Daily Living

Dear World

There is much to say on this topic as it IS an integral part of our life. Fact.

This website has many related articles about Daily Living.


Life for ALL of us is unfolding and for some it is going way too Fast and for others it is Crazy busy or Lonely or just Amazing or Perfect.

It matters not what others say, think or do.

This article is presenting the very Foundation that holds us steady and brings settlement even when things happen that we are not prepared for.

Daily Living is super important and the HOW and WHY is what we need to Focus on.

Bringing Daily Living BACK TO BASICS is what we need in a world that is losing control in all areas and common sense is not on the radar.

Are we even aware that our kids actually like RESPONSIBILITY from a young age if we give them the HOW and WHY?

Ever considered or thought about that?

Real Life Example
Demonstrate and show them that toys are to go away at the end of play time and keep this going – no deviation.

They will automatically follow the code even if WE are not there reminding them, because their movements to do this daily are set and it just happens. Not something that needs air time or a meeting or a baby talk voice to friend them up like they are doing some kind of favour.

“These are the standards we live in this home buddy and you are going to align to that”. Boom done.

Next –

They start to grow up.
Clothes are not to be thrown and neither are tantrums of any kind.
Instead, we Express what is going on and at the same time – Tidy Up your bedroom and put everything away that was taken from its place so there is Order and Flow.

We do not engage in any form of distraction when it is time for bed and the Routine applies. It is not negotiable.
Once their body is in this rhythm and the practical steps are applied – doing it every single day it becomes super Simple.

Allowing changes interferes with the natural rhythm such as allowing Late bedtime as it’s the Weekend or school Holidays.
This is not strict parenting – this is common sense parenting.

As adults we lead by example and that is not just at home but at work too. If we are not paying attention to our Daily Living then chances are we are ‘winging it’ at work.

Real Life Example
We spend little time at home to deal with the everyday so-called chores and yet we expect and Demand to have things clean and in order but not actually want to do anything.

At work we take the same movements (movements are behaviours) and we expect and Demand others to clean up the mess and we think that is ok because this is what we do at home.

Real Life Example
We Clean Our Shoes regularly and we Empty the Trash often as needed and not wait for anyone to tell us, remind us or honk their horn that we Forgot to do it.

These are practical DAILY LIVING tasks that we do without fail and it becomes our standard normal.

These standards are values that we uphold, no matter what is going on for us because we know it supports our body like an anchor and keeps us steady during the day.

If we are more solid during the daytime then it goes without saying we will have a Sleep time that is deeply resting and not lacking in the quality we need to bring vitality for the next day.

A reminder to all – read the whole category on SLEEP as there is much on this topic for a world that is sleep deprived and bombarded with sleep solutions.

Next –

This has to be part of DAILY LIVING and it starts with
Waking Up, getting ready and having a Routine that is the Same every single day, regardless of whether it’s a Day Off, the Weekend or a Holiday.

For most this will be a no thanks or a disturbance to the indulgence and comfort we seek on days where we are not working, but have a go and allow your body to tell you whether it wants Early Nights or Screen Time, binge TV, Social Media, Online Shopping or over-eating with Late Nights every night.

Self-Care is not a tick box list and it is NOT a winging it or Ignoring it.

GET ON WITH IT and for those who have no clue where to start …

Read the following articles in our Self Care category

9 o’clock Hoover
Alarm Clocks
Be Gentle
Closing our Eyes
Cold Weather
Common Cold
Daily Routine
Drinking Water
Feet and Footwear
Feet Care
Hand Care
Jet Lag
Making our Bed
Nail Care
NIL by Mouth
Oral Health
Passing Water
Plug in and Connect
Recipe for Life
Self Care
Slowing Down
Toilet Talk
Vitamins and Supplements
Waking Up

How we apply the practical steps are presented in these topics listed above and this brings a QUALITY to what we are doing. This is not motion without purpose. These basic Simple everyday living tools can and will support and equip us to deal with whatever the day brings.

Real Life Example
Staying up Late and on that Screen with Social Media.
We use Alcohol as a relaxer and we know it is doing us harm.
Cannot Sleep as there is no winding down routine and we spend the night anxious and worried we will not get up for work in the morning.

We go to the fridge to eat something hoping this will help us Sleep.
Sweet crunchy cereal is a top favourite for many as a night snack.

We know we don’t like the taste of Water and avoid it, but we say we drink and its Coffee, Energy Drinks and sugar beverages.

We find our moods are not stable and things irritate us and there is a constant feeling of un-settlement inside our body.

We wake up with several Alarm Clocks as it’s the new trend – 1 or 2 clocks is not enough. We need multiple reminders.

That sudden jolt requires instant stimulation and we reach for the phone, Coffee or anything that will activate us to move.

We have zero QUALITY in our movements as nothing is natural about the way we are choosing to live and that includes how we go to bed.

Most of us are not aware that our daytime affects our Sleep quality.

We simply do not value or hold in high regard going to bed Early Consistently and we want to fit in with the New Normal which is, Late Nights and filling our spare time with copious amounts of entertainment and distractions and that includes foods that our body is not designed to eat.

What if others sense that we are living Another Way when we have practical DAILY LIVING rituals and Routines that are applied, no matter what, because we have Consistent vitality levels and our work output is there for all to observe?

DAILY LIVING as presented in this article knocks out …

Lazy Living
Wayward Living
Living in the Danger Zone

If applied, we lock in …

Practical Living
Simple Living
Living in the Flow Zone

ALL the above articles on this website are worth reading.

Our world is not in a great state of being right now.
It is a New Year and 2025 can be a game changer if we all start the Simple steps and get BACK TO BASICS.

This website is for humanity and a call to get Back to Basics.
Another Way to live by taking care of the body with practical DAILY LIVING.





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