Have we Lost the Plot?

Have we as a world lost the plot in any way? What is going on in our world today that does not make sense? Do we stop and question if we are on track? Where are we all heading? Are things really changing? Are our politicians really making the right …


Who doesn’t love chocolate? What is the chocolate world all about? In 2010, US annual retail sales of chocolate were $18 billion. According to the National Confectionary Association retail sales of chocolate have continued to increase 3 – 4% each year. In 2011, each person in the US consumed 4.6 …

Questions Questions

“The important thing is to NOT stop questioning” Albert Einstein Why do we ask Questions? Why are young children constantly asking Questions? Why is it important for us to ask Questions? Is there a need for Questions? What are we questioning? Who are we questioning? Why are we questioning? From …

HEARTBURN and Common Sense

The American College of Gastroenterology states that 15 million people everyday in the USA experience Heartburn. It is estimated that One in Five in the UK suffer with Heartburn. Heartburn is increasing rapidly – over 50% in the last ten years. Acid reflux is one of the top health related Internet search …

Cold Hands, Cold Feet

It is reported that February is the coldest month in the UK and it is Raynaud’s Awareness Month. Their aim is to highlight the problems associated with Raynaud’s that are estimated to affect over 10 million people in the UK – that is 1 in 6. You can read more …

We Are What We Eat

‘We are what we eat’ is saying that what we choose to eat is who we are. Our modern diet has become more and more intolerable to our natural state of being, where many illnesses and dis-eases in the body are coming from what we eat and our general lifestyle. …


Why is Coffee big business? There are coffee shops popping up everywhere and even in a recession we are being told that business is booming so much that we can have on our local high street 8 coffee shops in a tiny stretch and no signs of any closing down. …

Why Do We Get Sick?

Do we ever stop and ask this question? Has this ever been on the front page or any page of a newspaper? Why not? What do we define as ‘sick’? Dictionary definition – affected by physical or mental illness If the dictionary says it then this must be what being …

Is There Another Way?

What is working? Is there another way? Take a look at our news headlines daily and it is clear and evident that nothing is working. Our Education system is failing as we see more and more problems with our youth. The Justice system is not delivering true rehabilitation as re-offending …