Dear World Have we all heard these 3 words NOTHING TO DECLARE What does this title mean to us in our own personal life What does NOTHING TO DECLARE mean in our work life How does it make us feel when we say NOTHING TO DECLARE How does our body …

The Real Truth about Tobacco – Part 3

Dear World, World No Tobacco Day 2019 Simple Living Global has reported on this topic in 2017 and 2018 on World No Tobacco Day. We have extensively covered throughout in a simple and easy to read format for every reader to get the Real Truth about Tobacco, which includes the …

Push Push PUSH

For the record – Simple Living Global is not short of content The following may relate to our Overdoing it blog Dear World What is all this push push push stuff about Why have we become a world that seems to push through things. Why have we got a tendency …


Who wants a Day Off What on earth are we doing on our Day Off How many of us want everyday as a Day Off   Do we crave the very thought of just having a Day Off Do we find we are always getting Sick on our Day Off …

Alarm Clocks

Dear World World Sleep Day today – 15 March A wise move would be to read our Sleep Blog on this website presenting the Stats, Facts, Science and more… A bedtime reading that could be life changing for those who are ready to nail the sleep thing once and for …

Salt Awareness

Dear World Salt Awareness Week 2019: Time for Action on Salt Official UK website for Action on Salt has the following information – Salt is hidden in most foods we buy from restaurants, cafes, takeaways and supermarkets. Salt raises Blood Pressure and increases our risk of Stroke, Heart Disease, Stomach …


What is the meaning of this word Struggling Cambridge Dictionary Definition Unsuccessful but trying hard to succeed (1) English Oxford Living Dictionaries  Make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction Engage in conflict Have difficulty (struggle with) handling or coping with Make one’s way with difficulty …

The Real Truth about Obesity

This is a vast topic and one that will need many chapters, by way of blogs in the future to cover the detail about Obesity. For National Obesity Awareness Week, Simple Living Global is presenting a small snapshot for those who are ready to consider….   National Obesity Awareness Week   …

Christmas Shopping

Greetings Dear World How’s the Christmas shopping going? Are we big into it? Do we avoid it? Do we dread it? Do we love it? Do we hate it? Are we shopping a year in advance? Are we known as last minute people? Do we start shopping with a budget? …

Living in the Flow Zone

Dear World What does it mean to Live life in the Flow Zone What are the benefits of Living in the Flow Zone What is all this Flow Zone stuff telling us about life Are we ready or do we have these Questions – What about the daily Stress What …