STOP the…

Dear World

We published an article on this website in 2018 called Stop – Just STOP.

Most of us are not in a great place if we take a Serious look at our Lifestyles today and what we are up to in daily life.

Nothing seems to be working and we have normalised everything that is seriously not normal but as the masses are all doing it this somehow changes everything.

We have consistently low vitality levels and use ways to function and never consider the bigger impact.

This short piece is a reminder – an opportunity to STOP all things that do not serve the vehicle (the body) that we have.

Here we go…

STOP the Shenanigans

STOP the Nonsense

STOP the Backchat

STOP the Hot Talk

STOP the Excuses

STOP the Trying

STOP the Blaming

STOP the Victim Pitty Pot

STOP the Baby Voice as Adults

STOP the Crying

STOP the Hissy Fits

STOP the Raging

STOP the Anger

STOP the Shouting and Swearing

STOP the Regret

STOP the Wailing

STOP the Whinging

STOP the Mood Swinging


STOP the Seeking New Trends

STOP the Gossip

STOP the Slagging Off Others

STOP the Dodgy Lifestyle

STOP the Dodgy Deals

STOP the Pretending

STOP the False Laughter


STOP the Fake n Phony

STOP the Fake Photos/Images

STOP the False Stuff on Social Media

STOP the Lying about being ill

STOP the Lying to get what you want

STOP the Ducking and Diving

STOP the Double Life

STOP the Gambling

STOP the Online Shopping

STOP the Debt Getting Worse

STOP the Champagne on Lemonade Money

STOP the Next Can’t Afford Holiday

STOP the Scamming of Social Benefits

STOP the Living in the Danger Zone

STOP the Illegal Activities

STOP the Exploiting

STOP the Competition Mode

STOP the Comparison

STOP the Jealousy

STOP the Plotting Against Others

STOP the Hate Mail

STOP the Stupidity that Harms Others

STOP the Playing Around Behaviours

STOP the Complications

STOP the Life in the Fast Lane

STOP the Rushing

STOP the Overdoing It

STOP the Stress

STOP the Tension

STOP the Reactions

STOP the Frustration

STOP the Emotional Drama

STOP the Lack of Expression

STOP the Can’t Be Bothered Attitude

STOP the Talk – ‘Not my Job’

STOP the ‘It’s OK not to Work’ 

STOP the Lack of Commitment to Life

STOP the Late Nights

STOP the Utter Comfort

STOP the Indulgence

STOP the Lazy Life Behaviours

STOP the Band Aid Approach to Life

STOP the Avoiding

STOP the Avoiding Tax Man

STOP the Delay

STOP the Putting Things Off

STOP the Accommodating

STOP the Hiding

STOP the Playing Nice

STOP the Cold Hands

STOP the Cold Feet

STOP the Self-Neglect

STOP the Lack of Caring

STOP the Addictive Behaviours

STOP the Takeaway Lifestyle

STOP the Over-Eating

STOP the Junk Food

STOP the Caffeine

STOP the Smoking

STOP the Vaping

STOP the Alcohol

STOP the Drug Taking

STOP the Pill Popping

STOP the Over-Exercising

STOP the Excess Binge TV

STOP the Seeking Online for the next fix

STOP the Gaming

STOP the Fantasising

STOP the Checking Out

STOP the Distractions

STOP the Untidy Messy Homelife

STOP the Avoiding Cleaning

STOP the Buy New and Avoid Laundry

STOP the Hoarding

STOP the Overwhelm

STOP the Acting Busy

STOP the Struggle

STOP the Fixing Everyone Out There

STOP the Me, Me and only Me

STOP the Next Plastic Surgery

STOP the Me is Bored Narrative

The above list are reminders of what we could apply and see what happens to our body and our life.
Continuing with our ill movements (our behaviours) is not the way to go.

We are all designed to live in a Simple and natural way and our body communicates to us constantly. We are designed to receive what we actually need but there are many things in the way for us to Hear that correspondence from our body.

It is high time we STOP the nonsense and that means Absolutely everything that is not truly supporting our body.

Ignoring the signs will lead to consequences and that is inevitable.

This website is dedicated to continuing delivering articles each month to offer Another Way and bring awareness to areas in our lives that we may not yet have considered are having a harmful impact.






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