For the purposes of this article, Hypertension and High Blood Pressure are the same.
WHY on earth do we need a World Hypertension Day?
WHY are the world and its mothers and brothers popping pills for Hypertension?
Do we even know what Hypertension means?
Are we interested or bothered about Hypertension?
Has anyone heard of WHD – World Hypertension Day?
Have we heard of WHL – World Hypertension League?
Are we aware this Hypertension Day started in 2005?
Are we interested if our blood pressure is high?
Do we know of ISH – International Society of Hypertension?
Do we know that ISH was established in 1966?
Do we know there is an official Journal of Hypertension?
Do we all know what all this means?
Do we understand what Hypertension is?
Do we know the facts about Hypertension?
WHY are they calling it a ‘silent killer’?
WHY is this a modern day epidemic?
WHY is it classed as a ‘Global Public Health Issue’? (1)
WHY has this become such a big issue worldwide?
WHY does high blood pressure lead to complications?
WHY has all the advancement of scientific research and knowledge not been able to stop this deadly killer?
WHY has all the commitment, promoting and funding for prevention and management seen a rise in hypertension?
WHY has all the Intelligence in our world not nailed this yet?
What is this telling us about the blood pressure of our nations?
Should we be concerned knowing that there has been an organisation established since 1966, dedicated to finding ways to manage and prevent heart disease and strokes in hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases around the world?
Is this telling us that after 50 years, we are really not any closer to finding the root cause of WHY someone develops hypertension?
Is this spelling out to us that hypertension is a global problem?
Hypertension is sometimes called the ‘silent killer’ because it produces no symptoms and could go unnoticed and untreated for years.
Is the following list confirming WHY we have not yet got any closer to the root cause of this ‘silent killer’?
Best Practice
Best Treatment
Clinical Science Research
Dynamic Forum of Leaders
Education Program
Global Networks
International Forum
Mentoring Opportunities
Mentorship Students
New Awards
New and Young Investigators
Platform to Exchange Ideas
Research Fellows
Scientific Council
Scientific Meetings
Scientific Research
Sharing Expertise
Special Focus
Strategic Alliances
Strategic Relationships
Successful Committee Members
Teaching Activities (2, 3, 4)
After all this do we actually know what Hypertension is?
What does it mean to us the general public on the street?
The Concise Oxford English Dictionary says –Abnormally high blood pressure. (5)
Google the word and you get –Abnormally high blood pressure and a state of great psychological stress.
Now we all know HYPERTENSION is
The pressure is high
Our blood is not able to do its natural job
We are in a state of stress
Google tells us it is psychological
Hyper means over, above and beyond.
Excessively above normal. Unusually energetic. Abnormally active. (5)
Tension means strained state or condition resulting from forces acting in opposition to each other.
Mental or Emotional strain. (5)
Let’s join the dots.
Hypertension means something is going on inside us that is causing our blood pressure to rise over and above what is normal for our natural state of being.
The strain on the body is abnormally active and coming from conflict – mental and emotional.
What exactly is blood pressure?
WHY is it so important for our human body?
When our heart beats, it pumps blood around our body to give our cells the oxygen it needs to make vital energy that cells need to survive.
As the blood moves, it pushes against the sides of the blood vessels. The actual strength of this pushing is our blood pressure.
The higher the pressure in blood vessels the harder the heart has to work in order to pump blood. (1)
Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day, but it can cause health problems if it stays high for a long time. (6)
The pressure produced by the heart is highest when it contracts or beats and this is known as the systolic (higher value) pressure.
When the heart muscle relaxes in between heartbeats and the pressure is at its lowest in the blood vessels, this is known as diastolic (lower value) pressure. (7)
Both systolic and diastolic pressures are measured when we have our blood pressure checked. (8)
If our blood pressure is too high, it puts extra strain on our arteries and our heart and this may lead to heart attacks and strokes. (7)
Next –
Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm Hg) and is recorded as two numbers, usually written one above the other. (1)
Normal Blood Pressure
Normal blood pressure for adults is defined as a systolic pressure below 120mmHg and a diastolic pressure below 80 mmHg.
It is normal for our blood pressure to change during sleep, when we wake up, are nervous or excited. When we are active, our blood pressure increases and once the activity stops, blood pressure returns to our normal baseline range.
New born babies often have very low blood pressure numbers that are considered normal for babies while older teens have numbers similar to adults.
Abnormal Blood Pressure
This is defined as having blood pressure higher than 120/80 mmHg.
Stages of High Blood Pressure in Adults
Prehypertension Stage
Systolic 120-139
Diastolic 80-89
High Blood Pressure Stage 1
Systolic 140-159
Diastolic 90-99
High Blood Pressure Stage 2
Systolic 160 or higher
Diastolic 100 or higher
People with diabetes or chronic kidney disease should keep their blood pressure below 130/80 mmHg.
Types of High Blood Pressure
There are two main categories of high blood pressure – Primary and Secondary.
Primary or essential high blood pressure is the most common type of high blood pressure. This type of high blood pressure tends to develop over years as a person ages. In 95% of cases there is no specific underlying cause. (8, 9)
Secondary high blood pressure is caused by another medical condition or use of certain medicines. This type usually resolves after the cause is treated or removed. (9)
Research has shown that the remaining 5% of people have a problem with their kidneys or adrenal glands, located at the top of the kidneys. (8)
Isolated Systolic Hypertension
Some people only have high systolic blood pressure. Many older adults have this condition. ISH can cause as much harm as high blood pressure in which both numbers are too high. (10)
Cardiovascular benefits of normal blood pressure extend to lower systolic (105 mmHg) and lower diastolic blood pressure levels (60 mmHg). (1)
Normal levels of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure are particularly important for the efficient function of vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys and for overall health and wellbeing. (1)
World Health Organization
7.5 million people a year die from High Blood Pressure.
It is the leading cause of heart disease and strokes. (11)
Last 20 years, people with High Blood Pressure has doubled.
Billions at increased risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease. (12)
90% increase from 1975 – 2015
594 million to 1.13 billion – increase in number of adults with raised blood pressure. (13)
Hello – can we stop and just re-read that?
90% increase in High Blood Pressure
What on earth is going on?
What is this pressure inside us?
What is this continual force that we are allowing?
What is our lifestyle that is bringing pressure daily?
What is our body trying to tell us?
Where is this pressure coming from?
WHY are we feeling pressure in the first place?
WHY are we not even aware of this?
WHY are there so many more people with high blood pressure?
WHY is learning about blood pressure not a Priority in our lives?
WHY are we the public not demanding more answers?
WHY are we not getting to the root cause of this serious problem?
WHY are we taking the pills without questioning more and more?
WHY are we not taking high blood pressure seriously?
WHY is there so little in the media to support us with our awareness?
WHY is this deadly disease out of control with no signs of stopping?
WHY is nothing out there working to stop this and bring an end?
WHY are we not asking those who have consistent stable blood pressure?
What if our Blood Pressure is affected by every movement we make?
What if our Blood Pressure changes even by our thoughts?
What if our Blood Pressure fluctuates even when we are sleeping?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we take on other people’s stuff?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we get angry?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we get frustrated?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we get moody?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we are emotional?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we hold back what we feel?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we pretend and do nice?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we are swearing and shouting?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we curse and vent at others?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we are worried about the bills?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we are speeding on the highway?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we have that car cut us up?
What if our Blood Pressure changes at Christmas with family?
What if our Blood Pressure changes at the thought of another New Year?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when our Birthday is coming up?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we get a noisy neighbour?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we hear bad news?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we think about the dentist’s chair?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when we get that hospital appointment?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when the politicians don’t listen?
What if our Blood Pressure changes when the talk is about money?
What if our Blood Pressure changes with too much food in our belly?
What if ANY form of fear – big or small, gives rise to our blood pressure?
Over the last forty years the highest worldwide blood pressure levels have shifted from high income countries to low income countries in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. (13)
1975 – High Blood Pressure related to affluence.
2016 – High Blood Pressure is a major health issue linked with poverty.
Majid Ezzati, Professor and Senior Author of ‘Worldwide Trends in Blood Pressure from 1975 – 2015’, Imperial College London, School of Public Health (14)
50% of those with high blood pressure live in Asia. (11)
Blood pressure has been persistently high in central and eastern Europe. (13)
19% of all deaths linked to elevated Systolic Blood Pressure – over 115 mmHg. (12)
1990 – 2015
Deaths from elevated Systolic Blood Pressure grew by 1.6%.
107% rate of increase in low to middle countries.
2,844,499 deaths, mainly in high – middle Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) countries. (12)
Hypertension responsible for –
45% of deaths due to heart disease.
51% of deaths due to stroke. (15)
66% of those with hypertension are in economically developing countries.
9 out of 10 adults living to 80 years of age will develop hypertension. (4)
Hypertension is a leading cause of premature death in China. (16)
China Kadoorie Bank study found –
32.5% participants had hypertension.
Prevalence increased with age.
1.4% had controlled hypertension.
17.3% had isolated systolic hypertension.
30.5% with hypertension had received a diagnosis from physician.
46.4% with a diagnosis were being treated.
29.6% treated had hypertension controlled (lower than 140/90 mmHg).
13% of participants with hypertension and previous cardiovascular disease had hypertension controlled.
20.1% had stage 1 high blood pressure.
11% had stage 2.
39.5% had prehypertension.
33% of all cardiovascular deaths come from uncontrolled hypertension. (16)
226 million people in China have high blood pressure. (13)
750,000 cardiovascular deaths were attributed to uncontrolled hypertension. (16)
India’s largest blood pressure screening campaign started 1 May.
Target – screen 25 lakh (2,500,000) people by end May 2017. (17)
18 – 65 year olds – Age group for screening.
Due to ‘faulty lifestyles’ increasingly primarily affecting the young.
260,000 die from High Blood Pressure each year.
13.4% of obese children had hypertension.
Hypertension in obese or overweight children is higher.
Dr. Anupam Sibal – Senior Paediatrician
New Delhi’s Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (17)
Over the past two years, the number of under 30’s coming to me with high blood pressure has risen by 30% and their lifestyle is a major cause.
Headaches, watery eyes and breathlessness are often the only indications in the early stages. They are usually ignored until they become acute and/or regular.
Dr. Haresh Mehta – Consultant Cardiologist
Mumbai’s SL Raheja Hospital (17)
The adult hypertension prevalence has shown a drastic increase in the past three decades in urban as well as rural areas.
The following are attributed to Hypertension
16% of Ischemic Heart Disease
21% of Peripheral Vascular Disease
24% Acute Myocardial Infarctions
29% Strokes (17)
Risk begins in school these days, especially in high school when junk food intake shoots up and activity levels go down as teens spend more time online or just studying. By the time people enter the twenties, if high blood pressure and cholesterol problems haven’t hit them already, this is the time when they are most vulnerable.
We see many youngsters with high blood pressure these days and recently performed an emergency angioplasty – propping open a clogged artery using a stent, on a 28 year old man who was suffering from hypertension that led to a severe heart attack.
Dr. Purshottam Lal – Interventional Cardiologist and Chairman
Metro Group of Hospitals, Delhi-NCR (17)
Doctors warn against ignoring symptoms even if it is as small as a heavy head.
Many a time, a heavy head is due to high blood pressure. It’s good to get checked as high blood pressure is the biggest silent killer that can damage kidneys, cause blindness, can lead to heart attack and stroke.
Dr. S. Ramakrishnan – Department of Cardiology
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (17)
199 million people have high blood pressure. (13)
46% – Africa has highest prevalence of high blood pressure across all World Health Organization regions. (18)
Around 1 in 3 women had high blood pressure in
Burkina Faso
These were the top five countries with the highest proportion of women with high blood pressure. (14)
2013 (15)
It cost 1000 Nigerian Naira (US$ 6.36) for a patient to have their blood pressure checked.
People don’t think it is important to spend money and time on their health; they would rather spend more money on luxuries.
Dr. Olayinka Ogunleye
Given the lack of routine blood pressure checks in Nigeria, it is not surprising that the country’s statistics on hypertension are unreliable.
Most data are outdated speculation based on mathematical models and surveys that are scanty and unrepresentative with low validity.
Dr. Anthony Usoro – National Co-ordinator for Noncommunicable Diseases
Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja
2 in 5 men had high blood pressure in
These were the top five countries with the highest proportion of men with high blood pressure. (14)
16 million people in the UK have high blood pressure – that’s 1 in 3 adults. (19)
Up to the age of 64 there are higher rates of men with high blood pressure than women.
90% of people with high blood pressure who are receiving treatment are not controlled to 140/90 mmHg.
Most people with high blood pressure who need to take medications, will need to take two or more to ensure that their blood pressure is lowered to a target of 140/85 mmHg. (19)
62,000 unnecessary deaths from stroke and heart attacks due to poor blood pressure control.
People with high blood pressure are three times more likely to develop heart disease and stroke and twice as likely to die from these. (20)
45,000 heart attacks and strokes could be prevented over the next ten years by people having their blood pressure checked.
5 million people who have high blood pressure, but are unaware of it, would be protected.
Blood Pressure UK (21)
75 million American adults have high blood pressure.
1 in 3 American adults has prehypertension.
54% people with high blood pressure have their condition under control.
$46,000,000,000 per year – high blood pressure cost to the nation.
360,000 deaths due to high blood pressure – almost 1,000 deaths per day.
7 out of 10 people having their first heart attack have high blood pressure.
8 out of 10 people having their first stroke have high blood pressure.
7 out of 10 people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure.
7 in 10 people use medications to treat their high blood pressure.
1 in 5 people don’t know that they have high blood pressure. (22)
Complications and Long Term Effects of High Blood Pressure
This is when an abnormal bulge forms in the wall of an artery.
Aneurysms develop and grow for years without causing signs or symptoms until they rupture, grow large enough to press on nearby body parts or block blood flow. The signs and symptoms that develop depend on the location of the aneurysm. (23)
If coronary arteries narrow, blood doesn’t get to the heart muscle efficiently. When the heart needs to work harder than usual, like when we are walking up a hill, the heart muscle cannot get the oxygen and blood supply that it needs. This causes pain in the chest, known as myocardial ischaemia or angina. (8)
Chronic Kidney Disease
When blood vessels narrow in the kidneys, possibly causing kidney failure.
Cognitive Changes
Research shows that over time, higher blood pressure numbers can lead to cognitive changes and increased risk of dementia.
Signs and symptoms include memory loss, difficulty finding words and losing focus during conversations. (8, 23)
Eye Damage
When blood vessels in the eyes burst or bleed.
Signs and symptoms include vision changes or blindness. (23)
Heart Attack
When the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a section of heart muscle suddenly becomes blocked and the heart does not get oxygen.
The most common warning symptoms of a heart attack are chest pain or discomfort, upper body discomfort and shortness of breath. (23)
Heart Failure
When the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs.
Common signs and symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath or trouble breathing, feeling tired and swelling in ankles, feet, legs, abdomen and veins in the neck. (23)
Irregular Heart Beats
High blood pressure increases the chance of developing a fast irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is an important cause of strokes. (8)
Peripheral Artery Disease
A disease in which plaque builds up in leg arteries and affects blood flow in the legs. When people have symptoms, the most common are pain, cramping, numbness, aching or heaviness in the legs, feet and buttocks after walking or climbing stairs.
When the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked.
The symptoms of a stroke include sudden onset of weakness, paralysis or numbness of the face, arms or legs, trouble speaking or understanding speech and trouble seeing. (23)
The pressure in the blood vessels can cause blood to leak out into the brain.
This can also cause a stroke. (1)
Risk Factors for High Blood Pressure
Hereditary – hypertension can run in families
Age – Blood Pressure tends to increase with age and this is partly due to changes in lifestyle where people gain weight and are less active as they get older.
Diet – salt
Raised Cholesterol
Lack of Exercise (8)
Main Factors that Contribute to the Development of High Blood Pressure
Social determinants and drivers
Behavioural risk factors
Unhealthy diet
Tobacco use
Physical inactivity
Harmful use of alcohol
Metabolic risk factors
High Blood Pressure
Raised blood lipids
Cardiovascular Disease
Heart Attacks
Heart Failure
Kidney Disease (1)
So here we have a big list of what is contributing to the chances of getting high blood pressure.
Do the pressures of the long list above get our blood pressure rising?
Do we consider we may have a hand in our blood pressure going up?
Do we ever bother to ask WHY we have tension?
Do we notice when we feel our blood boiling?
Is this list telling us that every bit of our life is an influencing factor?
From when we are kids, where we live, the money we have or don’t have.
Getting old, dodgy diet, what we spend our leisure time on and basically every lifestyle choice we make.
All these components of life contribute to the pressure we feel and we wonder WHY we have Hypertension on the rise.
How the Body Regulates Blood Pressure
Sympathetic Nervous System
There are two systems in the body that are involved in helping us to maintain normal blood pressures in all circumstances. One is the sympathetic nervous system which releases chemicals such as adrenaline and noradrenaline; these can both open or vasodilate in microscopic arterial and narrow them by vasoconstriction, as required, depending on which parts of our body need to be ready for action.
This system comes into operation to enable us to respond in a crisis by concentrating our physical resources where they are needed to help us survive a perceived threat. This means shutting down non-essential functions – such as digestion – for the duration of the crisis to prepare us to fight or run away.
For early humans, this was essential when life was full of physical danger but for most people today, the system is likely to be triggered by emotional or psychological stress rather than by actual life-threatening situations most of the time.
As a result of its narrowing effect on small blood vessels, this process can play a part in causing hypertension. Drugs that act on this system, for example, the alpha blockers and beta blockers, can therefore be used to control it.
Renin-Angiotensin System
This is the other important system.
Renin is an enzyme produced by the kidneys.
This activates the hormone angiotensin II.
Angiotensin II makes blood vessels constrict.
Some drugs block angiotensin – angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). They can help lower blood pressure. (8)
When calcium concentrations rise, the smooth muscle cells in arterioles (microscopic blood vessels) contract. This makes it harder for the heart to pump blood through the arterioles. People with hypertension have higher calcium levels in the smooth muscle cells. Calcium enters the cells through calcium channels. (8)
High Blood Pressure Medicines
Until the 1950’s there was almost nothing that doctors could do to reduce blood pressure. People with severe hypertension became unwell with strokes, heart and kidney failure. (8)
During the early 1960’s antihypertensive drugs became available that did lower blood pressure and did save lives.
The development of antihypertensive drugs with minimal side effects and their immense benefits in terms of prevention of heart attacks and strokes has been one of the biggest advances in medical care since World War II. It is at least comparable with the revolution that was achieved with the development of effective antibiotics. (8)
Medicines work in different ways to stop or slow some of the body’s functions that cause high blood pressure. Medicines used to lower blood pressure include: (24)
Water or fluid pills to flush excess sodium from the body to reduce the amount of fluid in the blood and helps to lower blood pressure.
Diuretics are often used with other high blood pressure medicines, sometimes in one combined pill.
Beta Blockers
To help the heart beat slower and with less force. As a result, the heart pumps less blood through the blood vessels, which can help to lower blood pressure. (24)
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors
Angiotensin-II is a hormone that narrows blood vessels, increasing blood pressure.
ACE converts Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II. ACE inhibitors block this process, which stops the production of Angiotensin II, lowering blood pressure.
Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARBs)
Block angiotensin II hormone from binding with receptors in the blood vessels.
When angiotensin II is blocked, the blood vessels do not constrict or narrow, which can lower blood pressure.
Calcium Channel Blockers
Keep calcium from entering the muscle cells of the heart and blood vessels.
This allows blood vessels to relax, which can lower blood pressure.
Alpha Blockers
Reduce nerve impulses that tighten blood vessels.
This allows blood to flow more freely, causing blood pressure to go down.
Alpha-Beta Blockers
Reduce nerve impulses the same way alpha blockers do.
They also slow the heartbeat and as a result blood pressure goes down.
Central Acting Agents
Act in the brain to decrease nerve signals that narrow blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure.
Relax the muscles in blood vessel walls, which can lower blood pressure.
To lower and control blood pressure, many people take two or more medicines. (24)
Can we just stop and think about this with our common sense hat on?
We have been living in a way that has been causing our blood pressure to rise for over 60 years.
The only reason this disease has not killed us is because we have drugs and more drugs doing things that control our rising blood pressure.
Does this mean that we have become reliant on finding ways to better ourselves, but we have not got to the root cause of WHY we get hypertension in the first place?
Does this mean that we will take the drugs and not worry about the side effects as long as we can continue living the way we always live?
Do we want to know that some of the medicines actually stop or slow down our body’s natural functions?
What are we introducing to our body by way of drugs that may give rise to other symptoms?
Is this offering us a true answer to high blood pressure?
Is a drug that slows our heartbeat really the answer?
Dangers of Lowering High Blood Pressure with Medication
The Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention – Government Funded Trial
5 year Study
9,300 people with high blood pressure and high risk of heart attack
Medication given to reduce their blood pressure
50% aimed to lower systolic pressure to 120
50% had goal of 140
Study stopped after 3 years due to dramatic results
100 developed heart failure
65 people died of those trying to get down to a systolic of 140
37 died trying to get down to systolic 120
62 developed heart failure
Significant downsides
To get blood pressure to 120 on average three blood pressure medications taken.
This led to double the instances of serious side effects, including some that required emergency care at a hospital, such as kidney failure, dangerously low blood pressure and imbalances in potassium or sodium blood levels. (25)
Hello – can we go back and re-read this?
WHY would any Government fund such a trial?
WHY did they all forget their common sense hat?
WHY does society think this is Intelligent research?
WHY do we give so much credit to this type of research?
WHY are our Government authorising such a study?
WHY are we not demanding more evidence from those who are super steady?
WHY are we doing this like a band aid answer for high blood pressure?
WHY are we desperate for solutions to get our nations’ blood pressure down?
WHY are we willing to give our trial participants 3 tablets, just to reduce pressure?
WHY are we ignoring our common sense that this has serious side effects?
WHY are we blocking and stopping natural processes in the body, as it is harmfull?
WHY are we surprised when the study is stopped because of damaging results?
WHY are we becoming goal orientated when it comes to large trials of this kind?
WHY are we putting pressure on our governments to give us answers?
WHY are we so unwilling to see if there is another way?
WHY are we all not making our blood pressure a Priority in our lives?
What is the cost to human life when we conduct studies of this kind?
What is the pressure to get results to control something that is out of control?
WHY are there no studies funded for those who have consistently normal blood pressure?
Are we ready to consider that how we are choosing to live every day, maybe contributing to our high blood pressure?
Are we ready to take Responsibility for our lifestyle choices?
Lifestyle Changes Recommended for the Reduction of High Blood Pressure
Losing Weight
More Exercise
Quit Smoking
Cut back on Sodium
Limit Alcohol (25)
Are the above what most of us would call common sense?
Do we already know this stuff but can’t be bothered to change?
Are our bad habits killing us on some level?
Are we in comfort mode with our ill lifestyle choices?
Is limiting a scientific proven poison called Alcohol the answer?
Should we be truthfully saying No Alcohol?
Is losing weight for many of us not a priority and never will be?
Are we open to mis-interpretation as we all have our own ideas about the word ‘Exercise’?
Are we ready to stop our microwave dinners, fast foods and takeaways as they all contain lots of salt?
How many of us fancy swapping our salty chips for leafy greens, as they help reduce our blood pressure?
Salt has for many years been the number 1 public enemy when it comes to blood pressure.
But what if salt is not the main culprit?
According to a new study, sugar could be the biggest cause of high blood pressure.
High fructose corn syrup being one to watch out for.
Drinking 24 ounces of soda can jump our blood pressure.
If 25% of our daily diet comes from added sugars, we triple our chances of cardiovascular disease compared to people whose intake is less than 10%.
WebMD tells us the best way to avoid this is to stay away from processed foods and eat a ‘heart-healthy’ diet. (26)
What is this actually telling us?
What is this spelling out to us about our awareness?
Could it be possible that our body recognises salt and sugar as the same?
Could it be possible that salt and sugar are not natural for our body?
Could it be possible that these substances alter our metabolism?
How can this go unnoticed in our body?
How come we do not know about something going on inside our own body?
Is this telling us we are dis-connected and cannot feel our own rise in pressure?
Are we complacent because there are no significant symptoms?
Are we ignoring some of our symptoms?
Are we living in a way that does not allow us to know about this ‘silent killer’?
Are we not taking it seriously that this ‘silent killer’ is affecting our heart?
Are blood pressure measuring machines the only way for us to know that we have high blood pressure?
Are we waiting for our ticker to stop functioning before we take any action?
Are we quite happy taking pills for the rest of our living days?
Are we ok knowing that the medics will do their job so we can continue?
Are we ever going to question our behaviour that maybe causing our unnatural state of blood pressure?
WHY do they tell us NOT to smoke, drink alcohol or have a caffeine drink before a blood pressure test?
Did we know we can use an APP?
Are we going to be at the mercy of our mobile phone app to tell us what is going on inside our body?
How reliable or realistic is this in our opinion?
Are we willing to consider connecting to our body to feel what is actually going on for us?
Are we ready to ponder on WHY we need gadgets to tell us our internal state of being?
Are we open to think about how we are living every day that may give rise to hypertension?
WHY are they suggesting we uncross our legs and support our back by paying attention to our posture before taking a blood pressure reading? (27)
Is this telling us that just by simply sitting in a more relaxed state we can benefit?
Is this telling us that by crossing our legs there will be a change in our blood pressure?
Is this telling us that supporting our back when we sit down gives a more accurate reading?
WHY are we asked not to talk when our blood pressure is being monitored?
Is this telling us that even talking can affect the pressure of our blood?
Is this all common sense stuff that is making some sense?
Could it be possible that by taking a moment to rest by sitting down with our back supported, uncrossing our legs and not talking we could have some internal change to our blood pressure?
What if we took note of this basic stuff and paid attention and applied this to everyday life?
WHY are we not offering this advice as some basic tips that need to be applied every single day as exposure to persistent stress is also a risk factor for hypertension? (1)
Have we heard of white coat hypertension?
“White coat hypertension” is where just being in the doctor’s office can cause a person’s blood pressure to increase – this can give an inaccurate reading and not be a true reflection of a person’s blood pressure.
WHY does our blood pressure increase when we are visiting the doc?
Could we agree we have this ‘white coat hypertension’ going on in life with others who don’t wear a white coat like the boss, the scary neighbour and the bigwigs in the world, who we fear because of what they might say to us?
Dear World
What goes on in daily life that puts PRESSURE on us?
Could it be possible that the following list is the real life pressure we feel?
Pressure to get the kids in the right school
Pressure to get the children to school
Pressure to attend school events
Pressure to be a good parent
Pressure to help them with their homework
Pressure to get good grades consistently
Pressure to be good at soccer and academics
Pressure to hand in assignments on time
Pressure to pass the exams with top marks
Pressure to get into University
Pressure to get the qualification so we can earn more money
Pressure to get letters before and after our name
Pressure to settle down and do what the world is doing
Pressure to get married like everyone does
Pressure to find the money for the big wedding
Pressure to get into the tight dress for the big day
Pressure to have an outrageous stag do our mates remember
Pressure to get the spectacular honeymoon destination
Pressure to have sex because that’s what others do
Pressure to have the baby as the clock is ticking
Pressure to fit in so we don’t stand out
Pressure to have the perfect body
Pressure to get the hair right on a bad hair day
Pressure to use that gym membership
Pressure to eat the right foods
Pressure to go food shopping because we have to
Pressure to give up stuff our doctor has warned us about
Pressure to get the task done that you promised someone
Pressure to meet deadlines non stop
Pressure to be a superwoman multi-tasking, – running the house and a job
Pressure to add more to our to do lists
Pressure to get through loads of emails
Pressure to get the new job application done in work time
Pressure to get the job that will give us more recognition
Pressure to say the right thing to colleagues
Pressure to please the boss as it affects our appraisal
Pressure to get the train for work as we overslept
Pressure to attend boring meetings that are part of our job
Pressure to drive the right car that gets us noticed
Pressure to have the house of our dreams
Pressure to go on fancy holidays so others see we are doing ok
Pressure to bring in more money so we can spend more
Pressure to go out and socialise as that’s expected
Pressure to look good in front of friends
Pressure to be famous so the world knows who we are
Pressure to pump up the lies so we can impress others
Pressure to follow fashion as everyone else is doing that
Pressure to be the first to do this or that so others hear about it from us
Pressure to have the best website and get noticed
Pressure to be all over social media and act like everything is great
Pressure to get the latest App to be in the know
Pressure to let others see that we are super human
Pressure to deal with our stress levels but have no time
Pressure to find ways to calm our stressfull lives
Pressure to return phone calls when we know it’s a waste of time
Pressure to end the phone conversation as we are running late
Pressure to please the parents
Pressure to ring the parents when it’s the same old stuff
Pressure to go and visit relatives in hospital
Pressure to be nice and polite as that’s what we got told
Pressure to be a non-moody partner, dad and brother
Pressure to be a happy smiley mother, daughter, sister
Pressure to not let anyone find out about our secrets and vices
Pressure to book the next holiday while the rates are cheap
Pressure to get unrealistic goals done before going away
Pressure to pack the suitcase with all the ‘just in case’ stuff
Pressure to find the passport as our flight is tomorrow
Pressure to get the jabs as we left it too late
Pressure to be like those who live in another country
Pressure to live in another country as we think it is a better life
Pressure to be westernised when we live in the east
Pressure to look young when we start the ageing process
Pressure to make sure we don’t end up in a nursing home
Pressure Pressure Pressure everyday as we keep taking on more and more.
Even more Pressure because we have no steady days
Super daily Pressure as we go about fitting everything in
Enormous Pressure to cram in what life is offering us so we don’t miss out
Dear World
Have we got Hypertension with no real cure after 60+ years because we keep on moving away from our natural state?
Have we got our lifestyle so advanced today that our body is not keeping up with it all?
Are our bodies designed in a way to work in harmony but what changes this are our daily choices that disturb it?
Are we all looking in the wrong direction for the answers to this global epidemic?
Are we ready for the simple Truth that there may be another way that delivers a steady body with no pressure with what daily life brings?
Could this be the answer and could it be this SIMPLE?
(1) A Global Brief on Hypertension. World Health Day 2013. World Health Organization. (p.7, p.11, p.17, p.18). Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(2) World Hypertension Day. International Society of Hypertension. Retrieved May 9, 2017 from
(3) Background. International Society of Hypertension. Retrieved May 9, 2017 from
(4) ISH 50 Years. International Society of Hypertension. Youtube. Retrieved May 9, 2017 from
(5) Concise Oxford English Dictionary – Twelfth Edition. Oxford University Press. 2011
(6) (2016, November 30). High Blood Pressure Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(7) (n.d). What is Blood Pressure? Blood Pressure UK. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(8) Beevers, D.G. (n.d.) Understanding Blood Pressure. Family Doctor Publications Limited in association with the British Medical Association (p.5, p.32, p.34, p.36, p.39 – 42, p.85, p.107)
(9) (2015, September 10). Description of High Blood Pressure. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH). Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(10) (2015, September 10). Other Names for High Blood Pressure. National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH). Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(11) (2017, February 5). News Releases. 1 Billion People Worldwide Now Have High Blood Pressure. Blood Pressure UK. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(12) (n.d). Elevated Blood Pressure is the Top Risk for Health Loss Worldwide. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(13) (2016, November 15). Worldwide Trends in Blood Pressure from 1975 to 2015: a Pooled Analysis of 1479 Population-Based Measurement Studies with 19.1 Million Participants. The Lancet. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(14) Wighton, K. (2016, November 15). High Blood Pressure Affects 1.13 Billion People, Says New Study. Imperial College London. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(15) (2013, April). Nigerians Wake Up to High Blood Pressure. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. World Health Organization. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(16) Lewington, S., Lacey B., & Clarke, R. et al (2016, April). The Burden of Hypertension and Associated Risk for Cardiovascular Mortality in China. The JAMA Network. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(17) Kaul, R. & Matta, A. (2017, May 13). Hypertension Kills on the Sly. Hindustan Times. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from
(18) (2017). Situation and Trends. Raised Blood Pressure. World Health Organization. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(19) (n.d). High Blood Pressure: Facts and Figures. Blood Pressure UK. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(20) (n.d). Blood Pressure Facts and Figures. Blood Pressure UK. Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(21) (2016, September 12). Pressure Checks Could Protect 5 Million. Metro
(22) (2016, November 30). High Blood Pressure Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(23) (2015, September 10). What Are the Signs, Symptoms and Complications of High Blood Pressure? National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH). Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(24) (2015, September 10). How is High Blood Pressure Treated? National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH). Retrieved May 15, 2017 from
(25) Mitchell, S. (2016, January 17). Do the New Blood Pressure Guidelines Affect Me? Consumer Reports (CR). Retrieved May 16, 2017 from
(26) (n.d). Sugar vs Salt: What’s Worse for Blood Pressure? Retrieved May 16, 2017 from
(27) (2017, April 19). May Measurement Month: How to Take a Manual Blood Pressure Measurement. International Society of Hypertension. Youtube. Retrieved May 16, 2017 from
Comments 47
By Getting Back to Basics with Simple Living Global I have learned that to reverse my various health issues, I did not need to ADD anything to me or my life; I simply needed to REMOVE or stop what I was doing/choosing that was not contributing to my body and beings ability to run harmoniously.
Solutions had only delayed me getting to the root of my issues and medications, though sometimes needed in the short term, when used as the end-all ‘fix’ they added the complication of side effects to my body without having addressed or healed the cause of my ills.
Why is it that we are so ready to add things to our lives to fix something that is not working, rather then look at what we are already doing?
It is because we do want to take responsibility for our choices and have to look at what we are doing in our lives that we do not want to look at.
Rather then looking at how we are living our lives, we go to the Internet or the doctors to figure out what we can take to fix the problem.
So we want to change but not change our lives too much.
Simple Living Global has presented a way of living that involves making small changes.
With true commitment and consistency, our bodies respond to these changes by saying “yes this is working, I want more!”
This makes it easy to continue with the process.
It supports us to start trusting ourselves again, that we do know what is good for us.
Simple Living Global – Back to Basics Program has totally transformed my life.
I am 66 and I literally feel and look younger than I did 10 years ago.
NINE NEWS – AUSTRALIA – 20 April 2017
4 million people in Australia with high blood pressure are walking around like ‘ticking time bombs’ unaware of the fact they are at risk of stroke or heart attack.
Latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows a quarter Australian adults have high blood pressure that is either untreated or treated inadequately.
The analysis discovered those already taking medication – 1.4 million still have “dangerously” high blood pressure.
Heart Foundation national CEO – Professor John Kelly says more deaths can be put down to high blood pressure than to any other single risk factor.
If we read this forensic blog and consider ALL the questions presented, would we gain a deeper understanding about how our lifestyle choices are contributing to our blood pressure?
Dear World,
Do we need to start with real education and deliver topics like Hypertension and Heart related matters like stroke and heart attack on the school and college agenda?
What if we had radio, TV and social media informing us of the facts with no bias?
What if journalism started with the truth about lifestyle diseases that are now killing us like high blood pressure?
This news story is one country – a microcosm of what is going on and yet we are not anywhere near turning the tides and reducing the number of people worldwide who are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
Next – why are those who are taking medication, not following through with their prescription which adds to even more danger and an extra burden on our health systems?
Do we have a responsibility to find out why on earth we have allowed ourselves to get to this point and what can we do now to make changes to support our true health and wellbeing?
Hypertension was simply not on my radar before reading this blog. I have to admit I wasn’t even interested in it.
Yet so many of us are living with this. Living with the pressure building up inside.
I can really relate to it.
I realise I have experience of hypertension.
Just this week, I had been away from work and home and was feeling super-steady and settled in my body. In the morning and on the way to work, checking my emails and messages and feeling the onslaught that was coming, I could feel my chest getting tight, my heart getting out of rhythm and my breathing getting short.
It is amazing to know, having read this blog, what was going on in my blood vessels – that the external stimulus/pressure and my reaction to it was having a physiological affect.
I took my attention to my breathing and to staying very focused on my steps and how I was moving. The affect was amazing. Yes, I could still feel the tension, but the physical symptoms lessened and the steadiness came back.
This blog highlights the enormous pressure we put ourselves under and asks us to look at the part we play in that.
For me, my experience this week confirms what this blog presents and that we can do much more about it that we are lead to or let ourselves believe today.
Again another blog that points to the fact that our lifestyle choices are affecting our health.
I feel this is something we all know, but for some reason we do not want to take responsibility for not being responsible for our own lives.
Why is it that it is so hard to do things that will improve the quality of of our lives? How is it that we are the only species that can do things to ourselves that hurt us? And continue to do these things for years.
These are important questions to ask, and we need to start asking questions like these, because these are the questions our world are avoiding.
Modern medicine has made amazing advances, but because of the continuing rise in diseases like high blood pressure, I feel like they are missing something.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine has presented a way of living that I feel deals with what is missing. I have been living this way for the last 6 years and it has transformed my life.
I am 66, I do not take any medication any more, working a full time job and loving it. I look and feel younger then 15 years ago. And there are many people with the same experience.
The key is ask for the real truth, and do not settle for less, because everything is possible.
An interesting read. What stood out to me is the amount of ‘blockers’ that are in the listed medication for Hypertension. It seems to me blocking the bodies natural process if it is done in a fix it or cure it way, chemically forcing the body to go against expressing what is an imbalance for it, is simply a plaster to cover what is really going on, allowing the same momentum to continue.
Your list of pressures makes it clear to understand why hypertension is so rife and the statistics are so.. yet if we were to consider how we are living as a possible contributor to this condition I’m sure looking at it this way and making simple changes to our day to day life would make a significant difference to this condition.
I have not had hypertension but can definitely tick quite a few of your pressure list that I have felt stressed over, in the past and some still now, and can see that if this was an ongoing thing how it would affect my body if I wasn’t taking great care of myself and changing how I deal with situations that I once would have felt very stressed over.
In this blog we are asked this very personal question:
“Are our bodies designed in a way to work in harmony but what changes this are our daily choices that disturb it?”
Over the past six years my body has answered this question for me.
I now have more harmony in my body (and life) as a direct result of making daily choices that support my body where my previous life choices had been very unsupportive and effected me in more ways than I wanted to see.
So my answer is a big fat ‘YES, it is our daily choices that disturb the bodies design to work in a harmonious way’.
18 May 2017
This news story headlines – High Blood pressure in early and middle age can increase heart disease danger.
A recent study published in the BMJ, researchers led by Boston University find that early start of high blood pressure can increase the risk of death from heart disease.
The researchers used data from Framingham Heart Study, is a long-term, ongoing cardiovascular cohort study on residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts.
The study began in 1948 with 5,209 adults and is now on its third generation of participants.
All the ins and outs are on this link but to laser it we can say that the researchers concluded that early start of hypertension in parents was strongly associated with hypertension in children.
How often do we come across a study that is so old and ongoing?
What is this telling us about hypertension stuff?
What is this spelling out to us about how we are living?
If we read this blog it would be easy to join the dots because it is simple – we have daily pressures and this list is long and there are even more we could add.
Our body does not operate and work to our racy pressure pace and so it has to speed up and do what we want while we pile on the pressure, giving it no thought or attention of how it will cope.
Enter stress, anxiety and a crazy day and we wonder why we get high blood pressure.
Our heart is having to do more than it signed up for because we demand it to do so.
If we carry on making no real changes to support our body, then chances are we are going to increase the danger of heart disease, simply because we have not bothered to do anything about the high blood pressure by changing our lifestyle.
Is this common sense?
Is anyone getting this?
Have we created this dis-ease in our body and is it us who can get out of it if we choose to?
As a health professional this is simply the best article that I have ever read on hypertension because it gets to the heart of the matter.
We are living with an enormous amount of pressure which is coming from within us and from outside of us and we are mostly ignoring this fact by deliberately dulling ourselves with all sorts of detractions.
This article asks us to STOP and consider that there may be another way to live that does not produce tension and pressure. Surely this is worth investigating?
A 90% increase of Hypertension from 1975 to 2015, with this whopping statistic surely it is time we stopped and asked ourselves.. is how we are living affecting our health?
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure 12 years ago and was prescribed drugs that would bring it down. I chose not to take the drugs, understanding that the high levels of stress in my life was a big part of the cause. I decided to take responsibility for how I was living, somehow I knew that was the long term answer. It took a while but slowly my blood pressure came down.
It was a very empowering experience, that has helped me understand that I have the knowledge to deal with everything that happens in my life. Listening to my body is the key.
My body is constantly healing me in many ways, getting me back on track. It knows what I need to do in any situation.
My way of living today has allowed me to reconnect to the wisdom of my body.
It is what I have been ignoring most of my life. This way of life makes so much sense, because it is how we were meant to live.
I am 66 and am working full time again and loving it. I feel and look 10 years younger. It is a miracle, but I am responsible for this miracle just by taking more responsibility for my life.
Thank you Simple Living Global for this in-depth analysis of a topic that isn’t really given the exposure it needs.
The statistics in this blog are quite scary when we consider that this is just one illness/disease.
In the USA the cost of this one illness/disease alone, costs a staggering $46 billion and it is very easy to see why, with all the other illnesses and diseases that mankind suffer from, health services around the world are under so much pressure.
One statistic that really stood out was the fact that from 1975-2015 there is a 90% increase in the amount of people that have high blood pressure.
Another interesting point was the fact that those having high blood pressure had shifted from being linked to affluence in 1975 to being linked to poverty in 2016.
I can understand the reduction in high blood pressure in affluent people could be down to a better awareness of health and what foods would be more beneficial, but why is the increase of high blood pressure being linked to poverty?
Poverty has been around for aeons, so why in the last 40 years has it jumped so high for those living in poverty?
Could it be possible that it is simply just linked to our lifestyle?
Is it possible that technology has created an ‘instant must have’ in us and that is putting a pressure on us that we are not even aware of?
Most people these days has access to at least a mobile phone.
Is it possible our constant desire to be on social media, waiting for that next ping that says you have an email, that next text or whatsapp message, that next photo on Facebook, is all adding to the pressure?
Is it possible that our consistent demand for the latest gadgets, the latest in-thing, the latest fashion, the bigger, better, faster, keeping up with the Jones’s, is putting more pressure on us?
Is it possible that the pressure is mounting because we are only interested in satisfying our need on the outside?
If we are the creators of this self-inflicted pressure bubble, isn’t it possible that we can start to burst this bubble?
Is it possible that lowering our indulgences and making life more about other people, we could actually lower our blood pressure?
Could it be possible, as this blog asks, there is a different way we can live that brings very little or no pressure at all?
Hypertension is about not feeling like we have what we need. Looking outside of ourselves for answers. Thinking that the more we have the better our life will be. Not trusting that we are enough.
This way of living creates a tension in our bodies, that I feel is a major contributor to hypertension.
Simple Living Global’s Back to Basics program has supported me to change the way I have been living, which has gradually allowed me to regain the level of trust in myself, that I have everything I need.
One of the many benefits of living like this, is I do not have hypertension any more.
The Telegraph – 11 September 2017
Is this the UK’s 911 news story that requires our immediate attention?
A silent killer called High Blood Pressure which is now at the point where the NHS are coming up with ‘radical plans aimed at preventing almost 25,000 heart attacks and strokes.
Under NHS proposals, local planners will be encouraged to find “creative ways” to carry out checks on those in middle age – instead of relying on them to turn up at GP’s.
Are our “creative ways” going to stop this silent killer?
Are we aware of how serious this must really be if we are looking at supermarket check outs to offer this service?
Is our blood pressure going to rise even more and add to our stress levels if we find out things are not great?
Is our blood pressure simply going to go up because we are rushing around the supermarket, not really paying any attention to our true health and well being and consuming foods that really don’t support us?
Is this blog worth a re-read as it is spelling out so much to us that may give us some clues as to WHY we may have high blood pressure in the first place?
Are we ready to allow presenters like the author of this blog, who has the GP confirm ‘perfect blood pressure’ consistently, to show us there is another way to live and it does come down to lifestyle choices?
Are those who have stable steady blood pressure the ones we need to start researching, as they have the answers, which are not creative but just simple, practical and real with the word RESPONSIBILITY at the core of their daily choices?
Health Minute – 5 September 2017
A recent clinical trial is saying that lowering blood pressure can reduce CKD (chronic kidney disease) patients’ risks of dying prematurely or developing cardiovascular disease.
The highlight of this news story is this –
“In people with CKD, lowering systolic blood pressure beyond the conventional goal reduced the risks of heart disease and death…”
Dr. Alfred K. Cheung, MD – University of Utah
If we stick our common sense hat on and keep it simple, we all can say that our blood pressure needs to be stable to reduce the risks of other dis-eases in our body.
Reading the blog and what it is presenting may give us a deeper insight with the questions being asked as to WHY we have raised blood pressure in the first place. We have heard it over and over again like a boring old record, that lifestyle choices play a big part and this means it is preventable.
How many more research studies are we looking for, waiting for and asking for when the answers are right under our nose?
Are we missing something here in the Intelligence department or are we acting like we just don’t get it because it means we can continue living with zero responsibility?
Does this lack of responsibility actually suit us, if we are being honest?
Alzheimer’s Society – 4 October 2017
Study published in the medical journal Neurology is saying that women who develop high blood pressure in their 30s and 40s were 73% more likely to develop dementia later in life.
This is serious and we can go on and ask for more and more studies and this is how our world operates – keep researching and finding out more.
But what if something is missing?
What if we are missing the point?
What if we need to look deeply at lifestyle choices?
What if we studied women in their 20s to see if a pattern of behaviour emerges that gives rise to high blood pressure?
What if we all started conversations with the questions this blog is presenting?
What if there was another way?
What if the author of this blog needs to be studied because her blood pressure has been stable and the medics have called it “perfect” for past few years?
What if we as individuals need to take a dose of honesty about how we are living?
What if we did not wait for the next research study but apply common sense to our life?
What if our choices got us the high blood pressure and our new choices reversed that?
What if anything is possible if we are willing to take Responsibility in a true way going forward with our life?
What if we made our body a priority in life to not harm, abuse or disregard it in anyway?
13 November 2017
American Heart Association has now defined high blood pressure as readings of 130 mm Hg and higher for the systolic blood pressure measurement, or readings of 80 and higher for the diastolic measurement.
This is a change from the old definition of 140/90 and higher, reflecting complications that can occur at those lower numbers.
By lowering the definition of high blood pressure, the guidelines recommend earlier intervention to prevent further increases in blood pressure and the complications of hypertension.
They are telling us that high blood pressure should be treated earlier with lifestyle changes and in some patients with medication – at 130/80 mm Hg rather than 140/90.
This is the first comprehensive new high blood pressure guidelines in more than a decade.
The new guidelines will result in 46% of the U.S. adult population having high blood pressure.
These guidelines were developed by the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and nine other health professional organisations. They were written by a panel of 21 scientists and health experts who reviewed more than 900 published studies.
Read the link with all the in depth detail for those interested.
To keep it simple for this website – we are in serious trouble. Something is clearly not right.
WHY do we need to wait for the review of 900 research studies to get to this point?
WHY are we relying so heavily on science and the medics to tell us what is common sense?
WHY are we ignoring the fact that lifestyle changes has a huge impact on our blood pressure?
WHY are our systems designed to not inform us of these facts as part of our education, from an early age?
If we continue as we are, seeking solutions and not getting to the root cause of why anyone has high blood pressure, could we expect things to get worse and end up with another new number to redefine high blood pressure in the future?
Are we ready to ask questions, keep asking questions and take responsibility for the pressures in our lives that may give rise to our blood pressure?
I have never thought about high blood pressure before and what the potential causes of this disease are.
Growing up my grandmother had high blood pressure and resulting problems with her eyes. I just took it that this was a condition that some people get, but by questioning things further now I realise that this is not necessarily a random event, as Simple Living Global are presenting here.
As I now take an interest in health matters I read an article recently about a large scale study analysing the data of over 133,000 people. They found that 63% of people taking opioids were more likely to have high blood pressure compared to people who weren’t taking opioids.
Opiods are often taken and prescribed for pain relief and so this tells me that we are taking a drug to deal with one problem and are ending up with another.
Gabapentinoids are prescribed as an alternative to opioids to treat neuropathy, shingles and fibromyalgia however, high blood pressure rates have also been found in those taking the drug compared to those that are not.
I met a man recently who experiences a lot of pain and he shared that he was annoyed with his doctor as he would not give him any medication for the pain. I stated that having the medication alone may not be the only answer.
Reading this news story, confirms to me that we cannot rely on medication alone to effectively deal with our pain.
The Week – Issue 1181 dated 23 June 2018
People aged 50 with only moderately raised blood pressure still have a significantly higher chance of developing dementia – new study has found.
In the UK – the link between hypertension as a reading of 140/90 mmHg or more and dementia is well established.
But this is the first evidence to suggest that more modest spikes increase the risk.
10,000 civil servants followed over subsequent decades, researchers found that a systolic blood pressure reading of just 130 mmHg at the age of 50 was associated with a 45% greater risk of developing dementia.
There is evidence that just being diagnosed with high blood pressure raises people’s risk of depression and anxiety.
This is serious and this tells us SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT.
How are we living that at such a young age – 50 we have a high chance of developing dementia?
How many of us have been to a dementia care home to see what goes on?
How many of us know much about the life that comes with the dementia diagnosis?
What if there was something we could do to ensure we do not get on the dementia road?
What if we choose to make responsible lifestyle choices that support our blood pressure?
What if our choice to get involved with other people’s stuff gives rise to our blood pressure?
What if at the age of 50 we have a habit of putting pressure on our natural limits that our body is trying to communicate and this gives rise to a spike in our blood pressure?
What if every time we react, these reactions affect the pressure of our blood?
What if we need to look at every movement we make including when we open our mouth, what exactly it is we are doing and not doing that could possibly alter our blood pressure?
What if our world started with real education about high blood pressure with this blog and all its comments – would that be a game changer?
We as humans have created hypertension so if we get together and ask how we got to this point and plugged all the intelligence we have in this world to finding the root cause, we have a chance to turn the tides.
Creating new drugs to keep us alive is no longer the answer. Things are getting worse and the statistics on this monumental blog confirm this fact.
We each need to look at our lifestyle choices and how we are living every single day.
Then let us study those like the author of this blog and website and learn how they are living, as they have what the GP calls ‘perfect blood pressure’ at age 56.
We need to consider now that there is another way and it is available to us all.
Health Day News – 20 May 2020
Middle age men and women who develop high blood pressure while performing even moderate exercise is linked to higher risk for heart disease. 2,000 people enrolled in this major ongoing U.S. heart health study over 12 years.
It is important to note that the average age of participants was 58 years and around 25% were obese and 30% had hypertension at the beginning of the study.
“The way our blood pressure changes during and after exercise provides important information on whether we will develop disease in the future” – Vanessa Xanthakis, assistant professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine.
She also says that people should know their blood pressure numbers, talk to their doctor about changed in blood pressure during and after exercise and follow a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity, to lower risk of heart disease later in life.
An abnormal blood pressure response to exercise should be a wake-up call to the clinician says Dr. Guy Mintz.
Dear World
What is this new study spelling out to us and alerting us to with regards to exercise and our blood pressure?
There are many questions we need to consider but the most simple one would be to ask – WHY and HOW is this happening?
While we continue to wait for more studies and more and more research, as that seems to be our usual way of operating, we could use some common sense and join the dots and see what unfolds…
This is huge – a study over 12 years and we are only just being told to be aware of the dangers when the middle age generation embark on even moderate exercise when they have high blood pressure.
Reading this blog and what it presents, we are left in no doubt that around this age, there are many who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.
How many actually think this is the time to do some exercise, but with no knowledge or real role models around, they over do it and create more health issues simply because of their initial approach to exercise?
The fact that even moderate exercise could be a problem, we really do need to educate this older generation about research studies like this but how many are interested?
Is this the age where we want to look and feel younger and the last thing on our mind is finding out about our blood pressure numbers?
How many of us have never even had the thought to contact a medical professional before taking on any exercise if we are obese, have hypertension or have another underlying health condition ?
We have read or heard a million times that we need to make healthy lifestyle choices.
How many of us pay lip service and see these as just words and how many have their own version of healthy?
How many of us read the newspapers and the fancy latest diets and exercise regimes that look simple but are not designed for us as an individual struggling with some illness or disease?
How many of us go to social media and go into comparison when we see others our age and older, making lifestyle choices we suddenly want but are not equipped to make?
In other words – our choices to this point are not anywhere on the ‘health’ radar, but we have pictures flooding our minds about what we want and what others have and our body is saying “How are we going to do that with no past choices that would even get us moving in the right direction?”.
Back to the word HEALTH
We as a world cannot even unite and agree on this so we have different definitions out there telling us what this word means.
Of course we always find what we seek, so if we want to call something healthy because it suits us then we will and if that means consuming caffeine in the name of health and then exercising like we are enrolling for the Olympics then so be it – it suits us.
For the record, this is simply an example. For more about caffeine – read our blog on this website about this mind altering drug that is legal.
And finally – another heart specialist from a New York City Hospital says “as the arteries harden, they cannot relax after exercise during the recovery phase”.
A question – HOW are we living in daily life when it comes to the word ‘relax’ ?
What if this could be an indicator that simply continues when we exercise?
In other words, our daytime everyday has tension and stress from our fast paced lifestyle and we just cannot settle. It is like we are on override and our physiology inside our body is racing fast and we are not able to slow it down, even when we take ourselves to bed at night.
We have solutions that we self medicate on to relax – like TV, social media, gossiping, eating the wrong foods, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, smoking pot etc., but none of them cut it, as the false state of relaxing does not work.
Then when we go for even moderate exercise or push beyond our natural capacity and ability, we end up in danger zone. Add to that we ignore it and not bother to contact our doctor and before we know it we become a statistic that this research study is warning us about.
For the record, the author of this comment is age 58 with perfect blood pressure, no signs of Diabetes or Obesity or any other underlying health condition.
The Science Times – Medicine & Health 9 November 2021
Extra teaspoon of Herb Seasoning could lower blood pressure and improve heart health, without removing salt in food.
A new study suggests that seasonings are beneficial not for heightening bland meals for flavour but because of their properties, that could potentially lower blood pressure.
The Pennsylvania State University experts led the study regarding the unknown advantage of using food seasonings to our health. According to the research, the blood pressure rates of an individual could be lowered by simply adding one or two teaspoons of herbs and spices.
Compared to the usual approach of adding sugar, salt and saturated fat, this alternative of adding herb seasoning or spices could obtain both the richness of the flavours and have a healthier choice of seasonings.
Dear World
Is this a no brainer – adding herb seasoning even without reducing the salt content showed lower blood pressure?
Does this tell us that what we ingest has an impact on our blood pressure?
What would happen if we completely removed the salt and only used the herb seasonings and/or spices? Could we see an even greater decrease in our blood pressure levels?
Worth considering and not dismissing the fact that our current salt, sugar and fat that seems to be the norm in most of our modern day foods, may not be what our body wants.
Science Daily – 6 December 2021
According to new research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation – the pandemic has increased blood pressure levels in adults.
Nearly half of all American adults have high blood pressure, which is a leading cause of heart disease.
Nearly 75% of all cases remain above the recommended blood pressure levels.
The lockdown restrictions resulted in a shift which had a negative impact on healthy lifestyle behaviours for many people.
“At the start of the pandemic, most people were not taking good care of themselves. Increases in blood pressure were likely related to changes in eating habits, increased alcohol consumption, less physical activity, decreased medication adherence, more emotional stress and poor sleep. And we know that even small rises in blood pressure increases the risk of stroke and other adverse cardiovascular disease events.” said lead study author Luke J. Laffin M.D., co-director of the Center for Blood Pressure Disorders at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.
For the reader that wants more information about the study – click the link above.
For the rest of us – Dear World
How serious is this if we consider what is going on in one nation?
What the lead author emphasises here is the triggers that may have led to high blood pressure under the banner of “lifestyle choices”.
Are we ready to question WHY we changed our eating habits just because we had restrictions going on in our country?
What did we start eating and have we continued even after the restrictions were lifted?
WHY did we turn to alcohol and consumed more and did we at any point stop to consider the harmfull consequences of this mind altering toxic scientifically proven poison?
WHY did we stop the physical activity or was it really an excuse or a blaming of others for imposing on our movements by keeping us at home?
WHY have we got poor sleep and can we blame just the pandemic or did we have a tendency before the restrictions to be wayward with our sleep routine and rhythm?
Is the rise in our alcohol consumption going to trigger quality sleep or poor sleep?
We don’t even need common sense to answer this one as it’s a basic no brainer here.
Are the bad eating habits contributing to and triggering our so-called poor sleep?
Is the irresponsible attitude of not bothering to take medication that we need to adding to the poor sleep?
How do we explain our behaviour about not adhering to our medication when we know that this is a responsible action to take every day?
What is this telling us about our behaviour and what thoughts do we listen to that says “ignore, don’t bother” when it comes to taking medicine that has been prescribed and is necessary for our health?
Are the above mentioned the reason WHY we have emotional stress?
In other words, we are not settled or steady but anxious and reactive because of our attitude in all the above mentioned areas of our life?
This blog and the numerous comments thereafter are well worth reading a few times.
Then we the reader get it from all angles and are likely to understand more after each read. Much is being presented and the questions posed by the author, who has never suffered from high blood pressure in the 6 decades so far lived on earth, tells us something.
This website is all about health and wellbeing and lifestyle choices.
We seem to think that we can ignore our body and not take great care of it as it is resilient and bounces back after excess alcohol, bad eating, no physical activity and missing our meds, but what if it is all stacking up and then one day we get the wake up call, which is our body saying “High blood pressure as the body is off track and out of sync”?
What is it about us humans that take no notice or pay little attention to what our body requires until it breaks down in the form of illness and dis-ease? – 19 April 2022
According to researchers, young people who have moderate to high blood pressure that gradually rises over time may be at risk for poor brain health later in life.
The study published recently in JAMA Network Open shows that elevated blood pressure levels in youth that increase during early adulthood may impact the structure of the brain and exacerbate declining brain health later in life.
“We tend to think of ourselves as immortal when we are in our 20s, but what we do during that time frame matters” says Pamela J. Schreiner, PhD – study co author and Professor in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health at the University of Minnesota.
Dear World
Is it time to ask the question –
WHY on earth have we got any of our youth diagnosed with high blood pressure?
Worth reading our article on High Blood Pressure before we start to ponder deeply and answer ALL the questions presented in this magnificent expose of another ill that we have created as human beings.
Science Magazine – 22 August 2022
The prevalence of Hypertension in low and middle income countries increases more sharply in rural areas, according to a new study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.
The research analysed
• 300 studies involving data
• 19.7 million people
• 66 countries
Trends suggest that Hypertension increased at a faster pace in rural areas than in urban areas.
Dear World
Can we have Hypertension prevention by educating and bringing awareness with articles like this one, where the author has not any sign of high blood pressure at the age of 60?
Have we considered the amount of resources that goes into these types of research studies and what would happen if we started to study those that never have any Hypertension, even though other members of their blood family do?
How are we going to explain that one Dear World?
Is it too simple to just study those that are showing us another way to live that does not give rise to any ill or dis-eases that are currently prevalent in society today?
Science Magazine – 22 August 2022
According to a meta-analysis, the prevalence of Hypertension in low and middle income countries, increases more sharply in rural areas.
The researchers analysed 300 studies involving data from over 19.7 million people in 66 countries.
WHY did Hypertension increase at a faster pace in rural areas than in urban areas?
Is it really to do with the ageing population in rural areas and outdoor air pollution or is there something more that we are missing?
When we use our researchers to analyse almost 20 million data, could we consider putting our emphasis and focus on observational studies and that means getting out there, on the ground, hanging out with the rural population and checking the detail of how they are living everyday?
Where is the pressure of life for them, that gives rise to elevated blood pressure levels?
There are many factors we could hypothesise and continue to research but the obvious one is on the ground at the human level with a dose of reality so we get behind this disease called Hypertension, which has become one of the world’s leading risk factors for morbidity and mortality.
University of Michigan – 28 September 2022
High blood pressure speeds up mental decline.
According to a new study, people with high blood pressure levels face a faster erosion of their ability to think, make decisions and remember information than those with normal blood pressure levels.
Long term “study of studies” in Latino and non-Latino older adults shows clear hypertension link but mystery still remains about why dementia risk is higher in those of Hispanic origin.
Hispanic people face a 50% higher overall risk of dementia by the end of their life than non-Hispanic white people in the United States.
Other studies have shown that people with Hispanic heritage in the United States tend to have higher rates of uncontrolled hypertension, due in part to worse access to care.
Dear World
Re-read this article on High Blood Pressure and consider the questions presented.
Could it be possible that we are in control of our own blood pressure and how we respond or react to whatever happens to us (or is going on outside of us) triggers our blood pressure to rise or remain steady and stable?
What this study is confirming about hypertension, is that there is a faster cognitive decline.
We know there is a trend and its continuing to rise – more and more people have high blood pressure and it’s not just happening to the older generations.
Knowing what we now know, it would be true to say we will see a huge rise in dementia in the coming years.
Whilst all research and everything else in our world is geared towards controlling high blood pressure, what if we considered another approach at the same time…?
What causes hypertension and can we carry out real life studies where those that never have high blood pressure are brought into the research? Their lifestyle choices and how they choose to live every day may give us all an indication of what is possible that may not yet have been considered.
We have normalised dis-eases like high blood pressure and no amount of solutions is going to turn the tides and decrease the growing numbers of people getting hypertension.
Having a different approach, being open to perhaps another way that may bring about a different result is now worth considering. Time to get real and honest. Nothing is working and things are getting worse, so why not give it a go by studying those like the author of this comment and this website, who happens to have a normal and steady blood pressure for over a decade and is now age 60.
Mirage News – 26 October 2022
A global study of over 28,000 people has provided the strongest evidence to date that lowering blood pressure in later life can cut the risk of dementia.
Dementia is fast becoming a global epidemic, which currently affects 50 million people worldwide. Estimates project this figure to triple by 2050, mainly driven by aging populations.
It is currently estimated to cost U.S. $20-40,000 per person with the condition each year.
Researchers hope the results will help in designing public health measures to slow the advance of dementia as well as informing treatment, where there may be hesitations around how far to lower blood pressure in older age.
The George Institute for Global Health – 26 October 2022
A global study of over 28,000 people has provided the strongest evidence to date that lowering blood pressure in later life can cut the risk of dementia.
“Given population ageing and the substantial costs of caring for people with dementia, even a small reduction could have considerable global impact.”
Dr. Ruth Peters – Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney and Program Lead for Dementia in The George Institute’s Global Brain Health Initiative
Dementia is fast becoming a global epidemic, currently affecting an estimated 50 million people worldwide. This is projected to triple by 2050, mainly driven by ageing populations.
Harvard Medical School – 7 February 2023
For former football players, concussion and hypertension go hand in hand
The chance that former professional football players will be diagnosed with high blood pressure – a known risk factor for cardiovascular and cognitive dysfunction rises in step with the number of concussions the athletes sustained during their careers.
Researchers took into account established risk factors known to drive the risk for high blood pressure or hypertension, including:
• Age
• Body mass index
• Race
• Smoking status
• Diagnosis of Diabetes
The results of the study suggest that high blood pressure may yet be another driver of cognitive decline – a condition strongly linked with professional football play in previous studies and believed to stem primarily from repeated head injury.
The findings also point to high blood pressure as a modifiable risk factor that could halt or slow both neurologic and cardiovascular damage in former players.
Given that cardiovascular illness remains a top killer in former athletes and in the general population, the results should be an impetus for doctors, former players and their families to consider a history of prior head injury when screening patients for hypertension.
Most research on cognitive decline in former professional football players has focused on neurodegeneration caused directly by repeated concussions, a prominent aspect of the game.
However, the leading cause of death and disability among former football players – and among Americans in general – is cardiovascular disease, a collection of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels.
Hypertension, the most common cause of these conditions, can also gradually damage blood vessels in the brain and, over time, lead to cognitive decline.
Various aspects of professional football, such as purposeful weight gain during play years and deconditioning after career end, are associated with hypertension.
The researchers wondered whether concussion might also be independently associated with hypertension.
4,168 former NFL players was analysed with known risk factors for hypertension in the general population – Diabetes, Obesity, Age, Smoking – as well as players’:
• numbers of seasons of play
• field position,
• years since play
• and the occurrence of 10 common concussion symptoms
These symptoms were used to calculate a concussion symptom score – or CSS.
The analysis showed that as players’ symptoms score rose, so did their likelihood of being diagnosed with hypertension, even after researchers accounted for known hypertension risk factors.
Notably, even using the number of occurrences of just one severe symptom of concussion – loss of consciousness was enough to accurately predict players’ likelihood of developing hypertension.
Harvard Medical School – 7 February 2023
New study points to surprising link between head injury and high blood pressure in retired NFL players.
The chance that former professional football players will be diagnosed with high blood pressure – a known risk factor for cardiovascular and cognitive dysfunction, rises in step with the number of concussions the athletes sustained during their careers, according to new research by investigators for the Football Players, Health Study at Harvard University.
The results held true, even after researchers, took into account established risk factors, known to drive the risk for high blood pressure or hypertension, including age, body, mass index, race, smoking status, and a diagnosis of Diabetes.
The results suggest that high blood pressure may be yet another driver of cognitive decline – a condition strongly linked with professional football play in previous studies and believed to stem primarily from repeated head injury.
Findings also point to high blood pressure as a modifiable risk factors that could halt or slow both neurologic and cardiovascular damage in former players.
Given that cardiovascular illness remains a top killer in former athletes and in the general population, the researchers said the results should be an impetus for doctors, former players and their families, to consider a history of prior head injury, when screening patients for hypertension, even in the absence of other risk factors for this condition.
If players, families and physicians are aware of the cardiovascular effects of head injury, we have a better chance of protecting both the cardiovascular health and long-term cognitive health, said Rachel Grashow – Director of Epidemiological Research Initiatives for the Football Players Health Study.
The research based on a survey of more than 4,000 former National Football League players representing the largest study cohort of former professional football players to date was conducted as part of the ongoing football players health study at Harvard University – research program that encompasses a constellation of studies designed to evaluate various aspects of players health across their lifespan.
Various aspects of professional football, such as purposeful weight gain during play years and conditioning after career end, are associated with hypertension.
However, researchers wondered whether concussion might also be independently associated with hypertension.
World Health Organization – 16 March 2023
1.2 BILLION ADULTS aged 30 – 79 worldwide have hypertension.
66% live in low and middle income countries.
46% of adults with hypertension diagnosed and treated.
21% with hypertension have it under control.
Hypertension is a major cause of premature death worldwide.
The University of Texas
Health Science Center at San Antonio – 21 April 2023
A new research study shows evidence how the brain benefits from consistently lower blood pressure.
Participants whose hypertension was more intensively managed had few lesions in the brain’s white matter.
White matter lesions are among the changes that can be associated with Alzheimer’s disease, non-Alzheimer’s disease cognitive impairment and advanced brain aging.
“Our study demonstrates that lowering systolic blood pressure to below 120 mm Hg is more effective in preserving brain health compared to standard treatment goals” said author Mohamad Habes, PhD – Assistant Professor of Radiology and Director of the neuroimaging core at the Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer’s and Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Independent Nurse – 28 April 2023
170,000 young people undiagnosed with High Blood Pressure, according to the latest statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS).
66% males and 26% females aged 16 to 24 with High Blood Pressure were particularly likely to be undiagnosed.
32% of adults living in private households in England had High Blood Pressure.
30% being undiagnosed.
This equates to 4.2 million adults with undiagnosed hypertension.
Dr. Pauline Swift from Blood Pressure UK said “In recent years, we have seen an increase in younger patients with high blood pressure, often as a result of poor diet, consuming too much salt and lack of exercise leading to weight gain. If you start making small changes to your lifestyle when you are young, such as eating less salt, more fruit and vegetables and taking more exercise to maintain a healthy weight, then you are more likely to stay healthier and prevent strokes, heart disease and chronic kidney disease”.
£2.1 BILLION – NHS cost of High Blood Pressure.
1 in 3 adults in the UK has High Blood Pressure.
5 million people undiagnosed in England.
50% of people with High Blood Pressure are not diagnosed or receiving treatment.
12% of all GP appointments in England are for High Blood Pressure.
American Heart Association News – 26 April 2023
According to new research, people who feel discriminated against work may face a substantially higher risk of developing high blood pressure.
Workplace discrimination was defined as working in unfair conditions or facing unpleasant treatment at work because of personal characteristics, such as race, sex or age.
This is the first scientific evidence that workplace discrimination may increase the long-term risk of developing high blood pressure said lead author Dr. Jian Li.
Participants were mostly non-smokers, drank low to moderate amounts of alcohol and engaged in moderate to high levels of physical activity. They were free of high blood pressure when the study began.
After 8 years of follow up, those who experienced high levels of discrimination were 54% more likely to develop high blood pressure than their peers who did not.
Those who at the start of the study said they experienced intermediate levels of discrimination were 22% more likely to develop high blood pressure than those who experienced low workplace discrimination.
European Society of Cardiology – 17 May 2023
High Blood Pressure is the most deadly risk factor for women worldwide.
Cardiologists have urged all women to know their blood pressure to prevent heart disease and stroke.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women.
The risk for cardiovascular disease increases at a lower blood pressure level in women compared to men.
1 in 3 women have hypertension globally.
Raised blood pressure has been named the most important risk factor for death in women across the world.
“High blood pressure symptoms are more pronounced in women and can be mistaken for menopause, anxiety or stress. Young and middle-age women with high blood pressure often report palpitations, chest pain, pain between the shoulder blades, headaches, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath, tiredness, fluid retention, poor sleep, hot flushes and a feeling that their bra is too tight.
Hypertension in midlife is more harmful in women than in similarly aged men and is a stronger risk factor for myocardial infarction, cognitive decline and dementia.
A healthy lifestyle is also important to prevent or treat high blood pressure. That means regular exercise, a nutritious diet, reducing salt intake, smoking cessation, losing excess weight and limiting alcohol consumption.”
Professor Angela Maas – Director of the Women’s Health Programme
Radboud University Medical Centre – The Netherlands – 16 September 2023
Fatty Liver: cases rise by 131% in the last 30 years
The number of people living with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the USA is rapidly rising.
Otherwise known as NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the term for the range of conditions caused by a build-up of fat in the liver.
50% more at risk of developing NAFLD compared to White people are those with Mexican descent (Hispanic) the most likely to be diagnosed with the condition, according to data.
NAFLD is also more common in people with diet related issues, Obesity, High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure.
The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey has identified
131% increase in NAFLD cases, going from 16% in 1988 and 37% in 2018
If left untreated, NAFLD can trigger the development of some life-threatening diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer.
Typical symptoms of NAFLD are:
• Weight loss
• Fluid retention
• Muscle wasting
• Internal bleeding
• Yellowing of the skin or eyes
• Long-lasting itching
• Severe tiredness
• Spiderlike blood vessels on the skin
• Confusion
• Weakness
The condition can also develop without showing any signs, so middle-aged adults are encouraged to get their liver examined, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions.
UPI Health News – 5 December 2023
Hispanic women who experience spikes in blood pressure while pregnant can also face higher heart risks in later years, according to new research.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are associated with longer-term maternal risks for Cardiovascular Disease for reasons that remain incompletely understood.
In a large cohort of Hispanic/Latina women those with history of de novo HDP had detectable and measurable subclinical alterations in cardiac structure and both systolic and diastolic dysfunction that were only partially mediated by current hypertension.
2007 – 2019
Rates of HDP doubled among pregnant women in the United States.
The increase was highest among pregnant Hispanic women.
Researchers noted that high blood pressure during pregnancy is linked to blood pressure long after the baby is born.
Prior studies have shown that HDP raises the odds of having chronic high blood pressure 10-FOLD.
The researchers noted that scans of the heart organ’s left ventricle, known as the “powerhouse” chamber, which pumps blood out of the body was much more likely to have structural abnormalities in this area of the heart where women had experienced HDP during a pregnancy.
Abnormalities in the left ventricle are highly correlated with a raised odds for heart failure, heart disease and sudden cardiac death.
American Heart Association – 6 December 2023
New multinational study in the Journal of the American Heart Association finds many couples around the world share high blood pressure.
Spouses or partners in heterosexual relationships may have high blood pressure that mirrors one another.
20% to 47% of the couples, both spouses/partners had high blood pressure.
The prevalence was highest in England and the U.S.
47% in England
38% in U.S.
21% in China
20% in India
However, spouses/partners whose spouses/partners had high blood pressure were more likely to also have high blood pressure in China and India.
This is the first study examining the union of high blood pressure within couples from both high and middle-income countries.
High blood pressure is more common in the U.S. and England than in China and India.
However, the association between couples’ blood pressure status was stronger in China and India than in the U.S. and England.
UPI Health News – 20 December 2023
High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol before age 55 has a lasting impact on the risk of Heart Disease in later life, even if subsequently the levels are lowered.
The study was published in PLOS One
Researchers found a CONSISTENT association between exposure to higher low-density lipoprotein, known as the “bad” cholesterol and systolic blood pressure with increased odds of Coronary Heart Disease in people age 55, or younger 55 to 60, 61 to 65 and older than 65 years.
Exposure to elevated LDL and blood pressure in early to midlife increased the risk of Heart Disease independent of later-life LDL and blood pressure levels.
“This study provides further evidence that the risk of coronary disease accumulates throughout life and is proportional to the duration of exposure to high blood pressure and cholesterol.”
Dr. Nelson Wang – Lead Author | George Institute for Global Health and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Mail Online – 27 January 2024
Researchers found that vegan mothers-to-be were 5 times more likely to develop preeclampsia.
Plant based diet when pregnant could raise the risk of developing complications.
Vegan mothers also delivered new-borns with less weight on average.
Data from over 66,000 pregnant women were analysed.
Researchers also discovered those following a vegan diet consumed ‘substantially’ less protein.
Pre-eclampsia affects 6% of pregnancies in the UK.
It causes expectant mothers to have high blood pressure and protein in their urine.
Women who have diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, autoimmune conditions or a family history of pre-eclampsia or are over age 40 are at higher risk from the condition.
The Guardian – 26 April 2024
‘Unsustainable’: UK predicted to see a 50% RISE in Strokes by 2035.
Annual admissions will RISE to 151,000.
£75 BILLION – COST to NHS and the economy in healthcare and lost productivity.
Worsening physical health, rising alcohol consumption and low exercise levels among an ageing population are blamed for the predicted spike in strokes.
“A range of lifestyle factors will fuel the expected rise in strokes over the next decade, on top of the ageing population and insufficient action on prevention.
The UK is getting less healthy.
People are spending more of their lives in poor health and we can see that lifestyle factors such as harmful drinking have increased.
Physical activity levels remain low – a large proportion of the population are inactive and the gap in physical activity rates between the most and least deprived areas is growing.
The biggest risk factor for stroke remains High Blood Pressure but the condition is still under-diagnosed.”
Juliet Bouverie – Chief Executive | Stroke Association
UPI Health News – 23 May 2024
Stroke rates RISING SHARPLY among people younger than age 65.
It is not clear why stroke rates have risen so sharply but Rising rates of Obesity and High Blood Pressure are likely contributory factors.
14.6% rise among people ages 18 to 44 during the study period, researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.
Stroke remains the 5th leading cause of death in the United States.
795,000 Americans will suffer a stroke and 137,000 approximately will die.
The biggest change was seen among the young
15.7% rise age 45 to 64
3.8% in 2022
Race seemed key as well
7.8% rise in Black Americans stroke incidence
16.1% for Hispanic Americans
As education levels fell, stroke rates increased.
Strokes tend to rise as blood pressure numbers get higher.
Hypertension rose from 40.3% during 1990-2000 to 46.8% during 2017-2018.
Opioid addiction can leave even young people vulnerable to a stroke-related heart condition called infective endocarditis.
ABC News – 6 June 2024
1 in 5 young Athletes meet criteria for pre-hypertension, according to a new preliminary study.
Pre-Hypertension is a precursor to High Blood Pressure.
Over 20% of athletes studied met the criteria for having High Blood Pressure, which can increase the risk of Heart Attack, Stroke and Kidney Disease.
Teenage boys appear to be more at risk than girls with MORE THAN DOUBLE the rates of Stage 1 and Stage 2 Hypertension.
28% of athletes who played multiple sports had High Blood Pressure.
“Even people who we consider extremely healthy young adults who engage in physical activity are still at increased risk.”
Dr. Aneeq Malik – UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles
American Heart Association – 5 September 2024
High Blood Pressure a concern for Adolescents and Young Adults in the U.S.
First Study
23% of young adults – ages 18-39 years had High Blood Pressure.
In addition, they were more likely to self-report being uninsured, food insecure and on a low-income compared to older adults.
22% of young adults were affected by Food Insecurity.
17.7% middle-aged adults aged 40-64 affected by Food Insecurity.
16% of young adults reported a family income lower than the Federal Poverty Level.
17.5% of young adults reported not having health insurance.
Adults with High Blood Pressure and 2 or more Social needs were 80% more likely than adults with no social needs to be untreated and were 70% more likely to have High Blood Pressure that was uncontrolled.
Second Study
8.7% age 8-19 years old had elevated Blood Pressure and 5.4% High Blood Pressure.
University of Texas Health – 11 November 2024
Adequate Sleep SIGNIFICANTLY reduces the risk of Hypertension in adolescents, according to a new study by UT Health Houston researchers.
Adolescents who meet the recommended guidelines of 9 to 11 hours of sleep per day were shown to have a SIGNIFICANTLY lower risk of High Blood Pressure.
The study was published in the Journal of The American Heart Association
37% lower risk of developing incidents of High Blood Pressure by meeting healthy sleep patterns – underscoring the importance of adequate sleep behaviour.
“Disrupted sleep can lead to changes in the body’s stress response, including elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol, which in turn can increase blood pressure.”
Augustor Cesar Ferreira De Moraes PhD. – first author of the study
Department of Epidemiology at UT Health Houston School of Public Health
New York University – 12 December 2024
Caregiving Stress linked to High Blood Pressure in younger Black women, aged 21 to 44, according to a new study.
This group is known to have a HIGHER prevalence of the condition compared with women of other racial and ethnic groups.
Caregiving has been linked by past studies to High Blood Pressure, also known as Hypertension, in middle-aged and older Black women.
This new study was published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension
The study shows that with an average follow-up of 7.4 years –
43.5% of all participants developed Hypertension
51.7% reported having moderate or high caregiving stress and developed Hypertension
Among younger Black women with Hypertension, rates of uncontrolled blood pressure are high.
The authors say that Caregiving is a source of chronic stress that is particularly SIGNIFICANT for women because they make up the majority of informal caregivers.