a dis-service to present one article in the form of a blog and leave it at that.
There is more to report and present on the Real Truth about Tobacco – Part 2
31 May 2018.
(1) (2017, May). Tobacco – Fact Sheet. World Health Organization. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from
(2) World No Tobacco Day, 31 May 2017. World Health Organization. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from
(3) (n.d). World No Tobacco Day. World Health Organization. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from
(4) Concise Oxford English Dictionary – Twelfth Edition. Oxford University Press. 2011
Comments 91
I remember when there were individuals suing tobacco companies and winning huge sums of money.
I was relieved that finally the tobacco companies were being held responsible for their actions. I assumed that this would bankrupt them and finally we could get rid of tobacco.
It basically changed nothing. Even though it was obvious that the tobacco company’s were creating a product that hurt people they continued to flourish.
So how can this happen?
Maybe going after the tobacco companies is the wrong approach?
It is so easy to blame them, but they are just producing a product that our world is demanding.
It is time to take responsibility for what we have created. A world were we need a product like tobacco to live in.
Maybe it is time to do something really different.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine is presenting a way of life that makes sense to me and has turned my life around.
Just by making simple, obvious changes in how I live and doing them consistently.
It is all about living in a way that honours myself and the world around me.
I overheard two men discussing their addiction to cigarettes with each other:
They expressed and agreed that no matter what was going on, no matter how stressed or unhappy they may be… when they light up and take a puff of a cigarette “..everything is fine…”.
They were laughing in an ironic way, saying that they know cigarettes can’t ‘fix’ anything, they know it is killing them, they want to quit but the illusion of ‘everything being OK’ is so alluring.
In the opposite way, when I do exercises to support body awareness I always discover if I am tired even if I had been buzzing around feeling full of energy and when I give a tender and present massage session to somone they often comment afterward that they feel more tired than when they got on the table…
So is it possible that smoking numbs or blocks our awareness of what is going on (the condition in which we are in as understood through our body) and that there are some things we can do instead that can support us to be more aware of where we are at and of what we are, in truth, feeling?
Can we address any issue, problem or unhappiness while we are working not to be aware of it?
I’m kind of stunned. There is so much here to consider.
The thing that is has smacked me in the face the most about this blog is the realisation about our teens. I can absolutely believe that most people start smoking in their teens and not otherwise.
Surely we start here.
“Cigarettes are addictive and so it is very hard to quit…
…which is why some victims end up smoking through holes punched in their throats.”
I found this really hard to believe so I looked it up.
It is true – people are so addicted to the nicotine in cigarettes that even after having large sections of their throat cut away due to throat cancer, they will keep smoking by putting the lit cigarettes into the breathing hole that has been cut in their throat.
One lady who does this describes smoking as having a ‘Siamese twin’ embracing you so ‘everything’s going to be alright’.
What is it about human life that has us turning to known poisons day after day, to give us some relief?
Where are we at if we are so desperate we will smoke through a hole in our throats?
Wow .. I just read your link JS. Surely it is time we started to ask why?
Why are we taking this poison into our bodies at such an expense to our health ?
Why the dependency?
What are we trying to get away from.. cover?
One of your points is that second hand smoking kills. This happened to a relative of mine, they never smoked but lived with someone who did.. they died from lung cancer.
I remember the first time I tried a cigarette, I was in my teens and my friends smoked when we went out so I tried it, I felt like I was never going to be able to breath again, like I had been punched in the chest and winded, it was awful. I didn’t have another cigarette until my twenties when I encouraged by a boyfriend. I started and got hooked. Being an asthmatic anyway it really aggravated my condition, the stimulation on my nervous system would give me a tremor. 5 years on I was then n roll ups, my asthma worse, using my inhaler more and now developing a cough. Enough was enough and I stopped. I am so glad I did, the cough went, my asthma improved a lot, my nervous system calmed.. to name just a few benefits. Why did I start? … I smoked to fit in and be accepted but my body so clearly was saying No from day one.
I was shocked to read the ingredients you have listed that are in cigarettes and to know that I was taking that into my body everyday for 5 years. This gives me a greater understanding of the ongoing problems smoking causes, and why so many people die from tobacco use.
Do people really understand the consequences of smoking cigarettes?
It amazes me that people take up smoking even with all the decades of research and experiences all around us.
So we have created a world were we feel in order to survive we have to do things that deep down we know will create a life of misery for ourselves and our family.
It is time to wake up and do something different.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has been presenting a way of living for over 15 years that has allowed me and many others to get back to a place were we would not even consider doing anything to harm ourselves.
It is worth checking it out.
Absolutely stunning blog.
I have never read a blog or article about tobacco that has so much information, and that is delivered with truth and authority.
It is interesting that tobacco use grew in the 50’s onwards and at the same time in the UK the NHS was born.
The NHS uses a staggering amount of resources to support those affected by tobacco. How different would the world be if we did not and had not ever touched tobacco? How different would the NHS be if it was not picking up the back end of the issues that tobacco causes? and how different would our health and wellbeing be around the world if tobacco had never been used.
Why is it that we have substances like tobacco, and sugar where their use is promoted – promoted as healthy, studies are undertaken that show these substances are not healthy or fit for any human consumption, these studies are not transparently offered to the world because of vested interested from companies and industries and yet somewhere deep inside we all know they aren’t good for us.
We all know the impact tobacco has, and we all know how we feel when we have sugar.
Thank you for shining a full blown light on this topic.
I was struck this last week at the lengths to which people will go to smoke.
I was away on business in a cold country and it certainly was cold. During an evening out, folks were choosing to stand outside shivering against the freezing wind for extended periods, to smoke.
What is happening when we smoke if we are able to disconnect so completely from our bodies?
It’s interesting what you say here JS.
Today in the UK it is National No Smoking Day.
I have observed people that smoke together and it is also very interesting to watch.
One person will light up and then if it is a group of people that know each other, they will all gravitate together even if they are standing apart, to light up their respective cigarettes. There’s something almost pack like about it – like “We’re a gang and together we are united by this common action of smoking.”
I have seen people in their early 20’s look much older due to the ill effects of taking this poison into their body, as well as drugs and alcohol and whatever else might be going on.
Smoking is seen as a ‘fun’ thing to do and something that is sociable, but at what cost to our body, our health and our quality of life.
I have heard people say “Well we have to die of something” so it’s like “what the heck I can do anything that I want”, but why do we have to create a disease, but not naturally die as it is the end of that life cycle and we have lived a full and purposefull life that has been of benefit to others?
Would that not be a harmonious way to live for all?
Thank you for this eye opening blog Simple Living Global.
This is a great and in depth expose of the harm that tobacco use can cause.
The statistics in this blog are simply mind boggling especially the facts that 6 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year, 7 million people die from tobacco use every year and most shockingly, 890,000 non smokers die from second hand smoke every year.
The tobacco companies are going a long way to convince everyone that using tobacco doesn’t have any adverse affects.
With so many non-smokers dying every year from second hand smoke, it makes you wonder how the tobacco companies can justify their rhetoric on tobacco NOT being harmful to those that DO use tobacco when people that DON’T use tobacco are dying simply because of being around those people that DO use tobacco.
I was talking with a colleague about the photograph of a tumour on the front of her cigarette packet.
She said the photo made no difference to her smoking – it didn’t cause her to stop or think twice. She said those sort of cases are extreme and rare and she didn’t smoke enough for it to be a problem for her.
She said she likes smoking.
She said she could cut down easily, but the one cigarette that would be hardest to give up would be the one releasing the pressure after a long day at work.
I was watching some people sitting outside a cafe the other day and they were talking and flicking the ash from their cigarettes down next to their legs, onto the floor.
As someone who would have done exactly this, it made me question:
Would we flick ash on the floor in our homes?
Where do we think all the ash goes from all the cigarettes smoked on our streets and flicked away every day?
Mail Online – 19 June 2017
So here we have some recent hot news that Vaping causes occasional smokers “to smoke MORE cigarettes”.
18% increase in cigarettes smoked when a person vaped.
Vaping is an electronic device introduced in 2007 as an alternative to smoking tobacco.
However, the long term effects of e-cigarettes are still largely unknown.
If we simply join the dots and re-read this blog again, so we get exactly what nicotine is and what harm it does to the human body – would it be true to say vaping is another substitute for the cigarette and the fact some smokers are smoking MORE speaks volumes?
E-cigarettes are propping up and reinforcing the conventional cigarette market.
Stanton Glantz – Director of The Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education – University of California, San Francisco.
WHY is our United States Surgeon General saying in his 2016 report that e-cigarettes are “unsafe” for youth and young adults?
900% growth in e-cigarette use among high school students form 2011 to 2015.
“They are not using e-cigarettes to try to stop smoking”
Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology – University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.
Sales of vaping products are expected to reach $4.4 billion this year according to Wells Fargo Securities analysts.
Packaged in flavours like bubble gum and chocolate peanut butter cup they are designed to appeal to our youth who experts believe are more vulnerable to becoming dependent on nicotine.
Whether we accept what we read or choose to jump on the bandwagon about some news that suits us – this is not the point.
What we all need to at least consider is the harmfull effects of tobacco, whichever way we want to look at it.
Tobacco is a toxic poison and there is no getting away from that fact.
It plays havoc inside our mind and body and yet we seem to find new names and new ways to continue smoking or inhaling this substance.
We are all quick to blame the industry that keeps supplying us with everything that we demand but never once look at us, who are the ones asking for this. If the demand stops, then the supply chain will not be making big bucks. Maybe this is at least worth pondering on if we are to ever see the tides turn once and for ALL.
Thank you for this awareness raising comment Simple Living Global.
I have come across another article on e-cigarettes with research studies linking some ‘benefits’ compared to smoking cigarettes.
In The Week – Issue 1112 – 18th February 2017 it is reported that e-cigarettes are far less harmful than tobacco cigarettes due to the lower levels of carcinogens in smokers’ bodies.
However the article reiterates that vaping (e-cigarettes) have not been given the all clear. One clear concerns is it’s impact on the body’s cardiovascular system.
It’s quite clear to me that whilst there may be lower levels of carcinogens, carcinogens ARE carcinogens – a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissues (English Oxford Living Dictionaries).
Anything of that nature cannot be harmless, regardless of the levels.
If we read your comment Shevon and apply a dose of common sense, we could all agree that e-cigarettes contain tobacco. Then if we read or re-read this blog we get the message loud and clear that this substance is very harmfull.
I noticed on the local high street all these vaping shops opened up and there are all these different types of e-cigarette containers and some looking like a bling accessory.
Who comes up with stuff like this and are we just fooling ourselves?
So now there is this big no no for smoking and so many are going for a substitute but is it actually changing anything at the root?
In other words are we evolving or are we just finding another solution to keep going with a bad habit that let’s face it is killing us.
What is it about us humans that keep searching and searching for ways to fix the problem but not once stop and see if we can change the behaviour that is harmfull to our body? It is like something is missing and we just cannot join the dots.
Vaping is way too new for us to have studies and research dedicated to seeing how harmful it is, so whilst we wait around for the rats and rabbits to be tested in a lab, let’s just put on our common sense hat and work it out for ourselves. E-Cigarettes are designed to give us the same effect as smoking so let’s not kid ourselves – nothing has truly changed.
This map from The Economist – 31st May 2017 shows the countries that are hit hardest by death and ill health due to smoking
High income countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, UK, France and Spain are top – however the article predicts that poorer countries are not far behind.
Smoking clearly affects people everywhere and I am still surprised at how popular it is given that we have known about the harms for nearly 100 years!
Medical Daily news on 18 July 2017 is saying that very few adults in the U.S. are aware of what goes into cigarettes. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration are reporting the following –
Cigarette smoke contains more than 9,000 chemicals.
60+ carcinogens.
93 harmful and potentially harmful chemicals.
So now the solution may be better labelling, so consumers become aware.
Do we honestly think that more pictorial warnings are going to really change this killer that has been around for a long long time?
Are we changing anything by giving smokers more knowledge?
Is it really stopping them from puffing behaviour?
Are the warnings about related health risks making any difference?
Are our strategies one step behind what is actually going on?
Is improving cigarette packet warnings the real answer or is there more?
Are we finding solutions but not asking the deeper real questions as to WHY one needs to smoke in the first place?
Are we ready to fund research into WHY our teenagers go to smoking at such a young age?
Are we ready to admit and accept that we have a global crisis that is allowed to continue because most of us are not saying much or doing anything?
Is it time to stick our common sense hat on and admit that the reality we have created about smoking is way off and is literally killing us?
Would it be true to say that no matter what we come up with, the fact is Smoking Kills and there is no getting away from that?
Would it be true to say that man has known for well over a century about the harm of smoking yet the Tobacco industry continues to grow?
Dressing it up or down or finding ways to allow others to continue with this deadly drug does not evolve us as a race of beings on earth and yet we call ourselves the Intelligent species.
It may be worth considering what on earth we think Intelligence is and WHY this Intelligence allows us to continue harming our human frame.
Is this form of Intelligence taking true Responsibility?
I was listening to some healthcare professionals talking this week about smoking. There have in recent years been some big awareness raising campaigns and initiatives by the government/NHS in the UK to eradicate smoking. But, more recently the initiatives have gone quiet – as though the problem is dealt with – yet tobacco is still one of the top reasons why people get illnesses or die in the UK.
Tobacco and smoking (e-cigarettes included) really needs to stay at the top of the agenda, and, as this blog says – there is far more to smoking than meets the eye – we still need to get to the root of the problem.
Medical News Daily – 14 August 2017
Researchers from West Virginia University are saying that E-cigarettes should not be seen as safe.
Not sure how mice respond to e-cigs that were cappuccino-flavoured and contained 18 milligrams of nicotine per milliliter as they can’t give us their take.
The study found that within an hour of being exposed to 5 minutes of e-cig vapor, the arteries narrowed by 31%.
Hello, do we really need to study mice to give us another study to confirm that smoking or vaping is damaging our arteries and a lot more.
A related article – see link
is about a study published in the journal Oncotarget, researchers found that the chemicals present in electronic cigarette vapor were equally as damaging and in some cases, more damaging – to mouth cells as tobacco smoke.
As e-cigarette devices are relatively new to the market, little is known about the long-term effects of vaping on health.
What if we just simply read this blog, put our common sense hat on and ask any young child and I bet we would all say that cigarettes are harmfull and there is no substitute for this killer.
We have know for centuries but it suits us to continue and champion or find a solution to keep up the what most of us call ‘a bad habit’.
Imagine if research was not on mice but real life people and finding out when they first started smoking, what happened to them, what was going on and then get into the WHY questions.
Surely this would have a real valid response that holds a quality of evidence that may just guide and point us in the right direction as to WHY anyone would want to take a substance that is deeply harmful to their mind and body.
Our world is great at coming up with new ways like in this one, no smoke to be seen, but not getting to the root as to WHY we do cigarettes in the first instance.
I was talking to a smoker who rolls his own. He was sharing his experience of trying e-cigarettes.
He spent a bunch of money on all the paraphernalia thinking it would be more healthy for him. Over the course of a few weeks he realised it was worse than his roll ups.
He went to his usual football practice where he said he can normally run around fine, and he just didn’t have the lung capacity he usually had. He believes e-cigarettes filled his lungs with more ‘crap’ than his roll ups and that degraded his fitness with a startlingly quick effect. So startling that he threw is investment in the bin and speaks passionately about his experience whenever he can.
He believes there is loads of stuff in e-cigarettes we don’t know about and that he experienced what that did to his body.
It amazes me he can be a smoker and a football player at all, but isn’t it interesting that he couldn’t be a footballer and an e-cigarette smoker?
What is in e-cigarettes that is clogging up the lungs so he couldn’t breathe? What is in there that in a matter of a couple of weeks someone previously able to sprint around for 90 minutes was no longer able to take in enough oxygen to do that?
More than 2.3 million people smoke e-cigarettes in the UK. With numbers on the rise, isn’t this type of anecdotal evidence something we should be looking into?
I saw a new article on the World Health Organisation website today about ‘tobacco-free generations:emerging threats for children in the Region’ – where they talk about ENDs (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) – and kids like them as they do not resemble cigarettes but they resemble other things like pens. Some ‘have been found to contain poisonous chemicals such as formaldehyde at a level similar to that of cigarettes. Moreover, ENDS reinforce nicotine addiction and normalise smoking. Since ENDS are relatively new to the market, they are still largely unregulated’.
What WHO are looking at is the several Member States in WHO European Region that are moving towards becoming “tobacco-free”. Which means having a smoking prevalence of 5% or less. But countries not only need to address the smoking issues, they need to address ENDS too.
So interesting Jane.
This got me wondering why on earth manufacturers would include formaldehyde if it is a poisonous chemical – one I had only heard about in the context of preserving biological specimens.
It turns out formaldehyde is produced/released when certain substances are burnt so it is actually a by-product of smoking.
Lab studies show exposure causes various types of cancer and in 2004 formaldehyde was classified as a known human carcinogen.
The American Journal of Public Health says formaldehyde in the smoke released from the end of a lit cigarette is present in concentrations of up to 3 times occupational limits. The type in e-cigarette vapour is a ‘masked’ type, which means it is more likely to be deposited in the lung tissue, once inhaled.
I’m sure I’m not alone in trying to avoid being in the vicinity of cigarette or ENDS vapour – my body makes that decision for me.
This information simply confirms that physical reaction and makes me wonder: with formeldahyde being only 1 of 7,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, why on earth does smoking still exist at all?
In this article by the Telegraph dated 18. July 2017 it reports that the government says vaping ‘should be allowed in enclosed public spaces and offices as safer alternatives to smoking. With the information this blog and it’s comments share is this just a band aid for our smoking problem rather than looking at the deeper reason as to why we smoke?
I can smell the flavour of the different Vape’s when on the street so in the office or enclosed public spaces I question would this produce second hand vaping health problems for people who don’t vape as there is still nicotine and chemicals in them?
The latest research is that nicotine in e-cigarettes increases the risk of heart disease and strokes.
15 healthy testers were found to have increased blood pressure, heart rate and ‘arterial stiffness’ in the 30 minutes after smoking e-cigarettes containing nicotine. This effect was not found in those smoking e-cigarettes without nicotine.
Dr Magnus Lundback who did the research in Sweden, has pointed out that most people think e-cigarettes are harmless, but that is not true – the tests show the opposite.
He has said: “The industry markets their product as a way to reduce harm and to help people to stop smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, the safety of e-cigarettes is debated, and a growing body of evidence is suggesting several adverse health effects.”
Will we listen to this science?
Will it be enough to turn around already entrenched perceptions or will we need more?
More on e-cigarettes.
An upcoming UK government ad campaign to encourage people to stop smoking in October (‘Stoptober’) will recommend e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco.
This despite the fact that the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence has issued guidance cautioning about the risks of ‘vaping’, which is not recommended as an aid to stop smoking.
Are we breaking a cycle or simply replacing one harm with another?
Do we know?
Talking to a gardener in the community today, he was saying how he gave up smoking last year because he had a cough for 3 months which forced him to stop and that time served him as he questioned if smoking was making him feel so sick.
He said he was certain it was killing him inside and that almost everyone he knows is smoking which makes it harder. However, his body was telling him enough and now he feels no congestion and much healthier than he was. As with every smoker I have asked, he started smoking as a teenager.
Would it be wise to research and direct our studies into WHY our teenagers go for their first cigarette?
What on earth is going on for them that makes them take this poison which is addictive?
Without going to the root cause are we really as a world any better off when it comes to smoking?
Australia Plus news today – calls for bans on ecigarettes in public places, the same as for cigarettes.
The point was made that we don’t have 20 years of research on e-cigarettes as we do with cigarettes, so why are we believing/accepting the claims that they are safer than cigarettes?
They contain the same compounds so it would make more sense to summize the health risks will be the same.
The call was for us to ‘catch up’ with these new forms of smoking, from the point of view of the law, public safety, our research and our common sense.
I was in the supermarket today and they were stocking up the cigarette cupboard behind the counter.
It was a wall of ugly pictures of harm caused by cigarette smoking. Every packet had a picture of a tumour or similar and there were hundreds of packets.
It was hideous to see and feel.
I wonder how people feel when they ask for cigarettes and the shopkeeper opens that cupboard.
Reading a news story this weekend about a famous celebrity after the gym workout ‘rewarding’ with an e-cigarette.
So the media tell us about their huge salary and designer gear and the trendy gym they go to. They add prices to the footwear and coat worn as if this is what we all want to know.
Is it really the news we need to know?
Should we be asking WHY does something like this make news headlines and is this something we need to be asking more questions about?
WHY is vaping seen as a trendy thing in our world today?
Do we think if celebs are doing it then it must be ok?
Is this something that has become fashionable now?
What sort of role models are we advertising in the news?
What if we interviewed our body after a gym workout followed by an e-cigarette?
What is the physiological changes that are taking place and is this worth studying?
Our world seems great at creating the next thing like vaping but are we any closer to the real TRUTH about the harm it is causing the human body?
I was talking to the lady on the cigarette counter yesterday. She was saying she is not allowed to talk about cigarettes to customers or show anyone the display.
She says the pictures on the packets are so bad one of them looks like it shows a dead person.
The whole set up now is like cigarettes are contraband.
We know how much harm they cause. That is shown now in how you have to purchase them.
Advertising them is illegal. Buying them fees illicit.
Why are they still legal?
****NEWS FLASH****
Tobacco companies ordered to provide corrective statements.
World Health Organization reports – 29th November 2017 that 4 US tobacco companies have been court ordered to provide public corrective statements on the harms of tobacco.
“The tobacco control community has been saying for decades that tobacco kills, is addictive and that its manufacturers have known this, while profiting from the suffering of millions of their consumers, but by being ordered by the courts to issue these corrective statements in American newspapers and on TV stations, the industry itself has been forced to come clean and acknowledge once and for all that its tobacco products kill.”
Dr Douglas Bettcher – Director of WHO’s Prevention on Noncommunicable Diseases department.
Publication of the corrective statements, which began on 26th November 2017 came after a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Justice Department in 1999! Under the Federal Rackeeter Influenced and Corrupt Organization Law. The Federal Court’s first ordered the tobacco companies to implement these corrective statement adverts in 2006, however due to various appeals tobacco companies have been able to block their publication.
The corrective statements are to reveal the health effects of –
Tobacco use and second-hand smoke.
The false sale and advertising of low tar and light cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes.
State that smoking and nicotine are highly addictive.
That they have designed cigarettes to enhance the delivery of nicotine.
The statements will appear in adverts paid for by the tobacco industry and the statements are to appear in more than 50 U.S. newspapers as well as on American TV.
So why has it taken so long and why has it happened now?
Perhaps we are waking up to the dangers of smoking.
Could there also be a public cry to know the Truth?
We are in an age where there is more and more transparency, that is things being out in the open and not hidden. Therefore, there is no surprise that this has come to light right now. All secrets and lies in the end are always exposed.
Simultaneously on 24th November, the French Bank BNP Paribas declared that it will stop its financing and investment activities related to tobacco companies, including producers, wholesalers and traders.
Could It be possible that companies are starting to become more responsible with their actions?
A successful business cannot be one that invests in tobacco companies as this is not for the good of everyone as it is a very harming product and so, how can we reap any truly good benefits from putting profits before people?
Investments of this kind will always come with a price.
I was talking to a colleague about her ‘e-cig habit’ this week, as she calls it. It was a fascinating conversation.
She was sharing in great detail the ‘hit’ and the ‘second hit’ you get from cigarettes and how the nicotine inhalers you can get from the doctor to help you stop smoking do not replicate that ‘hit’, but e-cigarettes do.
She talked about this hit happening at the back of the throat and how you can feel the nicotine enter your blood stream. How it is like ‘having a really good coffee’ within 10 seconds. This is what she said she was addicted to.
She shared how e-cigarettes help her quit cigarettes and nicotine over the course of about a year, as she can start them on the same level as nicotine in cigarettes and then reduce the nicotine at intervals through the year, until she is smoking only flavoured vapour, with zero nicotine content.
She said she felt this was a pretty safe habit as the burning of tobacco is the carcinogenic aspect of smoking that e-cigarettes avoid. She said she avoids the sweeter flavours of e-cigarette vapour as there is some worrying research emerging about the chemicals they use. Her current favourite vaping flavour was ‘rhubarb and custard’.
She said she will sometimes ‘fall off the wagon’ when she has a weak moment out with friends and she doesn’t have her e-cigarette with her so she will have a cigarette and they are so addictive she is back to buying them before she knows it and has to build up to quitting again over the course of another year.
She was very clear about the cycle she is in with this and was honest and informed about the details.
She started smoking when she was 11 and said she knows those who start later in life ‘bounce out of it’ much easier than those who start as young as her.
It was clear talking to her that smoking is part of her identity – she likes the process, the ‘gadgetry’, the contact with other smokers, the cycles and the hit.
Thank you for sharing this JS. This real-life experience most definitely lets us know that e-cigarettes are harming and are not a sure cut way to stop smoking. It is great that you have put this real-life comment on as I have noticed more and more shops having e-cigarettes’ vape stands near their tills. One sign I saw just yesterday advertised that e-cigarettes are the way to quit smoking, however from your comment about your colleague who has returned to smoking cigarettes in a ‘weak moment’, this just exposes that it is not.
How about we share the truth of this blog and start asking ourselves and others questions like those posed by Simple Living Global –
‘…is it time to get back to the people and ask them what on earth is going on in their lives that makes them want to take a substance called tobacco that contains nicotine, which goes directly into the brain and harms us?’
Perhaps it’s the answers to this questions that would enable people to successfully stop smoking.
That is a great question, Shevon. In fact, it feels like it’s THE question to ask.
Another I have been reflecting on is around the ‘gadgetry’ of e-cigarettes.
The lady I was talking to shared how there is status to your gadget and it is a discussion point in smoking circles. There are ranges all the way up to high end luxury and the device you buy ‘says something about you’.
So we now have a collector’s item in the gadget and a myriad choices of flavour and nicotine levels.
The depth to which you can go is mind-boggling.
Isn’t it interesting that this alternative came out just at the point people were finally waking up to the harm of cigarettes? And that the alternative has such a modern dimension – gadgetry – to further hook you in?
So my question is – do we see this manipulation and where the demand is coming from to which it is supplied?
Interesting what these two comments from JS and Shevon are saying.
I wanted to share that I keep seeing more and more new shops popping up everywhere, which are selling this vaping stuff.
It makes me wonder if people are in it for the ‘new business’ that it is and because they know they are going to make good profit as it’s the latest thing telling us it’s better than a cigarette.
What is interesting is it’s winter here in London and the owners of the vaping shops are outside the shop doing their thing and it is a huge smog that looks so artificial, I keep doing a double take. Its like they have a machine bellowing out thick white grey smog that is so huge, you lose sight of their face and surroundings. Weird but true.
Have we really got to the bottom of all of this or are we being fooled?
Is this vaping stuff in 20 years going to confirm after countless research studies, that it is having the same or even worse harm on the human body than cigarettes?
Can we join the dots and keep it super simple – anything that we inhale or ingest that alters our natural state is not Truth.
Is it because we as a world do not have a one unified Truth about Tobacco that we have the harm escalating out of control on a global scale?
Metro – 3rd November 2017
A Japanese company have given non-smokers six extra days holiday a year to make up for the time off other staff take for cigarette breaks. This gesture is said to ‘benefit’ 67% of the company’s staff.
Is this really the way to go?
Is this part of a ‘If you can’t beat ’em join ’em attitude’?
Is this a way to placate those workers who do not smoke from complaining?
Is this gesture truly evolving?
Does this gesture go anywhere towards us understanding why anyone would choose to put a harmfull substance in their body. One that is a huge contributory factor to many deadly illnesses.
Is there more here for us to consider?
In Estonia you are not allowed to smoke inside. You are also not allowed to smoke outside the front of building eg hotels.
It is super cold outside in winter so people do not want to go down the road to smoke. So hotels have smoking rooms.
The hotel I was staying in has a small room with a small window, like a box room. People go and stand inside there to smoke rather than going outside.
So smokers stand inside a small room, light up their cigarette, smoke it standing up, then leave.
I feel this brings addiction into stark focus. That you will willingly stand in a smoke-filled pen to get the cigarette hit.
It also brings into focus the way addiction is accepted and even fed. If the hotels didn’t have these rooms then people would have nowhere inside to smoke. So maybe they would think twice about lighting up.
I can see from the company I work in that the smokers have a community.
If you are in with the smokers, you are in with the gossip from across the organisation.
At any time of the day you fancy a cigarette, there will be other smokers wanting to go outside too. You will then stand together there and shoot the breeze – share information.
One of my colleagues was sharing how going outside for cigarettes with people helps her build connections and relationships, which helps her be better at her job.
This made me reflect – is there something about connection we crave?
When we smoke, is that what we are looking for with ourselves?
I have just seen a young man rolling a cigarette. The care, attention to detail and focus that he was putting into this made me stop and look.
If we put that amount of attention to detail on taking care of ourselves and focusing on things that support that like, going to bed at a time that our body says and eating foods that leave us feeling light, nourished and vital (as 2 examples), would we start to really evolve?
Shevon, I have seen this too. And the ritual around it. How the tobacco packet is folded. Where it is kept. When the time for smoking arrives.
For any smoker who feels they don’t have the dedication to quit – what if the necessary attention to detail, ceremony and care are all actually very well honed inside and are available to be directed at other, more nurturing activities at any time, with just a little application?
In Paris the streets are full of smoke. Much more so than I have noticed in London.
There are plumes of smoke from people smoking while walking. The cafes that line the streets have heaters along their length and blankets so you can sit outside. But outside is really for smokers – if you don’t smoke, you get smoked out either side if you sit there.
If you spend time in Paris, you will not avoid inhaling smoke and being covered in it head to foot.
The Week – 12 August 2017 reporting from The Daily Telegraph have said :
‘Smoking costs the state £4.6 billion, most of it on medical treatments, tidying up dropped cigarette butts and putting out house fires. But it is worth almost £15 billion to the public purse, because of the tax revenue and the savings caused by early deaths.’
Is this why smoking continues in it’s various shapes and forms as the money it brings in and the financial ‘savings’ outweigh the money we have to pay out?
Are early deaths really something to celebrate?
There are now many news stories reporting that whilst it is increasingly common to see people puffing on an e-cigarete rather than a cigarette, are we aware of who is who in the vaping industry?
Sales are increasing as more smokers going for vaping to quit. This has turned into a valuable and lucrative market that many companies are keen to crack. With a myriad of brands on offer, it is clear that competition is rife.
We would all assume that vaping brands are in direct competition with tobacco companies and they are slowly and steadily defeating these giants as smokers supposedly turn to ‘healthier alternatives’.
But if we do our homework and look closely at what is out there, some of the best selling vaping brands actually belong to tobacco firms.
We only have to google who is dominating the vaping industry and we will come to our own conclusions.
The point is are we really offering the same or is this for the benefit of humanity as a whole?
Are the shareholders of these giant corporations interested in what happens to the lungs and lives of smokers in the short or long term?
Are they interested in getting the younger generations, as it seems they are not into the old fashion smelly cigarette?
Are our younger generations being fooled because this vaping stuff is addictive?
Are we going to wait for another 50 years to see long term damage to the human body before scientific research tells us to stop?
Do we need to get smart and savvy now and read blogs like this, which spell out the Truth so that we end this life with purpose and a body that has vitality?
I just saw someone sucking on an e-cigarette. It reminded me of a baby sucking its thumb.
If we saw it in that way I wonder how long it would be considered cool.
An article in the Daily Mail, 30th January 2018, says that E-Cigarettes ‘DO raise cancer and heart disease risk’.
Electronic cigarettes do raise the risk of lung and bladder cancer and may cause heart disease in just a decade, scientists have warned.
Public Health England has insisted that using e-cigarettes or vaping is 95% safer than smoking cigarettes.
But although e-cigarettes do not contain the dozens of cancer-causing toxins in tobacco, they do contain nicotine and other dangerous chemicals.
Now a study by New York University researchers show human lung and bladder cells exposed to nicotine show clear signs of turning cancerous.
The US study warns that e-cigarette users, while safer than smokers from lung cancer, remain at a higher risk of contracting the deadly disease than non-smokers.
The lead doctor on the study said: “We exposed human cells to the equivalent nicotine to a few days puffs of an e-cigarette. We found this damaged DNA and suppressed DNA repair, which raises the risk of cancer.”
Scientists in the UK seem to be saying lately that e-cigarettes are harmless, but this evidence shows they are not safe. This is an urgent public health issue.
The research exposed human cells to both nicotine and nitrosamine, which evidence suggests cause cancer.
Around 2.9 million people in Britain use e-cigarettes, despite evidence linking them to bronchitis and increased occurrences of stillbirths.
The World Health Organisation (WHO), has called on Britain to consider banning the devices from public places because of the dangers of ‘passive vaping’.
A doctor from the University of Salford has found similar effects to the US study in lung cells subjected to e-cigarette flavourings.
She said: “While e-cigarettes are healthier than tobacco cigarettes, they do contain toxins and several laboratories have seen evidence of DNA damage and inflammation.
Although the first documented reference to an electronic cigarette is a patent granted in 1930, it wasn’t until 2003 that the first commercially successful electronic cigarette was created in Beijing, China, by Hon Lik, a 52 year old pharmacist , inventor and smoker who reportedly created the device after his father, also a heavy smoker, died of lung cancer.
Scientists have known since the 1950’s that smoking was harmful to humans but yet it has taken over 60 years to get where we are at today.
Vaping may not be as harmful as standard tobacco cigarettes, but the fact is, e-cigarettes are still very harmful in themselves, so why are they being championed at all?
Is it possible that we have just swapped one harmful activity for another harmful activity, just because it is slightly less harmful than the first activity?
Why is Public Health England saying vaping is 95% less harmful than tobacco while we have an organisation like the WHO saying that we should consider banning these devices in public places because of ‘passive vaping’.
Diacetyl, used in e-cigarette flavouring, is linked to a condition called ‘popcorn lung, in which the lungs become so scarred, a transplant is required.
A US study found vapers have a 71% higher risk of bronchitis than non-vapers.
E-cigarette flavourings have been found to contain formaldehyde. Cinnamon and bubble-gum flavours may also cause damage to sperm.
Metals, including lead and nickel, have been found in e-cigarettes at higher levels than standard cigarettes.
We seem to be a race of people that doesn’t actually learn from our past mistakes.
Is it possible that we have gone from a very harmful way of killing ourselves to a slightly less harmful way of killing ourselves?
E-cigarettes have been championed as being less harmful than standard cigarettes.
It took decades for tobacco manufacturers and governments to be exposed on their lies that tobacco wasn’t harmful to humans.
E-cigarettes have only been around for about 10 years now but already there is a lot of evidence that shows that they are already very harmful.
Let’s hope it doesn’t take several decades for those in authority to decide that e-cigarettes should be treated exactly the same way as standard tobacco cigarettes.
Walking to the train station this week I could smell a strong smell of butterscotch all the way down the street. It was very odd.
In the station it was even stronger. Then I got to platform level to see down the platform clouds of vapour billowing from someone’s e-cigarette. I have never seen such volume of smoke before – it was huge. The people around were covered in the fog as they got on the train. The butterscotch smell abounded.
The fact that I could smell the e-cigarette all the way up the street tells me the chemicals were sitting in the air. Sitting there way after the smoker had gone. There for us all to breathe in.
And it was amazing to me that with all the people around, this person was oblivious to or didn’t care about the impact their smoke and smell was having. And as far as I could see from a way away, noone said anything about it.
Cigarettes are illegal in train stations, I wonder when this will be enforced for e-cigarettes and why we would see them as different.
And with all the chemicals and scents/flavours, I wonder how long it will be before non-smokers start to say no to smoke in the street that we have to walk through.
Daily Mail – 22nd February 2018
Drivers could be fined if they vape whilst driving.
Police officers have said that the clouds of vapour produced by the devices can be just as distracting as using a mobile phone.
Whilst vaping whilst driving is not a specific offence , drivers could be found guilty of driving without due care and attention. This could lead to disqualification, three to nine points on a driving licence or a fine of up to £2,500.
Senior officers said ‘vaping could cause fatal crashes if excessive amounts of smoke momentarily blind drivers’.
So not only do we have the concerns about the internal harm that vaping is doing, it is now being brought to our attention the harm that this creation could have on wider society through reckless driving.
We only need to watch someone vaping to see the huge clouds of vapour that it produces, to understand the seriousness of what is being said here.
Talking to someone yesterday who has quit smoking. They said they didn’t find it hard once they had made the decision.
They started using smoke-free tobacco sticks for a few weeks as part of the transition and then simply stopped.
They said they just didn’t want to smoke any more – they realised there was absolutely nothing good about it for them and once they had tuned in to that, the commitment was there to change.
This feels like a great reminder of how powerful we are and how everything we do is simply a choice.
Science Magazine
A study was published in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research.
Researchers have found that the level of nicotine found in a small cigar smoke is similar to or greater than cigarette smoke.
Cigars have a reputation for being safer than cigarettes but they may be just as addictive and harmful according to Penn State College of Medicine.
We do have a general perception that cigars are not as harmful and this study shows that future regulation that affects cigarettes should also affect these cigars.
John Richie – Professor of Public Health Sciences and Pharmacology said the confusion surrounding the safety of cigars may stem from Tobacco companies using clever tricks to get around current regulations.
“There are many misconceptions about cigars. The truth is, cigar smoke is inhaled and is just as harmful to the lungs.
Tobacco companies use loopholes in the way these products are taxed to allow these small cigars to be substantially cheaper than cigarettes. They can also get around the regulation that says cigarettes cannot be flavored to avoid making them appealing to children. These small cigars come in all kinds of flavors.”
So are we being fooled on some level?
This professor is warning us at the end of the article that it is important for consumers to understand that these are not products that are less harmful and regulations do need to include these small cigars in with cigarettes.
What is important is that we all understand that blaming the industry is not going to change anything. What can and will help is if we all start conversations and discussions and one thing we could all agree on is these four words – SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
This alone opens up for more of us to express and whether we smoke or not we are all in some way responsible for what goes on in this world.
Just because a toxic poison called Tobacco is wrapped in leaf and not paper does not make the contents less harmful.
What is it about us humans that think we are Intelligent but somehow our common sense is not used or we do not join the dots to think clearly what the obvious is?
As this stupendous blog is spelling out to us, no matter which way we choose to look at this topic it is serious and it is dangerous and it is not for human consumption.
We can wait another 100 years for more research to confirm the evidence we already know and have, or we can make informed choices and learn through understanding.
Simple Living Global is presenting another way and it is for those who are ready and are asking questions about everything going on in society today, not just cigar and cigarette smoking.
The Salt Lake Tribune – 1st March 2018
More than half of Utah teens who say they drink alcohol also use e-cigarettes, survey finds.
‘Nearly 60% of teenagers who said they drank in the previous month also said they used e-cigarettes or other vaping products, according to the poll conducted by the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) and the Utah Department of Human Services (DHS).’
State health officials have expressed concern as both alcohol and nicotine are known to damage the developing brain. The percentage of teenagers using both substances together has increased since the last survey in 2015.
Susannah Burt, a prevention programme manager at Utah Department of Human Services (DHS) is quoted as saying –
“When we start changing the way our brains develop by adding different chemicals to it, it can set us up differently as adults.”
The prevalence of youth using e-cigarettes in the last 5 years is said to have increased dramatically.
Why are we seeing a link between e-cigarettes and young people who use alcohol?
Is this correlation the same for cigarettes?
Are our planned solutions helping us to get to the root cause of why we have this issue?
Is limiting where alcohol and tobacco products can be sold, the answer?
Will we see the numbers decrease in official statistics if we go this way, but that just means that people have gone underground to buy and sell alcohol and tobacco?
Will increasing the price of e-cigarettes really put people off buying them, or will we find a way to get what we want, when we want it regardless of the cost?
Banning adults from giving children alcohol – how would we police this and if we are honest practically every family would have to have this ban enforced, as most adults drink alcohol.
What if the adults are banned, but the children still observe the adults drinking alcohol?
What message does that give them? Will it be one where they look forward to being an adult and being allowed to drink alcohol and take a nicotine containing substance into their lungs?
Will this be what children choose to aspire to, as they see their role models drinking alcohol and harming themselves through smoking?
What is the answer?
Is it worth considering the very wise questions in this blog by Simple Living Global which sensibly asks us to consider the ill effects of tobacco and nicotine on our bodies? As adults we have a responsibility to educate our children on the ill affects of substances like nicotine, tobacco and alcohol, as even though they are licit drugs they are all deeply, deeply harming to the human body.
By mid 2018 – Ghana intends to ban Shisha and electronic cigarettes, according to the Principal Research Officer at the Ghana Health Service.
Dr. Divine Darlington Logo is quoted as saying “First time we did a study to cover electronic cigarettes and shisha we were surprised to hear that the youth are now moving away from traditional cigarettes to shisha and the electronic cigarettes which we were not aware of.”
Prevalence was highest among youth aged 13 – 15.
The call to ban the use of shisha and electronic cigarettes in Ghana, has come from the concerns expressed by the World Health Organization about the harmfull effects of shisha on human health.
The World Health Organization are quoted as saying shisha is “Damaging, dangerous and addictive to human lives.”
Dr. Logo is also quoted as saying: “Shisha use is more harmful than the cigarette, when you have one puff it is like you have smoked one full cigarette.”
The World Health Organization Advisory are also quoted as saying that, the smoke from one water pipe smoking session is almost equivalent to puffing 100 cigarettes.
So here we have it – one country planning to take drastic measures to prevent people from being harmed by shisha and electronic cigarettes.
Is banning enough or even the most effective way to deal with harmful substances?
Would an approach where we are collectively willing to do whatever is needed, to get to the root cause of why we are drawn to these harmfull substances, especially our youth,be more effective?
Would educational programs that educate about the harms, but also support people to understand WHY they are harming their bodies through addictive substances, be a more powerful way to deal with this than law enforcement?
Are the questions in this blog by Simple Living Global, questions that we all need to be asking for true change to occur?
I saw someone on the train platform yesterday inhaling their e-cigarette.
It looked like their first of the day.
The inhilation was long. Much longer than an average breath. You could see the desire was to fill the lungs to the max – to get as much of a draw as possible from the single breath.
You could see from the sense of relief as they breathed it out – an impossibly large amount of vape.
It made me wonder why we don’t value our own, natural breath this way.
We fill our lungs with air countless times every day. It gives us the breath we need to be full and vital.
As I am writing this I can feel the space in my lungs. The warmth that is there. The way the body allows the breath.
Why would we pollute this natural breath? Why would we want anything other than its purity and connection?
It occurs to me we may not want to feel that purity. We may want to stay disconnected.
Putting up an actual smoke screen would be a good way to do that – avoidance.
I wonder what this dimension would bring to the quit smoking campaigns. It we talked about the power and purity of our natural breath and how smoking disconnects us from that.
I was just talking to a salesman today and in conversation I mentioned that I know he smokes. He looked surprised and then I said that I know he had been doing it since a teenager. Yep he was a bit stunned and said “How did I know?”.
As the author of this blog one think I recall is that smoking starts usually when we are in our teenage years. I have put this to the test by asking smokers consistently if this was true and so far all have said yes.
The other thing they all say is they have ‘tried’ to give it up but go back to it.
I would say it is impossible to give up unless we are willing to look at another way and start with answering some of the questions presented in this blog.
What I feel is missing is the lack of understanding and it is high time our kids get serious education with presentations covering what this blog is saying.
ADD to that the latest thing – E-cigarettes and another blog on Tobacco, out end of this month, will present what we all need to know.
Our solutions are not working and we all know that our governments and policymakers are not on the front foot when it comes to the smoking epidemic, which is one of our biggest modern day plagues.
Add to that the global Tobacco industry and very few if any would truly challenge this because of the backlash.
So what do we do?
How can we help?
How can we change things?
I feel a wise choice would be to get Absolutely Honest about what smoking is doing to our body and start conversations online and offline about this. By talking and expressing the deep harm that we have created we will one day get to the answer.
Humanity needs the Truth and it is high time we all started with a dose of honesty everyday so we can get to the Truth.
I know this website is most certainly dedicated to TRUTH.
My friend was sharing about our town and a new shisha bar that has just opened. Work colleagues were talking about the other bar a mile down the road.
One guy who is into fancy cars mentioned how he noticed at night the expensive cars like Lamborghini parked outside this place which he called ‘dodgy’.
Luxury expensive sports cars cost money and we have to question what state is someone in after their shisha session and where is the responsibility if we have a high powered motor vehicle designed deliberately for high speed driving.
What I do know is the police station is closed down due to lack of funding and I have never ever seen police patrolling the streets, so this is a licence to get away with whatever, because there is no one around who can do anything.
With so much crime, we could just dismiss this as boys having fun but when these places are staying open on a weekday until the early hours – 3am we do need to question how this affects those in the community and beyond.
As this blog confirms facts which most of us know – shisha contains Tobacco and this tells us how addictive and harmfull this is to our natural state of being.
Do we as a world wait for more scientific research or do we consider that for over a century we have known that Tobacco is killing us. Finding another ‘form’ to take the same substance is clearly not the answer.
Just because it is in a liquid form and a pipe and not a roll up paper cigarette does not change the immutable fact – Tobacco kills the human.
I was observing on the plane today a woman in front buying lots of duty-free cigarettes.
What caught my eye was the big fat dark bold writing about how smoking kills and causes cancer.
She and her partner really did not feel like smokers, so we got talking.
Her reply was that she was a nurse and realises these are poison, but the friend who picks them up from the airport insists he gets his stock of duty-free cigarettes.
Her body looked uncomfortable sharing this and she felt there was no way out.
But is that true or does it on some level actually suit us – in other words there is some gain/benefit in this for us too or else we would not do it?
It reminded me of many years ago, when a dear member of my family asked me for duty free cigarettes and my moral compass inside was not settled.
I tossed and turned as this guy is really lovely and I did not want him to think I was not a nice person.
My battle was with the Truth, so really there was nothing to battle.
I know what Truth is now and I knew what it was back then.
So, tell them straight or skirt around, conjure up excuses and squirm in your own skin?
I chose to just say No and explained that I no longer want to be a part of something that would contribute to his ill health.
What if in that moment I was offering another way, a reflection that we do not have to harm ourselves with toxic poison from a cigarette?
What is very interesting is that he had a heart attack soon after and was told to stop smoking.
Me continuing to support a cycle of abuse, because that is what cigarettes do, was simply not going to happen.
Saying No to me meant that I for one, was not adding to his choices of self-harm.
He can continue and that’s ok, my job is to observe and not judge.
Today is the start of Stoptober.
A month where the focus is on supporting people to stop smoking.
I spoke with a lady today who is one of the promoters of this NHS campaign.
She was by a stand that had a shisha pipe and some information about shisha.
She was explaining how bad it is for people, as it still has tobacco.
We talked about e-cigarettes and although she started to say that they were not as bad as shisha, she quickly retracted this by talking about the nicotine content.
I mentioned that I used to smoke and she asked me more questions about this, in particular how I stopped.
I shared that the last time I was smoking I was dating a guy who wasn’t really into me and when that relationship ended, I found that I no longer wanted to smoke and that I have never touched one since and that was at least 15 years ago.
We discussed how people relapse, having not smoked for 20 years+ and the possible causes of this.
I shared that I have noticed that for some of us, we take up smoking after a traumatic event, like one lady who told me that she started smoking after the breakup of her marriage.
She agreed that if the underlying issues are not dealt with, then it is easy to relapse no matter the amount of years since we last smoked.
However, I was able to claim very strongly that I know, that no part of me will ever pick up a cigarette again.
There is nothing in me that desires this and I no longer have the underlying emotional issues of looking for another to love me, as I have a much deeper connection with myself and feel fulfilled.
At the end of our conversation she concluded that it was best to not smoke at all.
On the 1st July 2007 a new law was introduced that banned smoking in all enclosed public places.
It was justified on the basis that smokers were putting others at risk by exposing them to second hand smoke.
Of course, the smoking ban in enclosed public places is a great step forward, but has it created another issue for those that don’t smoke?
With the ban, people that smoke, do so outside, which invariably means that they loiter outside the main doors of the premises of the public place and subject those who walk through the doors to a cloud of smoke.
I see this a lot where I work and have never understood why this is allowed but find even more incredible that, on a recent visit to my local hospital, the same thing was allowed.
To enter the main entrance of the hospital, right before the entrance door, I had to pass through the many puffs of smoke from all the patients and visitors.
I found this to be, for want of better words, incredibly ridiculous.
Of all places, a hospital should be the one place where we shouldn’t be concerned about going into because it may harm our health. We are going there to get better.
People are free to smoke and harm themselves if they so choose so this is not about people being allowed to smoke or not, but is it possible that, if their choices start to affect others, then should something be done about it?
Is there any difference between someone in our office smoking a few cigarettes throughout the day or walking through a haze of smoke with increased concentration twice a day?
Talking to a local cabbie recently, he was sharing how his dad died last year. He had lung cancer.
He shared how his dad was bed ridden at home for many months and how his wife (the cabbie’s mum) would bring him cigarettes to smoke in bed.
His dad apparently ’emotionally blackmailed’ her into doing this, even though she said she didn’t want to and knew it was killing him faster.
The cabbie said he even bought his dad a packet once, because his dad threatened to kill himself if they stopped him from smoking.
This brought into sharp focus for me a few things:
– Sometimes, even death will not shake us from our addictions. We want what we want.
– Many people are complicit in and enable the behaviour of others.
– We are influenced so hugely by our emotions, to the point that common sense doesn’t get a look in.
– ‘Love’ may often look different to what we might think, e.g. saying no to feeding someone’s addiction because it feels wrong to do so, may be the most loving choice, even if they don’t see it that way.
Just talking to a man today who lost his wife a decade ago – she had throat cancer.
What he was clear about was that she was a smoker and a drinker and that is why this happened.
She died in her late 40s and what I observed was how this man feels so hurt by her not being alive to see her daughter marry and have grandchildren.
We talked a lot about smoking and how everyone starts in their teens, including himself but now he no longer smokes.
He said back in his day it was the in thing to do and fashionable to go out down the pub to meet with your mates, drink alcohol and smoke.
Today it’s all about screen time and experiences and by that he meant going out for dinner and posting on social media everything you do.
Back to smoking and how we as an intelligent species have got it all wrong.
How harmfull this poison is and how we are not aware when we light up our first cigarette of the addictive nature of this substance.
It has taken us well over a century to get the world uniting on the fact that smoking cigarettes is not for human consumption.
However, unless we are blind freddy what is obvious and clear is there are still many many people smoking and offering any solutions we all know is not really the answer.
If the majority start smoking as teenagers, would it be a wise move to study our teens and children before they get to teenage years, see what they are up to and WHY they end up smoking because SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT?
We can find other ways to combat this smoking stuff but the truth is we are no where on the front foot to eliminating this poison from our lifestyle choices.
Real education by way of presentations brought into the school curriculum is now a must and needs to be across the board so that every one of us know the Real Truth about Tobacco and the harm to the human frame.
On the bus today, I sat next to a young guy with a tin on his lap and he had all his kit and was making up roll up cigarettes. I asked if he was doing them in advance as he was very busy with the whole thing and making lots of them.
He told me he has to smoke one every 45 minutes throughout the day and then he said he smoked because he was lonely. His brother had given up smoking and he thinks he could one day if he had children.
I had my usual tobacco research question that I ask every smoker – what age did you start and knowing the answer which has yet to be proven wrong. Every smoker thus far has told me they were in their teenage years when they first started cigarette smoking.
There is a big clue here for researchers and for humanity to not dismiss this fact.
I call it a fact as I have been asking people on the street, talking to them and finding out when did this habit start. So if we know this then would it be worth digging deeper and finding out what is going on for this generation who are going from being children to a growing young adult?
Back to the 27 year old on the bus who looked painfully thin and undernourished.
We talked about his need for connection and every 45 minutes he got it from his friend – the roll up ciggie. He knows he is lonely and it is because he does not feel connected.
He also knows that the cigarettes momentarily take away the feeling of dis-connection but soon after it comes back again, hence the need for the next one.
He was not aware of the real harm to the body and I gave him details of this website.
What I walked away with was knowing that the time he spent with me on the bus he felt something – I call it connection. He was met by another with no judgement, reaction or expectation of any kind. I simply met him and got talking and his nervous anxious disposition was not there when I got off the bus.
Job done and for the record, I talk to the general public when I am out and about.
I am not fearful of their reaction or response as I don’t have a hidden agenda.
What I do know beyond any doubt is that I have wisdom as an elder in the community and it is my duty to humanity to deliver the package – by that I mean say what comes to me without holding back.
I have a library full of human life wisdom and it serves, so that’s what I do and I know others receive a blessing with that sharing.
Asian Correspondent – 23 May 2019
Smokin’ Hut: Singapore’s Solution for Cigarette Puffers
Singapore has some of the world’s strictest anti-tobacco laws and smoking is banned in most public places with a fine of up to $725 if people are caught.
E-cigarettes are banned outright.
The city has found a way round the strict laws by launching its first air conditioned smoking cabin, kitted with a filtration system that is said to purify cigarette smoke before it is released into the air.
The cabins can hold up to 10 people at a time.
They have not gone down well with smokers who have described them as small and squeezy leaving them feeling like second class citizens. The fact that they have no seats is also a source of complaint.
Before we seek the next solution would we all benefit from asking first why any human being needs to smoke cigarettes?
Having observed many smokers and having been one myself, I have found that cigarettes are often inhaled when one is feeling agitated, uneasy, anxious, restless or simply overwhelmed by life.
I know that when I started to smoke in my late teens whilst I said that it was to fit in with friends, the truth is I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin and I was so disconnected from who I truly am that these were the real reasons why I smoked. The cigarette smoking temporarily enabled me to not be aware of the discontentment that I carried within.
Is it possible that as adults and even as professionals, when we are living in disconnection to who we truly are – no matter what our IQ, or our social status, we will desire products like cigarettes to try and fill ourselves up with something so that we do not feel that void or emptiness within?
Is it possible that we are aware that we are missing something and so in order to deal with this, we seek outside of ourselves to fill that void?
Is it at all smart to seek tobacco or any other substance instead of being honest about how we feel about ourselves and about life on a day to day basis?
Therefore with this in mind and if all of the above were true – does it support any of us in anyway to find new ways that we can encourage others to smoke?
Does it make sense to have strict anti-tobacco laws but then install cabins where people are out of sight and are allowed to smoke?
Does this make sense and what kind of message are we giving with this contradictory attitude towards smoking?
Have we chosen to close our eyes and has this lead us to believe that if smokers are out of sight then all is well?
Have we opted for the out of sight out of mind attitude, instead of seeking the Truth of why we smoke in the first place?
The world has just had another World No Tobacco Day and Simple Living Global presented the 3rd and final part to a complete book – THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT TOBACCO.
We have covered enough for any reader to stop and consider what is the real truth about a harmfull substance that has been a lifestyle choice for so many for hundreds of years.
The changes now are showing us that man is seeking alternatives and in this demand we have suppliers ready to create the next form – albeit the same stuff but it seems and looks different.
We like to blame the industry, the corruption, the greed, the policy makers, the politicians, the governments and those that champion and are behind keeping this toxic substance going.
But what if there is simply no business to speak of if we made a choice to not consume it in the first place?
A whole industry could die and end if we started to look at WHY we want to smoke, inhale and ingest any form of tobacco.
What if we cannot bring about change unless we bring in understanding?
What if we need to observe those who have walked the road – so to speak?
Why are we not using anecdotal evidence and allowing the voices of those in our neighbourhood and in our communities, towns and cities to tell us when they started puffing, what age, what was going on at the time and take it from there?
Could we join the dots and make some sense WHY anyone initially starts lighting up?
Then could we run some real INDEPENDENT studies – not funded by any organisation where there could be even a small leniency to achieve a certain picture, image, result?
Let those studies talk to those who currently use tobacco in various forms.
Let those studies include those who have found an alternative to smoking in the belief it is working and is better for them.
Let those studies include people who have been on nicotine lozenges for over a decade and see how their body is coping now.
Let those studies ensure that we do not dismiss anything that is being said by those on the street who are the regular smokers.
Let those studies communicate the real truth about Tobacco so that we can educate the masses and put an end to what we have all known from day dot is killing us.
Dear World
We need to stop pretending and we need to get up front and honest as our world is now facing a whole heap of illness and dis-ease in the human frame.
We can no longer negate what our body is communicating and carry on ‘business as usual’ because our bodies are telling us SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
Our researchers need to change direction and go for the obvious – the people.
Make research about people, for the people and on behalf of the people.
Let us no longer waste any time to delay the clear and immutable facts that are under our very nose.
Let us unite and get on the front foot so that we all as a race of beings learn to work together and get to the heart – the Truth, the very essence of what we need to be doing together to make real change and evolve.
It makes no sense to exhaust our health systems with self created ills coming from our lifestyle choices.
It is time to educate and bring awareness to those that we can reach and on that note this is what Simple Living Global are committed and dedicated to doing.
We have thus far delivered and will continue to do so feeling what is needed next by responding to the call of humanity.
In other words, Simple Living Global is on the front foot. They research and read what’s currently going on in the world and then report on that topic – that is the response to the call.
This website is offering so much to our world right now – it is saying there is another way.
I have been interested in talking openly to those who smoke or vape as I know there is always something to learn.
Because I have written the book on Tobacco and presented all sorts of questions to humanity about this poison that has been around for a very long time.
Talking to a member of staff at my local supermarket who I have known for a few years and have a real connection. It is not fake or phoney or nicey nice. It is real and honest.
She was very ill today and said her day off was yesterday and it all came – she means the flu symptoms with cough and heavy chest cold.
I talked to her about resting more and going to bed early.
Her response was she had given up smoking last month and it had nothing to do with that Stoptober thing that is all over social media about quitting smoking in October.
We had a conversation about our immune system and I shared that I have never been to see my doctor or take medication for colds, cough or flu in over a decade.
I did say that smoking was so harmful and it certainly depletes if not robs our immune system and she nodded as she is always getting colds and flu. Makes sense to us both.
When I got back home, I was feeling the value of this conversation and I was wondering if her quitting smoking had anything to do with me and how I live – in other words was there an Alchemy here – what the dictionary would call a magical process of transformation.
We cannot explain this to the average mind or intellect but what if this is possible and can we consider it.
I always engage with her and we hug and chat about this and that but there is always a purpose as our conversations are never about gossip or circulating stuff that is going on. It is usually her sharing wisdom or asking me for support and understanding in a certain area, like for example her mother’s probate papers, which I was able to help with.
This woman knows I do not judge her for smoking, her weight or how she lives. I just give her the space but always say something as I never hold back when I am asked.
So if we look at this as a vibration – could it be possible that the space she has been feeling allows her to come to it herself and in this case we are talking about quitting smoking.
Possible ?
Independent – 5th January 2020
All Smokers Admitted to Hospital Will be Offered Help to Quit in New NHS Drive to Highlight Personal Responsibility for Health
NHS England has announced that expert teams will help problem drinkers and smokers during their stay on a ward.
Supporters say it will save lives and hospital beds but critics say it’s an invasion of privacy.
People who are alcohol-dependent will be helped by specialists to stop drinking, while a drive targeting smokers admitted to hospital will affect an estimated 500,000 people, including pregnant women and their partners.
NHS chiefs say the savings will vastly outweigh the costs of £183 million over five years of the schemes.
£157 million will target smoking, which costs the NHS £2.6 billion every year. Alcohol problems, which cost the NHS £3.5 billion every year, will receive £26 million of funding.
But critics said it sounded like “mass lifestyle engineering” and tantamount to bullying vulnerable people.
NHS England bosses say every smoker in hospital will be offered support to quit, with personalised bedside care, therapy and follow-up help when they have been discharged.
A scheme is already running in Manchester that is expected to save £10 million and more than 30,000 hospital beds across the city, and it will be replicated across the country over the next five years.
NHS figures show that the 10 per cent of new mothers who smoke are doubling the risk of stillbirth and tripling the chances of sudden infant death.
Alcohol-related admissions have grown by 17 per cent in a decade.
Health chiefs say the measures could prevent 50,000 admissions and almost 250,000 bed days over five years. The NHS England chief executive said: “Drinking to excess can destroy families, with the NHS too often left to pick up the pieces. Alcohol and tobacco addiction remain two of the biggest causes of ill health and early death, and the right support can save lives.”
The former director of the Libertarian Alliance said the move smacked of oppression. “We pay our taxes and present ourselves to the NHS for treatment and should receive treatment. The NHS is funded by a collective compulsory levy and is a compulsory pooling of risk. So it’s one thing for an insurance company to tell us what locks to have but quite another for the NHS to tell us to stop eating or drinking what we want.”
Is it possible that this stance from the above sentence towards the NHS is the real problem here?
Yes, most of us pay our taxes and deserve the treatment the NHS can give us, but is it possible there comes a time when we have to take our own personal responsibility with our health?
Critics say it is an invasion of privacy – if it is going to help someone quit, how can it be classed as such?
Surely it can only be classed as an invasion of privacy if the patient doesn’t want any help?
But, if the patient declines any help offered, is there a discussion to be had for not treating this patient?
If we are in hospital for a smoking or alcohol related issue, WE, as the patient, know it is these substances that have put us there – so, is it possible that, if we refuse any treatment, all we are doing is refusing to take any responsibility for ourselves?
The NHS is very close to breaking point and this view of entitlement we have to the NHS is certainly adding to it.
If, or more likely when, the NHS goes bankrupt, we may go to an insurance based medical payment system.
If we then have to start paying for our medical treatment, is it possible that, only then we will start to take more Responsibility for our well-being?
BBC News – 29th January 2020
Lungs ‘Magically’ Heal Damage from Smoking
Scientists say that our lungs have an almost “magical” ability to repair some of the damage caused by smoking – but only if we stop.
The mutations that lead to lung cancer had been considered to be permanent, and to persist even after quitting, but the surprise findings, published in Nature, show the few cells that escape damage can repair the lungs.
The effect has been seen even in patients who had smoked a pack a day for 40 years before giving up.
The thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke corrupt and mutate the DNA in our lung cells – slowly transforming them from healthy to cancerous.
The study uncovered that happening on a massive scale in a smoker’s lungs even before they had cancer. The overwhelming majority of cells taken from a smoker’s airways had been mutated by tobacco, with cells containing up to 10,000 genetic alterations.
One of the researchers at UCL said: “These can be thought of as mini time bombs, waiting for the next hit that causes them to progress to cancer.”
But a small proportion of cells went unscathed and, after someone quits smoking, it is these cells that grow and replace the damaged cells in the lungs.
In people that quit, up to 40% of their cells looked just like those from people who had never smoked.
A doctor from the Sanger Institute said: “We were totally unprepared for the finding. There is a population of cells that, kind of, magically replenish the lining of the airways. One of the remarkable things was patients who had quit, even after forty years of smoking, had regeneration of cells that were totally unscathed by the exposure to tobacco.”
I think the only surprising thing here is the actual surprise of the scientists in their findings.
As our bodies are very intuitive, doesn’t it make sense that, if we start to do something that harms our body, when we stop doing that something, our body has the chance to start to heal itself?
This is a very useful thing, as we humans do not always make the right choices when it comes to our own health and well-being.
This, of course, is evidenced by the fact that, when we inhale our first lug of tobacco, it is pain-full, makes us cough and choke and tastes awful – but yet, even though we know it is very harm-full we persevere with it.
This I know for a fact as someone who gave up smoking on a few occasions and would have the same reactions every time I started again – not to mention the breathlessness, the smell it would leave on my hands, clothes, any room I smoked in and the mess it made from the ash.
So I guess the question we should be asking ourselves, is, if our first time is pain-full, if it makes us cough and choke, if it tastes awful – WHY do we carry on?
What is it in us that would make us continue with something we know is actually harming us?
Simply put, what is missing in our lives that we need to fill our lungs up with a poison?
American Journal of Managed Care – 9 July 2020
Smoking history can both INCREASE the risk of Cancer and create a hypoxic environment within the body, leading to poor outcomes, including less-effective treatment, among patients who undergo radiotherapy for Breast Cancer.
There is plenty of evidence to link smoking history and both cancer risk and diagnosis.
This study focused on whether former and current cigarette smokers were also more likely to experience adverse outcomes following radiotherapy.
73 articles were included in the authors’ review.
The outcomes were the following 6 categories:
• Skin Reactions
• Reconstruction
• Cardiovascular (CV) Health
• Pulmonary Function Changes
• Secondary Carcinoma
• Mortality
198 outcomes were observed.
41% of outcomes were considered Significant.
Of the 28 included studies that examined the association between smoking, radiotherapy and skin reactions –
50% of patients with a smoking history had skin toxicity.
This led to SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE outcomes after treatment than non-smokers.
Greater breast pain and sensitivity, oedema, *telangiectasia, pigmentation and breast deformation were also reported.
*Telangiectasia are small widened blood vessels on the skin.
The authors concluded that “none of the articles in this review reported better outcomes among smokers than never smokers.
Cigarette smoking can pose a higher risk of post treatment complications that can influence an individual’s quality of life, survival rate and or recurrence risk.”
The Study was published in Cancer Treatment and Research Communications
Talking to a tradesman today who mentioned that the NHS will not offer treatment to a smoker who has emphysema.
This is because the medics are saying that smoking is the reason why this dise-ease in the body has developed.
The man told me he accepted that they would not give him medication to treat his condition and nothing is going to stop him smoking. Yes – like most smokers he knows it is not good for his health but he has been smoking for over 5 decades and at age 67 he cannot see a way out.
Question – how many people in the UK are aware that the NHS are not just going to save us if we are using our lifestyle choice to smoke and then get a disease like emphysema?
More to the point, are we aware that it may get to the stage where other lifestyle diseases are also going to be affected? This means we may not get saved by the good old NHS as things are no longer the same. The health system is at its limits with so many symptoms showing up in the human body that come from our choices, that are made without any form of responsibility.
Without finger pointing, judgement or blame – is it time to take a long and deeply honest look at how we are living everyday and reflect on where we can make changes because if we ignore this, chances are we may end up on the ill road with no NHS to look after us?
This may sound alarmist but in reality we are heading in this direction so we had better wake up and pay attention now.
Think about it – 10 years ago turning people away who smoke was never a consideration and today it happens.
Simple Living Global has extensively written about the facts regarding tobacco, nicotine, vaping and everything else associated with smoking. We have presented questions for the reader to ponder or consider and bring awareness to all of humanity.
However, those who are ready and truly willing to make changes may find it use-full and for the others, this may all seem a waste of time or information for someone else and not them.
What if in decades to come, this website will be a go to library where the masses will find blogs like this with thousands of comments like this one written in the early 21st century asking mankind to wake up and at least consider if there is another way to live human life?
The Times – 21 November 2020
The sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products in supermarkets will be banned from 2024 in the Netherlands.
Cigarette vending machines will also be banned from 2022 in a drive to get people to quit smoking.
Most of us would consider this to be a front foot movement ahead of the game so to speak, but have the citizens moved on to something else and so it is no big deal to stop the sale of tobacco when the Netherlands are know for the mass marijuana in circulation from coffee shops?
It is common knowledge all over Europe that the majority of tourists go to dutch land for a smoke of cannabis. Others say the country has alcohol problems – another toxic substance not designed for human consumption.
It would be wise for us to always consider if there is more going on when we receive news of this kind which seems great for the country’s health and well-being but not if there is a substitute that is actively going on.
Ask any pot smoker – if they have access to cannabis, alcohol and other illicit drugs would they still need tobacco? Chances are they won’t as they got more potent stuff to numb them and have a mind altering state of being. Tobacco is like the kindergarten version of these substances.
Science Magazine – 23 December 2020
A new study reveals that even light smokers may not escape nicotine addiction.
Those people who consider themselves to be casual cigarette smokers may be addicted, according to current diagnostic criteria.
Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine and Duke University found that many light smokers – those who smoke 1 to 4 cigarettes per day or fewer, meet the criteria for nicotine addiction and should therefore be considered for treatment.
This study demonstrates that many lighter smokers, even those that do not smoke every day can be addicted to cigarettes.
According to Jason Oliver, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University, when assessing nicotine addiction – clinically referred to as ‘tobacco use disorder’ clinicians are encouraged to fully assess the 11 criteria listed in the 5th edition of the DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. As a shortcut, clinicians more typically ask smokers how many cigarettes they smoke per day.
Lighter smoking is perceived as less harmful than heavy smoking and that would be correct but it still carries significant health risks.
85% of the daily cigarette smokers were addicted, be it mild, moderate or severe. This was taken from existing data where researchers examined more that 6,700 smokers.
This tells us clearly that we get hooked, call it addicted to the nicotine when we choose to smoke cigarettes. It is the addiction that keeps us going back for more and more regardless of our good intentions, new year resolutions and everything else we say we will do, but before we know it we are taking the next puff.
How do we break the cycle and has anyone noticed that we do have this habit of moving on from one thing to another. In this case, we may get to the point, get help and stop cigarette smoking but then what have we done to replace that? Is it vaping, munching salty crunchy foods, sweet stuff, more soda – what is it that we do instead?
How many of us can be honest and say we do replace one ill with another ill – equally not great for our health and wellbeing but nevertheless we do it.
What if we can only truly stop and renounce the cigarettes if we look at WHY we smoke in the first place with a big dose of honesty, then replace it with something that is true for the body?
We need re-education as this brings awareness to topics like smoking, tobacco, vaping, nicotine and addiction. If we had a deeper understanding, chances are we would consider stopping the harm which is not just to our body but to those around us too.
Back to the research study, with due respect to all clinicians that have to work very hard and may not have the resources to refer to the giant book called DSM 5, we could say common sense would work, as we do all know and can sense when someone says one thing but we feel another.
However, if we as a clinician smoke then it would be true to say there is a blindspot.
We either miss the signs, as we are in the same pool as them, so to speak or we simply are not aware as we have the same addiction going when it comes to nicotine.
In conclusion, what we do know and this study has yet again confirmed the same stuff that has been told to us over and over again – smoking is addictive.
There are no health benefits whatsoever when it comes to cigarette smoking, tobacco, nicotine or any other toxic substance not for human consumption.
CNN Health News – 11 January 2021
NOTE – this news story has also been reported on our Marijuana article and also serves to post on this Tobacco Part 1 – with additional reference to Naphthalene.
A new research study has found that smoking marijuana can expose the user to the same type of toxic chemicals found in Tobacco smoke.
Those who only smoked marijuana had higher blood and urine levels of several smoke-related toxins, such as naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile than non-smokers.
Naphthalene is associated with anaemia, liver and neurological damage.
Acrylamide and Acrylonitrile have been associated with cancer and other health issues.
Acrylonitrile is typically used in the manufacturer of plastics and fibers.
Symptoms of acrylonitrile poisoning include: “limb weakness, laboured and irregular breathing, dizziness and impaired judgement, cyanosis, nausea, collapse and convulsions. Statistically significant increase in the incidence of lung cancer has been reported in several studies of chronically exposed workers,” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said.
Naphthalene, which is used in mothballs, can cause “headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, confusion, anaemia, jaundice, convulsions and coma,” according to the EPA.
“Marijuana use is on the rise in the United States with a growing number of states legalising it for medical and non-medical purposes, including 5 additional states in the 2020 election.”
Dr. Dana Buzda, lead author – Principal Investigator in Cancer Immunology and Virology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston.
Naphthalene is associated with anaemia, live and neurological damage.
Acrylamide and Acrylonitrile have been associated with cancer and other health issues.
Naphthalene, which is used in mothballs, can cause “headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, malaise, confusion, anaemia, jaundice, convulsions and coma,” according to the EPA.
The highest concentrations of naphthalene in indoor air occurs in the homes of cigarette smokers.
New Years Day at 6am – who on earth is up that early talking ?
I smell cigarette smoke and then see 2 guys puffing away next door. They continued to smoke one after the other (chain smoking) and so there was no break or pause from smoking for over 30 minutes.
I went outside to question what was going on simply because it was early morning and it felt odd at this time. We got talking and I realised I rarely ever in recent years have put myself in a situation close to smokers, where it’s literally coming at me and I am inhaling it.
This was the first time ever I have acknowledged how strong the smoke from cigarettes is and how toxic it felt. I started coughing and 8 hours later, I can still feel it in my upper chest area. I realised this is the second hand smoke that is mentioned in this blog that forms part of a book on the Real Truth about Tobacco.
Another thing is my nose feels like it has had something happen as it is stinging and dry and it’s been over 8 hours now, plus the coughing now and then.
Having experienced this today, I am left in no doubt of how bad smoking actually is. I am not the one ingesting it but happened to be in close proximity of 2 smokers who were and it has had a profound effect on my own wellbeing today. This cannot be ignored as it happened because my body told me.
Well, they were out clubbing all night and the body looked totally exhausted and their eyes were half shut, the smoking was obviously stimulating them to stay awake and fight their natural state that wanted shut eye and sleep – all in the name of New Year’s Day, as I am told that in their countries in Eastern Europe, the actual day is more important than New Years Eve.
My take was it makes no sense to stay awake when we simply cannot unless we ingest, snort or smoke something that will force us to not sleep – ie. Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco.
This mini treatise about smoking tobacco on the website will leave the reader in no doubt of the harm.
We do all know and yet we put up with it, override how we feel and shut down to our senses that remind us of that smoking is nothing but poison for the body, the people around, the animals and the environment.
There is absolutely nothing whatsoever about smoking cigarettes that is of benefit.
We seem to talk about Responsibility, but how many of us are truly responsible with our lifestyle choices when it comes to anything related to Tobacco?
How many of us are aware that just having a ‘friendly chat’ after a night out smoking can affect the health of others around them?
How many of us have even considered the consequences of our own choice to smoke and that it really and truly harms another – something that they would not want to do but yet they do?
How many of us are not stopping to reflect on how we live life and the choices we make that seem to create more harm?
Would this be a great question to start the New Year?
Back to the real life story. The guys were back outside within 15 minutes doing the smoking and talking again and then back again and again.
My lesson in this is I will ensure that I physically remove myself from smokers when they are close, whenever it is possible. I now understand WHY smoking has been banned on public transports and many many other outdoor places.
How on earth did I live with a smoker 40 years ago and put up with it?
I recall hating it, but at the same time just accepted it and saw no way out at the time.
Imperial College London – 8 January 2022
A research study – first of its kind, published this week in The Lancet Regional Health Europe and led by Imperial College London and University College London found that people who are isolated and lonely are more likely to smoke.
8,780 people assessed over 12 years means this is a study to take note of, as we have real life evidence here. Let us not dismiss the findings because it happens to be an “observational” study, which we are told means the cause of the association cannot be determined.
The study also found that smoking itself may also lead to higher levels of isolation and loneliness.
Smokers can become more socially isolated and lonely than non-smokers as they get older.
Over time, people who smoked saw their social contact reduce and they became less socially engaged and more lonely, compared to non-smokers.
The authors hope that their study will provide an incentive at the beginning of the year as many smokers pledge to quit.
What this study confirms is that smoking is not a social activity and suggests the existence of a vicious cycle of smoking, social isolation and loneliness.
The researchers found at the outset of the study, that those who were smokers at the time were more likely to be lonely and socially isolated than non-smokers, having less frequent social interactions with family and friends, less frequent engagement with community and cultural activities and being more likely to live alone.
Will the UK government get anywhere with these findings and introduce the policies needed to achieve its ambition for a smoke free 2030?
How far off are they and has anyone actually done an “on the street” study by simply observing all those in our neighbourhood and community that actually light up a cigarette or seem to be addicted to roll ups or chain smoking when they can?
Add it up and know that other communities have the same thing going and then travel and stand outside bus stations and train stations and there will be no doubt that the smokers are still doing it, regardless of bans in many places now.
Let us not be fooled or imagine a smoke free world coming soon in 8 years. We have a long road to walk before then and real education may play a part if we are willing, open and ready for real change.
Ask the smokers, in particular the oldies that have been smoking for decades, since they were a teenager and they have no desire or will to give up. Some even say they enjoy it and don’t want to stop.
We blame the tobacco industry but they are in big business because those that demand (those that smoke) their products continue to use them. Suppliers like tobacco giants would be gone if we stopped smoking but in truth there is going to be a long stretch in time before that happens.
And finally, how many of us are aware that the big tobacco companies are involved in the ever growing vaping industry?
We quit smoking and get advised that vaping is better and yet who is making the profits behind the scenes?
On that note, read our Part 2 on this treatise about Tobacco (see link below) to get a deeper understanding and awareness about everything related to vaping.
American Heart Association – 3 February 2022
According to a national study of adults aged 60 and older – the more that people smoke cigarettes, the lower they scored on a cognitive test.
Regardless of the presence of High Blood Pressure or Type 2 Diabetes, both known to affect cognitive function – the relationship between smoking and cognitive test scores was apparent.
The results of this study suggest that greater emphasis on smoking cessation in older people is needed to reduce cognitive decline, regardless of their other risk factors.
Dear World,
Without going any further into the details of this study, can we stop here and address some valid points?
How long have we really known about the harm cigarettes cause?
With over 120 years of ingesting this toxic poison, are we ready to move on?
How can we even call a person healthy if they smoke cigarettes but yet we do?
If we know that we are at risk of poor brain health – why are we still smoking?
What if we presented blogs like this at the next world premier meeting for researchers and clinicians because humanity can relate to simple presentations and it may point us in another direction as what we have thus far has not worked?
Do we really need to wait for more research studies to tell us the next illness or dis-ease that cigarette consumption causes?
WHY have our world of science academics not taken the other route – the path that leads to a line of questioning that is not the same as we are currently upholding and aligning to?
What if we start to explore and go back to the drawing board, so to speak and get to the root of WHY anyone starts to embark on the journey of cigarettes?
It is foul tasting, stinks and dis-colours the fingers and teeth plus our lungs (we have seen the pictures) are full of poison – so why on earth would we over-ride all of this and carry on?
Something is not right but yet we never ever question what gets into us that makes us ignore all those signs mentioned.
Is the so-called intelligence that attempts to re-solve and create reduction methods the same intelligence we align to that makes us take up smoking and continue with this ill movement? Are both the same, as we seem to go for ways to change but there is no change as we are still here a hundred years later. In other words, is the solution coming from the same intelligence we subscribe to that got us on the smoking wagon in the first place?
Deeply ponder on this Dear World as time is running out now.
We are going to end up soon with a world full of Dementia and our systems cannot and will not be able to house us, let alone cope with the devastating consequences that this will bring.
Time to start questioning everything. Absolutely everything.
Our emphasis – where we are choosing to put our focus needs a paradigm shift now.
University of California San Diego – 2 June 2022
Smokers in the United States who received cigarette packs with graphic warning labels hid them 38% more often.
However, smokers stopped hiding their cigarettes when they returned to regular packs without graphic labels, according to a multi-institutional group of public health experts.
Graphic warning labels are used on cigarette packs in more than 120 countries. Despite being mandated by the U.S. Congress in 2009, implementation of graphic warning labels has been held up by the legal challenges by the tobacco industry.
Professor David Strong, senior author said “we found no evidence that graphic warning-labelled packs changed smoking behaviour over the year-long study”.
Individuals continued to smoke as often as they did before and after the study.
Dear World
Do we need those in authority to tell us that when we are addicted to something that is highly addictive, chances are we are not going to change our behaviours? Is this something we can work out without using the resources of our highly academic scholars that we call public health experts?
We ought to realise that so much time and effort continues to go into what makes smokers smoke and we completely dismiss that there is a root cause here that is yet to be questioned and then addressed.
This blog and those others on this website about Tobacco needs to be studied because the presentation and the commentary style questioning gives us all much to consider when it comes to smoking cigarettes, vaping, tobacco use in different forms, nicotine and addiction. It is well worth our scholars looking at what is here being offered on this website.
University of California San Diego – 2 June 2022
Graphic warnings on Cigarette labels led smokers to hide packs 38% more often.
Smokers stopped hiding their cigarettes when they returned to regular packs without the graphic labels.
It has been hypothesized that this behaviour could reduce perceptions by teenagers that it is socially acceptable to smoke, perhaps explain why mandated graphic warning label packs are associated with reductions in teen smoking,” said first author, John Pierce, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California, San Diego.
Pierce and colleagues manufactured special cigarette packs that incorporated graphic images of a diseased foot, a newborn with a breathing tube or throat cancer on cigarette packs in Australia.
Graphic warning labels are used on cigarette packs in more than 120 countries.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas – 8 June 2022
A new study has revealed that male smokers who, demographically are more likely than women to smoke are placing themselves at a significantly increased risk of osteoporosis, bone fractures and early death.
Nicotine impacts bone health, upping the chance of wrist, spine and other breaks by 40%.
Lead author, Qing Wu, a researcher with UNLV’s School of Public Health said “smoking is a major risk factor for osteoporosis and risk of fracture. Men tend to smoke more than women, increasing their risk for osteoporosis, which has traditionally been thought of as a women’s disease.”
Cigarettes’ influence on fracture risk is not fully understood, researchers said.
Dear World
While we wait for the next study and the next to get to ‘fully’ understand WHY, can we stop and simply read Simple Living Global’s treatise on Tobacco, starting with this article, which is Part 1?
The reader will be left in no doubt whatsoever, that there is absolutely nothing of benefit to the human body when it comes to smoking cigarettes.
How much more resources do we need to tell us All what we already know?
University of Michigan – 1 July 2022
Pre-teenage children at the age of 9 or 10 are curious about using substances.
10% of children already say they are curious about using alcohol or tobacco products.
1 in 50 are curious about using marijuana according to a new study.
12,000 9 and 10 year olds surveyed said they already have a friend who uses one of these substances. Those who said they did were also much more likely to be curious about trying alcohol or tobacco and other nicotine containing products themselves.
35% of the children’s parents said their children may have easy access to alcohol at home, while smaller percentages said the same about tobacco or marijuana.
25% of parents said they had not yet set rules for their pre-teenage children about whether they are allowed to use the substances.
This study was published in the June issue of Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports and was led by a University of Michigan researcher, using data from a large national project.
The findings show considerable variation by gender, race/ethnicity and family income in many of the measures. Across-the-board boys were more likely to be curious about substances than girls.
Pre-teenagers whose parents made $100,000 or more per year were much more likely to be curious about alcohol and their parents were more likely to say it was readily available in the home. Lower income children with family incomes of $50,000 or less, were slightly more likely to be curious about nicotine and marijuana and to have it available in the home.
“the earlier in adolescence a child begins using the substances, the greater the potential impact on brain development and functioning.” Megan Martz PhD
UPI Health News – 10 August 2022
Smoking was linked to 123,000 Cancer deaths.
This amounts to 30% of ALL Cancer deaths in the United States.
$21 billion in annual lost earnings.
These losses were much higher in states with weaker tobacco control laws, particularly in the South and Midwest, according to researchers. These states include:
South Carolina
West Virginia
The researchers calculated that years of life lost was 47% higher in these states.
They also found that if other states had followed Utah, a state with more smoking regulations, for example, more than half of the lost years of life would have been avoided.
“Our study provides further evidence that smoking continues to be a leading cause of cancer-related death and to have a huge impact on the economy across the U.S.”
Dr. Farhad Islami – Senior Scientific Director of Cancer Disparity Research at the American Cancer Society.
Findings on Youth Tobacco Use
3.08 million middle and high school students currently used any tobacco product
16.5% high school students currently used any tobacco product
4.5% of middle school students currently used any tobacco product
960,000 reported current use of multiple (2 or more) tobacco products
Mail Online – 25 August 2023
Research scientists say young people under the age of 22 should be banned from buying cigarettes. A study finds smokers who pick up the habit before the age of 20 find it harder to quit.
Minimum age to buy cigarettes in the UK is 18, having increased from age 16 in 2007.
The rise in the minimum buying age could reduce nicotine dependence.
The findings of this study were presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress.
It is estimated that 6.6 million people in Britain smoked in 2021.
According to NHS England, smoking causes 76,000 deaths per year.
UPI Health News – 14 September 2023
Using both Tobacco and Marijuana is linked to a higher risk of Anxiety and Depression, according to a new study.
Among 54,000 adults, those who used both substances experienced Anxiety and Depression at nearly twice the rate of non-users.
The lead researcher – Professor Nhung Nguyen at University of California, San Francisco said “Smoking weed and Tobacco, does not help to deal with Anxiety and Depression and may exacerbate mental health issues in the long run. This is an emerging public health issue.”
Co-use of Marijuana and Tobacco is increasing nationwide as more states legalize cannabis, researchers noted, suggesting this could set the stage for mental health issues.
Why the combination might cause Anxiety and Depression is not clear and the interaction between the 2 substances on health in general and on mental health in particular is not fully understood according to the researchers.
Dear World
At the start of this article there is a red bold statement –
The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats the world has ever faced.
We know this and now we have a combination of BOTH TOBACCO AND MARIJUANA.
WHY are we not questioning what is going on for the rise in consumption and why is a combo needed when we all know that this is not the way to go and we simply cannot ignore it?
If Tobacco is the biggest public health threat then where is Marijuana going to be placed while we wait for researchers to tell us in years to come what we actually know now, but chose to ignore.
Why are we reluctant to wake up and say it as it is?
Why are we simply accepting everything when we can sense SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
While we wait for more scientific studies to explain what is currently not understood or clear, can we apply some common sense and read this article in full and then ALL the comments thereafter from Simple Living Global? Then consider the following question –
Could it be possible that both Tobacco and Marijuana alter our natural state and with this fact in mind, could it simply explain for those combining both toxic poisons and inhaling/ingesting them into the body – there is going to be some kind of disturbance?
Independent News – 29 February 2024
London Fashion week and designers fill their shows with cigarettes.
A packet of cigarettes comes with photos of rotting teeth and the cost is £15.
Smoking has become officially “cool” again.
Fashion models down the runway with unlit cigarettes held in their hands – presenting them as a key accessory for autumn/winter 2024. Inspired by the Greek god of wine and indulgence, this particular collection paid homage to old-fashioned hedonism.
New York Post – 16 February 2024
York Fashion Week – cigarettes are reclaiming their chic status and appearing as accessories on the runways, depicting the elevated glamour of the rich housewife.
“We might be causing the next smoking epidemic through young people getting addicted to electronic cigarettes early in life.”
Dr. Michael Blaha
CDC reported that half of youth who ever tried e-cigarettes currently use them, which shows that many young people who try e-cigarettes will continue to use them.
“Tobacco companies know and understand that the youth can be enticed through advertisements and seeing how ‘cool’ it is to use their products and that marketing cigarettes as “trendy” could lead young people to think that they are safe to use.
The more times young people are exposed, the more likely they are to try tobacco products and potentially develop a nicotine addiction.”
Vonetta Dudley – Director of NYC Smoke-Free
Cigarettes’ rebrand as the “it” thin to do harkens back to the heyday of Big Tobacco when smokers were none the wiser.
Early 1900s
Smoking was akin to a status symbol – “sensual and sophisticated”
think Audrey Hepburn and her long cigarette holder.
Smoking was also inextricable from the glitz of the fashion industry – take the rumoured supermodel diet of “coffee, cigarettes, vodka and champagne.”
Now public figures, celebrities, supermodels and the daughter of a former president have been spotted smoking en vogue, while some influencers have flaunted their nicotine habits on social media.
“While someone smoking a cigarette for aesthetics’ sake could start off innocently, it could become a habit or an addiction ingrained in their daily life, making it harder and harder to quit and the consequences are “anything but glamorous”.
Noah Greenspan – Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapist and Director of the Pulmonary Wellness & Rehabilitation Complex in NYC
Keck School of Medicine – University of Southern California – 1 March 2024
Scientists conducted one of the largest multi-ethic studies to date of smoking and epigenetics. Most past research on smoking and epigenetics has looked at 1 or 2 racial groups at a time.
The study included data from 2,728 people across 6 distinct racial and ethnic groups.
The results were published in the American Journal of Human Genetics
Smoking changes the way genes are expressed, which later contributes to the development of lung cancer and other smoking-related illnesses.
The impact of Tobacco expose on health varies by race and ethnicity and is closely tied to internal nicotine dose – a marker of carcinogen uptake.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science – 20 March 2024
Exposure to Tobacco before birth and beginning smoking during childhood or adolescence were SIGNIFICANTLY associated with the development of Type 2 Diabetes in adulthood, according to a new study of half a million adults in the UK.
Among those exposed to Tobacco before birth or who began smoking during childhood or adolescence, those that had genetic predisposition to develop Type 2 Diabetes and started smoking in childhood or adolescence had the HIGHEST RISK of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
22% increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes for Tobacco exposure before birth.
57% higher risk for those that started smoking as adolescents.
Double the risk for those who started smoking in childhood.
33% higher risk for those that started smoking as adults.
People with a high genetic risk score had:
330% higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes if exposed to Tobacco before birth
639% higher risk if they started smoking in childhood
427% higher risk if they started smoking in adolescence
Results of the study provide evidence that lifestyle factors could powerfully modify the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
30% – 40% more likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes for people who smoke cigarettes, according to previous research.
American Cancer Society
34 million American adults still smoke cigarettes.
Smoking causes an estimated
480,000 deaths every year
1 in 5 deaths
Some groups smoke more heavily or at higher rates and suffer disproportionately from smoking-related cancer and other diseases.
These populations tend to be those who experience inequities in multiple areas of their lives, including those at –
• Local socioeconomic levels
• Without college degrees
• American Indians
• Alaska natives
• African Americans
• Black communities
• LGBTQ communities
• In the military
• Behavioural health conditions
No matter your age or how long you have been smoking, quitting improves health both immediately and over the long term.
Oregon Health & Science University – 7 May 2024
Cannabis and nicotine use during pregnancy increased rate of infant death 4-FOLD.
Avoiding one of the substances reduces risk by half.
50% who use cannabis in pregnancy also use Tobacco or nicotine products.
Combined use of cannabis and nicotine during pregnancy is associated with SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER RISK of poor health outcomes for new-borns.
“With the growing legalization of cannabis around the country, there is often a perception that cannabis is safe in pregnancy”.
Researchers evaluated over 3 million pregnant patients with documented cannabis and nicotine use.
NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre – 13 May 2024
New research being presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Italy suggests that smokers tend to eat less and have less healthy eating habits than non-smokers, which could explain why smokers often gain weight when they quit.
The UK cross-sectional study analysed data for 83,000 adults aged 18 or older between 2004 and 2022.
People who smoke typically have a lower body weight and BMI (body mass index).
Evidence also indicates that smokers use smoking to control their appetite and weight.
Pre-clinical research suggests that nicotine in tobacco smoking may suppress and influence subsequent eating behaviour.
However, the relationship between smoking and eating behaviour in humans is unclear.
50% more likely to go more than 3 hours without food compared to non-smokers
Also more likely to have fewer meals per day
35% less likely to snack between meals
Less likely to eat food as a reward or out of boredom than non-smokers
8-13% less likely to eat sweet foods between meals or for dessert
70% more likely to add salt
36% more likely to add sugar to meals
“The worry of gaining weight is a common reason for smokers not attempting to quit or being unsuccessful in their attempts to quit smoking.
Our findings indicate that smoking is associated with eating behaviour patterns consistent with reduced food intake and worse diet quality, characterised by frequent intake of fried food and adding saLt and sugar to meals. This could explain the weight gain commonly observed when people stop smoking.”
Dr. Scott Willis – Loughborough University UK
The American Association for the Advancement of Science – 20 August 2024
1-2 cigarettes a day before or during pregnancy linked to major newborn health problems, according to new research published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
The findings add to the evidence indicating that women hoping to become, or who are pregnant should stop smoking to protect their newborn’s health.
1 in 10 pregnant women smoke in the USA.
It is well known that smoking during pregnancy is associated with heightened risks of preterm delivery, low birth weight and restricted growth while in the womb.
Many women believe it is OK to smoke cigarettes before conception or in the first 3 months of pregnancy or that light smoking is unlikely to be harmful.
Smoking either before pregnancy or in each of the 3 trimesters of pregnancy was associated with an INCREASED risk of major neonatal health issues, either separately or combined, after adjusting for potentially influential factors, including age, ethnicity and weight (BMI) before pregnancy.
The risk of more than one major neonatal health issue if the mother smoked before pregnancy was 27% higher and 31% higher if smoking at any time during pregnancy.
Risk of admission to neonatal intensive care was 24% higher if the mother smoked before pregnancy and 32% higher if smoking during pregnancy.
31% higher risk for mothers who smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day.
U.S. Food & Drug Administration – 29 August 2024
FDA Issues Final Rule Increasing the Minimum Age for Certain Restrictions On Tobacco Sales.
Tobacco retailers will need to verify age for anyone under age 30.
Vending machines will be restricted to 21+ facilities.
Once implemented, the requirements are expected to help decrease underage tobacco sales.
95% of U.S. adults who smoke daily smoked their first cigarette by the age of 21.
Metro News – 25 October 2024
More than 127,000 young people start smoking Tobacco regularly each year in the UK, according to a new study.
350 young adults aged 18 to 25 start smoking every day.
35,000 having taken up the habit since July.
The Ban on sale of single-use vapes is from 1 June 2025.
5 million single-use vapes were either littered or thrown away in general waste every week in the UK.
4 times more than the previous year.
400% RISE in vape usage between 2012 and 2023.
9.1% of the British public are now buying and using the products.
25% of 11-15 year olds used a vape last year.
“The Government will introduce the Tobacco and Vapes Bill – the biggest public health intervention in a generation, which will protect young people from becoming hooked on nicotine and pave the way for a smoke-free UK”.
Andrew Gwynne – Health Minister