Dear World
What is our NEXT in life?
Some of the following list may ring a bell or sound familiar for some…
Are we in the dead relationship we signed up for and moan everyday but never make any Real Changes to even Communicate properly?
Are we in a ‘mute’ relationship where there really is no Talking going on and whilst it is rather Boring we stick it out as it pays the bills?
Are we grateful to have a partner and we just stick with the relationship as life alone seems like hard work?
Are we in an “arrangement” kinda relationship but can’t be bothered to make the moves to action, which is to leave, as we sort of like the comfort in our un-comfortableness?
Are we the victim of abuse in our intimate relationship but to make the moves would threaten our life so we stay quiet?
Are we feeling trapped in our relationship but can see no way out so we overeat, do excess Screen Time and shout at the kids and neighbours?
Are we the struggling victim that drags our body around but fail to get our arse into gear and make some much needed Changes?
Are we in the best relationship ever but somehow it is not feeling enough and we can’t work out why this is?
Are we convincing and justifying to ourselves how great our relationships are but the fact we are doing this could be saying things are not as great as we are making out?
Are we afraid that our partner may one day leave us or die and we feel inadequate and not equipped for something like this, even though we know it could happen?
Are we relieved after leaving a long-term relationship but at the same time unable to accept what has happened, so we are left un-settled?
Are we pretending to like being single when all we seem to do is find ways to attract a partner?
Are we very busy on Social Media platforms that offer the dating and sex ‘on tap’ kind of services?
Are we romancing and wining and dining with an Agenda as that is how we operate in our search for the perfect relationship?
Are we in a relationship because a dating site on Social Media said it’s a good match but every cell in our body is screaming “get out”?
Are we forming more Online relationships and we have no idea what these people are like or how they actually live in their homes?
Are we so Crazy busy with our plans about the stag or hen event that we feel some kind of internal un-settlement?
Are we adding more fluff to our dream wedding, which seems to be creating some un-necessary Stress because we wanted something a bit Simple?
Are we in a no purpose kinda relationship and that means we are always looking for the next distraction to stimulate us?
Are we hanging around these days with even more fake and phoney so-called friends and building relationships that have zero purpose?
Are we fed up of dancing around and messing about in our relationships and realise this ‘fun’ way of living is rather pointless?
Are we the one that sucks at doing Nice and not letting people down, so our relationships are empty and lack purpose?
Are we suffering with FOMO so we sign up to anything and everything, as we desperately want to be social and in relationships?
Are we all over posting on Social Media so the world and its brothers can see we are popular when it comes to relationships?
Are we the ones that want to be popular in our social friendships but come home with a deep feeling of empty-ness?
Are we constantly Gossiping about others and at the same time we would hate if others were doing that about us?
Are we keeping ourselves busy with the kids to not feel what is really going on in our life?
Are we all about Family and Family first when it comes to relationships and we force the kids to do what we want them to do?
Are we the perfect parents that give the teenagers everything and yet struggle with the actual relationship of sitting down and having an Honest conversation?
Are we avoiding our relationships with all members of our household so we spend most of our time at work socialising?
Are we highly emotional when it comes to relationships and will never open up to anyone about how we are feeling?
Are we acting all grown up in our work relationships and then become something insignificant and pathetic in our marriage?
Are we ducking and diving generally in life with all our relationships as the thought of Commitment and getting on with it freaks us out?
Are we telling Lies in our relationships and live with a constant internal unsettlement because we don’t want to be open, upfront and Honest?
Are we saying one thing and doing another when it comes to some of our relationships and whilst we hate it, we continue doing it?
Are we jealous of others who are in what we see as loving relationships when deep down we know that is not true?
Are we jealous of a friend that is doing well and moving on in life and we don’t like what that relationship brings up for us now?
Are we constantly in comparison with others and find ourselves quite alone when it comes to relationships?
Are we avoiding a deeper and more loving relationship with ourselves so that we can get to know what it is we truly want and need?
Have we ever considered that regardless of our relationship status, we would do well by starting to connect with our inner-most self and building a relationship from there. A great start would be to honour what we feel and that means if something does not feel right, speak up and not hold back.
The founder of this website has a writing style that has this one word Consistently running through the articles
So what is NEXT for Simple Living Global ?
We do not advertise, make claims or subscribe to Social Media marketing or any other noise out there to bring in more business.
Those that are ready and seeking Real True Change find us and nothing more and nothing less is needed.
We Focus on bringing Completion to anything that has been started and this brings a clarity at the end for what is NEXT.
We live our Code of Conduct to the best of our ability every day and they are not just words that sound like we have some kind of integrity. They are words lived.
What we present and will continue to deliver is Quality with no Hidden Agenda and that means do our research, double check the referencing and bring awareness to All of Humanity about Humanity and that means what is going on.
We also write specifically on topics relating to Health and Wellness in a way that is very Simple to understand.
We present Questions that may not have been considered for the reader to ponder on.
We check the ‘Pulse’ of humanity and that means we keep up to date with what is going on around the world and report daily from the author’s Twitter account. This service has been going since 2017 and there are currently over 3,000 posts.
We share practical step by step guides for everyday living like Cleaning the Toilet, Emptying the Trash and Brushing our Teeth.
We do not and will never put a subscription to pay for this library online called Simple Living Global, which in truth offers Another Way to Live that does not harm the human frame or anyone or anything.
What we have to report is well worth staying tuned in for and we will post as we do with our usual Consistent style or straight talk, saying it as it is – no fluff, no fancy words or trying to sound so-called Intelligent.