Dear World
What does our weekend mean to us?
What do we look forward to at the weekend?
What do we get up to on our weekends off?
What do we always end up doing at weekends?
What do we never get round to doing at weekends?
Why do some of us trash our bodies at the weekend?
Why do we like the fact that weekends mean no work?
Why are we feeling cheated when we work at weekends?
Why are we busy distracting ourselves on the weekend?
Why do we loathe getting out of bed every weekend?
Why do we use weekends to indulge in our fantasies?
Why do some of us live our Double Life only at weekends?
Why do we plot and plan during work time for the weekend?
Why do we seem to constantly plan stuff for the weekend?
Why do we get Bored with the weekend house Jobs list?
Why do we use weekends as a licence to be irresponsible?
Why do we feel un-settled at the end of our active weekend?
Why do we have such high expectations about our weekend?
Why are we always demanding more and more at weekends?
Why do we live for the weekend as if it is another life we have where we become someone else?
Why do we always do stupid things leading up to a weekend and then spend all day in bed?
Why do we opt for more movies, more takeaways and more of everything we don’t need at the weekends?
Why are we getting sluggish with our movements when we are at home on the weekend?
Why do we suffer with FOMO at the weekends and ignore our exhausted and tired body?
Why are we so looking forward to the excess Alcohol we can consume at the weekends to numb us from the Reality of life?
Why are some of us finding ourselves craving the snort or puff in the name of recreational Drugs at the weekend?
Why have we got such utter Crazy behaviour going on at the weekends and then back to sensible in the week?
Why do we long for the kids to entertain themselves at the weekend as it’s creating less time for our own indulgences?
Why do we get resentful if we have to do our housework on the weekend?
Why have we become great at avoiding all the jobs at the weekend that need to be done to keep things moving?
What if we used our weekends wisely by getting the house jobs done and preparing for the next week ahead at work?
What if we got into the mode of Tidying Up and bringing order and flow to our home life at the weekends?
What if we continued our daily routine and rhythm at the weekend and used these Days Off to support our body?
What if we stop the Gossiping and un-necessary chit chat at the weekends and just got on with what we need to be doing?
What if we started to learn that our distractions never take into account how our body is feeling?
What if we took a Nap at the weekend because we can, instead of cramming in the next thing we want to do?
What if we end our Crazy behaviour and started to take the steps to be responsible and sensible at the weekends?
What if we made the choice to go to bed early at the weekend because we can then get up early and Get on With It?
What if GOWI – Get on With It is actually supportive for our true health and well-being?
What if GOWI at the weekends included:
- Laundry done and up to date
- Ironing done and ready for the week
- Shopping and cooking for the week ahead
- Making sure time is set aside for a decent Nap
- Cleaning jobs and paying attention to the detail
- Finishing jobs that get left in the week due to work
- Taking action on that pile of procrastination stuff
- Catching up on the paperwork that has been left
- Doing our best to wind down and get to bed early
- Deleting Emails that need to go out of our inboxes
- Deleting un-necessary photos that are using space
- Deleting text messages as they serve no purpose
Dear World
Some of us may be able to relate to this blog and realise that the end of a week, called a ‘week-end’ does not mean we have to change our routine and rhythm just because we are not going to work.
Our weekends offer us a choice of which way we want to go – one way will lead to more of the same and the other way as suggested above will be the opposite way. This other way would support our body with the much needed rest it needs, but also bring in some clarity as the fog would be lifted. In other words, things are getting done and the movement is clearing up what may not have been actioned, had we chosen our old way. This means we would be lighter and that is the reference to the fog being lifted.
Could it be possible that if we were doing our GOWI at the weekends, we could make wiser decisions because we have more clarity, as the rest (Napping) and getting on with the jobs that needed our Focus and attention have been done?
What if the time we spend taking care of our body during the weekend supports us during the week days?
What if GOWI can give us more vitality and that means more energy and not feeling drained for the week ahead?
What if we lived in a way where we do not use those 2 days at the end of a week and before the next week to switch off and check out into habits that lead to even more un-settlement in our body?
What if we make every single day the same same – stick to our routine and rhythm and see how that goes?